HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-10, Page 8tTa S,iAI ITS Clnaage d' Eaeh W ?rttsd<Iy Wheat Oats Etar a , le 100,1 5. to 1 Family Flour 5.70 Low 3de Iiio<ar ......:. ........ ... 3,0 Shorts 44,00 Bran ,,, , 38,00 „Cxeamery butter 50 Dart/ Butter 38 to 40 [.. 50 Turkeys alive 25, dressed 30 Ge.eae alive 16; dre;sst.cl 21 Ducks attire. 16; dressed 22` t°iul alive :14, dressed ,1i slat t alive 16, dressed 18 L erd ,,.^,: 34 Pal t!ro per hag 1,60. to 1.85 17.00 , }+;pet tan a 1.0.00 to 12,00 ,ENSILAGE FOR SALE, The 'Saba, at' the Canning Factory is open' Mid ,nisulabe is offere.d for sale ..at ,240 per ion. Purchaser to pay tae weighing an R, lG(; Seldtotni'slscale. Exeter. Canning Company Btry ct ticket far the beautiful hand,- Made' Iuncb cloth donated by Mrs. C. Br`rney t=o the Exeter Patriotic League, See it In Janes c Mas window.. Tickets Almost every trade and profession gas its newspaper or journallookiyng after its =special interests. '.There are. several farm ,papers, but only one that can be 'truly called the Farmers' F3usi- -mess Paper, That,paper is The Week- l5' Sun, Toi•c�nitoc Every farmer who farms for profit should be a sub- � ;;crilbei The Sun y\-111a(pay for itself cs'raver aminng the year. Tire Soldiers' , Aid Society are sell- ing 'tickets .liar a draw' for a high: - pawn.. dolnated by the s wife of one of the ;prisoners in aGermaiu>,y'r:t„Pro>•- seeds ,for the prisoners, Tick -els 10c. PN:Ay t'],..I,M l:l A.11 „c •A, .A.,! :17.417.13, mos. Mr, G. J. Doti is shipping a load of .Moises to \Nrinn.tipeg `this week, Don't forget to make your Victory 13oild payment an or before Jan. 11, 141e,Ssrs, Geo. Bawden and Win. Dig -- flan, Exeter Old Boys, are by-teclarr ation members ' of the Lucan Council =1'or 1918, , Mr. Ed Treble has beer confined toy thehouse': for the past wee!,;, alyd'wa ae a s 1 r. S lr i 'a' i. Ilrat 1 day or two, it: y btis rec'overirtg ;nicely. Beare very pleas ed to report;.that two of our -aged ci,tjzena, Mr, L. Hardy and Mr, Alex. Dyer, are recovering ,trona their illness. As ;intimated last ;week the passen- ger service on the Londoin, 1-luron;aind Bruce`. has ,been jimthted 'to two trains. daily, one 'goirig south in the iooruin, and the other north to .the, evening. Sunday last was named by His Maj- esty The :King as a day of special prayer throughout the British Empirre that the blessi'ng of, Almiglity Gad maybe upon, the :arms Of the .Allies, Michael Lenellan, one of the hest known Grand Trunk - engineers, aged 63 years, ,and for .the past' nine years had been ion the Lo(nidor, 'Huron and Bruce died at his 3lesffid'enee in Lion: - 0,m a an Friday 1ast,'',ftq'llav ing a .nine weeks' illness. • , Clan MacGregor, the entire lhorseo to ed rby Mr. Sa,nr'1 Baskerville oir town, died 'the other day 'from, ana- cute attack of indigestiotn. He vas an irnptorted horse, end as a breeder had fete ec,uala;.. The }pass to Mr Bask- erville is considerable. A meeting will beheld in fames -St. Methodist Schoolroom, to which' a- -hearty invitation lis' extended to all singersof the =town, for the, .purpose of arranging for a Cantata in aid of Patriotic Fund, to be decided on at the meeting on" Friday at 7,45 sharp. llt Clarke ti+ill gicve full details, Come., is un+oenonifa,int,: nal. �u .o ti, t t°_ .o I'tolr error '�\7urderst suicides, ac cidental, sucttlen+=;and violent deaths from Saturday oyer Christmas have broken: ell ,records .for a. similar per- iod. In that time there were four murders „five suicides, 20 sudden deaths due =to natural cause:, and 14 deaths attributed to accidents. Rev. Muxw,orthy of the Main Street Methladis't Church, President' of the London Conference,. goes'to Glencoe to preach anniversary services next Sunday and ;Rev.. Irwin takes his «,ork here, and will preach on the occasion -of the a:nritiiversary , of the Ladies' A,c1. Society, which society will have charge of the whole church service, as ushers, passing the plate, anti .furnishing the. music. ' Writing from Harmsworth, Man,, Mr John Heaman says,; "W e had some very cold ,weather here lately, ,from 30 to 40 below ,zena, but; .we havetriat a great deal of snow, but good sleigh- ing if it had =stayed Baa' the level, but it is .pretty well 'dri'ft;etd, into banks Enclosed find $1,25 for renewal of the. Advocate. It comes 'like aletter front home to me, and I look foir,,it a reg- ular as the week, comes. tr` `'f7TTERS FOR SALt-Abput t T Cutters -3 Portlands and 5 pianot-,boa,`7'i -also 1: two -seated sl�ei.gh, 1 three -4 4 r fns uecomui notorious= seated ;sleigh 2 heavy set C,onimercial sleighs' and one light -set. To be, sold at a bargain price. Apply tlo' Thornton Baker, Exeter CUTTERS -A few ;lice cutters on hand. McLaughlin, make, beautifully finished"' and upholstered, arra of var- ious designs and prices. -Wm. Ward, Exeter. The price ;of jute and cat in has ad,vancecl very much. Thiis makes sacks " very expensive. Wheal you want feed bring, along your, bags and we will be pleased to fill them. • Harvey Bros. HORSES WANTED I , want. an diabia lifted number of horse. tri goad 'condition. Geldiings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 -pound;; up. Mares from 4 years old :up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. :Parties having the required stuff, t, --rite. or • phone 83, Exeter. G. j; DOW 11. r I N• 10, Ei Private 'Welsh of.I-Ici.sall is list with the; yy'urunded adnJ misting. The Mondtt.y ev'eaaLn ; train ,was near- ly three thours late owing to. the fact that'the train laud to wait' at Cla,ndebayo ;or a 'special traju front` London with, tome passengers who had missed comiectipny and who other: cvis,c would have bad, to wait. imLark., don. for a whole day, . The Soldiers' Aid Society acknow- ledge ckne r- ledge ibe 101105tH ,--Fl o�tn Bazaar $142.69; Navy Tag $87.22; 'front Dec,- ember collection $51,72c The Socia sty sent $10Q to the Navy 'League and tol n � 0 i Irs., Baomcr for Belgian Relief. 43 soldiers softre,rseas. have ackn,awledgcd the receipt =of Christ- mas bozes. Two detectives, one from Toro,n,to. and the other from Kitchener, were here over Sunday looking ,far a young fellow named Moyer, wlio is alleged to have stolen. 480 gallons of Whiskey fnoni Seagram's ;distillery, Wat,erijop, and afterwards ep+id it. Oa his `'last `. trip' he is said to have held 'up the nigibtwatch main, at the ;p;oiait of a revolver and so made his escapej. It is claimed he visited near Dash'ty;o,otd- far a week at Christmas time. i ACKNOWLEDGED RLCEIPT A large nuniber'4df the bays oversea have acknawiedg�ed with thanks the. parcels sent them liar iPhr'i'stmas by the Soldiers Aid Society.; The;b,oys all appreciate these parcels. Among " 4 those ackn, avledgaing are, - V. Hogarth, E. Harvey, lI, Pfaff, B, Walker, A. Bolton, 0, Tuckey, E, Anderson., R. Cl Cooke, J. D. ,Lag, - S. ,Caron, W, Birney, E. Willis, H, Bagshaw, A. Coates, C. G. Pickard, H. Horton, A. H. Gamihrill, D. G. Ap pleton, W. 'Knight, G, Hooper, Major Neaman, W. J; _liitche.11, ;W./Stewart R. Robinson E.E.,Down, hl Hur- don, H. Parsons, E. Hornsey, T,3rini acaombe,. F. Ga. Tde:beer, G. W. Nunn, P. Windsor, 5.Marshall: H. Heywicjod, L. Cudmore. C Hornet', F, Wells, W, Rove, E..1Co11,t+ntg'lnood, Ft. Hill, T. Appletaa.: A.ivRihieitt, G. Ford. Mi' I. R. Carling 'was iin London on Monday, Miss Harrison of Buffalo, as visiting, Mrs.Aimoi, Miss Edna Brock returned ,t&T,or= bnta Friday. 1 i1�Irsk: E. Willits was in London. oa Saturday. Mrs Birk has returned from a vis - t 'n \Iic.hrgan. Miss Vera •Essery is visiting in Lon- don for a few days. •_ i Mrs,. •,F owell and Mrs. Taman were in London on 'Friday. Mrs. (Dr.) McGillicuddy is visiting in London: this week. Mrs. Dempster returned Saturday _from a visit in Toxiotn ta. Mr. ,Wmr, Butler Of London 'visit- ed friends here last week. \lr. ,C . W. Riabi{r son returned' Fri- day from a visit in Toronto. Mr. 7) ffR.. iP,rilar of GIHton, was ,: a visitor. in town during -the week' Frank +Flint,af£ of Stratford visited. bis sister, Mrs. J. C. Snell last week. His Honor Judge. L. 'Hi. Dickson- Put ,an advesit$seniteu t im the col was in tolyl Tuesday -an business', A vacate, and et rick umns of the,ac ,g1 q Y ung srx chat Private Gordon Beckford. of Loadoav results. If you have for sale anything chil- dren d in ih James visited with his' sisters here thisweick that the people want -tor want to buy ' Methodist Church by IZeV Miss Hattie Handford,' milliner, of anything that \siomebody else may have p connection Brockville; is home for the holidays, On Sunda Morning =last • ' •ren ,were •irristene the Street. C • Baird, the pastor. In this co it might be said ithat ,six of the par- ents we,ntto school together,and en ;of them were born, an the second line of Usbcczpb The parents were Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, Mr. and Mrs. George Westcait, Mr. and Mrs: Ed. Westcott, Mat" and Mrs. Gordon; Heywood Mr. and Mrs. Victor .iley- wlaad, and Mr. anal=Mrs1 Clark T i,5'jer^ far pale, to amall ad, fin this paper Mr. N. T Dare as• an, duty at the will .ring ,quick response. t l 1 1 n set tation a,ga5in• atfter two or three wastes illness, ANNUAL MEETING KIRrL ION AGRICUL'L, SOCIETY The Annual Meeting of The Kirkt'on Agricultural Society will be' held in Aberdeen 'Hall, +Kilrktan., on Friday. January 18. 1918, at 'lone o'clock, for the purpose of Electing Officers, .re- ceiving flue Annual ,Rieport.and Gent eral Business. r d e re u s d. A large attendran i e t A.BRETHOCII ,x A4IOS )QCT -PE President reretary.: L r ni tial 1eetke a the <i+ peter; c ilurai Sodiety t,li be li;eld n'. S 1furl;' F� ter' on Tlars x1.r l ih c13, a' 130 a'clor tT uu aaae of jec.t,ng anent: ac Urtis,deat. ani DirectdTf n'yjiar and [rah sac tin€�' h - ,.rte cn�tUt 'F ixpona rt ,bila nese aaiienll>er:,: a ad ted;;"tiat:tiea ito;tlCt atLJ 1d 'wh1�y .ii?yrcc,4�a�. r�Axuycula•IY re, e:: ei aa- .;the ",Lnnudl Bi2�I+.5itE:: R'.u,^S>t;L'DON ARM FOR` SALE -yam¢ =5.cres,.about 1 .mile north. of y . boys, 1St''Can. ;of. Biddulphl.' e :fr,ani school, .church and sta- .,:'SOU), clay' ,loam, and all: clear std a-creafall' wlueat, 14 acre's need- ed clown • 1 acre ;of orchard and small fruit; Z story` brick house, brick- lciteben.and frame wood -.house; frame barn 30x50 stabler and `,drive shed 38x 28; .hog pen and hen: house 24x18;: 2 good wells; well, fenced. Possess-. lion ,in March. W. 5. NEIL, Clande- boye R. R. No. 1. HAS'T'INGS Agent e t far Canada Life Assurance Company .1sr> Fire anal Accident Insurance. Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER, ONT. ACENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S' LINE. --.1 faker over the W at- in fi Ag' , Mom Mr. j, a Gould ,..1 -.� ; :,,prepared to do' ausio.ess' saifi ' a }'• t i,,, ol.d., cdstomers. and others u,ho have =., previously u ducts I wi.i v. e uused the pro,ducts l line'"i•I'Icas d ta' interest atso. A ft 1Iry in aitch. Goods can be ,prtrcurea at t' any timte• A full. Birt off. resident., a S ; a ants`' Cough Reniedi.e6, p es rd sn ,, Toilet Articles' al lsx'trac tis, ',.�`ays f =Id ranha�i t i'hnne ord'erSprorxiptl., at- tended to. Phone �v M, AMI? -W rdveS]iaagn, Salesartua., Ex "bat Exeter and Zurich hockey teGams head a lively battle on the localtr,6e' on Wednesday evening last when tial ' Et eter'team won.._lay a score of, 11 &; ;The oral.. -,third -bane ;scone ,was 5-3 and the L -a third -time a;core ways Early in the game'the loeaL boys'got Et two igoal. lead .acid mainitaalried tit i througiaout the game. •Exeter has t st bffiich c -f young fellows"thisyear 1"l ,as , irney. Brite" Rivers,in gioal. arold 13o}*ire Dr. Clare Wood .'alter spendtji;� ar po lit; Maurice Harvey on •cover holidays at his.' home,herr; lefivaii�e paint,,:Editard Taylor an left t,inag, Shelburne last yveek r ewni'<.in Hardy "i,r; centre and •W, ilium VLi George Iluzl`tlax M ,Man oa right wing, e ^ who' has been visifj" '"JI. C. A. CONCERTa Mrs 5, L:` `Burwell has been, called to Union owing 'ta\the illness of her; father. Mrs Wm. Di:g;nan and .daughter of Luca.n visited relatives here on Friday and Saturday. • Mr. and _Vlrst Thins. Ogden of Fill - marc, Sask,. ' are visiting' relatives in this . neighborhood, Mr. .• Dickens of I i>Ilmlaxe, Sask, is visiting .relatives iin ,Usliante, Bid dulphand Lucan, ivLWinin;ipeg V.�rs D, F Fe>.'gus�an• of r i vas,,.iag with iter (parents; Mr nd , Mr. a.ird "M'r. Edo' gTL of;' Taber All those interested in the work of Alta;, arc- vin � ing ih�yks1.;,tli: t\, ii i Irst. the Y. 14I. C. A. amlo+nig die boys' in Amor for a c lei twee � ks: , Mi. C.jaa"s ``�oxdeh of 'Oak the trenches will ',plat want to iris . " . ?Liver, the-Enteritainmi- nt beatnig given an the•Man.; ri as '" a .,Vn15,ittLiib .'hld., SiSter, ' .� 1‘,ILas Town I-Iali, on Friday evening., :Tan,. Chg,rity i,Tio'den YSSI'leowtrir'last week 18, 'Full particulars;` next wee. - WL. IORLOC'K. JONES & MAY i'1ttrM11' :� STOCK TAKIN( JAN UARY IS OUR STOCK -TAKING MONTH " AND WE ALWAYS HAVE SOME BARGAINS IN CLLARING LINES, REMNANTS, FTG, Big Table of Remnants ENDS OF DRESS GOODS SHAKERS, CURTAIN. NETS, LACI;': CURTAINS, COTTONS PRINTS, SA, fEE' NS AND SIIXt Winter Coats Half Price ONLY t FEW LEFT, BUT',Vo WAN"' TO MARE r1 , 'CLEAR SWELI' EVERY COAT A BARGAIN. Ladies' and Children's Furs s SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL FURS DURING STOCK TAILING. P u1R 'WILL ,BE TWICE AS lItGHNEX'T WINTER. • THIS WILL BE A REAL CHANCE FOR YOU, SWEATER COATS Stock =Taking ;Prices far $1.50 $2,50,` $2.75. Buy thiy'.wi,n'tert It will be 50 per $2.5, $2.75. cent. higher lnlerdtl LADY'S alUS'KRAT COAT LADIES'' FUR COLLAR COATS Only one, size 38, Regular $80 fru` Regular $22;50 for $12.00 $60. , '. Regular $27.00 ;for $17.00.. 'MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS ,: MEN'S AND BOYS' O. COATS All specially !priced for The Stock--- Some fine values are offered in the Taking Sale: good cloths and styles. WINTER UNDERWEAR Shoes Shoes ' Shoes SOME CLEARING LINES TO SELL FOR OUR JANUARY STOCK SALE AT GENUINE BARGAIN. PRICES. J Headquarters fog • the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing :Mr. and Mrs: Luther Reynolds re turned home Saturday .from a visit near Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs .Wm. Chappel. ;MEETING OF ;I-IURON COUNTY COUNTY TAILORED TO ORDER ":The of the corporation of L < 1 Council�Ii'.a �� FAR MORE .BECOMING Huron will meet in the Council Cham - Yet Cost N® More ben in the Town of Gaderich on Tuesday, the 22nd f `Jan -nary, n1 1 T,u � y, rot 9 8, at 3,00 .o'clock. \, GEO. W:,'HOLMAN, ,Clerk Gtoderich, 'Jan. -7th; 1918, A very pretty but :quiet wedding took ^ place in" I3,urliirigttton an Thurs- day,. December 27th, 'when Miss Ad- die, i1J,orlacls of that town, but form- erly a highly esteemed milliner of Ex- eter, was united' lin; • fnarritage to Mr, Edgaa:.Williamsonl, Shortly after the ceremony was performed the }sappy couple took ,the train fou a'lolntey mlooti trip to Buiffalla, ,N, Y., Cleveland aril Crestline, Ohio, " after which they will return and settle d,owa in iiurl- ington, The bride's many friends here will extend, best wishes and trust much, that as bright and prosperous will come to her and her husband.,. INSTALLED OFFICERS,-Diistrict Deputy Grand Matter Baird of Bruce- fze d visited Exeter Lodge Odd - fellows on Tuesday everr b, and aa - silted by lairs installing team confirmed tli,e newly-;elected„ioffi cors in their respective ehraiirs, alter which a light- `Itrrc,h was served and a social hour spent together. The officers arca- tr. Past Grand E, Treble; Noble Graind-C, Fisher. Vice Grand -J. C. S.acll Reo.-S'c.c'3 -R, N, Creech. -a Tn ",al;.- 'E.. ii<<i. Dignan, Wai-t;;es -Thea. Walper JCondiretar-R W. ,F'uke Outside Gti:ardinn-F. J. ".Dclartdge Inside. Guarel(ia,tu--Mauriac :Qua,nce, Rt, Sup, TT: G. -E, ;Howalct Lt. Sup, N,C: ,-T'.*1T . Boole a c `�u V`- Ct --Asa eirh 1 Rt: p: P Lt.'Rup, V. C1, -5-L Jennings R S. S.-0. Southcott I.. S. "u.: ;Siseere. tClaniplain J, Reid UIr_ Wsr;. lis.'Wkshaw of .Detroit has beet; vfsvtnng i;otr the holidays with Ylrs. Wm.I-3aickshaw, sr,, and.: .Mrs T. H Newell. Mr. and Mrs:: Frank j:H. i+,ord and1. fancily, , of Lawson, Sack.,' are visiting relatives in. Exeter' ansa wicis i.tt Y for a :few, weeks. _Mir. and ,Mrs. W. J. Cavetaln,d ciaughh ter' Ileac of Benglough, Sask., ane vis- iting in this ,eightonhiorod with rola- tives and friends.'-, �1iss Ella. Lint , who, ha bean visit- sting with her aunt, .Mrs W. '%.untr, left or, Friday for Philadelphia, Pa., wluere she will visit Tor a time. ivlr and airs. Alf. Amy of Conquest Sask.. are 'visiting with ,the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.t:odd, near Wtao.11lain and with other r,elafives; Miss L. ,Oke o1 Toronto was a vis- itor last at We ek with her sister r . Mrs. Hawk,inst Mr. and Mrs ,W, gins -and daughter of Scaf,ortii were also over ;for 'a day or 'two. Mr: Gordan Manns of Prang ,ord, 4vha'was called:,to riensall last w eek, owing to [lie serious illness of , his moths,, ivos shaking !rands with rtiany got his old friends here last week. Mr. T, H,` Newell; Was in Cliathaini last week and bran ihl ,hams td'c new g � Gray;-Diarta: ;: The. cars Wes'e brought here: under their .own power, and Mr, NeA el1 ,laid' lip never •had a b`ctter run over -rhe ,cli�atance, .whiich is 95 rashes, Mr. and ;MIrs. Enos Ctidniore, and 1;10 children, vho have byecn visiting i10:u [re latriye, 1 and nds i.c.re 101• (,vera' it :elcs, ;loft Tuesday morning or Asquith, ,Bask., where they will. visit •4o n. Short time ,pr•Cv ous= ' 'to n i vi;a^ ror 'ortheir new Iiorpe in, Sot1ro. iv ore IIey , A1Tas,h. ;ON JANUUARY ,Lit THE NEW EDISON. "the [P1ibnkt(grap;h with a soul," will sellatt an increased price. You will of course want to buy yours before January 1st. On account of the freight ciongleisltlom and 'the" -pos- sibility of freight embaa{gotes, we ad- vise 'you to buy now, whiffle, our stock is complete. . ,There will be no increase in the price 'df Edison R,e,JCr'eatilons, and if there should ,be ` a freigffht embargloy they can be shi,ppted from the Edison( Laboratories by exprress J. WILLIS POWELL, Agent, Elxeter. A Few Cars o Turnips ;-OPEN TO CONTRACT FOR '.TURNIP ACREAGE FOR COMING MING SEASON, • WILL ONLY BUY CONTRACT TURNIPS NEXT T F ALL SEL O We have a large number of Suits and ,Overcoatings that waiit your arrival -a wide assortment of Fashion's Chosen colors, -soft .hand some Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades. ' OUR ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' 1 Suitings f s i,a the Finest ole have ever..had..The studied exactness in measuringand becoming designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes produces a cam- pieeteneas of ;fitting and a pleasing mess of appearance that a ready-made can never hope" to =equal. No Lady knows how well she can; appear' in a Suit or Coat until she has one cut, to nveasure, OUR STOCK IS, COMPLETE GIVE USA CALL N.Sh-- LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Start Upstairs, OPPosite the ,Central m - • Lu' ��r �, e and E. N. R4C)WE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER' Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries fruits, , spices, Vis, coffee and every- thing in the gsrocery C.1 a and see ee ups• A trial ass to quality will convS1h- Produce taken in c ebam e Gould The Metropolitan Hata Next star Bargain Store OVERCOAT'S ANL) SUJ We have a sinal1 stock of these which we have decided t 11 your want anything' in this lime, came in.a,nc1 get` tour priices; RUBBERS We.htve a .we ass ed 7.1 art tock and'atii` • BOOTS AND' SI --TOES C11:.a ,, S ',r tl iron s School .....Hoes �n. ODDS AND ENDS • Dur' a this'� n1 nici�ntli we tvi,ll have ! ,n>P ciuced Prices, ;,Combe in often soy as r prices are right. ar1hety and at the lc nDodds s ,ncl ti � es' a alto a viss` tlicni, F re clear out vest pri;v G•%ai,ly larcr