HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-3-21, Page 8EXE E'ER`' A]IVIli ATL, TBUB +mor R. 31, 1E111 EXETER ad411,300STS Charged Each Wednesday Oats y' Barley e .40, to 1.6q Family Flow 5.70 Middlings 40.00 Bran ,, ,35.00 Creamery .Butterr ,. ,. 53 Dairy Butter „ 40 to 4Z Eggs , . 38 Lard .. , . . 34 leata+toec per bag 1.60 to 1.85 Sugar beet pulp, per ezack •., ,1.60 19,00 Hay, per ton 1+0,00 to 12.00 2503 Acres :for Corr Wanted The Eet'r Canning Co. is prepared to contract with farmers to grow 250 acres Canning Corn for 1918. Prkc+e per tom advanced to $9.00.• Seed corn cost over 35 cts. per ib',, will be said to growers ;or 25c. 'Come early and secure your allotment. EXETER CANNING CO, Don't forget the 'concert to be giv- en in the Thames ]Road Presbyterial; church on 'Wednesday evening., March (27th. A clay "Wan by Waiting" or ,'sHome Ties" will be given. Replete with wit and humor. Aleo mucic. •Ad- mission 50e and 25ec. Special gr usic by Miss M. N uxworthy and Mr. Christie. MODERN BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -Ir. Exeter, wired, convenient in every way, close to school and to church.—Apply to I. R. CARLING, Exeter Mr. Jas. Galbraith, one of the best -Tensor Soloists um ,Canada; will _take the part leF "David". Plan has been enlarged A number rof seats can be tabtailned at Honvey's Drug Store. Get it at once TWINE FOR SALE. 4 tons of binder twine, 650 feet; $28.10 a cwt. spot cash May; $28.60 September—W. H. AI IVISTRONG. -.. NOTICE RE- ACCOUNTS. All accounts doe me must be settled by April lst, or they well be placed for collection. After that date our terms are strictly cash, on delivery. Sot please do not ask ,for credit and then wet will not have to refuse you. WM. RIVERS Exeter. DRESSMAKING. Miss Mary Tom, who has returned from Toronto, where she has been in an up -;bo -date dressmaking shop, has re -opened her' dressmaking rooins at hien residence, ,;where she wJ1 be pleased to meet her farmer 'patrons and ail others who ma favor her with a. call. Prices,. moderate. The ushers will have strict orders not to seat any person during the rendition of any ;scene;, of "David the Shepherd Boy". So be on. tirne. Don't grumble at the •ushers. It will be your own fault not ttheirs. Be In your seat by 8.05 Railway Time. Program at 8.10 BOX SOCIAL AT FARQUHAR. A Box Social under the auspices of .the Baseball Club will- be held' inFar- caliber Hail, on Wednesday, March 20. Good program. Everybody come. Ad- missdton 25c.; Children' 15c. LOCAL DOING'S, 4 The second helpIuiig is; getting to be bad form The warm sueshine int Inas been taking the snore off irapidly, Mr. Woe' vylteEvnite is; able to be out again after' Ne recent illness. Finn may riot be a brain food, but brainy melt ; are eating More fish, Mr. John; R. Hind has returned " to work after being off duty for amoanth. The shamrock was quite in evidence' on Sunday, it being St. Patrick's Day. Insp'ecteor Tone paid an official vis- to No 3, Stephen school, on Friday last. Mr. A. Cooper of Clinton occupied the pulpit of -Alain, Street church •e " Sunday, Mrs. John Broderick while about her household dirtiest on Tuesday, fell and ulubrtunat'ely broke her ankle. Guider Archie Tarn, son of .School Inspector Tom, is confined to hospital in France, stiffening from a kick Mills arm, from a horse. Alajor M. D, McTaggart, paymaster of the 161st Huron Battalion, is ex- pected to arnive alt his home -in, Cline ton almost any day Miss Cearlotte Sweet sustained sev- ere bruises aaa a fall down the stairs at her, home last week, She 'is recov- ering, nicely, however. On Sunday last the congregation of James Street Methodist church re - bugled the holding of services in the aueditor:urn of the church. Palm Sunday will be commemorated in James Street next Sunday, Pastors morning sermon, "Can- we Account for Jesus Christ, and How?" Several from this district attended Mr. J l Merner's sake on Friday. Af- retairen,a a large amount of stock, the sale realized,abetut $6,800, • Mr James Gray naf London, public- ity commissioner 'for Military District No. 1, has appointed Mr. J. A. Stew- 1 aret to+ look after the work in Exeter, 1 Dr. J. E McGillicuddy has sold his residence an 'Main Street to Mr. Al, Ca:min who gets possession in Sept- ember. The doctor, retains the use of the office for ;another -year if desired. The house and let offered dor sale by Mr'. Henry Dieing at his household effects on. Saturday, did not reach the deserved bid, hence`i/ vas not sold. It has since been purchased, howev2r, by Mr. David- Mack. Passion Weep will be suitably com- memorated this Year ,by a senies of union services between the congre- gations of Main Street and James St, churches. Full announcements tram the pulpits', on. Sunday. The increased passenger and freight rates 'n 'all raiiways went into effect ese Sunday last, the approximate ,in- crease being in-crease.:being 15 per cent. in both rates: A ticket to " London and re- turn now costs $1.90, not including the war tax. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO RENT. In Exeter, a good frame house, one - Quarter acre of land; hard and soft water, situate on Carling Street. Ap- ply to i R CARLING, Barrister. Now is the time to prepare your stack far the Spring work. Watkiirr's Stock Tania will do the trick: anal.' your cats. W. Andrew, Exeter, Agent' Have you tried Watkin's Stock Ton- gct? Make a trial of this tonic, re- membering e- nuember rg that it is not a food, but a medicine CHANGE OF SHIPPING DAY. We have changed our hog shipping day from Thursday to Monday of each week. I. ARMSTRONG, FOR SALE. Ode 8-36 oil or gasolene tractor, tractor pee v and steering device guaranteed ire first class working or der. Only run two summers,. Wm. Ward, agent, L H. C., Exeter. FLAX LAND WANTED The Ontario Flax Co. require 300 acres •af land far Exeter Flax Mill. Hall Ladd Rental paid when flat is sown. Apply JOE DAVIS telephone, 13. EXETER FLAX MILL.. GRASS LAND FOR SALE. 75 acres o+f grass land for sake, and• 'also MMass,ey-lllarris binder, good as new, 6 -foot cut—W. T. Sweet, Exeter ENSILAGE FOR SALT,, The silo at the Canning Factory Is open. `and enn3lage ,is offered for sale at $2.40 per ton. Purchaser to pay'. for weighing an R. iGt..Se1dlotnl'escal+e. Exeter Canning Cam,pany oseantien HORSES WANTED I want as delimited ,number o,ft., horses itt good coaditioni. • Geldings 5, years ted up, weighing from 1500' pounds up. Mares from 4 years old, up, weighing from 1300 pounds , up. Parties having the required stuff,: -Trite, or pi -tone 83, Exeter. ,G. J. DOW. Iv1ARZI AGE LICENSES ISSUED .,. ( Pl.-Sanders at the Advocate t f by five, Strictly confidential; no witness` A. HAST,INGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance Company Also Fire and Accilree Inseranice, Money trr Lawn on Farm PropertY EXETER, O> T. Mrrs, Gorge Windsor is otr the ;ick' lisf, The Harvey -Bros,' brick smoke stack was uederinin,eed ode day last weekend thrown to the grotund. Hydro has trade it unnlece4sary to keep thte stack any longer. The brick! is .beyng sold, 1'l1<c trl;onthly meeting of the, Wolin- ens' Misstionary Society of Main Str.. was Meld at the home of Mrs, N, Sheere Thursday last; Mrs. Wiiaan, the District Organizer, visited the society making arrangements for the, coming convent one which will be held in Main `street church on May 15th. S W EE'r•—FANNER.' A pleasing -;event took Place at the ]home, ote Mr, and Mrs, ;Total Falmer, Leat 14, Conc'essiion 7, Stephen, oto Wednes'dav ..March, ZOth, at 1 o'clock when their daughter, Miss Ida, became; the -bride oaf Mr. Clinton- R. Sweet, son; of Mr. and, Mrs. Thomas Sweet of Exeter, The young couple were unattended, and the ceremony was perfeornted! by Rev. Becker of the, Evangelic -a1 church, Crediton, in the presence of only the immediate rela- tives, of the contracting parties. The bride ,was gowned in white silk. After 1 the -ceremony and ,00m,gratulations,, all,! partook of a sumptuous wedding din- der, and Mr, end Mrs. Sweet , took the evening 'train ,fior a honey -moon trip to Detroit and other poinits. On their return they Will take up .farming on the farm the groom recently pur chased On the' thh-d of Usborne. The Advocate joists the many ,friends in congratulia'tiaas and best wishes. The Exeter Agricultural Society has decided . to hold Field Competitions in Oats and Turnips, this year. The fair grounde are also to be plowed up and 'pini into Cannfing Factory peas, after`wliich it will be levelled and the track put into Shape for speed- . irrg evente at the Fall Fair. ISABELLA-MAUD, JOHNS DIED The home, of. Mr, and Mrs. Welling- ton. John's Exeter, was saddened on Wednesday morning, Marchi20th, when the death occurred of their daughter, Isabella Maud; at the age of 26 years. Deceased had suffered from heart trouble tIor about three years, and during the past winter had been con- fined to the house most of the time. Recently the, disease had been aggra- rated by p, cold and the Olid cantesud- denly. Deceased was( Morn in Exeter. Having fitted he-rs,elf for the teaching profession she taught school for sev- eral fnontha is different parts of On- tario, but her trouble was ;such that she could nat;stand .the -strain for long. She was' a favorite with her compan- ions and general sympathy is express- ed for the family itt their berearvemeaot Besides the .parents she is survived by one brother, Frank of Toronto, and two sisters, Amy and Margaret . at home.; The funeral which is private' will take place to Exeter cemetery -on Friday afternoon. Mrs, Jarmaine of Laindon is visit- ing Mrs.' F. W. Gladmanc l fr Latimer Grieve was up from Lendotc on Friday evening. Miss lla Westaott and .Mrs. George Hockey were in London Tuesday. - Mr. Waiter Magee of Talbotville visited with tfriends in'flawn this week. Miss Dobson; is irtt Toronto to see her bnother who will shortly leave for overseas. Mrs. Geo. Hawkins has returned from avisit with, her sister in Nene Hamburg. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Bowman of. Lon- don visited relatives hese far a: few days; this week. Mr. A. E, Andrew- and son Alvin left this week for the west to spend the summer on their farm. Mr. and Mrs. Goo, Anderson return- Saturday from, a two weeks' visit with reIatives in Sarnia and Chatham: Private Fred Tucker returned from L-ondoa on Friday,' He received his ]honorable discharge wihile im,the city. iMre David Ross •is moving to Sar- nia, where she will join 'her husband, who is employed with the Goodisan Thresher Go. Mrs. J. C. Inwtood and dategh,ter, Matherine of London, who were here attending the funeral Of the late Mrs. G-eto. Penhale returned to their home on Tuesday? Messrs. Samuel` Beaver of Exeter.. North.,: E. Beaver of Zurich and Chas Beaver ,ot Sarepta attended the, fun- eral of their brother's wife at Bay- port Illicit., last week`. t' Miss 'Kedwell! and Mist Day visited in London and Longwood over the week end,• Mr. Harry Trick of. Credli- ton pniforminig the duties as opera- -tor at the Central Telephone office were. M -r I. --R` Carling and a number of the Exeter'.creditors of Mr. George R. Bedford were in London Monday attending a meeting ,oE the creditors of Mr. Bedford, who ma.de an assign- ment recently to Mr. W. D. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. A- Hooper of the Lake Road received ward last Thurs- day that their son, Private Grant Hooper. had, -been ,wounded in the ankle. while !fighting in France. The extent of the injury is not known) here yet Dr Dempster, after completing a four weeks post graduate course in Detroit ',returned last week and is aga to its charge of his professional du- ties- The doctor has always enjoyed a ge•ad practice, intown and with, the increased knowledge, thie more skilful training and acquisition of the advanc- ed methods lc-nowwi to the profession' he will be the better enabled to cape with -the duties of his .practice. LIQUOR SHIPMENTS; The ..Canadia+n Express Company has i issued `th,e ,following notice to their agents,— Tioranta, - March 14, 1918. n .. Agents,— Liquor •Regelatiions effective April] • On and alter April 1st, 1918, it will be illegal to sell, ship, deliver or cen- t ar t for tire movement of liquor within or in ti}to.Onttarila or other prov'- +.acese where prohibition laws prevail. We must not have any liquor ship- merle; hip- m encs �o.nl hand dor in 'transit after Mar. 131st, 1918:` Yoe will, please. send to me at once a list of all liquor shipments now on a .a -'n doubt as to band whichyou „rte y �wl�,ethe;� yau.can deliver before the shipper's i;nd of th�e.rnonith,"furnish.lan,y name acid address, consignees mama and address and waybill reference iri each. case. • . „111 liquor: shipments not disposed of before Mmust Marche 28th, be forward- ed to Mr. W. P. Stericker, Claims Ageat, ll'ontreal, not later than Mar. 28ti,`, D, ALLEN, Superintendent Everybody desiring to. avoid that run 'deign eelvng. of Spring should take eetatkira's Sarsaprilla, nt Gen•-Decanclra.. bullstock always onhand; also al} -kt;.n.d, of toilet articles, extracts and spices The best+an the market,—WM; AJDREVie Exeter, "'David thie Shepherd Boy?! will be un,is— the. direction of W, 1'Ij. Clarke :peep. L.C.M. (Eng.), Organist and Ceete.e \faster 'of James .St, Methodist Cleurch C,irprus of .over. 80 voices. .Ope'a House llud, tions+:'Fon SALE. st+a`ry iierairat house in good repair stabtc •.. oiabouscr garden, feuiit tre s etc. era maed`:reigliborhood..!lpply to. G,lacerten F3z Stenbury, i xetet At 50 years of age THE KIDNEYS NEED HELP Thera is no reason why, when a man or woman reaches es the fifty Mark, he or she shoni,I not feel full "of energy and happiness. It is true, greater care must now be inked to drive away the lesser ills, which, if neglected, way de- velop. Proper attention to the Kidneys suggests ',P in : t ,; ®FQR THE ' @ Desi ;'Y6' t;s At the first evidence that Kid- neys are not working proper. ty, that is, if you have pains it the beck ot.sides, twinges of rheumatism, colt stantitewe ss` aches and restless nights, swollen rto:Tits'•or urinary troubles,-take•Gin Pills,,' You f ' will bopefit,almost.from the - first dose, 'It costs nothing if e you are not benefited, for the a denlers scll Gin Pills on our guarantee of money back ti t, not satisfied, t[;• gee e box or 6 boxes for $2.5c.A free sas:ple rfyou'vik lr fo , National Drug tee Chemical Cp. tef Canaoda, Limited .t' Taronto .Fy U. S. Address: tlia-Dru•Co.,.Incr 1S6 O2 ttlmin St„ Buffalo, lv,y'.• JONES & PHONE 32 MA) MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING: CLOTEIIN WE HAVE SCORES TO CHOOSE FROM IN THE FOLLOWING 'LINES. MEN'S TWEED SUITS ... „ AT $15 AND, $i8.50 MEN'S NAVY SUITS .AT $18.50 TO $25.00 MEN'S GOOD RAINCOATS— SPECIAL- AT $6.50 TO $13,50 MEN'S TWEED RAINCOATS' ., , AT $10, $12, $13,50 MEN'S ODD PANTS „ ,AT 13.00 TO $3,75 BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS IN PRICES ,,:,,., $5.00 TO $10.00 BOYS' COTTONADE BLOOMER PANTS . „AT $1.00 BOYS' TWEED BLOOMERS •, 'AT $1.75 BOYS' RAINCOATS FROM $2.95 TO $3,75 MEN'S AND BOYS' NEW `FELT HATS Our New. Felt Hats for Spring are hiere. A fine a's'stortmelnt of GREENS GREYS BLUES BROWNS B LA CICS .FAWNS at rea!sorlablel prices. Also lots of 'Odd Hats to clear'for every day wear SHOE DEP ARTIYIENT. Ladies' Speech] Line, 9 in. top, Ttid Bads - high' prod 5iow- Qnieel . Ladies' Special 9 inch. tap, Mahogany Bats,, high and low heel Many New Lines White Goods, —high top wiitli "'high and low tee's Many lines of Women's Shoes in Empress or C1as'sic to clear at $3, $3.50, 13.75 and $ 4.00. SEE OUR NEW SPRING WALL PAPERS Ladies' Ready -to- Wear Department NEW SUITS: NEW OOATSi AND NEW DRESSES A MAGNIFICENT RANG -E .TO SELECT FROM, LADIES' HOSIERY SPECIAL 20c. A PAIR 15 Dozen only Ladies Cotton. Hose sizes' S;ii to 10, on special sale at ,20c. a. pair. & MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford 84. Lion, Brands Clothing. Men and Boys,. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Madge returned this week' to their home in Aib er to after spending some months here with I �� relatives and friends. They are tak- tr g a -car or stock and effects with them. Messrs, Wm. Thompson and • Girnet Cockwill and .Miss Flossie Passmore are accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Madga to the west. Auction Sale OF STOCK AND EFFECTS on Victoria Street, Exeter ors Satur- day, March 30th, at one; o'clock. p.fn,. the followtag, Stock -1 cony, -`supposed to be in calf; 4 good Yorkshire brood sows, due middle Of April; 3 cackerils and 9 Silver Gray tDorkirt hens. Effects -Small quantity Alfalfa hay, new horse plow; 12 -tooth Planter Jr, cultivator; new 'sculffler, Planter Jr. hand seed drill; set iron harrows; 1 grader and .fl,oat and garden " roller; cradle; 'scythe and snath; crosscut saw 12 berry crates; 400 new quart berry boxes; manurd drag; shovel; 4 bees; 2 rakes; oat bin, woollen en horse blank- et : set coach harness, good as new; set single harnlesa ; Raymond sewing machine; Six onion crates, rubbing screen and blocks, frames and graders 1 stone hammer; quantity grain bags and sacks 1. kitchen • range, coal or wood, fitted for cold c7 hot water;_ 1 three -burner coal oil stove with oven; 1 small coal oil heater; root pulper;. spraying machine; 2 cellar tables, quantity sealers; 1 sixty -egg incubator and broodier complete; tailor's goose; half -bushel measure; potato bin, a quantity potatoes, and nuener•ous other Pl➢� GIOI�CS TAILORED TO ORDER We have a large cumber of Stilts and Ovearcbatings that wait your arrival—a wide assortment. of Fashion's Chosen colors—raft hand- some Browns, and beau`t,ful Greys of an shades. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' Suitings is the Finest we have ever had. The studied exacts in measuring and becoming 'designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes produces a cord- pletene Ps of fitting and a pleas' tress of appearance that a ready -me can never hope .to equal. No Lady knows.. how well shs caneappear in a Suit or Coat until she has, one cut to measure. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE GIVE USA CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest grooer'ies, \fruits, spil r, teas, coffee and evim' thing in the /grocery ung. Call and see use A trial as to quality will conlrin ce. Produce taken fn ea cabange Sas. Gould Y. °urn Lure and Undertaking R. N. . E THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER effects. . Terms—Cash, except oh sows on w*ln"r c 1 r are 'given en °6nonthe' credit. OHW. TAYLOR, Prop, J " C; ,W. ROBINSON, Auct. THE ONTARIO"FLAX.' COMPANY REQUZE 300 ACRES OF LAND FOR EXETER FLAX- MIL.Izyi , T LAND RENTAL PAID WHCN I{LAX IS SOWN. PPi Y;JOE DA VIS; Tcl`+eph ode 13, � eter Flax . Mill eterq argal St, �are EASTER NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE YOUR EASTER SHOES, OUR eeSTOC't - IS COMPLETE AND 'CONSISTS OF THE NEW STYLEs IN. DIFFERENT COLORS AND LEATHERS 'WITH SPOOL OR SPORT HEELS FOR LADIES. WE HAVE A BIG ST,OC'K OF BOYS AND GIRLS SHOES' AND HAVE CHOSEN OUR LINES WIr'H REGARD! TO DURABILITY AS WELL AS STYLE, IN"MEN'S;'SHOES WE' IIAVE THE ASTORIA IN LEADING STYLE ANTI„COLORS, GET YOUR ORDER IN' T: Oh''.OnW1i OF OUR SPECIAL ORDER MADE -TO -MEASURE MEASURE SUITS: TI -LEY ARE, RIGET'r. eaver 'toj?