HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-6, Page 4a, sha rigor polite 1VIr.s t ni, Hooper of Exeter and Mr, 3 clothes, _J2- - o(aper and son, Albert of from Penmysylvatnia, spent a few days with i13r, and Mrs. Ceras, Guenther last week; f. 77, have qualities trark3l'tluted by natures cork froth, ' splendid Canadian barley -•--• malted. by Labatt. Gives art' even pulse, clear e;:-., good i s d' -e tion wholesome :breads. Cafes and I;.ia els Sald.at Groceries, , 0 r diva ct ft:•ia'rc. the:Ltowery. Order a bottle c: a case to.day., It's: worth something to (ret on speaking' terms with a beverage that grows two miles where there was only a grouch before, > _ N LAB ,AT , ITED ESTABLISHED 1832 85 LONDON, ONT., and No. 4 St. Helen Street, MONTREAL Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price=In advance $1,25 per .year In Canada; $1,75 in the United Staten. All subscriptions not paid' in advance 50 .cents extra will be charged Tl3U -RSDAY, DEC. 6th, 19»,.. Dastiviood laxMr. and Mrs,. H. 'Krueger are visit- ing an iiiitchener at present. Mrs, John Hoffmainl of Tavistaek is visiting with relatives this week. Misses'. Ella and Mabel Cameron, left for Stratford on 'Saturday, where they intend remaining. , Mrs, B. Statton and children, of Grand Bend are visiting her parents, M r. and YIrs. H. Wiliest. Mrs. Wm, Nadiger and little daugh- ter ,mkm 'visited with relatives in Lucian last ttay,''rt Yi'tex�upt8d" McDougal spent the tt�eek- quiekly-developed t g p blind. a home ,in Bayifield. Duncan turned • Schroeder has returned feet. iter an exte,aded visit withrel- "Go en, p,` in Engean; Mich. r genuinely embes McKee, who has spent the mil - hurry for mete .seasaa with. Messrs. Tiernan & "Miss Fenel}n;offer, returned 4^o her home in $n. i'c; iryuncanon an Metz -Oen., De. R. H. Tay- urry se �n.,,,aaee.pmpanved her to Landoar. einsr ° Mr;. and -Ann. Fred. Grattan o4 Grand t Bendtspeint Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes: Waite. IS r. Otto Willert is at present un- .-fler t.ue d'octor's. care. We hope for a speedy recovery. On November 15th the ladies of the Red Cross Society shipped to Exeter the (,allowing t-27 grey flannel shirts, aixe,1 4 hospital 'shirts, 6 pairs pyjamas, 17 hays 3•heets elna wino' ' ,'ips, 50 towels, 6 IOW. „ kniate'-' 'Iran cloths (done by the "F•e3 5b'l~.he':a1 cld;:tiren), raid 12 pair socks. II 'a ,'reliac`- closed their work roam I- dill alter Christmas h,alidays, but self pi are 8tin busy knittin• ," she ? Young Girls' X-Cn fitting Circle n and rest week at the hoenei of Miss on herSnell, aa;.,•. bit,©dL REPORT of S. S. No. 11 or November. The names are in or- der of merit, -Sr. 4, Lu r'y Greb, Jr, 4 Ervin Greb; Sr. 3,'Ade Lafand, Jr Battle Wispiest, Wilfrid Adams, H, air' reit Pearl Lafond, Mi ivirna Wil- nesseut; Sr. 2, Clifford Link; Jr. 2, Bruce woah- lert, Ellaeen Wi1Iert, Edna Wilert "'.t,nns--Isetinard Greet, Clinton Ad- ams, Irina : Willert Jr Pt 2 Anrga. Stephaxt.. Leslie Adams;Sr. Pruner; Elgin Adams, Mildred White, Emery Willert, Lily Greb; Jr. Primer, Violet fi:nertjearge Wh,ilte. No. on roll ave 14.3- S. E, 'Kleinteldt. =" teacher. Centralia Miss ;Muriel NichOlsi n who is ata tondieg collegiate in Londan`was, 1Qrn lair Sunday The rig tory Lawn Cava for "ibis: Township. closed .o Saturdey night. The amount real zed Is about $S2,OOO.. Mc enumerators,Cor the two Panting sub -divisions ,"in the village have post- ed their lists and are now prepared' to hear .!any apneas* Only +l'ernvito vigters who are related, to soldiers .Overseas may be added but persons nualifled to vote at the coming elect- ion may nray .be struck stiff if appealed against Fred 'I err -is taking in the .sb.00t'ng' tournament in St, Thomas this week. Fred usually comes home with a bolt ch, of trophies ,hanging an his belt,. He's some shat, Last Sunday Ynvorr irtg a uaii an sers ice was held •in the •vLeth(od et. ehurt'b when Miss Huntley and Iver Swartz- 'baugh of the Evangelistic party tit Exeter conducted the service, There. were a large number in atte,tndaecet and all enjoyed it very mech. In the evening 'Rev. Bakeroccupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church 'and preached an ,excellent sermon On ju- dos next Sunday morning Rev..and Mrs. Johnson win have charge of the ervi:e in the Evangelical church at 11 o'clock. All are cordially `invited to. attend. We are pleased to see Cli: t 1-11'. around again after meeting with an accident which might have cost him Isis Fine. See Exeter news for pair- tieulat o, Ar impressi^ve memorial service was A FIRST PRIZE HIGH SCHOOL held for the. late Private Johns in the COA.fPOSITIO�\T Methodist Church, Centralia Sunda • x -o T. Dec. Zed at '10.30 a.m. The church "RICH SCHOOL i�I1GHT OF TRE EV �3raa willed ,by a congplgatiprin 'that ANGELISTIO SIJRV1OES man:ilfe•sted !thee deepest' interest and ,,,,.ss w; -x o -n- • sympathy,. Mr. Jahn Essex,=-. o.�r.et *' Paragraph Topics a 1;E -.0,f, tete. softies,, .,.::a t • the '�rurc rt � =Preparations for it. expressed syni^pathy ,wrath the be- ; • Preparatio n i:n it. reeved relatives, and appreciation of '3• Reflections on it. the patriotic and self-sacrificing de The tenders of the union 'Evangel votinn of Private Johns, Mr, mirv'n istte campaign gave a special ,our high school f o sinvita- Eiston, representing the Truth Seek- tion to the pupils ,> ooh er:' Bible Class, briefly referred to to attend their iof, meeting in body on Private Jahns' boyhood days, the es -last Wednesday nirrht. These services teem in Which hle war, held, and his a- being 1 t relation to the Bible Class of which he is a member, Rev. W. A. 'Inn - lay pastor of the church, referred 't'o the ravages of the ,•sear, and spoke in justibcaihon of righteous warfare. He also made an appeal far th,e truest and highest life la ,viaew of the de- mands .af the hour, and in. recognition ,of the fact that others are makingthe supreme sacrifice for us. At the close at his address he read a messagefram a clsapla o 'of the forces to Mrs. Jiob'ns and extracts from fetters re- ceived Ifronr two soldier companions. The church was appropriately ,d^ecar- ated .with (flowers and flags. In the midst .of the flowers -at one side of the altar was an enlarged picture .of Private Johns, and et the other side the Honor Roll. A beautiful spray of cbrysanthemunrs and calla fillies from the Bible Class rested near the pic- ture. The chair furnished appraori- ate and weldrlite(ndered music, Mr. L. B Hodgson sang "There is no dight There" and the chair rendered `Brave I-Ie.art Lie Still." Pte, Brokeushire, what we could to make the evening who recently returned to Canada on a success. Our genial princpal. who account of injuries received at the Ls always foremost in every geiodwdrk front, was present. The congregation, ' ssemblcd the .classes to prepare our by standing paid a tribute to him. Miss" Huntley of the Evangelistic r _ond.acted in the James St Methodist church by the Rev. Mr. Johnston and his co-workers, assist- ed by the ministers of •-the locality. The members of the party are T,lr! Johnston the Evangelist, an earnest and convincing speaker, and his wi'fe, Mrs. Johnston, a very efficient help- er who takes an active part 1n all rfhe different departments of the work. Then there is 'Mrs, Huntley; she is a n trrdent personal worker and sing- er. Miss Huntley , who accompanies the (party, is an accomplished ,pianist and Ian expressive vocalist; and; she and her 'mother often sing together; songs that delight and. inspire the audience. The 'fifth inembcr of the party asProf. Swa'rtz.UaugL, our taus teal director, who is a very energetic and proficient choir leader,. He is con, tinually Ray-diating cheerfulness and good humor amongst the choristers. We considered ourselves highly hon- ored when we learned of dihis invi- tation. We wished to show our appre- ciation of their kindness by doing 'part of the programme. Miss !Hunt- ley suggested to the girls -that we deo orate the church for the occasion., pasty wins speak in the MethodistThis -idea 'met with approval and! our church here on Sunday morning next I 'ednesday iafternoon a few of .the at rch o'clock boys and girls proceeded to the ohurch: .to assist with the decorating. Many 12,awiands of the village ge ;gad a girls offered to bring penants, tend runaway Sunday morning. His horse these, which were suspended over- beccame unmanag^abl'e coining from head .jproduced a very pleasing effect church and breaking away with the Some esS the pupils of the school be shrifts of the buggy ran irn_•d tone long Ito the choir; but en thisa occas-' and started down the railway track sion they absented themselves 'from` when it was caught. Fortunately ro their usual places among the singers ane was seriously hurt. in oder that'all the mebea's on the Mr and Nits. F .Clolwill,and tam'; y school might sit together. At twenty are moving to London 'where they minutes to eight wei'met in the base - purpose making their home en hnent of the church, and a few min -i future. We shall miss the family, in utes later, we proceeded to. the seats the village. t """ i reserved (.or us in the body of the charch.'lAt the opening at the ser- vice several songs were sung by the .congregation and choir. After the opening prayers. when called on by' 7tr. Swa;rtzba'igh we responded by singing "God Bless you Brother John- ston" the words of which had been notnp sed ."or a pre'vio'us occasion. This was followed by the school yells Dining the evening we were \veleom- ed by the F angelists who, sang, Wel- come, High School." There. w g e were alsq sacred songs rendered by the Hunt- leys. Our principal gave us ,a very l interesting talk on "Universal Love" Mr. Johnston also gave es ^a very good sermon. I think every one who is 'privileged to attend these meetings should be' benefitted by them, as they are in- ` deed instructive. As we sang in our school selection, "God Bless you Bro- ther'Johnston, and use, you more, we .pray," •I thing: we .might apply it tot l oar own lives also; we should be more, earnest 1nda r.for i g the work k fo which w • ware created so th'st we may glorii:y', our Maker by daily Jives, and departing leave the world bet- ter 'berase we lived.. Marc!iM. Hogarth, -x -n -x- LETTER OF .APPRECIATION. if tzechton Council meeting was held .Mcinday. The last for the year will be held, an Saturday the 15th inst. Mrs Chas" Zwicker and son Gerald are visiting in new Hamberg. t Miss Leah Younghas returned home after a short 'visit with friends in Tor- onto. SHOULDER TO SHOULDER • ja, niessasn � t) %/ rt,,,,. � irir ( r, Withntrt a united gun ercw and nirttro I' nnnt-'temee heh et tha tbcconaes useloss tri alsslstfng Lo defeat the riuu and ct biberty and neinocl' cg. • AIR QUITAR Quite a number AVID this viniallty have been attending the evar,gelaistio act vices" do Exeter,il4r, !r^asr41'.3 threshing outfit had a breakdown last and as a cQasecluencre had to Itavie it drawn home with a four horse team foam ,Cromarty 1S,lla, and now has 'tin expo" rt frau, , ,Loadon 'repairing it. Kr. Pollen also had a breakdown and ad ttoi get Mr, Qeo, ;Pollen over from Si, A1'lrys to repair it, We Rope these machines will have better luck or they may be overtaken by winter. ,iErs. ')•aokson of Mitchell has been tasitial;,:•n 'the neighborh,o►ad.-A num- ter from here attended the Francis - Snell nuptials on Wedinpsdayi BAZAAR.-.Tlae ladies of Farquhar •fled Cress Society are holding their Bazaar ion 'December 14th. There is to be 'a program 'toI commence at 8 p. m., and a fee of '10e, will be taken it the •d�oor. Notice t0 Creditor's IN T[ -IE MATTER OF THE LS-; tate al Lonis H •Willert, late of the TOwnuhip of Hay, La the County ,o; Huron, farmer, deceased, NOTIC; is hereby given pursuant to R. ,5 O. .914,, Chapter 121, that all creditors' and others having claims against the estate of the said Louis H. Wlllert,• who died on or a- bout the 27th day of Oct- ober, A. D. 1917, intestate are required on or before the 22nd da:y of December, 1917, to send by post prepaid, 'or deliver to FI, Either & Son, Crediton &ct,iig for' the undersigned admin'iatratrix of the said estate, their C.hristiar_ and surnames, addresses and descriptions,.: full ,particulars of their claims, a statement of tar^eir accounts, and- the nature of the securities, if any herd by them AND FURTHER take notice that after such last mentioned date the adm�intistrairix will proceed tos distri- bute the assets of the deceased amtang the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to 'thee ;claims aft which she shall then have notice, and that the said administretrit will not be liable for the said assets or any, part there- of to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been re- ceived by hies at i(he tine' .of such distribution, Mrs. Arletta ,Willert, Adminikariatrix, Das(hw:aad P,, O. lsaac R. Carling, Esq., Solicitor for Adminftstnatrix Exeter, Ont, Dated December 3rd, 1917. - Exeter, Ont„ Deo, 3rd,, Dear Brother Eadie, - I personally wvish to thank you tor, the privilege o'f periising the series o° ^rrnlposi.tions on "High Sdhool ,. Night" of the :1 vangehst'.o :Campaign. w :iuten.by the students of the E:II,S. These 'certainly speak volumes not only of the .n.ppliratien to study on the (;tart of, the s'ndents, but of the a hf 1 am efficient. 'training given h'm by their : worthy principal end his assistants. it has been :.ndeed'drff:dirt 'to see-, ect the one vini think the "best" but after., rcareftrl reading, we thunk that o� Ge:trade J aercher contains they ehoteest ` language; that of Margaret Al, Sharp, the; hest beginir ng; that. al IJatothy•:G'unta the, best conclusion bat we 'think that toe hfuriet Iv1.+ 1•l0 garth for all-round general exeol, enee is 'entitled 'i.rsf plac As soan as t.hsy arc finshecl we shall take delight is presenting a photo of our .party t0 each.:a'ne of the above and in addition one on the Tabernacle .books to Miss llogartb, Ufa ha Thanking you r ,for i spy priv- ilege, I atn, Youth moist sincerely;. E. De'''i;.:, Johnston and Patty., Auction Sale FARM, STOCK, & IMPLEMENTS 1i;. S. Brown hasreceived iinstruv tions from Walker Kerslake, to sell by .Public Auction on Lot 11, Con. 11; IJsborne, across from Sunshine church on Friday, Dec. 21st, 1917, comma -act' ing at one o'clock sharp the follow- ing.-- g ' HORSES -Agricultural team rising 5 and 6 yeaars old, 1 good 'farmetr's driver ,quiet and reliable .four yeard old.; 7. 'igood road mare quiet and re- liable 3 years old. CATTLE -1 cow due Feb, 11th; 1 cow ilue March 19tH; 1 cow idue March nth. 1 cow due May 15th; 1 heifer due May 23rd, 1 cow fresh. in 5 choice steers weighing about 11.00. pounds, 2 yearling steers, 2 year- ling heifers, 4 spring calves, 1 yodng ca 1P. PI;GIS-2 Yorkshire sows with lit- ter at 'foot, 1 Berkshire sow due on March, 15th, 2 Yorkshire saws doe to March; 2 sows due Jan: 10th, 1 sow due .reby. 1st; 2 young Yorkshire sows purebred, due in. March, 1tj shoats 3 months old, 13 young pigs 6 weeks oldat time oB.sale. POULTRY -About 80 hens and pul- lets. HAY iA,N•D GRAIN -About 200 bus, feed barley; about 75 bus. seed bar- ley; 109 bias:. seed oats; 300 bus. feed oats; about 125 bus. of mixed feed, wheat and oats, quantity good, 'hay, gaanti.ty turnips. IMPLEMENTS-Maaasey-Harris bin- der, 6 Toot cut in gond 'shape; 5 foot Massey -Harris mower; 'Frost and Woad seed drill; 12, hoe cultivator, steel land roller, horse rake, _4 sec,' tion set of harrons,ti Cockshutt riding plow, 'waiking plow, hay loader, hay: tedder, ,set or bob -sleighs, good Chat- ham 'waggon, waggon springs, wag- gon box, gravel box, set 'farm trucks, 1 scuffler, 2 furrow plow, 1 buggy' Premier cream separator, root pal - per, a in,uiriber of cedar posts, a q .entity o5 basswood, and hemlock, lumber, hay rack, pig rack, set o$ double harness, set of heavy work, harness, !fanning mill, 1VIassey-Harris man ..:e spreader in good shape, set a: (macs/led .pine. barn doors 12 feet sq are, extension ladder 42 feet, 'grind stone. stoneboat, 3 sets whiifftetrees 1 p`.g (crate, chains, hoes, , .shovels, and other articles too numerous to rueu Lien Positively no rreserve as Proprietor has sold (his. farm. TERMS 'OF SALE -All sums 'of $10 and finder, cash; over that amount 12 months credit on furnishing .ap- proved joint;, notes' or a"c1;scount -160.661 SIR EDMUND WAL. ER, LL,D., D,C,i,.,1'ltesi4Ient CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000, SIR. JOHf'i AI(D, CeneralManeger H. V. F, JONES, Asss't Gen'l, Menem RESERVE FUND. • $13,500,000 The banking requirements of merchants re-. •this re- ceive the careful attention of the officers of this. Rank, W1prompt give row t attention ^ and efficient the Manager to ;o en service.Arrangewithc � �. current account. 92 :.a•••.:...s.•.•n INCORPORATED 1655 r • • e. e :. • • • • •• ■ • • • •• ea 1•a.•a:•a.a•a • aa•an••,.••••••••&l Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 98 ranches in Canada :..n' A General BanTransacted Business sacted Circtalar Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders , SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Ltnteres8tatlowed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCH - W D. C•LARKE, Manages. • • •• • •• • •• • • •• • • • • •• • osis•••se ••••••!