HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-1-10, Page 1• THIRTIETH YEAR. Ilf-,11:4141111 • . , • •• • • 'XE11,11,31, ONrARXo, THURSDAY JAN , 10 1918 : sANnk44,, Our earner. Reeve W. R. Elliott CO Stephen, we SOu".E.1-1 1-1URON • understand, has a. pretty good chance • Local ISTetvs for the Warde:nship of Huron County, OFITICIA.L RETURN'S .Herea was 715 W. Rt. levery 8UeCes 1.•• AR10. ELECTION NEXT. ,I_,egislature has •one , more ,session, which will probably be 11ed lite this month Already it is • said, that The election of the ,new legistature Will take place in june. of course oily coniecture. Im connect ' ion however it s worthy ,to say Oiat a hangein the :Voters' Lists system has been made aid the Provincial Franchise has been tO,,,Wornert; and,oldiers. The taking the municipal ..71ksts as a basis and adding to it the i; names obtained by negjstratifti3ijs done !,•.,.1...Nty3, with, a.nd the. ,system, of .enurn-. 1;•••''..,4Katioti which has prevailed in -the Do- "tAinion election recent,tly held is toi he ‘;,4•:,'s,,ubstittxted. The franchise has been ert„entled. to 1:Nrornep. and soldiers, but ,..b,jarnot been changed iA other re- .spects, T.he voterslists will im the ,-Enture, -be prepared under the direc- .e' tion of t voters' registration board; • the said ,boards, save din th:e Countyof York to consist, Of Sve memblers for each county, The board will appoint rior each .electoral distriet such: num- , ber,of re,gistrztrs as t may •deem nec- essary for the purpoiste o .preparing• the lists and shall direct the regist- rars who 'shall visit every house OT dwelling place every polling • sub- Th,e regiarars are, required -JO hold sittings for the, purpose of • hearing applicatilens from persons, claiming to be qiialified, and Whoad names are not ei-etered on. the printed lists. These sittings are to be held between the fifteenth anti twentieth day after tile. ,lists are posted. Inthis way: the;registrars prepare :supple- mentary lists webiluh: shall be, sworn, to and delivered :to the clerk of the • ,.,•• • , It is un.de,rstood that very shortly coriventtion is Ito be „hield between the Canadian, and. United States Gov- ern.me,nts n 'Which Canada •will be given authority to conscript Arriericans residing in Canada. for the • Canadian, army, and the United States -in re- turn will be given ;the right to cOn- script Canadians of military age, who are living under tga,e Stars and Stripes. • The. life of the 'slacker is going to be a burden to him pretty soon. PHONE 81a Ps' Since N, W Rlowell, the leader the Opposition hi the Le,gisla.tirre e terecl the Dominion Cabinet conside i abbe •speculation has been ,rire as • who would fill the ,va.carioy. It has, however, fallen to Tjjflisni Proudtoot C., M. P, P., of Godericla, tack he will be the temporaryeleaclee until, the end lor the corning (Am of the Leg- islature, when itteei expected at a general party cori'Vention a permanent leader will be selected, It -is gener- ally conceded that the choice was wisely and closevedly bestowed on Mr. f• PricAickfoot, and while he has not ad- ! cled laurels to his credit at times by hitching himself up tp peanut tactics ao d nab coming unfairness in the Leg- isla hire, his appointment will be gen,- era113%acceptable, We cannot think, however, that his will be a path strewn. with, /roses in controlling his small, though ;stubborn, following, • Those 'who have imagined Flying to be a. sort of super Lsport, hazardous, perhaps, but otill a: thrilling game ;for young men will be ,surprised, to learn that aviation more nearly approaches 'a profession, To see the classes of smartly uniformed. ,Catlets, note -book in hand, •enovur about the 'Throne° University buildings, gives 'one •a bet- ter idea of the nature of their work. • A Cadet is .tra.ined to navigate, the air in safety. He is 'taught tot render useful ,service as an. aerial observizr, Before receiving his commission he 1u-uiow fiyag thonoughly, but he is also something of an. expert Chart- ograyhy, Meteorblogy, Wireless Tele- graphy Sigealtheg, Aeraplan,e and En.-; gine construction, Aerial Photography Bombing .and Gunnel% Quite afar - laudable. list, but all very interesting and very necessary to the young avi- titan-lit-be. The School of Military Aeronautics established at Toronto University hy the Royal Flyingporps is reputed 'to be the best equipped in the.. •' The f011owing are the official re - of turn- for South Huron for the yecent 11- election. for the House of Commons. K.- as issued by Mr. Robert Wi1spa the to returning officer, in Seaforth Friday, The candidates were Mr J J Merger Unionist and Mr. Tho. McMillan, Lau- -e'er Liberal. •IVfcMillan Merrier EXET.b/R • 25 113 30 108 74 A ,rathei peculiar c•onoliltion,. as arisen. in Exeter Municipal Election. Only a sufficient number were nomi- nated to'fill 04 positions—that irs, one reeve •foul councillors and three school Trustees. The returning °Vic- tf on closing the nomination stated that a would be. ;necessary for the Oandiclates to elqualify in 'the usual ivay that is, by noon on Wednesdayi folloWing. One councillou- and two school tzustees failed to do so. The aueslion is,—Since there was n,o nec- esakty for to ballot being taken was •,i6necessary 'that the qualification pa- pers should be eseigneci previous to „u •• 000a on Wednesday, or woula a date isit)- • later, but ;previous to their first meeting 'suffice? ,Opinions differ, but legal opinion says the latter i suffic- ient. Municipal Election No. 1 No, 2 Na, 3 NO. 4 • 41 26 25 122 'Majo•rity • •US B ORNE 40 No, 2 67 No. 3 18 No. 4 56 320 198 105 55 • 122 67 —34-9 Majority • 168 McKILLOP No, 1 116 11 No. 2 98 70 No. 3 101 37 No. 4 74 68 389 186 Majority 203 CLINTON No. 1 •40 89 No. 264 123 No. 3 • 40 104 No. 4 33 94 • 177 410 (Majority 233 • HENSALL No. 1 105 . 110 5 HAYFIELD No. 1 • 21 .108 •'Majority• 87 TUCKERSMITH 66 • 47 6047 49 • 29 76 .20 74 33 59 36 ,384 ..212 INTajority • No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No, 4 No. 5 No. 6 N. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 • Owing to the lateness of the hour 11 11 111 egvievelektve for receiving papers • e it DYS lwas nsoot E7esilbeleorff, otr,h eus sutro- • even al- • 1 though elected by acclamation- Oth- , • iqualifination. last er municipalities had a contest. • The - results are given below,— STEPHEN- • We Have the Best. Look them over. • A MEASURED SUIT. A MEASTTX.ET) OVERCOAT. SEMI-REA1D'Y'PLOTHING. MADE-UP., rLoTHINC-, - • • HOUSE :)COATS.. UNDERCLO'FI-IING -HATS , CAPS' SHIRT5 • SOC1<S• , COLLARS • TIES BRACES I -IAN DIKERCHIEF • GLOVES • ETC, ETC., Art,, ETC, ailor omen urpateiter te,:i4„iettee, A No. 1 No. No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 HULLETT. 7442 51 • 60 41 28 49 63 27 29 46 27 47 36 285 Majority, GODERICH- TP. 29 83 26 58 39 69 18 50 27 70 t )„9 43 ' •T5ri -•;7i MajoigY _.. 215 SEAFOREIH • ''''' No. 1 • , 93 • 114 No. 2 65 45 No. 3 • . 22 46 No„.. 4. 24 31 The following 'form the newly el- No 5 • 52 63 ected council for 1918,—Reeve, W R. --- Elliott, accl; Deputy Reeve, , johnt 1-56 Love.; tin Cocillers, Alex. Neeb, Dav- Majority i:d. Webb bind john Hays. , By ,Polls the vote \vas,— No. 1,2( c•03 For De.puty Reeve-- . No, 2. •41 I g2' . 1 2 3 4 5 6 07 81 9(—Ttl No. 1. .14 ,04,,,,,I i 10a , .34 Love 10 27 23 41 42 72 66 46 70-397 1To. 4. ' • ' 00: ' + il Yearley 62 48 48 64 34 41 26 29 33-379 No. 5. • 16 For Councillors— • ' No,• . 74 6- 2-Iay s 24 2 33 54 61 22 59 36 19-310 ;NIawhioneY 39 31 40 55 223-3 12 18 24-274 Neeb 48 38 47 58 34 99 30 45 26-425 Penhale 17 72 32 55 19 19 39 11 25-289 Warner• 11 3 3 5 7 57 44.10 44-174 Webb 53 19 29 27 24 38 35 60 71-356 299 • 45 No. 7. •,$a 122 No. 8. Ael 5 •512 140 Majority 872 •_ STEPHEN No.1. ' - '1- • HAY ... /co' e: ' • 16 The Municipal contest, which was No,•16,, ' —I . ' • • 101 a. hot one, particularly ,between the No. 4, • -.101 • candidates for reeveship,.,resulked as No.„ 5. • 56 ' . a /-1. Neeb 124 N°. 9' . 57 81 Reeve,0 56 53 124 50 John, L„aport , ilollOws :•--- 1. 244 No, N. 8. ' 368 Na.o, 7. we jority, , 1 84 • 811. 66 52 60 21 120 Majority for ,Laport councillors,— • G'aspe.r Walper351 Saanuel Dietz • 319 WrnE,, Turnbull ' 316' • John. Campbell • • . 304 Alex, Ronnie 249 • john Hey, jr. 103 The first our councillors arc elected, 21DDLILPH—Reeve; W. Jr McFall , over E1i Thoirupson; •CouncillorS, .Phin Dickins, Eli Hodgins, R. Hetlgins, Jase kelly. • . . STANLEY—The old council re- elected by iacclarnallbin—Reeve, John McKinley; Councillors, 5, T. Keys, 5, Hood, Geo. I-lanley, and 24. Elliott. TtrxlmsMITH—Reeve, IL CijI Counclion 'Thos. Golerneri, Jahn Naughter, R. A •waii30,m, Jos:: Crich, All elected by accitirriaton," Mc G ILLIVRAY --Re e ve, 3. J. Poore, accl,; Deputyi•-4Reeve, A. E. Rosser ; Comic Dixon,- R.' Lewis, Weston. Maguire. 1-IENSALL-e-Cottrieillers, Geo Hud- son Robt, Semthroe; W. E. Pfaff TheS. Hudson by acc*iatien, , 'Petty and iOrtwein, reeeved ec- nil number ,of •votes for the reeveship, and followmg the usual Practice; the .return log 'ioffie et. •,g0)1ethe t 144. vote in favor of the „old Teeve, Geo. „Petty; STANLE' - No. 1. No. 2. No, 3. No. 4. No. 5. Alajority -45 ; Mql:s vr, • RECAP, ITTLA.TION Majority •-.61ex ',MOM. Vier Exeter 122 320 'IN Ileborne , 181 319 168 Mc:Kindly 389 186 203 :0/int on, 177 410 233 514,3411 • 105 110 •5 BaYkield 21 . 108 87 TitelOrsinitli 3.84 212 '172' E(uUeLt 335 285 50 Goderich Tp, 158 873 ' 215. 8e4k4rth 256 290 43 Sta,40 218 263 45 Etay'ij12 140 372 485 344 142 3344 3399 9,39 994 • , 2344 •, 039 55 55 Ballots spoiled 35,P1‘9...1.141,i1V,t,rd„,4, eta 6 17 '"Laylti bsilotn tendered 18; ..„, • p, Huron County Council meets on the 22nd of January. A number JOE the boys left during the week to Join the colors. Seaman John, C. Evans of St. Marys is reported as drowned in British, wa- ters. School .re -opened Thursday under the new prineipal, Mr. Hay:dead. The attendance !is quite large, Tuesday and Wednesday were stormy, and if the ,snaw continues we shall have some aleighiag, Mr. Frank Down of Usbene had the misfortune ;to lose '4"'o horses foam •eating frozen turnips. • We club with all the leading daily and weekly papers'. Now is the time to select your 1918 reading. • Mrs. Chas. Harneck oS Carstoiniville, Mich., after a 71:•Sit WON. Mrd. Pen- rice, returned 'to hex home on, Wed- nesday. The Victory 'Bond payments are being met promptly at the local Banks although atony are foolishly leavieg it ;to the last day, •Pay thera Thurs- day pr Friday sure. t Mr. .Andrew Campbell .has taken over .the Sales depertment of th/' Fiord business tin Exeter from Mr. Milo Snail, who will devote most of his time'to 'his farms. • - The marriage of Alonzo Heywood, B. A., of' Calgary, Alta,, son of Mr, Caleb Heywood of town, took place in Sheattiandah, Ont, to Miss Witiel- mine Frances Armand, daughter of Mr, and Mrs . Sohn Hestia', era 1\4100daY, Dec. 24th. Alonzo will have the best wishes of his many friends here for a long arid happy wedded The. TO ICORRESPONDENTS.—A few of our ccs -respondents forgot this week that the train service on the London. Huron and Bruce has been cut down to one 'train a, day each week, so that it may be neces.srary for them 'to get their budgets away a little earlier each week, so as to reach "us from the south Tuesday evening and from the north. Wednes- day ;morning. We go to press Wed- nesday shortly after noon. Please • bear this in mind and remember we like to get all ahle news; each wt°•ek. We thank our correspondents very • kindly for past services ,.; You kap*/ we can only getout a. real live paper with your help. FARMERS' CLUB ORGANIZED On the eypni,u2; oiZ Jan. 3rd. some 50 Ifarnfers in cd. No. 2, Hay and, were so inanfe,ssea with the situation of the individual farmer that a local club was organ- ise•d gallecfthe 'Energetic." It is hop- telTt4t,- ilii le• only a preliminary • -attep- toward: solvimg the rural empb- 'Vem aid.-Ehat the benefits this, N•gas: ization will not merely be fin:Wig:re but also of great educa.tional2,1olift47 ital land social importance thei whole community. A delegation ;flora. the Thames Road Club assisted" by' Mr, Paul Madge of Alta,, addressed. the meeting and -in a very foreible .manner explained the grea.-8 need and methods o organization. PATRIOTIC LEAGUE The )regular monthly meeting dB the ?Patriotic League waz held 9 Ile Library on -Monday evening last. The •collections for the month of December amounted to $87,04, rnein- bership ifees / takem an during the month 2,50 reeling a, total of 80,54, Shipped 'to Miss Arnoldi on Dec. 29. the lrollowing,-6 prs. pyjamaas value $12.00; '6 military shirts value 12.00; 5 hospital shirts value 5.25; 842 prs, socks value 427.75; total 458.00. Also an enclosure from. the Huron - dale Patriotic Leagu.e containing the re'llowimg,-13 1011S. Pyjamas valued at 26,00; 16 military shirts valued at 62.00; hosraital shirts valued at 8.75 8 pres, isocksv valued at 10;00; total 76,75; total value of both boxes 04,50 Preparations are being made to holdi to supper on the night of Feby 14th, (St.- Valentine's night) Kindly note the ,date and plan to be' thexey fonds, to go towards 'buying eemforts for our brave bore— enseas, . .d.; Beavers," Se ety AGED WOMAN PASSES The death occurred at the h e of Er. Newton. Baker en Andv Street xeter, on Tuesday, Jan ry 8th, of an. aged ;resident in the person of Jane weet, relict loif 'the ivies William Wilms I' of Stephten, at the -age, of 81 yiears rid 8 months. Deifiea.sed had • been ailing in. health flew some. years, due o ,aclvancing age, ',tut had been, con- ined to her 1-00(a ,oinly A few days. he was an estilbable lady and high 31 ,r,espectecl by , all wh.o knew her. ar,n. in, Cornwal , England, she came rith he? parent ' to ,Canacla when a irl, and the f nily•fsettled in Stephen •rovvreship. l'iliere ,eslee married her ate liusband, \\-licizi pgecleceased her 2 - ,years. •0 family survives, but ne brother, .Mr: Robert Sweet of -;re.dito.o: he late Mrs, Winer has esidecl with Mr, and. '41/1r4, Baker for igbit. 6 -ears, arid from their residence le. ,funeral Will take place to F,xeteu, cemeterYloa),‘ Thursday afternoon at noi'elOck, r • 11%. 5 A, S„'ariclers-,of WeeedS tOele! i8 here visitii et, With' ;hits Mother, who, coottmeS in very pofor hea.ith, 111 Mr, David- ' e ss. le,ft . on, .:Monday for 1, Sarnia, where 1e 'secured .' 0. pos.; ition .1.o•,..work ;;...1 his -trade, He in:tend§ moving tate _fa mily. shortly . . \, 1Vilise Mary 1 E. McItay.,,rturse ,Of ,7'00(1.;Lockt ar)i'Ved here 1 tiesdtty ,ev - 'ling and 114 . ,' :OW waiting on • '.6,Itts•' a0113U21 Sande, d , who, is residing wittli lier daughter, '',4rs. Win, :Fisher., 1, •.''':. 'r ;C" 't'''.:, , • . ' 114:, , y,„'orkpum ik+t.:be BIRTHS ZT ttfr4, c)•11 ' (lttIce, (laughter' OM, su.t.11(!r1aad.' 011 liarns•ali 2L: Ac1,dlie fortnerly ,61.„ Ex(iter, I. • •. Anclre'lr . ,SquireS—In BI,,:kallartl, on, Jan. 6, la, .t.c1,1,-illi?-1°Iy or: '0'...0417. •11Irsl, FreaciS -'i 04 r . 'e,SIO Sehroecleit-la an Sam 41 at to dZa,t.gh7er. Russ ell S chr oti der, J30A—At Rodg.erville onFrday, fan, 6n, MARRIAGES Heywood, I-Iastie — In Shaquianclah Ont., po. Dec. 24, Mr, AIOnza Hey- wood, B, A.., of Calgary, Alta., sae of Mr, and Mrs. 'Caleb Hey %\1...11,d 14 Exeter to Miss Wilhelmine Frances Armand daughter Of Mr. and Mrs, • John Hastie, DEATH',• Cau ley f n Sea forth, on Deo. 3011v, William 0.'„McCauleY, aged 28 year• and 4 morith,s. Winer •-• lo Exe ter, )911 raa, , 8 th. • rane, Sweet ireho the ' late Win.e,r aged 81 years 11njo111hs. w3a,-.6TArs—ba SLePhen , en, -,TanuarY,. 7th, Sarah Elizabeth - Mp12, b ed wi'e of :Blanchard' Williams,' age( 38 years 8 months and 0 • , • We wish to convey our THANKS far the pan tro, agc., the p.e_o:al.,,es.:(/1,:i'-i,si, business, and how we•answered, "Her -Goes make or .bust and 2 -,-' ,-,i)i• tif•b4 coromuldty have tendered its. • We look back to 1910, 'when we took omok ' The BAZAAR. How that a few ..,said heeeeioolisle -wee l‘yere to, buy read WATCH US GROW. We have every reason to thank God and '3s a man • people, S. or our success. Co-operation ii our slogan. •Edison says,'G'o-41.1 not ahead" ,arid we are ;going, so if our people •will teoPoperate, • ari. vre -...., "go ahead" next year !Will find us BIGGER •BRIGHTER Ce" BETTER. . ' Our Annual February Sale will be a feature this near. We 3v11,11... use ' 4 weeks instead of' 2. Each, week w•N will Ispecialize. .inr different depart- . ',,,,,•;:','' ' meets' Our stocks are too, large and roust be' REDUCE)), consequently • e'e PRICES WILL BE -LOW. A GleNUINE MONEY -SAVING SALE' FOP EVERYBODY. Come every da,y and bring your friends, etc.,looking fol. great things. We need money and space. and if you 'ne,ed ' the goods we will both be plteased, • MUSIC EVERY DAY, CANDY SPECIALS EVBRY DAY -through- out tha sale. Remember the brightesthaPPiest stione in. Exeter is Powell's " •• , POWELL'S Big Variety 'Store PHONE 55 •rr-r•rrI B1111.1 11 Di 'ff[1]. In order to .help the production in thin section I am offering every farmer a chance to get his Fertilizer at Carload 'Prices, but in order to do this everyone that wants- the best Fertazer (which is the BUFFALO BRANDS) at th elowest price, must seed his order 3'10, lea.rly—elot later that the 15th DAY .0iF FEBRUARY 1918',— BUFFALO IDEAL WHEAT AND CORN 2-10-0 at $38.75 BUFFALO AMMONIATED pHOSPHATES 13¢-12-0 at $37.25 BUFF.A.1,0 GENF", A P°- AV01UTE • 1-8-1 at , $37.00 BUFFALO r disapprove of this but yonl y12110 at•.,$31.75 BUFFALOwell!isarr5MPf q111:6:16 -t BUFFALOIx4 PER. -CENT 0-14-0 at Payable June 1st, 1918. • v, • Remember Feb 15t1-4 1918 istil-ielast., day I eau take orders at ' .7.these prices „ • ":„.- • ,- ,• • will deliver at Exeter and Cen tralbi,iasso,A.V1,,.011.1 •- for a 'cadoad. Phone orders Dashwood 36r2, or waits tri'8x0tdr P. 0 : N. STANL A: •' V1-10NE 16 , •,•••• Ladies' Cl th Cots • WE WISH. OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOIYIERS A PROSPER- . OUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. WW -ARE CLEARING ALL OUR MISSES AND LAS' ,,,,,e• AOATS AT PRICES THAT WILL , PAY YOU TO .BUY„PROY • ' -1' VIDING YOU NEED 'A 00015 -WARM COAT. THE CIOTI-IS' ' ,. ARE GOOD AND .HE STYLES -ARE WHAT IS nt:k4Rs3,yop."?.-, .. THIS SEASON. ,,,...31,0- . - ••= ,r,.. . „. OUR COLLARED ¶0ATS FO.E. womW Jest what you ,'need this cold • sveatber. A good, warm coat with fur c011ar, Aulited lnins'. We want y,onto see them. SWEATER. COATS • Y;ou can •karcelY get along with. - Out on -a this colcl .creatlre4 Big stock of good coatsat old prices MINER HEAVY RUBBERS • Everyone as guaranteed to, give satisfactory wear. We carry full 'range lof Boys' and Mens at old prices.. STA.NDFIELDS UNDERWEAR ° ‘.•• tekeilfe.". ••.-A"'",r Stancttield's all wool tta4b13,Mai is bard to beat; We carry; .P.facl', and Blue, Label, Ior /1.11elni ihard to beat, Red Label, 'Per gannet •2'Z5'' PLANNELLETTie BLANETS •Will advance in price veiy ' shortly. We sell Ibex in the large. mediui . and small siz•e. Ge your supply el once, MEN'S SHEEP LINED COATS Two only left—Sizes 44 'an4 46 A gidec't wat= coat, Ayi'itlt • ,i)a!etilned,t,;•,,„,•••10 • • pfloNt k •••4i J A Si NW Ptl N • Irhe store wilft-oho, . : • , r • re, " •`' , 001 •