HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-20, Page 8EXETER ,1viARKETS Changed Each Wednesday $arle 1.00 to 1,15:. Family g g lour ,. Lo wrade flour ' 3.25 Shorts 38,0044.00 Bram „ ,.. Crewe,, Buster `48. Dairy Butter r„ ..,42 to 44 Tuiirk 50 > ' ' alive 25 dressed 30 1. 'Tugs Geese , aluwe 16 dressed 20 Ducks alive 16; dressed 22 Hens..:,.....,alive 14, +.1 ess,eid 16 Chicken ,... .. alive 16, dressed 20 Lard.,34 Potatoes per bag dG1.80: 16.75 Hogs ,...:. Hay, psi ton ._-.-- 10.O0, to 12.00 Be sure to have one of Statham,'s delightful oyster stews when doing your Christmas shopping, PHONOGRAPH RECORDS are pleasing gifts. Remembers, your friends who have instruni'enit.s. • Get, them at P:owellee. m CUTTERS FOR SALE—About '8 Cutters -3 P'artlands and 5 piano+-,bo•x -also 1 two -seated :sleigh, 1 three -d seated sleigh 2 heavy set Commercial sleighs and one light-s,et. To be, sold at a bargain price. Apply to Thornton Baker, Exeter A most selective and beautiful as- sortmeni of ;Fancy Boxes, filled with choicest clorc Plat e s , r Be sure t,o se: them. Tale price is reason -.I able.—Statham's..` Men wanted everywhere ro show samples or maill circulars for Large -f. Mail Order `House. Permanent posh tion nada pay $20 w eekjly—Thio Conr lIs sumems Asslociatian, Wirudsor, Ont, Our ,arange:s are juicy, sweet and seedless, Prices 30c, to 60c. per do- zen. Statham', T. CREECH'S BUS.— For the ac- comrnada-tion of the public during the holiday 'season I will ru.n the bus to meet all trains ,Eor two weeks, com- mencing Thursday, Dec 20th. T. G;. Creech. CUTTERS—A few nice cutters on hand. McLaughlin make, beautifully finished and upholstered, and of var- ious designs and prices.—Wm. Ward, Exeter. The price of jute and cotton has advanced very much. This makes sacks very expensive:. When you want feed bring along .your bags and we will be pleased to fi11 them. Harvey Bros. HORSES WANTED I want an, unlimited number of horses in good conditions Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write. or phone 83, Exeter. DOW. G. J. Put an advertisement in the col- umns of the Ad,vocaite and Etat quick results. If you have for sale anything that the people want -tor want to buy anything that somebody else may have for sale, to small ad.n thins paper will bring quick response, FOR SALE -Brick housrt two lots and barn. Apply Mrs. L William Street. MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A number 'of good reliable mein can sere steady .employment on Apply o Work. P Munition P The Robt, Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Limited Seafarth, Ont. EST AY HEIFER There strayed unto the premises of the undersigned a ,yearling heifer. Ownea.' can have same by praying the property paying .for pasture and for advertising, Peter Farrell, R.R. 1, Grand Bend. A. HASTINGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance Company Also Fire and Accident Insurance. Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER, ONT. AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE. -Having taken over the Wat- kin's Agency from Mr. J. E. of Hensa:1 I am ,prepared to do business with all the old customers and others who have not, previously caused' the products I will be pleased to interest also, A full line now in stack Goads can be procured 'a at residence at any timle, A full line of Linaments Cough Remedies, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always on hand, Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter. WM. ANDREW, Travelling Salesman, Exeter, Ont. The New ON JA NUUARY ,1• t THE NEW E;DISON "the psonOg"raph with a soul,' will sell at an tnereasecl price,; 'ton wily of course. want to buy yours before January 1-st:" On account of the .freight congestion and the pas sib sty ,o; freight embargoes, :eve ad- \dee you to bevy stow,' whliilee our stock is compl,etcr There will will be no increase in the price ?cul: , Edison Regel:Cations, staid if tlicre e 'ci be a [rni.;ht ethbac ftO1, they can rbc shipped from the :Edison Labotatori r, by exp rk:ss. J'. WILLIS POWEI,LL, Agent, E(xet er., • , PER AI]TIUI ATI.;, `l"ll L R U]A LOCAL I t €'ha The .rabbit shooting season will a- gain open on December 23rc1, and last, till January ,Zuid. Now that the election: is over the people can settle down ;to: do their Lhristmas shopping. This district experienced another pretty acv arse storm on Friday last, bur it 'kcleareci up through the night With the Evangelistic camp'sstign and the 'Election aver, the people are apparently ready tt'a Welcome C13 rlst- Inas, The Calla has given t :10perce 50th. 'I'itrya fern ed liic ens;es garin,e; a,tvd have. ;been \IessrU. J brave taken in CO11IllCCtia blard Garag ewer}' uCCe We, are p sc,lr ai u•epa car: pend envelope an pii gam rhosa alba+ than p will da lief ries, be put: only an 'haver back arF' tli,e envelope ,and not onn the side bearing the address, Fom 1 ar -s a d l,k n li,s ca u man lie P Y 1d down the faot-lligh ts ila the Opera House herae an Friday night last in a p•ay enti:iled `Bringing up Fatl er`." loin ,has lost none sof his old-atisme popularity as an actor, a.nd support- by a we11-balanced campa;ny, wa.s very much enjoyed. by those in attendance fire' inclement twealther kept many [rem being is attendance. At ;;he requese of the Hydra Elec- uric Power Commission oaf Onitar;ra, Hydro customers are asked 11a use''as utile current as passable until further notice, particularly 'from 4.30 ,p. m. to 6 p. m.' •on \la.ndays, 'I uesdays, Wed- nesdays, Thursday- and Fridays, and sa help to avoid a possible short- age ,for• Munition plants and other es- sentiai iinidust.ries, -Sir George aE, Foster, ,Minrister ol. Trade and Commerce, and .Unioiniist candidate ;un North. Ttoranta, was struck by a shunting' locomotive at' thee Union. Station, Toronto, on Fri day ni,gh,t' and while inat seriously in, -lured will- be confined to the. hospital for several v'eeks. He suffered a broken eoilar-iibtone, ra scalp wound, abrasions on the forehead and facel, bruise.s on tyre sirde and hip and in- jury t,o a leg. He is now in the Gen- eral Hospital BROKE HIS LEG. -Mr. Andrew Dougall o.f London Road, while in the woods clro,ppitng' an Monday diad his leg ;broken- by a large limrb fall ing o t Lt. The tree' had, beers ielled and ,hie was trimaning 'the top when. the accident ihapp:enje,d. The leg was broken 1J'elow thle knee, and he will be laid up :faor'scene weeks, r ILL WITH PNEUMONIA dean J3ank of Commerce he staffs of their Banks nt, ,blonus, to celebrFatc the anniversary of the'Bank, firms: tin Canada have receiv- ed manutfactuine, oleomas three hundred licenses granted to innp,art C. Snell and Ed. Snell over th,e Repair Garage n with Mr. Milo Sneil's Garage, We iwiisti ` Snell Brost ss, leased ` always to publish, rts. Out of town teachers reports by +mail, enclosiirg;un d placing ane cent post- agee," leaving it unsealed, who put seals of any kind, .stage stamps, on letters 1 . to remember that those }?lord has just reached the parents o` Bdr. J: A, McLLahon :.7th Can. 'Bat- tery C. F. A. from, Llford Emergency Hospital, Ilford, England, saying that be is in _that Home suffering, from , tpneumonia fallowing the ' ef- fects of being,gassed and 'subsequent exposure to wet and cold while ly- ing in. a>tshell hole unprotected 'tor several ,days and nights. The message states that he is going on well and, hope for better news with the next report. THIS IS .THE WOMAN OF, IT.—t A pian irecently ordered' pair of tnotisers ,from his • tailor. Otrying them fan 'they proved to be a couple of inches to long. It -'being late) on Saturday night the tailor's shop was closed, and the main took the trous- ers to'hbis wife,, and asked her to cut the,u sitedborn thiem over. The goad 'lady,' whose dinner perhaps dis- agreed ,with cher, brusquely refused. Tho same result eallawed an applica- tion 'to. 'thee wiife's ..isiister and the eldest daughter. But before bedtime the wife, , r'ep,eintiJng, took her hus- band's trousers and, cutting off three inches_ foam the legs, hemmed them nicely, and restored them to the ward- robe. Half, an hour later the daugh- ter, full tf compunction for her ,,un- filial conduct, took the trousers and cut, Dour inches, hemmed and replaced them,'' Finally the sister-iei-lave 1,elt the pangs of conscience and she, too perforrned an additional surgical op- eration on the garment. When the man appeared at breakfast un Sunday' morning the family thought a High- lancf chief had arrived. Special for Xmas Holidays. WE WILL HAVE NEILSON'S ICE CREAM. Comet in and get your fell while it lasts. WE ALSO HAVE NLILSON S, FANCY BOXES' OF CHOCOLATES aro ii"'25c to" $2,50 a box. Wilson's ss roeer y' w7 and Restaurant. The particularly busy season has crowded ;out e. few items this week but we will make sup for this .„,•-+text week and the iveelce to follow. •1Ir, ,«r, E. 'Sanders has been having the interior of the re liKlternrce he re- cently purchased ,from the estate of the late Mary A. Sandersrenovated and remodelled and i,s moving in this week, Because several •a of his parishioners resented his ,s,peaking on ii palp<tcal alatform Rev. Samuel McLean of the e:noa Presbyterian church. St.Marys, resigned s.t .;the close of the sermon Sunday morning', . He had the cour- age ourage.' of hits convictions. The Johnston Evangelistic Party concluded the campaign of five or six weeks' duration an Monday night and after resting 'during nthe _Christ- mas holidays will open a campaign in Askin Street Methodist ,church, Lan- don. in January. It is expected that later on they may came: to Crediton for a' week' or two. Mr. Chas. Robinson of Lumley has moved to town. Mr. Martin Madge returned to the west on Saturday. \Ir. R. G. Selsdon is in Buffalo on business this week. \Ir; Geo, Powell of "Tbedford call- ed on friends in town' Monday, Mr. Wm. Dignan, of Liman spent Tuesday ;night wultlh, his :parents here, Mr, ,'Robert aLea'tharn of London;, spent Tuesday in town on business, Mr. Simon Downey of Calgary is visiting his bother, 'Richard -Downey in ,town. r iVIessrs. Wellimgtan Herren Bald A. S. Davis were in London for s!,v'exai days last week, Mrs. E. Christie left,• last week for Detroit to vii it her sister, Mrs. Lam- fna-c several weeks. Mr. and Airs. George Bagshaw' ,o.f Saskatchewan are here visiting the- eormer's parents Mr. and 'Mrs, Win. Bagshaw 3fr. W. J. Murray, traveller far tire Bowser Company ,in, the Maritime Provinces' is home for +the Chris; -r mas holidays. Mrs, W. H. Newcombe and daugh- ter of Carnduff, Sask., are visiting' iu'r Ontario. At :present they are the guests of the forrh'er's aunt, Mrs., Robert Luker. Mrs. Christie of Bladworth, Sask., is visiting .herrrpa:rerrts, Mr., and ,_kIrsa. Wm. Bagshaw, in basin; while 'Mn Christie is 'faking a -winter 'cours`e of study in the Agricultural College ;in Saskato,oui. Mr Alex. 'McPhierson was in 'Kung; stone last week and returned home 1' .orsday night accompanied by his. daughter, Miss Ena, who has been taking- a course of studies in Queens. Miss •\IcP:herson has been taking two years' course in ante. ,'year; -and as re- sult she has suffered a nervous break- down. It is: hoped that she will soon reComr, NURSING SISTER MARRIED —x--o—x— Nursing Sister Gertrude Petty, : a daughter of Reeve Petty of Hensall, returned home from overseas as one of the. nurses in charge ,of a number o^f convalescent soldiers, 'and on ,her return was rmarriled ted ,Lieut Don- aldson of Brandon, Man., at St. Pauls Church, Toronto, leaving " for Lieut. Donaldson's home in the West. Miss Petty went overseas nearly two years ago. • ✓r AGED MAN BURNED TO DEATH, —o— Hensall, Ont., Dec. 18—John Wilson o retired :farmer, 85 years of age; pe ishecl in ,the burning Iof his home teem miles from 'this place early this morning. • Neighbors who noticed' the house ablaze )found nothing but the charred body of the olid man, when they verve able to make their tvay in the ';bulidilnng`. It, is thought that he ,had soaked the ,fuel for his morn- ing ,fire in oil, and that an explosion: followed. T,he dread man has child- ren hild ren in Washington and Michigan,,but for the last eight years has insisted' upon living alone on. his farm., JOHN COURSEY DEAD, John Coursey Dead,—John Coursey one of the best known Biddulph, farmers and horse dealers dropped dead while at d,nnle.r .in his home .Sat urday afternoon. A few minutes be 1 are his death 'Mr. : ,Caursey appelai;ed to be in the best of health, laughing and joking. Mr. Coursey was wide- ly known throughout Western On- tario, He was a man o,f unusually large physique. He is survived by a sorrowing widow, two sons and, one daughter. 'interment took place on on Monday to St. James' Cemetetee NEWSPAPER LAWS 1-1 'ostrnast r p e is required to ,give notice. by leiter returning'Shie paper does not answer She law, when a subscriber does not take IMLs paper out of the Otfict• and ,state' 511 5 reason for :its not ba•i g taken. Any neglect td doso mo Ices the podtmwster responsible to the publisher for... payment. 2-1;1 any person orders has PaPer rr.s continu d the'unjust pay all arrenr.ages or the publisher may cont;nus to .said It until pay;ntont ass made and collect the vitiate amount whether they paper I,s tali, en from tale ofdli• c or not. ',There : can h• no legal discontinuance until- Pay - Merit le ma do rl--any petro whey takes- a paper out or the Post OCtiee, 'whether d'.+rested to' his name, or not, or whether he ha,s; saibec'ribad or clot, its responsibie for 'th,,a: -- 4=,15 a isubseniber orders Yui° paper stopp'-d and the publisher continues to send; ()tic subscribers bound to pay rot II, '1 rho takl* it out of the Pkat Oftace, This proceed ,uppn the, round that a mien must ruay, for,,ullat. u,setr. courts have decided tiia.t .re- fusing to take newspapers pr periodi-. raln from ih,e Post .Offline or frernovring +,sell+ I:ho1r ,unc'alied for, Is' prams. lacla „vtdettee, of :rntent:+onal fraud. BG 211, 1EI17' JONES &. PHONE NO. 62 Let This. Store Solve our Christmas GiftPr ob em 4 Furs Specially Priced for for Christmas Selling • We. offer an' Immense, Stock of Ladies' Fur Setts, including Muffs and Scarfs, at especially attractive prices for Christmas selling. These - include .Persian Lamb, Natural •Wolf Red Fox, Lynx, Musk- rat, ` Marmioat, Black Wolf, "Etc. LADIES' MUSKRAT COATS — Prices reduced. MEN'S FUR COATS — Wande.rfu1 values in Black Dog, WaVahy and ,r n Coon Coats, LADIES'FUR-COLLARED COATS — clear, regularly 225 0 far 5 and regularly ,,$18.00 for $12.00 LADIES' CLOTH COATS — All our Ladies' Wolter- Coats must go re- gardless f price.. MEN'S OVERCOAT" SPECIAL—Men's Heavy Cloth Overcoats—odd lines and broken sizes to clear at $11.50 For Men & Boys For Ladies & Girls Silk Neck Scarfs Ties at from 25c. to 75c. Setts of Braces and .Gaet•ers Fancy Armbands Silk Front Shirts Fancy Socks "Sovereign Suits and Overcoats Gloves; Goat Sweaters Umbrellas, Etc,• Etc. Fancy Collars Sterling Silver jMounit;ed Parasols, Handkerchiefs, initialed and fancy. Japanese Baskets and. Flower Pots. Silk Hosiery Brushed Wool Scarf and cap sets Silk Camisoles Boudoir Caps Hand -hags ' and Purses. Mantles Fur Setts Kid 'Gloves Fancy Towels Voile. and Silk Crepe Blouses Hair Ribbons Fancy Linens, Etc. Etc. SHOP EARLY AND AVOID WORRY. Jam` t e cil4•fasters for the celebrated W.E. Sanferd Clothing The S District Roll of Horior' caoualties reported -- , jKulled 'mon Action Pte. E. 'A. 'Remlp golf Godterici-4 Gassed Sergt. W. Snell Of C nittom, Word gas beepreceived by Mr., h John McMahan of Hay that his son Alvin McMahon had been gassed and Was 'i11 of pneumlolnlia in a hospital in England, uil TAILORED .TO ORDER WILL BE FAR MORE BECOMING Yet Cost Na More We have a large ,number of New Fall Suits ,and .Overcoati,nrgs that wait Mrs. Jas..Beer left on Tu,es!day I Your arrival --a. wide assortment .of morning for London tovisit fCrr some j bas13ohvans Chosen, oo1oirs,—soft :hand- t'ithe ,with her daughter, Mrs. Young. •ajjm shades. demons, and beautiful Greys of :WOMEN ARE NEEDED TO HELP IN WAR Women can be usefully employed in. nursing the wounded, in making up'the soldiers' kits, and a thousand other ways. Many Canadian women are weak, pale or anemic from woman's ills: For young girls just entering womanhood; for women at the ` critical time; nursing mothers and every woman. Soho is "run- down," tired or over-worked—Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a spe- cial, safe and certain help. It can now be had in tablet form, procurable at any good drug store, or send Dr. Pierce, In- valids Hotel and Surgical Instituto, Buffalo, N, X., ,10 cents for trial pack- age. Branch offrce, Bridgeburg, Ont. St. Catharines,, Ont. --"I have taken Dr. Pierce's -orite Prescription during, expectancy when I felt especi- ally in need of a tonic and it bene- fited me greatly. I always take pleas OUR ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' Suitings .the Finest we have ever had. The studied exactness in measuring and becoming designing of ,our Tailored to -Order Clothes produces a cam- pieteness of fitting and a- pleasing- ness of appearance that a ready-made can never hope .to equal. No Lady knows how walla phe can appear, in a Suit or Coat until steel has one cut to measure. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE t ' GIVE US A CALL 'N. Sheers LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR; Stand Upstairs, Opposite the ;Central Furniture and Undertaking r V ® t R.N. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL MUM/ AND FURNMEE DEALER Tea & Com. Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, s Sic e teas, coffee, and eve tib ng_ in the grocery line.. Call and see us A trigt1 as to quality will convin- ce., Produce taken in exchange Jas.- Gould t Next The Metropolitan Hotel eter Bargain Store uric) in recommends .. ■ Shlowing Ie did of p food.s because I Know it y ,. E. FRAC:'. ICAL -- GIVE .SOM IIHINC USEFUL,— will " ;`never fail to „_;. : jl , ”8,1`, i :. store :i. i ,. ,... • , i kind helpthem. Mils: J. IL 1 hwail T • Yrcru will find our toi c ',lilted t , ,, u1nIL with the rash raJ' g,ciold;s. Beach St. t 1 Stratford, Ont.—"I do think Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription ono of the hest medicines I have ever known for the ailments of women. I had for quite a .lorjg,dir a been all run-down, weak and •netivous.t I doctored, but nothing seemed to give me : relief until I began taking Favorite_ . Prescription.' -Tins medicine, gave me such wodorful relief that I am glad to recommend it to others."—Mas. ?k, Gonwry, GO Brant St, HAND'I1EBCHIEFS TOWELS GLOVES, MITI'S SJL3( HOSE :SCARFS N7+ C'T'tiT:tES BRACES ;',tilt will he pleased with our ARM BANOS GARTERS SWEATERS SOX SUITS " OVERCOATS' BOOTS; RUBBED? S COZY SLIPPERS, ETC, assortment or usefrtl- articles, Beavers