The Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-3, Page 1THIRTY. -FIRST YEAR • 01 . Gorier. T In one Wcelc In "Deeetlmbersubmar- Ines. destraycd 3,000,000 pouncls hof bacon. and 4,000,000 pounds cif c.hees,e. It. is cold.catl-ter, and the outlook is !no, always pleasant, but cheer up; it is alwaysdaurkes'C befloye the dlawri, and summer will come again. TIorlonto's Jourth and last Patriotic and Red Cross campaign ended `last. week,"" -with to mitg,niffie,ent total o4 $3,133,348. :Toronto has ';a record for paatri tism that her citizens can., just- ly 'feel proud a7, her respons % an ev- ery,occasion far exceedi; .g the otbjeo- titne point, it" they hat Owe .up mail service. Yet the national iinc,ome are not letters and ,parcels enough pasted on 'three routes to pay the expenses' ot one route,: The farmer !favored irt rnailing privileges if in other things he may be neglected; '13y procalana'ation. 'the British , Government 'the importation into the United • Kingdotif of newspapers „ and periodicals other than the Single cop7 les, has been. •strictly ,forbidden. This' means LI -tat any peli:don mailine-- news- "- papers or periodicals ta friends or ,soldiers in either England ar France must place each .c.opy in a separate wrapper, properly addressed. The rate 'on Canadian n.ewspagers, •or cent Tor each four ounces, to France one cent tper two ounces. .knieri,can publications one cen't' for two ounc,es. The :manufacture 10,,t othecthan one grade- Of` flour is absolutely prohibit-. ed throughout -Canadaf,,, On Monday the mills 'of the country began the 'pro- -Iduction of standard flour, This flour • be produced from. 265 poun,cls of wheat, as against $00 pounds,. for,, or • two bags of flour. It will be about the. same quality as ftv-hat iS now known as "SeCOITIld patent". Three grades of flour are -(made to -day - first patent, ,tiecond pa:tent and strong baker's. Under the Gov-ernmeni ,ree-- • 13,ere..alf ter be contained in -the one standard grade. Sort Have the Best. A .MEASURED SUIT. , A MEASURED OVERCOAT. SEMI -READY CLOTHING. MADE-UP CLOTHING. HOUSE COATS, UNDERCLOTHING HATS CAPS , SHIRTS. COLLARS BRACES GLOVES ETC. ETC., ETC,, ETC, W. Taman British casualties reported duriin the \veek, 'ending Jan. 23, were: 8,- 588, divided as 'follows o Died of, wouricls--Officers 25;,.nien 128; men, 6;721, Tiltes,e figureS Tel) resent the virtual cutting in half o Lbe pievious week when. 17 034 wer ,of 24,979 was reached, The travelling public did siome grear howling and leicking against the Grancl Trunk Railway wite,n the oew Iventrinto el:fleet to cut the train ser- vice down, ,jort this (branch ,of their pretty raw deal on, the traVelline- pub - hut ;they will doubtle.ss have a still February 3rd. It reported rail- way circle,s that the present service of: onb, train a day leach, way will be reduced to in ekl)r Service -,-that is e train. 'from the' ,South one day and back 'the next. Let us g,eit back to- 'the, old stag,e c,oratch and be done with it, Even ,,at that we may make just good time. ' Etre,rybody says the church ser- vices the basements aro hettei tha.n. -they were. in .the large auditor- iums: The .people seem to kind .olf. to each. other, shake halids, -e.tc„. and seem to enjoy meteting each other, w,elcioniing each •otlie,r, .and the ser- vice all 1.11Yough seems more enjoy- able. 01, course, ts,ome people say you dol n.at go to church, for enjoy - intent, If oat, iwhy not?, It all de- pend's on what one Means by enjoy- ment It is 'pleasant to s,efe people stick 'around a little after the ser - Vise is Over, arid sp,eak to the neigh- bors and :shak-e, hands with the strang- ers and tell "them they are Welcome. Thtere is room for improvement in thn manners- and liab,its. church go- ers. Whether itt -is the smaller roolm ther we Can. not say; but th,ere more of 'the friendly, Felcome sh,own in one night after the se.rvice --clown-,stairs, than, there was in half - a -dozen. evenings up -stairs. • g HURON 'COUNTY COUNCIL ‘ren.ed ,in Gaderich last week in, the 7, inaugural session. For the first time several years -there is 'a maloritY h' of Conservatives in the 'Council. "Ile 1c401.3.Lii)ii;),6stialtiosis. is., as Conse•r,v'ilc-iv6, and, 1 The' Sunday 'World says that their correspondent in 'Ottawa claims- the Union, Goverrinfent will have a major- ity of betwee,n eighty and ninety in the next' parliamenat, and probably nearer nin,ety "'than eighty: Enough'Is now known of the 'i,rend of the sold- iers' vote to. show that consigerably over ninety per cent. voted in, favor,. QE, by 'less -thari 1000 sinaj'firitY' on 'the home vote , can ex:peel. ',to be elected counted against' him. This ineans that froin'the whole o -f the maritime. prov- inces ther,e only be about six Laurierites int* house ; several of the Quebec: s,eats will also go to the goy-, eminent-, Ontario, like the West will also be practically a clean sweep for T.Jnian Govern.rnent. _One result of this will be to give the straif,13t Con-serva- tive, members in the House a majority Listett to the auctioneer's- eulogy' of the ctow,-'!Of the tanitriaBfriends of man .she is the grefatest, I wish ,thatt I, you !are ,abiout. to sit down to your Sunday dinner, might take from your table What ;she placed thereon I would Aemio've the cup of milk waiting at chair, I'd take , the cre,am, the cheese, the butter, the - custard pie, the' cream Els:cults, -the roast beef and 'leave you ameal of, potatoes and 'toothpicks,„ Every 'scrap c.f her, from 'her nose to _her tail is used by ,mairt. We use' h,e,r hams 10 comb .otur hair, her skirt up- on our feet, her. hair keeps ,the plas- ter.'on the wall, ther hoofs, make glue and her tail makes s,oup,,...her blciod bones are ground' ta fertilize our,sail. She has gone with man from Plymouth Rock ,tot Setting Sun. It was her sons that turnied the sad 'din the settler's clearing; it was- her sons 'that drew the prair-ie -schooner, for the sturdy pioneers, while she followed, and wh.en the day's marefi was done she came and :gave :her mitk- to feed the babe that was perchance to k'becoalle ,the ruler of his country." " TO ,OPERATE TRACTORS. Rettu-ned soldiers 'trained as expert ,operators by the instructors in the 'vocational training, ,centres of the military hospitals commi.ssion„ will rim government tractors 00 the farms of Ontitria. There will b,e '130 tract - On in operation next: spring, anct men who have done their bit overseasf will -get the first call fprovided they have secured the ,proper FIRE LOG OF NEWSPAPERS. the tinanulfactIlire fuel °int GI:, 010. 'news,pap-erS•"iviiiich tit is. ,claimed has been used most succ'essfully, If such k This was the year 1,or a Conserva- tive to get the Warclenship, and a keen contest ,devieloped 'between W. 181. Lobb Gaderichr Township, W. R. Elliott, of Ste,Phlen, Township, R, C. Pettuy of 1-Iensall and '11 K. Powell of Turnberry 'Township, The elec- lots had been. passed, the final ballot being between Mr. Lobb anti Mr. El- liott, the ilatter securing one vate mo -re than lad,s opponent. Warden Elliott has had seven years municipal 'exferiende 110 /1,1$ Own:I:own- ship for five of which he has sat at 'the county "counicill. After two he wais elected R,eeve. The -follow: - Ina year he was a,gain 'elected Reeire mid the threc last years got the posi- tion' by'accilarnati(ojn. The new wa,r- den is 56 years -of age and a Methodist' in religion. The Sollowfbag Striking Committe,e was appointed, 5..0. Laithwaite, T., Brock, N. A. Taylor, Gordan li-,raun,g up the f,ollowing Standing Committees Executive -Messrs. Gen. C. Petty, J. N. •C,afripbell, N. Livingstone, Special -Messrs. A. E.'Ertvin, M. Armstrong, John Douglas, W. H. Fraser, Jlosepla Hackett. • Eclucatio,n---John Love; J. C. Lailla- powaiwt,eeu. Crich, T. McKinley, K• Road and Bridge -W. H. tobb, Gor- don Young, N. A, Taylor, -Jos. ton, J. ilfalfough. Thos. Brock, C. ,Laithtvaite B. W. F. Beavers. a Designated Roads Committee was formed as 'follows, - R. Harding, '5, Govenlock and Thos which the :Ciouncil of 1917 adopted at the June session The. Good Roads Scheme was one of the important matters Ifliscussed Mr. Huber,- engineer "ram the Good Roads Association, Toronto, was present on Friday morning to answer any questions in refer enc e to the carrying out of the plan. -The F,oad and 13.ridge Committee brought in a rep or t ad vo a:Ling that the amounts spent in each municipalitY for ,good - roads should be equaliz•ed every five years. 'this means that the amount paid by every municipality Fill •be spent in the municipality or at the end of five years the balance nat. spent will be returned., 'PHs report WaS adopted. To the -Canadian Patriotic' Society the. Council granted as000 a month, was granted 'to- the various patriotic organizations of ithe Count_y, 'to be -divided accofiling to the •equalizecl as- sessment the Courityl. This sum will be distributed through '-yhe several municipal councils.. The cum of $300 'The usual grants were made to the High Schools and the Continuation. ,This. year all grants Agricultural SoCieties, 'Women's Institutes, Fairs, and Libraries w -ere cut out'. • A resolution 'was passed asking -the Grand Trunk Railway Company La at -least-continue the prels(ent ,railway schedule in Huron. • Messrs. Abner Cousins, of Wingham and Pe cer- Cantelon of Clinton w ere ,aPPointe.d auditors. For several years there, 1ms been. a fight on. in the. Council regarding the adoption. of 'the district agricultural representative idea but \vi\thout 81.1O- cen. This year, hoWever, the special port and the council adapted it. It was decided to. make 1,he office- of the repres,entative ,Clinton, that .. town being the most central. The appoint- ment fc>1. -the a-epre,sientative will be. made later. • SOUTH HUR.ON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY T,11,0 annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society was held at the t -'Commercial E-Iensall on ince, -the Jinan.clal statement show- ed a substantial balance on the right side o, the ledger And ill is ill,' tn.- a seed and stock ;show, the former sh• ow. on. Tuescla,y, April 9. The Col- OVing were the officers elemed is the,' case, it :will pi ove a , great boon • wen worth giving a 'trial., The 1 0,tg,s, will burn flitom hatir hour. and' a hall in • any. fireplace or. stove, the Isallowing ts the formula: 'Spread 1, five slieets.,of newspaper folded once .01,1 table with folded tend to\valicl y,ou,'-and begin to roll in a fairly Light roll. Before the first .section , nailed completely, insert a second sec - two or three inches "m.stcle. e Core , finis hine the '1as cc tine, ,of 0.1,3 Toll fold 1)aclz tile sheets cxcopt the i outSidt3 one. Pasde this around the tall cut in throe inch lengths, saturate with kerosene (coal oil) for a mo - Inuit One or two will make a good President, Robt. !McLaren; 18t Vice - Directors, -H. C. Soldan, Oscar Icilopp Wm. Buchana,a, ,OlVen, Geiger, John Deekcr, W. D, Sanders, John Laporte • Thof;, 'Murdoch Wm, 1)rov- • Thos McMillan; Auditors, H, li,xeter, Jan .28, 1918 The 1)1unicipal Council of' the .Vil- lage of Exete4 met in regular session in the office of the Cleric, 'with tall: members present. The 'minutes of the 'meeting held Jan 14, were road and approved. Communications \vere read as fol- A.Liknowlpdoements from the Sol - Died in Lanrlopt—Tlie death took place at St. Jose:ph ,Hofspitalc Lot -Rion, on Thursday, Jan'y 24th, of ice ,o,f age. Death was due. absess the bowels,. 1-Ite leaves to mourn his dentise, :his parents, Mr. and Mrst Patrick '1‹.. Boland of. Parkhill; three brother, John J. and Talhel ''1•11d 'Ed -- ward or thQ 14t.b. of 'McGillivray; tw sisters, Mrs, Arthur OiNell Of Clan_ deboye and Mrs. John IVIcCarthy dier Boys at the front, re Christmas' McGillivray,. 'Che funeral took p•ace dinner,„ Abner T, Willis, Wrn. Birney; the Raman Catholic cenieferythl E. C. Harvey, E. E. Down, J. N. Wit-- on Saturday ai 10 m lis, Louis Day, Eric Hurdon. Annie Doyle returned ham,' A letter' (from the President of the last week, after spending a month v's- W.C.T.U, Mrs. Sharp, re soliciting a' 'ging her sister, Mrs, A, J. C.o.ughllis. of the ColltitY Patriotic gran -e Torontot.,-Mr. John '1‹:Ipper of Al - Also the Soelety are anxious to secure berta visited• at the home et' Mi. Jas. all ,old trinkets of g•old, silver:. Plate, Carey last week. -Mr, John Rowland brass, and etc., which will be sold has ,engaged Mr. Henry Miller far a and the :funds forwarded for the pur- I year. Mr. Rowland made no mistake pose of reireshment to the Soldier ita ,securing the services -0,* Harry as WaS in London last week on buslnes•s. -.Mr Wm. I-1. Musser spent Sunday year, -Mr. Wm. Barry -lett last week 6or London, where he intends r.maln- An appeal from. the offices of the National Sanitarium, Toronto. Filed Circular' 'from the Sawyer -Massey Co. Ltd. Hamilton re -road machinery A copy -.07 Resolution trona the Public Utilities Commission asking for 'ng grant of Two hundred dollars apply - able to Water works department. Per 'Day and Snell that two hundredi dollars be placed to the credit of the Water `works Dept. Utilities Commis- sion. Carried. A letter Trom the President of the Exeter Mkg. Co, Mr. F. B. Zeig,claim- ing that they could sde no way where- by they could satisfactorily handle the .4sroposition, being too 'far away Per Day and Elston that the Reeve and Clerk take proceedings to close the mortgage as held by the Municip- ality on the Exeter Mfg. Co. Carried' Tile following Council 'Committees were a.ppointed, the same.teing ap- proved on motion of Day & Elston: and Elston. Finance Committee, councillors, El- ston -and Day. Day and Penhale. ,RoadgIand Bridges Committee, coun With the Reeve a member of each committee, the. first named to be Mr. H. E. Huston was again. ap- pointed as a naember of the Board of Health. The .Property Committee reported that 111r.- L. McTaggart would take charge, of the weigh scales paying the,refore a rental of $10.00 and peribale that Mr. R. 11-Iulni„br -appoinied Assessor. Sal - preparing Truant Offices's book. - Carried. Per Penhale, Elston that the Reeve with councillors Day and Snell and Messrs. -Gdadman and Weekes be the Municipal Cemetery Committee. -- The 'following accounts were read B. ncet. 30;1 Mrs. Fred East, cleaning Library 3.50; Jam Norry,„labor R. B, acct..90; Walter \Vestcott, labor 2.55;1 John liunkin _snow plowing 1.9.60;' Richard Quance, .labor R.13. Acct. 6.70 1.00; William Fraser do. .90; Chas. Sr., .60; Samuel Baskerville do. 1.70t "Thomas IPlynn., do. 2.50; Thos. Hod': den .70; George Cudinore, clea.ning• 5.00 Passed on motion or Snell pull Elston.' Carried. Adjournment by Day. Jos, Senior, Clerk. DEBT OF DOMINION S 970,428,504. (Canada's 'war- expenditure DOT the nine months of the, ,filseal year end- ing December- 31, amounted 10 $ 171,- 748, 839, During the ,saine gen-fad in the previous fiscal -year the expendi- ture was $170,229,748, For 'the mon- th of December alone th,e war cost $ 19,779,563; in 'December 1916 'it cost 23,702 217. The 'revenue of the Domini:toe f°T tile nine manths was ,$190,658,370, a- gainst $166,856,349 far the same per- iod in 1916. 'For Decesnlyer alone the. revenue 'was .$20,617,763. In. I)ecem- diture chargeable to revenue totalled $ 96,982,537 -as compared with $ 81,- 696,595 in the previous year.'" The. total net debt of the .Dominr, iDli on, IDecember 31 stood at $ 076,- 428',504: On the same, date 1917 it was $ 722,111,44,9, During Decent.- ber the debt increasced by $18,427,-' 802, w-hich' was approximately a mil- lion less than. the war expencli- Lure ,for 'that month. In 'order to prevent retail dealers taking laclvantatge fol. the ,scarcity bran and ishorts to 'exact excessive profits over the pricies fixed by the 'food controller, -,th,e latter has order-. ed that the retail pi -let,' ,of bran and 81,10118, WhICYC eash is 'paid, must! not exceed lby ;more 'than, c{anits per bag, :11te cost f b. t,rticic at the cletiler's :station, In cases where parealtsers take ,c1c1livery direct from the car 'the pnotfit has been. limited to a ma.ximuin of five cents per bag, An extra charge may be made where credit is ii-IVen and 'the bran, and shorts delivered.'froin the dealer's store, but chit, amount must be only a -reasonable charge, TOpresentin'g the e,onsidc,ra- limn of such services. Exeter Methedist Sunday Schools on Sunday last hs, OF' the Artnenitlas• it is claimed that ,,two and a half sal.1- lion of the Chrisfian Armenians are Streel. School istibscribed $21.58 and tlle James 'Street ,Schoel $1.50,00. The new flour now beini-.4 manufac. Lured is slightly darker than What the have been turning out, but is nothing Eike the war flour beilng used in England and other European coun- tries. T,he order will not fint any way lessen the output af tthe and has simply been, enforced trill) the object of enabling the Dorn'nfon Government ta send more wheat to the allied nations, With a saving of 'five pounds of \vheat on. eve,ry hun- dred pounds of flour groun,d the -w- an s 1 achlational tons of wheat will he saved to send overseas., SANDERS ENSILAGE FOR SALE, The at the Canning Factory is' open and- ensilage is offered for sale at 82,40 per ton„. Purchaser to pay `;or weighing on R. 'G. Seldionfsiscale„ 'Exeter Canning Company' ,and Mrs, iNiorman a.. MARRIAGES 13todie-Shaw-Ir Seaforth, on Jan. 23, at tile resid,ence of ,the bride's sis- Bertha A. Shaw- Scalar Oa. Jan'y 18, Arthur A. Nicholson of Tuckersmith to Miss Catharine Mc. -- 'Kenzie McBurney Se,afortli. DEATHS Sanders -In Ekeber, ori Ja,n 30 Har - net Sa.nders, relict of the late Sam- uel Sanders, aged 77 years and 3 - months. The Tunes -al Friday, at 2- Meintosh-4-A1 Binteefield, an Jan. 20 Marjory Nichols on daughter of George Frederick Eilber, aged 94' years, man ys. Woodburn -In, McGillivray, on Jan 19' Wilber WoOdburri, aged 40 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSuED. b \T C. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly cOnfidential; no witness °WELL'S ANNUAL BIG FEBRUARY S ALE NOW then., who said Barg,airars- om,e along with the crowd,s and piCk up a. few ol the many Morley Savers• -and help reduce the high CDSt. iiV:iT).g. Sale starts To -morrow, Friday, February •lst TO, 8th. Bargainsini, Graniteware; 'then ,8th to 15th, 1000 pieces ,of pretty chinaware, corn -- prising cups, saucers, berry and water sets, fancy pieces, jugs, jardiniere:s, sugar and cream .sets. fa.ct ,ortir wholc stock. 'Keep this in, mind'. The. markets art, ,soaring, but: we must I educe, LOOK:' A FEW ITEVIS PRICED. ----Larre Granite' Dish! pal valral Ite 50.e Laa-ge Granite Dish Pans, good value at 85c. ; sale 69c( Large Granite Washbasins, goad value at 35c.; sale 24 Large. Granite Potato. Pots, good value aL 100.; sale 79c. Large Granite Pie and Jelly Pans, good value at 12c.; sale 9c. Grand te Sink Strainers, good value At 25c. ; sale 15G. Granite .Preserve 'Kettles, good va hie at 75c. ; sale 59c. -Kr TI -IE CANDY COUNTER with every 50c. purchase a prize will given MUSIC EVERY DAY. STEP IN OFTEN AND LOOK AROUND. be- POWELL'S Big Variety Stoic,: PHONE 55 -- „PHONE 16 PHIDN 16 Buy Furs This Month a Reduced Prices LADIES' FU.R.-COLLARED .COATS weather Th'e coats have 'curl or quilted lining and are interlined with ,,ru bber,,, while the cloth is NEW GINGHAMS 1500 yards of New Ginghams liave..been •placed la -stock this week. Thip is a good washing material, and there are manyinew PatternS in 'stripes, plaids . and ALL WOOL BLANKETS '6 pairs lahly all wool Blan4e.ts size 64 by 82.. Iftylou need apair .of gapd wool blankets don't. fail NEW WALL PAPER.S 0 tu new Wall Papers for 1918 are ;ready sfor you- We also have a clu• entity of la,st season's' papers' in. bundles enough to de! a room. 'These v:re arc sellin,g at MEN'S OVERCOATS We are offering spe_cial values in Boys' end Men's Overcoats. paziy• you to buy this' season, as the 'cloths are nanch better -than we. expect 'to get far ntext sea-, tson. The prices, too, will make it, worth ;your NEW DINNER SETS . The.se sets were ordered last fannary and tonly came to hand this week. The patterns are dain-. a liens. Full.dinner Vet +cif 97 pieces far PURE- LINEN TOWELLING - 2000 yards of pure 24:1(11CLII ling'. This is 'scarce g.ctects;, and tve were fortunate to -get it. We would advise you to prc•cure y `81.1pply for future needs. CRYSTAL DRIP SYRUP PER LB. 10c, Bring in 41 pail and have it fill- e.c1 with delicious -table syrup. It is cheaper to' buy it this way, PHONE 16 A. STEW? ,) Prices