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The Exeter Advocate, 1918-2-28, Page 8
EXE PER Anvol .IT"i.', TEITJRSIlILY, FRSa1, 1U1B re XETER tIb AIZK1eTS Changed Each 'Wednesday Wheat 2.10 Oat's ' 95. Barley ,. 125 to 1,50 Family Flour 5.70 Middliags 44.00 Bran38.00 . Creamery Butter 52 Dairy Butter , 38 to 40 Eggs ,,.,,.,. ... 50 Lard , 34 I'eotattae:; per bag 1.60 to 1,85 1 ., ,00 s flab • 'Sugar beet pulp, Per e a.;k 1.60 Hay., per ton ._ neve to 13.0'1 250 Acres for Corn Wanted The E*-eter Canning Co. is prepared to contract with f>arniers' to grow 250 acres Canning Goan for 1918. Price per ton advanced to $8.00. Seed corn ,cast over 35. its., Per 1b°„ will be sold to growers Lor 25c, Come early and Secure yomr allotment, EXETER CANNING CO. Don't fo.rgre't the Sale of Home- made Cooking art Beavers' Store on Saturday afternoon, March: 2rtel. HAY AND PASTURE A quantity of Timothy Hay in: barn and stacks for sale; also some paoture land, for ne.nt. Apply. to R. DROUGHT, Lot 7, Con. 5, S.W.B. ,Usborne. SHOE BARGAINS 32,00C worth )of No. 1 Shoes to clear at a big rleiduction in. price. H. BIERL1NG Hay. FLAX LAND WANTED The Ontario Flax Oo. require 300 acres Of land for Exeter Flax OM1., Hag Ladd 'Rental paid wh,eti !flax is eown. Apply JOE DAVIS telephone 13. EXETER FLAX MILL. APPLES. A car at No, 2 Baldwins expected next sveeek. Price ,$4.75 per barrel. Leave your orders at the store. As this is a ,small car we expect them to go- ,fast, JONES & MAY. SHOE BARGAINS $2,000 worth of No. 1 Shoes to clear at a big reduction in price. H. BIERLING Hay. In spite of further advances - in materials The Advocate is still keep- ing the subscryptian price at $1125 GRASS LAND FOR SALE. 75 acres of egrass land for sale; and also Massey -Harris binder, good - as new, 6-tfoot cut.—W. T. Sweet, Exeter FOR SALE 550 to 600 oak and ,rock elm rails on Lot No. 14, Con. 5, Stephen. Sealed tenders will be received on or before February 20th Gladman & Stanbury, Barristers, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. div C. H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm for sale, near Exe- ter. With good buildings, eta. For further particulars apply at Advocate Office, Exeter. MARRIED MAN WANTED . BY THE YEAR—House wood and garden free. Highest wvage'st Apply at the Advocate Office. We are [pleased always to publish, school teports. Out of town teachers can send reports by mail, encloairtgin envelope and placing one cent post- age on same, leaving it unsealed.; ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The silo at the Canning Factory is open and ensilage is offered for sale at $2.40 per 'tion. Purchaser to pay alar weighing en R. !G(, Seldros>scale. Exeter Canning Company LOGS WANTED Elm, Basswood, Maple—$20. per thousaaa, delivered at Exeter station. John Delancey, 'Exeter. AirpitAF LOCAL DOINGS. AtailwaulatAtbraflarialczekiatialik Brown liv}s a l'ov'ely baby girl, The stork lelft her with a flutter; Browa rnaneed )tier "Olentrtargariae," For he hadn't ate' but her, A further cttt has been made la the train service in Ontario, but it does. not affect' this liine, Mrs. W. W, Taman! is able to Ire downstairs again after several weeks illness drone ri euumatism.. Rev. Baird of James Street church and Rev. McCeetntick of Blyth thane tvi11 ex- cha'nge pulpits. ;n!efxt Sunday, Don't forget the, side-splitting 3 Act Comedy it. the Opera House, Mar, 6, See Act on first page; aurgci programs, The flax twill at Ailsa:. Craig was saved from destruction by fire the othier night. by the prompt work of W fire departmlent.. Exeter hockey' team, drove to Hen - sail, Friday night and, played afriend- ty game with the team of that village the visitors' winning 4 to 1. Mr. Moore of .Hensel! refertele,d,' Mr. James McFalls of Hay Town- ship delivered eight stx months' old pigs here on Friday which weighed 1620 pounds, and for which . he re- ceived $287.35. Who says it ',does net pay to raise pigs, The. Goderich 'Collegiate Institute Board at its regu tsr meeting, voted an honorarium of •$500 to Dr. H. I. Strang, in view Of his long services as a teacher. He retired from the staff at the beginning of the term. Mr. Chas Wilson is recovering from the injuries recieivGd to his arm and hand when: he had them caught in a litter carrier <vhile working for Mr., Hoary Smith for a 'few days. Owing. to the, wet weathler and the ice the carrier was not working properly. The arrn was badly bruised and the little fiager was broken, Besides Wednesday, as stated in last ivee,k's Advocate, the fix e ter School 'was- closed an. Thursday and Eriaay, . owing to the water backing up in the drain) and Gooding the fur- nace room, School was ' re - opened, however, on Monday morning; but the heavy rain Of Monday, caused a re- currence of the ramie trouble, so that school was again closed on . Puesday MEMORIAL SERWCE.' On Sunday leve Ing last aMemorial service was •conducted in Main street Methodist Church_ in honor of Private Tame Russell"Marshlall, who gave his life for Theis country an the 21st'af January in France. A large congre- gation was present. Theservice was conducted by the pastor, Rev. Mux - worthy, assisted by Rev. Sharpe of Caven Presbyterian Church, Rev. Yet- land ar13 Rlev. Reldmond, Miss E. Fol - [ick rendered an appropriate solo. The church' was nicely decorated and the honor roll and photo of the young hero were displayed. The addresses were of a hrighly•" patriiotic character and suitable an}d -eulogistic references were made to Private Marshall and th,e 'other boys who have paid the supreme sacrifice. Private Marshall' was- a member of the Scout Hiistlers Class, of the Sun- day SchooI and the class. attended the service 'in a body, as well as supply- ing a bouquet of red rases and green for the service -the class colors being Red and Green. DON'T DO IT. a 'Complaint is made against the speeding stunts, put on Sunday even- ings- after church by reckless drivers. With the quantity of snow and jCe an the roads it is dimerous in the ex- tremes' to hit up a mile -a -minute gait and compel pedestrians to jump for their lives. Fear of danger often causes people to do things they would not if they grad time to think twice. The authorities) will beetle to be asked. to interfere if it is not stopped. Reckless driviing should be "cut out" on Main' street at any time ,ast it is a menace to the- public, elspeciraelly rhi1- dren who are ,often on the highway; A fall on _the ice caused by t ear of being run over, may often be of ser- ious consequwences and any expenses should be chargtela:ble to Jehu's who forget about the rights of others.— Brussels Post. Does this apply to Ex- eter CUTTERS -A few ice cutterson band. • McLaughlin make, beautifully finished and upholstered, and of var- ious designs and prices.—Wm, Ward, Exeter. .118,91111111. HORSES WANTED 1 want faemanated numberer of horse: ie goad condition. Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounss up. Mares from 4 years old up,; ,Neighing from 1300 pounds up. Parcie., having the required stuff, 'write, or phone 83, Exeter. G. J, DOW. , HASTtINGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance Company A.lsv Fire and Accident Insurance, Money to Loan an Farm Property EXETER, ONT. TO CORRESPONDENTS Write on one Side (of the paper only . Mail •in. tune to aeachus Tuesday of each wweek, or )_sooner. Avioid all items reflecting an per- . doral ;character; but send ALL TI -IE NEWS Check off this li,slt, it . nay assist you to remember an impor saint item i Deaths Marriages, Births. Accidents, C.hi.rch News, Suppers or Presentations. Removals, s Va s>t r s y Lodge News, \Fires, Public imprloventents, Law Cases, The . Crops, Sebiool Matters. D can't if oa gloit thief Sale of Home- made Cooki eg at rBearers' Store ` on Saturday pterion, Marcelo 2nd. Mr. Wallace °Ffehlejr•, n, former Exe- ter boy, who has bean ma'nngr of the Marmora Breach of the Dominion. Bank of Canada, has been transferred, to one of the Itla,n,treoi ,branehes, Mr. aia,d Mrs, Edward Th;eobald,4423 Maegaolia, 4' e, Chicago, naawunce the cragngei eat 'of tlatraiir daughter, Rosa Moly, to Dr. Edward 0, Pickard, son of Mrs.. Richard ,Pi>ckard of Exeter, Canada. The week 'end Haatwas followed. on Monday by a very heavy rata; and. this is turn was „followed Monday and Tuesday morning by a rip-roar- ing blizzard, which nearly tied up traffic; again. The country roads are bade in planes, icy, int others, and cov- ered with two or threte feet of eras in. others. • The funeral, took place on Friday from the host' of Mr. Thos. lelestiie,. of the late Arthur Hoskins of Brant- ford. Rev, Baird ,Rev. Muxworthy and Rev. Sharp took pant in the service at the house and the Oddfiell'ows as- sisted in the stervicie at 'the Iceme� fiery, Besides . Mrs, Haskins other's from a .distaince wlreo were present at the funeral, welt Mr. Gorge Hos- kinds off Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoskins of 'Klurktoln Mr. Chas. Verity Mr. Wm. McLaughlin, and Mr. Ecl:. Dyer df Brantford, Gunner F. Brinnacombe, writing 'from France to his parents), Mr,,asnd Mrs. Wm. Brimacambte, Exeter North says, that he being In the tir'tillary has been very busy for month or ea and expects to be bushier. Whilje on, the .march he saw Gordon Wells. They recognized each other but could not fall out ;of the ranks to • sp eak. He; reportshating received; the reg- istered letter with (five francs from the Exeter council,, a,nd thanks them very much We had' la lovely Christ- mas dinner. Thee officers gave altun- drect francs for sub-slectionl six, each, main put in five francs, ;which brought. it up to about two hiuindneld, and Fifty., We tbten rented al big room in an, tEs- tamt&t with a 'big table, We had no turkey. gee,s(e oi. chicken, but we had pork, cakes, pudtiirigs, 'mitt„ a: -ed had ;a, good .time. ACCILGEN'I RESULTS FATALLY The death took place at the honee of his brother, 1Ir. Ales. Reeder, Ex titer, an Friday last of Mr. John. Reeder, who recently suffered anasty accident by which this hCarndand arm were seriouuslly injured. The deceased was aged 50 years and 4 months.' It will be remembered that three or lour sleeks ago Mr. Reeder was engaged in threshing beans for Mr. Leo, Deit- eirich near, Da,shwoad when his hand. got caught in the - thresher., The thumb: and ..first two fingers and part Of the third were severed, and the arm badly mangled at the elbow. I-16 was brought to the, home of his.bro= deeer in Exeter, and has 'since suffer- ed great \pain Gangrene set in and his death resulted atated.;rhe :fun ural took place to McGillivray ,ceme- tery On Sunday, Mr. Reeder is sur- vived by two brothers), a son and a daughter. Dr. Dempster was in Detroit sev- eral days during' the week. Mrs. N. T. Dore spent the week end in Wind: or 'with friends. Mr. Wes. ,Lamport of London was a 'visetor in town over Sunday. Mrs. Packelnhtsmj;:olf Toeaato 1s vis- iting her daughterr, Mrs. Dempster. Mr. W. S. )CdJej was in Detroit last week attending the Rexall convention. Miss Blanche Atl4itnslan of- London. visited friends,; in. Exeter over Sunday. bliss. L. Willard left Wednesday for `'ii )son burg to accept a position, as Mrs. Vroomarii, and slop of Sarnia vis- ited Iasi week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Anidersoa. HOME FROM THE WAR. Private (Arcb`ie Davis', son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Davis orf Exeter, who heard and heeded the call of his coup- try ,on September 29th, 1915, while engaged learning printing at The Ad- vocate and enlisted in the 71st, Bat•- talion - then being recruited in West- ern Ontario, returned home on Friday evening,, ands was meet at the, depot by a number of his friends. Private Davis spent the winter of 1915-6 in, training- in Galt,went overseas the following Apnil, was 'transferred to e ;thee 73rd; and in June went taI'rant in a draft to re-inforce the 13th, Af four months in France! and ,within.g 3 days of the anniversary of ,the date of hila enlisting he ,gat "his]'. Onithe 26th of Septenniber Ire was struck in tliee calf of the right ;leg by al piece of shell which tare: a great gap to the heel. He got back to England in October and rafter 'sixteen months in Hospital was considered in a fit cort- dition to return lease. The leg has become quite 'strong now, but h.e is still under treatment and will return; to London on March) 5th. Private Da- vis spent most of his ,time itt France on the !Ypres front and on the Somme. His many friends welcameti him home to Exeter, and Hope his recovery may b,e complet©, Private Charles Dobbs of the 161st 13attnu ion, who enlisted in F,xeter i e- turned .harm-- last week and is staying with his father, Mr, Freeman, Dobbs in UN•bonrde, We understand . he is on furlough owing to "trench -fee,." Private Dobbs ;went from the 161st to Frau.ce in a draft, and was an the tieing lint for several months, Lieut Dudie;y t-Iolm'es of the 161st 1lurtr_i [tat!.aliorn! rsaturned to his lio:rne W 'v it r: i rn 'he 18th He tranm- + fex,ece to the Aviation t'as'bs tenet sv 1 wee ale !',tar • s 1 ne Fiance. 1[ts rina -rife is sere'- ing with the 161.E 1. Mrs. Thos, Elliott is in Flint, Mich., owing to the illness) of her daughter- in-law, Mrs. E. Elpplatto Private Ernest Rivers of Vancouver srrioed here on. Friday .evening tovis- it his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rivers, Ivirs. R, T. Brand returned Friday to her home in Lorn(g'veod, after a visit with her parentst,' Mr. and Mrs Robt. 1VIawthrinnley. airs. (Rev.) Sharp wa0 called to the bedside. all her fathier,-Rev., Mr. Nichol of Smcoe,' who is quite ill.` She left for that place Tuesday morning, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and family, after several weeks' visit here with relatives, left Monday for their home near North Battleford, Sask. Mrs J C. Inwood and daughter, Catharine off Lolnldon are here visit- ingu'e Sanders,who with Mrs. Samuel is qu&te ill and con'fine,d to her hed mast off the time. Mrs. W. H. New,eombe and daugh:- ter and Miss Jessie Thompson, ewho have been yr satrn friends here for several weeks, left Saturday last for their hohe. in Carnduff, Sask. Private Victor Sweet of London Training Camp ,and lady friend, Miss Ina Sc.ott"of Wallt'ervie1e, were.Visit- ors 1a,eile overthe week end- at the. home of Pr'iv'ate Sweet's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sweet, Mr, William Dixon, who . has been in Saspra.toon. for two' years., and has been. visiting itt Chicago and Lan- sing ,for a fcw months, arrirv(ed here on Thursday to sponte sonde time with olcl ;Friends. He is the guest of 'Mr, and. MIs, Jas. Jewell. Mr, D. F, .15 ergusan,, of Wvnn,ipe.g -ar- rived • here Monday evening and .will spend a -short time with Mr. and Mrs, Chas Birney, Mrs. Ferguson has been here with he,r parents for sttveYaji weeks and will return with Mr. Fer- guson Mr. and Mrs. Sherman) Will6s who have;beets visiting in Stephen, with ielati'ies, left on Th'uursday for their home -lin, Grated View, Mani: They were accompanied by the rormer's brother Tom Willis, who will assist thein itt their farming operations. SHOE B ARGAINS S2 HO worth of No. 1 Shoes clear at a big reduction, in. price. H• .I3IERLING Ilay. 6 amillParaeleeeeetre ONES & MAY PHONE 32 Special Silk Values For Early M�� ch �ellin 36 INCH, SILK .PO,PLINS AT 51.00 YD. (FOR SUITS AND DRESSES! SPECIAL -36 inch wide Silk Poplins .in 'all popular colors, lnecluding Navy, Black, Taupe, Grey, Brown, Green, Purple Etc., for early March selling ,,,rat only .$1,60 yd, BLACK PALETTE SILK At $1.25 YD. EXTRA SPECIAL -100 yards Black Pall'ette Silk, 36 inch) s wide, good` fast dye. Our regular $11.50 yard silk an special Saila for " March at$,1,25 yd. SPE;C'IAL VALUES. IN TAFFETA SILKS 36 inch, Taffeta ;Splks+, all popular col ars, including 'Black.' Extra swearing quality at from, $11 60 TO 52.00 Yd. LADIES CASHiMERh.TTE' HOSE AT 40 CTS. A' PAIR. 6 Dozen, Only Ladies C'asihanerette Hosiery,Sizes, 9 9. ' and 10, - while they last at Only 40c. pair i yc D131 A UTO,MAS SAG The. New Spring Suits, Coats and Dresses are here Our 1Vfrajnitle and .Suit Department is -simply overflowing with the. new Spring Stocks, All the hates styles, anal colors ane there showun, in goa:i reliable Wool, Cloths. Styles are ex„ elusive and prices' Moderate.' Sete our Beautiful All Wool Serge Deessles .Readyt-:to-'wear. New Sumnter Wash Dress Goods arrivjing, daily. NEW \VALL PAPERS AT RtsASO NABLE PRICES. MAKE YOUR SELECTIeONS. EARLY. JO & MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sa adford & Lion Braaildis Clothing Men and Boys. vimiumeren Flax Land Wanted THE ONTARIO FLAX COMPANY;, REQUIRE 300 ACRES OF .LAND FOR EXETER FLAX MILL. HALF LAND RENTAL PAID WHEN THh, FLAX IS SOWN. APPLY JOE DAVIS, Telephone 13. Exeter Flax Mill lilter CiotVcs TAILORED TO ORDER WILL, BE FAR MORE BECOMING si Tel Cost -No More We have a large number of Suits and Overcloatings that wain your arrival—a wide assortment of Fash'ion's Chosen :colors, -soft .hand- same Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Furniture and Undertaking R. N. Ladies' s' Suitin � s i,i the Finest we have ever had. The studied exactness in measuring and becoming designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes ,produces a cos - pl'eteness of 'fitting and a pleasypnugg cress of appearance that a ready-made can never hope to equal. No Lady knows how well she canappear in a Suit or Coat until ;she has one cut toi OUR STOCK I.S COMPLETE OMB US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND. GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel ROWE TI -IE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER MARRIAGE LICENSES 'ISSUED by C H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness required. : Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruit®, 01716011 teas, coffee and eve thing in the girocory life Call and see tom. .A "tray as to quality will convin- Oe. Profile' oaken Iii exchange Jas.s . Gould Exeter Bargain Story SHOE CLEARAN itch 0 :r store rspecials IT WILL PAY YOU TO MAKE A TRI•p DOWN TOWN AND LOOK OVER OUR LINES EXHIBITED. EVERY DAY WL ARE. ADDIN G NEW LINES' FUR C L�LARANCE Watch our South Window s Saturday, Feb. 23rd 1® On r�9�.t , .. perin Shoes at $1.48 pair.e. ;0, SALE, CONTINUES THROUGH LGH I'EBRUARY 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON OVERCOATS. F. Seave�s