HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-20, Page 314 A Care or Badr a ' "Bad breath is a sign of decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean _ bowel." If your teeth are. good, 4° look to your digestive organs at once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup 9 3 P at druggists. 15 to 30 drops after meals, clean up' your food passage and stop the bad breath odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. f Do not buy .substitutes. Get the genuine. f In These War Times you want real food that contains the greatest amount of body - building material at lowest cost. The whole wheat grain is all food. Shredded Wheat ) iscaat is .. the whole • wheat in a dgestible form. Two or three of these little loaves of baked whole wheat with milk and a litt.e fruit make a nour- ishing, our-ishing, strengthening meal. Made in Canada.,, TJIE WORLD ON RATIONS. Food Restrictions in Some of the Eu- ropean Countries. Just how world-wide isfood ration- ing is,,shown by the French Echo de Paris, which publishes thefollowing review of the food restrictions now in effect; Germany. _ , The figures in regard to "German Cood restrictions are known to us in detail. Among the commodities on short allowance in Germany worthy of mention are bread, meat, grease, oil 'andpotatoes, , The bread allowance differs in vari- ous cities from four' pounds a week for every. person to five pounds (about ten ounces a clay'for every person). The'rneat allowance is nine ounces a; week for every person. As far as grease and food oils, in eluding butter, are, concerned, the weekly allowance is •two ounces, and even these are not always distributed, The official allowance of potatoes is seven pounds a week for every per- ron, But the distributionvaries in different localities. As to milk, adults can receive none till needs of children, sick people and nursing women are satisfied. The theoretical allowance for these three classes was"formerly a pint and a i hal recently f, e eptly it -has been reduced to 0 a pint. As to others, in most cities P bread is,. eleven ounces a person. Sweden it is nine and a- half ounce Netherlands. Tn f --- S', The daily allowance of bread in the A�ctherlands is nine ounces a person, the meat allowance sevei"1' ounces and the potato allowance fifteen ounces. I LATING NUTS KILLS ANIMALS. Fd to Livestock in Holland Because of Shortage of Fodder. Because of the shortage of fed in Holland farmers have.been;feed their live stook with nuts, and as result many of the cattle have d and the' health of a large percent has been affected seriously, The United States Consul at sterdam writes that all kinds, pt s stitutes'for fodder have been fed animals. The death of stall -fed a mals has been freggent and is at buted to spoiled or otherwise unwh some food. In many such cases animals have•been freely given ace chestnuts and beechnuts, unshelled uncooked. All of these nuts,: it averred, in their natural state'. h poisonous elements especially in, shells. It is said that horses It died within two hours after eati raw and unshelled beechnuts in c siderablo quantities, the stomach intestines being fatally disordered. Experts advise that nuts be fed stock in limited quantities, not nl than a 2 kilogramme 1 1 a g mme (...2 pounds) the utmost daily, and then only of they have been shelled and boiled, c being taken to throw away the b ing water. It is remarked, howev that nuts' can he fed more freely pigs than to other animals, and th besides, they are very fattening. dor ing d• led! age A. to of tri - ole, the rns, and is" ave the ave ng on- nda to ore at ter are oil-. er, to at, :Frocks :Po NV 'rite'. Two materials, blue serge and a blue and green plaid, are charmingly com- bined in this quaint little dress. Mc- Call Pattern No. 8088, Girl's Dress. In 6., sizes, 4 to 14 years:,, Price, 15 cents. SEkiO.US11LN ESSAUOIDE D Many a serious• illness has been avoided by the prompt Yise of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills.- These pills actually. enrich and purify the blood, and in this way build up the system,. tone and strengthen. the nerves and invigorate the vital organs. Serious diseases generally come from some simpledisorder that has been neglected. Therefore any titin- ning,of the blood should be looked up- on as a warning sign, and more serious illness" should be avoided by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, In the case of young .girls and women the blood is peculiarly liable to get out of order—to become thin and watery—' Ind to lead to a general breakdown n health. This can be avoided ;by the ccasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink ills, which are suitable for the most elicate constitution. These pills will ive you a new, appetite, improve your igestion, tone and strengthen., weak- ned nerves, banish depression and ask• ofenergy, clear the complexion f pimples' and blotches, cure, pain to he back and general weakness, cause. he disappearance of headaches, dizzi- ess and heart fluttering. Give these pills a fair trial and you will.soon note wonderful change in your condition. our spirits will brighten, good health they receive no milk at all. .Austria-Hungary. The situation in Austria is no better an: itt Germany,. The daily allow - ace of bread is ten ounces. Meat has ,nos -been put on allowance in Austria; " /only two meatless days are prescrib- `t. ed by the law. At present the ques- tion of increasing the numb:41: of 11 'meatless days is under n The weekly allowance of butter, y grease and food bil is four and half a ounces, and' consists of th,vo and a half f ounces of butter, one ouncp of inargar- ine and one ounce of bacon. In real- a ity, however, 'nobody receives more a than one ounce of butter. le The allewance of petatoes is three a pounds per week,' but the press ' be- lieves that this will soon be reduced to two pounds, on account of the fail- 'na ure of the potato crop. . a Bulgaria. D Very little 18 known about Bulgaria vi aped Turkey. stn Bulgaria the allowance of bread has been: set at eighteen ounces a day for every person. On the other hand,. there are three meatless day's each week. Turkey. In Turkey the theoretical bread al- lowance is "supposed to be nine ounces a day, but it rarely exceeds five ounces. - Denmark and Sweden. In Denmark the daily allowance of Ni sI t b nd strength will return,• and you wil eel like a new person. You can con- rm these, statements by enquiring mong your friends almost anywhere, s thousands and thousands of hope - ss sufferers_ have been restored to ew health, and energy by using Dr. illiams' Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any edicine dealer ox by maid. at 50 cents box •or six boxes for $2.50 .from The r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - Ile, Ont. A "LINGERIE CHRISTMAS:" Iti Convalescent Soldiers Work on Wo- manly Garments. The bored civilian who gazes at the tinselled shop.:windows to -day and grouches that every Christmas is the same, needs to look in on the 'boys in the military convalescent hospitals. Tucked under the sheets with the hoops poised on theirknees they are sewing white flowers to table doilies, d silk roses on cushion tops, -, and ordering whether tucks or gathers uld be more becoming to Arabella. et year they were ducking Fritz's ells, and potting the Boches across -man's Land. , _ Embroidery is receiving a. great im- tus these days, and the vocational cerS who order supplies for the-oc- pational work—under which'" head ocheting and embroiderycome—are zing with amazement at the orders material for ladies' nightgowns, doir caps,. camisoles, ' etc., which me to them th be filled. Tommy is. on to all the technical mes, and his "lingerie Christmas" going to be made an epoch of, note the family annals. There is 'riot ubt that along with great gra 1'` ther's "sampler,' posterity wi1l1if+d obg its heirlooms the boudoir cap ich Uncle•;John embroidered ,for nt Mary when he was a soldier in hospital.' At any rate the` needlework is ir- roachable! and even though they ver sew another stitch, the boys e proven that they can embroider well as they fight," deblared the tron in one of the hospitals who has ected this occupational work. n some. of the western hospitals work. -has been put in special res for Christmas sale and others being taken for winter work, Some have become so expert• as to fill ars for mbnograming.. bridal linens are making tidy little incomes, ow's milk contains from 31,4 to "'4 per cent. of fat. Whala..,s' milk con- tainr�.43 per cent. re w,. vo La sh `` No (II of If, Pe t,t �� p offi ci ga for bou co na is in dou mo wh Au the 4 rep nev as ma clic I the stoi men ord and Here's a new one—a most delicious desert that can be grade in a hurry. To one and one-half cups of milk add one cup of Grape-NutB and one level table- spoonful ablesspoonful of Sugar, boil six minutes, cool' and serve with milk or cream. Add rai- sins if. desired. Get a packagelf , Grape. Nuts from your grocer and try this:pleasing recipe. IlluI'nigiqiip mtn,ieg VIII hlflt,t"'-" ' unNlntldnbllllllu,wn+ulutl 1lnunlht, Nntiuulq,�".' n nlllllu. The double collar and the . wid girdle or sash are unusually attractiv s:. features of this simg_e pleated tuni dress. McCall Pattern No. 8064 Misses' Dress Pattern in 4 sizes, 1 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 7Q Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. e e Baron Plener, a German, speaking before the c Upper House of the Reichs- tat, said he was sceptical regarding 4 the peace feeling in enemy countries. "England,','` he declared, "will not be ripe for peace for a long time yet. Her military self-confidence has been, so enormously increased through the creation of a great army in such a short period -that one cannot imagine anything diverting British public opinion from its war policy." 0- 90. 0- O o U 0 0 t). 0 9 I YES` LIFT --A CORN OFF WiTHOIJT PAIN ° Cinclnnati man'telis how'to ,dry upsa corn or callus so it lifts off with fingers, 1`ou. corn -pestered and would need suffer no longer'. Wear the shoe tilatnearly killed you before, saysth.i Crnciuuati authoi'iiy, because a few drops of frceope applied directly ori; tender, aching corn or callus, stop soreness at' once and soon the corn U hardened callus loosens so it can he lifted off, root and all, without pain. A email bottle of freezonecosts very little at any drug., store; but will post.. tiveiy take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not to irri- t5'tethe surrounding slain. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for y ou from his wholesale drug house. It is fine stuff and acts like magic every time. Fats in The Diet. There is nd -fat in `potatoes, hard ie nearly 90 per cent. fat, children is the best form of fat for n. The fab of plants is ,.contained in the sends, At least a third of the body's ,tend` ° sltoulcl be fat. n Cocoa is ""the only popular beverage s which bats fat." e `:he colder the clima'e -the greater the craving for fat. a Boldyitin fataniis oles of thins. ree kinds---stearine,. s pa m r j Oats are the "`fattest" and most ``heating" of the cereals. A loin of mutton has more fat nu trient than any other joint. 1 Fats yield glycerine, an essential. component: of high explosives. Aofthletic training doesyilot rid o "fat," but of the excess'water in the tissues of the body. A famine in fat (as in Germany) is more terrible than a' famine in bread: A man .doing sedentary work re- quires three ounces of fat daily in some form. Linseed oil is the most important vegetable oil in the production of forglycerine explosives;, American meat', is the richest in fat; British home-grown meat is second. Tomtny's Watch. A Tommy on furlough entered a jeweler's shop and, placing a much- L..ttered gold wat on the counter, said:. "I want this 'ere mended," After 0a careful survey the watch- maker said: "I'm afraid, sir, the cost of repairing will be double what you gave for it." "I don't mind that," said the soldier. 'Will ' you mend it?" "Yes," said the jeweler, "at the price."- "Well," alace."r"Well," remarked Tominy, smiling, "I gaye a German a punch on the nose for it, and I'm quite ready to give you two ifyou'll mend it." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Cupid's Machine Gun. An, amorous British youth was be- ing taken to task for his flirtations. "Engaged to four girls at once!" ex claimed his' horrified uncle. "IIow_ do you explain such shameless conduct?" "I don't know," said the graceless nephew: - "Cupid must have shot me with a machine gun." NNE Cr nuIaied Eyelids, � s ,h Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by Al Sun Dust and Wind quickly, r'tl relieved by Murine. Try it in yourSansrEyestin andg, 3cIn BastEyeby's EComfyes.ort ®U % LJNot MallineE,e!Remedy' At Your Drngatst'a or by mai ,Sa�cp er bottle. moree. Eye Settve, in Tubas. 25e. 'rot ; ool�op'lha Ey%—Free. Ask 88®slae Eye Remedy Co,. Chicago a England's Self -Confidence. An Occasion For Grief. After, shoveling the -snow from' thee sidewalk for two hours little Patsy, began to cry. "What's the trouble, my little man?" asked a sympatheticsneighbor. "A bad tramp came along and stole the snow shovel from the boy next door." ""Well, my lad, it's a very nice thing to be sympathetic," said the neighbor, "but you mustn't worry so over other people's affairs." ' - "It ain't that," said the boy, "I'm crying because he didn't steal my shovel, too." LEMON JUICE IS FRECt�LE REMOVER Chris! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a battle containing three ounces of orchard°'white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion; and complexion beauti- fier, at very,, very small cost. Your grocer has ,the lemons and any drug -store -or toilet counter will supply three' ounces of orchard white for a few cents, Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion'into, nto. the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how ,clear, soft and white the skin be- comes. Yes! It is harmless. Camellias require very careful wa- tering; not enough or too much water causes the buds to drop. When buds drop 'withhold 'manure water...' The time to feed is when the flowers have faded and when the new shoots al;g growing. Forty-five to fifty-five is the !right temperature. Minard's Liniment Cures target in Cows New Air Raid Alarm. x uThe London authorities have begun sing sound bombs, or rockets, as a means of warning the populace of ap- proaching air raiders. These bombs consist of, cylinders about eight inches long, weighing one pound each, which are fired from small mortars by pull- ing a lanyard s,attached to a fuse at the nose. They rise some 300 feet in the air, More than 200 of them were sent, up from seventy-nine fire sta- tions the first time they were used and the result was pronounced very satisfactory.` The public was inform- ed about the rockets in 'advance so that the significance of the peculiar sound which they produced was under:. stood. 3ktiinard's Liniment Cnrefi ,Distomtner, I was cured .of painful Goitre by MINARD'S LINIMENT, EAYARD McM'ULIN. Chatham, Ont. I was cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON, Walsh, Oat: I was :cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S. LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. II. BAILEY. Evening Up With Haig. Sir Douglas Haig was, some weeks ago, in,a great hurry to get to a cer- tain place`. He found his car, but the chauffeur was missing. So Sir Douglas got in the car and drove off by him- self. Then the driver appeared and saw the car disappearing in the dis- tance. "Great Scot!" cried the driver, "there's 'Aig a -driving my car!" "Well, get es'en with him," said a Tommy, standing by, "and go. and fight' one of 'is battles for him." MONEY ORDERS Dominion Express Foreign Cheques are accepted by Field Cashiers and Paymasters in France for their full face value. There is no better way to send money to the boys in the trenches.. "Fishy" dishes and utensils natural- ly retain their odor, but you can re- move this by socking the dishes in tea. leaves and leave stand for a while before washing. Boil tea leaves in a little water in- the frying pan and, that, too, will loose the repugnant odor. ISSUE 5 '17. The Jordan Valley In Southeastern Oregon Is a beautiful. fertiledistrict that you ought to in• vestigata. Moray shrewd farmers are buying there, because their keen-buel- nesa foresight tells them; thatlavcst- met,t will nay big returns from the natural Increase in the value of the land alone,to say nothing of thebig crops that they can produce. Prides law; terms easy. Ask mo for authoutio information, absolutely free. You aro cordially Invited to call at Room 112, Union P5ctfio Building. to see our excellent aha extensive exhibit of rad p nets grown in the Union Paciflo Country. R. A. SniITil. Colonization &i adastriol ®d. llvoon Pesci!! c System Room 1346 11. P. Sidi., Omaha. Neb. r. When buying your Piano €resist on having an b6 O TO H L " PIAN® ACTION immukaag tar i i NO A1-3, E.W.GI..LE r• COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT WINNIPEG MONTREA.,. Which? Teacher --Name the chief exports of Canada, Prompt Pupil—Soldiers! Second Pupil dt nefit- y)---,ool- diers are not exports; they are ,trans- ports. P¢Snard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. Ayrshires, Jerseys and Guernseys are the best mileh cows, P ZOD ICE 11NliiW LAID EGGS, POULTRY PEAS,. beans, honey, onions .wanted Iligit, est prices given. f. D. Arsenault, 1195 St. Catharine East,'11ontreal, zt TO CET:LANDOUS XTEsln BUFF 41,0 — WONDERFUL. 111 Farah bargains; exceptional oppor- tunities awaiting ioornediate'purchasers descriptive catalogue . free. Buffalo. Farm Exchange, Brisbane building, Buffalo, New York: i ir tr E:•iVEN AND, HELL"—S}seden-' I1. borg's, great work on a reale world beyond and the life after death ; 400 pages only 25 cents postp'atd. W. H. Law, 4.56D Euclid Avenue, Toronto. ttIf"''1�1NCER, TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC.; 'kJ internal and external, cured with - cut pain by our home treatment. write us before tee, late. Dr. Idetiman Medical Co., Limited, Collinh•;jood, Ont. CUflCURAr3-�t .ErLON RABY Spread Covering Body, Awful Disfigurement, ment, Itched and Burned, Had to Scratch, "My baby was troubled with eczema which began on her face and spread all over her body. It was in a rash and was very sore and inflamed, causing aw- ful disfigurement. The rash itched and burned making her scratch terri- bly and she was cross. `Then I used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Baby :vas'healed with six cakes of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment. (Signed) Airs. Henry Richard, Murray Harbor, P. E. I., April 2, 1917. You may rely on Cuticura to care for your skin, scalp, hair and hands... For Free Sample Each .by Mail ad- dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles Lymphangitis; Poll Evil, Fistuisi Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a SAFE ANTISEPTIC IUID GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove dui hairand horse can be worked. Pleasant to use, 0.2.00a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., antiseptic liniment for mankind, re- duces Strains,; Painful, Knotted, Swollen Veins. Concen- trated—only- a few drops required sten application. .Price 131.per bottle at dealers or delivered, VY, F. YOUNG, P. 0. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can, ,Ibsorbloc and Absorbine, Jr.: are made le. Caws. Exposure Aches Cold rain; winds, and dampness bring out the rheumatic aches. An application of Sloan's Liniment will soon have the blood circulating and the pain will disappear. For neu- ralgia, lame backstiff, neck, sprains; strains; and all muscle soreness, Sloan's Linimentcan'tbcbcat. No rubl in ; it quickly penetrates and docs its work with- out stain or cloggingof the pores. Better than plasters or ointments. For cold feet or hands try an application of Sloan's Liniment, Generous sized bottles. ex all duggiste, 25c., 50c., 51.00. of EBSTER'S NEW EN` T":RNATO1` AL i3ICTIONA.RIES are in use by business men, engineers, bankers, judges, archi- tects, physicians, fanners, teachers. li- brarians, i-bra ians, clergymen, by succeaur'ul melt and tvosnen the world over. ARE YOU EQUIPPED TO WIN? The New International is an ell -knowing teacher,a universal Question answerer. 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. 6000 Ellestr ations. Colored alar Plates, 30,000Geograph- ical r a h- loal Subjects. 12,000 Biographical Entries Regular and India -Paper Editions. Write for Spec- imen Pages, II- lustrations,eto, Free, 'a set of Pocket Maps if you nanM this paper. G. &C. MERRIAM 00, Springfield, Masa. ery For r 1. WRREELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. New Autorhatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhausti in flywheel, tc. Will accept $1,200 dash for immediate salt, p 61 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 KW., 110120 Volts D.C. WIII accept $425 cash for Immediate sale: 1 LAR(4E LEATHER BELT. Double, Endless, 24 ineh .x 70 ft, Will accept $300 for Immediate safe, although belt IsInekoellont col& dition and new one would cost about $600. PULLEYS,- Large 'size: 26x66—$3O ; 12x60-$20 ; 131/ax48—$12 ; 12x36—$8. p BLOWERS OR FANS, Buffalo snake. ' ()lie 10 Inch, other. 14 "inch discharge -480 each. REAL, ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. a. 60 Profit St. West, Tore ate i4