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The Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-3, Page 7
'.111)e N'Veeli1y I.Ues ig'is A practical design for the man's shirt is this. " McCall Pattern 7909, Men's Flannel Shirt. In 5 sis'es,; 15 to 19 inches ..neck size. Pride,' 20 cents. M. This is a very good design for the simple every -day dress.' The choice of ;'collars is )articular) nice. Mc - Z 3 -°Call . Pattern No.7589r - Misses' Box- -pleatedT Dress. In 4 sizes, 14 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may lie obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St, Toronto Dept. W. • A.DSUKEI 'Victims of Indigestion Often -Dislike the Sight and Snell of Food. Every healthy man. and woman should have a natural desire, for food at ,meal tines. This means that ' the digestion is in working order and that the blood is -in good condition. But if you feel a dislike for food—if 'the sight and smell of wholesome food -repels you—then you may be, sure that ...all is not -well. If after a night's rest • yon have no aplDeti to for 'breakfast, your digestion requires attention. If your food is distasteful, op; if you feel that it is a trouble to eat,•your stom- , ach is rebelling;'Yea do• ;not_ digest -'properly the food you are taking and therefore not.hungr:y.• All these symptoms cif a clh'sorde»ed digestion mean that the blobd ' is• not absorbing proper nourisipnent; from food, for the work' of the blood is to collect proper r our.islhment• from food- .and impart it to the system. The stomach tries to,refuse food the nutria -anent from which the bloodcannot ab -1 sorb, and this ,causes the lack of appe- tite; If you force yourself to eat the Undigested "':,god Jbeeomesi a clog to the 'system. Nature iswarning you. ..Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alone give the blood the richness and purity that it requires. tosperform- its natural funetion. That is why Dr,'Wlliarns' Pink: Fills cure' tile. most obstinate • cases of indigestion ---why '• they will cure any , trouble due to poor blood. • Mise Lizzie Ashton, Thamesville,:Ont, says: -"I -suffered for years with stomach trouble At times . the ` dis- tress was so •great that vomiting' would' follow, and there was always severeain p after eating. I tried sev- eral remedies: but they did not 'help me. On the contrary the trouble was growring-worse, and got so bad, at last that I could not keep anything on hay stomach. ` Finally I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and gradually r the trouble began to leave me, and 1 regained in all respects my -customary ,good'"health,' and enjoyment' of food. I make this statem'ent voluntarily :so that others may know of. the `won dei.•� ful results that follow the use of :this' medicine. Yr ou can get the se pills through h t n' Y medicine dealer or by mail at 50 -cents -ey box or six boxes for $2.50 from The • Dr. Williams'Medicine Co., $rocicwrille, 'Ont. A Garir to Make ':You Think Hard. Who `.was a- F-anhouse N-urse? 1+-loi:enco N--ightingale. /Who was. an .A, -bio L-iberator? •A,br•ahani- L-incoln. This i. an e' ,. s specially nice game be- cause it makes you'thi llc z hard, It can either be played at' apartyby, > ' o.,. by,writing ill;ng b the list it nouns and adjectives, j sr such as Able Giberatoi and Fainous Nurse, ori' as ra my Sleets • /apers 4,, there .are people playing tile game, and hizv- ' ing • threat write down the e Fiats`weri--• fire one wlio gets the 1 `', t; n a5t;rigtlt:liii 'lit g be given a prize-... :Or it May y be play. ed at the luncheon table or anywhe&fie e se without 'paper and pencil. 1 t11 can be meade•fnto an Author, game by r Sin .1711 names:: • t7, 1 rn s hire -q ' fr y ice C,-hizh:los 5 ;i c1.. errs, C-hnraeter J)-eI)icter, Try ' it l o sees and Yell 1VIli see what fun it i+sn ow Kidney Trouble Struck Uxbridge Man g Mr. • R. T. Thompson Was Seized With Convulsions. His. Life Was Despaired' of, But After Using Dodd's Kidney ?'ills' He, Feels himself Again Uxbridge, Ont., Jan. 21st (Special.) --Mr. R. J. Thohp`son, who lives on R.R. No 2, near here, is loud ,in his praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I am" delighted with Dodd's Kidney` Pills," he says., "The doctors said I could not live, and if I did I would never be able to do anything again, as I had chronic Bright's Disease But,; thank God, I am doing my own work again. "My trouble came on very suddenly, I had just finished my dinner, and was taking a man home when I was taken with .a convulsion .fit. I had foiirteen- that afternoon, and the, third day ..,I had "nine more, • "I have 'taken only eleven boxes of Dold,'s` Kidney "Pills, and I feel like myself again," Mr. Thompson is only one of many in this neighborhood who, look'' on Dodd's Kidney Pills as the standard remedy for kidney ills. They.: are purely a. kidney remedy;. and `are used for all.kidney troubles "from backache to' Bright',s•disease. a MEN OF CANADA, DO YOUR PART. • Will men of Canada ever yield, ° The heights of glory which they have - won On many a gory battlefield; Till annihilation of the Hun--. Bids Ger�niany's rape and murder cease, .And lightens the way to lasting peace? • Shall the sacrifices nobly made,. For the cause of'Libert vain— Shall ybewan Shall the debt in u death already paid, Shall all of the tears and all the Becl. 'classed i as� 'naught, because' there: are those; Too weak > v or maudlin to strike their foes),' The fate of this `war `eoneerns us all, Whatever -maybe our laud or deed-- The reed= The throne of the_ beastly I'Tun must fail, • The sorrowing nations must be, freed- So,draft the slacker and. make him do The duty he owes'to God and you. - •,.. Both God and man love; the volunteer, Who walks up straight to the gates of hell.., But the skulking knave, o'ercome by fear,- ,e. 1�Tustben lade to do his part as. well— What price, for a nation wpuld you give? If the brave all die, while the cowards live? We have them here,• i and- you have then there,' Who prate of peace, while the war • flags fly e _ Too weak, hi the~heaet •to to their share, Unfit to live yet` afraid to die— Station Station or riches should be no bar•, They share in peace, make them share in war. The ' a. Tland of the. Maple will not fail Her wavering sons will -cancel fear— From forest and field,and hill and. dale, • • When the bugle calls,they'll g y 11 answer here! And "over the top" they'll h y cheering. go, Till' Ilell and, Oblivion hide the foe. Though three of the allied` flags are furled, There are others :that ever will wave— Till . the HohenzoITcrn hounds are hurled, To their homes in the murderer's grave The ' Cross of St. George, the, Lilies and Stars, - Will fly till the Allies shall win these wars. Oh! men o:f-, red blood!: the path is plain And your country is calling to you -- Let not humanity plead in vain, • your God and your To color s be true, Stand up the draft or volunteer, Anel, do it right now, right now , and here, —E. 1). McCready Oklahoma, U.S.A.. mss;. r NORWAY HIT HARD BY WAR. Cost of I'xincipal Foods Soars ,high Above Allied.Increases. The cost of the principal foods has increased more proportionately ` in Norway since the war began than in the United Kingdom, France or' the United States, says the Board of 'Cz=ade'and Labor Gazette. The com- ison ehows the increase to have l;' a sen . 114 per , cent. in Norway, 105 per '-'cent. in the "United Kingdom ' 83 iii France,°. and 46 in tha United cifates. Sortie o£ the detailed increases psi• i iced Kingdom cent, in the U 1 � ngdo)n arch Beet 't0 to 135 pep cent.; sugar, 188; p g , milk, 901; teal 107; : eggs, :fresh, 289; hapten. 99! fish, 191. It is estimated the ter ordinarily all items a taxi hat of 1 enter - tag t y tag into the family' expenditure of e i cltid'tl a ansa n I food, working , g .trill, lathing, fuel &light,t, the adVanee on nee-waf times is about 8l$ per eont. KingHonors. Illi hIL HarrisArt, ur rwho bar bean, made a itn1$t . Cornmaade't • ; ' of • the 'British Ena- pire for his ser-.: vices la ' Canada AS Director of Overseas Trans- port, is a son of the late. ,Henry Vinton. Harris of Devonport, Dev- onshire, Englauci, Educated at the Devonport a n d i3toke ' Granhrnar School he carne to this country,. in the seventies, en- tering the see - „Vices of the Grand Trunlc Railway, and ris- ing to the posi- tion of General Freight Agent Through Traffic. In 1902 he join- ed the Canadian Pacific' Railway; since which date. to August, 1914, SIn: APTITUIi he was actively engaged in initi- ating traffic for the Company's rail and ocean services. On the outbreak of the war, the President of the .Canadian, Paeiflc offered Mr. Harris' services to the Imperial and Canadians Governments, for the purpose . of organizing and directing an Overseas Transport De- partment, the successful administra- tion of which is now recognized by' His Majesty, • •+w w Bill's Last Ciisuev, li,.The following story' Gomes to site, from a reader whQ is employed ort rnunitiorns . There had, it appears, ,teen an ex- plosion at a aeighbering factory, and. the mtinage&I, who was snatching a brief holiday at the time, lurrled home' to investigate. "How in the world 'did it happen?” he asked the foreman as he viewed the wreck. "Who was to 'blame?"• "Wolf, you see sir;' was the reply, "it was like this. Bill ; went into the mixing -room, probably thinking of something else, and struck a match in mistake, ' He—,r "Struck a nhatch l" exclaimed the manager in amazement, "I should have thought it would have the hast thing on earth he'd do." "It was, sir," was the rejoinder. 11 EttianTs, Director of Overseas Transport. - He is a member of St. James' Club,. Montreal; Rideau Club, Ottawa; and the Montreal Royal Golf Club. In 1885 he married a daughter of the late William B. Lambe, B.C.L., of Montreal, granddaughter of the tato • Hon, Wm. Morris, at one time Re- ceiver -General of Canada, and niece of the late Eon. :Alexander 1llorris, First Governor of Manitoba and the North West Territories. WHEN BABY IS ILL. STONES FOR `-ALL GRAVES British Govt. to Put lndividual Monu Mothers wlzenyour baby Is'ill;when ments.in Soldier Cemeteries., his little stomach and "bowels are out l -The, Imperial Graves Commission, of order; when he is, troubled with the president of which is the Prince constipation; colic, colds or his teeth- of Wales, which has -taken charge o ing is' painful give, him Baby's Own the graves of all .soldiers in France, Tablets—the perfect medicine for lit-. while not sanetioning individuals themselves placing headstones over the graves of. the fallen, has decided it will itself place '.individual head- stones over each grave, This decision was taken in .order to assure uniformi- ty in. effect, The graves of - officers and men will receive precisely equal treatment. e t. Allexpenses will be borne by the Imperial Govet'nrnent. fT. 'Gratai1at'led Eyelids, JLu 4'l.'` gore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by San, Duet and Wind quickly relieved by Murine. 'Try It in f 8 'ppp.��� your Eyes and laBaby'e Eyes, iit�5p, r'oSmort131 ,Just l;qa Cord.,:t. l ari>9eE' e. mems oyAlt Yonr 1)roeg„t' F �' Ymr+nd5oo 'rp,eerl�at n,• .t. Eye $ vo, in 'ruoe4 264, F,tr Etnk f: o • Va — F«o. Ask iinrlane Eye Remedy Co,,,.. Gihioagc► o Cool Boiled Eggs. Hard-boiled eggs that are to be served cold in salad should,,, directly after cooking, be placed in cold water. 'This will prevent the outside of the yolk 'from turning dark, Mivard's, Liniment Cures, Distemper. To:lceep bread fresh soak a small: new sponge; in cold nater, place it in a saucer, and stand the saucer in the breadpan. The bread will remain Moist for several days. .FOOD DISAGREES DRIIIK HOT WATER tle ones. Concerning them Mr's. Al- phonse Pelletier, St. Damase, Que.,, says: ---"Baby's Own Tablet ' Y s are a grand reiiedy for little ones. I used them for; my' baby .with wonderful re- sults.”' The Tablets are sold .by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box r ' from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. S FEEDING A ZOO IN WARTIME. Birds, 11Iamntals' and. Reptiles . Must Have Their, Favorite Dainties. The; New York Zoological Park comprises 360 acres of land and water, and in • it are to -be found 5,000 speci- mens of birds, mamnials and reptiles on exhibition in' comfortable buildings, yards; dens and d cages. ' With few exceptions; this large fam- ily is fed -once--a day. To provide food for' such' a hungry army, with such duffering tateEspe- cially is a problem. ,,e Ea g , I cially is this true nudes present condi- tions, for ° the war has brought a change in the diet of some of the ani- mals in the zoo. Their .da`ily bill of fare may be sa'id;to extend from'A to' Z; as,the list of supplies distributed by the cook"begins with 'apples and end wtth,,zwlebaeli: A detailed.list of the"foods consum- ed in_ aeyear by these boarders would be 'a long one, but°mention'may be made of some of ,the products ` used. Fifty bushels ,:of apples, 580 bunches of bananaf,'•80 ;pineapples, 30 pornids of raisins, 20 boxes of oranges, 280. pounds ,of ,grapes, 40 dozen needless,' Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, dozen pales, .Sirs=I have u 110 d ,e s, ale the debt<o.cies re-, , sed your MINARD'S fished by rodents, monkeys and birds, LINIMENT fo;r"•the past 25 years and 30 watermelons 'being enjoyed by the' whilst I have occasionally used other tortoises. ;, The best hay•obtainable liniments I„cansafely say. that I have forms the staff of •life for theehoofed never'used anyequal to ours, q y animals,, being • consumed in large- If rubbed between the hands and. in - quantities. haled frequently, it will never fail to The pelicans, 'herons,, sea lions.and cure cold in the head in 24 hours. It sine 'of the, fur-bearinganimals con-' is also the Best for ,obruises, sprains, some large quantities of fish, an • ag- etc. ire some of 48 000 pounds, larged Your. r g g , p , an s truly, small, and of ,various'' kinds, being J. G. LESLIE. required. ;.: Dar'tlitouth. The carnivorous animals are in the main fed on horseflesh; beef. being at UD S D11 present too high priced for • general Supplies cs nf• .Gasoline, use. There are delicate appetites In 1915, Canada consumed over 4.3, - which must be satisfied among the 000,000 gallons of gasoline. Of tills boarders. The small birds require 100 amount about 5 per cent. was produced pounds of clued films and 10 poilnds. from- Canadian crude, `while the re - of mosquitoes:. ' Certain other birds, nlamder was either imported dire t and the lizards, thrive on 240,000 meal produced .from imported crude, ' • This worms, 4,000 l�ouncis of middlings, fact shows the dependence o:f Canada f'When food lies like ileac. in the stom- ach .ch and you haSe that uncomfortable, diste ided feeling' it Is because of in- sufficient blood supply to tiro stomach, combined with acid and food fermenta- tion. In such cases try the plan now followed in many hospitals and advised by many eminent physicians of taking a teaspoonful oY pure bisurated magnesia. • In half a glass o,C Water, as hot as you can comfortably *rink it; The hot wa- ter draws the blood to the stomach ant! the bisurated magnesia, as any physician can tell you, instantly neutralizes the. acid and stops the :food -fermentation.. Try this simple elan and you will be as- tonished nt the immediate; feeling Of re - I lief and comfort that always i'ollciws the restoration of the normal progess of. di- gestion. People who.find it inconvenient at times to secure hot water and travel- cis ww 2119 aro' ft cquerttly obliged to tal•:e•, lhasty -meals poorly prepaiod, should al- ways take two or three tit e -grain tablets of Bisurated Dia nesia atter meals. to prevent fermentation and ncutralir.e the acid In their stomach, Money Orders Send a Dominion Express.. Money Order. They are payable everywhere: The Present Season. Teacher' (to a class in school) --flow, many seasons are there? Class -Pour. Teacher—Now, can anyone tell me what season this .s2 , After a pause a little girl held up her. hand "Well, Nellie." sitid the teacher. Please, sir, the knitting season." 'r.Tinarcl's Liniment Cures ,p1plitheria. Storing Preserves. 1 save all my pasteborad hexes, The ones which contained, cereals, etu, I packed the canned goods itt and those such as shoes come in, I found just right for jellies. These boxes shut out the light and protect froln. freezing if they are put in a cold .place; If the names of the contents aro .Writ-' ten on -the outside of the boxes in Targe letters it will save time and annoyance. When buying your Ppand. insist on having ana e PIANO ACi'e GILLETTS LYE '�illl� IIUuu„uu � fair To .clean children's white kid -top- ped shoes use sweet milk and 'pearl soap. Rub in -well and set in the airy to dry. This will leave the kid nice andsoft as well as clean. &hoard's 2,l lnient Cures CTarget in Caws When washing blouses or nandltez•- chiefs put a small lain') of orris root in the rinsing water. This will give a perfume of violets whichisas lasting as a sachet placed among the clothes. $him `IVANT; D halals '‘V.ANTED TO ,DO PL,tIN -4 and 1ig1tGsewing at hotne whole or Sparc time: good liay, work sent utty distance, charges paid. Send stamp' for particulars. National Manufacturirr}; Company, Mon treat. DIIS CELLAPYE OUS 1 t NCItilt intra aUlS, LITatra. :internal ant external, cured, with- out paint by our hone treatment. Writa us before too late, Dr. Eellman'Metlicil Co., Limited. Ont ltl h !rah al Railroad Ver1i These ren Enols from experience that Liniment ii1; :nary t will take the k _ 1 - stiffness of joints cr the sora r_ess out of ruuscles—And it's so 11 convenient! No rubbing required. It . t,and quickly penetrates brings re- lief. Ear to apply and clearerthaa mussy plasters cr gin -tinea tG. Always have a bottle in the hnusc f l t or rheumatic a_ c : lama. -1;ac.a, sprains and ._,.rai x:,. Generous sized bottles at ail drug. O—O—o--o— O—O----e--0--q o • W,1T1d TIIE FINGERS! ' 0 SAYS CORNS LIFT OL`[' I WITHOUT .A; 1,,:1' AIN I a I I Sore corns, hard corns, sett colas or any kind of a corn can shortly he lift- ed right out -with the fingers- if you will apply on the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority, At little cost one can get a; small bottle of F.reezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain yr soreness or the danger of infection, This new drug is an .ether coin - pound, and dries the moment it is lap- plied and does not inflame or even ir- ritate the surrounding . tissue. Just think! You can lift all your corns' incl calluses ,now without a bit of pain' or soreness. If your „ druggist hasn't freezone he can easily get a small bot tie for you from his. wholesale ding house A V tl , ominend a.. A AN ECZEMA Itched and Burned, Wanted to Scratch All the The. Any So, Scarcely Sleep,. "When .1 was fifteen years' old, eeie ma came. in a rash, first on my head, then on my; ears,. a.;itl L vt, afterwards on my l;,..ady. ('('-• r� `iiit was very painful and vi:.at ' , ;r was itching and burning so "I wanted to scratch" all the tithe. l scarcely had any sleep.-. 'After 1 used foe r cakes • of Cuticura Soap and six • - :bouos of Ointment I: was healed." (Signed) 'M s. 11.:1:I: Carlton, Country Steep Creek, ,,ask:, Feb. 6, '17. Clear the pores 'of impuritiesbydaily use of Cuticura Soap and occasional touches of Cuticura Ointment. • For Free Sample Euch by Mali ad- dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, esee Boston, 13. S. A." Soicl everywhete: MOThERHMJ lh°a1iAPd'S JOY Bo�ia4O to „Oorr fle { c 1'hyViuians; and eye specialists pre- * n i 13 0 s n,, i or • 7 r' scribe oft Opt as S , e home remedy 'i� P'eS tio�'au ®,' Chi.' III In the treatment of eve troubles a71d to 1-'49 sttensthen eyes ght. .0010 under money Womena refund guaranty by all druggists. 1000 ;:pounds of rapeseed and 100 upon suppliesrgasoline of . , p l and petrol- ' pounds of Poppy seed. Zwieback, : 0711121 _tfhreomarUgtnlmiteeidht'Sutasteecs ianndagroundand nixed withother things, strop g th- previous is fed,to humming bir`cls, 7,000 pounds -of 'this_ product -being used. The kitchen connected with. the zoo with ranges, i is ��equippedg s, hot- water supply, kettles, pots, pans, -tables, meat blocks, . double boilers ant . ice in fact anyhotel chef box', e would feel. 1 , at home with such an extensive and usefu 1 outfit. A slaughter -house is lo- cated in the park, < 'and a So a hospital —the finest of its hind—provided with wards for animals which, must be quarantined, Lyn operating room, ae- comrnotlations'nfor hawses on night duty, a research room and a morgue. Nunterpus pictures illustrate every phase orf the life or this interesting corn mttflity. Demoralizing. Sergeant (one -Of the old school): It's the war that's ruining the army, sir-•--hts having' to enlist all these 'ere civilians)" During October the value of British overseas tradewas 'the largest record- ed since the beennitig of the war. 'e Lintwcutt Corea Conti. tic.. issue wherein it was stated -that `20 per cent. of the gasoline used' in Canada was produced;from Canadian C it x de oil., , .. Delicious winter Made shoete ke .� z'• a 5 z cle with cannetl strawberries. GIl1LS! WTI (TEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUDICE Make a beauty lotion for,, a few cents to remove tan, freckles, Sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or. toilet counter will sup- ply you with three ounces of orchard white sot a :few cerins, Stlueezethe juice of two plash lemons into a bot bottle., thou put; in 'tile '-`orehnrd wiiite and shales well, 'i'his •snakes a' quarter pint of the verily best lemon skin i om tler ` and exio.n whitener a l ... beautifier known. Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the' face y y , neck, arms and hands and juot see how ;freckles tan sallowness redness And roughness disappear and. hew arta toCt.. clear smooth, .. a .iai)tl the skin ,,be- comes, Yost 'Itis harmless, and the i t tif.t,� 11 sal. '-1.11: ertl',w ,e r_, 'tttltlf 1 � yon: 1>c 1 v A Quick Headachetor A headache is frequently caused b badly digested the fuses y 6 gases aridxcr resulting i s n therefrom aro absorbed by the blood wwhibh 01 turn irritates` the nerves crves and. causes painful symptoms called headache, neuralgia, rheama- tiern, etc. 15 to 30 drops of irlother Seigel's Syrup will correct faultydigestion and afford relief. 70 a big knee Like :tits, bet your horse may hate n bunch or bruise en his sttklo, book, stifle, knee or throat. wvilf. Clean it off without ayinp 'tip: the horau, No d!! teir , Iarl' gone. 'LonltltfAte��^-pzlgPaw l drops required at ea application. $3 C ri r tante dtrlroA, bterilm�until+a r tlast oowe aaBook s1M Noe, AtAt�INa...�I ..tb 1h 1 i4 aIIuqn4 Pot�� ltu, taws lea � otl n;e •�e1aratd 01:014.Won& YSri�rPnk4ru ,sntslime nieserf 1 tNxnuralor. rrleC sl and $Z paitPe ads4tsI� r i veted, la :Y UNG U , r b P:tllll ltnasns 8Idg.,D.hlonitstil Jiaik liatscalActA dart Ahoria1t£$;l; 'bet ,.d� Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pi lien m Vegetable a s Veg table Comnaund is the ability to correct 'sterility in the cases of many women. This fact, is well established as evidenced by the following letter and hundreds of others we have pu lis he in these coluns. Poplar Bluff, Mo. —"I want other 'women to know what a blessing Lydia i h E. Pinkham s Vege- table e : ge- tableCompotnrdhas been to me. We had always 'Wanted a baby in our home but I was in poor 'health and notable to do my work. My mother and hus- band us -band bothut'gedine to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's : Vegetable Compound. 1 did -,so, my health hie - filoved and 1 are how the mother of a re baby girl • and do all my alwm house work.' —Mrs..AI,LIA B. Tttilirl01Sd, 21.0 Almond Sta Poplar o lar Bluff :Mo. In many ether homes, once childless, there are now children bet:fuzee of the Pact that Lydia E. Pllhkhain's Vegetable r' ar;)ot k nd makes women na,vmltlr 1 n lthealthyr. and strong 't •7 the �e}`i� ] �ir° ral'll Y1�© w �rd a . �' rikP x i Y +� 'Ono , n rn ern s a s. o� d �t I l�f D.i t tai is Co., LY tin confident and hell ifulo , ":o h ISS'luE -'is.