HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-6, Page 8E `E:E AxIIIGi: ITE, TIIUItSIIAY' XE PER MARKETS Change: Each Wednesday Wheat 2.10 3,arle, 1.00 to 1.15; Family Flour 5,70; Law grade flout . _ .- ......,,» 3.25 Shorts ...,,. ,.. 42.00 Bran 36 00 re(tmery Better.... 48 ,Dairy Butter . •..42 tso 44 E4�Jn. 48 ,Turkeysalive e 20 dressed 25 (lees .i alive 14; dress;ed 17 Ducks ,.. alive 15, dressed 20 Hen ..: • alive 13; dressed 15 Chic,ke,i,,. alive 15; dressed 18 Lard 7.34 Potatoes per bag .. ... . 11.60 Hogs per 10.Oa to 12.00 Hay. . .oft,•. ... _. SOLDIE'RS' AID BAZAAR and Sale sof Work in the Tewn, Hall an Friday afternoon, Dec. 14th, Fancy and usefulariicles and home cooking, ammo Have your money ready for the Navy League Tag on Dec. 8th, Help t11g. Sailors who make it possible for air boys to ga .overseas in safety. The price sof jute and cotton has advanced very much. This makes sacks very expensive. When ypu want feed bria.g along your bags and we will be p.(eased to fill them. Harvey Bras. TOM 'MARKS COMING HERE. - Tom Marks writh his popular Drama- tic and Vaudeville company and High- land Band will appear In the Opera House;_ Exeter, one night only, Friday Dec. 14th, presenting the funniest comedy written, "Bringing Up Fath- er" and:;8 vaudeville acts and medleys t ' the. 'Hmghland,ers, : Tom Marks w iii gQ ." appear are the 'Hale oaf "Biggs" and Gracie Marks as "Maggie". Every- thing arefaiaed. Prices 35c. and 50c. ; Children 25c. HORSES WANTED ;seta "I want an. unlimited number of been t;tiiorses in good condition. Geldings 5 tweet, years old up, weighing from 1500 p: ` ?,: iigl unds 1ngv presom ¢ 1300om 4 pounds up.rs d Parties having the required stuff, vi rite. or phone 83, Exeter. G. J. DOW. Put an advertisement 3m the col- cunni of the Advocatte and gfet quick results. If you have for sale anything h the 'people want -;or want to buy 'anytlZ 'dant 'stamebody else may have for pale, to amall ad. in this paper will bring ,quick response. 'The household ' effects of the late James Beer will be ;sold by public auction on. Saturday, Dec. 8th. HOUSE TO RENT -Centrally lo- cated, Cheap to right party. Apply .• at this ,office. q �ti t dawn the high cost of living Order some Whitefish, Kipperenles, and Haddie at C. L Wilan's Grocery. Orders delivered promptly. *F' AP"WrIP' The Victory Loan was a great sue- LOCAL ue- LOC- .., DOTNGS. � e- �-l�r�:a�ra�wlll•aA.aAsalka�c�Ml The Red Curses committee of Exeter atckntowledges a donation of $2.00 flora Thos. G. Sanders. Dsjsl,an ;Court will be. (held in the Town Hall .this Thursday Maiming, and it Ws expected judge 1;,<N. Lewis will preside; The local Banks remained open' on Saturday last until 6 o'clock to re- ceive War Loan applications, that be- ing the last clay. United 'States expe ets to have no, less than 3,000,000 men under arms by the end of 1918.Later on it will number 5,000,000. Sixty-six Ocidfelllow*s in a body at- tended the Evangelistic Services .on Thursday evening last, when a 'bro- ther Oddfelliow, Rev. Johnston, cleliv-' eyed an able sermon. , Judge L. Ht Dickson, Senior Judge of the County of Huron, will hear the appeals in Huron from the decis- %,ons, of the Military Service Tribunals. He ,received"notiifica oaa last week.: The remains of the late Mrs. A. E. Andrew arrived 'here from the west on Thursday accompanied by Mr. Andrew and tfarnily, and the funeral, which was largely attended, .took place on Friday afte.rntoon to. Exeter ceme-, tery The marriage Itcok place at the home of the bride's parents, Queen's Ave., London, ,of Gladys, eldest daughter of Mr. W. N. Manning, form- erly of Exeter, to Captain E. B. Ne1les adjutant of the lst ,Depot 13attalinn w'lio was invalided home about a year ago. w•: -.OR SALE -Brick house with two loots and barn. Apply Mrs. F. Lane, William Street. FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Apply to Mrs. William Hawkshaw, —0— C. W. ROBINSON ,Agent. has five Cockshutt Riding, .Plows that he will sell. at last year's price. Farmers can save $15 by buy- ing ,now. Come and getea.plow be- ore they are all -gone. ces • The hooks closed on Satyr.- day aty .;day night One. hundred and fifty million dollars were asked far, and this sum was nearly trebled- $408,- 475,400 being 1314tbscnibed to the Loan by 707,113 clontnibutlars• Huron sub- scribed, about :two and a half million and Exeter and 'Usbornte $260,000. The Soldier;' Aid Society acknow- ledge the Ifollawing, Musicale $41,25, two, friends $2,00, Membership 75c.; e�t na 69 3 r o c, ar collections 5 8 f Nov rnb i p. 1 $ sacks donated by Miss A Daw. We thank the people far their splendid donations of fruit, etc. Three barrels containing 174 quarts were sent .to London The women, who will vote at the approaching election held an organiz- ation meeting in the ,Public Library on Monday evening, and cl ,cided to invite a lady speaker to address them -Wednesday, Ev'g„ Dec. 12. Officers were elected and adjournment was made to Friday afternoon. of this week alt 4 o'clock in .the, Library;. All the Unionist wonrem voters and" friends are 'requested ,'tlo be (present. The entertainment given in the Schaal Hall of the Trivitt n'Iemorial Church on Mohclay evening was a most enjoyable affair. , Mr. Eddie, Principal al the Public School,' was present and gave a very interesting and " instructive "flecture on Canada, illustrating it ,with lantern views, which were 'very 'beautiful,especially the Rocky Mountains,. During the course of the lecture the (gold and silver pins were presented tlo „the Sunday School pupils for regular ;attendance. A silver collection was taken up which amounted to $5.50. TheAnnual Bazaar o (the :Ladies' I WOMEN SPEAKERS ON UNION, -In the. Town Hall, Exeter, an. Wed - Guild a£ Trivitt ,Mem,orial church, in l nesday evening, Dec. 12th, at 8 p.m. the School Hall on Friday afternoon a Unionist political meeting will be held and addressed by the ,iollocving -Mrs. G. G. S. Lindsay, for several years President of the Women's Lib- eral Club, Toronto,' Mr Lindsay, who is a gxands,on of William,Lyofn Man- kenzie, was .recently selected. President of the Liberal Win-fthfe-War : Conven- tion. ,\lies Margaret ,Coyne, B. A., «ill also ,speak. Miss Coyne conies front a well-'knlpwt, and prominent Liberal family of St. Thomas. Mrs. Thos. Boyle visited in"London• this week:• and evening was largely attended and the handiwork of- the •ladies was eag- erly soug;ht and the :entire •productio,n was disposed: c•f. Light refreshments were served during the aftle,rno[oln, and in the, eveneng an illustrated ad- dress was given by Rev. Trumper fon "The Life and Scenery o1 Japan. It proved interesting and entertain'ang. The proceeds amounted t•o about $85. ALLOWANCE INCREASED, -The separa-tion allowance to tv*rives nt sal- diers below the rank ,af sergeant has been increased by the Union ,Govern- ment ,from $20 to $$25 per month. $-o-x- BOUGHT FARM. --Mr John Cald- well, jr. has purchased the 100 -acre farm of Postmaster" W. J, Russell, be -l- ing Lot 4, Con. 1 , Hay, for $7,000. He will take possession immediately. Mr Caldwell farmed in the west for sev- eral years, and during the last year has been similarly engaged near. Hen- sall. NOTICE Electoral District of South Huron, To Wit - Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Dominion Election. Act, that Thomas McMillan, a candidate, at 'N;Ehe election now pending, has the e otlzted 1-L Joseph nchley, of ,l Town of Seafnrth, as his Official Agent in connection with said election Dated at Clinton this 19th day af. November, 1917. Robert Wilson, Returning Officer 14, NOTICE lectaral Li'trict of South Huron, To Wit- Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Dominion Election Act, that Jonathan. J. Merner, a candidate at the•election now pending, has ap- navateJ Herbert 'K. Eilber, of the at . Stephein, as 1133 Official "Via connection with saidelec election at ClintonG13vtan this 19th da, ¢ger, 1917. Robert Wilson, Returning Officer ESTRAY HEIFER strayed unto the premises of the to dersig:rned a yearling, heifer. Ovv41- t.a0 have same by proving the property paying (far pasture and for adv rfts3,:,g• R.R. Peter Farrell, , Grand Bend, A. HASTJINGS Agent for anada Life Assurance Company Fire and Accident insurance, ey to loan an Farm Property EXETER, ONT. -x--o-x- SEVERELY CRUSHED. -Mr. .Cli:f- Cord Hill, son of \Sr. William Hill of Stephen, ,narrowly escaped being crushed to .death on Friday last. He was threshing on the premises of Mr. Chas 'Kerslake, London Road South, and while attempting to change the position of the machine Mr. Hill was caught .between the traction, engine and, the 'separator with the result that be was no badly crushed that he was rendered unconscious for twelve hours and it was thought his iajur- ie''s might prove fatal. Besdies the crushing of tlae abdomen his legs were 'considerably burned, owing to their having come in contact with the firebox. He is now, however, resting easily but it will be sometime before 3i0 wilt Tse abbe to resume) his duties. FUNERAL OF DAVID MILL. -On Friday afternoon last the funeral took place to the Exeter cemetery of Mr. David Mill, at the age of 83 years and 9 tnionth,s. The late Mr. Mill died. on Wednesday at the home of his son- in -saw Mr. J. J. Knight, with whom he had been residing for the .past flee years His wife died five weeks agct Barn mn Oldsworthy, Devonshire, Eng. he; came to this country when nine year of age, settling at Westminster, near London. Later he moved to Fullartan, and there in 1865 he: mar- riel Miss Elizabeth Hansosi. After farming for several years lie moved to Exeter 1887. He : was for 'some years president of the Salt Wier hs Company of Exeter, and took an act - interest ,in everything that had for its object the bettering of the mint- tc pa'_=ty On which ' he. lived. Ile was eery highly .respected. In politics he was a Strong Conservative, and in re- ligion are Anglican, being a member of Trivitt Memorial church, • and isn ibis church a funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. T.rumper, previous to interment, The late Me. Mill is sur- vived flay sone daughter, Mrs. J. J,. Knight ,of Guelph. rENCY FOR THE WATKINV'S rj-Tag via taken over the Wa:t- r, ency from Mr. J, E, Gould of I zz e sail I am prepared to do business siness with all thetis t omens old. c and others who have not previously used the p-oducts I will be pleased to interest also, A full line now in stock" Goads can be procured at e.,ud s erste at any time. A fuel lune of irtatnents Cough Remedies. Spices d (extract ,, Toilet Articles always a otriptly at n hand, panne ander promptly to. Phone 43 Exeter w7:N1 ANDREW, lust Silesrnar, Exeter, 'Oat, Mr. C. H. McAvay spent a few days in Taranto this week. Mr, W. D. Sanders attended the Winter Fair at Guelph, this week. Misses Vera Sweet and Miss Vera Marshall spent Friday in London. A WONDERFUL NEWSPAPER '11h,e Family Herald- & Weekly Star ,at Montreal, is a most unique paper and very papular, in every Name in Canada. It is ,surprising vvhat great value too the reader is: aonitaifaed in every issue. Few homes are without it and they are the ,loners in not having .it, The isubscrip4on price is $1.25 a year, and includes a colored war snap at ,the fighting, area, in Eu - nope. h 3a n. splendid map and o1 great assistance to uaderstancl the war. We understand themapoiler is shortly ,to be withdrawn,' The 'ear's subscription and war map are cer- tainly* big'value at :$1,25. The New ON' JA.NUUAR Y 1st THE NEW, EDISON "the phkoalcigraph with ...,: a soul;" will sell at an in>dfep.sed price. You vvtill of course want to buy yours before January 1st. On account. of, the freight congestion, and the pas- sibility of freight embattgoes, we ad- vise you to buy now, while our stock is complete `Bhere will ,be no iccreaSe in the price ,of Edison ReJCre tfiolns and it there •."it,ntr ci he a freight etiibur gni, tit ey ran be ship'pre:cl d''.rom the Edison y Labotrito`ites i}y ccpttcss. J. "II,LIS POWELL:, Agent,, •'Iscxetl s. Mr. Charles Knight of ,St:. Thomas visited in 'town. Monday : with friends Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett are vis- itin<' in Stratford for a week or twa. Reeve B. W. F. Beavers left Tues- day for Goderich to attend County Council. Mr's, L• 1-I Dickson'agd Miss Dally' of Gaderieh yisited this week with relatives 3n town. 'Mr and Mrs French of Victoria, B. C.. visited this week ,with, Mr. and Mrs E A, Follick• Mrs. Jlohn Snell left last Friday 4or Windsor to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Snaith.: It Mrs.,rHastings,. Mist, Fitton and Miss Essery .were in Clinton: Saturday atteodinr a War Contingent meeting. Capt S. R. D. Hewitt, who has been in England on duty 3n the, medical service, arrived. home Tuesday night. Miss Stella Getllies, who has been at- tending Business College at Chatham, has returned.,.li'am;e, being on the sick list_ Mr. and ' Mts. Ernest , Flynn. wh a have been conducting the hotel. at Staffs Lar three years, an Saturday moved to London, where they intend making their ,future home. Mr. N. D. Hurdon, after spending the summer with his san George'at Port Franks has returned to town far the winter:\ Main,y of Mr. Hur don's old friends are thankin'g him for the' gift of a fine duck, that drop- ped to "the captain's" p,rawiess with ,th,e gun. Mr. and Mrs. J`. V. Matson of Mt. •I3rydges visited friends here an Sat""= urdayJ Having recently • sold their fare p.toperty near Whalen • and also their village property at Mt. Brydges, they are this week m;aving to Wind- sor where they will make their fu- ture home. • S. HURON ENUMERATORS The ',allowing is the fist of ,enumer- attars ,far South Huron as appointed by Robert Wilson, returning officer, to make up the a ate,rs' list,-' Seafiarth-1, Alex, Wilson, 2, M. Broderick; 3, J. T. tSn;oa den, 4, Wm. Hartry; 5, ,L.' Cr. Jacks,o•a. " Bayfield -G. E. Greenslade. Hein;sall-Rioberf Iliggins. Stanley -No. 1, 1 emwiek Stewart; 2 Alex. Mcl3eth.; 3, Rohit. Richarclslon; 4, Jas. Stephenson; 5, W. H. Talbot;.: Hays No. 1, ,Milton Russell; 2; Ro- he,rt Brownlee, 3, ; 4, Henry Hawrald; 5, W. h1. Pfile, 6, Ed- mund Willert; 7, R. J. Green,; 8, Robt. Turnbull. IClinuotn-No. 1, W,S.R. .Hohnes ; • 2, R. B, Carter; 3, G. A Bradshaw; 4 Peter Can tele n• Exeter -Na. I, Et. Treble; 2, Joseph Davis; 3, Well .Johns;'. 4, M. Amy. Tuck ersmith--No. 1, Geoc .Holman ; 2, W, C, 'Govenlipck; 3, G La,ytoa; 4, John Moffatt; 5, Matthew Clark, 6, Andrew Archibald Usborne -No, 1., Richard Coates, 2 Dan Dew; 3, 1-Iugih Berry; 4, 'Phonies' 1-lunkhn Stephen -No. 1, Wm . An,clersaa; '2 W. 1) Sanders; 3 Tli,as• . Trevethick, 4 Mathew England, 5, D. Tdavvlri¢tney; 6, Edward Kraft; 7, D. Webb; 8, W. 5; Brown; 9, Stephen Webb. Ga,iurich Tp.-Iva,. 1; ' I --I. L. Salleeld, 2, T. M Johnston; 3, John, Cax; 4, Gea, E1li'ott; 5, F. G. Lobb; 6, Adam Cant el t (-Hubert-N•a. 1, 7 B. Hail; 2, Nes Beacom; 3, John Noble; 4, 5..;Latins- berry; is,'Id-os. E. illason; 6, John C7rant4Cr; 7, Win, Patterson. Mc fillop---Bats, ::1, Frank McQuade; n„obi, t. Boyd;: 3, .Calvin Ili;llen, 4, ',lobe _, tittett DEG, C, 1B 7' JONES & PRONE NO 4�"r :HRISTMAS SHO PING Only 16 Days Left For Shopping. -WE ARE FILLED UP TO OVERFLOWING WITH THE GOOD THINGS FORXMAS. GIVING. 'EVERYTHING USEFUL. For Ladies & Girls For Men & Boys HANDKERCHIEFS 100 Dozen of pretty handlk er-' chiefs far 5c., 10c,, 12j c., 15c„ 20c 25c. and 59c GLOVES & HOSE Every kind we can, get and a big variety to choose from. XMAS WAISTS Swell Neaif Silk. and Georgette Crepe. Wash Silk and y;oilfe Waists*. All the new shades Otto, show you. ' XMAS. FURS Beautiful Furs 3n Black, Red for GGney Fox Wolf, Lynx, Bear, Sable Marmot Musk Rat and Persian Lamb. A 'swell present JAPANESE BAS'KE'TS All kinds' Colors and Shapes. A nice Cbiristmas gift. 10 cents up to :$2.50 each. GLOVES AND MITS All kinds in Maciha Kid, Wtoral and Yarn -A ,gland :.handy gilft. CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR The best assfar'tinept, of Neck- wear are have ever shown. Every kind you can, think ',of -25c., 50c, and 75c. SCARFS, HATS AND CAPS No end al a variety in these lines • Nice, New and 'Nifty is the best ward for them. WINTER CLOTHING. A nice Suit or Overcoat would do splendid; We (.nave same real smart cloths ;fdr Men, Youths and Bays. Prices very ,moderate. BOXED XMAS SETS Suspenders, Arm Bands and Gar- ters'. Handkerchiefs of all kinds. Christmas Novelties' BOUDOIR CAPS HAND BAGS KNITTING BAGS FANCY LINENS COLORED LINENS CUSHION TOPS LAUNDRY BAGS FANCY; PINS FANCY BROOCHES DOYLIES CENTRE PIECES RUNNERS SLIPPER HOLDERS SILK CAMISALES SWEATER COATS TOQUE SCARF SET COLORED TOQUES WOOL SCARFS SILK SCARFS BABY BLANKETS SHOP EARLY AND AVOID WORRY. JONES l MAY tie_t the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing • A .very pleasant evening was spent 'at the ,home of Mr. Willard, Land* (Road on Friday evening Nov '23rd' when the members of *the Logic Cir- cle of 'the Presbyterian church gath- ered'in honor of Miss Jessie McCul- loch ;who was leaving for ,Winnipeg an the Hollowing Tuesday. A very TAILORED TO ORDER hat (feature of the evening's Gen- Ude1 h7JL.1. ' Poif ,, WILL BE FAR MORE. BECOMING tertainment was a "miscellaneous shower'.' given 'to the departing guest by the members aa' the Circle, Miss m: a h _ _ d` m t her -res s McCullough !by y Y p' Y - Y Cost More - Ln has � � ewFall Suit Furniture and and whole hearted helpfu ess R. N. RO endeared herself to all and her fin•ends, � • �m , •, . .. . We have a large, slumber of New Fall Suits and ,Oveircboatinigs that wait your. arrival -a wide assortment of could not see her depart without showing in some way their esteem 'and affection, The best (wishes of friends {and acquaintances go :with Fashion's Chosen colors, -soft hand Mies ,1 ,coletloc$' to 'her new; home in the ;west, I i 1 t i , it 1 t some Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades. A Woman s Burdens are lightened when she turns to the right Medicine. If: her existence is made gloomy by the chronic weaknesses, deli- cate derangements, and painful disorders that afflict )womankind she will find relief and emancipation from her troubles in , Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If she's overworked, nervous, or ''run- down,' she finds new ,life ,and strength. It's a powerful, invigorating tonic and nervine' which was discovered and used by an eminent physieianlor many years, in his large . medical practice among women. For young girls just entering womanhood; for women. in middle life, hhe "favorite Prescription” is the only medicine put up without alcohol, and cath be hacl in tablet as -well as liquid form., `It's not a secret prescription for its in g,redients are printed on wrapper. Send 100 for trial package to Dr• V. M. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Surgical Institute, Btif- Palo, 24.'Y., or branch in I3ridgeburg, Ont. Hamilton Ont • ''When passing through middle life, as' in most cases of this kind, I began to fail in health. I had severe pains in my head, dizzy spells, My baelc ached and 1.. had pains in niy side.. I became very speak and nervous. I toolc medicine wvithout getting relief until 1 ttolc 'Dr Pierce's Favorite Pre- seription and this medicine built me up in health and strength and I. came through this critieal ,period its a good healthy state. 'VVornen will find .lir_ Pierre's i1'avorite Prescription very helpful day- .: nr- this trying tixne.','�cs;" sugar, salt C .pts,' 106 Robins ,Ayre OUR ASSORTMENT OF. Ladies' Suitings i.s the Finest we. have; ever had. The studied, exactness in measuring aid becoming designing of ,our Tailared to -Order Clothes produces a com- pleteness of tfitting and a pleasing- ness of appearance that a ready-made can never hope, to equal. No Lady knows haw well she can, appear•-in,.a- Suit or Coatuntil she has one cut to measure. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite, the Central hotel, TiHE FUNERAL" "DIREGTOR AND FUR3v11'a'UR3 EtEALER Tea & offee Store For - the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- %b,).nghithe ce °. -_ li 's. Call and see urs, trial as to quality will. convin- ce. Prodll e taken . ,n exeban Jas. Got Next The Mettopblitan l ,trikal ,f it ty BOOTS AND BOOTS FOR LADIES 3n black browrui ncl grey; apoctl. hCels SMART rf he - f Jd st e . e assn in s part sheens:. They arc. t.hc': very essence to igal yl.. P nice Trani 'S,OO .00 ar.r. fr�bn 4.50 to 7.00 a BOOTS: it) bi,g to �,a.rX10iety ;�api sty les; priced 1 S , $ palr "�2EN BOYS' aid: CTRLS SIOE5-- e have what yotwan t and at the' sight price. range .off shades. LAIJIl�S SPA'T'S ;in a big g SUITS AND ,OVERCOATS. CAP;, v lS, GLOVES,' SWEATERS, .BiACES :I S, ETC. t�nn fat,: eaver