HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-2-21, Page 5Auction Sale J1vlr• ant, Mrrst.QODHAM xt rrf Pi1,glr i ROBERTSON STEPS OU' Bluff, /Man.,. with, their da,ug.ht�er Kate are, the gttests of Mrs, Wilbur Wynne and leer father, 5, Rieutley, -Mr, Adam Raredian of Detroit ask exr petted to return to 'Woadltam'.soon: and will take up huffs resiWdelnce per- ntanei tly Mere, Mr, Raredjo will eith- er Purchase one of: the' vacant houses in the village or r e'cve .it oat his Jot at t'he corner, or he may, build a rum residence, OF FARM STOCK & UV1P.IiEME1�lTS Ldt 9, West Bd. 'B1aashard, adjoin, ing djoa - ing Village Of 'I(ir 'icon, o+r TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1918 At 1 o'clock sharp, the fallowing%.-- Hlosses-Heavy draft gelding, rising 4; heavy draft gelding, (rising 3; gen- eral j-,urplasc, horse 10 ' years old ' 1 btoad'strang driver'.9 `year's old. 'Cattle -6 Durham icaws, due time of sale ; 10 steers, 2 J' carts old; 6 year- ling steers, 3 Yeeltjtio;gheifers, 8 sprim'g calves. Hay and Girain-15 tans good clover hay 300 'bushels mixed gratin, 25 'bush- els tivtheat, 20 bags ,plotataeis. Implenueirits-Maxwell binder, Max- well, mower, Maxwell rake, Massey.- ELarrila seed drill, D,ele,ri,ng 'cultivator, 4 sections iron harrows, disk harrow, land roller, scuffler, farm truck,, hay rack, set ;bobsleighs, Good, Shapley & Muir grinder, nearly new; Verity plow; rope, (slings and sling chain and other articles, Positively no tresierve as the prop- nietor is giving up 'thee farm Tennis -110 pend iunder, cash; over that amount 8 monthscredit on fur- nishing appr,aved -joint notes ; or b per cent per annum off for cash, in lieu of 'n,alles. Lloyd Watlkiom P. F. Doupe, Proprietor Auctioineer' E. N. Shier; Clerk: DENTIST Dr G F. ROULSTON„ L. D. S., D.i .S DENTIST M•ear be• cel 'the R. C. C.•D$. of Ont Honor Graduate Toronto University Office over Carling's jaw Office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR A. R KINSMAN. L.D.S. D.D.S Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MONEY TO LOAN We have a'large amount of private funds to loan on farm and 'village promerty a; low rates of .interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY • Barristers. Solicitors. Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING; B.A, Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for The Mai- sons tions Back, Etc. Money to loan at lowest suite, of interest, ' Offiee--Main Street, Exeter, • FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for- Counties of Huron and Middlesex. Prices , Reibonabla. and Satisfaction Guaranteed, :Crediton -- Ontario MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders st the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness C: W. ROBINSON ... LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND\ VALUATOR for Counties of 'Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm. Steck Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt WaaeWcros, next door to Centra Hotta Main Street, Exet-er Charges moderate and satisfaction rr` guaranteed YOU. CAN :SUCCEED CENTRAL STRATFORD:'' Ontario's Leading 'Com,thercial School makes success easy. We have three departments, Cammerci,'al,.Short- ban I and. Telegraphy. We give indiv- idual instructions end students may enterat any tine} Gradua't•es are placed in ;pasitiektlsi This is your op- portunity as ;there is a. great call upon us far trained whelp. Write at • once forparticulars. W. W. J. Elliott, D. A. McLachlan, President, Prie ipal FARQUHAR The anniversary of the Thames Road Presbyterian te ts Church ) w ill be held Sun- da1Feb. -24th. Servhces.lt 11 an Wad 7 pent., at which Rev. Mr, Mc Connell, M. A., or H•e(nsall will oc- cupy the pulpit. Special music by the chair assisted by Miss V. eiuxwor- tli'y:-Mrs, Jas. Harris has returned Tram her visit at Dungleinrii -Mrs. David Chesney: olf Wiinmlpeg. has been visiting her brother, Mr,' L., D. Ful - Auction Sale OF FARM 'STOCK. & IM'PLEMENT'S On ,Lot Cion}. 3, 'Ilabio¢tne, an Wed- nesday, FEBRUARY 27th at 1 o'clock sharp, the ifiallatviitg,- Illionse.s-Marie rising :8 yrs. oltd 1 mare (rising 7 years; 1 gelding ris- ing 5 years ; 1 mane rising 4 years; 1 filly ,rising a years ; 1 :gield•iing ris- ing 2 •years ; 1 roadster gelding, ris- ing 2' years, 1 iioadster fully rising 3 years. --- Cattle -3 cows due in March; .l ,caw due en April; 5 inelt>Aeaved cows,; 2 far- row cows; 2 heifers 'risting 2 yrs.; 3 steers easing ,2 yrsl. ; .9 steer calves heifer calf; 5 young calves. Saw due in March; about 100 hems, 3 chicken huts. Implements -Lumber waglom pr. sob- sleighs, buggy Massey -Harris binder, pearl in'w steel rake, fs ry g-n"I ) h cultivator, stiff -tooth cultivator. new; crarn cultivator, scattier, grain drill, steel mailer, set iron ,harrows, 4,4ec- falans; t3 wallking plows, rtdang plow manure spreader, hay rack, watgoa box ,,ravel box, scales, 1200 lbs.; fanning mill, pulper, De Laval 'cr,eam-separa- tor with power attachment,; 36 ft. extension ladder, cedar posts, 2 sets double harness, whiffletrees, neck - yokes, }forks, hoes, shovels and other articles Itoo numerous to met -ea -ion about 500 five ifscih, tile, anal 1000 four inch, tile; 150 feet ,galvanized pipe; a quantity •alfafa arid .timioth,y lfay; wheat screenings, some oats and mix- ed feed. Household Effects. -Wood cook stove churn, pails, bedrotam sui(iet; and rnadtress;''bed and :springs, cot and mattress, ihiigh. chair, ,stand, look= ing glass, chairs, lamps, 3 rag- car- pets, 'extension table. Terms -:$10 and under, cash.; ' over that amount 10. months' credit on fur= rnlshdrcig .approved joint notes! - Your per centoff for cash on credit a- mrou,:rts. C. • W. i}2iahinslan, Paul Coates •4uctionerer. Pnopriie Coates, ' Frank Coates, Clerk. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST, LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, who was at the commencement of the present, war and has since continued' to be,a Bi'it- ish subject or e. subject of aallied or neutral country, - may home- s cad a quarter-eec' .•t of , available Doinkuon land in toba,"Sasltatgh- ewan or Alberta. Applicant trust ap- Rear in .person at the, Domlaion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis tract. Entry by proxy may be •made on certain cortdititons. Dutieree Stiz month.; residence upon and cultivatioi of land ; in each of three years. In certain districts a homeetead,e may secure an adjoining quarter-siec- ' tion as pre-emption. Price $3.00 pm acre, Duties -Reside "six "months. la. each of three years after earning homestead patent' and cultivate 50 acres extra. May obtain pre-emption patent as soon as homestead patent on certain conditions. A settler after obtaining homestead patent if he cannot secure a pre- emption may ' take a purchaa- homestead its 'certain . districts. "ce ,00per ace. Dut' - st re - ,s ,r vcs ,i ,e three seach' the .s 4't six tnonlh , to at yeeate, cultivate 50 acres and erect a hdttse worth $300. Holders>, may of entriescount.time'. of employment ae. ,facru. 1''!iourers ie e °"; Canada .during 1917, as. r siddut- ies ies under certain conditions. When Dominion Lands are advert- ised or posted for entry,: returned sol- diers who have served overseasand' have been honorably discharged, re- ceive one day priority inapplying fot entry at local Agent's Office (but not Sub -Agency): Discharge papers must be presented to agent. IV, W.CORY? terier ' er of the n t r tst Deputy the>Mr l D y of . . nx n �r' d b" ¢tion t �- utho ze a tc 1 P this advertisement will not be paid Los MARRIAGE LICENSES LICENSES iSSUEr by C 11 Sander& at the Advocate 01 flee Strictly confidential; no witness r :c tion Sa,le DISPERSION AUCTION SALE OF PURE BRED • REGISTERED SHORTHORN CATTLE, SHEhP, SWINE, HORSES AND FARM IM- PLEMENTS. The undersigned owing to LnnabililY bo 'secure .suateible farm help, has' de- cided to give- up farming anal will offer far sale by pubic auction at his farm an Lot 14, Cences,silon 2, L. ia. S Tuckersmith, a mile and a quart-• ter east ref 'Kipp(efn...,and half male south, on` FRIDAY, MARCH, 1, 1918 at1 p.m.' 'the fioieeiv:in,g ' described peijsional property, • to ,wit, Hiorses-One registered. Clydesdale mare six years -of 'age, Laci,y Oswald (36032) One .gelding 3 years of age, sired by Colonel Graham; One geld-. ing 2 years of age, sired by Lard Armstrong. • Cattlief-Mai}es-Ona superior roan. bull. (Sch{oolmaster.111590) 14 months old one bull calf 11 months old (115- 825) : and one bull calf (Judge Holden 115826) five months old. Females- One 'moan cow, Lady Waterloo 2nd (98000), this is . an extra .finite cowl and is the dam aif ' Schlaalmaslter• One red Cow, Lady Duchess (104111)" 6 years of age One nod cow 5 years of age, Laura Duchess 4th,. (124982); One teed cow 5 }' ears ,o;' 'age, Pi'e Crust 2nd,, (104401), this cow has a bull calf ; at hat fold}; Ona red cow calved March 16th, 1914, Janet Mc- Laren' cLaren' (108332),this caw Chas a heifer calf at her foot; On(e roan header, Lydia J., " (113147) calved 11faroh 4th, 1915,: One dark red heifer Rosette (128064) ,calved August 1st, 1915; One el thieifer,• Mary ;Grey, calved'' July 1915; All of the above females have been bred and are supposed to be in call' to Shorthorn !bulls possess= i.ng tlic' merits characteristic of this noted breed. and all of the cons are goadamiikers and have all bean milk- ed by hand. Also cane' roan heifer, I-I'ighlaid' Mary (121981) calved ` Aug- ust 26th; 1916; One Inetd heifer Flora Macdonald (122706) calved 'October'. 16th, 1916; 'O.ne heifer calf Mary Queen of Scots calveid. May 1917; One heifer calf Annie Laurie ,(132799) cal- ved November 21st, 1917. All of the above cattle are recorded in the Dominion Short Horn Herd' Gook, Sheep -One two-year-old Leicester Rani. (17377). And also a number all pure- efl Leicester and Shro shire ewies ; and sista a number ,of "dross bred $ewes. S"r ne-One - ure=bsed registered tvi p g boar (45049). Also one.' pure-bred reg - is tered eg-istered sow, Kippean Belle (45178), hnp1ementi, One Massey - Hurrire binder, nearly ine•w`; ,omr-eaten Massey- Hou ris side delivery rahe, ho' lbw oarn smaller and bean. harvester, •enc plough. Dile 'set off ikon, narrows, one wagon,, set of sleighs, mower, drill, roller gravel ,box, set cloubie :harness dislc;''rrack, and other particles too numeiaiiti to "'nee nit ion,. Terries -A11 sums raf, ten dol;laa'; and: unties, C,ash,; laver that amount , six e tr.aantl.i�s' credit on furnishing ,„ ai?'t�P..vc:d bankable joint' }rotes. A discount at the rate of six per cent per annum alit for cash en cred,i,t''anuou•ttis. C. 'W. ,ROI3INSO,N ,Act. W, DOIG, l., .Le It. lareeeti 2 Refused Position on• Supreme War Gouncil. Sir H, IL Wilson I3ecomels Chief of the General Stasi and Premier Lloyd George Will Make Explana tion to Parliament Where It is Expected That Big Storm Will Burst. LONDON, Feb. 18. -Gen. Sir Wm. Robertson, Chief of the British Im- perial Staff, has resigned, it Was ofS- dally announced last evening. Gen- eral Wilson, Sub -Chief of Staff, takes the vacated place. Gen. Robertson was unable,, the statement says, to accept a position as military representative" on the Su- ,remo War Council at "Versailles, or to continue as' Chief of the Imperial aeaeial Staff withlimited. power. The 'official announcement in con- nection with the resignation of Gen. Sir William Robertson, Chief: of the liritisb. Imperial Staff, says: "Tbe extension of the functions o€ the permanent military - representa- tive decided on by tho Supreme War Council at their last meeting •at Versailles has -necessitated the limi- tation of the special powers hitherto. exercised by the Chief of the Imperial General Staff by virtue of the order - in -Council of January 27, 1916. "In these circumstances the Goy ernment thought it right to. offer Gen. Sir William Robertson the choice of becoming the British military' repre- sentative on the Supreme War Coun- cil at Versailles, or continuing as Chief of the Imperial General Staff under new, conditions. "GenSit 'William Robertson,soenyfor reasons which will he explained in a state.uent"wh^ch will be made by the Prime Minister in the House of Com- mons as_early as possible in the corn- ing ,week, oning'week, did not see his, way to ac- cept •either position, and the Govern- :iient have, with much regret, accept- ed his resignation. "Gen. Sir 'Henry Wilson hasaccept- ed the position of Chief' of the Im- perial General Staff. Th.e .appoint- ment of the British permanent repre- sentative at Versailles will be an- nounced in a few days." ',Most of, the London morning'pa pets fail to comment editorially on the official announcement. of Gen. :;ir William- Robertson's resignation as Chief of the British Imperial Staff, owing to the fact that it was publish- ed at such a late hour last evening. However, the news calumny'virtually agree that it will not, surprise the public. That the" Premier's ,audience with the King yesterday_.vas regarded as presaging such action was intimated by one of the evening papers in a late edition, which, after referring to ,the audience; ,concluded with •}lie paragraph: "If coincidences go for anything, it was on Saturday morning that' Lord Fisher (First Sea Lord) resigned."' Parliament will undoubtedly be a storm centre for the next few days. The storm will begin when, the mili- tary estimates is the order of busi- ness, and when, it is believed, the Premier will take advantage of the. occasion to make his promised state- ',Ili, remains to be seen. The view of several papers, not- ably the National News and the Sun- day Times, which -,publish statements to the effect that Gen. Robertson did not resign, further confuses the situa- tion. Indicative of the feeling which apparently w,as•written before the are, '.iouncenient ' of • Gen. Robertson's este-Neaten .and is headed "Our Chief , Staff," says, after referring to in- uee, cabals and conspiracies, •,iieb, "in some quarters are develop ng dangerous' dimensions," that 'thank God for it, the"effort to drive out from the service of the state the, Chief of the. Imperial .General Staff, Sir William Robertson, has failed of its purpose. The paper adds that any thought of changing Gen.. Robertson's posi- tion, or ,curtailitig osi-tion,.or;curtailing his powers, "should be put out of mind at on,ce." ' On the other hand, the Weekly Despatch, under the caption "Tile War Situation Now," appearing on the front page directly after the olfl- e al announcement of Gen. Robert- son's resignation, -says that "the most fateful crisis of the war" has been, ached and adds: "While the pacifists and antiLloyd eorgeites in Parliament are talking, the Germans are bringing up division after division as far as their rolling - stock. can bring them from the east. The military fact, and not any per- sonal issues arising out of the unfor- tunate Versailles controversy, a chap- ter which is ended by the resignation of Gen: Robertson and the .appoint - :trent in his`place of Gen. Wilson, Is the thing that matters. It is of the utmost importance that in meeting this : blow instant decisions shall be `aken. Tho old, ineffectual way of referring for instructions to Paris, i,oudon and Rome, means deliberate- ly handicapping the allies' counter. trategy. By the time the instructions are received the mischief` may be •tone•;,, Fighting In tiro Air. • LONDON, Feb. 18. -Great aerial •ic:tivity on Saturday is the subject of .-n official report issued last night concerning the operations of British airmen. "Over five tons of bombs were trooped onvarious;; targets," the ,ta,tetnent saydi "There wasmuch ail'' `Fourteen. German machines, ` tarought down and seven others wcre�i_ a,blecl, while British anti -air - t di:i» , :raft', guns. ihot down, two other ma - :tines, one oi'�w hick, a large bombing tiachicr fell izisi�ie the British lines; 'its four ocau ants v e.. retaken pris'- u�tA nolrerCerman a oto 10 e r mak- ing" - itg" the seventeenthac untod for rutiigthrday, in addttiit0 these 1..3ibled,landednear:¢ Britb~taero.- ' ironic; Its o,ecu p ants -were ca ired. p r, °trn ltrHi'h nar,'hines are miesit0 44 is nor bi9 is the bac of my Soap Trade" ne t'i.Pt•, IN. CA N A,t,� a I The successful grocer wouldn't think of doing business without the new, bigger Comfort Soap bar. It's the economical Soap that people want in war time: ; r.• Bigger bar -without premiums dowithout reniiums irl warr'tirne butyou certainlywant all the You can p � good soap you can get for your money. That's what we thought when we discontinued premiums during- the' war and gave you a bigger Comfort bar instead. -We're glad we did. It's what you wanted, PUGSLEY,' DINGMAN & CO. ' •`LIMITED, TORONTO 0:" iiilin', 1 1 1; i�s�i lit111111 -S : i inti 11 ii o I�� I putl�! •e�ll�i�el €imil lltniti �1�iid����lE� i i. i11111i r� � i u 6 IIu 1. f ��l 01111 11111 , l'5,', Lino of Duty. Uncle Luke had neon over into CO home county to sec the son of his old master, now grown to ripe age and 'judicial ofce- "Lake, how dope Mr John look?" asked the old gentleman ' "He's get. ting stout, eh?" "Yrs, sub, ' agreed Luke. "Ah will say (Int w'en Ab saw Maser John ev'y buttdn on bis ,int -'rent was doin: ate duty. ash "- Nee Yore Post • Hardly POSBIbio. "•raandlorti• want rs ties tnscriptton on your wiodowpar.-7' "Some say it W11, „ r trrn.ri'iJith a diamond by the pee ceee,er mit oar ers say the euthem,i+•i, v t'- '105111151 ' "1 think so myoelt \\ 111 -re would a poet get a diamond Louisville Con Her-Journat. It Had a Charm: "1 do miss Mrs .vanes 10, tom ms, all ttre news of the (parish "'Oil, that was uniy eossrp no trutn, in it1" "Welt, there. 1 tetia to ear it. Trutt or ties, twas alt 'awe to tue."-Lon Ion Punch. Artistic Temperament. The Prima's Dusband 1 see a Stock Beebe nee seat nate ,sold tor .e5e,o00 The }'rime 11y. new 1'0' Ike to situ In that nouse:- Nem York Post_ Odd Temperament Physician eee yuur ei):nent at$au Itite rest is .+ sinr' riva non,- 130n,9! But, doctor, my ..1 ',tom won't take ;cat quinine fiutnie. Express It 1s In }:ren as in •soils wnere some times there is a vein or gold which th.- tywner knows not of.- Swift PAR'KHILL-Mr. W. "' J. Mitchell. broke his 'leg on Friday at this ware; Mouse A grain car had been placed on the siding to be loaded wiith, grain from the avaneh,ausjej, When "passing ,into the car to inspect it the beard that was Iaid from the pla,,tfprm to the car broke as he was lust step- ping into the car. Hte 'was thrdwn forward and his leg came 'against the Giron sill of the car, cutt`(ng his leg and breaking the front bone about fourinches below the knee. It will be several weeks be((ore'he will be around " WHO WILL WIN THIS BATTLE?" , Your kidneys are the filters of the body. If they become inactive and fail to elites irate thewaste matter, r theyare apt to, throw • the whole mechanism f the body ant of order, thus toxic poisons can at... • eumulato in,tke 'system and be u deadly, as • make venom. Besides causingthe' minor ailments of rkenaisstism, .seistiea, lumbago and back, *eke, neglect of tke`kidne?s le apt to develop into more serious diseasce, ouch as diabetes or stone in tke bladder. Bid the body of toxic poison• -clean the bladder and kidneys and cure the. twinges of rheumatism with Anuric .and you win the bottle of life. Anuria was first discovered by Dr. Pierce, and has benefited t o usands of sufferers as well as appeased raid elinin nted the ravages of the more serious kid- ney diseases. Now proeurable at any, good•drug store, or send Dr: V. M. Pierce, Inealida' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., or branch office, Bridgeburg, Ont., 10 cents for trial package. }Thorold, Ont. -"I ' was wonderfully helped by taking Anuric.' For about , three years I had kid- ney trouble and rhou- matism. I also had backache. My limbs would swell and 1 had rheumatism in my arms and hands. My hands wouldswell and 11\ o:tba teEle \9ooriantcsee lndw" doulidm yIb: woeourslkdo. vi They would pain 'mo somethrttg awful. I fI doctored but without relief. e. At last saw 'Anuric' advertised. 1 began its .uso and two bottles completoly curets Ino of *11 my rheumatism, alai I think it was permanent for that was a" year ago and 1 . heap never,; had any ,return of this ail- ment. ` I have never felted a medicine go good as ' An irie',' "-Mae, it, lL• Hu?rrr. STAFFA-There passed , • away al his late horoe here, ane of the early settlers of Hibbert, in. the persea of Joseph S. Norris, aged 81 years.: De- ceased was Morn in Ireland and came to Canada with his (parents when a boy, and settled in the township in which he 'died, nearly seventy years ago The funeral was held from his late borne on Friday, and the remains tvere laid at refs} pia the Staffa ceme- tery. Deceased is survived by a }wife, our daughters and one on, Albert J. Norris who lives on th'e home` stead,. Mrs, Win. Fawcett of Fullar- toa is a daugbter. FULLART ON -Mrs, • Jamieson, an- other "early settler of the Torwtn)iliip of Fullerton palss'ed away at her late hone, lot 36, north Thames Road, on Wednesday, Feb. 6, at the age lar' 88 years Deceased was the daughter of the late Arr.y McCurdy, of Belfast, Ireland, and came to Canada in the year 1850, and shortly afterwards' was married to the Iate john Jamieson alt Fullrartan, who predeceased her thirty years; She leaves to inourn her de- parture a large circle• of relatives and friends, among them being her three daughters and on'e son. SCHOOL REPORT OF S. S. NO. 11, Stephen, far January. The average marks are given for Arithmetic ` and spelaing,-Sr., IV., Lucy Greb ;87, Jr. IV., 'Ervin Greb 68, Sri III., Adel La - :fond a I*i 76,Jr.'III Rut1v "� e t J WrJ,I, r 81, Har- ry Gre77 WiUfrid 'Ada,ms+, 52, Pearl Lafond 46, M.tllveiiha Wiillert absent. Cli(fford Link 70, Jr. ll., Edna W,illert 75, Bruce , Wzllert' 55, Ellaeen Willert absent, Leonard Greb, Sr. Pt, TI.; Clinton. Adams, Mina Wilbert; Jr Pt: II. Anna Ste pha,ti, Leslie. Adams, Sr. Primer, Lily Grob, Elgin Adams,. Mildred White, Emery Wilbert; Jr,Pr. Violet Wilbert, 'George White. -S. E. Kleitn,foidt, teacher, HENSALL At the official • Quarterly • Board meetin held in the "Methodist Church on Me day evening last, the Rev. , F. 'Knight,pastor, S extended ,d the p was xt n ,ed an, invitation' to remain, for :his fourth year, -Mrs. Stewart' McQueen was taken vary suddenly ' ill and the roads werle in such ad ¢impassible condition (hat Dr, Peck had to walk : several tailed We area pleased to. ,learn et date •af writing -that Mrs. ,McQueen is improving „fin,icely.-Me. Thomas Henry Garry of Yarkton,, Sask., is visiting relatives and friends in this section. -Mrs, Alex. Ingram ir,, re- cently underwent an operation at ,Vic- toria. ,Hospital; London; and' is maks ani?' a goad recovieryr•-Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks have been visiting with Mr. and 11Mrs. Geo. Brook's: -Mr. and Mira D. B. McDonald have been. visit- ing relatives en Sts Thoma -Mr. Val ore Dodds of the Stirling Bahk 'is can- (hied to his room, owing to a slevere „ attack of tattsilntist--Mrs, i HughJ: McDonald was in Landon consulting e ec. ah ts` as . . p rn1 s to ankle • trouble, -Past Minster's night, will be held ,in: the Masonic Lodge soon} here' am Feb.: 25 -Mrs .J, Men, Wiulsan, who has been visiting in,her-;fprmler home town fhc,, cf St. Marsreturned last:vveleL., Library is only a en one daya-week rb y Y p .,, now, natrielly on Saturday, .in. order to save..fuea--Rev. iyI'cGarurgli of Carole' Pries'byeerie') church is to preach an tsiv'ersa`ry ser`vic'es rim, Thames ' , R,' ,1 Preeby'teriaa cuhurch an Sunday next. ZURICH Mr. Oscar Sinuous of Saskatchewan visited at the homeof -Mr. C. Fritz. -Mrs. C. Fritz left for Seberingv;lle on Thu,rsday to.. visit her sister, who is ,seriously iL-Mit W. L. Siebeirt has ,received mend of ,the death of his brother•-'ttrr law, Riev. Daniell Rier- der of Conrad, Mohritainta.-Mr. Ross Johnston, who lives West of Blake, in Stanley township, hsold his 15'0- acre }Farm' to Mr, Louasis Brisson, gen- eral 'm'erchant of Drysdale, who will get possession i¢>_ April.-Leut. Mon- te Holtzman, formerly of Zurich, has returned overseas, in charge of a draft foam the 1st Battalion, 2nd C. ea : R. EVERY HEADACHE HAS A MEANING If there is one practice more danger- ous than neglecting a headache alto- getiror, it is taking drugs simply to ntu :b the pain. Headaches are nature's warnings and serve a useful purpose. They tell of a function overtaxed or deranged and the wise mai or woman 1 takes steps accordingly. Wheu the Kidneys are not performing their natural function the blood stream becomes clogged with impurities -a fruitful cause of headaches, conetaut headaches, and more serious complaints if nature's warning is not heeded. The sufferer feels sluggish, unwilling to work, the back aches and there is a dizzy,'sensation-on stooping. If the, cause of the trouble is unchecked, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Swollen ;lr::ts and f:Ideas follow, until Gin Pills, are resorted to and the Kidney action. restored to normal. The beauty of the Gia Pill treatnrnat ie that first it will in all pa:bala7ity remove both headaches and c c sc; second, if there is no cure, the sit pia remedy can do absolutely Ito Barris ,nc1, you have only to write the mai. tfac- turers and your money will be telt, -lett.. Gin Pills are sold at 50c. a box or 6 b axes for $2.50 on the money -back g iarantee. If you have any difficulae- in securing Gin Pilis wrier for -. free sample to the National Drn a a, Chani ea- Co. of Canada, Limited, Toroi,.o, oc to he tT. c address, .Na-I7rt:•Ct 'rte., n,. ! J ffal NY. 2 b fest, 3u o Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEYIENTS There will be sold by Public Auc tiian at Lot 3, Coin. 9, Hay 'I'p,, an THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1918 at 1,00 o'clock sharp, the fallowiag- Saock-1 General Purpose mar 5 years old; 1 heavy horse 5 years old; 1 -mare, 12-4year load, in foal to Parole 1 5 -(year fold Plerclrferr+o.n mare; 1 heavy colt 2 years old; 1 foalsired by Parole; a crow 9 -rears old, due in May ; 1 cow, 3 -year ;old due in June ; 1 craw 3-{y;ears, due in July; 1 6 -year farrow caw; 5 calves, Implerr eats-aMcCarnurck bintder, 6 Root cut; Massjey'-itiarrus' mower, 5. ft, cut; steel ironer, Deering .fertilize,r drill, all above nearly ;naw; 12 hoe drill. Hassey -}Harris cultivator, ' Bes,- Peau disc. McCiormi,ck rake, Xenia- plow, ;Fleury plow No 21, pais, bobs sleighs, nearly ,}stew; cutter, buggy;.:. wagon, hayrack, gravel box, Chatham rannengmiill and bagger, grindstone, net iron harrows, Standard separator Na. 4, ;pearl} ruew`2 'setsd bl harness, one nearly inleev; set single ,harness nearly new. 1. ¢viscid cook stove, 1 coal at' wood :'ba4 Numerous other articles. ' s. Terms -Sums :of S5 and under,.cash aver telt amount $ 1n>♦anfilhs credit ea riava ed joint notes, on g`u't:niiishlitig app Jo tm- cent,pet ��: anenun 'i' .. },}tris 5 ,,per1 �'1uno itk lien r` f motes. ,z ,„.•„ � ...oautsa, Jas, ti+Ir AtrctIo'noer Pras1 aea iv. Frank Coates, Clerk;