HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-3-7, Page 714
Only , Able to Move ,About on .•
Crutches—Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills Restored Activity.
Inflammatory rheumatism, acute
rheumatism and rheumatic fever are
different names for practically the
same thing, It comes on With hardly
any warning, The pain is excruciat-
lug, and there is a tendency of the
disease to attack the heart, avhen it
may have fatal results.
*ny•one iwilb has suffered from an
attack of inflammatory rheumatism
knows that the usual treatment is
highly unsatisfactory. 'External ap
Plications of hot cloths and liniments
and internal doses of salicylates to re-
lieve the pain are not enough, for they
do not drive the poison from the blood,
and the sufferer is liable to renewed
attacks Whenever exposed to cold or
To cure rheumatism so that It will
stay cured the rheumatic poison in the
The NVeokiy
Dress the small lad in a middy suit
blood must be driven out, and the and he will be prefectly happy. Mc -
blood made rich and red, When the Call Pattern No. 7776, Boy's Middy or
blood is pure there can be no rheu- Sailor Suit. In 4 siees,,2 to 8 years.
matism. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build Price, 15 cents,
up the blood, make it rich, red and
pure and in this "way cure the most
obstinate cases of rheumatism, Mr.
George Harbottle, R. R, No. 1, Fever -
sham, Ont., is one whose cure through
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is
most striking, His mother gives the
particulars of his attack and cure as
followe:—Some years 'ago while my
son was working as a blacksmith hi a
Michigan lumber camp he was attack-
ed with rheumatic fever. Ile was at
once taken to a hospital at Marsenett,
and was there, under 'medical treat-
ment for four months with ,but,
or no relief. He then decided trgca`
• to Mount Clemmens, where he took
the baths for three weeks, but did not
find any benefit from them. By this
time he felt that his case was home-
less and decided to return home.
When he reached home he could only
move around by the use of a crutch
and a cane. One knee was so stiff
that he could not bend it, and most of
his joints were swollen out of shape.
He could neither dress nor undress
himself- and had to be helped like a
child. I urged him to try Dr. Williams'
'Pink Pills and finally he consented to
do so. He had only been taking the
pills a few weeks when he could limp
about, without the crutch, and his ap-
petite greatly improved. This gave
hiin new courage and as he continued
the use Of the pills he showed con-
stant, improvement, and was able to
walk, about outside, He continued to
ese the pills for some four months, by
which time every symptom of the
• trouble had disappeared, and he went
to his work in Michigan a cured man.
His case was well known to the neigh-
bors around hereand his cure was
looked upon as marvelous, foe every-
. one thought that at the hest he was
doomed to be is, rheumatic cripple.
rit, is because they
- hav•e made such bust. Price, 15 cents. ' much rejoicing when we consigned it trial help to revive their morale, be- pleasure and -roust be gratifying to
Are Popular West FE RT1L1Z
of the Great Lakes
Mr. W. J. Vale Talks of Podd's
Kidney Pills.
She Also Tells How Her Dyspepsia
Was Cured By Using Dodd's DYs-
pepsia Tablets. --
rho IV4 ar Africa. •
The war has from the first been
brought right home to Africa. The
four German colonies, over which the
war extended, have an area more than
four times as great as Germany; and
A, LITTLE FRENCH HEART. there has been long and hard fighting
in all of them except in Togo. Out -
"Madame la Presidente:— side and within these areas of actual
Permit a little French Leart to come warfare live thousands of whites who
most sincere. 1Vly Parents jail" With •Pean struggle.' ,manyt odf ,ithetpe wFiluitrees-,
h are y
me in sending their best compliments even in the depth of Afijea' are re -
for the New Year and in thanking ceivinK the essence of the news every
Even tSahara desert now
Pandora, Alta., Feb. 25th-(SPecial) Yen f"er Yeur great lalicine5s' I thank he i5
Freneh enterprise, with wireless ex -
'things You have put in with the
—"We are never without a box of partly belted by a tolegraphie„jine, a
YOU all, dear goed ladies, for the nice
Dodd's Kidney Pills in the houee,"
That's what Mrs, W. J. Vale, a -well-
known and highly respected resident g In mY P Y
touch with the great events of the
band suffers from lumbago,
Ca-nadian leidneY remedy. "My
4:i this place has to say of tahheagt:ae: -,laGnadd atloilits;reeealapdcrhohetis:atbehleessi:nesgt \ovvisehreysouo;
R 'y • • •
served by the French cable to Libre-
ville and the land line to Stanley Pool,
The 13elgian Congo is efficiently
hus- I ecei e again Madame la President° day,
alwli:Ys, hell) him," is the reasoethat 1 bYeecuirt.„
she gives. ,—Charles Opde-
where navigation to the upper Congo
continued, " vhat Dodd's DYsPePsia eeived in Toronto, by the President of
. the Congo to the mouth of the Congo,
The news is then wired up
-"I must also tell you," Mrs. YOGI This little letter has just been re- begins.
clothing addresSed toIn dearP tension in Timbucto Theis this oce
E • • . 1 asPa.k. mysterious city of 'S.udan is now in
Tablets did' or me, the Friends of France, who knows
of a very bad attack of dyspepsia., I
They cured me
what interest it will have .for many
have also derived great benefit from people in every part of Canada, who
the use of Dodd's Kiduey Pille."' '
, haveso generously sent help to the
It is evidence like this that proves hospitals and refugees, Charles and
that the Dodd's remedies have gained his mother were repatriated from the
a permanent place in the -fan -WY medi- 'North of France not long ago, and
and then by wireless to Stanley Falls,
870 miles above the Kasai.
kAlifs4fit wart at AN 713
yEAsr C
The best,
yeast in
the world,
\1:er\ bread.
...,a•esaeeee:aareaeasca,CANAlaA h
•:h61%IroatiPto4gLIM" IN re
tar---u..,------aio MADE )1
X......... $04.......V........................15
Pessimism iS a black man -in a dark
closet looking for a black hat that ie
nese. Death of owner places it On the
market, A great chance for a Ina fl th
Apply Bo x 82, 'Wilson Publibhing
Co Limited, Toronto.
V and job printing plant in Eastern
Ontario. Insurance carried $1,500, "Will
1 200 on quick sale. Box 60'
go .
'Wilson Publishing Co„ Ltd„ Toronto,
TdESC t.41.1VE OD'S
/ Internal and external, cured with -
WITH LEMON JUICE ern Ontario, Doirig'-a. good busl-
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents,
to remove tan, freckles, aallowneas•
eine chests oe the West. Dodd's Kid- find thpinseives with little. oe nothing
n.ey Pills are particularly Popular, to live on. During their captivity the Your grocer has the lemons and any
The success with which they have Mother was struck by a shell, and lest drug store or toilet counter will sup -
been used` to treat all kinds of kidney a leg. The father is an ambulance- ply you with three ounces of orchard
111S from backache to rheumatism and driver for a hospital in Calais, and white for a few cents. Squeeze the
Bright's disease lia.ve earned for the ru this is what he says: "Dear and juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle,
thergratitude of thousands of people Good Ladies :—I thank you so much then put in the orchard white and
on this side of the Great Lakes.
Philippine Natives Were Frightened
By Clever Artifice.
"While in the United States govern-
ment employ in the Philippinesi says
for the parcel that has just come. It shake wen. This makes a quarter
contained 4 pairs of socks, a flannel Pint of the very best lemon skin
• II •
shirt, chocolate, sugar, soap, cocoa whitener and coniplexio beauti
known Massage this fragrant creamy
and soup, If ,you knew how happy •
we, are to have' these things, for now! lotion datly into the face, neck, arms
and hands and just see how freckles,
it is so hard to live that my poor wife
can never get anything nice, She tan, Pallownese,
is so happy to be near me at Calais, ness disappear and how smooth, soft
redness ,and rough -
and clear the skin 'becomes. Yes! It
4s harmless, and the beautiful results
will surprise you. •
a writer in the Electrical Experiment- but unfortunately the "cochons de
er, "I was stationed on the Island of Bache" come often to bombard us.
Pa.silan, which is a small island in the On Monday they threw a lozen bombs,
there was only material damage hap -
"We frequently had the natives en-
Sulu Archipelago. pily, but since my wife was struck,
tertain us with their native dances,
she has such a terrible fear. We hope
that the Bodies will soon have finish -
and M turn would fill them with won -
ed their crimes, and we can be happy
der and awe with a phonograph
which we had in our outfit. We found again in our dear country. God
it necessary to put up a telephone line watches over us and will protect us.
between two buildings that were aReceive, good ladies, my affection and
little distance apart, using two mag-
thanks the most sincere,
neto sets. -
Le Soldat Arthur Opdebeek.
"One clay I found a rather large • The "Friends of France" heard of
cocoanut under artree near the bamboothis family through one of the hospi-
hut we were living in, and conceivedtale that they help near Calais, -which
the idea of making a cocoanut talk.' is visited daily by scores of -refugecs.
it The nurse in her last letter says:
So I emptied its contents and hung
on the batside of the house opposite l "Without Canadian and American help
the phone, so arranged that we could we could not exist. Many hospitals
put the receiver thr•ongli the grass' have had to shut down. The cost of
wall and drop it into the cocoanut. I living is so high and the government
"We invited some of the natives to can give us so little. lany o our
wounded are very ill, and need duced this spring adds to the food
see theawonclerful cocoanut that we
could make talk, and with the aid of nourishing food. One egg costs 13 stock of the country at a time avhen
.interpreter at the other phonew,hol cents and butter and meat are $1.09' every pound of foodstuffs is needed.'
an1 Jt ve ormous num- Maple sugar makers are sure of a
. Red Cross Must 'Save.
The executive of the Red Cross
Society of Regina has asked that the
advice of the Food Controller be care-
fully observed at any gatherings in
the interests of the Red Cross and
that if ,the hostess really wishes to
serve food she should at least be.care-
ful not to use the commodities most
needed overseas.
Pay your ont of town accounts by
Donaiiilon Express Money Orders,.
Five dollars coste, three cents.
Maple Spgar Wanted.
Every pound of maple sugar pro-
out pain by our borne treatmen r
us before too late. Dr. Beliman Medica
Co., Limited. Collingwood, Ont
understood their language we had a a Pount• us /1.1n n
lot of fun. Some of the natives were rheas ofrefugees are arriving from the Market for every pound of pure maple'
so frightened they left th.e. villa.ge.•1 North of Frece, in a state of exhaus- sugar and Syrup they, pi -educe. '
The Soul of a Piano Is the
Action. Insist on the
Doctors Recommend -
Don-Opto for the Eyes
PJYYsicians and eye specialists pre-
scribe Son-Opto as a safe home remedy
In the treatment of eye troubles and to
strengthen eyesight. Sold under moneY
refund guaranty by all druir,gists.
§ 1
lad Breath 5 h_ "Bad breath is a sign of decayed
teeth, foul stomacor unclean
cbowel." Lf your teeth are good, 0
,i look to your digestive organa at
once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup
at druggists, 15 to 30 drops
after meals, clean up your food '
pas,age and stop the bad breath
odor. SOc. and $1.00 Bottles.
Do not buy substitutes. Get
the genuine.
A Cure for
Next clay a, delegaticm. returned and tion of whitli you can truly form no
• • el t d t• 7. the tailing idea. It is specielly at the begin-
Simnple. and effective is this attrac-
cocoanut, under penalty 'of immediate!' ming that these families need help,
tive dress. McCall Pattern No. 7537,
attack. They dirnot like to have so when they are so weakened and de -
Ladies' Dress. ' In 6 siuncanny a thing aroundThere was
zes, 34 to 44 I moralized. It is a question of ma-
• Mansonville, June-27, '13.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Yarmouth, N. S.
Gentlemen,—It affords me. great
wonderful cures as Mi. liarbottle s
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a These patterns ra.ay be o ame
to the flames."
world wide •TeiiiltatiOn, and are the 0 ti
from your oc
ml cal\ McocCall7ode;olenrd
aroni le c a „
. Quarter Pound Diamond
only medicine used in thousands and Toronto. Dept. W.
thousands of homes. You. can get , •• • .a.—....._
these pills through any medicine deal- ,a1 .1
One of the world's -largest diamonds
may come to the United States as
er or by mail at 50 cents a box or six S only WEATHER Americans are among those dickering
boxes for 4',,.,., The Dr, Wil- for that superior quality amber color -
Lams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 'HARD ON BABY ed stone,
weighing ,4421/2 carats —
about a cmarter of a pound—found re-
, MADE mu mdi,pAn TREAstmEtt.. cently in the Du Torts Pan mine in
ica The stone is the most
South. . •
er Given Responsible position The stormy, bins
we hav•e during February and March
tery weather which
valuable ever . found in Griqualand
regards weight. ,
nt although it is not a record as
City GO'verarnent, . • is exia•emely hard on children. Th... West,
ditions make ihneceseary for the Mot
Corporal Troughton, a aeturned 801 -
hey s m the
often ,confined to overheated, bad -
Ile most famous diamond
dial: invalided home from the front her to keep them in the - house. T
world and their weights in carats are:
e . last year, ancletrained in Municipal ac- are e Cullinan, now called - the Star of
',counting by the vocational branch of ly ventilated rooms and catch colds
• t .Militar •I-Ios itals Commission in which rack their
' tl 1 box of Baby's
whole system. To Africa, part of the British crown jew-
els 2,032; Excelsior; 969; Koh-i-noor,
tveasuree of Chaplin, Saskatchewan, a,kmal i cut, and the Great Mogul, 280, cut.
dose g yen astaareas Liniment Cares :0Iphtherla,.
.., -•
y p
guard against .1 s a
' 11 I should be kept in the 900;
Saskatoon, has been made secretary- Regent, 410; Orloff, 193, all un -
1 th initial salary of $1:000 house and au occ
his stomach and
cause after a time they pick up won- you to know that after u e
derfully, and in a few months gather
together a little home less sad. All the
second-hand clothing you send, which
is so good, finds owners immedi-
ately.''' •
The "Friends of France" is an in-
corporated society under the War
Charities Act. its headquarters are
216 Poplar Plains Rd.,Toronto, and
the President, Mrs. Wells, will gladly
receive and acknowledge gifts in
money,or kind, such as clothing, food
and hospital supplies.
Community- rat hunts will -.make
your county or town a rat -free place.
This' will reduce living costs and dis-
front .with heart disease of a nature bowels working i•egularly. This will
Corpl. Troug•liton returnee] from the
which would not allow him to pursue not fail to break up colds and keep
the health bf the baby in good condi-
heavy work, and the future looked
lion brighter days come along.
-black for his little family. He had The Tablets
till the
been in several smalldealers or by mail at 25 ens a box
businesses, be- are sold byntedicine
fore he went overseas, but his capitalireoin
i •Ct
had all gone to support his family Brockville,
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
during his absence and the lack of ' _____ e. ---•
funds prohibited him from setting up Shortage of Feed.
According' to a recent statement
A course in accounting was offered
him by the vocational branch and 110 made by Mr. R. E. Prothero, Presid-
took it eagerly. He worked hard, long ant of the Board of Agriculture, there
beyond the prescribed hours, and the were only enough oats available in
iuctors as well as his felloW-stu- Britain to feed working horses on re-
nstrd ced rations after making allowance
for milling stocks. ,_, There was no
dents iit the training class rejoiced
()Vey hissgood fortune in securing' the
Chaplin appointment.
MILthatiVe Liniintixt Cnre* (itarzet in Cow*
Plenty of Credit.
concentrated food for cattle feeding
and this shortage would continue for
at least a year, he declared. He was
afraid that all carriage horses which
had not been sent out to grass would
Mr. Butterworth, the gOcee, was
have to be killed, while hunters would
looking over the credit sales shim one there
e. to be sent 'gva5s and kept.
day. Suddenly he called to the new
"Did you give G'eorge, Callahan
"Sure," said the clerk.
"Didn't I tell you to get a report
en any and every man asking for
"Why, I did," retorted the clerk,
who was an earnest yoling fellow, "I
did get 'a report. The agency said
be owed money -to every grocer in
town, and, a course, IP his credit was
that good I knew that you would like
to have him open an account here!"
' z Granulated Eyelids,
r!"!)Ar.,,-,..A, sore Epi, ave.fioae,mea py
.., ' ,t-,,,,, --: Ann, Mat ad4inarick4
renevei-aba Mtn ne. !tin
- - -k,-,-,c
1, litiikvaslaaadiaBc415 a Vs.
14 '''Natrtrtilv'tillYit:te' °Ii4b, bd
Marine Pyt ReguedY
f. metilov,,Uuriti
omom, In Tubes 4o. rot' .. ,,flie keA k 4 -
Ade Iliketables Era neinedy itataa, Olide4isia a
Stale corn cake may he used in
(taut -6 bread •
The food problem, whidh is the
fundamental problem of the war, can
be met only by •'the regular 'farmer.
;However eortiMenclable amateur ef-
:forbs may Pc, they nater can and they
never will supply our armies or our
Aliiii44 abroad Only the farnmes can
do it) and the veeperafibillty rests with
• him, .. .
i*....,,,...,,. ,..„--i7.-,---...,.
1 t '''' %a, too zi
ir •
,,. HOURS '
lei4 ''''''
ep-V.4.101.77Fie.s-ve:'",,,04„----.4c 177a-isW1.•7"..4.11111.,
1414111:74 - -'t(
Cerer:.I1 Food
Different from the usual
run of toasted or steam -
cooked cereals,r'
rape Nuts
is baked in giant ovens—
baked for nearly twenty
hours under accurate mu-
ditions of heat, so that the
whole wheat and malted
barley flours may develop
their full, rich sweetness.
You don't need sugar on
Grape -Nuts.
bottles of your Liniment on a case of
paralysis which my father was afflict-
ed with, I was able to restore him to
normal condition. Hoping other suf-
ferers may be benefited by the use of
your Liniment, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Corporal (to soldier reporting sick)
"What's the matter with you ?"
Tommy Atkins: "Pain in my,
h'abdomen." • :
Corporal: "II'abdoMen be 'angedl
Stomick, you mean. it's
h'officers as 'as h'abdomens."
loaartna Liniment Caron Cold*,
To start .,the, early hatch itt good •
Fat in Food- condition it is necessary to have a
Nowadays we must not eat for good standard, reliable incubator,
pleasure, nor must we eat• because a. and follow the directions of the menu -
mealtime has come round for the sake I facturer for its successful operation.
f ti We must eat for nourish-
ment alone, and to do that we should
study the needs of the body, and
choose our food accordingly.
At least a third of the body's food
should be fat. A man doing sedent-
ary work requires three ounces of fat
daily -in some form. Ordinarily,
bread contains from 11/2 to 2 per cent.
of fatin war bread the percentage is
much/higher. Butter is practically a
pure fat, but potatoes contain none at
all. Cocoa is the only popular bear
age which contains fat.
We are told that there ip a famine
in`fat le Germany, which, according to
experts, is a more terrible thing than
a famine in bread. Before the war
the Germans consumed more fat per
head than any other European nation.
To -clay they recognize its value, and
housewives are ordered to hand over
to the authatibies all the dripping
they may have.
Pelmet Cornmeal
• Otte cupful yellow cornmeal, two
teaspeonfuls salt, two 1,e(spoonfols
peanut butter and one cupful water,
Put meal into a shallow pan and
heat in oven until it, is a delicate
brown, stirring frequently. Make the
peanut 'butter into a nut cream by
mixing with one cup water and heat-
ing, It should be the consistency of
thick cream. Stir the cornineal in-
to this cream While hot and beat thor-
oughly. Mixture ehould be ;lust
stiff enough to drop from spoon. Add
water if too thick, bake in anlail e al c e s
twenty-five minutes,
Minard's tluttlient Chtreit DIStonlvieV.
0 0
Apply a few drops then lift
corns pi' calluses off with I
. a
tIngers—no. pain. Canton, Ohio.—"I suffered from a
female trouble 'which caused muc1.5
Dandruff and Itching
The Cause of Failing Hair
Rub spots of dandruff and itching, with
Cuticura Ointment, next morning sham-
poo with Cuticura Soap and hot water.
Rinse withtepicl writer. Trial free. These
fragrant, super -creamy emollients clear
the complexion of pitnples, redness and
roughnefis, cleanse the scalp, prevent
falling hair and soften the hands. e
Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint-
ment to soothe and heal.
6OW tti14 IWY6
PPE -4
ElEit g 9
suffering, and two
operation before 1
doctors decided
that I would have
to go through an
could get web.
' ' Pdy ino ther, who
had be m helped by '
Lydia 1 1. Pinkh am 's
\* egt....,:,ab 1 e Com-
pound, advised Hie
to try i t before. su b-
mittim to an opera-
tion. ll:relievecline
• Tim m troubles
cost. You apply a few
,,.drops directly Upon a so I can do my house avoi.'k without any
tender cern or callus. difficulty. 1 advise any wOrnan who is
afflicted w*1.1 f troubles to give
1 i emele •
or - e
toris w,•lers a hospital -cticus condi-
Instantly the soreness
/'' re, then sh t '
disappea I d' '
or callus so loose that
Canto 01. Lgt•t'Ible Corn-,
you can lift it ri -1 G if them."— Mee. 111
7 n, Ohio.
_ ArtivEi _co as much ror
BoYD, 1421 5th
ly you will find the corn pound a, trial alldit l .11 1
1111 II F eezone ts wonder -
fit/ . 1t dries inetantly.
It daean,t at
away ole splmallItyewontlien illa)vte i 101 the other hand
g ' ' a - Soin l'
St, N. E.
ornedy, f.iplia E.
r tione
there are e -e.'
sp,s, a_ l rss, yp,ueoperation is the
slarivele It u
Oren fi•ritating the surround
•Herd soft or , ing 0 ui, necessary.-- every womaniwilaiotw:174"i7naiss
--....„ ,........, corn • or cauia 1 fintious root and herbremedy, ell cured by thin
to avoid an operat'- s
t. but Pinleham's Vegetable Compound, aft .
li without doctors have said that an o )e, ' ' el
14' WPA ii0 painful calluaes, lift light fair trial b•f •lun ' Ilc)uld give it a
ti.,. Pllikil9r1MA. ' - C, . LIY a t:) I'aYdl.a,
off. ere is no poi hof . , . ‘ tryin . ord u oxe, 8,..ihmitting te such a
.., cons hetaveen tlie toes,
al ,for yoll,frola his wholczalo drug o„peuence is at yotir service,
Ica,rds. If your druggist firt..?rl"t' el 1.-F .''.)111017calstieeas rads t wr't I '
n , oie ea af
for it.lvic'e‘. Thelcirletilto.jif rantinayMy years
47e2?air, tell him to order a small bo't-
00,1ssu.st think! You can
(p.,"11:b lift off any corn or cal.
ills without pain or sore -
A Cinehanati man
covered this ether coin-
pound and named it
freezone. Any drug-
gist will sell a tiny bet-
tie of freecint, like here •
shown, for very little
• 1