HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-2-21, Page 8MY< EXE FER A]I C1rAT : Changed : Each We dneaday q .. 2.16 ' 88 x"1aGa a 40 510 44.00 38.00 52 38't'o 40 50 34 160 to 1.85 17.75 per c? „ 160 » » 1lf,tt0 to ILO Wheat Oats Barley , Family Flour Middlings . Brain Creamery Butter Dairy Butter ,..,,.. Eggs..... Lard .< Potattaea per bag Hogs , Sugar beet pulp, My, pet ;on - SHOE BARGAINS 52,00t• tear Eli of No 1 Shoes to clear at a bra; reduction in price. H. BIERLING slay. 'DEET' THIN. DA'T'E in mind, alar, 'lith, -"The Rejuvenation of _aunt Mary", a !Comedy in Three Acts, In the Opera House, Exeter. Proceeds for The Soldiers' Aid Society. FLAX LAD WANTED r '00` The Ontario Fax Co. require ? acres of land for Exeter Flax Mill. Ilalf Laid Rental. paid when flax is sawn Apply JOE DAVIS telephone 13. EXETER FLAX MILL. APPLES. A car of Na. 2 Bairdevecins expected next week, Price $4,75 per barrel. Leave yo it orders at the store. As thus is a:snnail car we expect them to go fast. JONES & MAY. SHOE BARGAINS 52,000 worth of No. 1 Shoes to clear at a big r,.eiduction) in price. H.' BIERLING Hay. In spite ,af further advances in materials The Adr<locatle. is still keep- ing the subscription price at $1125 GRASS LAND FOR SALE. 75 acres o;i" grass land for sale; and also MassleyJH iris binder, good as new, 6 -feat cut.—W, T. Sweet, Exeter LOC' T G1. The Masonic Lodge meets Monday night. , Mrs. (Rev.) ,Baird is ppn, thle sick list at present. The Parkhill chttr'ch'es Wilk hold un- ion meetings for four Sundays to( c'onserv'e ,fuel. It has been impossible to draw woad for a week, but, luckily, the coal has been coming in. "David the Shephietrd Boy" Opea'a House, Friday +evsptiiing, Mareh 22nd. Keep this an mind, i12r. A "S, Davis;:has received vv roe d that his son, ;Private Archie, Davis, has arrived an !C1ang:fdaj and will reach Exetieir an, M4dday :next. A sleiglhll'oacl of meml4e1rs of the Snell and Eipibey families drove ,out fn Mr, and Mrs'. George EthlerkXgton's; in U:sbarane, on' Friday night and : spent an enjoyable'eventing. A beavp,, rai. ,osi. Man'day night and Tuesday took off a loot more of the snow. The drains and creeks are run- ning full, and the country roads, ex- cept where ploughed out, are a little &'or'se than last wieek, The Valentine -' Cartniva1 on Friday night was well attended and a great variety of costumes' were in evidence Trueman .E115att !von .first far gents, and Mss 'Verde Roweliffee 'thee first for ladies. MieSsrsi. G. Aiildelts'on, 'W. Powell and E. WilU.:irs ,were judgeist Mr, David 'Cantetioni iCliiniton had a ceommunicat,ion from Lieut,-iGolonl l Brown of Military District No, 1 last week instructing him that a military medal awarded too his son, Pte. D. A. Castellon; vvho was killed ,in action last sprit -1.o', would be priesejntted td hint shortly. BOX SOCIAL The Thames Road Red Cross Soc- iety are having e. Box Social and En- tertainment tertainment in the Thames Rd. church on Friday evening, :March 1st, com- mencing at S o'clock'. Admission 15c, Everybody welcome. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross Work..—Mrs. W. A, Turnbull Pres.; Roxiie Cann, Secy, ')Tr. A, G. Dyer. int!, in ,health, SILVER I3AR ADDED TO CROSS, 'Capt. Dr, Will int ht, wiio has been mtr France for nearly three _pears and about a year ago was awarded the Military CrOss, has now had 'siln ver bar addled to the Cross;, b reoog- nitilon of distinguished con.luct at the. Battle of Caner a ( Capt: Knight has beenthefirahing upst coml5(tantly right up on' Ln}es and ba.s rextdet•ed vwry im'p(orta'at service, SEVERELY BURNED. TRUB$IU' LT, ;te tidily improV- The talk' on Bird Life by Jack 'Min- ers in the -James Street School Raoul on Wednesday eveening of last week was thoroughly enjoyed by all.: Mr'. Miner not .only gave his hearers much infor,nvation. about the habits of ;the birds, but he taught a useful lesson to old and young that nearly all of nue• birds do a very )great deal more good :than harm, and they -should be protected instead of destroyed. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs, Walter Clark and family desire to thank the friends and neighbors': for their kindness and sympathy dur- ing the illness and liubsequent death sof the. late husband and father. FOR "SALE 550 to 600 oak and ,rock elm rains on Lot No. 14, Can,. 5, Stephen.' Sealed !tenders •will be 'received on or before February 20th. Gladman & 'Stanbury, Barristers,; Exeter RED CROSS MUST SAVE The executive of the Red Cross. So::iety of Regina has asked that lr the adv -ice Of the.Faod !Controller be carefully observed at any other- ings iv, the 6nterests off `tate Red Cross and that if the hos tess really wishes to serve food she should at least be careful not to use the commodities utast Ineeded overseas MAPLE SUGAR SUGAR WANTED. ' Evrerypound of maple sugar 'produc- ed this spring adds to the Load stock of the country at a timewhen every pound of ,food -stuffs is needed, Ma- ple sugar makers are sure .of a market for every pound ;of pure maple sug- ar and syrup they produce. COAL COMINGtIN NOW MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED ,bv C. M Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness ai IE1 Mr. John A. Hind, mankiger of the Ross Talyllor Co,; met • with a rnost tttfartunatc actalt on Thursday last. A. water pipe had become frozen and whine he was preparing to thaw it out by means cd a torch the gasoline in the cam, exploded and scattered over hishands and clothes. His goat and sweater saved his body, but his bands being unpnatected were quite severely hurried and he will be off duty for two or three weeks. Mr. Hind wtus in ,the engine aoom�,at the time, and after the explasiond'he im- medpiately;-ran outside, tore off hist coat and roiled in the sorrow, putting out .the flame. Some Savings `• in the shop caught fire', but •the blaze was soon :extinguished. MEMORIAL SERVICE. A 'memorial service was conducted in James Street Methodist Church .on Sunday, evening last in honor of Priv- ate Harry Windsior and, Private Elmore McFalts, who paid the supreme' sac- rifice in !France while- fighting floc' King and Country and all, that good` men old dear. ,Both ' of these young Hien were members of Mr. J. G. Jones' Young Men's Bible Class, and, the class attended the; sea -vice in a body in their hbrinlrn. The class also took part in the slerviieel to the ,•extent of rendering a Class Chlarus and -also a quartette by Messrs, Hiram .ShaptIon, Austin Fiord, Charles Gadbolt and Reg. Parsons. The service was con- ducted by the pastor, Rev- Jr. W. Baird'. who read obituaries of !these, two young heroes end preached an ap, propriate and forceful sermon. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre !farm for sale, near Exe- ter. with goad buildings, etc. For further particulars apply at Advocate Office, Exeter. MARRIED MAN WANTED BY THE YEAR -House wood and garden Free, H'igh'est wages Apply at the Ady<ocate !Office. We are pleased always to publish school reports. Out of town teachers can send reports by mail, encloektgan envelope and placing one cent post- age on same, leaving it unsealed, ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The Gila at the Canning Factory, is open and ensilage is offered for s ale at $2.40 per ton. Purchaser to pay !tar weighing' an R. R. Seldotnrs,scale. Exeter Canning Company ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. On Wefdnlesday !evening !of last week. a plealsant event ,tack placeat the home .of ide. and Mrs. E1il Snell, Ex- eter When (relatives iaf the latter met to honor her on ,the occasion of her. sixty -;third birthday. An evening sof social ;pleasure was spent, and the fialliowing address was :read by Mr. Robert.Dianey, the address being, ac cbmpanied by the pntiseln'tation of. an electric iron,— Exeter, , Feb 13, 1918 T10 Mrs. Eli Snelli,— We, your brothers and sisters ,and dons and daughters, have met here to -night on this your sixty-third birth- day to celebrate the; `same and 12y this re-lunloln wish to show you how, by your uniform kindness of heart, ytou .stiLl Ibold .all 'our affections. R. G. Seidian got in three cars of coal last Saturday, and it was gone by Monday at noiotni People in Ex- eter got x-eter:got little •chance,at this as it was quickly taken up by the farmers. who are able to team their own. Mr. Rowe and Mr.' Ma{nitlee` have, however, had ootever,had several cars each and Exeter cit- izens have been able to get coti-isiid- eralbie Of this, and no one now is without at least half a ton. The mild wealthier has made it possible far the railways td !shift the cars about more rapidly, and all the Lawns are getting- some ettingsome !al the black diamonds. The Treasurer of the,MuskpkaFree Hospital far 'Consumptives, desires to. gratefully acknowledge the following. c'ontributi'ons received in Exeter by the Field Secretary of the Naitlaonal Sanitarium Assiocliatio'rt,— ,Collections. $5.13, Jones & May $5; I R. Carling $5.00; Jos. Senior $3.00; !Times Rev. Baird. J, G, Stanbury, F. W. Gladman \,,T 1) Clarke, A E. Kuhn .$2. each'; J. D.°'Kestle aisd(wrlfe$2.50; Dr. R;aul- stan, I . Armgtrong, Harvey Bros. $2 each; C. Fi Hooper, John Hund, W. J. Statham, W. S. Howey, A Friend, W. S. !Cole, Dr. ;Kinsman, R, N Rcu'e W. H. tKestie, J G. lolne(s, Grigg Statiionery, Jas, Law;epn, W. Jr- Hea- man. W J; Beer, G. A. Hawkins, Cen- tral Hotel, AiiJss W. J. Dobson, Miss eat 'ave 1. 00 h '•�i. G. Quina Miss 1'. I-{ $ a Thong Rnaong loT, Jr Kestle, N. She,ere, P. • Frayne •50c.. each.. Total $59.63, We club with h a1 l the leading daily lY and weekly paper:. Now is the time to select your 1918 reading. LOGS WANTED MM. Basswood, Maple—$20. per thousand, delivered at Exeter station. Jiohn. Dauneey, Exeter. —0 -- CUTTERS --A few nice cutters nal hand. McLaughlin make, beautifullY finished and upholstered, and of var- ions designs and prices.—Wm: Ward, Exeter. HORSES WANTED T vv -ant an anlntmited ,number of We trust you may be spared by the Great Givjetr of all good to see many more !birth 'days, and map your future pathway through life be a happy and peaceful one. To show you in ,some small degree how we feel in aur hearts towards you we desire: you- to accept this electric: iron and may its usefulness lighten your labors: ;May: God bless and keep you in 'IIs carr is our un- ited : wish ho se:. b good condition,. Geldings 5 years nyd no; weighing Irony 1500 pourtla up. Maines from 4 yearsold. up. weighing from 1300 pounds up. Par de.•,having the required stuff, write. :or phone 83, Exeter. G, DOW. A IsASTiINGS Agent for • Canada Lite Assurance Company Also Fire and Accident Insurance. Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER, ONT. AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LINEHaving taken, over the Wat- "The condition (af " the .Fur Seals To -day byB;onnyca�stle 'Dale; "His First Duck" `'by F: V. 4Vitlliains ; "'The Civilizing of Split Rack" by A. Shaw; "Injun.'Devil" by H. A: Sturt- zel; ``A -Toilet - Sett for the Camper,'• by ,E. G. Br'ew!er; "The Old Time River Brigade" by R. J„ Fr.ase,r ; 'Wa nd erring Trails" :by H. C iad- doo; "A Hunt with New Bruns ick Gnide.s"; th1etle• ane some of the toer- ies and articles !,hat go to make, up the ,mini rw.iriteer. ;number !of Rod and Gun in Canada, published at W,oin:di stack, Ort, by. W. J. Taylor Limited, In addition to the above their Febi:u- a.ry'number .ciostaiinls under the head- ing of "Guns and Ammunition" two fine :articles by,;expert gunmen„name- ly Thomas K. Lee and Major Towns- end Whfel,enii Mr, \Lee is ,described by the editor ,of this department as "undiaubtedly !the I[innmest target shot with the 22 vine that has, ever lived” and his article can Repeating and Sing- le Shot Rifles will be read with, great interest by gunmen. TO CORRES,PONDEIvTS Mist May Idarnlesis visited at Lucan 'during the 'week. Mr. Latimer Grieve was home from Condon last week. Mr. Frank S1h,eere was in. Landon' nor a day last week. Mrs.` C, Wiilsion amid soli. ,of the West are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs- Jahn Lamport of Mel- ita Man. are visiting relatives in and around Exeter. Mir and Mrs. Wellinlgton Hera re- turned home Tuejsday evening from their honeyanooni trip. Mrs. Ralph "Brand . of Lonig'wiotsd, Ont. is visiting her parents,'Mn and Mrs Robert Mawhinjn,ey. Reeve Beavers and Utility Commis- sioner Hind were in Toronto attend- ing ,a hydro meeting last week. Messrs. S. M. and D. ;,B.,' Sanders have returned from attending the anlaer's Canivleintition in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Henn Ond son Welllinton •attend the funeral, of the tate Mr. Gunning at Zion to -day. kin's�A.ge.ncy from Mr. J. E. Gould of Mensall I ;am prepared to do business with all the old customers aztd others who have.not previously gassers the products I will be 'plea -seri to interest also. A full line noW in atony Goods can be procured at residence at any time. A full` Pane of Linaments Cough Rotted:es, Spices d Ectrac't Trvilet Ar,r e, always Write on., one side (rof ;th!e paper c> nLy, Mail tine t'a reach its Tttesetay \Tat, a.n ,n C.caelt week, or;soon,er, Anila ail items reflecting on per- sonal character, bat' senna ALL NEWS, !!Chetan off this, list'', 1 nay assist you tq remember an impar'' amt itetn Deaths Marriages Bi"rthr, Accidents, IC•hurcln licvvs, StIppc S lir Presen.tatalons, 13.e ridv't17,' `' lsttdrs; CO hand, Pnene aiders t' omp1,1q at- dodge News, (Fires, E. -Neter! faubtt, 1iti,�sloverrner,,ts; fended to. Phone 43 WM. ANDREW, Law Cases, 3"ire Crops,,. Travelling Salesman, Exeter, Ont, Schad Matters. JONES & 1YL $w Spring Su�t�, and boats The First Showing of Our New -to-'Wear Ready to EASTER IS QUITE EARLY THIS YEAR, SO YOU CANNOT BUY TOO SOON TOO GET ,T HE FIRST CHOICE. WE iLTKIt TO DIS- PLAY OUR.' SPRING GARMENTS REAL EARLY TO G,IVE YOU A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS. SPRING COATS SPRING SUITS Our !Gloats this sea'sion are very Right up -(to- e fit and swagger', 'Ile Styles and Cloths are " dnt tin style, finish, They are the niftiest Suits the .very peat. Covert. CIc and ' vn. ' ' • Beauti'fu Tweeds Cheeks; also Black we have ever shlav 1 Cliothis in Black, Navy, '' Bmnwirs, Blue Serges, Large Collars and Green, Putty and Gres. Fancy ibuttolrlst Coats are fairly long this year. SERGE DRESSES. We are shiowing a swells fine of Ladies' •Serge, Dresses for ` this Spring. Beautifully made in real fine all wool 'serge Costars of Black Blue, Br•aivn and Burgundy. Be sure to see them. You are "sure to" likes thamu. Our New Wall Papers I!fy lar have any idea of doiintgc any papering this Spring, come. inaad see our !beautiful assldrtnnetnt. We have the biggest range we evercaz; tied, and we ' will be only too pleas ed to thaw you .(them'. Wei have; paid special attention to Parlors and Living -Room papers, as so many peo- ple are asking for goiod quality papers ;for these roams}, Also good Bed; oam Kitchen and IT 11 papelrti and oiled papers for ;Bathio'onis. And lots of Odd Papers, ;to cleat•, out. Men and Bois' Clothing Men's , New Spring Suits Men's Tweed or Fawn Rainc.oftts Men's Winter Overcoats to - clear. Boys' New B1o'omler Sui's Boys' Odd BIotomer Pants., Boys' Overcoats to Clear. Shoe Department SEE OUR NORTH SHOE WIN DOW FOR ,CLEARING LINES • IN SHOES. „BRO'KEN LINES TO BE CLEARED OUT IN MANY CASES AT LESS THAN FACTORY PRICES. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brands' Clothing Men and Boys. Flax Land anted THE ONTARIO, FLAX COMPANY REQUIRE 300 ACRES OF LAND FOR EXETER FLAX MILL. HALF LAND RENTAL PAID WHEN TI3E FLAX IS SOWN. APPLY JOE DAVIS, Telephone 13. e. and Mrs Win. Creech are in. Landon this week .owing to the ill- ness of their littlre granddaughter. )Mrs:; Ella B. Link retunnied Satur- day ifrom a !six ,vveleks( visit in Phil- adelphia, Niew York and Atlantic, City. Mr, Ed, Flowalld w'hta was home in;, Exeter and also ifn: tGo)deirich onbus-.• iness last Week, has returned to St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mestle, ,of Law- rence Station here. here 'last week attending the 1tunneral sof the late 12r. Ralph 'Kecicly. Mrs, D. 3. Christie, ;who has been ,!siting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Bagshaw, left :doin:day for her home iv the West. Mrs. Wm. Hawk•slsow went to Comet don on Thursday to see her, grand - sen, Pte Roy Shoserbea'g belfore he left Inc aversaeas. Mr, Richard Seldlan, his daughter; Miss Annie, rn,nicl Mrs. Wilkiris`oni oaf, lrtgersoll. visited Mr. and Mrs.,R. G, Seld'on during the week. Exeter, Flax Mill e mitt, Ellitht TAILORED TO ORDER WILL BE FAR MORE BECOMING Yet Cost No -More Mts. Pyleand, son, Char]les,v520 .have'1 been visiting to Iles. all, have ,return-' eta: here to visit with Mrs, Pile's daugh- ter Mrs. Ernest AppIletan,, before leav- ing for their home in, the west. lyra, and Mrs August Kuhn and Mr, arid Mrs. Bert ,Clark spent several' day;, vt Creditan; during the week, owing to the illness and death of Mrs. IZ.uliin and 1Vir. Clark's father, the late Waiter Clark, SHOE BARGAINS 5'1,000 worth of .No 1• Shoos tc cleat• at a 'lits rlecltic trlah in price. 13I ERLIN G Hay, Furniture and Undertaking • ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND .FUR /TU RE DEALER MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness required, Tea 8 Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, f 'ultl, spteas, teas, coffee and evert thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality *ill convin- ce. Prothioe taken in exelhange Gould JAB. Exeter Bargain Store e u,r.�e�e•- We have a large number of Sults and 'Overcloatings that wait your arrival—a wide assortment h of, Fashions.. Chosen, colors,—sof hand Biome Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' Suiti s i„ the Finest we have, ever had, The studied exactness in measuring and becoming designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes produces a com- pleteness of fitting and a pleasingg- noss of appearance that a ready -ma de can never hope to equal, Na Lady knows how well she can, appear in a Suit or Coat uYritll she has one cut to measure, OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE GIVE US A CALL N She e '`e II, S AND GENT'S r AU.,OR' S,atnd Upstairs',, Opposite In; ventralHotel. SH CL.E for.. _ a i ,.04.s: IT WILL PAY YOU TO MAKE A TRIP DOWN TOWN AND LOOK OVER OUR LINES EXHIBITED. EVERY DAY WE ARE ADDIN G NEW LINES FOR CLEARANCE Window ,. C�`.. gut 0 �. oil Saturday, Feb. 23rd for Specials in Shoes per pair. SALE CONTINUES THROUGH FEBRUARY. 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON OVERCOATS'.