The Exeter Advocate, 1918-2-14, Page 1THIRTY-FIRST YEAR
Our Corner.,
A pt'ew !meats aha- the man who, got
in enough coal to put him : through the
J ,11 b.
svinte,r was ciarnsidelre"d thaiftyE, 1.4tow
the :same chap is .Hooked upon as be'In,g
a close relative 'to the 1'am,-,\ Lli,
I1 rite. 'bus.ness Men. of
' i I Canada and
the wage earners never have any--
thing Iwiorse 'ta put yup with than. a
COW heatless days while this ower is
on, they will have cause, ,to be very
According to pin agreement betstreen
the Ontario G;olvietrnme;nt and the Op-,
position thele will he. no election in
Oiltaria ,Lintill after the war, The ro,-
position was made IV Kr. Wm. Proud-
float, leader of the Opposition, and
' accepted by Premier Sir Wm, Hears tt
Details are to be arrang(e'd by the
two leaders in confee`rence,,• .
A high authioriity on 'sliipp_ng an-
nlouncos in regard to plans which are
beiing prepared !for -building unsinkable
cargo steanishlilps that devices have
been pelrlfected 'which it is possible
to include at 0 small texpeinise in the
contstruc°tian iolf,,sthiiips and that re -
Quire only a few welelei aaddi;tiolnial
time in (building. These devices, he
,says, will enable a vets(slel to remain.
afloat despite two, torpedo explosions.
A: H, Musgrove, M.P.P,, for North
Burton. has 'been appaitn'ted posti-
master (tar Wingtli•am, a poeitionithat
has been open. for nine months, since
the d'ea'th IOC C. N. Griffen,' It .was•
onlyafter muccih persuaiilaa that Mr.
'Musgrove r
ave canisrented Ito aet. rept the
his plasittra]>. I -Ie vv'a11 trlelsi�gut Xaa seNat in
the Legislature, to ,which he was t:Lrst
elected in 1908, Mr. Musgrove taught
school icor 34 years. Hie spent ane
school term in ,E ee't-ea- ,sone years
During 1917 fire lassies Canada
amlialented '. o $23,251,604. The Dec-
ember loss was over four millions of
diolllar's. The Inum'ber of fires re-
ported itotalled 0.4,092, but over 500,000 o{ , b $15,-
dam;age .resulted from 76
fires. One hundred arid ninety-eight
erstons were burneid to "death •duriin•g
the year, 'exclusive. ,oif lives lost by lire
in the Halifax disaster. Over eighty
per tent, a1 the. fires in; Canada ?
easily previergta'b?te. Will 6rlou help to
reduce the ' numTlieri in ,1918?
PHONE 81a.
Al cn and Boyt
inter Suits
Trans still continue a little late
and srometimes a little more late,
Owing to 'thle heatless) days, making
us sihut up sloop on Saturday and Mon
clay, we acre a dray date in: publishing
The Advocate this wek We were.
�I 1
no takcing any chant~e louv that $5000
liiae. •
Tho ?piion Advertiser has a mug
disp!osi!tupu7, :: new. f:mils
fault with, the fuel c,ar,:tre+ller for ,not
k yawing :'th,aIt the weather would he
mild an Saturday, Sunday and Ilion
day, the heatless days
T.hey' telt us that infrequently, hap-
pens in the West that after a big
storm the iman off. ,thee house has to
crawl • taut, thtrou,g'h the chimney to
shovel the. snow ,Grout ties doorway,
T1ne ,necen.c 'storms here we -e not that
bad but they do say that ante man
on the Lo'nndon'Road hail to take out
the top 'sash of •a window to got out
to do (the trick
Pay up your old accounts. This .i,s
the time of the: y;ear when all 1917
accounts should be paid, D,onot
expect.'the business man to, carry you
forever.. You are anxious to get your
own money. Gtet anxious to give the
other felloow his. Business mien .in't!his
town are carrying thousta,nrds 01 dol -
lairs ;on their booksj, Pay up, and be
thankful 'that they carried you so
�,, p ibaker f establishments
using :five tbarstels of flour ,or more
per month, and standartdizatiten of
bakery products, is prow -tided for in
an larder of thle food conitr. olle,r. • The
order makes it illegal, an and alter
March 1st, Ifni- any baker to make
bread, n;al's, pastries " ar otter ' baler
er•y products, without written permis-
sion ,from the food coinitrolher, from
wheat ,flour, other theta the standard
flour already -presciib,eidt. In Ontario
licensed bakers 'may manufacture, and
self bread io weeg.hts, for 12 and 24
ounces to 13 and '25 ounces, which
shall be net weights, un!w,rhtpped, 12
hours after baking._"Aceeptanc , y
the bakers of returns of bread,_ or
other bakery products are alsopro-
hibited. Annual llicense .fees are pre-
scribe':` varying ;ifram $5 to $1
We Have the Best.
Look them over.
ETC, ETC., ETP,,u,TC ,
odor urner
G, :Bougie—i' Bryant writing tram
France to Mrs. Samuel Pars•oas, says
,part,—"Ii was very 'Idnid indeed cif
ytau sal thunk o.. sa manly' of us thr.s
Chri fids. I' you ,:oaild )roti seen
letter in
th•e presence. of 'only the ii meadia
the ,1the pleasure }tau ave ate relativeis Of the carrltrisctiiog par-
woilld unnecessary: You must be
Local News
Mrs, Burwell has returned from a
"is'it' i•n. Unl.loin,
Mess -es Clarence. IVIorley a1St, •
Marys Clifford lfrllett q Lon:l.lomt'
and ,Oliver Davits 'of iZucicli, band:
clerics ware borne for the healle'ss
Exeter Council anmt+oelclw[teod Rtreocl .$6C8r,5o5s,s ivpuhurcphos\vesIl
be c
Cecil" Baskerville. Injured itis leg
tali Thursday while putting utting a heavy
rack on, the sleigh and was, olf work
for a few- day's,. He is now on duty,
an the bus again
'1 he Idle Ts' Aid ackr(ow-1e.dge the
rec,eipi ,a1" the a:iliot'. u`rn,g 4m;on{4ys, —
Draw and auction at 'night ggown 53.75
Col Race Lecture 3.25;County r Coun-
cit 47.50, January Collection 50.95 ; the,
Band Night 40,15, membersihiiP fees,5Oc
dtonatian 1.00
An ianpres's';on is current that the
stares are, to be elos'ed- up every Sat-
urday and Monday for some time' to
dente. This is plat correct, and all
stares 'and tplaces •at ;business in town
will be Open as usual, an these :lays.
The illethodnst Suirclay Schools In
Exeter, Feby 9th, 1918 Address and •Prosentatiour.—"Thurs-
cial •
A sl meeting o1 the Municipal. day' afternoon, February 7th, the Lad -
as called b the Reeve was • <' • oil: :, f. , antg .
d y le., Amt o. flit.. Das!Ia,waNpd , Lvan��al-,-
held in the office of the clerk. All the cal Church, held, their regular meet
embers present, ➢:tug' •
at the home �f Mr, a,nd it
The regular meeting night .being Janie::, lylclralls ,Ito.ive ex-re'saarnri of
Monday, Eeby 11th it `seas decided, to the high which I\Irs', Mc -
'take 'u the regular routine aft busi- Falls •s held th.e I a res' Aid.
`P • b li 11 a C h) ,. dI, A
ness, the minutes of the meeting suitable,pnogram was rendered, tidier
held Jan, 28th were read and, approv ` which luruchbwls served and the soe-
ed. iety ,put on record their cheep reg. ets
Communications,- at losing such a valuable member from
A "circular and other letters ire- their numbers. Mrs. l'IeFalls ',vas
garding a Joint meeting of the Hydra made the rreeiplielat of a china hiatuit
Electric Railway Association and the jar, after which salve ,teeplieid :a %i t r'e
Ontario Municipal Electric Associa- but, ,suitable pna;nner, thanking mosttion together with 1lfunicipal repre- I sincerely Itihe, iodates for 'their much
sentatives interested in Municipal ap rleciater'i gift. The ,Gollowlaag ad -
affairs, said- mectinto. be held e
af.La „'in dress 1ss nva.; jreacL•-
Toronto, .Tuesday, January 12th, „ , c load -
Per Tlo, Mrs. Mary McFalls ,tram tli
Per Penhale Elston -That the Reeve des' yAeoe, sac iaty of the Evan,geli-
attend the meeting. Carried. cal Church, IDaslhtr+'laa3 Ont.
A letter from the oily clerk, Guelph Rec: