HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-10, Page 6•BRITT ` D RR
mdda; Says the Scheme Difficult Raid Successfully Car -
Awaits Sanction of Cabinet. tied Out and Prisoners Taken:
London, an. 3—The Director of A. despatch from London says:—
Meat Supplies announces that Tues- "One of our battalions carried out
day will be the: meatless day in Lon- successfully a difficult raid at night
don, and would also affect the p?ovince.: across the Piave, taking prisoners and
Compulsory rationing is to be put into inflicting damage on the enemy," said
to mLc- c fiicial statement on Thursday
cording to lard Rhondda, the Food, from the British 1
effect in Britain at an early da an >
forces on, the•Ita pan
Controller, speaking at Silverton on front.
Thursday. He prefaced, his announce,' This was the British raid reported
nlent by saying that he was afraidin yesterday's Rome official statement
that compulsory rationing would havel —the first tune that British troops
to come, and that it was on its way, have been reported in an offensive ac
and then declared that his department bion in this war theatre.
had completed a scheme, and that as "On the whole front," says the, of -
soon asthe 'sanction of the Cabinet ficial statement issued on Thursday
had been .received, it would be carried by the Italian Wart Office, "there has
out. been nothing ofimportance to report.
Lord Rhondda it \yarned' his hearers "On Tuesday night enemy airmen
that there would .continue; to be a dropped bombs on Castelfranco
shortage, though, 'the position would Veneto, obtaining two direct hits on
improve, and improve steadily, two hospitals. Eighteen patients
"There is nothing alarming in the were killed."
situation," he said. . "You have only• _
f. NlE'.1 LOSS 7,621 MEN
oin nothing -this country are undelpp r 4.
1 y 5 ro ., b FOR 4 DE
'like the px•ivations in Gernhan ,,, There_ •- .
-t1 have less than t pee/ iii of meat
Markets of the World``.
Toronto, Jan. 8—Manitoba wheat—
No. 1
heat'No,'1 Northern $2.231 No. 2', da, $2,205;
No.:'3, do,,, 32,175; 'No. 4 wheat. $x`2.`105,
in store' k'oi•t William, intlulling 35o.
tax, •Na,
Ma,titoba oats No.. 2'0.).Y.'81Pc;
3 C7.\\ 7 11e; No 1 e~rtra 'Peed, "743,;.
No. 1 feed, 743c to store Fort Williatini.
Anter lean corn ---No, 3 yellow, nominal.
Ontario oats No. 2 white, 79• to 80c,
nominal; No. 3. do., 75 to, 70c, nominal,.
according to ;re eights outside.
Ontario V119at--New, No, 2 1'V'i,iter,
$2,22; basis, in Store Montreal.
tis No. 2, 33.70 to 33.80, according'-
to freights otitside.
L3n.rley—Malting: $7.32 to`$1c34,; ac-
cording to freights outside.
Eirckwlreat $1.55 to 31.55, according -
to freights outside.
Fye — Nn. 2, 31.73, according to
freights outside
I74,c,nitoba flour—First Patents, in. jute
bags, $1150; 2nd, do., $11.00 sii•ong
bakers', do.,;,,314 G0, Toronto.
Ontario flour, \V1nter 'according to
sample, 310,05, in baggy Montreal; 30.25,
Toronto; 39.50 bulk, seaboard, pr oinl)t
Slriptner,t .:
11i;illieed--'Car •lots, delivered Mont
real freights, bags 'includecl—Bran, per
ton, $35; • shorts, do., 340; middlings,
do, - 45 to 346; good teed dour, pet- bag,
F1'o,y--No. 1, new, per ton 315.50 to
316.50; mixed, do., $13 to 315, _track
w. Cal lots, a7el ton, '38.50 to 39.
Country Produce—Wholesale
City wholesalers are payin • at coup -
try points the following for butter and
eggs: solids, leer lbdairy.
, 428
Alio-L"' 430; Prints, per lb, 43 to 4330; dap y.
to Prints,
•,, per lb 3G to 3Se
they : - <..:,, Total; Enlistments in C.E.F. , , I.\r <.ssed .Paultr y (.1hic e s
a week:, en.„-,--.:;-----
Atra9nst Wastage of 3,702 fiawi, 79 to 2Oc; • duol.s, 23 to 21c; geese,
UR. says: Re- 1 Potatoes— Wholesalers are paying
A despatch from OttawaY Qv,els radii couratt';it,int?err $1.75 for
figures shoving the srihng to the ret tt
Eggs—Fresh aatherecl eggs,5d to 52c.
2 052 -O k n, 24 to 250,
21 to 220; turkeys, 2S to 30c.
number fleet -class stock t.o:b , outside• tiairits
of men enlisted in the iirfentry, artll- Wholesalers it e
trade at the following Deices
levy, railway construction and forest -j Cheese -New, lame 23 ,ter 23•
80: ttivins
Ss and the United' 234 to 33ac; early' cheese, 258 to 2
Shortage is Being Relieved For
Canada by United States
es patch from Ottawa says: The
A despatch
new centralized management of the
United States railroads, with its pool-
ing arrangements of rolling stock and
economies of rotating and motive
power, is already helping to solve
one of ' the main• problems of. the
Canadian Railway. Companies, naine-
ly, the more prompt return of Cana-
dian rolling stock routed to United
'Staten points. i' oiling stock shortage
in. Canada has .been aggravated to a
large extent by the delays in.securing
i'eturll of cars from zee tinted States
roads. Thousands' of Canadian box
cars, etc', have been kept. across the
line for months. The shortage of cars
in the United. States. the keenness of
railway conlpetition,. and the lack• of
any ` central co-ordidating manage-
ment, have made the tracing and re -
ry units in Canada Tatar. twin, 26 to .,63c
States during the "first half of Decem
leer, and the wastage in the C E b fol
same period,have been issued' ° by
the Militia Department. The figtn'es
reveal a net loss for the half month,
of 1,621 men, the total enlistments :be-
ing 2,081, as against a total,wastage
of 3, 702. The total enlistments were
divided among the various branahee of chickens, ib, 20 to 210; hens, 1.6 toy015tc;
ducks, Spring, 20 to 22c; ;geese,
the services. as follows': 21c.
Infantr 1308: -Artillery, 375; Honey—Comb—Extra fine. 15 oz.,'
C 03.50: 3.2 oz 33• No 2, $2.40 to 32.50.
Railway Construction and Forestry, strainns. 2t.'s and 5: s, i9 to 19Oc.
311' miscellaneous,; Si. The total per ib: 10's, 15 to ire, 60', 18 to is3e,
Beans—Canadian, hand-picked, bush.,'
number of men., enlisted in Canada dur- SS 5550imported, band -picked, $6.50
info the two: weeks was,1,310, in the to to g7; Lirhiis, 17 to 17A0. -
United States 768:, and in England 3,
the Provisions -Wholesale
The casualties overseas; dueing
hick Snroi:eri and eared mlard r
half. month totalled 1,217, of ' ail„ted to trade by Toeatsrontoand tvlholea-
45 per cent. will, it is estimated, sailers as follows:— 30 t
dairy, choice, 40 to '41c;
creamery prints, 45 to 46c; solids, 44. to
'5iat arine--29 to 32e.
Eggs--Ncw laid, in cartons, 60 to 65c:
No. 1 storage, 43 to 440; select storage,
47 to 4Sc.
Dressed poultry—Spring chickens, 26
to 28o; nriik-foci chickens, Ib,. 30c; fowl,
22 to 25e; turkey..; 35 to 37c: ' ducks,
Spring, 27 to 300; geese, 25 to 27c,
Live poultry—Turkeys, 28c; Spring
'with ll a Period 0 t11,5 be fit 31c• Smoked meats--I'tanis, medium, ,. o
f 5i1 pion e do.. heavy, 26 to 27c; cooked, 43.
-for general service. A total of 972 to 44c; rolls, 27 to Osc; breakfast bacgn,
mere were discharged hi England, 981 '38 to 42c; ..banks, plain, 40 to 410; bone-
-le.,s 43 td 4#c.
were returned to Canada for discharge Cim'ecl meats—Long clear bacon, 275
and 532 were discharged in Canada. to 23c lb; clear bellies 265' to 270.
Lard-1'ure lard;, tierces, 28i to 29c;
The total Wastage it 'nfa-try uhuts tubs 2si to 29'•c• pails `)9 to 295c
\a91cosniround tierces 241 to 35c; tubs, 24
Ami 104-
` •'•:,b,.C,M ' ,ilW } . L - ` ,e ,t:SY ,1 \ kS
Austaalians.,viewing the destroyed bridge at Bapannte.°
Battle For,Possession of Jeru-
salem Won by'.British.
A despatch from London says:—
Since Boxing Day Gen. Allenby's
army has followed up one brilliantly
fought battle' by 'a , series of engage-
ments which have brought •under con-
trol of. the British Palestine army the
whole of the watershed between the
Mediterranean and the Jordan as far
north 'as :Bireh, and they have a splen-
did line
plen-did.line across the scene of many con-
flicts of' ancient times.,
The troops 'are now .well north -'of
this line for on Wednesday they oc
cupied . Beitin, : the Bethel of the
Scriptures, and ,a bountiful • water
simply between Birch 'and• Ramallas
pp Y
has- been secured..
Thera id advance in a most dif
The -rapid
ficult country was due • to the over-
whelming defeat of a Turkish attempt
F7 r ” `to retake Jerusalem on December 27,
• €v -sac; Bart., 25 to _a_ wen, a er ieshstmo desperate • at•
t elve lhours the
Montreal 'Markets , tack., fol nearly w
r an tea . :ran. : delivered a masterly co
IN - Western, No. 3; ;sec eatra, No, 1 teed, stroke and rolled up the enemy right,
CANADIAN TROOPS Britishcounter-
A,RRI`rE ENGLAND. 1 t 1 3, 9—Oats—Canadian
for a 'ca
considerable time past.
•caning the 'Turks, who sustained;
., ... , r = white, Sa't•0. I+lout•—Diartitaba Sprrng, 6 . „,
; t Ades latch from' Otter\ia airs• Tt ,s , c n s o' field almost lm
1 t:,;eat k,atents, fir+sts. $11:so; send , tremendous losses, t y
t -the following
. a P
92c. No. 2 local white, S73c; 1Oo. 3 local,.
sit ong bailers, $1,0,91); straight an fall back
n a' . : officially announced positions
i G —Itopregnable h the
troops have arrived Trly in England: ()atsr-sb bags, 9° 1:q8* $ :30 3 r rail—$39 along the Nablus road;"leaving lh
filters' 7iaizhiih Carps, :Shorts ---$40. ' Middlings, $45:: 'to $50. . great
Canadian 0 g•_
" ;leonine—:Fes to $5s. Hay—No- 2, per British possession points of gre
LANA ca didates for army comrs:issien:
ton ear lots b14.50 to $7:5:50, Cheese, OrtanCe.
strategical imp
Ro5a1 I+'lying Corps, officers• Finest Westerns 2t:Ie; finest ea -sterns,
Beginning of Year Brings Great Bermuda_ P+resh, 54 to eat, .selected, LO N bo
Draft: E. Yorkshire Regiment' from 27 8c Buttor Choicest creamery 445
tc 450; seconds, a43 to 44 . l ggs—
, rr
`' Front 't: Artillery, horse, siege' and stock,, 4534 No, '3 stock, 3S to 36c. Po-
Activity on Fliiaat Held.• Drax T_J;B. Montreal,
j Po-
tatoes—Per bag' car lots; $1.90 to 32.10.
Ye ,
• Ontario, Saskatchewan and British
c '
A despatch iron' Canadian, H is '
p oluinb
quarters in France. (via London) Signalers from Ottawa.
says: Our guns, are grumbling around Forestry from Montreal, Levis, To --
Lens after an evening of activity i11
which they were vigorously employed
in assisting Co break up an enemy raid
against ourflame. New Year's Day,
tvlli"czi came in quietly, went out with
unusual activity reported all along the
front, The enorny attcnlpted raids
, f ld, frorn S Jonn un z a
By <?iiapie , a5.el and
Dressed bogs—A.1iat,,olr l,iiled: 326.50 t0
$27; db.. country, $24.50 to 325. :Pork— .
;lewdly Canada short driers, bbls, 85 to
45 pieces.- 552 to 353; do., Canada. short
cut back, bbls, •45 to 53 Pieces, 350 to;
351. Lard--Cornnound. wood pails; 20',
lbs net, 25 to 26c; -pure.: wood pails ..0
i into; Winnipeg and Prince Sibert. lbs. net, 2, 3 to 380.
Medical Corps from Ontario-
Canadian Nursing Sisters and V.A.
'Winnipeg Wiirnipeg Grain ' '
.fan S --Cash Uri
D. Nurses from Toronto. No. 2c.iv., ejene No. 3
77 c Nr. "1 teed r413c;
etra:"No, 1 teed, 5 t
Newfoundland troops, Imperials re -3
•4 }- No 2 teed, 77gg. f?aa•IeY—No. $1.35;
emits, details. - No. 4,, $1.33 reiected...and feed, 31.17
El ax ---No, 1 r\,WC.• 33.15)8; No. 2 O. W.,
$$151No. '3 C.\\'. $2:95.
in no less than four places, one of ONLY 150 CASUALTIES
them 'iih strength.
Our patrols have been busy ' all
front and have .come off
along the ,
victorious in various- clashes with en-
enlyastise. Bath aur own and the the first reports of the Guatemala sa.cics. 1,iarr , o...o .
p t p Dt
}rJanuary, $3.50 bid Lai•; $3.479; July,
tieyyen hostile planes ,este:day and gg g ,
IN' GUATEMALA 'QUAKE United States ltrsarkets
'_1linneanalis, ;\tins.. ,Tan; S—Corry
A. despatclt from Sao Salvador says: 8 white. 78 to 700, Flour—Standard, in
•Tile latest advices here show that carload lots '$0.75 per barrel iii : 98 -Ib.'
No. 3 yellow, $1.70 to 31.75. Oats—No:
.7• 5,,,) 50
rluth 1\t nn,. •tan, S—t4ilSeed, on
enemy aircraft have Teen active. Two es .thuualkc were exaggerated..,.: The track $3.b0 to '53.62.. a., rir e. $3.50•
nof r machines attacked :a party' of fatalities tis a result of disaster irked
despatch from London says:—
ays —So meagre is the supply of meat in
London that the first meatless day is.
expected for a large number of the
inhabitants during; this week -end.
Retail butchers to -day crowded the
wholesale markets in an attempt to,
obtain a •supply for their customers,
but the majority of the dealers niet
with ciisappo
The Goy einmeat t ' has released 8,000
cai•casses of lambs, but this supply is
reserved for ' distribution among but-
chers in the poorer disriots.
The West rest End butchers have been
told to advise their customers to eat'
fowl game and fish until meat condi-
tons' unproved.
Two Hundred 'Bombs Dropped on Ledeghem Ry. and Other
Railway Junctions With Satisfactory Results.,
A despatch from London says:—The
following official statement dealing
with aviation was issued Friday even-
"Two _hundred bombs were dropped
Thursday on two hostile aerodromes
on the tedeghenx Railway junction, on
hutments in the. neighborhood of ,the
Eoutholst Forest and billets south of
Lille.: '
"Six hostile aeroplanes were. down-
ed in air fighting, and .two others driv-
en clown out of control. Three of our
machines are missing. •
"During the Ili lit azi additional 300
lg g
bombs were dropped, .on Six 'enemy
aerodromes, including the Gontrode
aerodrome, Successful raids also 'were
carried 'out -in spite of the very bad
weather against the factories' at
:M'ezieres-les-Metz, railway communi-
cations at Woippy and the railway
junction at St. Privet, in the neigh-
borhood of Metz. All of our machines
° D S
a re ated'60. while only 100 persons
'$3-39.'•2• 47600 GERMAN MINES
Drought down one
Live Stock ti k is
e Earth hooke'continue inn they are Toronto ;ran 8—Extra;choice heavy
in )aures. - were injured.
1Ll` 1 E:\R)VE.CONTENTS:. •
A despatch Linn London says: An
t c nr.tnunic:ot.ion was ' issued
dewing with the Government's propos-
ed. intention to tai„e. over? the;British
Museum for use ? y the Air Board. The
eom enicatioll says the Government
office purposes
intend., to utilize ,f:ol. n p p
the considerable space made vacant in
the •s0''tuse'ain by the -removal of the art
ae ei r they fq 1ti1.t-e.- tirhr„_e .,bev• are,;ihot
ruicid and that eciel
exposed to air . of ,.., tt.-,. • sp c•
recautialte tiave- been taken to ensure
the safetyof the'oontente o3 the'Mii-
have not been removed.
Boum which Ata rc i
The annoti termeltt says tdiat the read-
+ it enmain open to the nub-
w I 1 p.
i , D.
weal,, Relief committees• are b do
eing $10 7s, $11.25
tc $12' s' " goad heavy, A despatch from Lwidlon says,,
$10.75 to $11.; btrtc!ters' caitle,.choiO3,
• un-
formed ail over the country and a sec 5:3.0.00 co 316.55; do., . good. °39.60 to
boll of the Red" Cross :will depart $16 5 do., niedlutn, s3 to $9,25; 00.,
elf)' a: Lakin; : nledi- common,
S to25 to 58,50; $10; do. butchers' oodbullsbulls,
Shortly . for Guaze .al ,hort,-. ,.'F good , '$
cce - N- to 58,25; cto,,. m:edittna bulls, ,$7.10 to.
eines, blankets and -oilier 21dce.,.t.,cs, y , nr.
r. p, to, .ou„h hulls,
hutch:ei s' cows, choice; $9,50 to 310; do..
good 33.50 to $9; do., medium, $7.75 to
HUNGARY'S- WAR $0; stockers, 37.26 to 38.75; feeders;
LOAN' A FAILURE 89.25 to $10; canners and cutters,, 35.15
to 5. 1';mill;ers, good to chalc,e, .595 to,
i. 5 ,
3140; .cl0., coin. and reed., $75 to• $90
dobpatch from.Lo7hclan says;•- snringer1s, 590 to'. '6130; :.lknht ewes, 312
Hungary's seventh to $'1;` sheep,' h tiw, >6 to;:.$ 75:'
Ste1]scrlptivli5 to2,25 to 1.3.25 l.Ln,1)s,`+17.75
war loan totalled about .00'0!000,000 to $19; calves, good to c,5soico:'334' to
' 16,25;, 110gc , 1,9(1,a116 waterecl,:$TS;eO to
kronen, where.+as the Government ex- r- - -' ed n>'e wars: , h8,76 to
da, F..
pected iB;OGQ,000;000 tironell:, tele s19; do., ,,o.u„ $3,7.60 to 337.55.
Montreal, Jan, S -Ch lee steers $12
gaitplts the cor're511onciEn, at Leinster- 5 • good steers 3.10: to .12
Ams -ter -
to $72..,0, K c. $ ,
dam of the.Exehange `felegzaph Com, c1ioice cows, 3.7 to 39.50; "good, 35 to
SL of the subscri tions were "$7' butch0rs' bulls, $r- to $30; mills
party, Mord, p 5•;'"I to $15; grass, $7 to $9;
cai. e •h,
forced on' the leading banks, the Ines- canners cattle, 36.25 to $6.50; sheep,
sage adds, only tan insignifcant share $11.5° iii $12; 1u- hs. SJS ,oi 10.50;
being til eh by the popMace. 338.50. hoes,, off cas, Fl elect
ing the past 'year 1,000 trawlers, which
are used as lnine sweepers around the
British Isles, have; swept an average
of 3;000 square miles daily. - During
ve' f u 4 600 G
the year they. s\ P lip ,
mines. '
United States Government Ar-
ranging Gigantic Plans.
A despatch: from Washington says:
Plans•.fge a ,$2,000,000,000 Government
shipbuildingshiptinilding pro
layme were reveal-
ed on- Friday when the ,: Shipping
Board asked - Congress for 'authority
to place $701,000,000 worth of addi-
tional ship contracts. At the same
says: The
A. despatch from Ottawas y
Food Controller through the Fish
Committee of his office is starting a
to increase the use in 'Can-
`frozen fish. This effort will be
ol; .
a e.r campaign to,. in-
.`.part of' the 1<lg
crease consifinption` of all: kinds of fish
to `release 'beef: '; bacon and
in order ,
other Meats for exhort to the allies.
Will Not Capitulate ,to Ger-
many's Terms of Peace.
A -despatch from Petrograd says:-`'
Russiaehas turned again to war, Re-
alizing now that Germany willgive
Russia a democratic peace only if Ger-
many many succeeds in;gailring_a general
peace, Russia sees anew the necessity
time an immediate appropriation of for continuing the fight.
$82,000,000 ' as asked for the exten- Russia has been swept by the de.
sign of shipyards and for providing mand for peace, which was partly - -----
housing facilities for workmen. idealistic partly inspired by wee fa-
tigue. This transport of enthusiasm
FRENCH .MAN -POWER ' readied its highest wave-evhen C;er-
' SORELY 'STRAINED many offered what seemed a demo-
' ' cratic peace. But all that is change(.'
1 despatch .from Paris says: -The Six hundred delegates gave Foreign
drain 'upon .7t rench inanepowsr, caus-
ed,.by the despatch of French : divi-
sions to Italy, has already rendered
necessary the recall to the colors of
men. Of fifty.. measure further' easure in:
ire same direction fs.., aiinouihced by
Minister ::Trotseky's war speech be-
fore the Soviets the most enthusiastic
and convincing applause. No' war
'speech by 'Kel•ensky ever \vo.r. ap-
plause 50 earnest.'
The reason is that the soldiers know
e * are fighting frit tlieie
demoer atic peace terms. The' rous-
ing scene attained its most inspiring.
height when the Baltic delegates cried:
"The Baltic flagwill be the last to
come down!"
Iow far this new enthusiasm will
prove capable of action has. yet to be
proved, but at all events' `Russia '-will -•
not capitulate to Germany's, terms.
the Minister of Munitions, who has now tit 'own
decided that workmen mobilized for.
the armed service belonging to the
1914 class' and ounger' shall'be with -
drawn from workshops' and placecl'at
the disposal of the Conhinlander-in-
The in'easure' comes into force
thiel. T
J 15 '
031 Janne, a.
despatch from London says—An
fficia •communication issued by the JEWISH B.ATTALiON SAILS
a General TO FIGHT IN PALESTINE4Var; Office :on Friday says
Allenby po're its a further advance by
apart of lis•line north of Jerusalem
o'vee a distance of a mile.
A despatch from London says: ---
ays:- -The' new -Jewish battalion of the
British army, which' has, just com-
DENIVIAR[C AND NORWAY pleted .its trai ling; sailed for ' the, .
HAVE LOST MANY SKIPS Palestine front on Thursday.
a The battalion is under the coinmaad
A des i patch from ' London` says:.-
Last Seat. 367 Norwegian
vessels, with
an,aggregate tonna e of 566-000, were,
i xchau -e telegraph des itch
sunk, a 1 >J g g l P
'r'e orts.
,from CopenhagenP
Since the beginning
ar 215
Danish vessels, with a tonnage of
2.,2,],,,000 have been sunk, and 234 Danes
have been killed,
4D 059*
51\ I hiti 2,TH1 R>',s kF,yEA CI'IM
A Gino Coca I3IG pow cLnubi o t CIGAR
.h •.
1NFIcs'a: ,P h ;stNIt4G
1"o P8.I F2 u11 t 1 t hV
WIPE: AND 1' NI N'i->IOt
1,574"`I ' +hypes ! iii' Gb71-1?-t (! ..5 ,TGMi
pY111F> 31GE 0-F1 HF "R0 F.°T1 ,'i llen-n5 'ilea
1i$l"-111.1.0i4' into"i tiF.E,M ,j -o.. M N't -' f
t' rlt5 Ieee- viiVi ''IOU2 '. .ei- ` ✓'
-I ieA1_-
l''' ` -`t0U 0)..D SCbU7?
0 11 tt fin
of Col, ,1.'11. 'Patterson,an Irishman
and a great lion: hunter' 111 East Africa -
1.- the days before- the war. Elis ex-
perience in - command of Jewish
per }
troops dates back to the GGallipolii,
campaign,' where he 'Wan'in charge of
the ;'axons Zio11 Mule Corps, formed
111E ypt o Jewish refugees linin Pa-
111th 1." ri
•'-1r' k