HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-17, Page 8rE . nunr.ATT:,; r U SIIIA"ir, JAN. 1`Z, 191. ETER -.MARKETS Changed Each Wednesday • Wheat .., ' ; 2,10 Barley , 1.00 to 1.15. Family Flour 5,70 Lott Grade Flour ..,..... . 3,50 Shorts: ,...., Bran •.. •-•• 44,00 ., 38.00 Creamery Butter - ' to 50 1 Davy ,Butter gs 50 Tarl eye ..... ., , , alive^ 25, dressed 30 Qe:ee • ala ue 16; clre,ssecl 21 -e 22 e Ducks ... alive 16 dressed dre Hen. alive 14, dressed 16 Chicken alive 16, dressed 18 Lard 34 P,at:ita. s per lag ........, 1,60 to 1.85 lies ,,.,.. 17,50 tiay, poi .on 10,00.to12.00 Owiag, „o the storm ,Rev, Irwin ot' Glencoe aid not arrive litre for the Sunday service plu Main St. Church. 1t,t.t'' Y eta -1,J took the ;morning ser- vice ani in the ;eveniin the fleshy te,ri,'tns-.i net with the James Street people ii1 Lt mean service, R,ev, SI, I'', Sharp pxea .,ring. Both services were held in the baseanetntt,- z—o—x— live Y. .til,. C. A, entetittai;;tlnelrvt null ba. theld in .he Town, 11x11 on ltrjclay eveei g, Jai y .18th, to help suppotrt the work to the Trenches, An. inter- esting and unique program will be giv- en. iN,a adntissicl+`i( Everybody wel- come • Envelopes distributed that ev- ening to anyone wishing to help the wtoijk,—Colimnittee, ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The sibo. at the Canning Factory is ,open and ensilage is offered far sale at $2,40 per ton. Purchaser to pay Ilar weighing on, R. IG. Seldtoneescale. Exeter Canning Company F1Sh FOOD HAS ARRIVED Special sale lig Gold Fish while they last. 100 Hyacinth Bulbs, 7 for 25c. And remember oirr Big February Sale 1st week Grani,tware. POWELL'S BAZAAR NOTICE . Any person for persions collecting money an ;my name or doing, business of any kind whether, using my pitivlta or not will be prosecuted :according to- law.—Mrs. -Elizabeth Ann Willis. Buy a ticket lar the beautiful hand- made lunch cloth donated by Mrs. C. J33rney ,to. the Exeter Patriotic League. See it in' James & May's window. Tickets 25c. We club with, all the leadiing, daily and weekly ,papers. Niow is the time to select your 1918 reading. —0-- CUTTERS—A ;few nice cutters:on hand. tfdcLaughlin make, beautifully finished and upholstered, and of var- ious designs and prices.—Wm. Ward, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an urulitmiited ,number of horses in good condition. Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old ' up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties, having the required - stuff, brute, or phone 83, Exeter. G. J. DOW. Put an advepitils,em;eint in the col- umns of the Advocate and get quick results. 21 you have far sale anything that the people want—or want to buy anything that somebody else may have for sale, ua amall ad. un this paper will .bring quick response. ;MEETIN G OF HURON COUNTY COUNTY The Council of Huron will meet in ber, in th. Town Tuesday, the 22nd at 3.00;,ee,'clo.ck. 'GEO. W Goder•ich, Jan. 7i, the corporation of the Council Cham - of Gaderich, an of January, 1918, . HOLMAN,'Clerk 1918. ' ANNUAL MEETING. KIRK.1'ON AGRICUL'L SOCIETY'. TJae Annual Meeting of The Kirkten Agricultural Society will be held in Aberdeen Hall, 'Kirkt.an, on Friday January 18, 1918, at one o'clock, for the purpose o.t Electing Officers, re- ceivjng the Annual Rlep,ort and Gen- era'. Business. A large attendancie is requested. A. 73RETHOUR AMOS DOUPE Pa esident Secretary., FARM FOR SALE Fifty acres about 1 mile marth. of Ciandeboye, lot ,Con, of Biddulphl. 1 mile /ram school, church and.sta- tiron. clay loam, and all clear- ed 7 acres fall ;wheat, 14 acres seed- ed down • 1 acre ,af orchard and sfnall fruit; 2 'story brick house, brick kitchen and frame' twood-ihous;e; frame barn 30x50 stable and ,drive shied 38x 28; hog. 'pen and hest house 24x18; 2 good wells; well fenced. Possess- ion in March, W. J. NEIL, Clande- < hioye R. R. Na, 7, , HASTINGS Agent for' Canada Life Assurance Company Also Fire and Accident Insurance, Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER, -ONT. AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE.—Having taken ager the Wat-- !in's Agency from Mr. J. E. Gauld of Hansall I am prepared to do business with all the old customers and others who have rat previously caused the 'products I will be pleased to interest also: ,.A full 'line now iso th0ic Goods' cad, be procured at reslidenee at any time. A full lime of I. in tnentts>.` Cough Remedies, Spices d Ext -tic's, Toilet h rt cies always' aYL 'h<and, Phone orders promptly at- tendcd to, Phone:. 43 Exeter. W . ANr REW, 'r'ravelitng. Salesman, Exeter, Ont. R pita'y�e' e!* rcxgy' 1e�1r''�s70-1•9 LOCA DOINt8m kesilk.,AtAtaiiiezakailkaidleAtimikiaabeik is Mr. Ed. Trr ,' ,e able to be out again after his recetrt ,illness. , Pte, Percy Hitphia, of Cluiiorn, a member, taf 'the 161st battalion, is home born the front, The Ottawa ;pe,nsioa list ttr date c:,ontains 12,885 names, the recipients being spread to 'nearly every country of the world, 1. Mr, 3, ff. merrier ihha sold his resi- dence dence je Zurich., and alsa.one earns of 150 acres, He well probably move to Exeter or Clinton in tithe spring'. Miss Gertrude Maude Spackman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin If. Spad,nian of Blenheim, was married an New Year's. Day to ivIr. Glen, Cam- enan 'Rutherlard. In rorclez' to save coal the services of the Ta•ivitt 1.1femioria1TM'.Church Eos• the remainder of the winter tv4 bre held in the School ,)loam, -excepting the first Sunday in each month; where they will be hold in the church, for the purpose of saving the plastering doom beim; damaged by front; A very keenly contested Mackey match .alas staged on the arena here Wednesday night of last week, when the boys of the Eegliish Church cross- ed sticks with the boys of, tih!e Meth- odist eth:odiist ,Church, resulting ; in a victory for the former by a score of 3•ta;l, "Sliver" ,Boyle makes an excellent goal tender, Hiss Nellie Clara daughter Janes of Mr, Henry : Jones, CLonidosi Road, south, was happily married in Loin-+ doe, on Wednesday of ,last week ;to Mr, Edwin Callfas of Fillmore, Sask. The wedding was a quiet affair and was solemnized . at -the 'Askin, Street Methodist Church parsonage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr, Dougall. The bride, is well pared ;favorably kr'sjawn here and will have the best wishes of her many friends far a long and happy wedded life. Newspaper publishlers are asked to do. what is asked ,of no pottier call- ing. They are texnected t:acgive twice as individuals . to the .various subscrip, tion lists for paj`rxotic purp,as,est which are presented - to them, and as publ.isber.s by ;giving: aw-ay that which. is to them the chief support of the business which they conduct: J,ourn:-t alists are trilling 'ea bear ;their lair share of the common isacrifice, but they do not expect that they alone should be asked to make a double sacrifice,—Branitfard Expositor. —0— A Choral Society was formed in town an, Friday evening last, and the fallowing ,were !elected :-Pik s.iden1, lir, S. Martin;; 1st Vicei-Pr,es., Miss Huston; 2nd !Vice;-jPres., Miss Mux- worthy See -ye Mr. J. Davis; Treas Mrs, Yeo'. •The. Cantata, "David the Shepherd Boy" will- be studied. The first; re- h,ersal will be held in. the Schcicil Room of the James St. Church, an Friday eventing at 8 ;o'clock sharp, The proceeds -of the entertainment will be devoted entirely to Patriotic purposes, Nan:'denorninationai , sing- ers welcome. Come and do your bit Wm. Clarke, Rep_ L. ;C, M., Director. LAS 1' LEAVE. .Mr. Bert Gillies was hlamle from Co- being obrei rg this week an his last leave be- fore going to th,eeast coast- He had a hard „me reaching Exeter .awing to the storm, "brit was determined_' . to get home. It roe& tiva days to reach T}aran,to, a day to get to London, he walked to Hyde Park an Monday, to Denfield ,on Tuesday, drove to ucan on Wednesday ' conning and was there 'suet by his brother Percy, who brought lnian to Exeter. By wire he got Hs leave' extended, DEATH OF -WILLIAM DAYMAN. The " death' took place at his .home on the 'third canicessloa of Usborne Township an Friday last, January 11, of one of the old -settlers; in the. person Of William Dayman, who had reached the age Of 79 years, 11 months' and 9 days. Deceased -• had. been :gradually failing for some time being " 611 much of the past year. He had .however, been. confined : to his bed .only a mo,n,th, prior to death. Ap- proaching.age;was the cause of death. The late ...Mr, Dayman was borne in Devonshire, Eng., ,and ' came to Can-{ adawith his parents :when three years of age. , They first settled in Darling- ton. Township, ,but a year or two later came !t!o .Ustb,ornle, evhere he continuously resided "until the end came,, Mr. Layman .never married. F -Ie ys:: ;'survived' by lone sister, Mrs. James; •,Blatcia f oird of Hensel', and a largenumber of nephews and nieces. He was of a quiet retiring dirsposi;titon but was :known.•,to many, and highly respected by:. all. The funeral took Place to 'the Exeter `•eem,etet-y oat Tuesday at 1,30 p,m, from the res- idence of Mr. Jahn 'Oke, Cotte, 2, U sb arne. • MRS: SAN'L 'COB,BLEDICT' DEAD, Mrs. Samuel Cobbledick passed a way at the home of jeer on, Thomas Stewatdeon, half a utile ~vest of Greenway, on the McGillivray Town - line on !Sunday., Janty,..6th, after sixr weeks' illness, The anautden name of the decreased was Ellen Atkinson, and was born in the Township o,1 Vaugh- an .County of 'York. She. and her husband came west to London Tawn-' ship 68 _'years' ago They lived en 4th concession of McGitll;rvray, near Eb_ eneeei- ,Church, "'and afterwards near Br iusley, About 30 years ago he married Samuel Cobbledick and they lived in Exeter for 25 year y. After the decease of 'her husband she jived with 'her 'daughter; 'Mrs. ?embed- , al Denfield. "D'eceauaed was a kind neighbor, always ready to help in time of'trouble,, or :illness. , She u^l,ll be•alway,'remembered ;or. Inc'liper many. acts raf kindness. in 'tihc rointtl'tinity ;iitwhich she resided. She Is surviv- ed `by three some—John of Ltrcan., Thrasria.s :oI Greenway, and Simnel of Cauddty,,;.of IYryi'ls, and two daughters Mrs. Pettbcrtan ryf Denfield, and Mrs, Gaireess 'Saskatchewan, -The funeral baelk n'aeo on. Tuesday to Ebenezer 0 etnctcry, 117aY, J G, ^'Jpnet,, conffi;iwcl to ,hips home through' nllness, See 011e boc•ksy match Ott 'TI trrsday night between, Zurich and F:reter, ; The ,s toren pre'wenited the mail car - niers snaking their trips Satur dayt an,si nlotlday, Several tttoussehalcls an town are out of coal and depec0cli,rg ,an neighbors to 'tide them over, Mr, til', J. Murray has accepted'the position al: assistant manager of The. Butner Company at Tproata. The local papers are a few hours late 'thh week owing to the storm. tflecting !Idle tratilway ser'yic,e• Mi'. T, G. Creech, 'is harv;est,ing the. lee thin week, and it Is a pretty good sample, He is 1s'tohwn.g a lar• , e quasi tufty, Mr. Earl Spackman of the Molslans Bank staff, Guelph, has been trans- ferred to tli,e Otve,t}',Sound braltich as ac c,ounta:nt. Since the newspapers' lbs several days have come in ,the people of this district are +tryinng.40 catch; up in their trending. Mr-. Joseph Sutton has been conlsid erably incapac,itate,d since Friday lay, having his knee and leg badly wrench- ed ed while working at leh,e salt works, lir, A. G. Dyer is still confined :to: his bed from the effects of the re- tent ;stroke of paralysis he sustained. His, condition, however, has improl'- ed somewhat, 1'.ae services in the various church- es in Cowin are being held! in the base m,enits': This is .well, but, we believe, they could ga one -better' and unite for service sand thus save coal. We are pleased, always to publish school -reports, Out of taw' ' teachers car; send reports by nail., enclosing in envelope and placing one 'cent post- age on same, leaving it unsealed. ` L Mr. D. :Mack wishes to correct the erroneous ,irnpre4;sewn that seems to be current around town to, the effect torso, the ,has -a large ;surplus Cupp ly o, coat stored on his premiwtes. Such is ;enliie'ly without !foundation, and while ;he has been ;gesikrlous enough to let soave` at ;hiss neighbors ;have coal to tide ",hen- aver ftilll coal -arrives,, he bass by na • Meain;s any mpee than he will remise.. Frost is the pipes' of the steain heating .plant in. Mr. •Geo.. Andrew's residence caused an. expliogs!oaz Susi clay which blew out the side, Of .theboiler, and bursting open, the furnace dloor` threw all the fire put an tile basement floor, tvhtich was,', luckily of cement and digit not catch, an;:fire. . The' expIasion,was immediately folio: ed by a Blown -{pour icif water . and siteam which saturated thongs pretty well, before. 11.was got ,rid of. It was for- tunate foe Mr. Anldriew that he got away .front the furnace before the explosion occurred: In fact he had only ,got around the corner of a wall when the thing happened. —A somewhat similar explosion :oc- curred Monday forenoon at, ,iVleasr Gladman & Stanbury's Office,.buts that case i;i ,was a, coil in the furnace that brake. In „other places tile:fro:tit caused like trouble but of a lesiser nature. DEATH OF JOHN 'WALDRON.- Word was received 'here an Friday January llth, of the death that day in Pe.trosky, Milch., of John Waldron, hardware merchant, „formerly, High, School teachers He was about 67. years of, age. Die`ce;'.sed was born and raised on the second concession of Stephen but left here probably 40 years ago. He is stu•vived by a wife and : daughter, alsta three broth- ers and roth-esrs'anci. three sisters, William of De- troit, Thomas of Toronto-, George:of Exeter, now ;spending the ,w.inJter ;n London a Mrs. zlturlrs. Sk er of Owen Sound Mrs. -George Atkin;sianj of London and Mins Hattie °Waldron of Winnipeg EXETER SCHOOL BOARD . A regular rmeteting. oof the Board wa.s held at the office of the Sec- retary on January 16, All the mem- bers were present and subscribed to the ,decJrarati;an of office: The 10i- towine officers ,and 'com,mittees were a•Piiointedp—Clrain•man 5. Martin; Sec, Treas., 'I MacFaul; Fuel Cioni, A. E. Juke and E.:tVe. D,iug.nan; Sup- ply Cont., F,. W. Giadtnan, and, R. N. Creech; :Insurance, urance, A. E. Fuke and E. M. Dignan; Teachers' Supply: Com. S. Martin and R. N. Creech; Grounds and Sanitary Clam,,' A. E. Fuke and I++'. Vt,'taaci ; Library Rept• e,aenttative., for 1915-19-20; Auditor, G. Maw - The principal, 1VIr. Haviland was present, and gave a talk on she tonne of the •schcial. The insurance .Tom-• mitbee was asked ea prepare a report for the iexit intoeliing: The Fuel Y par mittee was instructed to secure coal, and •Fvload at la, at ;c•pparlujarty. The eecre'tary was: clieecied to write The` Educational Depaa-irntetvt of the Inter- national Harvester Ca far pamphlets, A number'of accounts were passed; Miss Ida Wambold of, L,onflan is visiting ting fraienclls in Exeter, Mfr. Fred Elleri glhan is in Guelph taking a short course In stock judginti,g. Pte. Wiitfrid Mack of the Cobourg. Battery was home this week op last leave. Mr. ;eco -Walker and , tamm1 y of leiorth tBattlepforcl, Sask., is vt,,ib,•ng relative ,,,n ;Exeter and Stephen. Mr:; Hubert Jones deft Thursday of thr' tveek for Tea -forgo.' to loin, the Un vcieety Jnfdlltlly Corps liar over- seas servicte, Mrs, Win, Hawkshaw has returned to .her home in, Detroit an accom iied p t I ti :�s Dal) a -�.dd � i �Y Tr, �b f.13at ulp,r, tvhbr vis= iced here for a few .days. Mos Ed, Dyer for. Brant,f:ard is here attending her ;father, who continues. rlurtc ill. hIr. Dyer was ,expected he rc Saturday, but Was prevented by, the storm., Dr, George F ciclon of Vancouver, i1,C, , who bad cras,Sec1 the coeti,icen` to tit, Jolrns, rrN, ;en. Governm,en siic:s,i spent „Friday night:..tvith lit brother, 12-. Gi Selden, here, ?k'ONfrt� .IG JANUARX SAcVIN COTTON Our PricesinMany L>n� less than To- Da Wholesale Pr ces- The last that we had an, immense stock of Cattail Staples- batiglit • and stared away a year ago, permits us to oiler to: early buyers many Li; nes ` at less then to-dpy,'s ‘ ,whpl;esale ,price. 'Comte early as these prices last long. English Prints at 18c. and 20c. yc We ,offer to early buyers 150 pieces heavy print, inc : English snakes, such tis Potter's and 'Cruni's at sante price as last season, 18c. for light, colarsl'and 20c. Indigoes, etc. 36 in. Factory Cotton at �� 5c• yd. 10 Webs Only, yard wide Factory Gottan ,aloe even cloth, ',which we could not duplicate to -day at this price • wholesale. Special early sell- ing .price 15c. a yard, A Bargain in Bleacha4d Cotton 400 ,y<ar•:ds fine bleached cotton, 36 in. tviide—Special price 15c, yard ' 200 ,yards' fine Snlow-white •Cambric suitable for undergo m'en'ts, to clear at 20c. yard. Steel Clad Galateas at 25c. yd. Heavy, 'quality ICan.a,dian Steelclad Galatea in light and dark colors, sp'l'endid wearing cloth.. Our special early selling" price 25e. a yard, a SPECIAL -10 tD,oz.. MEN'S HEAVY GREY . SOCkkS AT 25c. A PAIR. We also have an immense Stock of Shirtingc, Shee sings, Pillow Cottons Totvellings, Flannellettes,- Tickiregs, Etc. at wonderfully attractive pride All Ladies' Furs, Winter Coats; Etc. Greatly Reduced. New, Spring Silk Dress Goads, House ,Furnisliin,gs, Etc., Arriving. Daily JONES I eadqua 'tr s for the oelebratedi W. E.,°ianf©rd Clothing L does not take hlls pp.(per out of the Office and n tete tlh‘ti reason for 'i,ts not being taken. Any neglect to to so makes the postm,aste'r responsible to the publisher tor payment,. b, 2 -If any person orders, his paper dis- continued he mvurst pay -•ajT"-arrlearages or the publisher may cont true to sand 't unctt). payment [le • made and .collect the whole amount whether the paper is tak- en from. the ortf[Lce or not. ,There can bo no' legal discontinuance until 'pay- ment is made. 3—Any parse . wlud takes, a paper ,out of the Post Office, 'whether dttedted• to his name or not, or whether he has subscltibed or a.ot, tis respdpsi,ble for the pa1y., Clotlios NEW,SIPAPERt LAWS -A 'postmaster'er' is required, . to „give notice by letter .returiv:mg the paperdoes not, tth�emaw, When ,a,subscrlber 4—If a ,subscrjiber orders loss papen stopped and tibia publisher continues to send, the subscari!ber' :is' bound to pay for it 0f Iftie tta•1dels it out of the Past Office, Tihfls , proceeds upon the ground that a man, must' pay for ,what tic uses. 5 -The courts have dooided that,re- fusing to take newspa,pers or period!- calx from .ihne. Pest ,',Orfdce or ireanovhng leaving them uncalled for,,, is prima facie evidence of Itctentianal fraud. NTED A Few Cars 1 Turnips OPEN TO CONTRACT FOR TURNIP ACREAGE FOR COMING SEASON. WILL ONLY BUY ;CONTRACT TURNIPS NEXT P LYT i'AJ,I,. G,. SELDOM TAILORED' TO ORDER WILL BE FAR MORE BECOMING Yet Cost No/M.�re We have a largc..number of Suits and Overcoatiangs that wait your arrival—a wide assortment of Fashion's Chosen; ,colors,-s"aft .hand- some Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades. OUR ASSORTMENT OF- Ladies!.t. S�i�n is the Finest we have, ever had. The studied exactness in measuring and becoming designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes produces a . cam- ple.teness of fitting and a pleasing mess of appearance that a ready-made can never' hope to equal. No Lady knows how welt! ,she can; appear in a Suit or Coat until she has one cut to measure. • OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE GIVE USA CALL N. Sheere Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROIVE THE F1'1NERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNWUR1 DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, � � spices,; teas, coffee and ` every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A tied as to quality will convin- ce. LADLES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Lrs Opposite the. Central 5j p Produce taken in exchange Jas. Next The Metropolitan Hotel jer argain. Store OVERCOATS AND SU We ,crave a small stock a.f these which` we have decided to ,., 11 you v, -tint anything, in this line, came in rand get ;our prlc'.e,, RUBBERS We Have a well assortcd atGel( BOOTS. AND SHOES C.1-11'ldtreil's School „S3to_s ODDS AND ENDS Dirirnt 11•5 mon we :Will have many dirced' Prr`,cc e ` s; Coma ,:n often so ;aa not and lour n Dig rices are right. na,riety and 1ear out at ilre lowest prices, a ocldImaes dian:d emcr.isis at Greatly Re - W5 Beavers 1t