HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-3-7, Page 8is XETER ,MARKt .TS Changed Each Wednesday Oats , '.. 95, Bart. v .,,,,, 1.25 to 1,55 Family Figur 5,70 Middlings 40.00 i3rart35.09 Crieamery Butter ' 53 Dairy ,Butter ,— , 38 to 40 42 Lard 34 Potatoes per bag . ,., 1.60 to 1.85 Sugar beet pulp, per , (rla 1,60 l`Iag ,.: .... 18.50 Hay, per ton , 10.00' to. 12.00 250 Acres for Corn Wanted The Ex -et r Canning Co, is prepared to contract with, f:arrners to grow 250 acres Canning Corn for 1918. Price per ton advanced to $8.00. Seed ;corn cost over 35 cts, per 1b,, will be sold to growers .eor 25c. Cone early and Secure year allotment. EXETbR CANNING CO, Just Received $3090.00 worth of R,edpath's Gran- ulated Sugar- to be sold in 100 lb., 50 ib,, or 20 Ib. sacks; Order prompt- ly as it will not last long. JONES & MAY.. The Patriotic League is giv'ag an. Entertainment in the Town Hall, ,on Monday, Mac( -11 17th, at 8 p. m. A good program. Lunch, cloth will be given to the one holding the lucky number Admission 15 cents. --Q— CHANGE OF SHIPPING DAY. We have changed our hag shipping clay from Thursday to Monday of each week. I. ARMSTRONG. Two hours of Oriental Grandeur at Opera House. Friday, March 22. For patriat:tc purposes only. FOR SALE. One S-16 oil or gasoline tractor, tractor plow and steering device guaranteed in list class working for der. Only run two su,mmer.% Wm, Ward, agent, I. H. C., Exeter. _ MILLINERY OPENINGS We are making a special effort to make this the best sha;ving we have yet had, and a selection of imported patterns and creations of our awn work room will be on exhibition on March 15th and 16th. A special in- vitation is extended to you to inspect our stock. E. CURLISS. HAY AND PASTURE A quantity. of Timloth.y Hay in barn and stacks far -sae; alga some pasture Land for rent. Apply to R DROUGHT, Lot 7, Can. 5, S.WB. U'stborne. SHOE BARGAINS $2,000 worth of No. 1 Shoes . to €Tear at a big reduction in price. FI. BIERLING Hay. FLAX LAND WANTED The Ontaria Flax Co. require 300 acres of land for Exeter Flax Mill. flallf Land Rental paid wh,ep flax is sovrn. Apply JOE DAVIS telephone 13. EXETER FLAX MILL. APPLES. A car of Na. 2 Baldwins expected next week. Price $4.75 per barrel. Leave your orders at the store. As this ;is a small car we expect them to go fast. JONES & MAY. SHOE BARGAINS $2,000 worth of No. 1 Shoes to clear at a big neductian'in price, H. BIERLING Hay. GRASS LAND FOR SALE. 75 acres of grass land for sale; and also Massey -Harris binder, good as new, 6 -foot cut. —W. Sweet, Exeter FOR SALE 550 to 600 oak and rock elm rails on Let No. 14, Con. 5, Stephen. Sealed tend'rs \vi:l be receiaad on ar before February 20th. Gladman & Stanbury, Barristers, Exeter We are pleased always , to publish; school reports. Out of town teachers can send' reports by mail, enclaaingin envelope and placing one cent port- age on same, leaving it un.srealed. ENSILAGE FOR SALh.. The silo ar the Canning Factory, is open and ensilage is offered for sale at $2,40 per ton,. Purchaser to pay Gar weighing art R, eGf. Setd,on'sscale. Exeter Canning Company CUTTERS—A few nice cutters pari hnd rati, I c: Laugh1a,a make, beautirLully finished and upholstered, and of war - Iona designs and prices,—Wm, Ward, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited ,dumber of horses in good condition). Geldings 5 years 'o!c1 up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. ,Wares from 4 years old d up, weighing 1300 pounds 1p. Farcie., having the required stuff, Write, or phone 83, Exeter. G. J, 100W. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISS TIED by 0 PI, San ler- a' the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness t required. Inspite :af further advain ces in materials The Advocate is stet] keep - in(' the subscription price at $1.25: A treat in 'rto e, for tl' v.'l -i, hear Mr. Galbraith( as Env ';i} a (or -onto. Op- ca era House. Friday, March' 22. p X 1E t' .13]]1TQIWA`T"1 , 'Tl.0 8IIA`Y, Yy LOCAL I OINL71S hamar Alc.alllhoa{ 2 z✓PiCdlliaQka/h.)&a kat ll Vlr. G. J. Dow shipped a, car •af horses to Montreal on Friday. Ile, ac- companied them, Mr. 1\rm. Brickwobd :has •purchased €t half -acre of land in Exeter North from ltlius's •Cameron, Hensall and Exeter hockey teams play=ed a game Jere an. Thursday night Exeter won, 10 to 1. Exeter C.hoial. Society presents "David the Shepherd 13oy" in Opera Flouse, Friday, March 22. South Perth has been changed into the Union ,Column, by the soldiers' vote's, and Dr. Steele .is elected. Blizaard thaw ruin, cold, mild, snow bright. sleet, fair, icy, etc,, mallow. each other regtdarly two or three tinve,s :a week, TIP( ' lunch cloth' donated. to. the ?at- riotic` League by Mrs. C. Birney; will be drawn for next Honday evening at th,e. Town Hall. Rev, A, H. Going of Lindsay, form- erly of Exeter, has accepted a call to Ednroat,ait, and Rev. E; V. Tilton, of the Metropolitan Church, Edmonton, is called to ;Lilnldsaiy; Mr, \\T ri .Gi:llie)spie is this week mew- ing the frame building purchased from Mr, J. G. Jones on John Street, to the lot he ;purchased opposite, Mr, A. G, Dyer's. He will convert it into a barn. b[r. James McFa;lls, who is having I sale of his farm stock and implements near. Dashwood, today, will move into the house vacated by Mr. Cecil Mc- Leod on Siancoe Street,' We welcome ,\[r. _llcFallts--and family' to Exeter,. We are glad to see . the ''young del lows starting into th,e pure-bred lines F. J, Delbriclge got ,a grand fauncia aoa for a herd when he purchased th two best cows at the Doig Registere in the Sandringham Apartments, Rid out street, in which she was assi<st•ed by 'Mrs. Ainsley Theompsromt Miss Gee trude Anderson and Miss Florence Burdon ushered, to the tearoom, where MAR. go 4111,, 1H18 Sergi Nornian .Nichols of Wingham is reported seriously at Folkestone of pneumonia Two robins were seer 1n. town last week, the first to be reported. These harbingers are a ifair indication, sof w e rly snring. Miss Huehen of Wiarton has ac- cepted a position as milliner with, Miss Armstrong and commenced ber duties Tuesday.) Rev, McCarmiclt 'od Blythe occupied' James Street pulpit an, Sunday in. the abs)encee oif Rev. Baird, who was in ,Blythe :tar the day Next Sunday evening Rev. 1. W. Baird, pastor of James Street church; will preach) the first of two sermons on "Lessons picked up by RarjI ;" Owing to :sip many' heatless days in the Trivitt• Memorial Church 'the frost did considerable damage by heaving the floors and caus'in'g damage to the seats. Mr, Jahn Case, who, it was report - with but 'slight ,hopes of recovery, is, \ -e are glad to report now progressing favorably and, gives Promise of a com- plete recovery: The xekular monthlS meeting oif the Patriotic League was held on Monday evening at the home of Mrs, William Ward. The collections (during Tebrud ars amounted to .$61.01. Membership fees taken in,ldurin,g the month $1,00 making a total of $62,61 taken :in during the month. —R. E. Befivers Secretary: SMITH—COWARD, A c;uiet, but pretty " \wedding was solemnized at the Presbyterian Manse Thames. Road, on Thursday last, Feb. 28th, when Rev. Dr. Fletcher united in marriage,. Mr. William Smith of Fort Benton Montana, formerly of Idensall, to Miss Margaret Lillian, :only .daugh- d ter of Mr, and Mrs. D.aneiel Coward. of Usbeornie. The ceremony aver the i young couple left far their future r home in Fort Benton, the :brid,e trav- e1 ur ;' Put a navy blue sunt, u-irth " hat to match. The young couple will , have the best wishes of their many friends for their future happiness and. prosperity. 'ARRIVES HOME TO -NIGHT. Shorthorn sale ,near 'Kippers last ,\week Mrs W. S. Thompson received fo the first time since. coming to Lon don, at, her home yejstterday after-solo)r Miss Myrtle Slater, Miss :Mc Creery at , Vancouver and, .Miss Marjorie Irvine made cirarmiag assistants. Throughot .r the aomis. spring 1T�oetv.ers Were artist- itallS arranged. Mrs. John Stevely presided at the tea urn. -London Ad- vertiser of Friday. Private Bert Harness and his wife, it he having married an English nurse' recently in England, arrived in Land.oin an Tuesday evening with a party of returned soldiers, and are expected to reach. Exeter this Wednesday evening after' wel go to press. Private Harn- ess' mother, Mrs. John. Harness, and his brother Elmore went to London to meet hini. Private Harness enlist- ed in the 135th Middlesex Battalion.' at Parkhill; and in, August last was wounded in the hip and head. The Advocate joins: itt welcoming Private Harness home. SOME SALE—Thiel sale ,af the farm stock and implements of Mr. Paul Coates eon Wednesday of last • week _. was a record breaker. Over 05500.00 was realised, and besides this Mr. Coates retained about 01500.00 worth of finished cattle and hags. About 20 chicken, belonging to Seaman Alfred Coates who is dieing his ,bit onthe ocean, and named by Auctioneer Rob- inson "the patriotic chicken" brought 02 each. • ;, ICattl'e went to nearly $200 and oats sold for $1.03 cash. 'In a three minute recess nearly 100 tickets were. sold Mor the Soldiers,' Aid Entertain- ment, and after the nolle on a bluff the auctioneer pltilt up $.5.00 and the. proprieetor $10.00 to help the same Society to pay f,or yarn bought for the great contest which cl'o'sed' our the 28th. It was; s`oinle sale all around. The Gospel Shilp•Endeav7ar, officer- ed, _by the W. M. S. of James. Street church and which set sail. in May last and was overdue same months, owing to adverse winds and submarine attacks, carte into: part in the base- ment of the. church roti' Feb. 28th, with all, sails set and a full cargo. The funds picked up enraute from fares and freight amounted to $125.: Th: ship itself illustrating the "Endeavor"• cantle floating from one roam to the other by means of skids and rope and pulley .andits arrival made an inter- esting scene,- It was twelve feet in length and nicely rigged and trimmed The pastor, Rev. Baird, was the mas- ter builder. In the vessel were four children,and accompanying" it were th,e officers of the Society. After a safe landing the officers gave short narrative talks on the voyage, and the addresses were interspersed with mus- \cal selections. Plaa for "David" opens on 'Thurs- day morning at 10 o'clock at Howey's Drug Store. _ • APPRECIATES THE ADVOCATE Writing ,tq the Adviocate from Oak Lake, Man., an March 1st, Mr. W. M. Baynhani, formerly of Centralia, says, —"I am -sure you will be thinkinglong b,efate :his that :I pay very little at- tentiari, to the label on my paper. I look ,farward'each week with a great deal of pleasure to 'the receipt of the, Exete, Advocate, not only for the local news from my old haute town of Gentralia, and the surrounding dis- trict butt for the noble way in which you upheld the union government in the past elections, and „alga far the way you uphold every right and just cause \which conies before you and your .many readers In "these trying times through which the whole world is passing. We•;h,ave had a very` s,Ev ,, a err. and changeable e \v a ea bl enter out n here, ase law As 45 ,below and ashigh� as 30 above, and quite frequently a change of 50 to 60 degr.`eles inside of 24 hours. it is like spring hereto -day and it is to be looped it keeps i;t up all through. March. Am enclosing a money ,order for .$7,00 to pay far two years in arrears and ,.fox: three years int advance. Please, credit me with this amount!! By the same mail we also received remittance of $4.00 from Mr. dim. lialcet at Crystal City% Man., who guys in, his .letter,—"`Wo' couldn't do without yeawr paper although the ;have been in( Mani .to)ba ,for 36 ;,years., Ithink thins must have changed some fmthat line Send along, your paper. We voirlrr `arc lonesome without it. We notice that your women folk are busy knittsiv>. sacks, Mrs: Baker has knit 135.; paira, Very truly yours. Needless to say Thee Advnocate pretu'te'i boor the kindly wards and thre to'' cd o r cart nes an vvc leo ethers , n f our goad irlands mina are tnbsct:h- rs; i i follow stmt.—Tho Editor., HURON PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery of Huron met at Hensnli, on the 26th. TI3e resignation, of Rev. Sharp as pastor' of Cavein Church Exeter, was received and accepted to take effect 'on July 28th. His se -vice, were spakeneof appreciat- ively. 'I'he standing committees Mr the, year 1918 are as follows, the min- isters 'named havcng 'their elders as- sociated with them in each case, — Home Missions and Social Service -- Messrs. Macfarlane, McI>nntas.h,, and ide- Connlell; Foreign Missions - Messrs. Abery, McDermid and Larkin; S. D. and Y. P. Societies—Dr. Aitken, Mes- srs. Carswell and Rross ; Systematic Ben.eficience—Messrs. Hogg, Gladman Higgins, McLean and Strang; Super inten:dence of Students—Mr.. Telford and Dr. Fletcher; Emergency --Messrs. Carriere Hamilton, and Macfarlane; A, and MI. ankl ,W. and O.," Funds),—Dr. Fletcher. .Messrs. Johnston and Car- ri re Finance and Statistics—Messrs. Hamilton, Rass'and Carswell; Confer- ence—Messrs. McDermid, Aitken and Telford' ; Auditors—' Messrs. Gladman and McIntosh. The following are the commissioners' to, the General Assem- bly next June—Dr. Fletcher, Messrs. ' Johnston and Madfarlarie and elders from Goderic.h, Brueefield and Blyth: � The annual reports were received. The next meeting). will be .field in Hensall an May 14th, Mr. Latimer Grieve was up from Condon. on Friday. Miss Jesaie 11'7anson lar London was hamle over the week end: Mr. ;Drew Knight of Landon visit- ed his mother heere over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wmi -Creech returned Moad.ay from a visit itt London. Ma-. David Ross log Sarnia visited here with his wife aver Sunday. Lieut. Bruce Young :orf Hamiltanvis ited here over Sunday with :friends, Mr, Ed. Hunt of Seaforth spent e da:y or two at the home oeu Mr. I. Arnis ti.' ong. ,Private Archie Dravis left 'Tuesday far London to ;ijeport at the Conval- €scent Hospital. Mrs. W. S. Trhompsion of. London. is here visiting her parents, Mr. and li.rs. 'l.has. Biayie , Mrs, Peter Frayne• left Tuesday ' mornin to visit herdaughter, Mrs.- Srnith, .at Landlornt Mr. Dan, Koehler e'• ea" • s.a i t Luirc..h spent� a,„ fe\v days during the w eek with Mr, Fred Witwer, Exeter North. hlrss -Stella Gregory is home from Chatham owing, to ani°,epidemic in the city and schaal being closed. Priv t,:: Hubert Janes of Toronto .spent the, week end herewith his par- €rots. ,Mr. and Mrsa J. G. Jones', Mrs Jahn Chambers who ho s b ees visitingrelatives' "aand around left 'f'uesd.ay morning feor Ardent Man. ,Miss .May Armstrong; nt town and Mrs, McGrcatha,f Luekdaw, who, were attendin:- ,the m311inery openings at Taranto: returned, home last week. Private Fred Tucker who, arrived homitt t one England two weeks ago, and heats been viuiting here with his friends, left Manfdtiy fiat London to report' to the military' authorities. fir. 11,ht,i Amy, wha�has been vis ytin;,' relatives and friends here for the pat two, months, left Wednesday e 1 r r or Br<,i5iford to s i a few uic Yt n t f Z 1 flirty prior M. retarding to his home. in Con nirest, iSask. JONES & MA' PHONE 32 New Goods New Styles yew Suits,, Coats and r sses Arriving Every , Day HAVE YOU VISITED OUR RE-ADY-TO-WEAR. DDPARTMENT ? WE ARE DOING :A RUSHING BUSINESS THESE DAYS. EASTER COMES EARLY -THIS YEAR AND PEOPLE ARE BUY- ING EARLZ', We are showing a beautiful rang) a. f ,Suits, Coats, and Serge Dress(as, See then\ soon as we are s,elling them fast every clay. SPRING SUITS SPRING COATS Black, Navy, Brawn, Green, and Serge, Covert, Twe.ecls and Silks. Sand in beeautifaui Serge and Gab- They are n-iadte •up 'in the riiftest of erdine Cloths. The celebraited ' .styles and canoe in the popular shades. North way Suits., NEW SERGE DRESSES. Blu:e,'Biown, and 'Black. They are very swell :and are trimmed with • SLL1 illiulitary Braiid and Satin. Don't .niiss them.' New Spring & Summer Goods Niever. ' belfore could we' Shaw You such a magnificent display of Light Weight Good s :foe Sprung and Summer Wear, SHANTUNG SILKS Beautiftial' welaeveisf ,in plain, fancy and stripes. All colors. . FOULARDS Silk or Cotton in it swell ell. of colors, BANZAI SILKS A lovely cloth in all shades,. Plain and Figured, PLAID & STRIPED SILKS range- A Nibig ce varPat,teirety.lns 414 catchy shades. :i WASH GOODS Repps, P,apli;n;s, ' Beach Cloths, Mull, Ginghams, land Prints. VOILES White 'Collared and Striipep in all colors. NEW WALL PAPERS. 5000 Rolls. sof New Wall paper for Parlors,: Sitting Rloams, Rest Rooms Dining Rooms; Derr>s; Bed Rooms and 'Riteliien(s;,- A 101 of odd papers Enough.for ,siniglee rooms) to clear out at small prices, ,JONFZ &, MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford& -Lion Brands Clothing. Men and Boys. Mr. I .R, Carling was in London on Monday. Mr T. H. Newell was in Stratford during the week attending the funeral of a great-aunt, Mrs, McArdell of S. Easthope Township. Deceased was aged 90, years and; 6 months. She died on Saturday. and was buried on Tues- day. SHOE BARGAINS '$2,000 worth Of No. 1 Shoes to cleasr, at a 'nig reduction in price. H. BIERLING Hay. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C..11 Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness A. HAST+INGS Agent for •.Canada .Life Assurance Company Also < Fire and Accident Insurance. Money to Loan an Farm Property • EXETER,'-ONT' TO CORRESPONDENTS Writer on one side (of the paper only. Mail in time to 1 reach us Tuesday ee of each wek, or ls.oan,er. Avoid all items reflecting on per- sonal character, but send ALL TIE NEWS. :Check gaff this list', i t .nay assist you to remember an impoa-ant item Deaths Marriages, Births. Accidents, Church tNews, Suppers or Presen;tatii1ons, 'Removals, Visitors, Lodge .News, \Fines, Public Tmpxlovernents, Law Cases, The Crops, School Matters. lax7..-. an anted THE ONTARIO FLAX . C OMP ANY REQUIRE 300 ACRES OF LAND FOR EXETER FLAX, MILL. HALF LAND 'RENTAL PAID WHEN THb FLAX IS SOWN. APPLY' JOE DAVIS, 'Telephone. 13; Exeter Flax fill. pF111g Clol�cs TAILORED TO ORDER We have a large number of Suite and Overr-oati,ngs that wait your arrival—a wide assortment of Fashion's Chosen colons,—soft hand- some Browns, and beautiful Greys of tel thadeu. ` OUR ASSORTtMENT OF Ladies' Suitings is the Finest we have, ever had. The studied exactness in measuring and becoming designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes ,produces a cam- pletenese of afittin,g and a pleasing- ness of appearance that a ready-made can never hope to equal. No Lady knows how well she can, appear in a Suit or Coat until she has one cut to measure. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE : -en4e+rw GIVE USA CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel• tvv )D@ of .91 la 'hoc 1 tqe le< hec tit d ,ft p5 cr r he ut 0 lid�l 'l ee val ig rat sna iti s re h, Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits spfts, teas, coffee ' and every thing in the roc€ e Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in taxeltange Jas. Could Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE -. THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER. Ex ,ems ain n tore JUST A RIVED } A'NOTIIER $500,00 WORTH OF • JO 13 SHOES TO BE SOLD AT :CLEAR ING SALE You will be interestedi in our SpecialLi.es, See oiir' Siotut ,h Window of Shoes, at:57:48 per.pair, MEN'S ANIJ BOYS' HEAVY STiO Z;S IN•I3LG VARIETY. OUR