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The Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-6, Page 7
You Can Do Your Bit in preventing waste by de- manding the whole wheat in breakfast foods and bread. Sin -added 'Wheat Biscuit is 100 per cent. whole wheat grain prepared in a digestible form—contains more real nu- piment than meat or eggs or 'potato6s and costs'niuch, less. `Serve with milk or cream, sliced peaches,' bananas or other fruits. Made in Canada. A WAR WITHOUT ILLUSIONS.. As Seen By a Young American of Field Service. To most of the young soldiers are fighting in -France war has no lusions, but they are none the less termined to see it through. One s an assistant chief of his section the Anter'can` z Field Service Svr' thrts to a friend in itis hometown: had thought of war as an impr sive, triumphal onrush of cavalry;; had as`s'ociated with war ,the flare trumpets, tete roll.of edrums, the len ting of socks and sweaters, the si ing of the national anthems a the steady tramp of feet to the t of 'Tipperary.' - "But this war is -the most stupei ous, grime. hard-headed business' p position that the world has witness The partners go about the busine heralded by no trumpets, with' but 1 tle music in their Hearts, but with determination that success shall cro their efforts. This is the least oste tatious of businesses; it is a gre war, in' which the prime factors money, men and transportation, the cardinal conditions of success patience and stern determination. Th is a war of drab, of dirty gray smut wholly unlike the old wars, of go tinsel and blood red. ``And yet the blood red tint is very element erith which my wo must reckon. instead of the care huge gttns, the march of reinforc ments or the _observation of enem ham the air, my workr with the bloo"y freight of the trench after the `stack, with the wouride - -anti threeal see these men going u n, teens lines of tr..ucks silent, thoughtful men, fuli`.of"c�ete mination; I see them. in. their trenche seemingly listless, fatalistic in thei attitude; but 'I work with them shor ly afterward when they are brough into the little underground `poste se cours' on'stretchers, borne by bran cardiers, where their wounds ar dressed and where they are loaded int our ambulances, to be sent back a mil or two, either to be patched up` for fur ther use or to expire Tinder the kindl benediction of their Mother Church And through i t all there g goes tela grim set jaw and fighting determine tion vrhich meant for' Fiance the su perb victories of ;the Marne and Ver dti u. With never a v groan where th roads are rough or when shells mak travel impossible, but always a fain smile., of` gratitude at the end of th painful journey -and often a han clasp—these men are worthy to b piasters -of others because so splendid ly masters of themselves."' PERPETUAL MOTION. Most Unceasingly Active Member of Body is the Tongue. She's discovered the secret .of per- petual motion," I heard one man say to another the other day. "Her tongue's never still!" He Iaughed as he said it; but his remark was one of those true words Spoken in jest. But women -are not alone in the pos- session of an ever -wagging tongue;, men are equally' guilty. Nobody's tongue is still for a moment.' It is the rnosteunefeleStue -a e.,�sm 1 l e e.oe'`tree Tody, the who il- cle- N in rtes es- I of it-, ng- nd une ed- ro- ed. ss it the wn n- at are and are is ld the rk of e- my is es d e s, r t - t e o. e` Y . t e e t e cl e It moves when one speaks, it moves when one eats, it moves when one swallows saliya.. When eating it is. -constantly . feeling R about the mouth, anddecidingi which particles of food p "e small enough to be swallowed, and hich are not., The tongue has' a sense pf touch 'eh is wonderful in its sensitiveness, a. think of'our finger-tips : as our most snsit'ive organs of feeling, but they ar 3., badly .,outclassed by the end of the t i gue. 0,1,••41, 8gtbaleate ,1 �) �+ I am iI Ole Blood 'Fifteen to thirty drops Extract oft•. Roots, i ammo fy ,, caftead- ll a he�' frclgel erda'e ve Syrup, anaay Cts ta'sea ,i<a Water with meals rail tit bea'1`clrltc, for 1 kl a stere, of iiitligeeijett,.cotaati» patios and bad Malooti, Persist; 0000 100 this trreaatinont will effect; a cure' in nearly' eY rj+ easel' .�'aot the genuine tat druggists, ,1 p^a, ar para �^�a.el��19�iEa'g,0t THE 'BOYS' ROOM. BY Letiise Morey Bowman - The sunshine was spattering oyer the floor' In a frolic of golden rain, And the little green leaves were whis- pering And tapping outside the pane. Thele were their college banners and books; And, hung on the plain gray wall, Sir Galahad,' shining and tall, Waiting there for his vision, In the dream -filled days of yore. But now they have seen a vision And shall they come back no more? Through the open door I heard the step of the brave little brown -eyed mother, And though she smiled on the thresh- old, I'n her eyes the big tears gleamed. "I've been such a happy woman! We've always dreamed That little grandchildren might come some day, And get out the old toys, and romp and play Just as they used to. lent now, you know, There is something far greater than ,that, and, oh, Sometimes one almost grows afraid to dream! "Fred writes, 'You taught us to "Fol- low the glean", With gay old Galahad there on our wall. Cheer up, mother, all'. Think. of Fred—our that. Well, We must go down There's the bell.' This life's not joker—writing to lunch, dear. • And so we silently closed the door, And left the room as it was before, With the sunshine spattering over the floor In a frolic of golden rain, And the little green leaves a -whisper- ing And tapping outside the pane. But now when we talk of the war, I see, . Above -the horrible, death -filled 'gloom That rises before me, "the.boy's old room"- • - A vision whose beauty shall never pale; A temple that still guards the Hol' Y Grail. --From The Canadian Magazine for November: SERIOUS ILLNESS AVOIDED Many a serious illness has been avoided by the prompt use of Dr. Wil- ,looking as this one. McCall Pattern hams' - Designs Yon Will Like TOE a&IAPrIEST LU'E. Is, Found in Adaptation to Existing' Conditions. Success and happiness depend upon the way in whieh we adapt ourselves to the realities of objective life. If we fight against change—and change we. must meet at every turn and in every department of life --we soon' become, exhausted, wear ourselves out "" and sink back into ourselves -into the sub- conscious ---and fail and grow old be- fore our time. If we cling to past experiences, re- fuse to live in the present, let our faith die when disappointments come, the results are the same. The life forces ebb and we sink into the great sea of the unconscious and are on the road to being submerged. Desire, will, concentration, purpose, faith -these can be applied to keep. up living in the present, to keep our en thuejasm active and our creativeness expressing. THE ONLY EDICINE�", FOR LITTLE ONES The small lad welt enjoy wearing -- Mrs. H. Blanche, St. Pamphile, Que, writes:. ---"I have obtained great re- sults front the use of ' Baby's- Own. Tablets. They are the' only medicine I know of that one can -'depend upon" to promptly cure bowel and stomach troubles," The Tablets never fail to relieve the little one and besides the mother has the guarantee of a govern- ment analyst that t e la. areabsolutely , Y safe. They are slid by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25" cents a box' from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. this good-looking little suit. McCall Pattern No, 8086, Boy's Sint. -Pat- tern in'3 sizes; 2 to 6 years. Price, 15' cents. Q Maestri New designs for house dresses are always appreciated if they are as good g Pills, ms Pink _ills, These pills actually No 8069 Ladies' DANCING OSTRICHES' A Strange Sight on the Sandy Plains of Southern Africa. i One` of the oddest sights', on the sandy stretches of plain in southern t Africa is a party of waltzing ostriches. b A writer on the subject thus de- s scribes their queer antics;: "When s there are a number of them they,will E dIt Eil cOMPA{ tt li wlNu�o7ORONTO,Q TRp'4 MPh?let�I� Has been Gaarnacda's favorite yeast for civ qw rter of a conturv. reread bakb<i with ,06Yell Yeast wild keep frosts and veolst longer than: that ii mde with stay other, 60 that.,a',fuid wi e¢t's eudaply Oates easily be mat° :it une baklnt,,'and the iaeY.r !leaf Will bo just me good az the tlrot., Mane IN CANADA ENV GILLETT COMPANY. L iM1TED 'K/aNt- poo Tol2ONTo, ONT. reoeerl A' Camae eo. The wise forget, dear heart; They leave the pant And play the hero's part, „ Brave to the last. They weep not nor regret, Cahn are their' eyes. Dear heart, the wise forget -- I am not wisel- -Jeannette Bliss Gillespy. minaret's Liniment Cures Distemper.. What Ile Needs. "Papa," said Tommy, "little brother is a• month old to -morrow, isn't he ?' "Yes." "Let's 'you and me_ give him a birth- day present." "Very well What shall it be ?" "`Let's buy him a wig. He needs that rnore'n anything." MONEY QN Y O[�DE RS. When ordering goods by mail, send a Dominion Express Money Orcler. Marriage and Talk. It is only when people are different that they have a great deal to say. Vherr 'they are alike they are satis- fied just to be in each other's company. As married folk gradually exchange leas and reconcile their differences their conversation is apt to give way o a contented and sparing use of ver- al shorthand. A marriage of long; tending that` is still noisy with con- tant talk is not one to be envied. It . argues an irrepressible conflict. start off, and, running. a few hundred yards, will stop and, with raised wings will whirl' rapidly round -till they are stupefied, or perhaps break a leg. "The males pose also before fight- se ing. They kneel on their ankles, opening their wings, and balancing themselves alternately forward "and backward, or to one side or the other,: while the neck is stretched on a level with the back and the head,, strikes the sides, now ori the right, now on -the left, -while the `feathers • are bristling. The• bird appears at this time so ab- sorbed in its occupation as to forget all that is going on around him, and enrich and .purify the bleed, and in ...wee Dress. Pat- can be approached and caught sounds much like an effort to .speak These patterns- may be obtained with the mouth shut tight:" this way build up the system, tone' and strengthen the• nerves.and invigorate the vital organs. Serious diseases;. generally come from some simple disorder that -has been neglected. Therefore any thin ning of the blood should be ,looked up- on as a warning sign, .and more seriaiis illness should be avoided. by the use of Dr, Mrilliains' Pink Pills._ In the ease of young girls and. women, the blood is peculiarly liable to get out of order—to become thin and, watery—and to lead 'to a, general breakdown in health. This can be avoided b d the"occasional Yu se of D r; Williams' Pink Pills, which are suit- able for uit-able-for the most delicate constitu- tion. These pills will give you a new appetite, improve , pp e c�ui• i i digestion, ' Y stlnn tone e and strengthen weakened nerves, ban sh depression •and -lack of energy, clear the complexion of pimples aid blotches, cure pain in the back and general" weakness, cause the.disap p tern m 7 sizes; 34, to' 46 bust. Price, "The male utters . , a ery,, which 20 cents. earance of headaches, dizziness and heart `fluttering, Give these pills a fair trial and you will soon note a won; derful change in your condition. Your r spirits will brighten,. good health and strength will ;return, and you will feel like a new person. `You can confirm these statements by enquiring among your friends almost anywhere, as thousands and thousands of hopeless. sufferers have been restored to new health and energy by; using Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or: six boxes for ;$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' . Medicine Co., Brock wills, Ont, PRESCRIBING BY WIRELESS. our Physician Saved a Life a Thou- sand Miles'Distant. The captain of a tramp steamer in the Gulf of Mexico was lately` taken ill with ptomaine poisoning. P ing. With death staring him in the face, on ac- count of inadequate medical aid, he de- cided to call, by wireless, for assist- . from the physicians at a naval station a hundred miles :away. In the event the message was pick- ed slip .by a liner Seven 'hundred miles, p.�;tray, and the ship's surgeon made all haste to reply to this strange "S.O.S.” with a full and detailed prescription, which. was without much difficulty, made up:' from the tramp :steamer's medicine -chest, and the captain's life was saved. "' , • A. fireman pn a Canadian , Pacific liner which carries no surgeon was attacked in mid -ocean , with' internal hemorrhage, Wireless communication was secured with an Allan liner, and details of? the symptoms transmitted zceserz tihousandrniles olf`oe©an, acrossaj; p on was not only received, btxt daily consultations took,. place for some timeand the xnediciile: was irchanged" several titian m• . 1 ga. Gran/dated Eyelids, 2,Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by at "a Sun, Dust and Windqulckly relieved byNurine.' Try It In Your Eyes and inBaby's 'Eyes. Noeseertiug,JnstEyeComfort relvarinel1/4.yeHemeedr ,ai 60 aero file PAerinm r,, Salve, in Tubes. 25e, •"Far Boo5i,f the Z•;aa Froo. Ask Pegeas iiva Eye :Remedy CD.. Chicago d Those Last Dear Moments. Each at her post we women. stand;, Mine is the safer, easier part— And yet there is an iron band Of envy round my heart For her, the weary nurse who spent Those last dear moments at his side, The woman who in pity bent And kissed him when. he died, from your local McCall dealer, or from Amelia Josephine Burr. the 1VecJal1 Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, GIRLS! LEMON' JUICE'. Dept. W, - IS SKIN WHITENER " A COMPLETE BOYCOT7i+ How to make a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents. People of AIsace-Lorraine Have No Dealings With Germans; The Germans have lately been try- ing to make out a case for the reten- tion of the stolen provinces, Alsace and Lorraine, on the ground that they are pro -German. But there never was a worse case in the history % of man. For forty years and.,more theG er pians ,have ve tried repression' terra-- p , and bribery, but they are farther froni reconciling the Alsatians and Lorrain- ers to their rule to -day than they were in '1870.. The Alsatians and Lorrainers do not recognize the German. - :He does not _exist for them. They Bass . him in the street as if he were invisible. If the Germans get up afete, a ball, a concert, Germans alone ,at'e seen there. Even the parks end tea-gardens chosen by Germane astheir resorts Ire out of bounces to the natives of the provinces, No German ever gets orstep of an Alsatian or Lorrainer° except at the point of the bayonet oe sword, or, if there should a be such admission, the family is hence- forth outcast, pariah. Occassionally love steps in, as it. will, and makes a breach. Some young German falls in love with an Alsatian maid and wins- her affections and mar- ries her. She goes to her nuptials alone. Henceforth that :girl is a stranger. 0-0---0-0-0--0--0--0--o--0--o—o--0 -ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT 1 o I No foolishness 1 Lift your corns b and calluses off with fingers —It's like maclic ! Sore corns, hard corns, soft, corns or any kind of a corn, can haze;lessly be lift i" ed right out with. the fingers if you apply upon the corn a few drops of freezono, says a Cincienati authority, For little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid. one's feet. of ever=y corn or callus without pain. Thee simple drug dries, tie moment it is applied and•does not even irri- tate the stuu`rbunding' pk1n While an. plying it dr afterwards. 'lilts announcement' will interest many;, ref aur readers. If your drug gist Hasn't any freezofne, tell Wine to surely get a Small bottle fol:' yell from IzSs wholesale drug house, The juice of two fresh lemon strained into a bottle containing Are ounces of orchard white makes whole quarter pint of the most r markable lemon skin beautifier about the cast oneni us tY a for p small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should < betaken. to strain the lemon juice throirgh a fine cloth s no lemon u, e,. p ip gets in, tb'en this lata -o will - it keep flesh for mantels -. Ever woman knows that lemon jinee is use to bleach and remove such blemishe as freckles, sallowness and tan and i the ideal skin softener, whitener ail beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces orchard white at any drug store a two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion'" and 'massage .. it daily intothe face, -neck, . arms and hands. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—Last winter I reoeived s great benefit from the use of Mat- s LINIMENT In a severe attack. e of LaGrippe, and T have frequently a proved it to be very effective in -cases of Inflammation. Yours, a W. A„hI. UTGHINSON', 0 n y Characteristic Suggestions. d A gentleman who had a good collec s tion of china, deploring to his friends s the carelessness of a' manservant d whose fingers, as the Scotch would say, "were all thumbs," said he did- noanot know' what to • do with him. "Why not dismiss him?" said the practical Englishman. "But heis a good servant," said his host. "Stop it out of his wages," said the Scotsman, with the excellent caution of his race. "But," said the master, "he breaks moge than his wages would pay for." "Why not raise his wages ?" asked 1 the Irishman, ltt1iiard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ike. Preserving Overshoes. Cutting a heel -shape piece out of an. Old overshoe and pasting it in the heel of new overshoes prevents the liee wearing out while the rest of the over- shoe is comparatively new. TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW One of the coming events which all live stock men and farmers should not miss is the Toronto Fat Stock Show, to be held at, the Union Stock 'Yards, on Friday and Saturday, Deceniber.7th and 8th. The Auction Sale always brings record prices, and it is well worth your time to see the competi- tion among packers s and butehers the prize winners. Entries for this year's show are larger than ever... Imitate Britain. The talk of learning by Britain's "mistakes" makes one tired, says an American writer. Of course, she has blundered here and there—we do not need to copy the admitted errors. But if we will take note of the way she puts in the field first-class fighting men and keeps them at the top-notch of efficiency by the most careful re- gard for every phase of their welfare, we shall do better than if `we payalieed merely to the' places where the sys- tem. now and then has broken down or the individual has performed dis- appointingly. An automatic valve has been in- vented that sounds a Whistle when an automobile tire contains either too much or too little air, liiiudad'aa iutsiaaint Curoci Diphtheria, Frocks of a delicate color always look better if washed in bran water, no soap being used. Potato Chowder.—%, lb. salt pork, 6-10 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon dripping, 1 pint milk, 1 teaspoon ,salt, 1/s teaspoon pepper, Out pork and potatoes into cubes and cook with the seasonings, and suffici- ent st tli-ent water to cover until done, Make the white sauce of the fat, flour and milk. Drain off the surplus water .when the potatoes are cooked, add the white sauce and reheat. The,war collection of the Royal Li- brary of Berlin now Plumbers 50,000 volumes, and they are bound in spe., Bial covers of gray, stamped with the :Prussian eagle. TJiivaid'e :Liniment Cures C:arget in Cows PLODUCM �TrJW Leen EGGS, I�Ol7LT]0Y PJ,r1:S, 1 N beans honey, onions wanted. High. est prices given J'. D, Arsenault, ilea St. Catha, ine i0ast, Montreal, arsSnA:r•Inona 6 a EAVEN EN AND, HELL"—Sweden. ,� bong's great w0rl; on a real. u'oricl 'beyond and the' life after death ; 4 ,0 `pa;;es4 only el cents 17ostptiid, SV I -I, Law, 454D li.ucild Faveziue, TOrQnt4, Q 1A. cnR. TU1l2oas, LU2IPS, 'FTa7.. `i0....11 internal .and external, cured wins,. out pram b3' our hoane treatment. Witte us before too late. Dr. ,I,ellman liedicsd Co., Limited. Calil,nrwond, Ont Agents Wtinteda In all towns where we are not re.'• r esented " toe sell el o . their friends at factory pricesRlEvery machine gua,rantecci made in Canada and we guarantee satisfaction. Write at once tor particulars, The` World Phoaomra, la Co., Tient. W. 7139 a3roadview Avo., "Toronto, Ont. When baying . you ' Pi:ano insist on having an ag OTTO HSG L" A6N Of Vital rkierest tc Syrup Mapte„.- Sugar 'Makers Wide awake Maple Syrup Makers will consult their best interests by ordering their . supplies now 'in- stead of delaying until Itiarch, our busiest tame. Write for our free boollet telling about our "Gham='. pion” Evaporator, made in 22 s suitable for Jorge or small.grov THE GRIMM MNFG. CO„ LIhliTED', 58 Wellington St., Montreal, Glue.;' YOU CAN'T CUT OUT A Bog Spavan oir Thoronghpzav but you can clean them off promptly with' t and you work the horse same rim Does not blister or remove the hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if yod° write. Book 4 M free. ABSORBINE, JR, the antiseptic liniment for mankind •, reduces Varicose Veins, Rppffifed Muscles or Liaaments, Eniarred Ciands, Wenv, Cysts, Allays -psi$ Quickly. Price 81 awl 55 a bottle at druyeists or rdelivered: W F. YOUNG', P. 0, F„ 516 Lymans 61dg., Montreal, San, •,atbsorbine and Absorbioe. Jr., are aueds In: Casa?.,i CUflCURA ?� ffCHY... SCALP RAS. That Burned and Pained' Four Years. Hair Came Out Loss of Sleep. pc "My scalp was red and very itc,iy, and a fine rash developed which bursted and pained incessantly. This seemed is destroy the hair roots, causing lay hair to come out, which disfigured the top of my head. It also caused Loss of sleep • The trouble lasted four years. Then I sent for a free sample of Cutictira Scrap' and Ointment which encouraged me so., I bought more, and I; had one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of ointment and I was healed." (Signed) John Cun- ningham, Church' St, Antigonish, April 4, 1917. . Why not make Cuticura your ev ry-A day toilet soap and prevent skin troubles Absolutely nothing better. For Free Sample Bach by Mail ads dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, 11. S.: A." Sold everywhere. ;r Outdoor Worker are subject to exposure to all kinds of weather, n . and. strenuous outdoor work brings thonccumaticaches.You can't afford to be laid up,eo heea;.,- first twinge oa• rlletm#iilasni. T s_ Sloan's Liniment. Clean alicl can- Venient, no need to rare. ho stains I'M clumsy piasters and your pain disappears, Sprains, strains, ne111'14;61 hcboa alai more muteleu are all relieved by the appli- cation of Sloan. Lanitnent. Genroue size bottles at all cru 25c., e0c,, $1.00, to. P.v X le 4