The Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-3, Page 6FoODRATIoMcMAfsooNsEINTgo. INTRO --
Food Controller Thomson Will Exercise Contpulsor'y Regulation
Stopping Waste of Foodstuffs.
A despatch from Ottawa says: The Controller believes"tbe time lta$ come
now Food L'onntrallez: 11Ir, H B. for further compulsory regulations an'nnminal• No, 3 do„ 34 .to. 85e, nominal
Cele way of rationing. according to rreighte outside,
Thomson, will, it is understood follo\v Ontario wheat New: No. 2 Winter,
' There is little prospect of increas- $3,22; basis, iti score Montreal,
Lill the preliminary educationalr cam-PeasNo.z, $3.70 to $3,x0, occoldinr
ing• production this'year sufelentl TM
to freights outs.icle,
paign of his predecessor, Hon. W. 7, to meet even in an approximate way Barley--•bft itlna•, $1.40 to gi.4s, ac
Janna, with a series of concrete -and the food requests of the allies to cording to 3reight3 ottt,side. -
Ji 7 t S
Markets of the World
`Toronto 3'an 9--,;kzanitobu wheat --
No. 1 Northern, $2.23; No 3, to t2.200
Ne, 3. do 02.17 No, .4 wheat $2,i,Q6-,`
In store 'Fort 'Milian:. including 24er
11fatiitob L oats No. 2 C.W. 864 No.
C,W„ Slie; No 1 extra feed. 811,6-, No,
•] feed;'18o; 'lo stotc,, Fort William,
American corn ---No. 3 yellow, •nominal.
,° Ontario oats --No, 2 white. 85 to 850,
drastic; restrictive regulations"'sto uc.n' ea—t,1,55 to �i.s , :acc'Qrain"
p- Canada. The only other way of to freights outetdo,
ping food waste and meeting; so far supplying the need is by saving btln,l``nitob6ofledi♦ siipst patents,
ilttJ e
as possible, the urgent clennands of the twenty. -five per cent. of snore of the `balers , do„ $10:60, Tolouto,
lilies for increased eet food supplies from normal domestic consumption thus Ontiti•io hour- <� tnrek a)roritin in',
'- stintple, ,$1Q,10, itt bt , i\Cnntreal .1''°5'
Canada, increasing the exportable surplus by Totorito; $9,90 bull., eeaboarii, l`toiurt
So far, with the exception of the that amount. United States Food Isltl4]iiliu't. car tots, dellterer�'�loutaeatil
regulations governing meatless days Controller Hoover will deal nn a-sre,L hts, bags inelnded- 13ran, net tan,
in hotels anti public eating places, similar way \with food consumption``°e40,0` , shorts,
do, $re0:d 111We:11111V tiro:;
there has been comparatively little, across the 'border, and regulations in $:i sedour,
donebeyond 1 h bl'
to c ase • , -001.7 1 cut <1
t e ni lc Canada n the Hite i ]r:rl--,fir,• t: t;er tont, gas {.a<$it,utleci,
1 C and e U d States w 11. .
muttta. Straw ---Car ,lots. per ton, $8.50 -to $9:. , t”
Bttr e1• to eat
CvOnC exhortation to ♦ a a,..;y x a 1 \� ..,. \ \
•fid v:�
than 1 1
at ti
at! e � :picttire, P n
o z\ t. o 'n consume- be co-ordinated according• to l
J to 313 t7actc '1 Q, OZ tr, "'War -r1 n,e'Edibles,"
Hari to 0o c a', are•• these eptiies the Itrua'na•
tion, and eliminate waste, The new; requirements and' objects. and Alligator it the <ibo
Country Produce—Waolesale Aniei.'ican professor says it is time We looked toy soiree I'resh'fielcl'
sof lit foodstuffs,
r ) iiltel"•--C'rertnic 1 t 'Solite~:.. tir.Y' 11.7 44.3
�d SAc, dalrYs
4 3t it- A DONS lto14+ s j1X,ire 11 F itihc7rcdret;'7s' 1 IDLOSI l® 3V! �i
, Uct lb a4 tta i !c ��
yr ,t nr R 111 CP, Sae.
��@ iy ,. � guessed Pohl,,, t"llielccus, 2.1 to ''Sec: C E
U. 3 i)R 'lC•' M UN IN FR . lttu ?y'c.o tZt),Fi o4nc^4'Co,80c.. 24'0, seese; bku I �I,li11d
-- Notat.ors-1Fhplrsalolw are i:ia;c'ing to
Message :Prim' Lord:Rhondda to
1Joover Stating, Grave Crisis.
A despatch from Washington says:
Greater saving of food will be asic,
ed "~• of the American people by.
President Wilson on -Saturday in a
proclamation • announcing the Food
Administration's • 1918 conservation
The critical situation in the allied
t cl.
countries and the amount of food the I
United States is expected to spare
them were set forth, in a preliminary
an Friday night by 1 ood
gram from Lord Rhondda,
Administrator Hoover, whoquoted. a
cable ' P' na tla, the
British Food Controller, -Which said:
"Uziless you are abletosend the I
allies at least 7.5,000,000 bushels of
wheat oven and abore what You have,
exported orted u 1 to JanuaryY
p 1 1, and in ad-
dition to the exportable surplus:from.j
Canada, I. cannot take the responsibil-
es �onsibil-
ity of assuring our people that there
will"enough i "
be 1 otigll food to Win' the
Although the Food Administration's,
plans Contemplate creating the export
surplus largely by voluntary methods 1
some measures of forced conservation
will be employed,, notably in the con-
suinption of wheat flour, which will
be reduced by arbitrary means at
least thirty per cent. This reduction
will be accomplished by lEMzting ;the
sales of distributors, all the.,war from
the miller to theretailer,
u e \0 1 trot i
in, its Judgment ot December . h, 1917, , b 1 'i1 n0 1 $e ,
13(ishe , irsi Vows to Wipe Out 111 not become effective until some
u e increases, tt 1 Wzniupeg Grain
. out alive 9 bodies recovered ed: .b
the Bourgeoisie. ' ,. , y
the exception of the lases on wheat,- ��\ Winnipeg. Jan ^s r- •t t t
it;rcnets. <n1 ()eat' ).• lltDo( is...of tllst
> class steel. 'f.o,t , outside points, $2.45 .,�
Teutons Evacuate Large Sec- to $2,35 for etaAares, and to $=10c ti � r
9E Coal Miners Lost Theis Lives``K, 13. Thompson, of, prenetrate German tine
on 3
1� a I Wholesalers are sellingtc, the lct•ttl in Bin, DisrlSter.
• i tr ele fit the .f 011%1il i,ng pinoes; 'arta Front Without
Monte '�oniba. , t her�e•__,�av J•ir •e 't35 to �:1,. f T _ �i'
Sigfiering' Loss.
;13.C. Succeeds Ilon.
r W. J. kiatina:.
,A despatch r
from Ottawa c K says:—
HOD. W. J. Hanna has reslgned''the
office of Food Controller for Canada,
which The: 'has filled for some seven
months; , and„ will be,succeededH.
e by
B. Thoni so, of Victoria,, E. C. who •
has acted -as Assistant Controller for
a period of four months. •' w i
Mr. Hanna decided that the work•of.
the T`ood Administration liad reached
such proportions tha°t it required the '
whole time and attention
of the �Food
Controller.' 4e found himself unable -1
justice. both ,., to J otlz to the;
: duties of that office and to other
pressing business interests.Tltere-
fore the communicated his intention to
retire from the Food Controllership
t0 the Government. resignation
CTot'erninetlt. His
was formally many accepted 011 I`naSla'y.
Mr. Hanna na was, at the time of his
retirement, a:. veterant anion : Food
Controllers, his appointment aante-
• atin
1 g that of Mr.' Hoover, ` in the
United States, and still more so, that
of Lo'd•Rhondda in G:rea, Britain.
/I . % g , "r7 `,' 1 A despatch from Halifax, Z\.S,
Italian, Army Headquarters in ;'erns ,.2•t, t() u1 ,r earl: daces.' _a. tcr, , -
1 .nuc lar:.t, ttt:i71, 36 in 36.1 t.. 'saa s. Ali explosion occurred V4 edlies
.Italy.—Thel�itt:C,r_-I1,d., ern ' c t., �. ( . :.
Not the' n enemy has , t mace.• to day of .last week at-the.Allan shah
:•g( c ralnery1‘1'1.1)''s'‘17
)i•i,its •17 t0 9Ye; axils '
evacuated territory, on the northern +13 to x7'1', 1 Acadia Coal 'Company's collieries,
,•.A9, 820 ,;
mountain .front behind Monte Tontba �izii•garine. _,t to „mac, tellarton .S. s '"
:bg kgs—New , e: I S N shortly after v
,i, �x 111 greed, it. cartons,
35 tc1 t0 , . ,
extending from the Piave River west- No, x stag tr'e. 4 to 49c; cot, storage: ', o'clock, a few minutes after the `day
ward, Their defence lines have • now i,l t0 5'.,e. 1 shift liacl left. A blast of smoke was
t')I'e„erg 0hultr't ,-S n`ln`•• el,.iel>e , 27
been moved bac'. to Monte SiLnocia. to 2Se; milt: -reel ahict:ens.�'19 3°°:
0a rowi, seed to come from the mouth o:f the.
-' o• to ..6r'
i• turl.e •s- 30 '
Italian patrols oIs ntal,i.n recon ai - � to 3, c. ducks. noise T
1. c t s tit, but no no_ c was heard, even .b T
Stx m.- 27' to 30tr: geese; 25 to '370, 1
sances; in . the last; few days . `.found x. ta, °nails•- .riw lwys, 23ia•: spring. those on ,tlte'sui'f<tce near -by♦
that the withdrawn,y patrols and sentinels r,liielirnd ib., 20 to .lc, hens, ..0 too 2'ic;.I ,',Phe death toll et' the disaster is
clucks, ;ita7 in ,. °Q. Ln 2_2,
2 ; cese, 2Q C 2.10.
had been dis- 1 ) Cil. and later Its fT„ne3•—t;onib—l,atra :tine, 1G , tri., listed: at 98.Company officials say
covered that the evenly had than 'i1 l_o, $,n \o. , to bISI that there -were one hundred and five
Sts, iced fins_s cct 5,%2,-,49 1P LO ,I.ilc',men cloned the entire region: ler 1J;: 111'., 1.0:7'0.1,‘,;1c; ` •u'.•e� : ,in elle mine at the time of the ex-
-This. retreat is".* a sequel o the t cans c 'n'actian, hated l,talkad. mush., (,plosion. Seven of these, on the first
$8 to J.35; ui1Pnrtcrt, ll 7,rt i;lieI ci 7;nr' .i,
brilliant v ietory French troops recent- „ , 'landing, esca ed and seventeen bodies
,a ni• -1.1,,i11..,21:17.11,3.50. in 5 r, '.FaPan: $5; g, p ,
ly obtained on Mohte Toniba, inas- ]-tznas. '.`e,,. have since been recovered, the last
• • T'ot's toe_ s --TDei'4 0 11ils, ltz $ ,, to
ninth as the enemy's position thereby ..n ere- on-6.rios; hog, $".l.o i:o $2,25• two leaving' been brought out late
became untenable, I —' �',1'hursda afternoon. Twelve of the
The , _ P, v 7 _ 3 1
retirement of file eiletliy is i_ll � zo Ss.ons V'liolesale •Uoclics'11ate been.identified as miners
portant `ao :showing o` e Cbelonging
that he has given ..-uol:ea. enleais—titans, ntei iunt♦ 24 to- to Stellarton and . West
y, "oc: i:a.:.heal°y. 26 to' '' oonl:eil: 4S to
West -
up his effort to force a passage to the ,11r: 'rolls, 38 to 30e: breakfast °elle, thrt:e are 'Frenchmen and- the
Venetian plains by way of Monte ,o to a_r.♦ backs, plain 43 to 440; bone- other twci al•e ulii•ecogliizable.
Tomba and the west bank of the less, 4 to • Gc. There is note iio gas in the line
Curo-d meats..T. ong clear' baooli, .3S to n
Piave, at least•for the present, Ile is' 290 ileal. bellies, _, to 23e and the, work of clearing away- the
now constructing defensive LarQ�-1'�pl'e 1arrT. tiet•res, 2si. :to 2,C;'.
n� dclen,i\ i works ill -tubs; 281 to 29ic ,ails 2a 2 , riche is is iii oceeding apace. A Ecru
the rear. conit,ouucl, tierces, 25_e:' tubi, 25 c; small falis .atthe bottom of the shaft
.•�_ pairs, 26e.
. 1 a have; been cut through, but there
Ry RATE T appear -to lie heavy ahead and
NLontreal markets ; falls),
m .unable m are rto'. say vii
.ltonireal, : .7a.n. "39—Flats—C'anailian` - 5 y � ell 'they
Tjyt�, t�, 1\ estern. No. 4 9910 n�tra. ;No. t teed: will be able to reach the eighty-one
(q���p RFD ��} 9710; No. 2 focl71Vte. V;1 to 93r`; ?\a:.
mems ill in • the •mine.` Theyhave
• P �",p�` tjii 3 local it-ltlte; 9.1:2 to 92e" NTO. •a Heil �
RdJ@VriLd'. a
wlrlte, 9p� f:o 9zc. F'inur--effete_ S1�rilr;- ;,iven'up all hope of ally of 'these
wheat patents. fists, $11.00: seconds, niers` being alive, maintaining'.that all
311.70: strong takers', 310.00: straigltt
Not Toilers., bags, $0.`25 to $0:40. 'l Rolled oats t llo' were not crushed to death ` by
rill o� Become E1i'ecti\re Tntil
—Bags. 90 . lbs, 35.30. Iran, $35. the debris must have diedu `
f • shorts, 340. l4itddlings, 018 to $50.' g
e of s fi oca-
Ma;'cll. atou711ie, $53 to SOS. o. earl tion iianylrotixs ago.:;
1$ats; Gar ot7, $a3'.5U to> ]0.50 'Cheese ,Sf:” L �`
Tlie-revised`deatah• toll;lin the Allan
despatch from Ottawa says: Ili -.`:min -a we --- •ns, `_,l n flriEst easLei`t?s,:
bhLT S >
c �1 c, Z�uttei C;:trolmest rrea,Tn rl 451 t dlsa_tcr: as anliouncec7 at an
c ; e
creased Ii'eigl2t and +" passenger tail- t4 47r:. SrCn11d ,• 453' t0 46(t Eggs—. early liou1. on. Saturday morning, is as
way rates raised by the Railway* Board Fresh 58e •selected,--'> • • * b�
.�' 450 No. 2 titoc1 45r r'p�ior-., Pei: follows Men in the mine when explo-
a„ Car qts, _, o .' ,25. lion occurred 96; men who'esca ed
bine i March. Th tli .from `500 -foot `level er were brought
,. of les
29—Cash t 010 a 100"
A deszlatcll from •Petr arm o.C)a.ts :gin. `> c::.7l:: $G c �'.; rescue 'mities,.21• still missin • -66.
oo �d says:— deferred bv•a special ;iudbment .of.. , - a , I c. 3 c.\\r. g
Addressing a meeting s St;;, extra No. 1 leer, 81 e; eO. 1i'-- teed. Total dead, 87. ••
of the Kek holm the board until June 1, -."Were to have ,synNo, 2 teed, 75'5e. t'iirlely--No. 3.
Guards on Friday, Ensign Iirylenko,, ,become operatli-0 on February 7., $1.,,:i-7*?,-;' No. -4,..$1,42.1• :teed and reieetect,
the :Bolshetiil i$a-1. M>?l.L1-8: 24.1 .0.w., .024.x: Na. �q,{qg a7qq p�
commander-in-chief; The postponement 'of tile' date'until •2 ['.St'., $3.15: No. 3 C.TI::, $3.Q2 . �'�- M1 Ni
declared that while he believed in the some time in March is the i•esult• of
freedom of speech, all liberties must the protests made to the Cabinet , ' 'tutted States 1' arkets •
A. despatch fi•omi•tlie.French Army,
in Prance, says:—The French on
day executed a brilliant raid of tile•;.:
German lines eastward from Vienna-
Le -Chateau near,Fekir de Paris, along.
a- front of 3,000. yards, and reaching'
a depth of 500 yards„ An intense
artillery preparation made the pro
gress of the troops'easy, and they
-were abledto destroy all e110111Y works,,
shelters and mine galleries, before re-
turning.' to their owl', line, Fifteen
prisoners were 'captured by the
French, as:.well,as three machine guns,'
'The French suffered few casualties
and none killed..•
All of the pastieipants in the' raid
declared that the gunners' Work was
b ,q
magnificent, not only as regards de-
striiction, but in the manner iii which
it completely 'silenced the enemy
Severe Measures Have Been .Adopted
By the Government.
Only the very poor, and men and
women doing the hardest kind of man-
ual -labor may have' more than seven
ounces of. war bread -a clay. in • France
'from note . on. The entire French
wheat crop has been requisitioned' by
the government. ° ~
This sacrifice has been accepted • by
the French people uncomplainingly on
1 the <• g'overnment's explanation that
only by, such restriction can .American transported in ships
that otherwise would carry grain' for
their bread, and that; in additionthis
grain for French bread can come from
America only by virtue of the actual
,� Y
sunt tion of bread b the American
PFACt .. Y � c
be set/ aside during the struggle with Council b = the`' Western n'owil Bial lt.inneanolis, 7si,,, lta ora- v,, 3.
�, -g y 1 1, c
savingof this grain •b ``reduced con-
-the Bourgeoisie. Governments, and public bodies with.•entre $o;t Sick. r " p
, to �._. linage 11771.ha11�4d. �. .., :..
"We uphold the power of the 7.4071 - whom were associated, the organiv,ed Mian . $3-z•50. -r people.
c Diontli, Jart. 29-1 insecC__Ol track.,"
mens and. Soldieis delegates," said farmers. and some of the-eirusin6s,C ]r1- ., -•.. . .''.'hese ext'reinelV..severe measures,
g m (3.51 to g,66 x1,1170 $'3 J9;
are 7l it Awaitsatl�idatittii by ;said the French statement,"`espet ial-
krylenko, "and. shall shrink from no- ,retests of Ontario. ,Tanuart-. -$3.51; .lanu,ary, $3:51.. a.a:act•
)'ello1V 31 55 to. '31.30. Oats
A despatch. from Buenos Aires,
gentina, says: With a: wheat shortage
in all the world's niai'icets estimated
here at 11,000,000 tons, Argentina ex-
fleets to have a re ex -
crop of that
cereal and to have 4,000,000tons for
export after satisfying the Borne ile-
znand and withholding the • seed i•e-
Of the surplus for export the British.
Government, acting i 1•
n behalf the
Entente allies, ,is credited Here with
the mteittion of buying :2,500,000 tons
while Spa;iii and Holland together hal
engagect,4800,000 tons:
$37,000,000 A DAY..
• A'despatch from, London says:: - An
drew. :I3orier: Law, 'Chancellor of the
' Exchequer, •annbilnced in the Ilous1i of
Commons that the daily average; of •
expenditure during Abe seven weeks
ending Jan. 19, was £7,51';000
thing, even from . -.-.)---
ben: --- - �r $3.53; July.$3.48.'s asked; '" °PIO' Workmen's ci ly the seven ounces a day hat=e deeply Fl spreading whole- $,t.1.5, notnfnaJ. �Y�ttl.l�nieAi 5 ,Lan„1eSS. I Mind and Di estion.
sale terror' and woe, to all who attempt 718 PERSONS' LOS 1. impressed public "opnipn.".
• A despatch Loin Petrog•1ad says:=, ;:" It is a great waste of money to eat
to cross our path. We must not stop ON TWO BRITISH STIR'S. Live Stook Markets MnMen who are very pool o1 who do
I•. The Russian delegates to the Brest- manual 7 ' o dining a heated discussion • or Just
spar.,; in 001 reign of terror until yve •, Toronto, 7an.29---Extra atioic+ hcavv hard manna . labor ' bet abort 21 after an mental provocation, Litovsk .,peace conference have decd i I v p ocation The
have 'completely ,1 ' ounces of bread
a flay tvoinen'who
p etely cnterminated all'our A despatch from London says: ,
Y tt0 5u to ',tl J., butchers' rattle rhn,re ed unvlumously, to leJect the terms .• drgestltie organs seem to supply fold
are ver'y-phor :or who are•eniployed. on
k e ,ori them to ,he „ steamers nlers by the, to $11„3,. dn., gond $s Sa to .r•1 up and quit work at such times "The
offered the C
steers. $11.160 to $12,65; 00., good heavy,
enemies.' Vengeance t the sinking of two •tea • 310.55r
• .,� �' c by .. r lelmans.
$1DC0; do., ice<1iu717 �a ir> .9 C •
< taken, then .is not correctly acted
common $5:60 to $8 85 butchers' bull. e c clsion o to c e c a es wtis, Yate
end.and • ithout mercy!' i enemy in the Mediterranean about •8 7, da.,
ever one else ge s °µogees, which 15 ; upon until mental calm is restored,
hard work get about 17,,eui ces a day; food
I three' weeks a°'' '718 ]lues were' lost. s tcl7oic,e $0.60 t, e e is t r t'
,c $to.35, do„ ,;0001 bulls; ainnotinced• by Mr Iienrenefi a mem'
The alinouiieeme
announcement was
made 1;
b )
1iA $3 35` to $6.55; do., ntediunl dulls, $7.60 , _t
vex. , 71
anal e chemical aatiou has talcei
t place;:
G. S. IS TURNING OUT fe in e to S5 I rough holt~ $c 35 to 'o S ber of the Rus',ian delegation,
y1 m e than 4 or.ii ♦ 1
roles. • , Ol t Ve 5 1
choice to $10• do
less than half of a pound loaf on..not :o,
Duiln. the ilttervening�;period L111fav-
DAY.' . House of: Commons' by Thomas J. Mc butchers' irs' k„ e' The C elmans declat
2,000 ENFIELD'S i4 eel thet
� r
s Thi lb:reatl is _nlatle of lion
F good $s,'->5 to $8:715: domedium $7G( x exm i 00111- the various :food bein • left
Secretary of the to $,,s5; . ,laid down by thein were their last of-. .. I s g e.,t to them-
, R i 1.0'. gti 50 feed
:despatch 2
the gastui.c juices,;' and.indigestion de-'
i . amara, Financialei n'tsun • all the elements of wheat ex
from Washington i- 1 g selves without the benign influence says:
• � .o:f.
atiec` la
o • . , <n., con,. <U7d lased„ $05 to $50; accept hostilities would e_ 1e-. - : �,•
'notificationtloulfiomothel cereal aailts yvhlch
turned t t tl h 1 £ of the loss of the e v essels s t Stoo t $1Go I as 71t t ]
$..75 to $9..) canners and nutters $5.50,'fer, and that II the',6.nssia.Ils did not • 1 -
to 86,75; milkers. nod to 'choice. n ce t bran. with a beau mixture of
t $t' -o• t � $..r, c t them' hostel t 1d b "p
The 11 12- 111101 icaui7,ed Enfield riff' ` Mr':3'fcN'amal a • 1 i 1 thatpublicl
.ul:•net out a - Te Winchester p an ,or .: -' r, , ,Wq nrea,•A,,..• •,. ,. p, 5 ligha elves,sunied. • ..:.. vele) we as a -mi 1'I eve loss
.haci green delayed until the `relative $1.,.5Q t.o $13.°0, sheep, 1,ealy, $6 to as 01 igatoty. r
American troops abroad was present -1 relatives $ r D;, sear gill Q . 7 Fina] decision z t It is not only bad taste to settle all,
K , n r stn rs
ed to President Wilson to be res v 1 el'e notrfied.
_preserved ed{ _
a souvenir.
as a personal The President 1 . , - ,
J `s.
was told the rifles- axe Tech evade at
1 ' IN GER •'� t .,..
the rate, of 2,000 a day. [ �� .v�1V '.
A. despatch from 'Condon says: A.
r, vF r, 'GermanI !'OFiitONfI31 .�,. <t. ..
of lieutenant, who has deserted -from
Is':iel, according to an rkrnsterdam de -A despatch from. Paris ea rs: A to
ateli to the Ea. less states that ,co tmgett .ot Portuguese, troo
_ ,:._1 p p}>s 'las ,. days
Amsterdam despatch to The Daily- 11Na few ago was/ so seriously
• Phe price of lx•ead is fii'ecl•by va,•i
317.50 {.o $I.S,50: calves, choice, M,..Eemeneil said .tulther, i:ested wit
Si5 to $16; flogs, fell and watered, , .
$is.vo; do., weighed ort cars, $18,75; do., the Congress of .Soldiers anti Work
f.o.b., $17.00•r
men's Delegates.
h ons government agencies all along the
-line between, producer and consumer.
Baking, of pastry or biscuits: from
flour that is fit fol' bread is prohibited,
Confectionaries and other 'such shops
I) are closed two days a week:, Eating'
OI CIR L D1SORI)I i; , naval engineer with the rank. 1 O1ZI [lC lI
family •discussions and differences at.
the -table, but, as intiniated 'causes.
useless expense for :foods. Choose be-
tween the meal: and the disecission,
Well Qualified.'
pastries in pithier: is forbit7den . A young Irishman applied to1� a Job
A despatch from New 'York says: as hfesal'er at' the .municipal 11011,s
A despatch 'from 1100(4on says: An ` new Che shortage of,lninker coal,which
press, repeating the: earlier rumors
that there were grave disoi•de
Be:flin, says no telegram, press; pri-
vate or bt:lalrl08s, was allowed •to leave(
BeAin oil Friday
dissatisfaction amongthe ''men of just been landed in Franc:
ze :m< e yes nluci .m re
serious than 111 '' army.. the <1my.. IIe . as-
serts- there leave_ been I'm
7zortaiit re-
volts, generally among' the crews . of
hampering the fueling of vessels ill
''tl Cel• to !ie t •l 73efore embarking' . the troops wet'e =New York. harbor "14s been entirely
rs in _Y
'relieved, according to a statement b
J. E. Parsons, detailed 1)y the United
States Shipping Board to supervise.
the bunkerin of shi s at thi ` t
neige -sweepers. '
reviewed ' by the Portuguese Premier
Dr. Sidonio Paes, who -reaffirmed the
intention of Portugalto continue tllLie rile
war to ie end.
,5Q34' 1�i lrezn
�.._.•.I q,,,,,♦ f::.- r,, ,irlnt.....:... ,_ ,YBali
16/ rtn n• rp} 114,.
t93 3E Dr1660r4rp'r
NOW 'r
A:despatch from.. London says:--,
ays -
The House • of Commons Passed the
third reading of .the Mai -ower bill.
rrhe vote -~vias unanimous.
As he was about six feet six inches'
high "and well built, the chief life-
saver gave him an •application blank
to fill out. m'
"By ,,:
the wa said.the
Y, chief life-
saver, "can you swim?"
"No," replied the applicant• " brit
I can wade, like blazes!"
ISN'T )'r '4401 TO ()Al
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