The Exeter Advocate, 1918-2-7, Page 6c
'ogiderable Material Damage Was Occasioned—One German
Machine Was Brought Down.
Markets of the , World
B eadstags
'Sorontorob, 5- Manitoba wheat No..
1Northern, 52.23A; No, 2, do.,: $2 20lf
NO 3: do, $2.1tr. No. +t wheat, $2,1.06,
in Store Fort William, including wit tax.
Manitoba oats -=No 2 c;;W., 90ic; No.
3 C A,V.; S2,",c No, 1 extra. feed, 241o;
I`i0 1 feed 8131,;: in store Fort. 'Wtrilliam.
Arnericarn corn --No. 3 yellow. nominal.
A despatch from • Paris says:— make a landing in Paris, on account no Iltavie acts, 00; `ss white. 9zc e 99e.
Twenty prisons were killed and 50 of motor troubl:e,�'ffell. The pilot and aaaor•dlhi to frelgllts outside.
Wouzzded in Wednesday night's air the gunner were wounded. Ontario k ilea 4 --New, No.,2 Winter,
$. 2 bash In store M,ontneal.
Wald, it is announced officially. One of The raid lasted for about two 1 cas—Na 2, $3,70 to $3,80, according
the German machines which raided hours, The night was mild and to freightsey---'YIoua1t1ttinide.
barlK. $i,¢,0 to $1.52, ac,
Paris was brought down, The Occup- clear and the moon was brilliant, cording' to freights outside.
ants of the aeroplane were made psis- The streets of the city were soon, 13ucltewel ezf, -$1,57 to S.L.GU, accorditng
ro to fzcighLs Outsidi
ones. filled loth crowds of curious. persons, lye No 2, 61.83 tor $1.$5, `according,,
The alarm was given at 11.30 whe watched the raiders and their�=rt'°I<1.tini h' icflour----\\ ai quality, $1110.
o'clock, Bombs were thrown at French antagonists circling above and ;Toronto freights.
various points in Paris and the sub- swooping down now and then. At' Ontario hour--'ar quality, $to 60,
Tar onto freights.
orbs„ Material damage is' reported. intervals bursts of machine gun fire 11Tillreed—Can -lots, delivered Montreal
"Several bombs failed to explode, were heard, freights, bats included—Bran, per ion,
I .. ; shorts, do„ 540, mit c im.,s do„
but others found victims, chiefly wo- ( The Fl rench aeroplanes carried $45 to $46, good feed flour, per bag,
$S'2,tJmen and children. Two hospitals , bright lights, so that the gunners a
y--va. , per ton. $76 to $17; mixed,
were struck. Several buildings were' manning the ground defences could' $L3 to 616. track Toronto,
burned or seriously damaged. distinguish them. The German aviators' Straw -'-Can lots, per ton, 22.60 to ss,
Some thirty ,French aeroplanes signalled each other with rapid co{ntry P> octnce--1�lhOleea1e
went to racer the enemy as soon as flashes.(;utter--Creamery, solids, per lb., 45
the alarm was given. Several ooh- . Explosions of shells and bombs con-to
46c; 'Prints,36 to per lb., 46 to 461o; dairy,
bats occurred to the north, in which tinned intermittently for two hours,' Eggs—Sorees gathered eggs, 50 to 52e: 1
one German machine was downed. The and then gradually died away, At a 1�leasc depiiutti'y-Cnrckens 26 to 28r;
aviators were made prisoner. One two o'clock the sirens signalled that fowl 23 to 35c 'ducks, 23 to 240; geese,
21 to 22e; turkeys, 2S to '340,
French machine, in attempting to all was clear. Potatoes- Wholesalers are passing to
gtontats and cram try shippers, col f1set-
<Sae5 stock, f,o.b. outside points; $2.25
HUN to $2.35 for Delawares, and $2 to $2.10
4 for Ontarros
le boles eo s are belling• to the retail
I trade at the 1o11oiyin(, prices
USEe i Choose -•Nevi large 28i to 24c: twins,
�� r 23} to 245c early cheese, 255 to 26e;
0. iLe.i�t ` ! �d��411 FF3311 N1i� large twin, 26 to 258c.
Butter—Fresh dairy, choice,38to9
creamery prints, 48 to 49c; slid47 1
Between 600,000 and 700,000' t°,:.i. • ,iie— 9 to 32c, 1
Tuns of Enemy Shipping Now Eggs--Nene• land: in cartons, 65 to 70c;
No, 1 storage, 49 to 50c; select storage,
in Allied Service. 52 to 63c.
.Dressed poultry—Spring chickens 28
"Mother of Russians Cities" Cap-
tured by Lenines' Troops.
A despatch from Londcn says:—
Kiev, which for some time past has
been invested by the Bolsheviki troops,
who are engaged against the Ukrain-
ians, has surrendered, according to an
Exchange Telegraph despatch from
30c• n
A :despatch from Washington says:
to i u; -fed chickens, 313 to . 83e;
Secretary Daniels, discussing the de- clucks, Spring 27 to 30c; geese, 25 to '
• fowl, 2G to 28c; turkeys, 35 to 40ot
spatch from the American, Isravy Head- 27c, !
Lire noultzv—l'ui•l:cys. sot, ' Spring
Belgians constructing a bridge in the flooded district..,
a t . �l,i � 1*, ;
. 3'.
g 4
tea DR ASD
quarters in France regarding com- ohici,ens; lb., 22 to 24e; hens, 22 to 27;
mandeer:ed German 'ships being used i7 les, 8MIng 22 to 22c; geese, ,16 to '
to transport American troops abroad, Honey—Comb--Extra nne First Lord of the Afhnit;alty De_ Advance Line North-East of "Col Del Rosso
n, so oz
A despatch to the Exchange Tele- disclosed that between `'600 000 wild 83,60,• 32 oz., $2.139; No, 2, $2,40 +n;S2 50 1 elare�' 1 Has Beed Met.
Strained -Tills, 2;'s and 'S s, 1.0 to 19 o L ' , c 4
shipping nes ,A despatch ;from London says: °1'he
bears—Canadiafn; hand- zeked
p The town manxtannng their supply, Paatoes—D se.sstie in the: mountains; west of the £roar
surrendered after o alawares,, b fg s....,, to Lord of the Admiralty,. on Fridayi was improved on Thursday. The
four shots had been Vater- Bt ', gine. was advanced slightly north-east
Brenta `Front.
in Big Offensive, on
graph front. Petrograd: dated Thurs- 700;000 tons of former enemy sh'
day, says: "Bolshead, forces enter- now i tons
engaged e in
p bush. A despatch ar
e .actively to $s,2G; uxrpoi•ted,hand-picked, Bur- submarine xs held.." Thus m fou;:. P from Mahan headclual- The Italians' ,new position vet o£•
d Kiev on Wednesda •:ni • - P to � s
augment -
Y grit, They ing the el editionax forces and ala of Indian, o.,5 to 7• Geddes, tens in Northern Italy, s•
. f, P Y �. ,•$ $ sanan, . $s i words Sir Eric Cam lbell Firs - Y, says: "The bat-. the Frenzela Valleyon the moi xtain
have occupied the arsenal. - • , irnnas. 17 to 1 i a.c. ..
1 t... i
z The Leviathan, formed' the V at_r- $2.85, Ontaxroe hag, $ .lo to $2.z5: caro River, duan the ast two
summarized the il'ults of the first I g n 1
,, which, with other vessels, have s le days has been one f tl t d
d tEntente t bl •
Kiev; capital o£ the Government. of ariiv>e a ports, is capable
Kiev, lies an the right bank °f the of carrying up to telt thousand troops 34c do heavy, 26 to •'7a cooked 44 t ' ed. .Thele have been sweeping sic it
p g In the plateau tl
2 - ary -, a ye i.r ago. - a •eau zone, on the
year of Germany's unrestricted sub- , -, _ o ie most eeisxve of Col Del Rosso.
i'rovisions Wholesaxe smce the neve battle lines = -
marine warfare; which began ed. Fe iii- were form The text of the statement reads:
Snai:ed meats—STams, medium, 3 t° , b
Dnieper. It is caIIed the Mother of g
in a single voyage Mr. Danzeis .said
Russian Cities," end in 1902 had about het •8000 was considered the largest ,less, 45 to _46c: bone- laxluie, he added zags three strafe is
• , . g , ; ,, was ( g heihts; captured
40c; rolls, 3 to 30c; • brealcf ast bbone !tosses for the Italians, who after talc- scene 40 .to 42c; backs, plain, 43 to 4•!e on - A measure of its ' r i e that witnessecl • tlx:, last few
days the brilliant deeds of the First
army, our detachments kept upon
Thursday their energetic thrusts south
of Asiago. West of the Frenzela Val-
ley -they, improved their ' new posi-
tion, advancing all the way to ' the
north-east of Col Del Rosso.
"Our batteries here kept then' fire
directed behind the' enemy's line, in-
cessantly shelling' troop movements
250,000 inhabitants. Recent despatches number which' coin cured nxeats—Long; cle•n.r laacoin, 2s •to to the correspondent, vvas found in ,the important
c d be comfortably- �0po5ition'o£ Monte Di
said that of tine Russian nobility, ` c: clear b` lines 27 to 28c. • : the fact that the sinking of merchant v. "
y Y, accommodated. In coxinection,withthe Lard—r'ure lapid, metres; 2s to 29„c; vol Bella,
seeking safer from the B taibs 29' to 29 :c, , 2 ships now had been re iced to a level «
y e olshevki, repair of the Leviathan, it was 3 pails,. ..9� to z9yc, The 'chem was
” .. p ., v s learn- tom `gond, :- tiei•c .•" � ,; .. : �_ -, �: " I . Y driven fag:hack
had taken up their t residence l Kiev, e a t It t' l b n es, 25 c tubs 251c lower than before Germany east aside t 1 f
�• a na a era ions mace y .merican Bails, 26c.
' from his former front, with 'very
all -restraint. 'heavy prisoners - y
--.-. - engineers
A despatch from London says:—An
increase in British shipping losses pp � %s:
shown in the official summary issued,
which reports the destruction of nine
vessels of more than 1,690 tons and
six of lesser tonnage,,, ;The official
statement follows: .t3.rriyals,:.2,352 :
sailings, 2,300; British merchantmen,
1,600 tons or over, sunk by mine or
submarine. 9; under '1,600 tons, 6;
fishing vessels, 1; British `nx.erchant
anen unsuccessfully attacked,' 8.
11,000,000 SOLDIERS
A despatch from London says: The
Admiralty announced that "since the
start of the war nine British trans-
ports had been sunk and 9,000 lives:
lost. During the same period 11,000,-
000 soldiers have been transported.
resulted t the increase of _ y losses, The rasoners takan li
several knots in her. speed.
A despatch from Washington says:
Robbing of Belgium and destruction of
Belgian industries by the Germans
continue relentlessly. accordin ..f de-
spatches to the Belgian Legation here,
Linen and mattresses are being taken
from hotels, boarding-houses and con-
vents, and the Belgians are not ' al-
lowed to have wool intheir possession.
They are offered seaweed as a ,substi-
tute for wool at five cents 'a pound.
The big electric plant known as "L'Es-
caut," is said to have been stripped
and its machinery placed in the Ger-
man plant known as Rombacher
Hutte. 3
1VIontreal Markets ani
an optimist regarding the the Italians. exceed 2,500 hien and
fifontreos, Feb. 5 — Oats —Canadian U-boat war," Said i Eric. " I a '
western, No:3, $l.ol� to $x.oz; :extra. Sir E i Th b- I than officers, six cannon, 100
r c esu more tlx 100 ti
T nrarine, lestiained gild unrestrained f machine guns and several thousand;
No. 1 .feed, . 3, to $1.0 ,; No. 2 local , 3
white 97ti ,toproved ! a
9se No, 3,' clop, 9G to rhos been met and has not ro eel in riff 'captured.
97c: Igo, %1, do.. 95?, to 96e• ' Floiir— - es we3e
,bl I 1, �
seconds, $11.10; strong bakers',' $1.0.90; novo—since I made my last -public
straight " roll b
Maxi. Spring wheat patents, firsts; $11,60; vznci e. am Inc me to think that A later despatch from Rome says:
oats—Ba rollers, bag's,$5 $5: 0 Bran statement, 'we art sinking submarines
—$35. ,Shorts—$40. IVlidcilizngs—$4fi to as fast as Germany can build diem'—
$50.' lTouillie—$5G to $5S."Ela . *---�T 3
2 c
pp j�
m cu �1i1
per o Y 1� e5 • o � il
n ton, car lots,. $14.50 t $15•60,.:god, and I .cannot
are all
Cheese Finest, westerns, 23,3,c; do,;, foresee any way in which the situa-
ea3ste47s,too134 AcBtlsecondS,O146-tocream
e6 c, t 0n' Clxang'ecl,exeept for the bet-
Eggs—Fresh, 58c; selected, 52c; No. 1 `ter.'
stock, 48c; No. 2 stock •45c. Potatoes—
Per bag, car lots, 61.90 to '62.25.
Winnipeg Grain
Winnipeg, Feb. 5—Cash prices:—
Oats—No. .2 CAW., 905c; No, 3
S43c; extsa No• 1 feed 945c; No. -1 feed,
814.0; No. 2 feed, 775c. Barley No, 3,
$1.525; No. 4, $1.475;, rejected ancl'feed,
61.26. Flax—No. 1 N.W.C., $3.25; No.
2 Gist/:, 63,274; No. 3 C.W.,-:$3,05.
'United States Markets
Minneapolis, Feb.' 5—Corn--No. 3 yel-
ow, $1.67 to $1.75. Oats—No. 3 white,
845 to S55c- Flour unchanged, '1;ran—
Duluth, Feb. 5-Linseed—Orn track,
83.56 to 63.66: arrive,. $3.54; January,
3.5455 asked; May. $3.54 asked;' July,
3.40 asked; October, $3.15 "bid.
Mix the fruit with sugar and butter
far a fruit cake and it will not settle.
IiE� �
500.000 in Berlin on Strike—Shipyards and War Factories All
Affected—Authorities Are Minimizing Importance.
Live Stock Markets.
Toronto. Feb 5—Extra choice heavy
steers, $12 to $12.75; de., good heavy.
$11 to 611.75; 'butchers' cattle, choice,
$11 to $12; clo., good, 610,25 to $10.75;
do„ medium 'bulls, $7.60 to $7.85; do.,
$S.75 to $9; butchers' bulls choice. $10,
to $10.60; do„ good bulls, $8,75 to $9.25;
do,, medium bulls, $7.60 to $7.95; do.,
rough rough bulls, $6.35 to $6.85: butchers'
cows, choice, 69.75 to 610.50: ; do., good,
68.60 to $9.25; dor. 'medium, 67.60 to
$7.85; stockers, $7 to $8.50; feeders,
8.75 to $9.50; canners and cutters, $5.50
o $6.75; milkers, good to choice, $90 to
A despatch from London says: The workers have thrown clown their tools. S
political and economical` situation in and left t1 jobs.
Germany is the leading topic every-
Apparently a large part of the
country is in the throes of a great
labor upheaval, due to•dissatisfaction
by the working classes over the pro-
gress of the peace negotiations; and
over internal political conditions gen-
erally. Throughout the country thou-
sands upon thousands of the working.
Classes—both men and women—have
struck, and many of the great manu-
factories and industries are affected.
In. Berlin alone, nearly 500,000 per-
sons are reported on strike, and hourly
those who have quit work are receiv-
ing reinforcements, Likewise in Kiel,
the great shipyards centres, at, the
Hamburg Iron _ Works, and in the
Rhenish Westphalian mine region
125; do.,. coin. and med., ' $6,5 to .$S0;
g' o g i
- 0 s. Spun ors $90- t 6x40 if 1 t t?es,
A later despatch says: The • broad' 612.00 to $1:5; sheep, heavy; 86 to
nteai'ling•s, $11,75 to $12.75; hangs, $17.50
features of the news filtering, in" -on to $7.3'.50; calves, good to choice, 615 to
Thursday from Berlin are, first, that $16 hogs, feel and watered, 618.75 to
$19; do., weighed off cars, $18.75 to
the strike movement undoubtedly is' 610.25; do., f.o.b., $3.7.50 to $18,
extending, and; second; that the Ger- ,Jsrontreal, Feb. 5—Choice steers, 512;,
do., good. $11, to, $11;50; do„ medium
man authorities are endeavoring to.
minimize its importance.
Thus far there hasbeen no news re-
garding the decision of. the. Minister
of the Interior,-Waliraf, at his confer-
ence with 'Gen. von Stein, commander
of the home forces, as to what atti-
tude the Government will adopt.
Among the items of news received
on Thursday are that the strike has
now spread to 1Vlunich, Bavaria, where
the big Mauser armament works are.
involved, and that some of the print-
ing works engaged in the newspaper ly hot griddle. Bake the cakes on
trade in Berlin have struck, both sides.
110 to 510.75; choice butchers' cows,
$10.50; good tows, $9.50 to 510; choice
butchers' bulls, $10 to $10.25; do., good,
$9,50 canners' cattle, $6 to 57; sheep,
512 to $13; labs, $15.50' to $16.50;
milk -fed calves, 515 to $16;' grass-fed.
57 to 510; .choice select hogs, off cars,
• I-Ioe Cake --One cup 'cornmeal, one
and a half teaspoons salt a2id boiling
water. Mix 'the cornmeal and salt
with sufficient boiling water '(about
one cup) to form a stiff batter, then
drop it by spoonfuls on a moderate
Mal d
Bolsheviks Capture, Odessa
Most Important Seaport of
Southern Russia.
A despatch from Jassy Rumania
says: -Odessa was captured by the"
Bolshedilci• Saturday night.- The Bol-
sheviki troops are now in fall control
of that city:. -
Kishinev, capital of Bessarabia and
the scene of Jewish massacres fifteen+
years ago, was ,taken en Jan. 27 by
Rumanian forces, who were sent there
in response to an appeal for aid from
the local' Bessarabian Government.
Kishinev, with a population in 1897
of about 109;-000; is the chief centre
of Bessarabia for trade hi grain, wool,
tallow', hides, and tobacco. Itis locat
Situation' in Britain, France and
Ital', More Serious Than.
A despatch from Ottawa says:' A
cablegram.received on. Friday by the
II'ood Controller from the British 'Mini-
stry of Food indicated that the food
situation in Great Britain, Franee and.
Italy is very much more serious than
is generally realized, The message
sents little, of interest outside of the
motley composition of its population,
which consists of Rumanians, Rus-
sians, Jews, Bulgarians, Germans,
Tartars, and Gypsies. Wine ciilture
and"the growing of tobacco are the
chief industries.
Odessa 'is the most important city
and seaport of Southern Russia and
the fourth city of the Empire in pops-
lation. It is located in the Govern-
ment of Kherson, ', a short distance
east of the mouth of the Dnieper
River, ninety miles 'south-west of
Kherson, and about 400 miles north-
east of Constantinople,
<►-- t
'A despatch from '_London says:—
British casualties reported during the
month of January totalled' 73,017.
They were' divided as follows; Killed
states that:; import supplies are :• low ed on the Byk River, 85 miles north-, or;died of wounds—Officers, 358; men,
an increase is -urgently needed. weof1
. , west Odessa and thirty miles>:from 3,698; Wounded or mssiitg� Of-
The ration; which the Ministry has in- ' the Rumanian border. The city r - titers;, - men,"57,756•
tended to put into force will have to pre 1 Y205 ; , ,
be reduced because of the inadequacy
of supplies. ' The cable reads: "The .gqy��y��pppp
- 1trfR���ldli i
affi,nr.aumaexa 9.��9d1Y19J.(1A4L�1sJ '
meat situation in the .United Kingdom - •
continues acute,. Supplies of fats are VILLAGES IPJ - Irr. �ROSE>s i n VALLEY it z r+as
inadequate..' Import supplies are low
and an increa „is urgently needed./ A
local rationing scheme is being authof-
ized by the Ministry of Food, but the
ration contemplated by us will have
to be reduced."
1:1 B rip SDIIQ Cd R,i ■DA■N\IM.[/.
A despatch from Buenos Aires says:
—The Minister of War has recalled
Argentina's military attaches from
Berlin and Vienna..., In political.cir-
cles this action is regarded as signifi-
cant and connected with the sinking of
the Argentine steamship , Ministro
Irriendo, .January- 26.
Tohri , OA W eAra
„ { \Jo0 LIKE. 11' c
00K ALS-R1614V:
5,257 Pounds of Bomb;
propped on Cioins and Buildings i
n the .
Get -roan Districts . Vtsited.
` A despatch :Bronx :London says: The
War Office, in an elaboration of the
official report of the bombing raid
made by British aviators into Ger-
many,...3anuary,26, on Friday disclosed
the fact that machine gui'i fire was di-
1 Altogether, bombs were dropped at an average
teigci; o; 1 5 I. Otie lo{i
reeted on searchlights, ,trains, moving
lights in the roads and on buildings
in each of the districts visited, and
also into villages in the Moselle .Val-
ley. oge. her, 5,257 pounds sof
four attempts before reaching his ob-
jective, .owing to the heavy mist which
made flying difficult.
AU ...official despatch from London`
January 26; said that British aero-
planes raided several objectives
making direct hits • on
es and docks, and also in the tour*n.
of Mannheim, In addition, the rail-
way way stations at Saarbri:tcken and Ob
erbillig were attacked; witl, excellent
1 11 f 1 500'f p made results. -
W N,QT ,4R r 'TIiD5l 5�;F E•i'�1 �
tI1.141NK oiie.
60T -Vie IAEA
ANi WA''/,
1 nw•�w i"•u'tiWv!