HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-2-7, Page 7The'Cause oi i 1I Heart Trouble Faulty digestion i tithe on causes S generation of gases in the l stomach which inflate and: press down onthe heart and interfere n with its regular action, causing faintnessand pain. 15 to 30 Curative Mother Sei e1's Cara ve Syrup after meais sets digestion ' right,which allows the heart to beat full'and regular. RHEUMATiSM A IvlYSTERY This Trouble is Rooted in the Blood and Can Only be, Cured by Enriching the Blood. Some diseases give ixxunurltty from i another attack, but rheumatism woiks, Just the ,.other way. Every attack of rheumatism' invites another; worse than that, it reduces the body's power so that each attack is worse t' iaxt the one before. If any disease4ieeds curing early it is rheurna:tism, but there is scarcely any disease : that physicians find more difficult to treat slccessfully. When a medicine does cure r•heunatis therefore it is worthy of special noti Medical authorities agree that the blood becomes. thin'with alarming rapidity as rheumatism ' develops. Maintaining the quality of the blood is therefore a reasonable way of prevent - lag and combating rheumatism. That it works out; in fact is shown by the beneficial effects which hollow the. treatment of rheumatism,' acute, mus- cular and articular, with that great: 111 c0, blood tonie,'i)r. Williams' Pink Pills,' That thousands of people- who have taken Dr, VJillms' Pink Pills fo their rheumatism have been cured i a fact beyond dispute, That rhe matism does not return as.l ng long as .t4 • blood is kept t rich and red is. ' c u` L?olall 'true. If therefore, you aro Bufferin from rheumatism in any form,- yo should lose no time in giviug Dr, Wi liars' Pink Pills a fair trial. Mr.-iA E, Hinton, Western'Ave., To¢•onto Practijea1 Desi g'ns p Miecxrs, • 1`1II MESSINES ClII:ANI) STAND, . ��r CANADL N TIMBER QROWTH. How a ver.��. ' rop liar �n . i a , Canadian laatglneer � (Wirer • • In Prance. Yields of 30,000 to � 45,000 1'Vaichetl the Iii" I''ighl, ' Board Feet Per Acre Are Common. Prince Edward. Isl ii The featured pai'tioipant ol. thi., ' Lt. -Col. ,1, B. White woods. man - story was a Canadian engineer officer: --�•-* i ager of the Riordan Pulp and Paper. Th -e tale call .never• be proved true be- l?�dr. !'tI. ., „ r, ; Company, 111'ontreal, and for the peast eau the C,E,O. 13 a,5 since "gone over''' c�,ent:.l.tlt 1.f.114 what two ea • • � in•� � ry � \ � x,s c,haxgc, of forestry work Dodd's Kidne poi-5 'ill � pfd in En land and France, stated recent - For Biol. ly that if yields of 30,000 to 45,000 board feet per acre wore frequent in France, as his own investigations had They. Gave Him Quick Relief From hown, the he seemed no reason why Canadians should tolerate the relative: Headache and Backache—He Re- ly small productivity of timberlands' commends them ,to All Sufferers, fn Eastern Canada where soil and, climatic conditions were notdissimilar cape 19ginoiil, I?.17,L, Jan. 28111- 8th - to those of France.' One lot meas (Special)-17ocld's Kidney Pills haveplot, urecl by Col. White, .contained 100,000 numerous friends in this tight little board feet within an, acre, Such a island; and a'lnong the Most;'enthusi- showing did not tend to increase our astie of Iliern is Mrr.`"'Nfathurin Arson- satisfaction with Canadian lands prop eault, of this place. I clueing only two to three' ; thousand "1 s'ecommend Dodd's` Kidney Pills boarcl.'feet per acre, never; to return. - He was stationed to front of ales - sines Ridge. His'work as an engineer attached' to the .Efritish Army had car- ried him to this position and he cQuld go no further. As his work was com- pleted he was just waiting 'eoupd for something, to happen. A British artil- lery officer happened along. "Now' that everything's finished, when is it coming off'?" he asked the gun officer. "We're going to touch 'er off to- night, perhaps," he 'ep1ied with a twinkle in his' eye. "By Jove, that's bully. Say," he to ally wtho sulfur;" Mr. Arseneault "- added, "where cavi°I find a good seat says "I had been iroiibled with ileal- Isis many years since' there was The artillery officerpointed to'the, ache. and backache about two years , MONEY ORDERS " on hand in:Ontario so generous a win - crest f is till 1 !'cad in Dodd's Almanac low ' Buy your out of town supplies with. ter supply of both grains and general o a hill which at that time w� g many ,sufferers lead benefited by using Dominion Express Money Orders. roughage, with the exception'of corn, being methodically' • shelled by the Dodd's Kidney Pills, Five dollars costs three cents, which is lower than usual in bin and rl good'ff decided. to send, for tvvo boxes, silo, says a, bulletin of the De ;rrt- neat s a jolly view but its Before I had finishedIt matters not what non mel of Arr t 1 > ,� taking them I a money cxop� t € c tlture, too nt,ar the orchestra he laughed.ou low iv r „ , ' .; „ was feeling as Well as eves, Y , ' , g e your sort a change. s Oh, hat 11 be,all right, was the x e- "It - , Th , x oc a •x ne r• ,.ce ni ro en NOALW --,',4C'14--tn./.7=',Z LJIM AI `�'r,'GF oS! rue.. 3100, vliiT s1' l l,.o it �• Af!V iV0 MADE iN .CAN` IJ ply. e Boches will be too busy to - '-"' g-�`� pleasure �� mow, a few wo d f J constant! Th 1 I t i s o ) odd Kidney y P lis." Y The wi l t _ p g vv o -is. u � ,', y u rn pe a who fell of benefit's " s well as for his received- from opene t )e For the youngster attend o the hill . J About eight 0 „A h st be All over the'fsl rnd o f d p pie and humus in the soil keep the soil.In cold weather clothes pins are air clock when the Biit y ginning to wall:, ish ons o n 1 f relininar brother guns pe ec or. a p Y Dod'd's Kidney :. o' tea •i , g a few years older, thisdesign bombardment the Hunbatteriesto - dney Pills. They are'recog- soil to other roots. r when soakved, This can be salt ant it is particularly Stoll- sized as th r ed by p Y good. McCall Pattern ed incl -,.the . - e standard relnedy fai kid first sciakrnl, the pins in and p engineer tool. himself u a ou him until ne s' 1 put a porridge saucepan n7isairzLAIIMovs mellow and friable and the sub to freeze to the clothes and caus 1- No. 7738, Child .Bloomer Dress. In �' p ney ills. Acting .directly on the kid- neys, aid Minns s Liniment Ciu,e Garet in cows water. on the hill Tie looked b t h' t'1 3 sizes, 2 to- 6 years. Price, 15'eents, weary;" la down ah y 'trey refresh and uivrgozate those Y, y w in shell hole mgan,s Th It th t they do When you says:—"Up to:about a year ago, my (l _wife had suffered for nearly three years from rheumatism, from Which she suffered; greatly. She had been under the care of several (lectors, be- d et s Lr d sides spending dollars on advertise cures, but did not get any relief. On day talking to fellow $ � ow clex•lc, she sof her sister had been cured of thi trouble by Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills Although net feeling very .hopeful took two boxes home that evening anc wife to fry them, By the time they ware used they had ,done her so much good that she required no pressing to continue the treatment and after taking six or seven boxes she was completely cured. As I have said this was about<a year- ago, -and she has had no return of the trouble since, I feel very grateful for the im- mense good Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have'd'one my wife, and I hope other sufferers will benefit by her experi- ence. You' can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six bores foe• $2.50 from The Dr.` Williams', Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. THE FIRST BRITISH BARRAGE. The Effect of a Concentrated Effort on the Part of the Artillery. The Boche batteries were celebrat- ing the new year—in fact they were a little previous, because it was but noon of December 31, and the year was ,' 1015 -at Ypres. • Ever since daylight the Canadians had°been having a beastly time of it. The Boche five -point -nines had been coming over with unceasing regular- ity .and the x y e British artillery was re- plying with a. feeble fire. They claim- ed shortage of ammunition and in re- ply-tothe repeated tedc calls a ]s from the in- fantry for shells they' would sing out —".You've 'ad; your, allowance." The Canadians got pretty mad at this continued shelling, and a friend asked -a, gunner whether they couldn't do something to -distract the Boches' fire. •1 That's all 'right," was the' an "this is Fritz's last day. Wait till to-. night!" He waited -this friend. Exactly at the stroke of midnight pandemonium broke loose. It sounded . as though all the •express trains in the world were running overhead. And well it slloulci: Thirty 12 -inch ' howitzers had been rolled into position during the day and were at that moment flinging half -ton projectiles onto the German batteries. The British bombardinent went on for twenty-four hours; and for three weeks afterward ;here was not a soli- tary heavy German shell fired on •that sector, Which all - goes to show an- other form of tactics—the holding back of shells for a concentrated ef- fort. Soap for Wounds. Common yellow soap; the kind used byshousewives in washing clothes and dishes, has been found; to be,a wonder- ful cure for wounds in French hospit- als ancl\its use.' has spread to the Brit- ish medical. stations. A' solution is x made from a cake and injected into soldiers' wounds, even in the 'latest in- stances into the deepest bullet' holes, where it has proved itself to be a su- perior antiseptic to hydrogen peroxide: and most other; germ 1d11ers and in ad- dition` a strangely effective healer of torn tissues, ' • Wounds treated with soap need few er.dr.essings and lessen pain far more than do wounds treated,with ' other antiseptics. :chose facts.greatly expe- dite the work of the surgeons, who can handle more men than, when usiiing. othelt solutl.ai.'fi,: Not a minute should be lost ri •b „c t. now in' looking up your ,seed! supply for '101.8 .planting. pP y to sleep, Early in the morning the big ` .. ' e` resu' w a 1eY ,l to soak always fill i 7017 •. l .. 1 g g tlr�eix full work of straining all -the the im-- Y t with water. ANGER, 'TUMORS, LCT.vi>?s, ETC. g n guess r awoke. 'Half asleephe tried to dis- , u Year is g out gain b3^ our h treatment. vv -t of the blood. That; is why Dodd's Y not going to be as good as-.tl cern what was happening. He climbed 'Kidney Pills are recognized''as a rani average for crops. All the more reg- out of his shell hole and 'stood looking�' son to do your best work. at the ridge. Ten Thousande~ Suddenly there went up, one after Substitutes. the other; a number of enormous Ten thousand substitute food ar sheets of earth, smoke and flames, ' ides' have been introduced into (ler vvlrich rose slowly until each formed a irony since the war, according to a huge mushroom. Apparently they statement made in the Berlin news were a mile high to him • *v. J guns stopped fixing suddenly. He The prevalent��^y1 prairies all the seeds of disease d p' $ s is that next d/ internal and external, oared v✓ith- t A splendid idea is this -for an over- dress, to be worn. over a waist. The three-piece shirt is in round. or;einstep. length. McCall Pattern No. 7617, Ladies' Overdress. In 5 sizes, 34 to 42 bust. Price, 20 cents. These- patterns may he obtained fr'onx your local McCall dealer,'or from. the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. :WINTER WEATHER HARD' ON LITTLE ONES Our Canadian winters are extremely; hard on the health of little ones. The - weather is often so severe that the; Mother cannot take the little one:out for an airing. The Consequence is that baby is confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes colds and be- comes cross. and peevish, Baby's Own Tablets should be given to keep the little one healthy; They regulate the. stomach and- bowers and prevent or' cure colds. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by marl at 25 cents a box 1 lz•arn The Dr."Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. " REPORTING THE SERMON. Opinion of a Highland `Hostess Re- garding Her Lodger's Shorthand. A kil ted regiment, g while on 'the march in a part of Scotland, halted for a Sunday of rest at a remote village in the Highlands, and some of the' brawl addies were billeted on the in habitants. One; old. lady had to find lodging for two of the soldiers, Sandy ands Ta;:n, and she was delighted to know they were going;to the kirk in the evening. She herself was tillable to go, and. her pleasure increased when one of her guests, who happened to be an ac- complished writer of shorthand; pro- mised' to tell her everything that the minister said,in his sermon -although she had her doubts as,to how he would be able to remember it all. The two "kilties came back from. church, and Sandy read the sermon from his notebook, to the admiration and astpnishrnent of his landlady, who lead 'never heard of shorthand, and could not understand- how 'anyone could write as fast as She ; Minister spoke, When Sandy had finished and the good lady had expressed her thanks for the privilege of hearing the ser:' iron, she asked him to let hei.' look at the book he had been reading from... She seemed much disappointed, how ever, because she 'could, make nothing of it. At last, after a close inspection of the mystic signs, she said to the blush - ng warrior: - "You're a g'r'and laddie and a versa Bade reader, but I must tell ye, and if I was your Rain mither I wad has to admit it, t'o're`the verra vvurrst writer t i I even came across." 2r e p onion, 0)10 cup bread crumbs, two tablespoons drippings or savory fat, one, cup cooked tomato, nli0 cup cook- ed rice," stilt, .pepper.. Bake the 'loaf in a Mode/eat 0ven• twenty-five min- utes atiil sere ); with pireenta or ;r'een pepper sztu.c0, Peanut andi Cottage Cheese hree-quarters cup kidney hernia,- one up cottage cheese; hall cup ground attracts; one. tablesphbn chopped xe t horn rt e .us before too late, .LDr, 13ellrnan lfedicel Co., Limited, Conine:wood, Out. IVELL 'EQUIPPED -NEWS Pa1Er; and jog?, printing plant in Eastern Ontario, Insurance carried 51.500. 'Win go for 51,201) on quid. sale. Box .59." -Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd.. 'Coroxtio.' papers. by Professor Juckenack, o—o-o—o—o--o— o —0 -0—o-0---0-0 ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, it q 1 0 ° No foolishness! Lift your corns I Then he was knockedhead over: prominent German food exper`t,, He. ° and calluses off with fingers I heels by the shock of the explosion, He mentions as the most striking ex- -It's like magic! was stun -am les -of successful stunned for the moment, but soon p substitution the o—o—o—o—o—o—,o—o—o—o—u---o-..-o realized his position and roused him -following; Artificial butter, eggs, sa corns hard corns soft corns or self. ' To him it sounded as • though. lad oil, honey, milk, coffee, tea, sugar, an Sorend on s a corn, canr, harmlesslyftn be every British gun on the British front tobacco, fish, sausage, cheese and was firing as fast as it could ai. Some of the substitutes are DOESN'T HURT A BIT! cavi -' lifted right out with the fingers ii you apply •upon the corn a few- drops of Exactly one hour and a half 'after- directly' harmful but others are ' so freezone, saysa Cincinnati authority. ward he was: on the ridUe, following good that they will outlive the warForlittle co the infantry and carrying on his work. and become regular articles of con- st one can get a small He afterward learned that so well had sumption,:he assert �., : bottle of freezone a any drug- stare, the`', aerial photographers detected the which will positively rid ones feet of every corn or callus without pain. This simple drugdries the moment it is applied and does not even irri- tate the surrounding skin while ap- German batteries that eighty „per" gent of thein were put out of action ; ten minutes -after the explosion occurred. on the ridge. GA -RE 01F INSANE SOLDIERS. Mental Cases to be 1Vlaintained ' by Do minion Government. Provincial institutions will be. en- trusted with -the care of the,•members of the C.E.F. returned to Canada suf- fering from insanity, but the Domin- ion Government will pay for their, Maintenance.' This decision was reached in the conference of the Mili- tary Hospitals Commission, -the Board of Pension Commissioners and the re- presentatives of the provincial gov- ernments held in the M.II,I, head- uarter's Tuesday. q s aY• Heretofore the Military Hospitals. Commission and the Board of Pension Commissioners haveP aid':a flat rate in hospitals for the insane for the 350 men suffering in varying degrees from B mental, ailments. Ly. the new arrange- ment they will ' pay provincial institu- tions fore their maintenance, and in ad. dition Sir James Lougheed on behalf of the government agreed `to pay an extra allowance e,'c apita, whicl'r>istrm will be directed to" the equipmeut and maintenance 'of the buildings. Over 50 per cent. of -those -now re- ceiving .treatment in institutions had been 'suffering' from mental diseases before they enlisted and eventually would have- become public charges in the ordinary 'course of events, -- /I/AWE '71.-1 AGranulated Eyelids, d sF Sore Eyes,Eyes,tnfi mecSun,Dust and Windqukly ;0� \1" u r1l' relieved by Murine. Try it in OUR Ee your Eyes arci In Baby's Eyes. ; No Smarting, Just Eye Comfort Markle EyeRemedymafl 'four Druggist's Murine --- Eye Salve, in Tube, 250. -''For fool, of thn Eve .,Frac. Ask lUdisrlue Eye Remedy Co., EDlde-ago a New York state has passed a law re- quiring counties 'witha population of 35,000 or over to erect and maintain tuberculosis hospitals. cerrtin , IVladam'Sarah Grand, .. g Gthe well- known novelist, was told to .me recent- LEMONS MAKE SKIN ly by a WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR personal friend of hers, It appears that the -gifted author of "The Heavenly Twins" Make• thisbeauty ' lotion for a few ; is very absent- minded. One day her friend, callingcents •and see for yourself, on her unexpectedly, :found her with a big 'awlcward volume on her knee, heated, excited, and evidently very much putout. "Is anything -the matter 2" askedthe the hiddenbeauty?. t But lemon juice The publisher of the best --Farmer's paper in the Maritimes Provinces in. writing to us states: plying it or afterwards. "I would say ,that I do not know of This announcement will interest a medicine that has stood the test of many of our readers. If your drug - ,time like MINARD'S LINIMENT. It gishasn't,• any_freeaone tell him to has been ,an unfailing' remedy; 'in oar' surely get a small bottle for you„fronx household ever sincej can remember, :his Wholesale drug house. and has ` outlived dozens of would-be competitors and imitators." Less Sugar for Candy. Preliminary steps have been taken to curtail the use of cane sugar in the manufacture of candies. Manufac- turers have been informed of the necessity for saving such sugar and. are now endeavoring to adjust their business to therequirements of the situation. The moneyspent I Ont for candy in the United States and Canada in the past year is double the amount of money needed to keep Belgium supplied with year. food for' a _,. Minard'sl Liniment ",Cares Colds, Etc. Island is a "Warship," The island of Ascension, in the At- lantic, is the property of the British Admiralty, and is borne on the Navy List as a:vessel, being classed as al tender to one of His Majesty's ships, of war. The island is governed by a naval captain, and the men stationed) there (chiefly Royal Marines) are! subject to, the same rules as they; would be on board ship. There is no, private property in land, so :there ares no rents, rates, or taxes. The flocks and herds are public property, and the meat is issued in i''ations; so are the vegetables grown on the farm. The Limit. The following, arousing story con- What girl or Woman hasn't lieai.rd of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes; to wltitien the skin and to. bring outthe roses,, the freshness and caller. "Oh, yes,'"she answered, desperate- ly: esperate-ly:. "I've lost "my pen, and I want to write to catch the post," "Why, where are you looking for it?" She glanced at the questioner and then at, the book. "I --I believe," slie faltdred, "I was looking lei' it among the p's inythe clic- _ tiona;ry." The morning breakfast food is vara - 1 in this menu by frying the cold"Ileft- vct'rnush and serving it with syrup. he "`milk, usually ,served with the creak and most essential to health, test bii 'intr'gduced in another.,form. y serving cocoa: lot Suppes this i•s cserepl!i-1110,1 5tlt.istactm fly, Marian, tlituitoat Cines zilpathe alone i acid t s , t her afore irritating, • and should be mixed with orchsrd white The Soul of a Piano is the Action. insist on the OTTO HIC!L 7 PIANO ACTION Rheumatic Aches Drive them out With Sloan's, Liniment, the quick -acting; soothing liniment that penctrate;r without rubbing and relieves the pain. - So much cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments; it does not stain the skin or cog thepores. Alvvoys have a bottle in the house fp: the aches and gins of iheurnatisrn, gout.,lumr pains strains, sprains, stiff joints --and all muscle soreness. a5 Generous slie bottIco ah oil druggists; this way.` Strain through a tine cloth _ tite juice, of two fresfi lemons into n hot{ le containing about three ounces of orchard white, then shake web and you have .a Whole quarter pirtt of skin and eontple�torz i�oWon. ai: abot,, the'----^•"".•-:" ., . �4 rII!'r ''IrO ENG L+ I y - cost ono tlFc!a pay s i.nr �lnall ;Jai• T , 8i. 2pie of tri•dinury' cold 03)eair). " 040 0)110 to New Automrtic halve Type, Campteto wJth supply sold exhaust piping, strain rho lemon juice sirlta pulp gels f!wl1eei, etc, Win acres Y Pt1,200 cash for lrnm`dl.te sale, o ar• into Lilo bottle, 'then this lotion will 10-1 .ELECTRIC GENERATOR, , �r tig ni Jipar and fresh for months. will acc9t'$d2Foaehf . !irimedlate saris �eetorrs e o1n/'kil and 111;()D1,-(140 1`111.° 111e doves • Physicians and eye' specia:lists pre- scribe Bon -Onto as a safe home remedy In the treatment of eye troubles mind: to strengthen' eyesight. 'Sold under ,coney refund guaranty by all druggists.. abiegyi itching, BbiesYith ,;.•kins Sleep N s And tired,lnothers rest after giving baby ahot bath withCuticura Soap followed by a gentle application of Outibura Ointment. Peace falls on distracted`households'when Cuti- r� . Cuenter. A, rial fr ee, For tree satdple Ouch addre:, post -card "Cott- - euro; Dept. N, no5rou; U. 0. its" So1r1 py 0e 13813 throughout the world. . TflQS ,FIJI CRAi i. Suggestions that may save Much Suffering Marysville, Pa.—"For twelve years - I suffered with terrcramps. 7 would have to stay in bed several days every month. 1 tried all, kinds of c • remedies a ndas w. 's treated by doctors,. butray trouble con- tinued until one day I read about Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vege- table Compound and what ithas done for others. I tried it and now I am never troubled with cramps and feel like `a different woman, t cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- pound too highly and I am recommend- ing it to my friends who suffer as I did.' -Mrs. GEORGE R. NA.YLOR,'Box 72, Marysville, Psi. Young; women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, la e, dragging clown sensations, fainting spells or indigestion should take Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Cound. Thousands have been re- stored to health by this root and herb remeompdy; Write for free and helpful advice to Lydia E. Pinkbarn Medicine Co. (con- fidential), Lynn, Mass. Only women open anis read such letters. lb 11 ti When applied daily to the face, neck, aims and, hands it s1)01114 help to hlea.oh; cbenz•, snlacptheni'and beautify bho skin, t\.1l' druggist 1021 supply tharee. ounces of orchard 11111te at very.ilttle. cost and 1116 grocer has the genions, ISSUE PULLEYS, • Large size. 26x66--$ 30 ' 12x60-•520 ; 121/2x48--$12 ; 1 BLOWER OR FAN, Buffalo oke.. 14 Irish dlacharge—$30. REAL ESTATES COP,IIORATIOT4. LTD. 60 T+Trottt St, rest. 12.x336---$8. r,• 1