The Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-27, Page 1i i (TIETE, YEAR.
or Gomer.
Nominations next Monday in Exeter
12 o'clock noon.
T.he. rabbit ;shooting season is now
again Per a few days.
It is (stated that after the a sa l dtvers'
to Ls 'counte'd Sir Wilfrid Laurier
11 not have ,a supporter west of the
at Lake, and; only Six its On,tar'iia.
Alt ,ov ett• town we Q)leatr the same
thieg said -that the reeve and coun-
cilors should be re-elected by ac-
clamatifon. Let it ;be ;eo, We. can
svlank up municipal fights after the
war is over.
y Thursday morning, December 27
it is expected the mien called. to the
co -ars under the'M,S,A. will have ra-
ce ved ,notices from the Govennenent
telling them when and where to re-
port to begin active service.
Mr.W y F. Wider Ner ,af Marlette,
Mieh., en Irern'irftteng his tsuhscritptiiOr
to the Advocate, says: -Tine Advo-
cate is always a welcome esisitar at
our Biome. We were very anxious to
see how the Urvidn ;Gotvernmeartcame
out, and we were certainly glad it
,l ' resulted in such a megaulficene victory,
but we Mope and pray that this dread-
i; fu. war will soon;;be at an end.
Domiuon-lwideprohibition is prac-
,involved nn thenew legislation
at Ottawa. Starting Monday last the
importation of ail beverages of over
per cent. save such ata, is under or -
alter, is prohibited, The manufacture
cif intoxicants' will be prohibited on
a date yet to he determined;: And
after Apnil llst, it (will be :liege!, to
titt;spor•t liquor pinto a "dry" pray -
,ince. That is, after April 1st the
brueging in of Liquor from Quebec
will cease.
'he Roll of Honor
District casualties reported
Killed in Action
N. W. Porter of Hensel]
Reported Dead.
W. P. Meadows df Ailsa Craig
Presumed Dead.
T, Connolly of Staffa.�
nest C_,nri
bof Cia
umplimcut Di
�c Seasoll la all
I ell and 8o➢s.
e Have the Best.
Look them over.
ETC, , ETC., ETC,,
W. Tei
9iiior &i IllarniSj
Well. now Dad what do you think
has 'happened? Here .I am back
pp inf,
Blighty again 'exactly :one year from
when I was on nay last leave to Lon,
don,' `We had a big show at Paschen.
dale and I am very sorry to say a
great many. of our'fellowswere killed
or wounded. -.Poor Syd. Went was
killed and I have sreein the graves ,of
Norman Jahns and Ed. Kellett, two
of my best churns, and bath of wham
I thought diad only been wounded.
They are both buried a short` dis-
tance :from Poperingh'e in Belgium,
Let me 'Gell you „more of Kellett that
you may ,know what ;sort of man he
proved higmselt to be. Now, the lot
of a regimental stretcher bearer is
lar Froin a pleasant one during an en-
gagement or heavy bombardment, al -
thin' cut other tunes he has; it easier
than Most of the rank and file. We
never have the assistance -or very sel-
dom, as I have never seen any -oaf
the C.A.M.C. or R.A.M,C. •in the front
line, If a man is . wounded it ;natur-
ally stands to reaseoa that he is or has
been in ;some exposed place. Often he
cannot move and we have to double
out and dress him as best we cart,,.
often in pitch darkness, and try to
remove hisn or have hiin removed to
a place: of safety as `quickly as poss-
ible. The other. seen can get under
cover but we must stay and "take it"
We run all the 'risks of the ordinary
in'fantry soldier and very often mare,
(Kellett was in the S.B'st for months
before I ever joined them and got
some nasty ;knockings around, but
like ,myself was never wounded The
trip 'that we captured Avalon, some-
where about June, he was buried by
a big shell but went 'on with his work
without sleep andunder heavy bom-
bardment, I was called up from the
Brigade School for the last few hours
of :trip. I was a reserve S,B. and we
had lost two S.B's. wounded, so I was
due to take his place, Sooner thansee
me stay there after my platoon was
relieved Kellett, as senior S.B. or-
dered me to go 'back with them and
he stayed with the rest of the cern-
pang 1?iniself. After what he had been
tivru' I can well call that heroism. A-
gain ;on. this second last trop on Pas-
chendael lve knew before the boys
went in that they were go`arug aver.,
and that it was going to be about the
roughest trip ever. 'Kellett was due
under the new orders that onel S. B.
fslom the battalion (there are 16 in
the�tlattalian)n=as to stay out at the
transport lines each trip; that is, take
turns_ or .miss ane trip out of 16,'Ken-
t'ett was due to stay out. Instead I;
was ordered fa stay out. Kellett carne
to pie with the news. He had never
missed a trip in the line since we
carne over. I wanted him to stay out
in as turn but he would not, and we
shook hands and parted. Something
seemed to be 'telling m'e.I had -said
my last farewell to one of my bravest
and dearest comaialdleel, Dad, 'there
are tears in my eyes as I writtee He
sacrificed himself for me- "Greater
hove hath ;no man than, tble that a
man lay dawn his life for another„',
That was the Ed. 'Kellett that I knew
and leveed. He deserved more than
one medal, but unfortunately it is not
always the bravest mein who get the
decorations ,out there. 'Kissing goes
by favour" as you used to say.
At ,present I ani suffering from a
few minor complaints, such as a boil
an my neck, a few (gas sores on my.
face, caused by the new German
tard gas, and a slight deafness in my1
Left ear, caused by a big shell land-
ing might en front of Neilson Stacey.
and me, knocking us aver and deaf-
ening us both for about 20 minutes.
Yours, Eric.
A meeting was held :in the Library
on Tuesday evetaing, Dec. 18th The
'previous minutes were approved. Ap-
plications for Lhie principalship' of the
Exeter High School were received
from F. W. French and Mr. Haviland
and a letter from the department
G1,aidnan-Fuke-That the Board
communicate by (telephone with Mr.
Havatand. salary to be arranged for
The spatter of the ;end(o(sement of
Miss Vesper's certificate re Principal
of Exeter Public School, to be con-
sidered !later. Re Complaint made
by Miss Vosper regarding water pipe
'vlr. Puke was requested to look into
the matter and free;if tiiouble can be
l+-tike-W'aiold-That the .following
accounts be paid, S. sMartin 7,40, P.
Bawden 52,22, J. A. Stewart 1,48.
Woad-Fuke-That the ,report for
1917 be printed . with t.osvi report of
'K. MacFaul, Sec,
Mr, Wrn. 'Kirk has moved to Kirk
ton ,where he has purc,liased a house,'
-On the eve of her marriage, Mils
Lulu Mills was visited by herfriends
of the Girls' Bible Class and made the
recipient of a granite shower, 'to-,.
gether with best wt,sh,e.s,.-A quiet
wedding was Istalemmi7jed at !the par-
sonage on December 19th by Rev. Mc -
Kibbe.' when Lulu, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, ' Sidney Mills, became the
bride of Mr, lo,hln Roy 'Kirk, The.
bride, becomingly gowned in a navy
blue .suit with small hat to .inateh,.
was attended by he? ' sister, Miss
Florence Mills, while the groom was
supported by Mr. Clarence .!Millse Mr,
and Mrs, Kirk will sreside on the
groom's ; farm In Woodham,
b' C H Sanders at the Advor'ate,Of-
fite Strictly confidential; no "wittiess
DEC. 1
Local Nem
Christmas Day was a very ;cold one
and ',leery ,quiiet an t'tiawln. Everybody
seemed to be busy Everybody
;en'tesEa�iiri�ng vis-
itors indoors,
Rev. S. W Muxivjorthy, as Presi-
dent of the, London; ;Conference, sen
a telegram to. Sar Robert Bordeaxanld
his 'Cabinet on Manday,eongratulaat-
ing them on the advanced temperance
legislation rectetntdy announced
The children of Trivitt Ivbean'arial.
Sunday School were treated on Fri-
day to a supper in (the Schotal llallL
and later in 'the [evening to a Christ-
mas Tree in the iTow,n Hall. Santa
Claus distributed presents to the
children and the play, "Father Time
and Mother G,c4ose" was put are Ma-
gic ;lantern pictures were alslo shown.
Nee'dles�s. to -say, the kiddies enjoyed
the evening,
The December report o'f the Este
ter branch of the 1I,C.W.,C.A .is as
follows, -Zion Red Cross, 12 shirts,
24 pair socks; Credo ton Red Gross,•
11 ,shirts, 23 slits pyjamas, 41 pair.
socks; Soldiers Aid, Exeter, 57 pr;
socks, 1 hospital sock; Little Canucks
Exeter e pr. socks Woman's Instit-
ute, Exeter 12 pr, socks; Fartluhar.
Reid Cross, 21 suits pyjamas 25 pairs
socks; rElimville land Sunshine, 22i
shirts, 19 pair socks; Centralia ,Pat-
riotio •League, 36 pr. socks, Total val-
ue $460.50.
GEMS, -Thiole who donated hull
to the Soldiers' Aid for ByrantSani
tarium can have the gems .by calling
for same -at Mrs. Sanders' Store,
C:hn-ilstmas Concert (as held in the
school of S. S. No. 2, Hay, ont '1'hurs-
day evening. Dec. 20. Thi program
consisted ,of isotnigs, recitations, drills
and dialogues. Miss Edna Foull'iick
sang several timles in her usual pleas-
ing inann'er. During an itermission
home-made candy was sold and at the
close the Christmas tree was unload-
ed by Santa Claus The 'total pro-
ceeds amounted to $20.
fvMARRIED.-A quiet wedding took
place in Exeter on Monday when
Miss Gladys Mawhenney, daughter ,of
Mr. and Mrs; Robert vIawh,in,rrey, he -
came the 'bride of S1Mr, Brandt,
G.T.R. station agent at Lolrgwaod,
formerly of Exeter. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. ivluxwtarthy
and tool; place at !the Maine Street
Methodist persona -gee Mr. and Mrs.
Brandt, will ree�ude t on�w a 1
will have
the best wishes of their
ninny friends.
Mr. Harry Fuke of .Parkhill was here
this week.
Mr. Lorne 'Baskerville was home
nor Uhristmas.
Mr. C. W. Robinson ,vas in Toronto
for Christmas. .
Drew 'Knight ,of Guelph was home
-for Christtnas.
Miss Gladys Ford is home from Sar-
nia for. a few days.
Mr. Wes', Lampert was up from
Lontdoin this week.
Miss Edna Brack of Toronto is
home far a few days.
Will Law'sio'n is visiting his aunt,
Mrs. Martyn, !in Lanidant
Olives Davis !af .Zurich, (spent the
holiday at his home here.
Mr and Mrs;. Luther Reynolds,. are
visiting relatives in Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. George Weitcottspent
Christmas in (Loin;doin, with relatives.
G. J. ,Dow 'shipped t load of horses
to Sherbrooke, Quebec, on Saturday,
Miss Anne Sanders of (Kitchener is.
spending a week at her home here,
Mrs. George Lovell and children, of
London are vi's{itinlg Mr. And Mrs('
Rev. and 114Irs. Fear jof Wheatley
are visiting their daughter, Mrs. W.
S Howey. .
Mr. and ,Mrs. Wnv. Thompson of
Loln'dan are guests of sMr. and Mrs.
T. Boyle.
Mr. and Mr,. J. C. Inwood and
daughter of London; are visiting
relatives here,
Mr, and Mrs. John, Walper and
children of I-Iarro-w are j olidayiing at
ivlr Nelson 'Kestle's,
Mr, Samuel G. liarne ,of 'f'oran,ta
is 'spending a few days 'with, relatives
and old Usbarne '.friends;
Mies Idella (Davos of Losiclout - is
spending rCbalistmas with her parents
Mir. and" Mrs. A. S. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lamport and four
children 'of ;141ilita, Man, are visiting
relatives in ;Exeter and Stephen.
Mr. and Mrsl. Geo, Lawson, and two
children ,oL Artland, Sask., are visit-
ing 'relatives in this neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong vis-
ited 'svitth the latte,r's. (parents, Mr,
and IVbrs . G. Bedford, at Wilton, Grove
Mie Lily- Marahtand oaf Waterijord
visited nvl'th thea sister, Mrs: C'. H., a (few clays during the week
Mr ,Reg, 'Bissett of Chatham, Mrs.
Irwin •oi' Norwich, and Miss 'Florence
Bissett, ,spent ;Christmas with their
parents here. `'
Mr. Elgin 'Amy of•Outicink, Sask.,
who ,ha been ea thee West; for th.e
past six years, is visiting his . t elateves
an Exeter and vucin;ty, having arrived
Manley night.
.Mr, Geo, 'Ctidmore and Mr. Wirt,
Fraser were in Lnln(dion on Friday;
Mr, Fraser has accepted a position in
the city and will commence his duties
atter January 1st,
Mr, and Mrs„ 'Moss Oka and Mrs;
Billings of Loneliest, Mr, and ivlrs; C,
Dale and Mr. Garvey Acheson of St
Tbibmas, and !Mr. Frank Bawden of
Clinton: ,were Christmas visitors at the
Central Hotel,
Mrs. (Major) 1 -Ie mra d' her n th-
( l ) a n and e n A 1
er, Mes, Skelton, assisted by a ,nunlr
her of other women of town, ga.*e a
Christmas Tree Entertainment at Mrs.
Heauan's. home on. Saturday eventing,
for the wives and children o!f the sol-
diers overseas, and it eras a very
bright and cheerful ,eventing for the
little ones, each of Whom ,received
presents 'ol tags and 'candy and nuts.
A lunch was alsoserved.- hio'se who
were ;entertained wish through the
Ad vacate to thank the women for
the pleasant evening.
The Huron piromen, still at the back
of 'the soldiers 15,106 articles shipped,
in the past three months. $2243.531
worth of Christmas •cheer sent by
various societies.
Goderich Shipping Centre.-Goderr-
Leh Red Cross 875 articles.; Maple
Leaf Chapter LO.D.E. 161 articles!
$155.88; Men Miller Red Cross, 374
articles, 49.50; United Pat. Soc. of:
Goderich Township 256 artiofesi 20,00;.
Goderich Women's Institute 102 art:
AshField ,Soldiers' Aid 477 art. 87.48;
Saltford Red Cross 241 art, 313.00;
'Taylors Corners 91 art. 4.46; 'Col-
borne died Cross 200 art. 14,'00 ; Kens;
tail Women's Institute 130 art.; Lee -
burn Red Cross 194 art. 10;V0; Duane
igannon Women's Institute 78 art.
Blyth Shipping Centre.- Burns
church 1.a,dies :Aid 7 art. 18,t00; Wal-
tan Red: Cross Union 518 articles, 91.00,
D. A. 11f.' I. .D IC Club 12 part, 12 00;;
•Westfield Red Cross Circle 58 art.
173.00; 93Iyth Girls Auxilfary 205 art.,
76.00; fGorrie 3 art.; Blyth Bed Cross
Circle 485 art. 25.00; 5, S. No 1, E,
Wawanosh 140 articles;. Blyth Wo(,
men's Institute 148 t articles; Mon-
crei'f Redi Cross (Circle 43 art.. 18„00;,
Londsboro 'Womens Institute 100.00;
Blyth Methodist cchurch 14.00.
Clinton Shipping Centre.-Holmes-
ville 124 , articles; Summerhili 138.
,articles; d3ayfield 45 art. 50;00; Tur-
ners church 42 art., 8.00; Bethany,'
39 art °6.00; United Club 65 articles;
Stanley Maple Leaf Club 189 este!
Clinton Patriotic and Girls Aux, 662
art. 130,00; Varna 124 ' art. 18.00;
Y.L. Of South End Goderich Township
69 articles; Clinton Girls Auxiliary,
182 articles.
Exeter Shipping Centre. -Women's
Institute, r 156, .0
Institute,. Exeter, art.. 33. G
Zion lied Cross 95' articles; Etimville
and, Surshine 266 articles; Centralia;
142 article's. 131!36; Soldiers Aid„
360, 414.00; Crediton, 6(6 art. 50.00;;
Thames Road' 187 articles; Dashwood,
154 articles; Little Canucks 20 art.
09.16en. . r
Hsall •
Shipping Centre - Hensel}
575 articles, value $89.25; Hillsgreen
45 articles, 'Kippen 72, Blake 54.
Brussels Shipping Centre. -Brussels
492 articles vale $189.00; Brussels 1379
articles $76.85.
Bruce -field -1800 articles, valued at
Wingham shipped to Toronto 842
articles valued at $1133.60.
Exeter Centre -Exeter Patriotic
League .shipped to Miss Arnoldi, at
Shaarnciiffe, Eng., ,699 articles valued
at $748.65.
Hurandale Patriotic League :ship-
ped through Exeter League 105 ar-
ticles valued at $150.10.
Seaearth-Seaforth Red Crass So-
cuetY shePPe
d Tora
onta 2192 ar-
Jean Fitton, Exeter,
Cor. -Sec. Huron R.C.
R.O. &W.A.
Sept.,. Oct, Nov,
Hensail .Patriotic Societies $.1725:10
Exeter Soldiers' Aid 1181.40
Walton 'Cross 1101.80
Clint -on Girls' ,Auxiliary 1044,25
Varna Patriotic Society 493.50
'Clinton • `V onitert's pot. Soc. 381.87
Crediton Red Cross
Dungannon Women's Institute
Thames Road Red Cross
Blyth 1tcid Cross Circle
Centralia Patriotic League
Colborne Red Cross
Londesboro Red Cross
Ashifiel,d Soldiers' Aid
Zion Red Cross
Dashwood Red Cross
I''aro-uhar Red Crass
Bayfield Society
Benuiiller• Red Cross
Goderich Women's Institute 101.84
Goderich Tp. United Pat, Soc, 93.25
Turner's Church Society 83.50
Summerhill Society 81:.1.5
Blyth Girl's Society 80.79
Unity Club 80,40
Taylor's Corner Society 66.83
S. S. East No. 10, E„ Watvan(ash 63.45
1),A. M. 1, D. 'K. 'Chub Hullett 47.38
Stanley Maple Leaf 47,25
Salttord Red 'Crass 43.85
Bethany Society 42.65
acemesville 40.00
Brussels Red Cross 37,05`
Young Ladies South, East Getter
rich Teslmshilp 29,20
Elimville and Sunshine 26,50
Le<n.dbury (Red 'Crass 23.40
Londesboro' 21.65
Wingham 1.155:33
Seaforth Red Cross 1372.76
Seaterth War Auxiliary 1578.49
Auburn Red 'Cross • 530,00
liuroti Cattnty oonitributians to
British and `Italian Red
Crass e $ 21,484.25
G. Ii, Brown, ,
Mrs. Ioh,nINarry WAS in, Widulstot•
this week
Mr. and are, Elliott end foray of.
St. Marys Spent Christmas with', Mr.
Selves and tfamply,-112rs,. "Nelson, 'K;lrk
has recovered from her recent illna"ss.
-Mr. and Mrs,, Stewart McQueen, and
family spent Christmas in Hensel'!,-
Mrs. Broadfoot and family, also J. A.
Bolton and wife spent the clay "in Hen -
sail -On Tuesday aftenn'oon last Mrs.
Melvin, Traquair gave a miscellaneous(
shower ;for Miss Lily Traquair at her
home on this tune, when about thirty
friends of the bride telle;c"t we'd' pres-
ent. -Mrs \'Vilktn,s,on, o,nel Mrs. John.
ITraquair made the presentatyart8and
mutiny pretty and use "ti giifts were ev-
en. Mies Ts aguair wore black . .,ilk,
and a dainty Lurn,^,heion was served,-
Mr and Mrs.,Frank:dii. Horton have
' returned ,from a 'trip through Sask-
atchewan and Albeuitre They have
been absent ,nearly a year, but they
think rOntar to is the ,p'.ace to leve in.
-The 'Misses Mil e,r, Elva Bolton and
Roy Ryckman of Seaforth Collegiate
are at thei rrrespective homes Por the
holidays. -Misses Resale Broadfoot
and Christena McDougall of the Ex-
eter High School are also hame for
the holidays.
SCHOOL REPORT ,of S. S. No. 2,
Flay, for November and , December,
Total marks 900; honors 675; Pais.
540 Standing based on exam,'naticn,s,
class work and conduct. ' Absent "or
examtinatipin. Sr. 4-E. Aldworth 625;
B. Tuckey 611; R. Case 597; E. Wil-
lard 483 Sr. 3-M. Ford 720, .honors;
P 'Campbell 626; I. ;Murray ". Jr. 3-
G. Aldworth 705, honors; S. Wilfong
582; B. Tuckey 557; H. Russell 548;
A. Willard 499; H. Murray'` • Sr. 2 -
Metal marks 700; Pass 420-A. Wil-
lard 502; O. Tuckey 497; A. Murray '',
Ethel Case, teacher.
12cFalla-ln Biddulph, on Dec, 23, to
':12r, and Mr. Henry S McFallla, a''
Willts-Ia,Steph,en; on Dec, 2(, to, Mr.'
and. Mrs. James Witliis, a sonPercy
Deiebert-At Blind Line, Hay en Dec.
12, ta',Mr. and Mrs, P. Deichert, Jr.;,
a daughter.
Bec,hler-At Beans•on Line, Hay, on
Dee 14. to Mr, and Mrs, Sol. Beth -
ler, a son.
B Talintdt-Mawhinlrvey,-Tin Exeter, ,an: -
Dec 24, 'Ralph. Brandt of Long -
woad .,to Gladys, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Mawh'iasney Of Ex-
Miller -McCurdy -At the home o•1
the bride's parents, Hibbert, our:
Dec. 26th, Percy John ,Miller, to •
Miss Annie Mae, daughter of Mr,
ant: Mrs. Archie McCurdy
Sni•d,er-Jacobe-In Hay Tp,, en Dec,..
19, Miss Mabel, daughter of Mr. ani
Mrs Sol. Jacabe, 14th Con., to Mr,:..
Emerson Snider, Sauble Line, State-
Keys-Tiplady-At Clinton, an Dec:;.
18, by ,Rev. H. Agnew, Miss Myrtle-
C, H. Tiplady, to Clifford Keys of
Kirk -Mills -At Woodham, on Dec. 19e
by Rev. A. McKibbin, Lula, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mills to..
Mr. John Roy 'Kirk of Woodham.
Wiles -In Blanshard, on Dec. 17th-
; Ellen Wiles relict of the late James.
Few•ster aged 71 years and 9 niohthS;
Banes -At Crediton, on. Dec. 25, Jos-
eph Banes, aged 67 (years.
Bililain a��u� o� F�rlilitiers
In order to help the production in this 'section. I am offering every
farmer a chance to g(et his Fertilizer at Carload Prices, but in order to
do this everyone that wants the 'best Fertilizer (which is the BUFFALO.
BRANDS) at th elowest price, must send his order iia early-eltat later••
that the 15th DAY .OF FEBRUARY 1915', -
- -0
BUFFALO 16 PER CENT. 0-16-0 at
BUFFALO FARMERS' CHOICE a -lo -o at $31.75
BUFFALO 14 PER CENT 0-14-0 at
Payable June lst, 1918
Remember Feb 15th, 1918 .as the last day I can
these prices
I will deliver at Exeter and Centralise. as soon as I get orders enough
for a 'carload.
Phone orders Dashwood 36r2, or write to Exeter P. O.
take orders at
Thi New Year
PHONE 16 Js A. ST • WART P.€JOliitE Ali
The Big Stare vbabh the Little Prices