HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-13, Page 3• hich Hatrow"ing Details`pf the Explosion� finch Wreckedetthe Northern Section of, the Cityand-Caused Death and Injury of Thou Iy Thou- sands—Collision e �5 Collasi French ur,>< in th Isar bor Between I'A ench Meia'titira>ias_. Ship Mont Blanc and Belgian Relief Steamer, Ti e Into., M'iiny hundreds Of people are/dead and thousands are injured akin home- less bceause of a frightfulexplosioz •and the fire which :fo lowed it on ,. ..•r rl. hu • oda i, of last .t we It e All the e x- _ txeme north end of the cit is devast- ated. The citY Y ,is Cut. off £rorTi teIe- ' graphic communication with the port side almost to the englnle, world, room, The relief vessel •which was. 'The ' e dis a t ` ez s was s eau sed: primarily tactic a .I 11 • .li T theY P Y uninjured;: kept , :going. 3 Belgian. 1'elief t € s gamer, the ahead , with the wen -tided rrafL• Imo •din • out andl and Imo, € € a Freneh muntion When the 'fire was seen, to bleak steamer, the Mount Blanc, entering aboard her,backed away, Y, aTld:.the.. the harbofr coming into collision. Then crew started to abandon `the munition ship t" her, ook fire and the. �- • crew left her. They landed on the Dartmouth Shore; andsoon after the ship blew up, with 5,000 tons of high explosives. 'The i Belgian ship was beached on ,;.then shore of the , hax'- bor opposite Halifax, Fragments • of walks and thrown flat into the streets. In the down -town offices, just begin- ning to hum with the' usual day's ac- tiyities, clerks and heads alike cower- ed under the shower of falling glass and plaster which :fell about them. The collision was a terrific' one, the munition boat pierced ierced on the the ship and her ammunition -were J Scattered all .over the Qrtllel'11part of 'dents Cards,while e unfortunate 1051 aleft her, veered ill towards the Hall - the dents were'swept to death in the de -fax side of the harbor, and the city,hand-picked,-pbush. the city, and the violence of the ex- bri • plosion rucked all the buildings in II received the :full force of the crib $5.50 .to $9; bush;ted, hand-picked, $6.50 i1 to 66.75 per bush; Limas, per lb,, 17 to that pair of the.citY• ., IIII The main damage was clone in the;f elan, a„- 17}e, a ;north end of the city, known as Rich- i,town Potatoes, on track—Ontario, 2,35 bag, .20.0 The most awful catastrophe which i Apart of the of Dartmouthie to $2.25; Delawares, bay , 2 -?a h 11as befallen any cit ill theworld." 'mond, which was opposite the. point I also ui r t. b .3a to $_.50. Y of the, vessels' collision. Here the T t nls. Sucll, is the opinion of all officers and 1`early all the buildings in the dock- Provisions—Wholesale' men �vho have returned from the Eton damage was so extensive as to be to- yard are in ruins. smoked meats—rains, Medium. .30' to 42c; roils, ,27 -heavy, 26 to 27c cooked, 41. t0 tS tally' beyond the field'of description. Practically all.the nor ''- � .who have been in the thick of theynorth end of she -i-e, rokls, 3, to 2Sc; breakfast bacon, fighting since Canadians went into ac- ,Street after street is in tonus and city has been -laid waste. le to 42c; backs, plain, 40 to 11e; b less, 43 to 49c. one tion. And they are right. The men flames swept' over the district. The destruction extends from North Cured m ,i — (_ � e is Long ' cle,u• bacou, 275 street railway station as far mirth to -..8c iii; ejear iii. fif, 263 to 27c, LadPure ltud ti 28a a� '�fr;r•v;tie to Bedford Basin, .a t 2cwho has been threugh the CONFUSION OVER W-ISTEES, BLAMED Pilot Frank Mackie, wl o was on the munition ship, declares that the accident was due to a confusion of whistiei, sounded by ' the Belgian Belief steamer, In addition to her cargo of muni- tions, the Mont Blanc carried a deckload of benzine, and this caught fire, following the explo- sion. The Captain of the Mont Blanc ordered his crew to take to the boats. The men hastily left the ship in two boats and rowed for the Halifax side' of the harbor', which they reached in safety. The men ran for refuge, as they felt that an explosion was ineedt able., Twenty minutes later the explosion occurred, ancl the 'men. were hurled fiat on the ground. e. l _ouzid th,.. all ;consistiti "• of his wife and.. four Chil- dren, hacl perished.;Before hili on the roadway; were the mangled re - The Moist Blainedrifted mains of his little two-year-old child,': atn ay, a j who had: met death while layin on burning wreck, while the relief boat p g beached near Tuft's Cove on the Dart-. the roa:dsnde. inouth side of the harbor. Many of those composing the crews h o Seventeen of ships in the harbor' were billed and zniitutes after the collision the. explo- sioln occurred. Under the Force of the injured. The damage along; the watei` explosion houses crumpled likedecks. front ie very serious. The munition ship, lifter the crew th f ,. Markets of the World Breadstrr,f o wheat -- No. 1 No then, 32.2332 ZNot2bdo,,, $2 20i; No. '3 do., $2,173; N. 4 wl}oaf, $2,103,: in. stoire Fort William, including 23c tax. Manitoba oats No. 2 C \V, 8330; NU, 3 C.-Svc,803c: No 1"extra feed, 803c; No,. 1 feed, 760, 'in store ;'Fort 'William. American -corn—No, 3 yellow, nominal. Ontario oats—No, '2 white, 75 to 76e, nominal No, 3, do„ 74 to 75c,• nou,inal, i according 30 'freights outside,, Ontap is wheat -•New, No.: 2 \Pinter, 32.22; basis, in sfot'e, Moatreiyl, 1 cas No, `2, $$.70 to $3,80, according to 2r,elgitts outside. 13s.rle7 Rl,tltinr $1,23 to ,5'1.24, ac- cording to 1'reigglits`outside, J3ueicwheut-51.45 to $1.,50, according to freights outside, ltye — A,'o, 2, $1.15, according, to freights outside, ' m anitoaa flour--l'list patents, In jute bogs, 311.50; 2na, do., $111 strong back- ers', do.,31,0.60, Toronto, Ontario flour—Winter, 'according 10 sample, 30.95, in bags, Montreal, 69,75, Toronto,- 30.70 burn, seaboard, prompt shipment, Il?i111eed—Car lots,' delivered Montreal address an "War " t ei�'itta, bags included—Bran p • tot I Aims in' that" city - i NEWS FROM ENCLAND NEWS BY MAILM1 ABOt3x' JOHN BULL ANI) �JIIS 1?L�:OIzLI Occurrences in the Land That Reign Supreme in the Commer- cial World. Lieutenant H. M. Williams and Lieutenant-(' ,polonel A. Finlay have been appointed deputy -lieutenants of Buckinghamshire. Owing to the scarcity' of red' paint, the; bonnets and parts of the bodies of London motor omnibuses are being painted brown. On the invitation of the LordMayor ill Y of Liverpool, Mr. Asquith delivered an f per ., recently. $37;' Shorts, do $43; middlings, da., 547 to 34S; good feed 'finer, per ima- A 1 C llaa-No. 1,'new, per ton :$ L6 t , 1.7 mixed, do o , $t. to $15, track Toronto,. St aw Car rots, per ton,..$9 to $9,50, back Toronto, Country Produce -Wholesale 7 t� au er - t Cream � e i t solids, i, c., z 1b 4... to 43c; per 3� • prints, ruts , z s,. per 1 1 U 43 0 9 t 431e;dairy, Per ib b 1 to 38c. Eggs—Fresh gathered eggs,47 to 4So, .!.'ota,toes — Wholesalers re pa•yirng [;roS�,ers and :country shippers 3.1,35 to 31.95 for first-class stocic, .f.o.b., outside 'points. Wholesalers 'are selling to the retail trade at the following prices:— 23 Cheese—New, large, 2$ to 201,0 twins; 3 to 23'1c; early cheese, 253 to 20c; large twin, 26 to 262;,c, Butter—I fresh dairy, choice 40 to 41c; ereamery,prints, 45 to 46u; solids, 41 h 17ggs—New laid, in cartons, 60 to '62e; No, 1:, storage, 42 to 45c; select storage, 40 to 47c, Dressed poultry --Spring chickens, 27 to 2Se; fowl, 22 to 25c; squabs, per doz., 34 to 34.50; tut•keys, 30 to 33e; clucks.. Sprinp', 23 to 25c , geese, 20 to 22c. Live poultry ---Turkeys. 251L Sprint; RED CROSS DECORATED YAP() 9-.0$ Af"k`1ON 1t1+:1�rAIZI3I:11 l� Y ls'R1i C l fnC)'E' Tellt ,Story of a' fxe N alENT. Han Air Raid ora the Hospital Near fain -Les, Fra flee. Decorated by the Fr�eneh fxodern.•• mentfor "valorous action, dur1nt :which she was wounded while serving as a,; nurse, Miss Madeline F. Jaffray, daughter of J. 1?, Jaffray Canadian consular agent, who lives in Philadei- hia, arrived home on November 27. p She was wounded by a piece of shrap- nelgranite when a bomb dropped by a Ger- been dedicated man aviator split her left foot from in a eenletei`y in Item the' inste to the heel, to e p the lctrns of the explosion tivhioh ne 3 1t71ss Jaftl�ly has wounded on Jt Ger- occurred itt,'1910. 5 while near Furies France, early iii !here is very little sale of second the morning, as she was making her second- hand Y beer„, , s i London, asI . Y l , boys are louuus of the huts. where the wound- ed were being cared for. An English soldier who was writing a letter in one of the shelters was also wounded b'y anotherpiece of Shrapnel 2rorn the at e s p_. same bomb, Miss Jaffray was earnest in her praise of. the efficiency of the French earning so much money that they can afford to buy new ones. The Barnet and Finchley councils have protested against the inade lighting of railway carriages - when passing through tunnels. In one week last summer the chil- dren attending the schools in the Henwas rev district �� o surgeons and nurses. She- said it strict gathered ,240 pounds of a great privilege 'to be able to worn blackberries for the army and navy.she Y !with such splendid persons; and if . The London Society of Compositors was able to return she would surely do have asked their secretary, T. E. Nay- 1t would be iso, She did not think this lor, to be a candidate a the next Lon possible for at least one year, and, don County Connell election, she declared,with a ` sigh, perhaps IF€ Hammersmith Council has been , never. .Unless she completely recovers asked by the Local Government for feels h will cluc1.ens,; 1b., 20c; hens, 16: to 20c: sanction .r' r2 not use of her foot she she clucks,;, Spring, 20 to 22c; geese, 180, • to grant 1 00 to the Ham- 'not be able to return to France, as she HorAei'n Comb -7 xta nue; ie, oz, i mersraith Volunteer Regiment, says: "One must be able to do real 33 i0; 12 oz., $3; No. 2, $2.40 to $2.00, . The Holborn Borough.,, Council have Y Strained,' tuns. 23's and. 5 s, 19 to Sac work in i:liat cottntxy or one i$ in the 1 ,1 .c .gra tet perk. 1o's 183! n 1 an honor" , to 19c;; 6o's; 18 to 1s:re. g aliumbf 100 guineas , � ZV Ruins—Canadian, each to the town clerk and his deputy a} , A Moonlight Raid. for services to the local tribunal. g The Flintshire County. Council are "It was a fairly quiet night when 1 consider'n o•a 1` g the .,, making of a. .new i v s woui2deci, although weg expected rhyl to Groanant road at a cost of l action before morning. T ryas making 224,000 as an after -the -war scheme. my hourly `rounds,' and was returning Sir Albert Bosanquet has retired to my own but by' way of a covered from the office of Common'.assn eway. Foul bombs had fallen . Sergeant , .l g of theCity of' London, after seven- I that night in •a field just across from teen and a half years of service. the shelter, in which the nurses live,_ Two Laboa• party' candidates will and, consequently, I was an my guard, run for the Middlesborough electoral "Suddenly an airplane swooped down districts. 1 from a sky that was almost as bright London County Council's1 as claywith a beautiful moon. new hall3As 1 has been taken over far War Office heard the rush, I sprang forwarce` into purposes: the passageway. In doing so my Quarry (left foot! - � Y Bank, a mining township left:: the ground and renl'a_nz of Staffordshire , is threatened with a 1 ed beyond the entrance. At that mo - coal famine. 1 ment the bomb exploded and the The citizens of Bermondsey object shrapnel cut' directly through from middlings, object I myinstep to m the homeless. $4s to ”>5t1; ,nouiiLie: $55 to $5 . Hay— 'No. to church bells being rung as a warn my heel. Xurses and o per ton, c r lots, 4' ins p 1 I5 00 Ct of air raids. Ido carried me Five hundred tent g into the hut: Then s have been ere _ erect- rt i Policeman Y _ ed on the. Common a d th OCttlplecl 1)y tine trod 5 who have seconds., 'O c 1• 7' 1 award e at ow .street fora stop- fir o 1e renc n surgeons and nurses. from the trenches, the. Hien behind the Five minutes after the eh losion trenches or in the ;rear and the ma occurred the streets were filled with erces, o ; c; pails, 24 to 243e uraI,, e,s to t,onaon and the southeast J b g mase clteu way as -best ; The buticlmgs wmcll.:ive; e knot tie t ` s• - to 2 3c coast when' Zeppelins and enemy air- Itliey might to ihe' outskirts in order i stroyed by the explosion r' 'ere laid nz ontreal Markets 'planes bombed the Capital of the to get out of the range of what they: waste by the fire that followed. :iontreal, Dec. 1:1—oats—Canadian thought to be a German -raid. 'We;tern, No. 3, 9030; extra, No. 1 feed, Thousands Homeless - - 90?c; No: 2' local white, S5c; No:. 3, do:, T of. homeless. Ohe Academ r of Mus2.c an cl s,rong barkers', 510:96; strai•rht ion them with children clasped to their 3 1 ler s, hags; 33'; to s, $4 lli2; mi dlings; breasts. In their e es was n I many ether public buildmg•s have been $35 to $3. • shorts 54o to 54� ' Lai y < look of • thrown open to house ,rn,ti 2 reese — nest westrns, 2ii; do„ easterns, 4 Butter—Choicest r'- ggs—, res r, - -- --, __ ._.,��...... ........ ....�. ��„ � a,.n co sac: 39 ao �93c�, times of a terror-stricken mob of people; all covers about two square miles. C"'?'1'utrncl• tierces, : tubs _a, J tr *in to 1. I eo ?4?e rats 224?: 4, ,. Empire and the coastal towns, they .all know that they never met with such dire casualties ass befell the cit of Halifax on Thursday of last week. At nine o'clock on Thursday of last. week the city was enjoying its usual period of calm and the streets were crowded with people wending their way to week, little thinking of that which in a few minutes was to befall them. Suddenly, like a• bolt from the blue, there came an. explosion wP:roil orie enskof th city to the other glass fell; p p e v} er e lifted from the fid - e e injured. Women rushed in terror-stricken Thousands 4 c f lour Manrtoba Spning wheat mous through the streets many of persolns are renderer}; „Fl -ts, fu•gts; :511; do., seconds, $11:10; tau or as they st uggled m mobs through the 'streets with blood -stain- 5L40 rr • G. Beaumont was v, ciat,cu vtr and 1 'feet �''.raLe- ed faces and endeavored to get any- where n n ase will be Cieamcri 13 to was y 4S r 42t lea awarded £7 B f It tl French where from the falling masonry• and p ' �1 to 55cseleoted, 4i to 45c, No. 1 °ping a runaway horse. who.were constantly in attendance. •given up their l.arraclts to house the I stuclk, 4 o 'to 41e; 1Vo. Z, do., 38 to 3Nnc.f After two weeks I went to Paris and crumbling walls. homeless women and children. Dvessed hogs—Abattoir-lulled, $25 to I 111 currants and 'sultanas hound lis an Among the hundreds �vlio were1825.5o; do., country, 321 to 324,50, Pork for Gra ' kill Temporary hospitals and morgues --Heavy Canada short mess, barrels,' 35I Great Britain have been renuisl remained there until i sailed for "'this ed by.the explosion was one a 17 to 40 pieces, 352 to 3 "boned b L county on partied- have been opened in the. school houses t e $5 pieces,, stro>t e olcl'Rhondda, y November 15. I. will re- art sad cas � ;:.: _ _ . cut irat.l., bar z els, 45 to 55 races , ;� will ye of a. Canadian Gov'eln- 7.n the westernp pails, to tche les, ow has. now fivenerve whichz treatment: ul thts cit section of the city. The 3 p t, l tLrcl—C,ompoiuid. �,rb ie pants; 20 •horse -s', ment employee named tbsB I 1 net, -5 tGc ao., note, sl pants, butcheries, owing to the influx of Bel- after �vhzc_n I will vlslt-fr2encls ul Y MacDonald, 'doctors and nurses worked heroically 20 lbs net, 2j)'1 to 25c, Canada;,, ga er e 1Tz rendering aid to th i glans to that district. J who on rushing -to his home ft th HAIL DJ • S C MB -LINE British Slightly Advance Lines 'South -vest of La Vaczli.'ierie. A despatch .from London says: The British have sli •htI. g y advanced .their' line southwest of La Vacquerie, on the Cam.brai front,. it was announced of- ficially on Thursday. On Tuesday, night, the official state- ment says. the- British troops with drew to the southwest of Noyelles- sur-I'Escant and Bourton Wood, The withdrawal , it . , is added, was acconi- plished without the Germans appear,- ing to be aware of it until latyes- terday. Minor or 1n ostil e attacks s south of Bourton Wood' were repulsed with severe loss to the enemy. A3ZERIcAN RED '' - CROSS.. SENDS AID A despatch from '4 ash.ingtonsays: —Aid for the, stricken: city of Halifax .•was started" .forward. on Thursday night by the American Red Cross. On' the special al tl'aI P n sent' from Boston by the Governor of, Massachusetts were six experienced disaster relief. workers v,ith quantities-, of surgical. supplies, bedding and clothing., pP s' b, and a special Red Cross train from New York car - tied food, mattresses, blankets,sweat The Scotch Haig evidently[ crs, overcoats and Si lar 'e feels t ed States for g cluaz.iity of that he is fighting in his Aisne c 17 eat supplies and ~aztnnals from these fens are of pure f destructive 1 1a clothing for -women and children, try. • gun- every effort should b 1 Y Ic maria to see i Scottish breed and their importation place a much ��t•eater value upon their never got tier of s cold so quickly in , nett is root f ' tl , • 1-f • 1,:, innitie' Grain +:. Asked whether the, German airmen — ,,,...IA-iiinit,eg, Dec. 1.1 -Cash prices:— I CELLULOID COME r , could have known the huts attacked BIG HARBORS NEEDED. THREE MONTITS' TRIP TO =RCTIC oats—No, L (-1;-•, H&c" No. 3 C,Zv., S TO ITS O%�N. . were hospital shelters, Miss Taffz-ay WI•IEN GREAT WAR IS OVER.. ;tee extra No, a1 feed73e. fo e; No. 1 teed, {said they could not possibly miss the Expedition Will Leave Dawson Soon $1,25; No. 4, $1,20; rejectedeand fo.'ee Starch -Saving Necessitated b3 --el :large red cross painted on a white stn.` Flax --No. 1 .i.w.ct., - htr A despatch :From Loudon says: Ira,- To Get Mails.,,, •S.C. •, 3'_.93• S3.o4a; No. € ar Effects Change. • field on. the roof of every one, to say, disprocussed in `sea transportation was Is the world war going to bring the I nothing of the Red Cross flags flying • diseiissecl at the London Chamber of A despatch from Dawson ays: ` A United States Marketsl lzn-all parts ef. the hospital ra err Commerce, when Lord Dabernon em- Canadian. t.N.W:Id P, expedition is N.innea,nolis. Lzee. 1 celluloid collar into almost universal p ? .,, ation, formed here to leave Dawson t 1 Cot n io. 3 , use?- It would seem that"it is. The 1 ' da-- -- phasized the need of bigger ships of being yellow, 3195 to 32.' oats—No. 3.white,J great speed after the war. IIe sug- • about the first. of the year for the Arc- Son. to, $7i 0 rirour--unchanged. Bran fact that men ivho wear them are say -t TO CyJR�rI X RESOURCES gestedi itic' coast :Dututip. Dec, -r Iing' starch is no small matter not to the Government should star: t The panty will go directly, $3'.2:3;k: , ve 3.263;d De track., OI+ QN`. ARIO'£ "€ 1 ES ''S�'' to arrive, $3.205, December, ,mention laundry bilis. the provision of big harbors About ! across the Rocky Mountains through $3:23; asked; knelt•, $3,23; ; dull•, '"3,20 -- Seely Pass to Fort McPherson bid. i Celluloid collars to -day are worn by $0,000,000 -would, provide for yes -500 S J many arm oi'F.cers and by navalf Ade patch from Ottawa say. , The sels of 38 -foot draughts at practical- miles, all in the wilderness using dog 1 Y men g Commission of Conservation hopes 1 all the lea p teams. Corp, Richardson will have1 wive stocl> Frear cats 1 tvllo' are, or may be, far from lash- , o • _ 'Crprouto, :Dee. 11,-1Jxtra, choice heav • dries. Theseshiny,I _oon to undertake a, survey of the for charge, with three other- �. i i collars are not the officers and steers $.t1.on to $1.., rs''c aooa treats• brand which hay for est resources of Ontario similar to the Indian guides making' 5t0.75 to $1140; t,utchers' cattte, choice, a e been ridiculed § up the party. $t0.5o to $10.75; do., gong, $9,75 to 310; l years. Indeed theyare made"in investigations it has already -lade in At I o5 t McPherson they will meet a do:; medium, $s t:o $0.25; do.. mi ion r such British Columbia and Saskatchewan.TJ pat 37.75 to $5.25:, butchers' buds, choice; i attractive foam as to be hardly dis-'T rfragmentary patrol from Herschel Island, walell r ., « •Only the most fragmentar • data re- l S,.'cl to $,. b do.; good bulls, $71.64 to tinsulshable Fzom ' so called linen' 3 mails back tllet•e, ' after exchanging $8: do.: medium bolts, $7.10 to $7,35; i speet lig the f.oi e.its of Ontario are ` da. oixgh.bu s, $5.25 to $6.25; butch colIazs, hhich._axe made of muslin: Be- mails. The expedition -will reach I pts• `cows, choice. $3.76 to $9,25• do. sides theycan be washed now available, although there is a vast Dawson on the return tri •n iii klatch ood , 7.85 t:o 5 .25 ' ' r, sed with soap l t: r { r 3 n edrumamount o detailed 3r 6, a lac a71 inform .il ,I , on he and water when dirt ' C.Th e last �, -Y about , os ibl (o , 1. , s bit i t slot e 7 25to' • S. oy 71 i5 p itie Y advl $5 feeder g' res' "'a ' g ,,on n the' ere - tpossession of timbery ez ohne_.. ..ver - • G n r��' I c h l0 canners, and S1Y week ' Arctic eepeditiozi 'of Stefanssan and to So 60• -irels Hortclio ce• s39- to A3thatls'h celluloid his�lcll a 1 rent officers and railways, which Govern - others. $1;3u: do:, conn. and med., $75 to $30; g abed with could probably be sur _ae_ 1 Springers, 300 to 3130; light ewes, $12 !gun -cotton, 1t is not explosive. It• is p y secured. ed. The Com- a to 514, stzee..4t, heavy, $6 "to�$7,75; year-'rnissiolr is handitanned in undertal - I BAKERS MUST S•! TI; lin s, 5.12:25 to $13:25; lambs, $17 25 to I ilOt munition. Many stories are told 1 5t�; t 2 t t t r of celluloid Il tug such an investigation by the scar- city of competent foresters, Y ding harbors from Great Britain to, the furthest dolniilions. • The report of" ` the` Dominions Royal Commission just issued gives memoranda and tables as to harbors throughout the Empire. CEREAL FOOD IN PACKAGES. --- Food Ll f'i011tl'aller Announces -Change ill. Regulations. A despatch front Ottawa says: An- nouncementis made by the Food Con- troller that licenses would be, issued, permitting the manufacture and int- portation of: specific cereal foods in packages of less weight than twenty pounds, under certain', reg•aIations. Dealers, other than those manufactur- 111 ` 01' lm Ol't' I packages 11 g p g• package„ of cereals;: will be exempted from the provisions of the order -in -Council of October 19. .rust Like home. ca i s, good to choice, $1'3 to $15,25; i i( collar accidents. When WHEi'i FOR ALLIES' NEE:IJ,,hot;s,fed and watered, $1,,25 to $17_.50; ;lighted it does burn with a do„'elg,hed off ears, $17,50, to $17,75;' ._ well adver- A despatch'from Ottawa' says- iron„ 3 •25 `to $16,75, used sizzling sound, but not any faster a do., f.o.b., .1G W. J. I3anna, Food Controller,than paper, has 'CANADIAN ti'ADiAIwT SHEEP ARE PRIZE -WINNERS. School Boys , and Birds. rdS, gates the necessity of considerince b F A ties otch from Chicaro''sa s: The little .22 rifle in the hands of what means the consum ti 1 y p • a ' t 1 the boyis a serious p on of wheat Canadian shoe again came to the set ous menace to bird i n this ._ p I might t country ml�• ✓ t be reduced. He. front on' T,lttizscla r at the International life. Give a younglad one of these states in his message that owing to , Live Stock Exposition and carried miniature rifles, and he is atonce am - the distance of Europe from .Ac 'en /away , most of the honors in the South- bitious to test it out oil killingsome- tiina and , Australia g f y • -the allies will, be , down division. The sheep of Robert � thing' If” schoaI boys were.taught dependent during the next -three' or; McEwan, of• London, Ont., took the tlaelr dependents upon the work the four months ` , on Canada and the Unit- f mxtjolity of the prizes. Man ''''T the birds do to protect mans food' supply from insects they would sent message to the bakers' conven- tion in Toronto a in'g• u F ionthe li I Knob far Kettle Lid. the ,sae knobcome z ne oT the ' n., lid of a 'kettle a screw should be slipped through the hole with the head to the a 1 inside of the lid and a e•ork screwed on the protruding end. Dr. ' J. IS, Clark states that table salt highly °diluted with powdered sugar of milk is wonderfully remedial for catarrhal colds. Several of his patients who trier it declared they '4t VJ�Ll., `Al�Lt;lrlEl.L, IP IdSRe. ISN'T MN OLD co'R1}ET, ~ NON WI�a,T Do `IOt ifN4ov1 ABOUT `P"l4AT"• friends. tha.t that 1 ' : �' has tended oto hee the stock hi .h. .ea lack rien s: their lives. panoram.K, ,fin s� �c tt x ,yam. j dC'8.N%k� �y, ,i ii!'a '+sums {,,,� caoxrtcsvm�vsc^•nss�-•in ,ssluasi6]aaac •a•-r.-rs ucKcsrsv a..vm;axao c,%C•r..�,7..L� I• OP 'ReL$10,siafr:-: WHAT Fi�i,if�1D' — i 11-100 I4-' `fI14$ `IHI 4G RA3 BE lstl `d-11;C2tt"i 3ONG'A60 WELL -11`s l O1.D 1 tV a Jr Ri Il ti •