HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-13, Page 5>INN B/ ERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER,' r j 4 SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manager 1).C,L, President H. V. F. JONES. Asi t. Oen';, Manager :tie CAP1rAL PMD UP. $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 'CHEQUES Convenience, security and economy are secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this L I.;:. They enable the bearer to identify, himself and are readily converted into the current coin .of any y fore iii J country. 93 EXETER BR.—A. "h. 1:uhq, Mgr CREDITON—J. A McDonald Myr PUBLIC NOTICE' NOMINATION & ELECTION A public 'meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of tlhe Village of .Exeter for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for the of- fice of Reeve,Councillors, one mem- ber Of Utilities Commission and Pub- lic School Trustees for the year 1918 will be held in the Town llali o'n Mora day the 3lst day of December, 1917: between the hours of twelve o'clock noon and one o'clock afternoon., And should a poll be demanded by any 'nominee or Elector, the same shall be opened and the votes o,C the Electors ;shall be taken on Monday, January '7th, 1918..between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning and; fire o'clock in the afternoon of tlhe, same day and at the several .places `Hereinafter mentioned.• In Polling Sub-Div:cion No. 1 at Silas Handiford's residence, Main St; by Edward Treble, Deputy Returning officer; labra Sidney Davis, poll clerk No.. 2 at the Town Hall, Main St,, by .Wellington Johos. D.R.Q,, ; and James R. Grieve, poll clerk., No. 8 at Mrs Ann Mitchell's brick office.. building corner of 'Hain and( Wellington Streets; by Percy Gill' D,R.O., and Ceonge Anderson, poll clerk. No. 4 at the North End Fire Hall• Market street; by Fred Witwer, D.Ii 0., tend William d3rickwoc'd; poll -clerk. By Order. Jos. Senior, Clerk, and Returnin O;fi The Advocate Has made arrangements with all the ° leading Newspapers in Canada and the United States to Club the Advocate and we are now in a position to give you your Reading at Re- duced rates. Call acid, secure our figures Farmers and arm tea, lleip Exempted By Justice Duff WHALEN —x._o—x—. Mr• Francis Marley was in W-iart as last w -eek attending the Golden Wed - 'ding of his brother. Mr. Benjamin Marley and his wife. r. Morley was formerly 'a resident of this section.— Mrs, .F' Morley visited her inlo'iher, Mrs. John Cornish near Exeter dur- ing the. week. Centralia Mrs, Huntley of the Evan,gelis•tic Party at Exeter will speak at the ser- vice In the Methodist church Sunday morning at 10.30. A cantatte will be given by the Sun. - day School on Friday night, Dec.. 21, and i'. promises to be a very :ner- estin€; affair. ' Mrs. Thompson and two children of Woolsicy, Sask., are here visiting her. parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Banyham. The home of Mr, and Mrs. E. Smith has been bright,ented by the arrival o' a fins baby girl.. Crediton SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT.— A chioice entertaiilngree!nt in aid of Red Crass and Sick Children's Hospital will be held in the Towii Hall Wed- nesday evening, Dec 19th at S a'cloek The ,program will be provided by the children; Everybody came,. Ad- mission 25c. The week -tend 'blizzard was one of the worst experienced here for years It registered four bellow on Sunday morning and thewind blew a gale which caused a small attendance in the churches. Un on services were L held bath morning and evening. Cin account of the storm Rev. and(Mrs Jiahnston didn't drive in, from Exeter but they are expected to conduct a service in the Evangelical Church on Sunday aftennioon at 2,30. Word has been received from Wis- consin, of the death lof Mrs: G. F. Schwarz., .Her husband, the late Rev Mr. Schwarz ;Lived here some; years. ago while pastor of the Evangelical Church. Mrs. Chas, Zwicker and Ghrald hovel returned horse ,from New Hamburg, after ";visiting cher parents. Ernest Guettiag'er ns in God•erich this week attending the courts as a Juryman. Joseph Banes is at preseenst confiiti-) ed to his bed an account of a severe cold ,We drape he will soon, be able to be around again. Miss Huntley laf the Evangelistic Party, Exeter addressed the young women of'.the village in the Evangel- ical Church on Tuesday afternoon,. The last Council meeting for the, year will be, held in the Town Hall next Saturday. ashw,ivo9d Mr. Kenneth Routiedge, who has spendthe past surninser i•n Hyde 'Park, has returned to his loam's. Mr Howard of Zurich has rented the Mouse of Mr• J. Hoffman an Main St, air. Howard wall be an the Pub- lic School staff after Christmas, Mr, H. Willett is again confined to his home through illness. . We hope far a. speedy recoVe'ry. Bases !testae acid 'Olive, Willett of Exeter :spent Sunday with their par•- ents near town. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rethermal are this wee'( visiting ,with r+eldtives Merriton. Judge Duff, the Exemption Appeal. Judge has just given his decis;lan,re- garding Farm Labor, which is as fol- :iows and ,speaks far itself :—All per- sons habitually and. effectively engag- ed in labor essential •to farm p.roduc- tiroci is exempted. Military represen-, tatives therefore have withdrawn ap- pasition ito• fanners' appeal, ateettitng above conditions. Exemptions will be granted while ifarmers' sons and oth- ers are ;engaged in farm work. Tri- bunals did not have Duff's decision' to guide them. OUR BOYS IN EUROPE AND HOME PROTECTION The men on the firing line represent the pick of our country's youth. Many were rejected because of physical de- ficiency. Many times the kidneys were to Blame. If eve wish to prevent old age coming on too soon, or _if wo want toincrease our chances for a long life, Dr. Pierce of the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., says that you should drink plenty of water daily between meals. Then pro cure at a drug store, Anuric (double strength). This ‘‘An•u-rie'' drives the uric acid out and cures backache and rheumatism. If we wish to keep our kidneys in the best condition a dietof milk and vege- tables, with only little meat once a day, is the most suitable. Drink plenty of pure water, take, Anuric three times a day for a month. Send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial pkg. An- uric—many times more potent than Lithia, eliminates uric acid as hot water melts sugar. A short trial will convince you. Preston, Ont.—"I am pleased to ex- press my experience with Anuric. I° have been troubled with rheumatism in right limb and hand for several years, and lately in left shoulder. The only way I could lie was on my back. I had great difficulty to sit clown and more to get up. Lately I had a very severe pain in my back. I have taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medica'! 'Dis- covery several times with the most satis- factory results, so I concluded to give his Anuric Tablets a trial. The pain in limb and shoulder has stopped entirely and in right hand it is very slight and getting less all they time. I can now sit or lie in, any position I wish without discom- fort or pain: I recommended the Anuric Tablets to two parties and they both claim decided improvement. I certainly will recommend them -to any one troubled with the kidneys; there is nothings nearly so good; I tried' them all. "—GEoaez Boos, cor. Duke and Waterloo,' BIG BLAZE AT WALLACEBURG 'Chatham, Dec. al. --Damage to the extent of $100,000 was ,dome last night by ,fare to the Wallacieburg plant of the Dominion Sugar Ca. The fire fol, - lowed an explosion believed .caused by, clembustion in the direct fire dri- ers in the pulp ,hui1duinlg( The blaze completely destroyed the building and machinery and 7,000 bags of pulp. In thi;'".(+aur year, 1912-15, aevesi, hun- dred ,and eighty -vine People were burned to death in (Canada, and 78 per cent. 'of '(haste ;were women and children,. Over 350 lives were, lost in burning ,littiidl,n gs;. As m,`ight be ex-, gected the malearity of the fires were caused by c,nimlmal caiel.',essness. 'Phis is 'especcially 'truce in ,regard tea 1` ling fires with keroslene and gactol'ine and pcumitiil:],g children to play with matches, Such disregard of the safe - #a iof human lite cons utes t forc- ible indictment tall the entire Canadian atti':GJ'e towards the dangler fire. Sir Mackenzie Bowel;,a former premier of • Canada, died at Belle- ville an Monday, aged 93 ,years, bleker Abuuca#. seNder4 tR cow* P o iialors Subsarlptian la - SIg5 Year i " c czar 3r " CN . Un iited �tG 'ttEAe s � ,�r +t •,.9 not: Pat(' in adnce 50 " r e will ye charged ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates -- Made knots r on application. Stray Animals—Qne . insertion 50c., three insertions $1.00 Farina or Real Estate for sale 50c.. each insertion for ane month of font insertions- 25c. for each subsequent inseit,on Miscellaneous. Articles of not more than five lines, for Sale, To Rent, or Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion. 25c Coca' Reading Notices, etc., 10c. pet ire per insertion. No notice i ess than 15c. Card of Thanks 50c. Leea: Advertising 0.0c. and 5c. aline Auction ;,Sales, $2 for ane insertion, and $3 foe two insertions, Professional Cards not exceeding 1 inch -$e per year THURSDAY, DEC. 13th, 1917 PANAMA DECLARES WAR. AGAINST. AUSTRIA Panama, Dec.' 11—Panama, declared war against Austria yeate;rda , Thai Government, in co-operation with the canal zone authorities:, is interning Austrians,. BRITISH CASUALTIES 23,356 FOR THE WEEK.. London Dec. 11.—The British cas- ualties repeated for the week ending to -day numbered 23,356, as compared with 28,822 in the preuitaus week. The ca'ualtiies were as follows : Killed or died of wounds, Officers, 359; men 5,502., Wounded 'or snissing officers, 978; men, 16967. McGILLIVRAY A ,scud death '(Look place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Darling, of the 3rd concession of MoGullivray an Sun- day morning, Dec. 9th,when their 12 yyear old son, - John, passed away af- ter a long illness from dropsy. The utile Ife.11tow was a favorite among his schiool companions and friends and his early demise will be much regretted by a large circle of boys and girls. as well as- the hlouslellJoLidi. The fun- eral took place on Tuesday tot Carl- isle cemtetery. The family have 'the. sympathy of all in their bereavement. HENSALL Mr. Jas. Hagen has s,ald his neat dwelling property at the west end . of our village to Mr. Frank Bean, who will take- posses;silon. Mr. Hagen will invest in ;other real estate here,—Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper and little sant of Del'oramue (Mani, are .,pending a few weeks with aft-. and Mrs. Thos. Pepper and other relatives in this vie unity;. -Win. Fee was in, Lamdtan and' Toronto' the first part of last week.— air. Fred. ;Mann, tansarial artist, of the (farm of -Mantis & Farquhar, had the misfortune while gioizsg down the steps in the basement to trip on one of the top steps, and in addition to receiving a .tall, the heavy cellar door `.yell on this .ann, between the, wrist and elbow inflicting a deep cut which require seven stitches to close up.— The annual 'Christmas entertainment of th.e Methodist Sunday Schaal will be held on Friday evening, D,ec. 21.—The Sacrament oi: the Lord's Supper, was observed in 'Carm'e1 Church oni Sunday ir,orni,ag :est, at wan:+ch service some forty odd new members by certificate and profession of faith were receiv- ed and added to taa t,already large' members,hi'in —Mrs Angus Riess has returned from ,vi siianig relatives in. Michigan,—Ma. and ;Mrs. Lorne Mc - Z:: art g . ,who were here visiting their i e relatives. returned to- the west. -Miss Bertha Welsh has returned from Stralthroy, where chis spent a month with her aunt.—Mrs. Alex. bngram ,oaf the township of Hay ,is quite, <i11. The death 'takes place at Hensail on. Thursday, Dec. 6th of a well-krtnwn resident Of this district tin the per- son of 'George Habkirk, at (hie age. of 63 years and 2 months!. Deceased moved to Hen'sall last fall from Lum- ley where he farited for many years. He. was highly respected and esteemed by all who, knew hiani. Besides his wife he is survived by one daughter. The funeral took place on, Monday. to McTalggarit's cemetery. THESAD STORY OF THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE is frequently revealed in these war times even in this well-to-do Province. Bard enough to be poor—still worse to be sick and poor. The lot of the consumptive is a spe- cially trying one. Only recently a family was discovered living isi .two s.maIl rooms over a store. At one time they had occupied a comfortable home but the father took sick and had to give up work. With the savings all gone, they were forced to sell the fur- niture to buy food. When the span was found to be a consumptive, this was the opportunity of the Muskoka Free Hospital to bring relief so that not only would the stricken husband have a winning chance for life, but more desirable still, the wife and chil- dren hipdren should be removed from danger of contraeting the disease. Under skil- ful guidance the home was cleaned up and the family temporarily provided for. It is now reported that the patient IS `doing well, with every chance of recovery. This is the great work carried on by the Muskoka Free Hospital which is now -appealing. for help. Contributions may be sent to W. 3. Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, or. Geo. A. Reid, Secretary- Treasurer, 223 'College St., Toronto. LIAM= John Selves vaeceatly sold :two fine pure-bred heifers to Mr, Christie of Lagan for a ,haisad,s'ome figure,— Mr, and Mrs. John Bolton attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Patrick Ford of Centralia, on Friday last, Inter- ment took place at St. Columbancent- etery-We regret very much to re- vert 'theedeath of Gteiorge Habkirk, a life -lune resident iaf this locality at his home in Hen.sall (om, Thursday(last after being 'ail far the past 6 Molnths, from 'enlargement ,of the heart. The late George Hobkirk was an Molten sive man, very uptight in all his deal - Ings and no one could say an•,ill word of .him. In religion a Presbyterian, and- in politics a Li,berali At the age of 63 years he pasaecl and, leaves to mourn his loss one daughter, Maggi and his widow, 'form'erly Miss Ander-' ,son .of Usborne Township ; also four brother Robert ,of Bad Axe, 6 ich., john o1 Seafoirth, Walter of Heasabl. and Gideon of Regina, Sask,, also,ona sister, Mrs. Smith of Hagersville,Ont. His widow and daughter are left in very easy circumstances, Despite the stormy day a large number- from this locality attended the funeral, in-+ terrmenttaking place at McTaggart's cemetery. FARQUHAR BAZAAR. -The ladies of Farquhar Red Cross Society are holding Their Bazaar on December 14th. Thera is to be a program to commence at 8 p. m„ and a fee of 10c. will be taken at 'the door. ZURLCH Wm. Siebert, G„T,R. mail clerk, is visiting his hone here.—Mrs. Quack- enbush Of the Tcavnitilme has moved into theat house o'ccupaied by her mo- ther, Mrs F. Schroeder.—Miss Irene Lipphardt of Unity, Sask., recur ted to her. home ;here' last Week—Arthur and Alfred Sreenan are visiting their brother dha is ilk in Roches'tertMinin., —Mr, and Mrs. L!auis Weber return- ed tome ;from Detroit last week to spend the winter. --W 1-I. Pale and H. Truemner atten,'deid the Fat Sto, ck Show at Guelph.—H, H Neeb attend- ed t.hc County Coma 'ca. meeting's last week.=Tev,. kI Rembe of Hamihton visited here last week. . A Grippe Epidemic Every winter Health Boards warn against this weakening disease which often strikes those who areleast prepared to resist it. You should strengthen yourself against grippe by taking OENuLsIoNI.) which is the cream of cod liver oil, refined, purified and so skilfully prepared that it enriches the blood streams, creates reserve strength and fortifies the lungs and throat. Don't delay -It may mean much. Use SCOTT'S Refuse Substitutes 0111011311., Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 17,18 Since 1332 the name' Labatt has meant something to the people — always Brews of more than ordinary merit. To -day Labatt's • ectal:31) h.. • rtr i p ti.. seal Lager satisfy the most critical taste. They're non -intoxicat- ing, temperance brews, but possess the real flavor, quality and appearance of the old lines. Order a case from your grocer or direct` from the brewery. JOHN LABATT, LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1832 86 LONDON, ONT., and No. 4 St. Helen Street, MONTREAL -..-r.aeac:..—.J„e.�.-...ar.end'�Rmoi�lY+ow.✓•.:.;. ZION . PATRIOTIC CONCERT.—A Patri- otic Concert will be held under the auspices of the Red Cross Society of Zion Methodist Church (Elimville cir- cuit) in the church on Wednesday evg., Dec. 19, c'omm'encing at 8. Pro- gram will -consist ofa lecture on "The War” by Prof. Dale 'of St. Marys, an address by Rev. G. A. Barnard; also a varied pnagram of excellent merit will be rendered by distant and home talent. Lunch served at close of pro- gram. Admission 30c.; children. 20. ELIMVILLB A' Me.miorial Service to the late Private Edward 'Kellte'tt will be held in ,Eiamville. church on Sunday morn- ing next at 10 (o'clock Rev. Barnard Ma-. Johns and Mr. Medd will ;speak. —Mr. jEd, (Kirk of 'Klrkaan will oc- cupy the pulpit Sunday morning at Zion appointment. I want to help) ou if you al-, sur ering from bleeding, itching, blind or pro- truding Piles. 1 can tell you how, in your own home and without anyone's assistance, you can apply the best of all treatments. PILES TREATED AT HOME I promise to send you a FREE trial of the new absorption treatment, and re- ferences from your own locality if you will but write and ask. I assure you of immediate relief. Send no money,. but tell others of this offer. Address MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 840• Wiiadeor, Oat. INCORPORATED 185 THE MOLLSONS BANKI Capital & Reserve $8,800,00P 98 Branches in Canada A Seneca' Bulking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orcers SAVINGS BANK DE PARTMEN'F ;Interesta.11owed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCH— `uv D. CLARKE, Manager. '9 41111111MOD111111.111111.111.0 *** *USW" MIA 'SUPPORT UNION GOVERNMENTLiberals and Conservatives are United The People Must Unite to Win'the W A Laurier-Bourassa Victory means deserting our boys in the trenches for over a year, throwing up our hands and quitting! Don't shout, 4Karxrerad" under the Referendum proposal. Come out ` and fight for Union Government. a e No Mistake IF LAURIER WINS : (1) Canada 'will send no more (2) The French-Canadians who have reinforcements to the front, which shirked their duty in this war will practically means quitting the war and be the dominating force in the Govern - placing the country in the same class - as Russia. ment of the country. ARE THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING PEOPLE PREPARED TO STAND FOR THAT ? ,:r It is because the French-Canadians have not done their duty that Conscription had to be resorted .to. 'e French-Canadians have made it perfectly clear that they do not like the war and are against Canada participating in it further. Sorne of them even go to the length of saying that the soldiers should be brought back from the front. The Nationalists are demanding that the men who have been enrolled under the Military Service Act be disbanded and sent back to their homes. To secure the Nationalist support Laurier -Liberal candidates in Quebec have signed the followin. g pledge:— V1, the undersigned; candidate i the Federal Elections, undertake by these presents; if I am elected to demand theimmediatei . , a ., • , suspension of the Military Service Act), 19173 �n of all its effects until Canadian electors h ve pronounced bywayof and dplebiscite; s`li uld them ori( of the electors condemn ti • ::;, , y S x, that it be considered as mull from its Uri in and that in consequence cons uence all conscripts be disbanded." ed." "1 also Undertake to vote against any Government which should refuse to adopt the enunciated policy." This Advertisement is' inserted by TheU'nsbnist .Party Publicity Committee