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The Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-13, Page 8
• Rx.i'PER 1J St, Ili • 1 L ,�' Tli, itL;s JA 1 , 11EL • •: i tJ, l ■J l,[.. -X :TER u IARKD' TS Changed Each. Wednesday Wheat 2.10 Oats 68 Barley , .,.,... .... _ :...... 1.00 to 1.15: Family Flour 5.70( Low grade flour 3.25 Shorts 4„.42,00 .00, Bran ..48 Creamery Butter .. •42 to, 44 Dairy Buttes r .. .. 44 Egg,, ,. � ., Turkey alive 25, dr+es'ated 30 Geese 'alive 14, dressed .20 Duck; _en. alive 15, dressed 20 i-Iens . alive 14, dressied. 16. Chicken alive 16, dressed; 20 Lard . ........... 34 Potatoes, per ^ bag 16a- 1180 Hogs .., ... 17.00 Hay, pet .on la00to2Y.0o LOST -Between Drs. Sweet & Reid's Office,. !Exeter, and. H. Hort- ton's, T4sborne, a probang for un - choking cattle. ,Please return taDrs. Sweet &," ;Reid. T. CREECI-I'S BUS.- For the ac- commodation of the public during the aioNda:y season I will ,run, the bus to meet all tra.ina: for two weeks, com- mencing T'hur'sday, Dec 20th. T. G. Creech. CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT and Patrtatic Concert will be given in Na. 3, Stephen, an Wed. evg., 19 at 8 o'clock, Silver collection of 10e. Bmaceeds i,n aid of Red 'Cross. Florence Triebner, Teacher. mievrieingradoritri r t LOCA , IXMM 88. 4 arailloallesikaakailsaamearallstaihailaallaalacali Remember the poor and the needy at Christmas time. Do not' waste ,money on useless articles, SOLDIERS` AID BAZAAR and Sale" of Work in the Town Hall. on Friday afternoon, Dec. 14th. Fancy and useful articles and horn,,e cooking. Persians 'wishing to c,ontibute please leave donation with Mrs. R. N.Creech Wednesday or Thursday, and cooking at the Town Hall Friday GUT ..PERS-A f+ ce cutters tan hand. McLaughlin. make, beautifully finished and upholstered, and of var- ious designs and prices. -Wm. Ward, Exeter. Th.e price of jute and cotton has advanced very much. This makes sacks very expensive;. When. ypu wE scant feed bring` along y we wi°1 be pleased to fill Hasvthem. Bros. Miss :Viola tPenhate has beein en- gaged ,by the Bank of Commerce, as a :r ember of the staff of the Exeter Branch, The awful catastrophe at Halifax last week has over.1iadawed even the wan•, and even yet the ,lull extent of the disaster is not janOwn, All parts br Canada and United States are of- fering help an money ;and mateliii,-tl to aid in caring for the injured and homeless and in rebu.i.ldLng the city. Fire Chief James Weie;kes is in re- ceipt of.. ,th eusual Christmas comutu=,i- icatitan ;from the Fire Untderareiters'i Asia/Iodation, asking titan' to warn the people about the placing o'f Christmas displays and 1eclor•atitonjs in places whierc they anngih't catch •an Lire! and cause loss. Inisuraace policies are PE no value under (these cclndiltilans,. Class 2 under the Military Service Act will 'not have to, be called out. The required 100,000 men ,will be ob- tained in Class 1. The chairman of the Military Servide Council says,- The total re.ortied for service to Dec. ,1st was 403,504. Of these 241,- 565 have ,been medically examined and. 117,873 placed in Class A, and 123,- 692 in the lower classes. There re - mains 162;039 to be examined and at the .same ratio will .furnish 25,000 Mr, and Mrs:. C. H. Tanney recceiv- more Class "A men to add to the 117,- ed a letter 'this week arum th:eur .son, 873. Edgar; who. was at tthe time, of writ-, A strange case was up before His Ling on leave eon Treble, �Wilber ni 1a Lutchell,and vSian- Honor, Judge 'Dicks<oin, at Goderieb on ley ,Fisher and Dr. -!Cam'pbe'll at Sen- _vLanda}- in which a wedl-tta-do farm ford. Treble, Mitchell sand Campbell er of the Township 'of Hay, and hes are in the De'n'tal :;Carps; and I+ ab:es hired duan were charged with thefts ais is .sergeant acrd at !trite same old from neighboring farmers of carious j,ob, pounding the tyad i tter!l'' Edgar articles', Ten charges :an all were laid reported a warm lametai the last baf- and a conviction. rias registered In tle tt .shed'w : Jack Southco.t as oun:d= each case. His Honor remarked that e,l aw h Sidney West C was Pias .-Sid- such cases 'Were sufficient 'to send the ' ney wa highly thiou.of liy, all tthe accused to peni,Eentiary, but as this • officers and men.. He reports it -g would interfere with ,production and met -Chester Harvey at the Maple Leaf Leave the man's own family unpstnClub, Lancia:a. Chester ,was also: on vided, :for -he decided to impose. a fame leave and well. After seeing London of $500; which, with costs, will bring ' Edgar went to Deviofnsh:ire to visit the amount up to {close oa $1„000• ' Exeter and 'Crediitioni:” • The, familiar He, was also bound over to the ruin sound ar tbc*se names made him think of .$5,000 to keep th!e peace for a of home. term of two years. The 'hired' man was released on" suspended sentence. Judge E. N. Lewis of thee rich pre, —0,__ i sidled at the sittings DID NOT FULFIL CONTRACT.- , Court in Exeter •an Thursday of last T.he cabc +af Cook et al. via Hamilton, !week. The judge on Isis first occasion, adjourned from the _County Court last u1 tha capacity was greeted by more. month was before Judge Dacks!o'n last than the usual n} week H. Cook, `Sons & Co., the plainti is are grants dealers at Hemisall and the defendant, Jas. Hamilton, lives - at Clinton Thio plaintiffs claimed that yers present, 'three from Exeter, ttvr last -winter the dtelfetidant agreed to f•nom Landow and one from Goderilch� sell to 'them 1,000 'bushels df_oats at Mr. F. W. Gladman, as the oldest. of 61c. a bushel, and 300 bushels of win the local, practitioners, on, beihalf of ter wheat at $1.75 a bushel; Plaintiffs the bar congratulated His Honor ora delivered to defendant the bags' in his appointm•en;t and expressed the which the grain was (to be shipped, hope that he would find the'. duties but the ;gratin was not delivered. Plain- pleasant and agreeable, and 'that the toffs claimed $490 and costs. On 'von- relations between the bench and continued. sent of counsel His Honor ordered might be cardial and long that after; twenty days judgment be The Judge thanked the members of entered for 'thio p1atiaaiiffs for $250 tthehe,gs and ofessionlaor heir good, damages with coats. cipal case was one of personal dam - PRIZE WINNERS'. -The most sue- ages ,sustained ,by Mrs. Esli, Hey-' ce�•sful Fat Stock Show ever held in !wood in an. automobile accident: an Toronto was that'of last week. Coon- the Landon, Road 'south of town, last petition was very keen in every class summer. Judgment was given for and exhibitors carryrngaaway the la,ur- Mrs. Heywood (decisiion an amount els have every reason to Ebel highly reserved) with costs. elated, as thie • stack nvarthy of a prize among s:o .many competitors had Mr Daunce,y is in London and p of necessity la be of an exee,pti,anally Glencoe an business this tveiek.• • s itgh .iorade. Among the successful Mr. Geo, Waldron- went to Landon prize winners tram this section were, Saturday= to visit his s:,ster, Mrs, G. A. Eicoat •Seafarth, 3rd for pure-bred Atkinson. steer undler one year, and for pure- Mrs• R. N. Rowe and `Missies Vera bred ;fat lie fifer under lane year, and and Rata ;visited in ellartt�ba a few 3rd for pen of wethers and ewe un- days last week. dear one year; Byron E. Hb=ks, C'en- Mr J. F. "Krueger of Thedf•ord i' trona, and for grade (ar crtoisisa. ; bred v • i•sdtn'g foo- a iew days with his sis steer itta Fears and ander"; a- a ter, _ . Pay Sour taxes before the 15th and save the five per "cent. Mr, T, H, Newell has been appoint- ed distributor :For Huron County by the Gray Dort MOtiors, Limited. Municipal priomijiatilons will be held this year au the last days of thei year. -Monday, the 31st, and the Election a, week later. Mrs. :Cooke and daughter, who have been living in Mr. Ed', Tye. bl:etsihause on :Elizabeth Street, are moving this week into Mrs. Jas. Beer's late resi- dence. ` Mr, and Mrs, 'Archie McCurdy, Hib- bert announce 'the 'marriage• al' their daughter. Annie Mae, to cMr. Percy Joint' Miller, the marriage to take place on 'Dec.' 26th. In general with mu ch of Onutaract this se`c+tion experienced a real old blizzard on Saturday, Sunday and Mori day. Much snow fell, the wind howl- ed and it becamje tveiry cold., The. snow .piled up . in heaps, and travel on sonre of the ,treads wtt made very. cliffi cult, It is seldom' we have such a .storm in Dec ember. Ai Army C!ouneil order has been issued in Load;an, Enlg., and prohib- its the !manufacture after Jan. lst, and the purchase or sale after Feb, lst, of boots far women with uppers '� g c s in h ''ght of leath- er 7 inti hte sib er and 8 inches in height if any, oth- er material. A like measure would be a 'move in the right dirtectiomj in this country when, leather is so scarce and such "a high price. TOM MARKS COMING HERE.-- Tom ERE.- Tiom Marks with. his popular Drama- tic and Vaudeville company and High- land Band will appear in the Opera Douse, Exeter, one night only, Friday. Dec. 14th, prese'ning the funniest comedy written, "Bringing Up . Fath- er" and 8 vaudeville acts and medleys by the. Highlandtersy Tom, Marks will appear in the role of "Jiggs" and Gracie Marks as "Maggie". Every- thing refined. Prices 35c. and 50c. Children 25c. HORSESWANTED I want an, unlimited ,number o,f horses in good'comduti(Znt Geldings 5 years old up, weigihing from 1500 pounds up. Mares•from 4 years old -stip, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, -w-riite. or phone 83, Exeter. DOW. G. J. Put an advertisement in the sok umns of the Advocaite and get q results. If you have for sale anything that the people want -dor want" tabuy anything that 'somebody else may have far sale, rat areal' ad. an this paper will .bring ;quick response. Cutadown -the high cost of liaving Order some Whitefish, 'Kipperenas, and Haddie at C. L Wilson's Grocery. Orders delivered promptly. SALE -Brick use with two FOR Mrs. F. Lane, Toots and barn. Apply William Street. FRAME IIOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.-APPIY to Mrs. William Hawkshaw. umber of cases to` be: disposed af, and by an unusual num- ber of Legal ge;ntl,eMejna There Were e.igh-t cases on the list, arid six law-- 4 ESTRAY HEIFER There strayed unto the premises of the undersigned a yearling ovineiYhe Owner can. have same by proving for •ar a� ur e an =`n d property Pa} n g P advertising. Peter Farrell, R.R. 1, Grand Bend. A HASTINGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance Company Also Fi:e and Accijent Insurance. Money to Loan on. Farm Property • EXETER, ONT. • AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LIN T .-Having taken over the Wat- kin's Agency from Mr. J. E. Gould of He -retail I am ,prepared to do business with all the old customers and others w.ha have not previously Mused the products I will be pleased to interest also. A fua lute now in stack Goods can be. procured atf residence at any time.. A full l Linaments . Cough Remedies, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always on hand. Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43' Exeter. +1DR.E W WM. AY Cwt Exeter, Salesman,. Travelling "he New !•I ` • .A E. Fuke. Hunter, Uaborne, 3 fax grade ar crass Mrs. Jas. Lawslan attended this fun bred steer under ane ,year; • sAbradul, eral on Tuesday of (John Darning, a fat ,COW lest fax grade or crass hied relative, at Carlsisle, cemetery, near Id - Coates, 'sea years- and or*er, W. H. Barton ' Coates, Usborne, 3rd fax grade ar cnbss-:bred fat cats*, •`iwa years, add Messrs •'Win. . Andrew, Wm. Fray.nie aver; W J. Taylor, Varna,"d forr - Jss hDeaniag, hos. Jones, and Gordton Swift .& Company's special fax lioad butcher cattle, 1100 porxnds' and grahsdeout attended Guelph Fair last under. John Delbr dge, Usbortie, 4th week', fax grade or eros : fibred fat " heifer 3 :. Mr and Mrs, Enos ,Cudmiore' and year. and under 3. 'Mr. R; D. Hunter two children af.Asquith, Siask., ar-t tet to the h evening to visit sold thm, .steer calf ;(¢v TiE;it(an1 rived i.. ere an Fru!d(a} o Abatgaer Co. for 23 cents a pound, grid Mr. Cudnvore's lather and sister,- Mr. later Mire 'company sold it to Mr. Thos; Geo Cadmore and Mrs -Williamiam 1+ras- Russell fide an advance tof: 5 +rei�.ts er Mr Cudmiorc has' sold .tis farm a pound. Mr. Hunter captured 2,nd it- tike west_ eel ,a/a cs of going to prize fax k ie aamt [calf at Guelph Seattle Wasar., lin resideZ:, Shote:" Mrs Wm. Baker and Miss Ila Jpb.ns- 1st .THE NEW ON JAl� �UARY ,1, • ]i wi,tli a ,DISON "the: iphtanbig!rap Fprice, saul,".�t'i11 sell at an',unc.reased pit. buy ydurs course want to You will 0. be,Gare January 1st, On,accotlnit of the .freight congestion and the pos- srb.nt it)s of f"re:igb't embargoes, we ad- vise y';ott to buy now,whitle, our stock is cam,plete. a anncrease iii the Thee:re •wG.d •tb'c ,i, Edison R`e:JCrea,ans, and if', = . price ca@ E.mo tcc here sh,o;".;i he a freight ed -Am -got ed iirozri• the ,fid utero {hey Gari 4,c .shipped Lalbio+rataru s ht express. ' J, W iLtalS POW—EL—La Agent, sh;i ;rr "r ,.,cl by the best "steal/es of a Etxeter. host or. admirers. tan were in Laden fTulesdayt .frs. ,FRAvery SNELL. J,ohnstan„ who has been'in the liospii- A very amply event took place at tal i.',or several weeks undergoing an the home af Mr. and T2rs. Wm. Snell operation and receiving treatment, re - Main St., Exeter, on Wednesday Dec- 'turned home with them en the cveruig ember 5th °when their youngest clan- d • will be ghter ilferyl was 'united in matariage. , JONES & MAY P110c 1'R NO. 32 HRISTMAS SHOPPIN( Only 10. Days Left For Shopping. WE ARE FILLED.UP TO OVbRFLOWING WITH THE • 'GOOD THINGS FOR XMAS. GIVING. EVERYTHING USEFUL, For ladies & Girls For Men & Boys HANDKERCHIEFS 100 Dozen of pretty har dlcter- chiefs f:o,r 5c,, 10c., 12%c., 15c., 20c 25c. and 50c GLOVES & ,HOSE Every kind we.car get" and. a big variety ta choose from. XMAS WAISTS Swell New Silk and Georgette, Crepe Wash 'Salk and Visile Waists. All the pew- shades to show you. XMAS. FURS Beautiful Fara to Black, Red /or GGrey Fox Wolf, Lynx, 'Bear, Sable Marmot Musk Rat and Persian Lamb. A '�wel1 pres'e'nt JAPANESE BASKETS All kinds Colors and Shapes. A nice ,Christmas (gift. 10 cents up to $2.50 each.. LOVES AND MITS A11 !kind's an Moiaha, 'Kid, Wrotol and Yarn -A good handy gift. CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR The best asstantnie!nt Of Neck- -wisar we !have ever shlownt Every kind you can think of -25c., 50c. and 775c. SCARFS, HATS AND CAPS No end of a variety in those lines Nice, New and Nifty, is the best word fax them, ,WINTER CLOTHING. A nice Suit'or Overcoat would do splendid;: We !have some real smart cloths fax Men, Youths and Boys. Prices very' moderate. BOXED XMAS SETS Suspenders, Arm Bands and Gar tern. Handkerchiefs of all kinds. Christmas Novelties BOUDOIR CAPS HAND BAGS FANCY PINS KNITTING BAGS FANCY BROOCHES FANCY LINENS DOY LIES COLORED LINENS CENTRE PIECES CUSHION TOPS RUNNERS LAUNDRY BAGS SLIPPER HOLDERS SILK CAMISALES SWEATER COATS TOQUE SCARF SET COLORED TOQUES WOOL SCARFS SILK SCARFS BABY BLANKETS SHOP EARLY AND AVOID WORRY. JO & MAY 1.c�aciyaarters for the eeiebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing county a- much .needed institution, was turned dot;vr. A number of grants were made, in- �r cluding $1,000 to the Navy League of Canada $5,000 to the Huron. Coun- ty Red Cross. The executive, com- mittee sieciommenlded-that the C•aun,- TAILORED TO ORDER cif ,af 1918 increase the monthly,'grant of $5,000 to the Canadian Pativlatic WILL. BE FAR MORE BECOMING Fu_tend to $8,000• This( was left forthe n' f aconTleil. • Huron ,Countyf ranks fourth in On- pratio sn Patrioiti'c gr'tvings. cost -ND ©reyet We have a large. number of New N cKFall Soil CLOSING SERVICES OF THE EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN Fall Sults and ,Ovea•coatings that wast , - - your arrival -a wide assortment of The. Union` ;Evangelistic Meetings: Fashion's Chosen calors, -soft hand - that have been such a blessing too a some Browns, and beautiful Greys, of multitude of people, will came to .t an shades. chose pn Monday evening next. A goodly number of people have testi- OUR ASSORTMENT OF fied to the fact that a great bless- ing has,, come into their lanes, and SLtitin s �Ladies' . henceforth are determined to be faith .iul fallawers of the Master. Mr. Jollnstan has preached the Gos as the Finest we have ever had. The pel without fear` ar favor, but with a •studied exactness in measuring and great: heart of dove. Each member of becoming designing of .aur Tailored the Party has done his or her best to to -Order Clothes produces a cam - make the meetings a success. The pleteness of i1ittinig and a pleasing - pastors and members • of the Execu- ness of appearance that a ready-made tive Camm,ittee' have.• been ,faithful and can never'hope to equal. Na Lady loyal leaders of this great movement, knows how well she car» appear in a Suit or Coat until shd has one cut to measure. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE and her many linen tvi, pleased , to knots 'that :she vs ,recav'crirug nicely and it i!s 'lihpsr :bel:lef that t/h+e spirit iof and if niathiing unforeseen happens will cvangeli'sm shall abode through,autthe soon be restored to her former goad Years; Many ofthose who Have re- t,ealth cently taken'their stand for Christ are now at "work striving to bring others to the Savious they have.found: The services 'will continue each ev- ening as lfollows,-Wed:, "Sin and its Effects"; Thurs. , .a "Td have e Unpardonable Sin and Thio,edi . a •e commsfk it Who Friday "Aliivast Persuaded"; Sat'y,. "When a Foal is not a Fool". ' Sunday Services -7 a,ni. Sunrise Prayer fleeting at Main St. church, led by Mrs, IIu•ntley; 10.30 aim. Union Fellowship Service at James Street, led by Mr. Huston; 10.45 amt.. Uni'o'n,' J Service, at James St. :Church Evangel- ist iist Johnston will preach on the sub - 'met, . "Mother. Special "Mother" songs will be suttg by the Chorus amid members of the Party; You are . in- vited to wear a -tttybae oa white rib- bon - bon ar a white flower ain, honor of Mother; This "Mother" serv„ce i., (for everybociy. Afternol an- The Sunday meet. Everybody (uta Schools will and conic to Sunday Seisool} 6.45 p, rn. meeting s Y. -or Yoder Nen " and Young Women. "Ray" will lead the osHuntleyr ; farmer and tvlt;yti , the 'atter; 7,30 p. m„ "Heaven land Our 1.:oved Ones Thereat Special "Heaven" songs will be sang. Monday Night Night -- Evangelist Evangelist (ll, tr�11 1 •:r. Its ,,, est- "From the subject, great message on h I , to (Mr. Raymond Francis, a 'prosper -- ons young farmer of Usbernc Town-' ship. The ccrernony was performed by the Rev. J A. Snell, uncle oit the bride, assisted by the Rev. J. W. Baird, Pastor of James St. • Metho- dist church, Exeter, in the presence of about 70 invited guests. The bride entered the parlor leaning on her father's arm, and took her place by rthe groom under an wrath p1 ever- greens decorated with pink and white mum's. The bridal igotvr was of cream satin with Georgette" Crepa andsil- ver la ce trimriingsh whilst the brid- al veil trda1vert was caught u " with orange blossoms. Mrs. Geo. Jones sister of the inside acted as Matron of kronor, and. Miss Warn 'Francis played the weddin'g march. Aifter the ceremony • t lotions the mists re- rat r g and tong paired to the dining rico where a dainty luncheon tvao ,served, The bi'tde',s going.away wait : was navy bine.theeiot cloth and .black hat to ; . match. (An :interesting feature of .tate occasion was i;hc presence of Mrs. garrison, 1g:randrnother 00 the groan) who at the age of 85 years( pave two meg-Mama; which she bad learned when 4r child, These were very' much enjoyed fby the g este. The many and costly :gifts were en evidence of the hit,h, 'esteem ecm in which the contract- ingiSi. artaess are held by t,helir ,num- errtts fri+-u-ts. The happy couple left an 'tar; "r -Venins; fraib for a trip to t.nnflan Guelph, Toronto', and Orim- HURON APPOINTMENTS Tule Harlan County Council at its t � •11 •; � 'ted � r 'V', , si•C,,�no5 hast"we.ek appia.tn ted Mr . Large •wale ;lra•s been, for 24 years °aunty Clerk, aa the ,position of County Treasetrcri ;This fills the va- cancy caused by the death of Dr, W. J. It. Relines, last October. The appointment carries wi.th._ it the gen- eral Mr Lane has approval al iof 11. sial i r;.lecl the duties at the cle.rkshi,p with great .credit hafts to himself and the county arid it is the wash oaf alt that he array be long spared to honor and - grace Lire positton hie now occupies T dv'illc .o- m an af. L m oiru t W. I -i G. 1 b Mit has been appointed to fill the, vacancy of the County clerkship. ; We venture to say that a rnlorn papular ap,poi!nt- ne_nt cattid :not shave been mate, Me Heiman is one, of the oldest ,school teachers in 'th,e.`Gotrnty, for many was cle,nk, Of the Trawn(ship oif Usk 'porno:anti far a number of years act- ed ' in thecapacity of County auditor. Taus i.t ,w,iill be ,aegn that he tinter.; the office wiita a store oif knowledge that will ,serve him well in the d'ss charge iof`his duties, and being a main .;• h1 nai;i, "imtcl,lectaal, "facilities tliie ,ha8 a clerk County a8 or'twhom 'they ,� eel proud The Ball fR ohn to Heli," or "The �ropo„alto purchase. ttlocal roe- and Dancer ig', ,Everyb,ody the come to 1 Baneful ,Effects Of the i s-ell:ore Cards city fax a chilciren's shelter fon the all tisenc scitnice,a. GIVE .US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL Di* APiD FURNITTALE DEALIti Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, Eipices, teas, coffee and every. thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will coin- Ce. Produce taken in exchange J o d �� Next The Mit opWitan tied ete� Bargain Store Sp!endid Sof 'Xmasi Oood-s l3EA "--- .GIVE SOMTHING USEFUL.- PRACTICAL You will find our store filled wtth the right kind iof gdad,st ARM' BANDS HANDKERCHIEFS TOWELS GARTERS GLOVESSWEATERS SO. NIISILit T ,.•,xS SIM 1 HOSE S T+S OVERCOAT'S R B\REC,rrCaT%SILS BOOTS, RUBBERS RS COZY SLIPPERS, ETC, , ,i, �ces: ,� menu :at useful art! 1 'i nu will be piea.�ed with our a:ssar r t u1 B. WF. Beavers e