HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-3, Page 8E: E rER.,a.1 11u0GATEy THURRJ1A 1. h'1AR'K4TS Wheat Ca a el Each Wednesday �Jtr%helot .. .. O t , 'aerie:" . i anally Flour' Middlings figs Lreatnery Butte 1,10 to 1.35 5 70 44.00 38:00 Dairy :Flutter ,.,.1+ . . , , 38 t9 40 urkeys ... , alive .5; dressed 30 i;eese alive 16; d,ressied 21 Ducks alive 16; dressed 22 flees ... alive 14, dressed 16 Chict act alive 16, dressed 118 8 Pota'taes per bag .. '1.60 to 1.85 1C'ag .,... ..,. 17.25 ;Sugar bit.s:a p, per aack 1.60 flay, pe: y:t; ..a.....„..„ 10.00 to 12.00 DEATH OF MRS. SAMUEL SANDERS. An(ather ,a etre honored pioneers of the Township of Stephenlancl much beloved reside -it of Exeter, in the person on: Ha. ,set Sander;, 'widow of the late Samuel Sanders, passed away In), her reward at the home of Mr. and'i? Mrs. Atllaam: Fisher, James. Street on Weclaesday, January 30th about 1,20 toselack, She had reached th,e good odcl age of 77 years, 3 months. Deceased was a native of England, being born la Dev(dnshtir et. Whet). 12 years of age she 'em,igrat..a to Canada -with her parc;nis, rrriz., fi..st settled. on. the 3rd conces'silo'n al Stephen, At that time this',garit of the country was a comparative wilderness, hence .she shared in the hardships and priv- ations incident to the ,pione.e.r lit; In the. year•, 1860 ;,sive married h,,r late husband; and they took up their resi- dence -ea the 3rr.1 ,concession 'vi St p - hien, directly west of ,town. 1-Iere they resided until about 16 years ago when itthey retired to the village to spead their: remaining years. After the. death naf her husband .caicely a year ago ,the deceiasied Ccaok up,her residence'witb her daughter, Mrs. Wrp Fisher, wiith wham she Mrs. bad since re- sided Mrs. Sanders has been ailing for several months, but he:'t:asic1iiian did not assume: a serious nature un- til, 'Christmas might, when she was ciompeied to 'take her Geed, and she has been taxi the declare ever since from the effects of tumorous growth nz her of stomach. Deceased \vas aen stomach. m bef '1 r lvitt Memorial ;Church and was much 'esteemed as ,a •rkeighb.or,; friend and citizen'. She was all thrr life a remarkably active woman and was blessed with a large measure ,of good health,, her last sicko t a' being about her .only affliction .through life. She is survived by flour son; and four daughters, W. D. Sanders of Stephen S. M. and -ID, E. ;of town i,nd, J. A. of Woodstock, Mrs:' James Br;.atnell, i\1rs. Wm. Fisher, Mrs. Jas. Hi11"' of town, and Mrs. Joshua. .Heywood oaf Usborne. She is also survived by one 'sister, Mrs. John Mitchell, Funeral - will 'take place -to Exeter cemetery en. Friday at 2 o'clock. We club with, all the leading daily and weekly papers. Naw is the time to select your 1918 reading. CARD OF ;THANKS Mrs. Simon. Hunter and family de- sire to convey }ta their neighbors and friends their sincere thanks for the many kindnesses and sympathies that were shown them during their recent bereavemetA. ^�MQW 4O OCA_C, 1)OTNGs. Rev. S. ,W, Gruhtan,.atf Torontowill preach an e!:ducatilonal sermon in A 'am Street ,Church ion Sunday t evening next. ' Mia Arthur Francis of Usboune is moving onto the farm in Stephen pur- chased from Mr. ti'Y. 'E. Sanders, and knlowzk as the old Stanlake homestead, "I',ha boys, organized a hockey Club on Thursday night with Harper Rives• ars :president and C. L Wilson, eec- •etaryr'trealsurer The club is trying to arrange 'games with, local and -out- side teams. Mr. Ed 'Knight, g4 t, who has ;or sever- al years resided on the Thames'Rd., has moved back onto the farm he re- cently purchased front Mr. R. G. S'el- -dion and an Which he ,resided prev- ious to inovtsng to he Thames Road farm, We are pleased to hay., Mr. and 1Lrs, ,Knight back tis this neigh- borhood again. "Ile. Soldiers' Aid. Sack Knitting Contest starts 'Jan, 30th, and closes On Feb 28th,, We will 'ship as, usual on the 201h, Have your finished .ocks washed and ready by the 18th. 'Knit- ting instructions )for socks—Knit 2 puri.2 far four itnc'hes,• knit plain 64 inches to heel. Length of foot -103, 11 or 12 inches. Use ,larg.e. ,ne,edles(. knitloose. Machine knit ,legs with hand-knit; feet will be counted, ,'Iisses Lillian sEtoyle and Etta '••May Dewey are captains: 0 "Derry" Boyle undertook on Tiiurs- d=..y night ,to referee a hockey match betwe; to two sides chosen from ` the vousvg women, of town, and while he was treated with the ,utmost curlesy by the young ladies, and: was in no. physical danger,. as the game was play ed in, the moist ,friendly sprit, yet he had his hands full ,trying t:a t,,a,rtaige, the girls,; each of Whom had her .,yawn idea as to how '''lie garr4le} should be playted. It was a difficult matter to keep the 'girls fpom ;playiing off bide In tact repeated penaltil.s should have Leen 'enlfiarced Durr seg nal play ors. One who-"kr{pws says that Mass D. loafed most shamelessly a _d thus succeeded in scoring mlare than ane, of the vs itrrn ntg goals'. Anloother who knows' says that girl's feet aren't big enough tear successfulgoal keep- ing end had Miss . her "brother's 'boats on shewould not have let so many easy ones in. There was en - other _hiss D. too, and she ;oieanled to fincl the ice 'too 'slippery and thought it necessary •qa silt down, frequently in order to get s proper swipe at the puck. NNabiody knows what the final snore vas, but tt rani Mita "two figura: on both sides. Col. T. ;H. Race, Field Secretary ,af the National Sanitarium Asnocia; tion. gave a very instructive and ed- ucational' lecture an the Great White Plague sin the Schaal Hall of the Truitt ldemarial !Church after the service on Sunday ,revenIdg Tile lec- ture wan illustrated by lantern views ,of a most appropriate character, and, the large crowd in ,attendance carried away lessons that were iimpressLP,eand canntot but se.rve a g;oord purpose in assisting to stamp out the ravages. .of this )great scourge. It was a lec- ture that everybody should 'rave heard A collection was taken 'up at the close for the Muskoka Free 1Iasuiial :or consumptives. PATRIOTIC AUCTION BAZAAR Friday evening, Fleb. 1st, in Sch,oal St" No. 1, Usbarne, under auspices o!f Huron' Patriotic League. Goad pro- gram of local talent'. An interesting feature of. the program will be the auctioning of a beautiful au,tograph quilt, together rsdth other useful ar- delta's'. Admission 15 . cents LOGS WANTED Elm, Basswood, Maple—$20. per thousand, delivered at Exeter station. John Danncey, :Exeter. Steamship Line W. M. S, the gospel ship "Endeavor" which set sail. from: James St wharf on ,flay 15th, 1917, v'a..at;t.t• in part at James St. Church an Feb4 28th,. at ,8 P. M. Exeryl:ne be. at wharf' Ga see her land. Further. particulars later. ---Committee, NOTICE Any parson. ,or .persons collecting money ire my name or doing, business of :any kind whether using my pir!o;ti° or nos will be prosecuted according to law, -Mrs. Elizabeth Arun Willis. CUT PERS—A few pace cutters on hand. MIcLaughlitn. make, beautifully finislie�l'and upholstered, and ofvar-" iou; designs and prices.—Wm. Ward, Exeter, HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of horse: in good condition. Geldings 5 years old, up, weighing from 1500 pound.. up. :Mares (ram 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Partie. hav,aig the required stuff, write. or phone 83, Exciter. G, T. DOW. A, , H ASTING S Agent • Canada Life Assurance Company Also Fire and Accident Insurande. Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER, ONT. AGENCY, FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE. ---Having taken over .the Wat- kin's 'Agency from Mr. J, E. Gould of Hensall I am prepared todo business with alt • the old' customers andothers who have not previously awed the products 1 will be pleased to interest also. A'` full line now in stock Goods ca,n be .prtcurecl at residence at any title. A full line of Linanients' Cough 'Rernedi.es, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always oa hand. ,Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter. WM, ANDREW, „ Traveuirtg Salesman, Exeter, On. Pte. P, Nigh or'(' `Seal'orth is report - in 'the eport-it'th,e casualty; lits as being'repat- Tinted, Next Sunday morning-Rev..7: W, Graham, I),D., of Taranto Education- al Secretary of the Methotdis,t church, wil preach in 'fames Street c;liurch; anal Rev. C. P. Wells, 13,A,, 13.D,, ori, the evening, • Rev. Redmond !gave a very inter- esting and instructive address 'toithte. Epworth League of Jaynes St. Church' on. Tuesday evening, an; PatriWisrn, Education and Religion,, Mr. .-Austin Ford added to the enjoyment of the evening by o. .vtnell:rendered solo. We have had over 'eight long weeks of winter now, with scarcely a break. We have had an unusual amount of .snow, of 'blizzard and of r,era weather; And as the average. winter is, thirteen weeks we ought to have only "five more weeks to put. in. That January thaw wall have to hustle if it g,ete, in on time •. A inurnber Of the young peopleare, enjoying snow-islhoeitng parties inthe evening followed by a light lunch,,, On Tuesda-, night quite a party topic n. tramp of 'six 'miiea, : and an their return ivvere ,mare than ready for. the supper which was served in. thle Banle sof Commerce parlor. It is'a a very healthful . taxer csse The' strong east wind, with snow, that prevailed on Sunday and `Monday nearly put -the Bruce can. the huinsner. again. As it was thetrains were several htours late on 1y"Ioniday, but finally got !through ;after the '' snow plough had, bared a path l' Roplds lt( the. countrydid not became blacked but they got pretty heavy, and the tr•avelling was `slow. SHOW YOUR TICKET. The Grand Trunk Railway has just issued new invstruct2lons 'ta ,thee travel- ling public. On and after February 1st •passengerf will be required tjo present tittle -tickets to the conduc- tor before entering the train, v.-x—o—x— ROBINSON VS. DEVINEY, As stated iast week ;,,the case taf C W. iRlabinslani of ,Exeter vs. Arthur Devainey of. St. Marys tcam!e up far It -eating before Judge Lewis at Gad - elicit on Thursday last., We may say, 'ttaowevc--r "chat Mr. George Andrews 01 taro, is the 'read plaintiff in the case. "Ibis case `took its ,else;- out of the sale of a i'haroatg:hbred. bull, own- by Mr. Andrews and purchased by the defendant: The note, amounting to $ 301.00, given in p,a:yment Of the' bull, later fell antro, the hands of Mr. Rob- inson, the plaintiff, endorsed by Mr. Andrews, and the defendant refused payment on. the ground that th.e 'bull was barred Or inonj-prloductive. Many'1 witnesses were examined and.:much; evidence deduced, but it twas quite evident imam 'the start that ''the de; fendamt had .a weak ease. Judg'anenit? was given em 1aylor a1 tale --plaintiff ;.or $226.00 rand costs, which in total will amount to over $ 525.001 The coun- ter -claim sof defendant for .$.400.00, was dismissed. `Carling of 'Exeter and. Proudfoot of GGaderichfor plaintiff„ Graham .of St. 'Maryseand` Meakius, of Straitf:ord far defendant. • Mrs. C. 'Birney spent Friday last to L:ondan. Mrs." (Dr.) Reid visited in Londo-n a few days last'week. On Monday evening Col. Race gave a :eery 'interesting :lecture in the same Hall on the present tear. Having trav- elled a great deal in Europe and, the whole war zone, his talk o the situa- tion was indeed a 'treat His know- ledge as not that 'gatiaered so much from reading, but rather- .form ,per- sonal observation and informatiiom.dur- ing his travel s. He has a pleasing de- livery e -livery and the lecture proved inter- esting asti;ag ;as -well. as instructive. col- lection A taction was 'taken up an aid of. the Red Cross Fund. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEA. Th.e scholars of Coven Presbyterian Sunday School, 'assisted by 'their el ders, gave anlcnjtayable tea and pro- gra.min the basement of the church -on Friday evening last. The tea was a delightful one: and •:the program Was well received by the large number. present. REV. SHARP RESIGNksD On Sunday last, at .the canclustiOn of the moaning service, Rev. , St F. Sharp, who has been pastor of Caven Presbyterian, Church, Exeter, for near- ly .,nine uearly..,niac years, announced publicly his resignation as pastar of the church: The resignation, is to take effect .on August let, next, when the mute years will be completed; It is of course„ understood that the pastorate may end earlier, Should Rev. Sharp ac- cept a call: in the meantime togaelse- where. WON TWO --SECONDS. Mr. J. H. Rase, butiermaker at Mr, Mesid's creamery here, was successful' in. capturing ,two second prizes ,tor ',butter at -the Dairymen'.4 Convention held at Stratford last week, ,one:' .second' for October: but- ter anal ld-re' other' .far .Septemberbut ter. Mr. ri.Iedd ,was also awarded 4th for creamery butter, box. The oom- petition was _very keen and bath are to be cangralutated on theca winnings. Mr, -Ross is young in the dairying art but his attainments in that line ere most creditable. C W. C. A, SH1PMEti T, Report of the January Shipment of Ibe Exeter Centre' ,of the Iluron C, W. C. A is as .falloels,— Centriuiia Eair.'!atic League -15 shirts 50 pair 'snacks, Crediton Red Cs-oiss--8; shirts, suj•ta pyjamas, 20 pair socks; trench ,caps, 7 awash cloths. Little iCalnucks-5 pair "stocks: Soldier's Aid -105 pair sacks. Thames Road ,P.cd Cross -27 pair ,t,,ac155, 30 'shirts ; ;for DecenlIber--25 pair socks, 21 strts pyjamas. Wrnnani a tnstaita tc--25 pair sock, Zion Real !Crcds's--1,1 shirts, 25 pair. sock,, d, i, trench caps . Value Vera Esser y, eta '. `chi- ustlact. 9 10 Mr. Cliff Mallett wls home front Landon over Sunday. Private Jos. Folllick wras home from London over Sunday. Mrs. Frank Mallett Id confined to her r.)oir. with ia grippe. Miss Allie Handford visited in Lon - dos and Sarnia last week. Ulric Snell was 'home from London Business College over :Sunday. Miss Nettie Sw;eet..visited in. Lon'- don the `'latter part of last week. Miss 111,. Harney has ,returned to Chicago 'ca resume her nursing duties Mrs. Hopper' not Belgrav;e visited over Sued •-wirth. Mr. `and Mrs. C, Birne,y. Miss Olive Wood, after visiting at her home here, returned.to London A2onday. Miss Aleda Morris of Hamilton is this guest of Miss Lillian Bayle for a .few days Miss 'Katharine ' McDermid of Lon- don spent the Week -lend with Miss Olive W,aod, Mrs :Plitil. Ro',vcliffe and son of London_ were guests of relativ,es in town this week. M Mrs. John Mallett and family return- from.a visit. with 'ter mother, Mrs. Finkbeine.r al 'Creclittant. Mr: 3: A. Savale rs oaf__ Woo cls t:ook is here this, week awing to the illness and death of his lnbaibier. Mist: ,Viola • Lewis, after, a visit with =Miss Allle I-iandford, returned' Friday to .hes home in Brooklin, .On't. Mrs. D. F. Ferguson, returned on Friday ;ram a visit with friends in Windsor,' Clearville and Detroit, { ONES & PHONE NO le T H E t. We are 'receivin � every day shipments of the New w ri-n Goods and are now able �o,��a� yousome o the New Goods. Mani not . ... _ advanced Cad in price. '. .NEW PRINTS NEW _GINGHAtdS .._.., ,. Just as goad as last year and just as cheap. . All colors aur:"stripes, checks and Good cloths and patterns , from, plain: Real gland washers and • which td cho!o!se, 18 and 20c. yd, splend,icl to wear, — 20e, per °yd(:: BEAUTIFUL NEW SILK AND CREPE WAISTS. , We are -showing the most 'elaborate display ka New Nailstts is history r- Voile's, • Wash Silks, Silk Crepes and Ge(orgretta Crepes th,c season's mast dainty shades'7`anl,, styles. Plain, Striped and Fancy at reasonable prices, .our in NEW DRESS GOODS New Serg'es in all „shades.. New Plaids all colors:- - New' Checks all prictes. NEW ',SILKS Every color is here in. all the popular silks,', also a good range of ' Blacks'. Buy a new 'silk for spring; VIYELLA, FLANNEL T1iie best !goods an•'the mau•ket:far Waists; Dresses, Shirts, Gowns; or 17iddie,s. All colors,. , Pure . wool, and will not "fade or shrink, Worth 81,25;- sellvng It or 70c a yard. NEW VELVETEENS We have decry color of Veivet- een in- Plaitn or LCord; They Will make good dresses or spring coats Splendid ilor 'Christmas wear. 1000 YARDS- OF 1 YD, .WIDE GO OD HEAVY !BLEACHED OR GREY COTTON. REGULAR 20c.+ QUALITY THIS WEEK FOR .15o:' yd. COLORED TABLE COVERS 3 dozen ,to clear at a p'iic;e„: Good quality and patterns. SUITS -AND O'COATS• Special sale Of Miea,'s and Bays' Suits and 'Overcoats this week. ,TC:INEAS lieacivartere fair the celebrated W.'E. S nford Clothing We are pleased' always to publish: school reports. Out of town teachers !: can se;nd-reports by mail,-ennclosimlgin l envelope and placing ane cent post- age on same, leaving it unsealed. NEWISPA.PERILAW S 1—X pasttnaeter is, required to wive notice by letter returning the, paper does not answer tthe law, when a subscriber does not take his paiper, out of the Office and shote .tllve reason for Its not being taken. "Any,. neglect fa to ao makes the postmaster responsible to the publbalter for payxnent. 2 -If any person ordeal's his paper dis- continued he must pay all arnlearages or dile publisher rna•y,continue to sand It until Payment 14s made e.nd .collect the whole amount whether the paper ie tak- en frown t.hs ofir ee or not. \There ' can be, no legal discontinuance .'until Pay- ment is made. '2—Any persoo who takgs, a paper -,out of the Post Office, whether directed to his name ar not, or whether he has .subscnibed or spot, Cs responsible for the pate. 4—It a ,suibacriber orders his paper stopped and the publisher cont`•utues to send; ttehe subscriber :s .bound to pay. for it '12 he ktakcts it _bound of the Pont Office, ,Tiivas proceeds. upon ` the ground't•'hat a marc must pay for,what he . uses. 5—The courts have decided, that -re- fusing to take newspapers or per`o d:-- 1 cols from the Post ,O,GMMice` or removing leaving' them uncalled for,, is prima 'facies evidence of iititentional fraud. Mrs. John_ Orme,s ton of Danlitng tan " was here attending the funeral •of her relative, 'the late Simon ilunte;r` last week. • • Mrs, fl.Jahnbs and Miss Lila arrived. Ito -me Saturday evening from Sarnia where they visited Mrs. Gooldiso;> for• several weeks.: A'lr. Ezra WiIlert . and Miss Pearl Willerl:.:laf Stratftord;;spe,n,t a fele h days under t i ! y e parerrltal roof; Eicater North, during 'tine week. Mr. J. 'M, Broderick of Regina vis- ited his Mother here .for a few' days. after attending a D1oTnIinnon Conven- tion. of 'the Forel Motor Company at Fiord, Ont, Mr. Frank Bawde,n druggist of Too -- onto, o--on,ta who has been very i,lt for'.Zorne time; arrived ,Mere to visit his par- ents, last` week, 'and is now slowly recovcriti:g. Mis.i•,Dolly Dickson, after spending a -few. clays here the guest; fof, \-Its,' Goo Hawkins, ,heft Monday. rporn'',ia fo;= London to 'visit .pz-inr to :rottrrri. in; ta, slag home 'vn,,Go tri-ich.' Mr. It J, Delhniclgio has this week b been nattericling_'a meet;iing nt clic b at,;onlericratien, Lile InsuranceCont- pany al Toro;nt.o!. Mr. ';Dclbridgc General Agent .liar the cdtnpa;ny 1•ot, Few Cars ®. Turnips OPEN TO CONTRACT FOR TURNIP ACREAGE FOR : COMIM SEASON, = WILL ONLY BUY CONTRACT TURNIPS NEXT FALL. R �a , • . S.41)ON ' TAILORED; TO ORDER WILL BE FAR ,MORE BECOMING Yet Cost.No .More We have 'a'targe :number of Suits and Overcioatings that wait your arrival—a wide assortment . of Fashion's Chosen ,colors,; -soft hand- srome Browns, and beautiful Greys of alt ;shacks: 1011.01111.10 OUR ASSORTMENT OF. Ladies' LL-Suitin s i theaFinest we have, ever had. The studied exactness in measuring and becoming, designing of our Tailored to -Order” Clothes produces a com- pleteness of hitting and a pleasing- ness of appearance that a ready-made can never hope ,,to equal.' No Lady knows how ,well She can appear in a Suit or Coat until she has one cut to measure. OUR STOCK IS COsIPLETE GIVE USLerA CALL -N. 5it ' ,`e TAILOR GENTS' L ENT TAI OR Stand Upstairs, Opfsosite the • Central atiRt Furniture and Undertaking R: N. :: RO TUE Fi1NELLA,L DZBraelt AND i'FURNMI*B MALXIt' Teal Oof+ Store For the choicest ri O ,fruits, spina,' teas", coffee and ever"- thing v t I.4. pall and Vit see us A as to quality will Cardin - 00. *Xi av a - ort Produce taken in • exchange . Jas. Gould Next The Mettira4litan Rated' star �z�ain Store` HOW O SA V CNE CUT .OUT: •THIS. AIDV.ERTTSEMLN T, BRING IT TO -,US 7 .' {ING-T(-g..r lviON'i.-IOF FEBRUARY AND WE1� T1LI, ALLOW ,LOW' XCYt .A DISCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT, ON THE FOLLOWING LINES,—,' BOYS'. SUITS BOYS' OVERCOATS MEN'S SUITS MEN'S OVERCOATS ANY. PAIR. OF SHOES. AT $5.00 OR OVER .IT /VILL PAY" YYOU IO SEE OUR CLEARING, LINES DURING L.EI3RUARY, B. W. F. Beavers,