HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-13, Page 2oronado Beach, California
Near San Diego
HOt .i is equip') ti throughout with Automatic
inkier System. ,
Twenty -First Lesson -Milk
Milk may be called a perfect food,
containing as it does the five necessary
food elements required by the body to
maintain. life. It is the first food
Poi infants; it forms also a perfect
food for small children, the protein
being iii the form of casein, •which is
readily digested. The adult requires
additional food, owing to the activities.
Milk will not supply ' all the • needed
elements, The carbohydrates are in
the form of milk, sugar and fat; the
�. _mee fat is suspended in the milk in. the
Iforthem of tiny globules, thus. giving to
proportions: of fate in the milk vary
milk its ' clear, white`eglor, The
'CHAPTER XIII.-(Cont'd.)
And then, as Fenella, rigid with
astonishment, di'd nothing but stare
at hiin, wide-eyed, ' he went on in a
hurry. as though in answer to himself;
"Of course you cannot know. Flow
should you? I've'kept my secret too
1 -ell for that. I had meant to keep
R to the end,, but it will out.. , It has
been over long at: work.,,within me,
not for weeks, as. maybe you ale
thinking, and not for months either,
but for years, and many of them too.
I'm not sure that I renzernber the
time clearly when<it ryas, not at work.
Long before -1 had beard on my face,
and when you were no higher that
this, Miss Fenella;" and with a hand
visibly unsteady, he indicated a height
somewhere., ou a level with his waist,
"and when you wore your hair down'
your bash,, blowing free in the wind,
I would hide behind the palings to
see you pass; and when you had pass-
ed, it was to me as though the sun had
come and gone again. And on the
day when you came into our cottage'
beside' the minister it was just their
same to me a though the sky had open
ed and one of the angels come down
to visit us. Do you think the cottage
has even been the same place to me
again ?—and the hearthstone you have
sat at, and the cups and s"arcers you
have touched? If you do, then you
don't know what it is to have your
heart set in one place."
"And all this summer, Miss Fenella,
it has been a bit of heaven; I've got
to tell you this, even though by telling
it you'I am putting myself out of the
heaven. It was more than I ever
hoped for. For 1 have hoped for no-
thing, Miss Fenella, though at times,
quite lately, the foolish dreams would
come. It's foolishness, I know, but
I want you to tell me that it's foolish-
ness. That's why I had to speak.
To hear the word from your own lips
will make the wild thoughts lie still,
maybe. Tell me that a am mad, Miss
Fenella," he pleaded, with a new and
urgent agony in his voice; "tell me
that nothing can ever come of my lik-
ing for you,—that it's an impossible
"Of course -it's impossible—quite
impossible -1i declared' Fenella, her
tongue suddenly loosened, and instinc-
tively shrinking back a little against
the cottage wall, for Duncan, in his
urgency, had come a step nearer. "Of
course you are mad, -Duncan; to think
of such a thing—quite, quite mad!
Why, yon see it yourself."
At her shinking movement he stop-
ped short, as though only row aware
of his forward one. The incision of
her words --for sheaeiad , spoken . with
the vehemence of extreme agitation,
and with.a sharpness that was a lit-
tle too like disdain -seemed to have
produced their effect,
"Yes; I thought it would be so. I
did not hope for anything. That is
one question answered, but I want
another. It's impossible, I alio*
you; but I want to be told that what
makes it impossible for you is just
that I'm not the right man. I'm too
big, and to clumsy, and too unlearned
Famous tdoiel
Make a
B -Line
for the Wacker House (The House
of Plenty)' as soon as they arrive in
Toronto. The meals, the service '
and the home -like: appointments
constitute the magnet that draws
them there.
Poen Dinner GOo.
'Veiling Dimmer 7k.
Dbtontd's ItaMPu914otel
Mites Reasonable
Geo. Wright Br Ga'., Props;
». 11$. Ti✓1t+;a.H11,,,.41. yyla .'.A., , , lhee`
AND.... ,.
P i.�S
Tfi>~ £ui::S T WA ro Str,11.i` moNr
from: 2:8 to per cent. This variation
is due to age, condition aii.d feeding
of the cows.
`irhe-i milt taken directly ihor_. the
Cow is placed in suitable containers
and permitted to stand for a period of
time, the fat globules, which are light-
er than the writer of the mi'lke„will rise
tl u hts zny to the top and form n coating over the
fax you ever to thin your lug entire surface of the milk. this' is
tsra —that's it, is it not ' Tell me 'called r
Y, Fenella; don't tell me that cream. Cream is a. in methods
that, Miss Pe , palatable form of fat Modern methods
it's because I gain my bread with my now use a machine, for separating
hands, and because_1 don't wear Lon- cream by gravity from the milk• this
don' coats ,that you and it impossible, eliminates g y i
It will hurt me to hear that I am' not ng the it period of• time for
standing' to. permit cream : to rise' to
the right man, but it would hurt me
more to have to think badly of you. ".
"I' have told you that it is impos-
sible;that is enough! flashed out
Fenella, with a : return of that
he top of the vessel. The derivations
or by-products of milk are butter and
Creain is permitted and a cer-
haughtiness which had been for `so rain len th_of tirne.t i acid
of sight. "I doix't see what g o op an
long out „ ferment. The object o s is to give
right you have to question me: the butter'' a desirable flavor
"Maybe you don't, and maybe, too,and
I' forgetting m sta aroma, or this fermenty be added
you think thatm g Y to the cream in the fox lactic acid.'
tion in speaking as I do. But per The cream is then churned, the but -
haps, Miss Fenella, it's you who are ter -milk drained of? the butter
forgetting that our. stations are not worked with pure, col ter. alt
so far apart as it would seem from the ie added to the.t S
outside,nor our bloods so strange>to" butter preserve and
each oher. You don't like remem_ improve the flavor: Butter contains
berm perhaps, that our grandfathers about 83 per cent. fat a a valuable
were brothers,�and'that our fathers food Per enegy,
have worked at the same bit of slate- Sweet butter'is m from fresh
s and bored at the same hole, too cream and is usually s salted:, It
yes, d , �„ will not.. keep any 1 of time,
many a ctay. lout 'what's all that?
usually turning cheesy.
—and with a sweep of his arm he
to n
f this
le f
fon:: of
d water.
to pr
and is
ode f
old un
seemed to be putting some trifle aside . Cheese.
_"what's the statin got to say to a Cheese is made from milk by special
real fondness? I've not lead many process of fermenting milk with a
books in my life, and I've not lived lactic add 'ferment and then coajulat-
too many years in the world, and yet ed with rennet. This cheese when used
I'velearnt enough to know that when fresh is called cream and cottage
the heart is in it neither station nor i cheese.
money can be in it too. Do you think . Many other varieties are made by
it you ma e any diff t if special processes which, together with
you were a gipsy in the woods, instead
end Its Derivatives.
the location, caring and manner of
storing,; give many varieties.. Chaese
is a valuable food, containing a large
amount of protein inthe form: of
casein. It is a concentrated food,
and when properly combined rwith oth-
er foods furnishes an economic& nut-.
tip e diet.
The by-product of butter is butter-
milk, which is greatly esteemed in
Europe: Many of the foreign race
contend that the use of buttermilk'
prolongs life by neutralizing the bac-
teria of the intestines. " Buttermilk.
is also strained, the curd salted and
beaten with a wooden spoon, then
worked into a smooth mass:. This is
called buttermilk cheese and was
greatly esteemed by our grandmoth-
To Make Butter at Rome.
Collect left -over' portions ,of cream
in a clean bowl, Permit it to stand
for three or four day to turn, Nov
place one cupful of this cream in
one -quail Mason fruit jar. Add one
cupful of wa'rnn water, testing the
cream and water:.eith a thermometer.
It "should be sixty-five :degrees Fah-
renheit. Place rubber lid on jar.
Shake continuously for a few mom-
ents,and youaeeill feel the ,contents of
the jar become lumpy,
the buttermilk and place
theDrain off butter in a bowl of clear, cold wa-
ter. Add one-fourth teaspoonful -of
salt and work, changing the water hit
til it shows no, trace of milk. For
the butter in pats and place in re-
frigerator to cool, Care must be
taken not to scall the crearraby using
water that is too hot. A few drops
of carrot juice may be added to give
the butter a color: Grate a small car-
rot aiid place in cheese cloth and
wring to obtain the juice. This but-
ter may: be given, to small children or
to invalids. few
Let the"buttermilk stand , a
hours and dram off the water that has
risen to the top, Then place a piece
of cheese cloth in strainer, turn in the
buttermilk and let drain for two hours.
'Now place the curd hs a bowl and add:
One-fourth teaspoonful of salt,
Work well with wooden spoon to `a
smooth mass.
• One-half green or red pepper, chop-
ped very fine.
Mold into balls, and: place a piece
of nut on the top and serve on lettuce.
Sour milk may be used in place of
of the minister's daughter .. In one ! USING TIIE CHEAPE
of the books on the shelf in there,' Cheap cuts of meat—that is to say,
there is the story of the kin„ who the tougher or less choice cuts -can.
wedded the beggar maid. I've always be made acceptable to fastidious
wished you More good than to myself, 1
Miss Fenella, and yet I've caught my- pa_
by thorough and careful cool:
self wishing that I could see you in ing. Here are suggestions' that lend
and chicken may be'served at the
ar-e meal,a day to which' we' have
patriotically reduced our meat -eating.
Broiled Flank Steal:
1 flank steak,'salt, pepper, , 1 tea -
that you have it in you to"sell your spoonful„ butter. - Buy a flank steak
own. heart fax a fine income and a the size required for . your family
grand country house,—or to let your needs. • Ask the butcher to score it
family sell it for you. It's , not on. each side or, if you do this your -
much I'm asking for, surely -only self, use a sharp' knife and'score
that you should tell me that in saying diagonally' •across the meat, in lines
no to nee, and in saying. yes to—to' one ins`_ apart; turn meat ,and score
some other man, as no doubt you will
do some day, you are acting after -your in "opposite direction, making small
own warm heart, and not after any, diamonds. Score both- sides. The
cold calculation." -' scoring cuts across the tough fibres
With the last words there had come and makes the meat tender like sirloin.
into his voice a note of entreaty' which Heat a frying pan red hot, drop in the
could not beat down Fenella's indigna-
tion of a minute ago. In ill-conveal- scar the whole surface and then re
ed agitation, she looked at the man duce tl+.e heat and cool more slowly.
who was begging her to tell hint that Turn steal frequently to cook .evenly.
she felt nothing for hire, casting about
the while for some words which would A' flank steak will cook in ten to
twelve minutes. ' Season with' salt
and pepper, remove to a hot platter,
spread with butter and serve.
Round Steak in Casserole
1 round steak cut it/ inches thick,
rags, and myself in -a.- king's mantle,
just for the sake of being able to lift
yon on my horse. That's my way of
looking at the thing, Miss Fenella.;
to me it is the holiest thing in the
world;—and. that's why it would al-
most kill the soul within me to believe
variety to the ways in which beef, ham
not hurt him overmuch. She had not
found it yet when. Duncan turned im-
patiently,' for the garden gate had
clicked. A dark, delicate -looking
young woman with a, baby in her
arms and folloeved by a stalevart man
in smart but professional -looking 1 cupful flour, 1% teaspoonfuls salt,
gaiters, was entering. 1 pepper, 1 tablespoonful butter.
"It's Bessie," said Duncan, below Pound the flour, a little at a time,
his breath, in tones that were neither into both' sides of the steak, using a
franternal nor hospitable.
With a feeling of deliverance Fen-
ella rose quickly; and escaped in a
hurry which made her forget to take' spoon. Heat a frying pan and brown
leave of Adam, andeven to fetch her I the meat on both sides,' then put into
'.gloves, which she had left lying upon a baking pan. Rinse the frying pan
the deal table beside the scattered with boiling water so as to save all
flowers which greeted Duncan the,browned neat juice and pour this
when he re-entered the cottage; lis- wafer over the steak, using enough
ordered and already fading, they lay to come"up halfway. Add seasoning
beside the empty tea -cup, With a e
meat hammer for the purpose or a,.
potato masher or even a large heavy
and cover. Bake until tender.. This
is a very economical+dish and . there;
is no waste.
Baked Meat Hash
Medium white sauce, ; hot mashed
potato, left overs of meat. Put meat
through a food chopper, first remov-
ing all gritle and bone. Season high-
ly with salt and pepper: Butter an
earthenware- baking dish.. Add en-
ough medium white sauce to .the
ground meat to moisten and bind it to-
gether. Turn into the baking dish,
spread over in a layer, the hot well-
seasoned, mashed potato. Bake in' a
hot oven until brown.
Curried Brisket with Rice Border
2 Pounds brisket, 2 cupfuls onions
cut fine 2 teaspoonfuls salt, 2 table-
spoonfuls flour 2 teaspoonfuls curry
powder, 1 tablespoonful chopped'1 cel-
ery. Wipe the meat and cut into nar-
row strips. Sear both sides in a hot
frying pan, then put the meat into a
large -stew kettle and cover with boil-
ing water`. Brown the onions in the
pan where the meat was seared, add
them to the meat. Season and sini-
mer thyee hours ;or until tender. Mix
flour 'aid curry powder with a little
cold water, add to: the meat, add also
the celery cut fine. Boil ten to fif-.
teen minutes. When the celery is
tender, turn all on a platter, surround
with a border of rice and serve.
The quality of mercy' is not strain'd;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from
Upon the place beneath: it is twice
It blesseth hiin that gives and him
that takes;
`Tis mightiest in the mightiest.
,,, -Shakespeare.
Old tea and, fresh tea, poor tea and good
tea, all look alike. No wonder a woman
often gets a lot ,11k. tea, she, doesn't like..
Rod Rose.' Tea
the sealed p'acktx c; is
always fresh, always
good, always worth
the price on, the label.
.eat Good in the
Sealed, Package
Music A, Profession For The, Blind.
In the animal kingdom it is observed
that no creatures are favorites ; but a
certain compensation balances every
gift, and every defect. That is a
truth expounded' in his Essay on Com-
pensation m which Emerson puts it
down for a fact tliat;oxeverything
one has missed he has gained some-
thing else. When Nature cleprives,a.
person of the 'sense of sight;' it is an
immeasurable loss, yet that same Na-
ture, once thought cruel, .now, benefic-
ent, makes up the deficiency by an ex-
traordinary _endowment along some
.other line.
So often it is that finest of compen-
sations, the talent for music. There is
no doubt that music is one of the most
suitable professions for -the blind. In.
a Government report recently issued in
Britain on the welfare of the blind; it is
stated that therg are almost 1000—
947 to be exact -persons in the United
Kingdom thus afflicted who are fol-
lowing the professions of music, mak-
ing- . of musical instruments, piano
tuning, etc. There are at least one
hundred blind organists ` in Britain,
many of whom are chola masters as
well. It is expected that these num-
bers will he materially increased owing
to tliejfact that a greater amount of
attention is now being given to music
in the institutions for the blind.
The aforesaid report shows from an
investigation among several hundred
persons that 86 per cent. of the men
and 81 per cent; of the womenaro
known to have been'suceessfui in their
musical occupations. This report sug-
gests tlee desirability for a blind per-
son to" combine the 'position of
Organist,; 0r music teacher, or profes-
sional singer as the ,case may be with
that of pianoforte tunnrg,'so thee in
the event of a. falling off in lie Profes-
sional work he can•resortto the More
practical occupation, or the other way
around, as circumstances dictate.
«- -
Fertilizing .the soil increases farm
labor efficiency and adds greatly to
the farmer's net :income. The c::tra
yield, less than the :cost of the fertili-
zer,' is largely pure profit.
Pang at his heart he gathered them
together. Was this all that was to
remain to him of this summer's bliss?
Ile could not be sorry for the °im-
1 pulse on which he had to -day betrayed.
his secret. Without betraying it, it
would be impossible to get the as-
surance which he wanted, and of
inopportune vent a
which Bessie's d
not the
i It was
him. had deprived
thought of Fenella's indifference, but
that of her: possible egotism, which
pursued him,' and which he wanted set
at rest. His vanity. was scarcely
mortified by his rebuff. Of course
he was :not good enough for her; but
that was only because no man in the
world was good enough for her; not
becaue° a man with 11 Name and a
fortune was any worthier of her in his
eyes- than he v
as himself.
there was too much natural chivalry
in hila to let him name his rival; he
d i
knew that rival well, an in his heart
despised .him, undazzled, by the halo
of worthy glory, and proudly aware
of being the better man of the two.,
`°1'n, short, if I was to talk 'till to-
ilzorr:ow; I slxoUlcl never get you to
understand ` how absolutely stunning
she is, That sort of brownie green.
eyes; don't you know, the make -you
think of trout pools, and precious deep
ones too. And the color of her hair!
1• -Tow arri. Ito give you any idea of
that? The likest thing I can tank, of
is a bank of bracken in November',.
like that pheasant cover here beyond
the shrubbery, after it has had ' a
touch of frost, all reddish and go'ldish,
—but on a wet day, mind, when it
looks as though it had been newly
varnished. When,be' looking on it1 think that in two -
clays' time I shall
again, and, into those enchanting eyes,
I feel quite hot, and then again quite
shivery. Dont laugh at me Jack, --I
couldn't stand that; and whatever you
do, clon't tell me I'm throwing myself
ofhaving a
1 u5
the e
away. Y
lot of money and one's place in the
world all ready-made, it one can't
marry the woman one wants to? I'm
going to put my fate to , the touch
io ie -
I'm t
.fust clianc.�. I have.pretty 1.
ful, for she's been awfully nice to me,
Jack; but there are moments agaifi.
when it seems almost ,too good to be
The above extract, of one of Donald
Macgilvray's very rare epistolary ef-
forts, addressed to an intima'ee was
serving the purpose of a safety -valve,
a ^ letting off of a little of that so
tightly bottled -up seatimcnt which
had been.consaliring him' all suninier.
1 -loving penned the phrases in the
comfortable sanctuary of the Rock-
Spiel smoking -room, o>m, the unusual labor
solacedby pulls Froin a very superior
brand of cigar, the stricken youth,
leaning back in his well -padded chair,.
actually breathed more freely.
It _ was a quite unusual alacrity
that he made his preparations for de-
parture, and gave the final orders. He
was going hopefully, as he had told his
confident, Jack, and yet, in trepidation.
And over there, at.Ardloch, he was
being expected hopefullytoo, but like-
wise in trepidation.
The few days which elapsed between
the explanation with Duncan and Mr.
Macgilviay's ' return to Balladrochit
had been employed by Fenella in a
sort of generaltidying up of her
thoughts and sensations. The dis-
covery that for years past she .had
been the beacon -star of a man's life,
could not but impress her, despite the
of that man,or per-
e station .
f it. And yet—flat-
teredbecause o, z y
tered. varsity notwithstanding—the
dominating impression
oi remained a:
disagreeable one. For that, urgent
appeal of Duncan s, that vehement
condemnation of a course of action
which had hitherto appeared to her
both harmless and natural, had startl-
ed into life • some new consciousness.
Was it then really so ignoble, so de-
basing a thing to bestow the girt of
one's Band without the accompanying
gift or the heart? without "beiiig what
people called "in love"? ' Apparently
it was, since even an unciiltured man
like 1'litncan seemed 'to judge it.
(To be contiiiiicd,)
1"Is Cilia.•
,The business of being a ,man
has its, advantages these days as
'well as its responsibilities—especi-
ally if someone thinks enough
him, his needs and his wishes,
t a
t® choose for his Christmas
1 tte Safety.
Most men are practical. The welcome ,gift
is the use: at gift—the Gillette -that fits right into
man's, intimate ersonal life, makes things
am p
easier for him, and proves its quality by the way
it shaves.
At any good Hardware, Drug or Jewelry
More you can pick out a Gillette Set that will be
sure to give him lasting pleasure. H you have
any trouble getting what you want, write us and
we will see"that you are supplied.
Offaceaudiiactayo GilietteBuildiatg, IViontreal
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nosTo xaavz-0 THE iisxtl6}
W11ve t ; eew iMrrs, •
y I
onry uIrvinghctgo.
BY MiryRobertlin$1;5
o s rrxE'aia
bats successes.'NeYork Times 7 more„ amusing tan Snnar'u
WI= 7ELiIWE n13..35A� *re" Suit'
ray' VyilialAtolcRarff and, BdwiBalmer RP712Slialai3fS3kCn'AUS
A mystery of the ,Great Bakes, as
rnod5 if. not `better, than "The $lied
Walt e a. Wonder
ls3y Meredith Nicholson.
A C ristinae story :0f nil, stir-
,an'S 7ilyed." pairi eW andsicyrul nolidiiy spiritby'
kk hod•.
TUB* ui73:� � OB XIII, or Tixoeo Who e author• o>' "Tho Siurase of ii 7.
..a $
�� dies•,;
tt ' d (Jan
'SSL ya
c4ihan . -
8 voile,
8r. I!S _ a
Phis book reflects public felins in iE'CDSaYa'!� AVM Vail �?-.al�+��a•�s, �1�.�5
typical towns and country ...districts ley Zlxnln.a ct nowa.
telling effect how Cz radiorl 'Men an Astlsl
rnd o"
T?ol y.01 1o
f t,iryo Cla
-1tlgiout Canada,' and s0 9wit
V0 101rdoingtheir bit in thQ'war. tame,{Oread ;ti7 y,sQw;tory
The whole book is Strong and £cozies_+ by vie carne iutsar.
but always coinfortiing and healing, i, io xaot
'I!Efl leR-3RFJ - 1
'Tie 08.) TO 1t7D7aB?YR£i'i"�.i�711DItvin A3,y �'rocruxlolt ,firm &ra ilott
IEyIlleanor 15. Porter. h-iov, a charming heiress ti,ttomr,Vn �o
A ticlighi,ful love stdry, by the author. escape a hordo o2 suitors by a, x a
17avid. ' m-lago of. conveniel o,
JFin17k11Z fiVR
f1]:tiTPaFd. °eho ;lalitt?s T'it,lo of It .CEbxta(it�ki 3.rR7t"6i .W...... ;
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