The Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-17, Page 4d tl), Centralia a Sr Greieeh,.Psoprietors -.fire 'sounds of the •trains agalni has''' been ,a s�onre ..of rejoicing to ata Cut - r _ . _.- ,_ ...7, , dzens since they 5 u se '" 9.' b —1i e nfe, lora Priq� i ady?-an4 $1.25 . ,k' •'eitr lit. Collado; $I.75 pia' the &Tinted States, All subscriptisns not tsatd in atTvance 50 cents extra Will shares ADVERTISING RATES", Display Advertising Rates - Made. lrttoss t on application Stray Animals --One insertion 50c., .three insertions$1:,00 lanai;,. oi' Real Estate for sale 50c. each Insertion for one month of faun insertions. 25c. for each subsequent isZs ea t. an Miscellaneous Articles of not ;nate than five lines, for Sale, To Rent, ,st Wanted Lost, Found, etc,, each in- aertian 25c Local Reading Notices; etc., 10c. peg ?rte per ,insertion. No notice 1 ess than Z5c. Card of Thanks 50e. Lela. Advertising 10c. and 5c, a life Auction' Sales, $2 for one insertion, ltd $ 3 foe two insertions. P.iolessional Cards not exceeding 1 inch- So per year • THURSDAY, JAN. :1,7th, 19id, ELIMVILLE Delayed in the_ Maras The Eighth Annual Banquet of the Eli:uisllie Adult Bible' Class which was held on \Icnclay, January 7th, was rttiissa,erecl by ell present to be the best we have had_ The atteikdanc'e u'a; about the same as last year, about 40- arrests sitting down ,to the feast. After the banquet the 'tRev. G. A. _Barnard ,hypo acted, as toastrnatser, pro. Prosed the health of I s Majesty;:ing George V. The guests then sang `God .Save your t(iing" and Mr. WI. G, Medd v-ein- ably replied. Air, Enios Herd- man thein ;proposed la a very fine ad- dress the 'toast, "Our Sa1diers",,after which the guests sang "God Save our Splendid Men,". Mr. Joshua Johns who always has an abundant supply of -good stories ,then replied in one of Its most felicitous speeches, whibh cer- tainly added 'to the merriment of the -evening'. Tike Rev. A. W. Brown of Kirk—ton. then gave a helpful and a= n using ,address on 'Grace, Griti and -Greenbacks", all of which he said were necessary to successful , hunch :earl,:. Thai*treyt of the evening hal-_ver 1 -as the ,speech by 'tale R,ay. A. E. felons 'i.A. It was midnight 'when . tae. began his address, but it. was Cul o: interest. NIS, Johns shake of his sap -riences and China's need tar the Gospel in a way that ;,gilled his'. -audience, mast of;whom `have watch- ed his career as a student ant a missionary with fecreasing pride. His addre : will surely do much to : 'n- ' reale the dnter'st «hsch the mem bare of the Class have already taken in --lNr-sis. _alts Medd gave a resit- at3oa entitled "Mother' and Mrs. A_ E. Johns ;recited a Christmas piece Both were ably given and much ap- preciated_ The Elan ville Mal' i)uar- tette sung at intervals, their lastnum_ ber "The Wayside Cross' being given "ny special trequest: Mr. _Medd then of one of the pleasantest aurprist a of .hi; 'life, when ,a ha.rfdj-Zane table -and chair were carried Tato the ban oueting room. ,anid the ex -President -of the class, Mr. R. D. Hunter, be- gap to read an address, which •ex- pressed in. the ,highest tterms the 'neve and respect in.liyhall lir. Medd .~the teacher of the class, is held. Mr. ''Medd was greatly moved and while he sought to find wards to express pus thanks theguests joined hands and sang Blest be the ;lie that binds, etc." Truly no teac',s- of a Bible Class could be more popular, o-: bet- ter deserve such a fribu' ° of our re g,ard The banquet closed at 'I.30'a. Fri. by tans ng, "Gad be iv hl you ,ill -we meet again," but .it w1i !prig: be - Tore the happy guests could make up their minds •to'go°home_ The Rev. A. E. Johns left far Ot- tawa next morning, where he is tak- ing a course of study in: astrcn.omy. On Tuesday'morning Mr. arid Mrs, Edsvard -Johns were gladdened byth.� birtli of a daughter—their first born Also. t a'.forta',ght ago the memhers z C' the Sunshine Adult Bible Class, paid n s;,1prse v` -sit to the Home of ll.r. and Mrs. A. Francis, Plug-; tosvii. They took with them a ptent- aeous nupnly of good , hi,ngs. to eat. Mr. ..and Ales, Francis p'ayed the part o.' -t$.ost and .hostess -very gracefutly.'Af- tc:.r a n:niber of games had been in "3 age in Mr. Francis• was presented- -.with n handsome lounge chair and M. i"ra siss with a certificate mak- ,i,ng her a life member of the :Woe Teen's o- een's `:;::ss'.onary Society. Mr. J. W sSkir_n r• ad. an a d res cxprcas z' thw alien:elation of tte members c: th;: (-ass 'of the faithful services of 'Ws. Francis as teacher, and the, re- gret all felt because Mr, and nMrs, ;Francis and family are leaving the neighborhood where the' have spent r ....20 ,pears of marrieflrlife and svighin;' .them euecess in their new home, 1,lr, Samuel 'Routly of Woodham presided .end the Rev, G. A. Barnard and Mr - Zahn Routl.y spoke in commendation, sof'tile labors of Mr, and Mrs. Francis In , connection with the church' sand Sunday school, feakred.• �. Allis Issue Dings of the PREIS'. hun'ioro,us story in picture forth, ' d21 A.' asbiou . ' •IiietVeat. Ideas' in '4, omen's Wear. Gro ,U ries questions a0swered by Yrof. }Jerry 11 e1 f, obtievdife'S• Go,i per. 'Tested itteeities end !cos the Y busy Stousewife, Sthry'.. otwd .:7 aa$3115- ((uentlen and Answer` De#artmen Wo inen. ul lhts • to, service .dgain after+tb;e several days bliock"ade Mr, TIaos, '\Vil.)rs its 'putting in his statutes' :supply of ice ;far the dream- l\Irs. Tbpmpsan of \ eialsley, Sask. 'who is ti'isitung her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Baynhan>,, tis on the aids list. The, Misses +Rnoals gave a Chanty lea last evening (Wednesday) follow - .ed by a gathering ,of. the IaithLul. knitting Club, A •;;cad time spent by all, Dashwo,cod News in the burg this week is as scarce as the proverbial hen's teeth. The ice Harvest has cainmencecl here and- the quality is first-class, The storm during Saturday anti Sun- day has denvaialized everything hre for the past few days. 1fliss Cook leaves this -week (Pa:- London - His ica-London.Iii 7t.a jesty's mails arrived W wines - day nigh ,, the first since last «reek. It sure was welcionsed'' by all. Mrs. ;D Vincent and Mrs. Naszi-ng- er, are on the ,sick: list. ,MOUNT CARMEL Rev, Father 'Tierney spent Friday in London. ---.'Mr. jos. Guinan return- ed homet �on- Saturday, after spea,diing two weeks visiting friends at Chat- ham and Detroit,—Miss Geraldine Harness left last week liar London where she intends to remain.— liis,s Joan Regan. returned to Detroit af- ter spending, holidays tvi,th .her rnoth- ei,, Mrs. Nora Regan,—We are pleas- ed to estate Mrs. Di,nnds OeCo!nnell is improving after several months illness. =Owing trio- the storm our mail car ri•ei did not make his usual trip ten Saturday. FARQUHAR Messrs. D. Brown and Wm. Pollen have each finished the season'sthresh- in` lot week.. .Fortunately the weath- er conditions were favorable or some of the farmers would have had to wait until 'upri;a,g: The Annual _Meeting of the Hall Co. was held last Friday, the old staff of officers being re-elected. and a dinilien>d of 5 per Dent. paid. to the shareholders.—\Ira. Arthur Campbell has returned from Torcinto where she 'spent c:he holiday season, --MissVera \iuswartliy of Exeter .has charge of our ,school for the :bal- ance of MLr. -Barnett's time, he hav- ing donned the khaki. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED rice Strictly confidential; no witness b C H Sanders at the Advocate USBORNE: t�•otf Mrs. Perkins.—There pass- ed „away at her home ion 'the 4th Concession of Usbarne, an Saturday Last Laura May Slemon, beloved wife fif Mr. Harvey Perkins, at the age of 32 .years,raad 9 months.. The deceas- ed had `been- in ,failing health for over four years, hence her deans:: was not in the ileasi u :expecte-de; She. was l orit'in 'usbarne, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Jo,hra Slerrfc.a nasi' o€ Elim :lle, and all °her life was ;pent in :this township. About seven yew ago she rnarriled liar rso:. be- reft husband, aad has since lived soi the ,farm 'an which she died, .She was a consistent member a.:" the • James Street Methodist Church and was much esteemed and be,ov ul by a large circle of friends. who,' will deep- ly mourn :her death. Besides 'the s•ar rowing Jiusband and father and.,nioth- - she is survived by one brother, Mr. l Milton ;C. Slemon of U'sbarne. rrw,� EIRE IN fest 13:selfless Pot on of 'Down' Wits 13cstr«ye i... LISTO\V1'1L, J an, 11.--`.lhe ,most disastrous fiz'e,, „theauhitory of this town `` broke 'out shortly after mid7. night in "the face of a howling bliz- zard and temperature : below •zero, causing a property loss in the best portion of the :business,section of .an- -Proximately $20,0,000, and forcing several families to leave in the Spit - ter cold it-ter•cold for other quarter's, Seine of these persons had close calls and rushed out only partly dressed. The ;firemen put up a great fight, but the terrible weather • conditions •made their work' almost unbearable, Several of the leading stores, lo- cated on the south side of Main street, have been leveled, among; then the splendid three-storey Schin- bein block, chin-beinblock, in which' was the Schin- bein departmental store, Bender's grocery, the Oddfellows' quarters, and numerous offices. Other business places completely wiped out are: Koch & Spencer shoe store, Bell Telephone office, 'MbDen- ald's barber shop, Miss Gibb's millin- ery store, McAllister poolroom and Von Zuben's tailor shop, in addition to the top storey of the store of Johnstone the jeweler, .whose stock is badly damaged. Thompson's large drygoods store was also damaged. Much of the building may be saved, but the bulk of the stock will be :destroyed. Store fronts across the street were left'a sad wreck, but no great damage was done to stock, The chief damage was fromfire which' was carried across :the' street by way of a bridge. 'It was kept from gaining serious headway. Among the offices destroyed with all their contents are: H. B. Mor Shy, K,C., barrister; J. C. Hamilton, 13. A. Parker, J. 3. Foster, --Dr. E. G. Spence, and Dr, 3. A. Campbell. The heaviest loser is Mr. -J. M. Schinbein, who carried a large stock of boots and shoes, groceries', -valued at $42,- 000, and about half :covered.` by in- surance. On the block he had .110,- 000 insurance. OLD CHARGES REVIVED. Germans Find Excuses' for Attacking Hospital -Ships. ROTTERDAM, Jan 14. -L -Although German_ news agencies continue to assert that the British hospital ship Rewa,'. which was'sunk recently_ in, the Bristol Channel, must;have,been dent dyed by a mine, ;:there are indi- cations of a fresh -campaign against hospital ships.- These take the form of a. revival of the accusations of misuse of the Red Cross, such as preceded earlier crimes. A significant article appears in the Koelnische Volks-Zeitung, opening with the assertion that Spanish offi- cers left their posts as neutral ob- servers on `British hospital ships be- cause they , discov:eerd these.t,RShips were carrying troops supposed -to be suffering fioni fever, but really quite healthy. The paper says "This is net the first_ time the mis- use of hospital ships hasrbeen estab- lished. The greater part of the with- drawal from the Dardanelles was ef- fected by means of hospital ships on which were carried a few wounded, but many more unwounded. But for these breaches of the Geneva conven- tion the greater part .of the: l)ar danelles troops would have been de, stroyed. "Now; again, similar- misuse has ' been proved. This misuse has not ' yet led to our fleet in general re- . ding hospital ships as wearing . a deceptive mark and drawing the ne airy; conclusions."` The threat., contained in the last sentence is 'emphasized byunderlin- ing of the word "yet." 1 flUN ARA' WAN Fs FREELOM, Count Ii;arolyi Condemns ,)?r1<attle- 1 nen, Prepare! Thousands of women in Canada have overcometheir sufferings, and have been cured of woman's ills by Ds. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This temperance medicine, though started nearly half a century` ago, sells most widely to -day. It can now be had in tablet form:. as well as 'liquid, and every woman' who suffers from backache, headache,'; nerv- ousness, should take this ``Preseription'?,. of Dr. Pierce's. It is prepared from nature's roots and herbs and does not; r n ale hof o a contain a particle of o y narcotic. It's not a secret prescription cr its ingredients are printed on, wrap- per. Send 10c for trial package to Dr. M, Pierce, Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., or Bridgeburg, Ont. Hamilton, Ont, --"When X rea"ethed the critical period X was a nervous wreck and suffered with ho t flas es h an d dizzy y spells. 'Favorite Prescription' reliev- ed me of ` all these ailments and brought me through' this try- ing time safely For _n t` woman of middle age fliere is no tonc ental to Dr. Pierceis Favorite Prescription, and I never hesi- tate to recommend it to my friends.''—' Mres. ANNIE• Souai s, 41 :[Tess St. N. Stratford, Ont.—"I was greatly bene- fited by taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- teription it was before twins came. 1 had become all run-down, was nauseated, very nervous aad;weak, and suffered with backache. Was not able' to doan'thing for three months'; waren I began ;taking 'Favorite Proscription.' It soon gave me relief and it was not Ring when. I was strong and healthy. 'Favorite avorite Prescrip tion' was surely, a great help to and i am glad to recommend it."—Mas. L. J. Maiate n, 61 Kent; Lane. MARRIAGE LICENSE: [S;; i ;Er: 1-1 Sanders at the Advrcate 01 Lice, Strictly ccntidential; no w:Ines; Europa Scheme. BERNE, Lan. 14.—Count Karolyi, the ,Hungarian statesman Who has just visited Switzer'laiid, appe uvea general of President Wilson's view of peace terms, in a score or. more speeches and statements - which he made, whi'e "here. In -Count Karolyi's opinion, th.e'necessar'y c&nditions for a lasting peace are renunciation of all annexationist aims and the com- plete democratization of all the bel- ligerent powers. Speaking particu- larly of Hungary, he said: "The new -scheme;' for, electoral re form; in Hungary, while: it does not mean equal universal and secret vot- ing, yet brings with. at a reasonable extension of the right to.yote, and is, therefore, to be regarded as 'a step in the way towards that democratiza- tion which is ' necessary if a lasting peace is to be secured, and the 'first resait of which will be a complete ieform;of Parliament to the end that the Government will be dependent on the mass of the people, and not merely on the middle classes. "As for. the problem/of nationali- ties in Hungary, it will solve itself automatieally when the whole sys- tem. of government has been demo- cratized. The mittle-Europa scheme 4si11 inevitably result in the perpet- dation of war, and is to be condemn- ed on that account. Freedom in com- mercial •relations is a'necessary at- tribute to a lasting peace, and Hun- gary must have a free hand in . all. economic questions, and not be bound to Germany by any long-standing agreement." 1 • Riots Caused by Food Shortage. BARCELONA, Spain, Jan. 14.- The publication of a decree fixing the prices of foodstuffs„ has resulted in serious disturbances. " Many of the shops have been shut and bands of women paraded the streets, Mobs. attacked the shops, looting them. Similar scenes !are reported from Valencia. Smallpox 'in :• Saralifl • ,. SARNIA; ';Ont., 'inn; 11. — The smaifp'ov�'sltuatioii tis'. etill se1bus. although Hit; is not believed ; the epi- demic witl spread to an alarming de- gree. At one house here there are a s;ht eases of 'the disease, • In 'spite tf further advances , Irt nif.tetrials t be AdMoeatle is still keep- ini'' the °subScn tlibli• price at $11:25; a Year Rentew ylour subscription as priomptly 'as ppssi,ble, LUCAN Mrs, Cecil Lmigkiard and daughter have gone to spend the whiter in the State of 'Kanslas.—Mat. Deacoin of Fill more: Sask,, is visiting his mother and other aelattiv;els,-Ms. and Mrs. T. Courtney ai Prince Albert, Sask., al- so T, ,B. Dickens alnid daughter of Fillmore Sask.,' are speinding a few days with !Mr. and Mrs{. Thos. Dick- ens,—Thos. Ogden. ick-saw Th;as.'Ogdeia of rvllnitoueu.Sask, who went west some fouIrteea years ago: is Visiting relatives Irithisviciinity` Death—The death 'took: place on January 10th of Jamey Stanley, at the age sof ; 64 '};ears,. The late Mr. Stanley suffered a stroke of paralysis • alhout three years ago, but recovered somewhat. On Thursday, however, lie dnopped' dead in his Mcrae. A. wile and .several "'<children survive, besides several brothers and sisters, Deceas- ed isms a well Iknown and very,:suc- cesslul auctioneer. "The funeral took place on Sunday to SI; James, game•: terry ,, Claindeboyle; t'1'• et-txa mm x < mn21. .: Rw z1=2 EXTRACTS From Some Letters About PAIN' IN THE BACK "I suffered -with a continual pain in the back. Having. sold Gin Pills :• I.gave'henr a fair trial and the results I found to be good." t'" RTIEUMATISM '"I have have been fthe last two or asvo` }ears acripple from Muscular and Inflamma t 0 ry Rheumatism. , A:m. now cured." i STONE -GRAVEL - "1 l,ad been -suffering terribly . awith. Stone in the Madder...... con. 2 I•A thetinted stune or; ctobeke Gin rilyd 1i 3}iasscd 1 KIDNEY TROUBLE "Your remedy I End, et GO years ti cf age, to give perfect relief front F' the Kidney and Bladder Trouble; incident to one my age." . • ,., £x URINARY TROUBLE "I had been suffering for some time with my kidneys and urine , the pain was awful. I took Gin :pills and they cured me in two days."tt . (NAMES •Urex REQnrsx.) ,. Gin Pills Reil for 60e a box' or 6 boxes ., for $2 0 at .11 good dealers. Sample free if -au write to National Drug & ' Chemical: Co., of Canada, Limited,'To. ioato; or to U. S. address,Nr-Dcu-Co., Inc., 202 M,dn St., Buffalo, N.Y. 120 E CANADIAN B FCO::.;,,. ERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER,' C.V•O., LLD., D.C.L., President PIT; P p 0, CAPITAL PAID U � �IS,40 r000 SIR JOHN AM/ Qeneral Manager H. V. F. JONES, Ass'i. Gen'1, Manager ". -RESERVE FUND, $ 13" X540,040 SENDING .BROW. ROW. S 1� Do you wish to send money a r ®wd ? The e safs^ way to do so is to buy a DRAFT from* .The Canadian Bank of Commerce. The cost isoderate. Apply for particulars. 65 EXETER BR. --A. E,. Kuhn, Mgr, CREDITON-J. A. McDonald Mgr. •••••0.11•••••••••••••iiVLL®$99"�lD'tlllPT[D ��li1 J. •r.P. ..�:.a.w'.!lfl.waRM.Y • • Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 ;9$ Branches in : Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit .Bank Money Order's SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed, at highest' current rate EXETER .BRANCH— W D, CLARKE, Manager. FRANK _TAYLOR , Licensed _Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middleseg„ Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton Ontarit MARRIAGE` LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER. AND VUATOR for Counties of Plural: Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farts' Steck Sales a Specialty. •Office at Cait:'kkslltttt Warerooms, next door re Centra.' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Charges moderate and satisfaction- is ,uaranteed DENTIST Dr. G F. ROUL,STON,'L, D, S., D.D,S DENTIST Member of the R. C. C.,D.S. of Ont. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office over Carling's law Office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR A. R. KINS SAN•, Ronor Graduate Toronto University, Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladmen & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MONEY TO LOAN • We have a large amount of pry ate funds to • loan on farm and village pro❑erli at low rates of ',nterest. GLAI'MAN $t STAN URY Barristers. Solicitors, Exeter • • Behln c a FordT.. rlye RY it just once! Ask your friend to let you "pilot" his car on ;an - open stretch. You 11 like it, and will be surprised how easily the • Ford is panelled and driven. • If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, is some- .: thing good in store for you. It is vastly different from just riding—being, a' passenger. And especially so if you. drive a For Young 'boys, girls, women and even grandfathers -thousands of them— are driving Ford cars and enjoying it. A Ford stops and starts in traffic with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads and hills its strength and power show to advantage, Buy a Ford and ypu Will' want to be behind "the wheel" constantly, Runabout - $475 Touring - - $495 THE UNIVERSAL CAR F. 0: B. FORD, ' ONT. MYLO SNELL Exeter E