The Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-17, Page 2rVWVii' �.
Markets' of the Wor-l..,
Ereadrtrif s
Taronto Jan. 15 Manitoba, wheat
No, 1 Northern $2,236; No.2, do,, $2.20/1'
No, 3, do„ $2,173; No. '4wheat, $2,10A.
in store. Fort William, including 2,c tax.
Manitoba oats—No. 2. Q:W;, 87ic: No•
3,C,'W„ Slc; No.'1,,extra feed, Ric; .No. 1
feed, t76o; in, stot•e'Fort willlarn,
American corn—No. 3 yellow, nomin-
Ontario. oats—No, 2 white, $1 to 82c,
nominal; No, 3, do., 80 to S1o, nominal,
according to frgights outside.
Ontario wheat—New, No. 2 Winter,
$2.22;, basis, in store Tdontl•eal.
Peas—No. 2, $3,70 to 83.50. according
to freights outside. •
•l.3arley—Malting, $1.36 to $1.38,: ac-
cording to freights outside. ceording
Buckwheat—$1.55 to .$1,58, a.,
to freights outside.
Bye No, 2, $1.7$, according;' to
freights outside.
Manitoba flour -First patents, in lute
bags, $11,50; 2nd, do., $11; strong bale -
•s' do., $16.60, •T ionto
Ontario flour—"llcinter, according to
sample, 310,10, in bags, Montreal $9•99r , to enlist in the new international
Tot'0itto; '$9.50, bulk; seaboat'd, prompt army now being organized to fight for
Millfeea—Car lots, delivered Montreal Socialist.principles under life direc-
freights; bag's included—Bran, per ton,
$35; shorts, do. $40; middlings do., tion of the Bureau headed by Boris
40 to $46; good seed flour, Per bag, Reinstein, international delegate of
$3 25. •
Hass—No. 1, nest, per ton, $15,50 to the Socialist Labor party of America.
$16.50; mixed, do.; $13 to 515, track
Confirmation of Report That
25,000 German Soldiers
A despatch from Petrograd says:
Confirmation of the reports that an
aimed 'camp of 25,000 Gelman soldiers
have mutinied against_ being shifted to
the western trent, and are holding the
forest near Kovno and are threaten-
ing an attack upon the other` Ger•
troops from the rear if they resume
offensive against Russia, has been
borne' out .by tour German soldiers
who recently deserted and who offered
ton, $S.50 to $9. 0 fl0 00.9 .uSdn'�85,5s
Straw—Car lots, per
Country Produce --Wholesale i s
Futter—Creamery, solids, per
to, 43c; prints, per lb, 43 to 436c;,,„dairy,
per lb, 38 to 38c.'
Eggs—Fresh gathered eggs, 511 t0 .52c.
Dr•essecl poultry—Chickens. 24 to 25c;
fowl, 13 to 20c; ducks, 23 to 24c; geese, Are
21 to 22c; turkeys, 'L3- to 300. States Decides .Exportations
Potatoes'— Wholesesers are np",ti
growers and country shippers; /or first- Necessary to Relieve Euro
class outside points 32.25
far holes os; . T " l Y arriving in Dublin, `from across, the
Wholesalers are selling to the retail A despatch from 1� •lshiirgtoli says• 3 g1 all female hat
" F� GE R1 A N`' � FORCES
Eneiuy .Column Crossed' Gentian East African Border and Has
Been Raiding Country in Scattered Groups.
A despatch from' London says: ing parties over the whole country,
Dealing with the course of the opera-
tions. in East Attica clueing the past
month, an. officialcommunication on lowed up' the Lujenda Valley, while
PI:iday says: other columns acting in-, co-operation
"Having entered' Portuguese tei•ri- with the Portuguese, -disembarked at
tory at Ngoiinano as a small exhausted Port Amelia, and advanced east and
force, short Of :food ..and ammunition,
a German column, under fen. von. Lot-
tonvorbeck, moved up the Lujenda
Valley, capturing several. small isolat-
ed Portuguese posts; subsequ,ently dis-
persing' in scattered groups anti raid -
between 1!'iwcmbe, near Lake Nyassa,
and the coast, in the vicinity of Port
Amelia. British mounted troops fol -
-east from the southern end of
Lake Nyassa,
"Patrol encounters, have oceiured
during the , past few days in the
1Vlwembe area, where- 'an enemy cle-
taclmlent has been located:"
From '-r's Green isle
Harpeniiigs in the Emerald Isle of
Interest .to Irish-
class stock, • fei • eu s e pean Food' Shortage.
to $' n for Delattiate and $2.00 to 5210 r, The passengers on steamers recent-,
trade at the following' prices: -
ices:-- a
Cheese --New, large, 23 to 231e; twins, The food situation in Europe is re- channel, were nearly all from -England.
x ,• a - 1 ees' 25� to ..6d; s o critical that the food
23 to 3 c early c L e aided here a s
creamery prints, ;46 to 47c; solids, 45 to an additional 90,000,000 bushels of. 13 ------d m action, y
large 'tri — 26 to 26 c. i g
Britten—Fresh dairy, choice, 4o to 410; I administration is planning to release Major G. F. ioon. was the
\lar garine-23 to 32c.
Eggs—New laid. in cartons, 65 to'70c:;
No, '1 storage, 45 to 40c; select storage,
.••:,: ,•.,,::.:,., - ;.;,,_. ,.; .,,..•:<,, :.,• ............, 45, to 49c.
•� it ,:•<�p2>i::v w.�� • \Gt\.0 r:.v. .s . .......... •:nv, ... .. .....
u.�. ..• "•`' Dressed poultry—.jAl'in�' chi0lcens, 27
Most recent.icture of Gen. Sir Edmund .Allenb ' who, by to 28c; • miliafed chickens, lb. 30c; .fowl,
p putting another reel 5 ot.on 24 °‘..26e,-;. it 0c, g s to 3to ducks;
his recent victories in Palestine, is pu g p Spon,, 2to 300 , geese 2F to 270.
the map of freedom.:Live poultry---Turicoy s 28e; Spring
chickens, lb, 20 to 21,c; hens,: 16 to- 1Sc•
ducks, Spring, 20 to 22o: .,geese, 20 to
_ 21.
•Ioney—ConLb 77xtra •fine, ] 6 oz,,
t/ P R 53'50; 12 0z., $3; ,vo. 2, 32.40: 1106
o 32.50.
�0 000 ®�® '. r, -�
! ! StraitiGd--Tins„ 2.� s a,nd ..,.s,. 19 to ] Jic
60' 18 .to 18hc,
per lb', 10 s 1Si to 19e s, -
•Beans—Caliadttln, hattd'-picked, bush„
RR BUSHELS AT b' to. S?25; ' imported. •hand-1>iel.ed,
SUyJ: �USHE�l.J OF HE $ ur g i n 8.50 to 7; Japan,
- SUN Hutttla . o'. Indo $ $
$5; Limas,. 163 to 17c, 0 25 to
.PotatoeS DelanareS, o;.$: -32.25
3 .
$2.35; Ontarlos, baag, •
.Provisions—Wholesale �� '.
Smoked-.meats—I-7'ams,. medium, 31 to RUSSIAN
o cooked:. 44 to
"3 d heavy, 6 to 270 coo
Conveying Wounded Froni ' Gib
raltar to England.
A despatch from London says: Not-
withstanding the pledge given in Sep;
Canada Has This Quantity Now
Available For Need of Allies.
A despatch from Ottawa says:—
Members of the Board of Grain Super-
tember, the Germans have sunk an- visors; Imperial wheat : purchasing
other hospital. ship. '• An official state- committee, millers' committee, grain
ment says: growers and Montreal Harbor Com
"His Majesty's hospital ship: Rewa mission on Thursday continued their
a ty
was torpedoed' and sunk in the' Bristol discussion of the supply of Canadian
Channel at about 'midnight on' Jan, 4, wheat available for export and `allied
r wa home from Gibraltar. All subjects. It understood that an
on 7Le• y
the wounded were safety transferred estimate submitted to the conference
wheat, despite the fact that the nor-
mal export surplus' had been shipped
by the middle of December. The
American people: will be asked to savo
to make up the deficiency.
The demand from, the. allies is so in-
sistent that the food administration
has decided to take•' a chance on .8.-
shortage in the Spring to meet in' part
their needs.; .If consumption is not
reduced officials see a possible short-
age of flour sin the United States ` in
May before the new wheat crop comes
in in June
v c; o.,. ea 5, ..
46e: ro115, 2S 'to 3o"c; bleakfast_•bac,on,
40 ;
c 42c• backs, plain, 4.3 to 44c;' bone-
less, 45 to 46a. MESSAGE ON
9 Cured xneats—Long clle24Cbacon,"2S to —
290; clear bellies, 27 to
Lard—Pure lard, tierces: 283 • to 29c:
ubs;' 251 to 2910; pails, .29 to 291c;
25c; iii s. 241 Urges Trotsky To Accept No
compound, tierces. .•}] to
to 250e; pails, 25 t•o 253 c. Dishonorable. Peace With
iientreal Markets.
Montreal. 'Jan. 16--;-Oats--Canadian
'Western N 1 feed A despatch from' Petkograd says:
wayo rete
tionsewith the -Germans, the Russ
son of W. R. Wilson, Carrickmines
House, County Dublin.
Thomas •Falkiner .Wilkinson, for
many years in the .service
of the
National Bank of Ireland, died re-
cently at Cape, Town, South Africa.'
Owing -to the.- amount of''hay -being
held up,. the Army Couneil announce
that they. will put in •force their pow-
ers.: to compel the sale of hay.'
P.J.•Shaw, cleric of Eniliscorthy, re-
ports that' not a single case of drunk-
enness or bad behavior had come be-
fore. the Court for the last six months.
The Dublin Master Carriers' Asso-
ciation have offered their• men an in-
crease of three shillings and sixpence
in : addition -to their 'previous war bo-
nus. •
Lance -Corporal Albert was present-
ed with a hand -propelled chair by Sir
James•Gallagher on behalf of the Dub-
lin War Pensions;Corilmittee.
Constable O'Boyle, of the R.I.C., has
been awarded- a certificate from"'""the
Society for 'the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals at Carlow.
The property known as tire. Castle
P y
Clyde: Estate, near the town of Fer-
nley, been sold to the. Cork Timber
and Iron Co- for X36,000. • •
GER AN • PTE..4.
Group in British Textile Trade
.Make Most Important
A despatch from:London says: A
group of men in the British 'textile
trade has captured the secret recipes
of the greater German dye ;industry,
according- to The London Daily Mail,
which displays the item uncles large
heads. • The recipes,- numbering. 257,`.
belonged to the great Badische works,
and are now in the keeping of a'Lon-
don bank, The Mail says:—
"The capture is of first importance
in economic wary against ' Germanys
and will 'free the British textile in-
dustry and scores of other important
industries from the'bonds.of Germany.
It means that :when the -War—is over
Great Britain will'.be in a ,position to
compete equally with., German dyed.
goods in every market in the world."
In the course of a long- story de-
scribing how the recipes were ob-
tained in Switzerland, The., Mail says,
that the merchants viho captured thcnl
have refused tempting offers :from
capitalists and speculative, elements
have been barred •eare�fully from. ,the
enterprise. The merchants 'intend to
offer and sell the 'recipes to the Brit-
ish Government for the, use of the
Government dye works, .permitting the
bulk of the profit to go to the nation
on the understanding -that the dye';
will'be sold freely to all British menu.
facturers needing them.
�o. 3 930, extra a HOUSE Or' LORDS
2 local. white, 91 io. 030; NO
4s the delegates pass- P FAVORS WOMAN'S VOTE.
white;1�To: 4: local
S0 to. 9fic. Plouto—lLlati•itoba ed along the t renew the nego- goy,
930 . No
to patrol vessels. ;There were only indicated that the total quantity of 3 local
d t tl Ye- shite'
three casualties among the crew, wheat in store in Canada a - 1e• p white,
wheat • UAte-ts• omi ;:?1.,60
sent time vas about 80 000 000 bushels. nd $11 10 ctresig halters" $11j230Y near Brest
b. th.1
"She was displaying all the •lights .Of that quantity , • ' Rolled oatsllers. s. hags,
$ . s6;30. ..371. Litovsk urged Ligon Leon Trotsky, the
three Lascars being missing.. ,
seconds ,
s It straight
'rollers baKs $5:'25 .td'• $5.373: , sian troops m e •enc Les tie
30 000 000 bushel t {• At an inquiry held :>at'Wesfor ,. I'•
Ir £10,000
The Hague was stated, would be required for —$35: •Snorts -310: 111)9- i 913°'•45 to • was stated that last' year
ntion markings equired by ,
•: year and a like amoiuli $50,' liiouinio.-856 to $5s . Jis:«NTo. 2;: Bolsheyiki foreign. Minister: worth of salmon had been caught in
Convention. She was not and had seeding this yeleaving .per' ton, car lots; $14.50' to ?f5.50• -"Be firm; don't make a dishonorable
not been within the so-called. barred for domestic consumption, g l r t w t errs 21 c• finest
zone, as delimited in the statement is- somewhere 1n the neighborhood of 20, -
the German Government • on 000,000 bushels immediately avail -
sued by
r" - - •t.
Jan. 19, 191r." _, able for export.
Most of the survivors of.the Rewa Among the other subjects consid-
were landed at Swansea., -Many of erect. was the- question of adopting - a
them were without clothing of any standard grade of flour to be milled
kind. The wounded were removed' in Canada. It is stated that there is
immediately to a hospital. thath gradewill b
The torpedo which sank the Rewa
went directly . through the Red Cross
painted on Ilea side.
^� FRA E
Nuanber. of Votes in:liouse.
A despatch from Washington says:
Woman suffrage by Fedefal constitu-
tional amendment won in the House
on Thursday night with exactly the
regnired•nnmber of affirmative votes.
While members in their. seats and
throngs in. the galleries waited with
eager interest, the House adopted by a
vote of 274 to 136 a resolution provid-
ing for submission to the states of the
so-called Susan B. Anthony amend-
ment for National Infranclisemerit of.
Women. .
But for the promise of Speaker
Clark to cast his vote from the Chair
for the resolution if it was needed, the
change of a_ single vote to the opposi-
tion would have meant 'defeat. Re-
publican Leader Mann who came from
ieese- lues es e
easterns: 213c, Butter—Choicest cream- ,peace."" d thel;
the Slaney River.
443 to 4�c' seconds, 4°4 to 4•tc A despatch detailing this an o '
No. 1 sloe', c; N 5stock, 39 t 47c;roimportant facts was received at Smol
A despatch from London says: The
House of Lords on Thursday rejected.
f Lord Loreburn's amendment to the re-
presentation of the people. bill, by
which it was sought to -exclude women
froi'n the suffrage. The vote against
the `amendment was 134 to 69.
No. 1 stock, 430; No. 2 a c.; , The new franchise;. bill before ,the
Potatoes—Fee bag, car lots, 31 90
to ny Institute, the Bolshevilci headquar ! House
The new
Lords revealed strong oppo-
$2.25. tees. Trotsky replied, urging: " sition to women suffrage. • 'Earl Lore -
"We did not.ovextlirow the Czar to .burn' moved to omit the clause from
Winnipelf Grain_ „ CONSCRIPTION
t lni e , Ian 15—Cash prices: bow to German Imperialism. the bill giving women the Parliament
Ii t p g
oats—i\ro- .2 6.!' 3730: 'aT 8 G.1N., ,� ary vote. After a two -day's debate
a likelihood such a w}, a 87c. .extra Igo. 1 reed, 810, o. 1 eed,
uali.t ?lie;, No. 2 feed, 7413c. Barley—,No.N Australian Soldiers' rotes Give the amendment was rejected.'
agreed upon. It would be of a q y 51.41; No, 4, $1.36; feed. $1.18: rejected. : 120,000 A,USrRIA S
midway between the present, higher ,31,1x; > la c—No. i. N yv.c., $3,22; No. FIGHTING WITH THE h H 'F
Stent and the existing lower grades. 2 C��" $319 No 3' C. W., $`i 0]i LOSS "750,000
patents g
Whether the milling would be confined
to this standard grade in the United
States or 'whether the millers would be
able to continue the production of. the Bran—$ 2.5o.
higher' patents with .tlie"standard as a Duluth, N'Oiin.. ,Ian 15.—Linseed—On
track, $3.53 to 33.65: arrive, . $3.50;.
basis for the firing of profits has not I,,Lnuaru, $2.50 asked; May. 33.60; July,
yet been determined. -
`" 311 to $11.60; do., :good, $10 to $10.76,
from' London says: A do., medium,. 33.50 to 09.75; do., eoin;
A despatch Y mon. to $5.10; butchers' bZtlls,
German official statement, according to e,oice,$8.37150 ?0 $10.50; do., mood initis,
an Amsterdaln despatch to the: Central 38.75 to 39.25; do.,.mediu 4 ros,to 7.75,
to $8.25:. do., sough 1) $
I1Tews,'says "As a reprisal for the re- hut0hei•s' -cows. choice, 09.50 to $ 37.75
tentioii of inhabitants of Alsace -Lor- good• $6.00 tis$9; o o.. ices ooi to
name, against the Iaw of nations, 600 n oica, 3 4 ;to: $36.50; stockers, .37.25 to
French will be conveyed to Russia 38.75: 'feeders, $9.25 to 310 canners
and- within a few arid. cutters, $5.25 .to $C'.25; milkers,
from January 6, good to choice, $96 to $140 do., conn,
days 400 French-wontenwill be sent and med., $65'•to iso: springers, 330 ito
Y $130; 1+fight' ,ewes, $1,2,50 to $ p,
to the camp at Holzminden (Duchy hear•, 36 to 37.75; yearlings, 31.2.25 to'
of Brunswick).
313.25: hogs, fed and watered, 318.50;
,, do., weighed oft cars, 315.75; do., f.o.b.,
300000 TURK DESERTERS $1.7.60.
'RENO a Small' "Yes" Majority
A despatch- from London says:• For Conscription. - IN WINNIPEG FIRE.
1\linlieap'olis; Minn., Jan. ] S—Corn.. romnienting on the formation of a
A despatch from Melbourne' says: A despatch from Winnipeg, Man.,
a 10- 3 yellow, 31.65 to $1.70. Oats—No.
France, hr
3 white 79 •to sod. Flour—unal'nnKed. Czech -Slovak army in whic The Governox General has issued ` a ,says: Damage to the extent of $r50,-
was.autlrolized' ley, decree 'printed .in statement giving reasons, why,:he re 00 was incurred,' and three firemen
the French Official Gazette, December •commissioned bion. W 1liam Hughes were injured, in ,a fire which gutted
19, tlie.'Vienna Neste Freie Presse 5aya He -states that in advance of the N - the Endertoii Block, corner of Portage;
the army already numbers 120,000, tionalist defeat in Parliament he
avenue and Hargraves y
United States Markets
$3.43 asked; October, 33.30, nominal.
Live Stock Markets -
Toroulo. Jan.. 15—Extra choice heart'
steers. 311.75 to' 312,50 , o.,, goo
$11 to $11..40 butchers' cattle,. choice,
Will Not Take Over. Museum.
A despatch from'Geneva says: A.
Constantinople report received here
says that within the Ottoman Empire
hospital where he has been under there are roving; bands of brigands,
a p
treatment ever since Congress con- estimated to slumber 300,000. They
are` mostly armed deserters -from the
army ancl'are bent on pillage. They
ventureeven . near owns;. an some-
vened, and •Representative Sinus, of
Tennessee, just out of a sick bed and
"Although it will not have any de
cisive influence on the military opera-,
tions," the newspaper adds, "•yet, it
may do us considerable harm in the
event of the transfer' of • ,Austrian
troops to the western front. The
greatest harm, however, is. the moral
effect this wholesale •act of Czeclr
treachery may have on the military
power of the Dual monarchy.
$2,500,000 TO ED,CROSS.
A despatch from Delhi, India, says:
Estimates indicate
as a result of "our day" collections in
• en street earl on
deavored to -ascertain' the situation by,
Friday. The firemen isnt ear are:
seeking information of all'sections 'of 'C Fortei, A. M. Dodd:,'
representatives, with- a view to avoid= scab wound,lei',sprained and leg; B. Seaton,
ring' dissolution,- and decided that the ' sprained leg. None of the men are.
majority of Nationalists was likely to seriously hurt.
retain cohesion, and would be able to i
establish a stable Government under - Britain Decorates Lusitania Captain.
Mr. Hughes. ++ A despatch . from London says:
The final vote on the conscription Among, the mercantile marine heroes
referendum poll follows: who have been decorated' is Captain
Yes' -1,013,000. Turner, who commanded the Lusi-
No-1,178;000. tania when she was torpedoed. He
' votegave a. small ail was once more tor: --
The' soldiers went to sea again, ,
"Yee.' majority. States in favor tor-
pedoed, and now commands a third
eluded West Australia and Tasmania. tail,. He has received the fourth class
Those against were New . South of the Order of the :British Empire.
that well over half Wales, Victoria, Queensland and
million pounds sterling was raised South Australia. British Wing Four Planes.
Further organized efforts are be- A despatch from'London says:
ring made to secure recruits voluntar- British airplanes on the Italian front
fly.. Substantial increases in pay ~vent attacked a squadron of seven machines
into effect in the Australian navy on on
and brought down ..four
Januar 1. of them, the War, Office announced on
Speaking in the house of Reines
Friday. Two of the enemy' airplanes
new sentatives, Premier Hughes said the crashed to earth, and two others were
the House of Commons that the, Gov- '311).e 1 no changes. gents one desire was to send
nment had not found it necessary' to sworn in with grad is y g Governitstralia to, send eI •has •iven notice of the energies of A
A despatch from London. says: The aid of, the Red -Cross.
strong opposition to the utilization of
the British and National History Mu -Hughes Cabinet Now Sworn In.
'. had
seums for•. Government offices has from Melbourne says:.
its effect.. Lord .Curzon announced in A despatchrhes Cabinet has been
t d
s attack regular troops in order take these buildings over, for that Hon. Franksudor has gi all g
-broughtthe votes which settled the tune, of no s �
is• sue:
raicio.s•vnsw•ti tau-.rswr sszcJaraxc:EmS+.'x+�aaaar�mr �• '^ .-..:_....:. ,,... ,. .W- .. _.. . .. . '
sc-sam,amvas, crrs*za,a+e^auvsa-""� v.zms's
hardly able '' to walk to his seat,
a motione, ,..^. _,.�.
ac,s+aca,sxmrsr agccr ta: asiv�,mn^rr?x�' _.... _ _..-
driven down out of control. The Brit=
isli>came out of the fight with all their:*
get arms and foo purpose. it duty,in the war machines intact
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