The Exeter Advocate, 1918-2-28, Page 1THIRTY.FIRST YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY FEB. 28, 1918 SANDERS Si CREI,C1-1 Our Cam At last wie nea]i�e what the weather nnfairr 1n(as ,in mind when he speaks of the mean temperature. Kin•gstoondesgatc es care, the in- tene,sting ,information that since the beginning. of the w it the farmers of Franter ac ' iOounty have r ed iceid chattel'.moartgage,s from 'a quarter of a nuilycan to fifty thousand dollars. The counting of the, votes of ,Can- adiainsoldiers who were in Canada at the; time of the election has result- ed in the, fe1eetian of at least two Unionists who wnere "n the rninoriit n r Y on the home vote. The vote of the soldiers overseas is expected; to Pladc-ut-ldast five other ridings in th'e Unionist column. 'Kitchener- has;. added another black eye to its already blackened and un- enviable reputation., Last week' the council of that city reduced the a- mount of the 'in'sutdance pledged by th;ecitizens from :$1000 to $500, after March; 1st,, The 'oou.n;cil• of ttha,t city will soon have a dead Kitchener and every blow such ,its{ this and the Bar- den episotdtew l) br;rn(g.ittnearer to the grave yard, ' • The min;iste,r of militia announces that with a view to h(elpin(g returned soldiers . andtheir de,pe slants to ob- tain prompt adjustment al' their ,dif- ficultie> relating to pay and allow- ancefs., which may xiriste owing to the last pay certificate not being in order or !(or same other reasons, it has been 'decided to attach to each dis- trict pay office an officer, who will be known as pay adjustment officer: This officer will be charged with the inv'e'stigation: into and speedy •adjust tetit Of all-- camplairn(ts, and will 1e gbren authonity to make temporary advances where such are :neces'sary. -Under this rarra(njgeanent it will, be no longer mlecestsary Tor :returned sold- iers or their 'relatives to have their cases referred individually to Ottawa, The pay adju'stmlelnt officers will ,be attached to the office of the district paymaster. PHONE 81a TAMAN' New _ . s rias ��► g C��tha g SUITS OVERCOATS ;RAINCOATS HATS CAPS SHIRTS SOCKS COLLARS TIES GLOVES ETC. ETC,, ETC., ETC. rite now iip': and pla'ced ori ditsplay. Suits are r,iigbt .tip to the minute, ` at less than wholesale price to -day, l3ig line of . old blues and, _ blacks, with collie's 'guaranteed, WTaman Tailor & Furnais':e r . The Zurich Heiraid is increasing its subscription price to ,$1,25 a year. Those 1 000 Paid tractors bought ht b the Canadian Government for use on farms should, rip, sup a lot of land this ie,atLelss days' in the Un{i;te'd States have saved140,000,000P ou ds in four Months. During tis period 105,000,- d 000 pounds of betel were � e xporte to the Allies, tegettiter ,with 400,000,000 pound a pork products. The very 1 eist time to cure .a cold• is • before you get lit. Hygven is more efficacious than. drugs. ;Careful eat- ing healthful sleeping—windows open r - or shine and a hot water battle at the feet, of !needed for warmth., The Food Controller's regulations; are changed to 'make: the meatless, days Wedrnte'sfd(ays amid Fridays instead of Tuesdays and Fridays,: This 'order has been changed to comply with the Lenten rule against eating meat on Wednesdays and Fridays, Outsiders who went to 'seize up a toWn or city •;fii.`rsit read over the- pap- ers published there. . The paper re- flect; eflect; t'he town in every way. A pap- er well Med with pld(gerltislern,entsl. shows live,up-to-date business mien., the class who do things thems;el(ves and give the glad hand to newcomers who are inte;re;sted in the place. ----0 -•-- Mr. Farmer, what matters it to you i t you even lose a ,little money in•. farming this year, as long as you sante and produce great .quantities of food toahielp the boys iriklhtkit to save Ca- nada from beoamiJag al vassal of the Kaiser and this blood, thirsty gang? But you know you •• cannot lose money by producing in timtels like these. Let apnallimg conditions in Russia be a warning, to a,11 in, ; danger of be- ing misled by crack -brained Socialists and other loing-k a+ieed charlatans prat- ing about "classes" and "masses,'' and other dogmatic terms dear .to the heart of that type, who seek consola- tion. +for ; the result of - their own lack of brains and.: industry by cheap abuse of their fellowmen, whose ability and effort have secured them prosperity. Th.: latest cab'•+e. received from the. British Ministry ot,' Food regardizng. conditions in Europe makes it clear that a drastic reduction in the pro- posed rations for Britain may be ex - petted by the, end oif the nrontn . The supply al fats' and bacon is -:ow 'I and increased :imports areurgently needed. The Italian need is the great= est, of all. The people of Itatly have been on bread and sugar rations for some time and severe restrictions have been placed an their consuumption rxf Meat. Of 1 icai informationt much, of it con:. fidentlal, receiveedl dur..inlg the past few daysemphasizes the Scarcity of sup- plies of cereals and meats and the necessity of avoiding at all costa ch- ,croachment upon, the supplies for the Armies. Tn Great Britain; in. France, in Italy, the peoples are alive. to ' the situation. They know something of what thle next ;few months will "mean. Their spirit vvas expressed by Lord Charles Beresford the ,other day when he said 'We are tightening our belts and it are going to win•„ A recent cable from London stat- ed that the present meat ration in Great Britalin is not more than one- half of, the amount to which.the peo' pie thave°been accustomed. Acicoin- pa{nlied als this is by the resltttac'tijosns on, the consumption of bread it cannot butentail physical loss and privation. Canadian> tau, must tighten their belts and help the Allies to win.: Use should be maple on, this. Continent of ver available substitutte for wheat, beef and park.. Uponi our food' ser- vice depends the very ]Eves of thous- ands of women anti chdttdreo an the Allied' countries. • By the new ,income tax faxed by the. Dominion Govrermmelnt unmarried per- sons will pay iftour per cent. on all over $1500 income;_ and married per- sons flour per cent on all aver $3000. On ail inc.orrves:'.over $6,000, a grad- uated supertax in addition ' to th.e normal tax .is payaiblle.. The supertax is 2 per. cent. of the amount by which the 3wtoame exceeds $6,000, up to $10,000; '5 ,p'er cent. ,of the amount by ;Mimeo the ,income ex- ceeds .$10,000, up to. $20,000; 8 . per cent. 'of the amount by which the in- come exceeds S20,000; 10 per cent. +af thio amount by which the income ,e t- needs $30,000 up to $50,000; 15 per centof the amount by which ihec in- come exoeiedls $50,000, up to $100,000; and 25 pea- cent. elf suite whole of the amount by which the income exceeds $100,000. GIVE ME A MAN. Give rile the everyday sort 'of a man,; Thle feller 'who laughs vvhlen he's glad Givte me the Open-ifae'erl, hvg hearted man— • Tine teller whaweeps when hes sad. Give me the Mari who says just what .ho thinks— The fitillez+ vvhoes word is pure golri, Give me the mart who can always be if oun d-- • 'T1nle ,fader who's not bought and sold Give me the man who stands` no to (he : ack• — T,hse i elitcr who's spirit n,e'ca' bends ; Given inc the than who i;s 'thferc With tbt. gooes•, ,frelller wtho stances by his friends GOVERNMENT MAJORITY NOW SIXTY. Tele soldiers rand naval vote tattrerr in France, in Un(ted States and int Canada, in connection with the recent Canadian Dominion Election, have been counted, and added to the civ- ilise. vattc taken on Dec. 17th,. The Uri az 2 n Government majorityhas been increased to 60. The vote, of the sorl- dr!yrs ,in EnlgJalnd has hot ,yet been counted. Government majorities have been increased e,verywih,ere but in Quebec. Ln. South Hturon, the result now is. For is. J, iMenine,r i : Civilian vote 3,399 vole Soldiers'� ie< ` o In. America; 137 Soldhers' vote in ;France,. etc. 128 Total .for 114lerner 3,664 For •Thos. McMillan Cdwilian vote Soldiers' vote{ din America Soldier's' vote in France, etc. Total for McMillan 3,344 8 25 3377 Mr. t1ercer's majority thus far, is 287. Dr'.Steele, Goyernimlent candidate in South Perth is now only 58 behind. In North, Huron Bowman, 'Govern, merit candidates has.s lead of 1696. • PORI' FRANKS MAN WON IN NINE MILE RACE. WITH DEATH Looa 1 News Don't ,forget the HOC'KEY MATCH to -night (Thursday)'Hensaill vs. Exeter. -The DomitijO}n Government is mak ing provision for a registration of all male utod ,female' persons over sixteen Yearsof ate, g b , Eight thousancdi pier diced of "typhus in the South African war—more than were killed by the enemy, There is no typhus in the Bnutish p.rmy to -day. J, J Mlerne,r, M.P.., ,w!h,o has sold his farms in Hay Township, has pur- chased the .farm of James Stewart,ad- joining Egmondv'rllie, one and a half south miles F 1 a Seaforth, He l. t•a• es possession. April 1st ,Sir William, I-1earst introduced a biill. in the Legislature Monday to compel; municipalities to fmpios,e a minimtym tax of $2 on. mate ,and $4 on female. :anirltes. Mln,icipalities may increase this tax, which is aimed at the pro- tection. Of the sheep industry. Miss . Eloise Baird of Brantford has been; success!ufl in passing with 1st. class honors the Normal Teacher's' ex- amination ,comprising—"Musmeal Form, "Touch and Tlecnti(gue," "Teaching„' and Practical Piano., Shie has accept- ed a;,positti n on Brantford Conserv-' atony Staff for next year. A very .pleas,ant surprise party- as- s,embled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynoldis at Victoria Park, to; ctelebrate Mrs. Reynold•'s sixty-third birthday, A very enjoyable time was spent aid an Oyster supper and .other rlefreshnnents served. The party was composed of their children, relatives Manley Martell of Port Franks went and +frientdis. through an ,experience Saturday that he will remertubpr till his dying clay, Martell, who had a line of hooks set in the lice about two miles from sho•re,. went out with his, dog Saturday fore- noon tol visit them. He had not been long out .when he 'disciovlerec1 that the south-east wind, was slowly, but sure- ly, taking the ice out into the lake... The ice had broaden: off about half a mile from shore. Having ova boat, he krtew in a moment that the only way possible to get off was to inakie far Kettle Point, as ,tete west \side of the ice would have to hug the Point, while the east side was 'Swinging around out of thte. bay. To Kettle Pont, a dstµ, Tlrfe spring is opening up 'upon us ince.,af about nine .mpoles,,he'headed. rn, its own peculiar way., It will, soon followed by has .dog. Ashe near: -'d be, time .for the poi st the matin body of the ice y,o harvestyour'crud was leaving, but late managed to t of Blacky Knot,enow sa abundant.and b g g'" so `e�.cily- seen. You: mrl5ht ;et .:on= siderable fuel from your plum and cherry erees. Of course you might save :`sit;i;y lea'dung it on the trees for e next winter. It is doubtful economy. You may bre:laboring under the false impression that you can secure a good. crop df plums and a good crap ofTh black' knot From ,the same tree.!is has been repeatedly tried in Exeter provedlamentable lamentable failure. Get busy ! Harvest your: black knot now! Scarlet fever is 'now developing An some parts of"lour country. In some ether counties, smallpox and diphther- ia are prevalent. Exeter at .present has a dean sheet of health. in re - Bards to these +daiepis,est. Let every Citizen try'to ,keep.. it clean. Keep away from places. suspected. Report suspicious cases' that they may be in- vestigated. It is a serious matter to have a 'home quarantined for six weeks—sometianes' longer, Don't take chances—safety first.. Tule ,Bnvtish War Office is making plans it carrying out an agriculturalOffecnsiv e. on an enormous scale this spring behind the British lines in France, With the cordial co -Opera- tion of the French Gov!ernm+ent thousands a1• acres of grass land' will be ploughed up, as well ns some parts bf the old' battlefieldsi, British sol- diers by :the thousanlds will be em- ployed on the work, most of them be- ing assigned to this labor during their p elri;ad of reserve dr. ty, -.-.off,.. • BLACK. KNOT.' to safety on -a small' cake. After a short . rest he walked back to thr the: Port. He stays. Toni Longboat i; in his. palnniest days could not have beat- er. at e•n anus time. REVIEWING r.XEM;PTIONS. A11 the M. S. A. exemption decis- ions ,in. this [military district ,will be reviewed by a board appointed to ;go thoroughly into a,11 ;thfe decisions and decide whether the judgm:enitskhan'd- ed; down by tine tribunals, have been consistent and in the best interests of the country: Capt. W E. Hrndgan„ as chief pub- lic rtepresteintahiv(e; Lieut..eCol. T. R. Nlay'berry, Jugerslall, as agricultural representative, - and Deputy Registrar. W E. WV+ismer wall, constitu'te the board, which wtill • review the de- cisions • If it dlevelopes that oertain menare now in u'n,Slforni, to the detriment of the production of foods on the farms. these men will ;he, released if the ad- vice of the. ;exernpttions review board is followed. I•n other cases, where it is sthoan, that ,mlelmnow engaged in civvliari pursuits;• caul Wietil be spared, appeals will be rentejed agains ,their exemptions aind', an etffort will, be made to getthem in , the limy , Tule review Will involve several weeks' work. 'KILLED -BY TRAIN. Samuel Barr, aged. 23, of ,.Clinton, was instantly killed 'some time be-:' tweien, 5.30 and 6 o'clock on Saturday evening by being struck by a passen- ger train. an the main line of the Grand Trunk, hallf rnsiel west of Hyde Park. After beings killed Barr was, it is believed, struck by another train, has body was badly mangled when found about 8 o'clock. He was •entupiliolyed on the G. T, R. t(ectian .gang, and when he ziid not return as iusual comnad'es started to search for h,ini. (Coroner C. C. Ross. of Hyde Park took elifarge of the remains, and a jury after viewing them on Sunday acct- joarned until Friday next. The remains were taken, to Clinton for interment on Tuesday. 'rhe young mann is survived by his mother and, fa - then ; FORMER RESIDEN`I} OF BAYFIELD SUICIDES Buffalo, N. Y„ Feb. 20. -- Harold Moore, aged 27, whose father and onn. brother reside at Baryfield, last iiiight cornmitted suicide at anis home et 48 William. Street, Corning, N. Y. by shooting himself through the right temple, with a revolver. Ile leaves a wile. 'Continued ill-;healfth is said to be the cause. ?. DISTRICT CASUALTIES Woiindied Wm. Jackson. of 'Clinton Donald i ac'Kelliar of Ansa Craig. I11 II. R. Stoddard of Clinton, Jacob Sproat of Sca,foral, We club with all the leading daily and weekly papery. New is the tune 110 ,elect your 1418 reading. Mr. •I, R. Carling was in Goclerich; on business this week.• Messrs, J. Beer and' •3•`M. South. cott were in London Monday. Mr. Enos Wlnd'stor of 'Guelph spent Monday !evening at has home here; Mr. Thos: Haran of London is vis- iting 1r1(ends in town for a few days. Mrs; Chas. ,Barney and daughter; Mrs Ferguson. Of Winlnilpeg, visited •n Lon- don • Mand,ay. Misses Edkva. Foilick and Stella South cott leave to -day to spent a few slays• with Miss La Belle Handford in In- gersall. Mrs. Pyle and son, Charles, who have been visiting at Mrs; Delu.'s lett Wednesday monning for their home 'int the West, Privates • G. P. Rix, E. 'Fhornpsjan, W. C. "Reiland R. ;Chambers of God- erich and F. Hu eking aE Clinton, re-- turrrecl from loverseas last Week. Miss )dcDanalcT of'Wolonlstock, with her assistant, Miss McLean of Giles - bey and ,also Miss Curltiss of Toronto have returned to ropean their millin- ery ill nery establishnnents.,` Exeter Council Monday, Feby 25, 1018 The council of the ,Village of Exe- ter met in regular session, with all. members present. The minutes of the meeting held Feby'9th were read, and! approved. Messrs. Rev. Tramper and R, G. Seldon waited on the, council re water backing up in their cellars. Due con- sideration was promised when work could be gone on with. Letters Were read from Pte.-Ilomer Fafgshaw and William Crews re sc celving donations. :Getter from the secretary of the Ord ario Municipal nicipal, Electric Associa- tion, T. J, .I3annugan re copy of 'Res- olution asking the Dominion Govern- ment to appoint a Municipal repre- sentative in the person of Mr.. J, W. Lon President of the Hyciro Electric- Railway Association to the Senate. Said resolution was endorsed on mo- tion of pay and Elston. Carried. Letter from Fred W. Martin of the Salvation Army, office London, Ont.; asking aid re the building of an, ad- dition to their rescue home, Referred. back with recommendationto make an application to the County tCouncil Letter frotin R, Richardson, Assist- oldiers' Aid Co cert x'tr c11111E, "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary" A 'Coed_ in Three Acts. Reserved Seats 50c., Plan of Hall at Howe 's. General A'cimission 35c. Children 25c. ant .Secretary to the Board of Mail Imperial Oil Co. Ltd., and the Pater - ways Commission for Canada, re pro.; son Mfg. Co., Toronto re road oils. posed train service over London;Har- Adjournment by Day. on and ,Brune. Filed. Jos. Senior,, Clerk The following accounts were pas- sed and, ordered paid on motion of Elston and ':Snell.: Sidney Davis flour, F. East, charity 5.70; John Xydd labor cemetery '4.00.; Cecil Ford, labor cemetery 2.00; Wm. H. 'Vale cemetery • 2.00; W. A. Balk- will re ` Bloomfield 7.15, Library 4.30 Town Hall 2.35, 13.80; 'II. Spackman Town hall 2.25; Dr. H. K .< Hyndman services re inmates for douse of Re- uge 2.00; B. W. I'. 'Beavers, attend- ing Municipal Association 20,00; John Hunkin Team R. & B. 6.40; Richard Quance `'labor B. & 13. 1.70; John Parson, do. .00; Robt. Luker, do, 4.10, Thos. Troulden do. 1.90; Sidney San- ders do. 2.00; Arto Delve do. 1.50; W. Creech, -do. 2.00,' Thos. Flynn' do. .50.; The Exeter Times 'Printing acct. 48.00 Thos. Cameron, gravel 76.37. Tenders for Municipal printing were opened and read. No action, The Clerk was instructed to write BIRTHS Wright—At E1imvillle, on Feb. 26,to -Mr. and Mr•s, Ge, 'Wright, a,lagh ter. Sanders -In Exeter, on. Feb. 23 'toMr, and Mrs. Charles S. Sanders, a daughter. • vic(Carty-In Lu'cah•, on Feb: 18, to, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarty; asom McAlpine—In" McGillivray, on Feb. 17 to Mr. and ` Mrs. Russell se 11 McAlpine., a Sang MARRIAGES (0'?Cann;ell—Ja,ga-ln Clanton, on Feb. 15 by Rev. J. 'A. Robinson, Mr. Pat- rick Thomas O'Connell of Toronto, to ivliss Maud; daughter of Mr. and. Mrs • Jago of Clinton;. DEATHS Reeder -In Exeter„ on. Feb. 21, John Reeder. abed 50 years; •4 months. OUR BARGAIN SALE GOES ON. SPECIAL OFFERINGS TILL END OF' FEBRUARY. IN` OUR PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT WE ANNOUNCE A. SHIP- ment of New Edison. and !Columbia Records. Needles, Etc• Among the best February recordings are these EDISON "When the Botpnie, Bonnie Heath- er is Blooming (P11 return Annie Lau- ise to you) by Gen Eason . (50,403) Battle Hymn of the Republic, 482,- 133) Thomas Chalmers,, These are, stirring patriotic numbers— Jahn Auden son! My Jo.—We'd Better Bide a vee, 82075 These are Scot- ch 'songs by Christina Miller. C OLUMBIA Blighty (a 245)1 Heligoland (a 2443.) Medley of Wax Songs (a 2428). These are popular Patriotic ' 'records!. : To hear- them is to .want theme Double 85; each'. 10 New Hawaiin and Handy ,Orch- estra s(elec`tions, Edison Draniond; Disc, Recreations cannot be played an ` any talking machine without injury, We canshow you. why. Come in and hear a demonstration Demonstrations daily. POWELL'S Big Variety Store` - SEE THE BIG DISPLAY OF EDJSONS AND COLUMBIAS. PHONE 55 IE IiHONE 16 ART'S PHONE urr.Cane Sugar. THIS WEEK. WE IIAVE RECEIVED A CAR OF PURIt CANE SUGAR. FEBRUARY IS CONSIDERED THE RIGHT TIME TO BUY. IF YOU WANT A 100 LBS. YOU HAD BET -- TER BUY NOW, WHILE YOU CAN GET DELIVERY MANGOLD SEEDS It is a Igaod time, to buy as goad 'seeds( are scarce, Yelitavv Intermediate IG cant White R.oyal Giant Sugar Beet Giant Long Red CROWN BRAND ;SYRUP, • Pure .and' Wholesome, Good ,food for everybody, Sold in pails ar bulk at per pound .I.Oc • URNI,P SEED; We have, a limited quantity of good seed,-, ,Canadialta Ger, Halls Westbury Renntile'i Derby. Renn;ie's: Junifbo RUBBER BOOTS Y',oln will need a pair Lor the wet 'sloppy weather. We sell "Mined^' i• Every pair is ; sold with a, tgutaaptiteel, PHONE 16 J.kis sir:EWARTk lyTt iF4 16 The Big Stone with the Little Prides