The Exeter Advocate, 1918-2-21, Page 1- THIRTY- FIRST YEAR EXETER. ONTAB,10, THURSDAY FEB. 21, 1918 Our Garner. '(2anada uses snare wheat \ per cap- Ita ;ban any (other country in the wertd. Human. consumpton of wheat in the Dorninflan should not (exceed 5.4 bushels per capita per annum". Ca- nada has beiea using wheat at the rate of about 9 ,..,bushiels per capita, each year.. It is not too soon to begin planning for your own gai den. this comity,- sum - mei. This winter many a lionie, has had its expenseislightened beeause eit ilotatiaes. carrots, turnips, anions and athe,r vegieftables grown itat year. Tthe call for food s growing more insistent every hour, If you have no hand of yaur own (look around for same ,Plot you can cultivate tNs spring Every bushel praclucect means some- thing to youreflid 'and a,n addition t the country's wealth. ' Atthe present time, the Military Hospitals Commisslan is'sues an arti,- ficial arm with with a wiorking hook which is capable af holding a knife fork, or pen, and by which a mart can dress himself, eat for write as 'well as with his own handl, It holds tools and :picks up artieles. It ia known as the utility hook, and one man working in the factory served his time and became -a journeyman plumber with a signiliar tool. The hook can be iexchangel, d as desired by the wearer for a gldvied hand ,with a Nvorkable thumb, With this dress band a, inert can hold ,an umbrella{ or a valise. or carry his' ,cat on his' arm comifortably. Recently a in:eel-10dt in a rural town happened to 'see a ',farmer receive a blOY., at the depot and noticed it \vas from a mail (order 'house. Healso noticed that the gdods ;Were right in his Mne and the a.arrei hie; had carried for years. He tionnediatieliy approach - the farmer and Lsaidl, "I could have sMcl you the „goads \you have here fyrIe,ss money than the mall order house and "s'a.vied you the. S -eight." "Then, Why don't you clo so, ' said the ,farinter. "I (have -taken the local paper ,for a year and thave not :eon a line about iyou „seallng these or any other lgooldia. ;Ilse ,anaal order house sends advertising platter .for myCtracle and they .get it. Itf ylott laave any bar- gains, why clan't you put them in the PaPer,Sla we can te what they are?" PHONE 816 "In God's name, What are eggs and tea 1. Compared with final victory ?" Old friends axe. busy ;congratulating Mr Amos Doupe ofiUsborae, the ,r en- ial secretary-ctiettsurer of the Rtrk". ton, Agricultural Society, on his elec- tion as district director of the Fairs and Exitibit'ens in district No, 8, complising the counties, of "Middlese,X Elgin Huron and Perth Mrf)oupe was elected by acclamation at the big meeting an. Toronto last week. He an, able man and will do Cull credit to the po'sition. f Have the Best. Look them. over. A MEASURED SUIT. A MEASURED OVERCOAT. SEMI -READY . CLOTHING, MADE-UP CLOTHING. HOUSE COATS. UNDERCLOTHING HATS CAPS SHIRTS SOCKS COLLARS TIES BRACES-. HANDI<ERCHIEFS GLOVES ETC, ETC., ETC., , ETC. Taman pilaf Ftr 171 \ haindned ten dollar bills of the Melso'nS Bank have been raised to one -hundred dollar ,notes and many are now an circula;Vicim The forger, Who has made the change is believed by the bank authorities to be an ex- pert chemist. Theraised bills, which have come to the bank, shorw that the cipher added to the .ten on the bilis was printed in by pen and ink The bills were then. bleached and by some chemical 'brought backto their original color, to that the change can- not be detected even by an expert. The demon-al:elan of the hills was, still, however, indicated in lettering, but they were negotiated despite this fact. Hoarding is one of :the new words of the war. It means ',staring int ex- cess of tnequindnuetits, especially of fads and fuel at preset* Now- stor- ing and laying up a prudent supply for real needs is not a crime. In peace times, but the man pr woman who wilfully and coo•ly decides to -day to stare more food than he or she would buy iit ordinary times ,js's committing something that has the moral effect of a crime. He is ;also „helping to raise the price to lhims-etlf ftrture supplies Often people will buy large quantities of foods without thinking of the wax lin which they be,,,deprdssing lothers. 'Every patriotic Canserlian will do well to resolve.. that he will "play the game" fairly with his neighbor, and with the severer classes, by purchasing food only in niaranal quantities (wide the ,present emergency lasts, and by discourag- ing hoarding wherever he finds evi- clence of it. BOYS AND GIRLS CAN I-IELP. • Seventy -ane thousand boys and girls of school age lasit year increased the agricultural output of Ontario to the day night of last week, under the/ value of $125,000. Every farm boy and girl this year should he encouraged auspices of the Patriotic Society„ Was a complete success. Apart from the worthines's ,of the „abject the affair was most enjoyable". - There was an abundance of meat pi; apple pie, and in. Tact many- otherkinds of pieand everybody ate heartily, while the pro- gram following was a -fitting climax to such an affairs The . proceeds ;a- mounted to •about $105, which Will be devoted to patriotic purposes. Local News If The sleatli took place at 1,2,egirta. on February 10th Of Mrs. George "I'. Rob- inson, ',formerly 11.1liss ShiPleA of C1611 - ton. Death was very sudden as he R D Hunter sold a white six-wet:tics had heArt well np to the day oil- her death. Be,sidies the husband she is surVived by three. children -Mrs. W, W, Hunter, 'Aisask Mrs. Fritsley and W. Robinson .of Reglnia, Mrs. tittrtter is the wife of Mr. W. W: Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter Of Extete,r, calf to Mr. Torn Russell of Toronto tor $100.00, The thaw off Tuesday got a severe cold on Wednesday, and now we, ;yak on, ice, w.hein we. ars abla tot walk at all. Mr Samuel Beaver of London Road Norte has been confined to the house for a couple of wieeks owing to 111- nesls School was closed on...WedirtsSday, owing to the fact that ,the water backed up the drain into, the base - mat on Tuesiday ,night and put out the furnace fine. The firemen took up the -engine add pumped out the . water. Lucau Sun --"`Mr. George Bawden received one day this' week a certifi- cate that he had won two more prizes nemely-cup, donlated by S. te. Alc- Dougall, Ottawa, valued at $25; also sliver spoon givien by S, F. Gourley of Ottawa. This is a high showtrig-- nine , mins with ffive birds." Ptroespect for a fair peach crop in the Niagara Dasltrict is announced by W. A. Mc,Cubbits, who has charge oT the,field labratory of pkant, pathology, The buds are ;fewer than normal he says, and are not al/early- as large ar well cleirelo,ped, but. the prospects so far are n'olt at all ditconkaging.- Word has been received here of the seribus illness of Mr. Jahn Case oi Toiranto, tformierty a res,ident of the Landon Road North, and who, moved to Tar,dnita eight tyears ago e hie has been. in, a very low condition, for some time, caused by hemorehatte of the stomach, and verly hop e is en- tertained for his recovery. , • . CHARLES DYER HARRIED. A quiet wedding took place ,snIzeb. llth at 7 ecloak p.m. at the home Of the bride's parents, when Mr. Charles 'Dyer- olf Belleville, son of Mre Alex. Dyer of Eieter was 'parried to :Miss Olive Emburse, .Mr. ancl Mrs. Dyer will reside in. Belleville. 'Ile groom's many fnienfds here hsartily congratulate Charley and his bride,. and wish them esiery succeSs. ENJOYABLE SUPp.h.R.. _The Meat Pie Supper given in James Street Methodist Church on Thurs- to rear a pig, a.'catlf, a batchof chsek- einti, on -to, grow a plot of potatoes; beans. corn, or. vegetables!. CANADA'S WHEAT CROP It is .estimated that Canfadarskvhestit crop last year, in:eluding the yseld iru the West. and Ontario wheat, was a- bout 215,000,000 bushela, .A careful survey has shlown that, an; Dec. 1st, in additiOn to seed requirelments, the amount of Catnp.diain wheat en route this side of the AtlaWic was about. 112,500,000 bushels, of which 8,500,000 bushels were in the United States en route to the. Allie(s'e This estimate included a (constiderabie amount Of wheat still in the farmers' hands ier THE BIGGESTICIROP EVER. The 'Dominion Minister of Agricult- are, Hon. T. A. Crerar, has been, in conference with' the provincial prem- ie,rs oT Canada, rand through_them Iii hopes to halve Canada produce this year a monster crap'. . The minister has fset forth the objects of the cam- paign as , - "To plant this Spring every -acre possible of wheat, oats, barley and rye. "To bring tinto cultivation every acre passible of .new laind for a crap in 1919, "To increalse cattle, hogs and sheep to- the (greatest passible extent, "To 'secure cultivalit''''an ofgardens and vacant lots in towns and cities with a view to raising', the maximum 'amount of 'vegetables'. " {ere?, ertennrage every household in small towns and vallaiges to raise one pig through the :season with: a view to Utilizing all ;garbage if or food. The provincial fleovernments Ore asked ta assist in procuring aind dis- tributing seed, help, traetcirs, etc., and do everything pofssible to secure a bumper crop.; ENGLAND'S SHARE IN THE WAR A paragira.ph an the Landon, Daily Mali,gives the real ,Cacts about the large share taken by Brzglainicl isa find- ing recruits Loa- the Empire, Armyeand is being \vicltely quate,c1 by the press of the world Sir Auckland Geddes itt . , hes Irecent speech gave the actual flgttresi. They should' kill once LOT all the lin about England escaping her full 'share lot the turcifentf The total British 'forces raised since the. be- ginning of the war ave 7,500,000, Of these lEngland has given 4(,530,000, Scotland 620,000; Wales 280,000; Ire- land 170,000, tand Over 900,000. e remaaning naiiton c oasis na- tive fighting troops, labour on,d Other eca:ps ifrom India, Africa and other Dep,n,c11cnci4st Let us seduce these figures to a prospolltionate percent,' age, ScOtland comes out at 'the head of the list with 15 per cent. This will surprise no, one ;villa knoi;vs how the, villatges of the Highlands have given up -Levety manof iightirg age. Wales comes next with. 14 per cent. "Galla.n1 Little Wales" deserves her title. Then comes Eing,T,a,n,c1 with 13 1-3 per cent.; It elated with under 4 per cert.; arid the, Overseas 1)otnin- ions with 6 pet- cent. Had Canaria recruited in the Sain a, 1)1100,911' tintaS England and Wales she WM11,1 have raised 1,000,000 inert I)IED IN VANCOUVER The death tools place la Vancouv-er on. the 1411i February of a former Ex- eter boy, Norman W. liodgert, FOin of lefts and Mrs, Archibald Halgert pf Regina, after an illness of some years front muscular rheumatism. De- ceased was about 28 years off agee 1 -le 'was hiOell in Ushorne Township and learned the hardware bPsine.ss with T. Hawkins & Sans 'Exeter, later going -to London and Regires, and a year ago to Vandottvier., Besides his father and mother he is ,surveved 1)y two brothers, one of whl DM is over- seas, and two sisters. The remains were interred in Vanc,ouver HOME FROM THE WAR. Private Fred Tucker and Private Earl Mitchell arrived home on Monday night from England, and were met at ,the station by a number of relatives and friends, who had heard of their coming Private Tucker enlisted irt the 161st Huron Battalion, and went to England With that battalion, shortly afterwards going; to France in a draft. After eervinss several months in the trenches he ctintracted rheumatism and was rendered unfit for further .ser- vice and sent bacls to Canada: With the es.ce,ption of the theumaticetrouble Private Tucken is in fairly good health At present he is staying with Mr. Ti H. Newell, Private Mitchell enlisted in Londo•n in the 33rd 13attaltionewent to-Englaraci, and then,ce„sto France af- ter the battalion was broken up, He was two years- overseans and . several months in Francet He was put out of action by a piece of shrapn,e1 that passed through his hand, and left the thumb and first finger stiff, Earl -took unto himself a wife while can,- valeseine in England,'and she arrived here a month or so ago , Pte. Mitchell and Inc ;rife aa e staying with the for- mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs, William iVfitchell at the Meltro'nolitan Hotel. Exeter welcomes back the bays who fought foir us in Flandeis Fields. FORMER. RESIDENT DIES 1N BRANTFORD,. Word was received .. here front Brantford on Tuetsiclay of the death that morning elf a former well-known resident oil! Exeter, Mr. .Arthur IIas-: kins, at the age' of 63 years and 6 months. Decleae,d Was taken ill on- ly Friday last of pneumonia and the end came rapidly,, The late Mr, Has- kins Was born an Exeter North, and resided here until the Verity Plow Company moved to Brantford about twenty-five 'years', ago, and hin aeC0111,- panied t.isean, Mr. Haskins was a moulder by trade. He` learned. the business liefee with the Verity Plow CottlPsnY and continued to work with them tip to the time of his eComing ill. Deceasted ;vas v,ery . highly re- sPected and leste,'"rmield., He, was ainan of strict. integrity pleasant and agree- able in dispo.-'''ttictin, and ;vas no,v,er Imowit to say a idisingirteable ward about any mad 110WIRIS 01 talthfill member (Of the Methodist Ch It 1. h, and membier nit Exeter Lodge. of Odd - fellows. :Besides IsiSi 'wife, who, was formerly Hellen Rowe, 1 is survived by live brothers and two sisitte.rs- Charles and Edward of Chicago, Rich- ard of fKirkton, Gearge of Woodstock and Nelson al. Aberdee.rt, Dakota, Mrs -John aad :Mrs. Moses .Amy ai Exeter, remailas will lie bi-:slight. here on Th 01 evening anti tlic tunelial will take place from the rcisidence of Mr, .rtiofs Main Street, on, Friday, at 1,30 oielostk she fontanel heinet tinder tits ears' of the 0dd8elillow-s, :0'NEIL--BAWDEN. The wteddires of Mis•s Ma5 eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. BaWdeit of Lucan, formerly at Exeter aad Mif Arthur .O'Neil of McoresvIllie vlraS solemlaisted at St.' Patrielc:s Church, on Tulesiday, February llth the Rev. Fathez Hagan performing the ceremony, only the immeld:hte friends of the young couple being present, The briclei was asstisted by her sister, Maud, and the groom by Mr. Patrick Flanni.ns of McGillivray. The groom's gift tathe bride was a necklace set with diamonds and pearls, and to the bridesmaid an emerald broach. ',the young couple left on the afternoon train. fol. Cfhratihaan and Detroit. On their return they will reside on the groom's ffarra at Mooresville. Their numeious. frieridS join in wishing them a bright and prosperous wedded 1Ste Crediton WHALEN Delath-The death took plac2 here early Tuesday morning ot an aid res. - tent, au the person, ot Samtral (Juni-t- it* at the age or ,72 years( Deceased had beolr 111 of pneumonia, not ov'r a weets stud the disease, developed very rapidly. His{ widow is alsovery 51 O( ti the ,samei dread malady. 'f he late Mr Gnutraad had resided ti -re all his life and ,was highly esteemed anid respected by a wide circle of friends. fn religion the was a Methodist and in. politics a staunch Conservative. Mr Gunning was twice married, first to Miss Naito, and later to :Miss 1.-1.Lgg, and she with one son Melviille ur- vivels, Six sisters and two brothers also. Survive,- 'Mrs. James, 1-lern, of Ex- eter Mrs Parliasole of Granton, Mrs Squires cif: Greaten, Mrs. Parkinson of St Marys Mrs:. George =son and Miss Lucy of Whalen., Albert of Wha- len artd Arthur off Kir:14ton. rha sun- eral takes place to -day, Thursday to Zicre cemetery. „ . is reparisestl that the. Patriotieand Red Croat Tunds \sit% after the aext sessio'ct al: parliament be suppart- 'cci by general taxation(s This is cer- tainly the fonly 'equitable, way to raise these funds. -Many persons do not upp or t the .volun,tary giving schemes and the ,only way to reach themis through taxation! A woad bete was held in Joseph Heist's bush on Thunsday, by the members of the Evangelical Church for the purpose. of cutting wood and hauling it to the church, . Mr and Mrs. Freeman. Morlack,, 11sliss SybillatMonlock and Mr, and Mrs. facol,f Schwartz have returned from Elktoa, and Pigeon, Mich., where they visited nelativesstfor a few weeks. Fred. Wuerth Ed. Feltner and 1-Ierb. Eilber wene itt. Glades -lel", last Friday on business, Mr. Thomas Trevethick has been s.ppotinted Ditsrion Court Clerk and Eli Law'son as Bailiff of the .'local court. Mr, Lewis, who has filledthe pasitton of clerk ,Of the court for a number foirtyears with credit to him- self and the comanunity, tendered his resighation to the D,epartmeeg on ac- count. .ai" illi health'. We, congratulate the newly. appointed officers, a feel satisfied they win, give every sfatigfaetilon to •the public. A Meeting of the Quarterly Board of the -Methodist Church, held 1Iast week, Rev. C. W. Baker,was tender- ed atn invitation to remain al/Sather year. He was,. al suOi voted a present of $50.00, as a slight token of the c,orsgregation's appteciation of his ser- vices during the past year, Rev. Bak - and family are webi thought of isa this villa,ge and heighboielsood and by his earnest eride,avors there. have been quite a humbler of members added to the church. Mrs. Louis Raymond has returned to Buffalos after vis{iting her mother, Mrs Bed. Either, for a few -weeks. Mr. Janes of the Bank ,stabf is vis- iting his parents -in Wypaning for a Lew days. On account of ,the acrety/ene gas mains being friazien the Service.s of the Evangelical Church have been held in the ba's'ement the past week. 1Y1.r. and,Mrs. Herb Heist of Pigeons Mich., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jahn F. Smith. 'Miss Horan Of the school staff has resumed lifer duties after being ab- sent for a 'few days in Seatforth, where she attended the wedding of her sis- BIRTHS Seelgrove-In -Brinsley, „on Feb. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs/ Harry Snellesefve$ daughter.--H,ellen 'Kathleen. Seintoeder-In McGilhvrsay, ou Feb. 7, to Mr. .and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, a -- William Gerald. Sanders -In "raroato„ an, Feb. 15th, to '.11•fr. and Mrs Fred J, Sanders, for- merly of Exeter, a son. MARRIAGES Essery-Neil-At the home of f the of the bride's parents', on•February 20, by Rev. W. A, Finlay of Cen- tralia, hri Wtii1san Essery, on,ly on of Mr arsdfIVIrs:. John Esser y ,sf Us -- borne township, to Mass Estelle Neil, deugllter of Mrancl atIrs, Thomas Neil 'of Centralia. We are pleased tot state that John Firakbeiner is improv'mg in health Death Of Walter Clarlst-Once mare the grim reaper has entered our midst and rentovted therefrom a high- ly respected citizens itt the pe.rson ouf Walter Clark who died on Monday morning, the '1.7th inst, after an ill - or three weeks, at the age. of 61 years and 11 months., The frleiteas - ed was well and favorably known by eve,ryone isa this ,distriet. His remains wet° interred in the Exeter Cemet- ery on Tue,siclay afternoon, the Rev, C. W. Baker Officitatsng, The hearers wens chasms (fibm the, local court of the I.O.F. of which the \deceased was a member. He leaves to mourrc his lass his wiciclw one daughter, Mrs. A. 'E.PICurbin ,o,5 Exeter, ,one son, Her- bert Clairk at Exeter; four brothers, lames of Ciediton, Thomas of Dash- wood, William Of Wilartan and Sid- ney of London' and two S. is t e ra, MVS, McMuriay of Winnipeg and Mrs. Wm. CP>LI1hO 011 Taranto, besides a large number at other relatives and friends to whoin is extended tilt: sympathy of this community, Mr. and Mrs:. Geo. Lawson , land (family: who have been visiting with ieilativeS and friends here Or 50010 1:title 1 el rt. Wednesday for their home a.t Artland, Si Is,, where bIt. LIM SOT} result-Li`,las te hat duties. Oa Wednesday ev nine,' last the' S. J' 1 Clafse, of the Evanseelical church not at the home of 1-Ittist and all leed a very social time. 151 MARR1AG-E LICENSES ISSUED Eice Strictly confidential; no witness C H Sanders at the As' rocatt SANDERS & CR.EhCH )yep--Ernbury-At the home of the britle's parents, oin Feb. 11, Chart Dyer son, of ,i12r. Alex. Dyer ot Ex - ever. 'to Olive Ithnbury Fox -- bora. O'N eil-Ba‘vdten-At St.' I? at riit ic 's ,Church, an. February 12, by the., Rev. Father Hagan, Mr. Arthur LO'Neit ot Mooresville, to Miss Lillie, ,May, clsL est daughter of Mr, and. MiT:"Cieargo Bitawden, at Lucan,,i formerly of. E's - It eter. DEATHS Hole el t. -In, Vancouver, on Deb, 14, Norman, W. Hodgert, formerly at Exerter about 28 years of age. Hoskins -La erentforci, on Feb, 19th, .A.rthur Haelsins, aged 63 !rears, 6- iiiotnths Grec1iton, on, Feb-, 17, Wal- ter .C,..tark, aged 61 years, 11 months aird 4 days. Gunning -At Whaled{ on Feb. 19t1i, Samuel Gunning, aged 72 years. Mille -In /Clinton, pa Feb. .9th, John Wesley Mis, aged 59 years and 7 m ell ths. Jun.ar,-In, Clinton, an Feb. 9, Hector Tuner, aged 67 years 5 Months. Norrris-In. Stafta, an Feb. 6th, Jos- eph S. Norris, aged .81 years', jamiesloa-In Fullerton, lon Feb. 6th. Jamieson., aged 88 years. NbuTiS -In Hibbert, on Feb. 10th, Jas. A., infant facial of Mr. and Mrs. John Nerris, aged 25 days. Whitworth--Irt St. Marys, on, Feb. 10, 'Elizabeth Stionehiause, relict of the late Henry Whitworth, aged 78 yrs. Maynes-On F„ebt. 8, at Lucan, John e*Maynes, iin this 86th year, Martsbail-In Elan.shard, on Feb. 11th, James Mairsall, aged 83 years, 4 months and 27 days. s IN MEMORY In loving memory of Lola B., young est daughter of J. \WS Taylor, of Ex- eter, who died Feb. 15th, 1917,, at St Joseph's l -bo London, Ont. Although a year has, gone Since last we saw your face, Theernemory of it Mtn; ,hplciVidierar, F;or (nanglht- cam, take iits place. 'Tie only those who have, lost cant telt The pain of parting twithaut fare:Well We miss thee and mourn thee in silence unseen, And dwell oa th,e memory off' datys that have beeps Father, Mather and Family OUR BARGAIN SALE GOES ON. SPECIAL OFFERINGS TILL END OF FEBRUARY. IN OUR PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT WE ANNOUNCE A SHIP- ment Of New. Edison and iCaltunbia Records , Needles, Etc. Among, the best February recordings are these : EDISON "When the Bonnie, Bonnie Heath- er is Blooming (11.1, return Annie Lau- iie to you) by Glen. Ellison (50,403) - Battle Hymn of the Republic (82,- 133) Thomas Chalmers( These are stirring patriotic numbers - John Ander. sod My Jo. -We'd )3etter Bide a wee, 82075', These are Scot- ch: songs by Christina Miller. COLUMBIA Blighty (a 245)1 fleligoland (a. 2443) Medley of War Sorigs (a 2428), These are popular Patriotic recard,s,. To hear them is to want theme Do•uble 85, each. 10 New I-Iawaiin and I-Iancly ,Orch- estra selections. Edison Dramond, Disc, Recreations cannot he played an any machine without injury. We canshaNv you why. , Came in and hear a demenstrat ion „Demc,ingrations talking POWELL'S Big Variety Store SEE THe. BIG DISPLAY OF EDISONS AND COLUMBIAS. PHONE 55 PHONE 16 ?HONE 156 ur ar THIS WEEK WE HAVE RECEIVED A CAR OF PURE CANE SUGAR FEBRUARY IS CONSIDERED THes RIGHT TIME TO BUY'. IF YOU WAN T A 100 LBS. YOU HAD BET- TER BUY NOW, WHILE YOU CAN GET DELIVERY MANGOLD SEEDS It is' a ig,00d time, to bay as good 'seeds( are scarce, Yellow Intermediate ,Giatet White Royal Giant Sugar .Beet Giant leo•ag Red CROWN BRAND SYRUP. frttee and Whelesome. Good food for everybody., Sold in pails or bulk at per pound 10c, IURNIP SEED„ We have, a litnited 'quantity of goad' seed:,--( „Canadian Gem's Halls Westbury Rennin's! Derby .Rennie's 'jumbo RUBBER BOOTS You will need a pair for the wet sloppy Weather'.. We sell "Miner", Every pitir sold with a ,guar/alate.4 PI-IONE, 16 STF W11/4 *, 6 &Le ,4 The Blig Store vriUa the