The Exeter Advocate, 1917-12-6, Page 3only pp captured intact. The two: large
• Interior' of L-49 Zeppelin n
cylinders are emergency gaa tanks.
Infaiitiy Fighting Around Fontaine Has Ceased Temporarily
But Intense Artillery Fire Continues.
sA despatch from London says: The
British are pounding hard along their
front in the Cambrai sector, and the
town of Cambrai is now directly under
the fire of the British cannon.
The battling of the infantry for the
possession of Fontaine Notre Dame,
and between eloeuvres and Bourlon
has ceased temporarily, • but at times
the artillery fire is of great intensity
in these regions. Near Poelcapelle and
in the .Arras sector the big guns of
both groups of belligerents are main-
taining a heavy bombardment.
Attacks on the Belgian position
east of Merckem by Bavarian storm-
ing troops gave the enemy some prise
onus' and two niachine-guns, but an-
other hostile attack n Belgian troops
in the neighborhood .of Aschhoop was
beaten off after a bitter fight.
12' Officers and 3,500 Teutons
and Natives Yield to
British Troops.
A despatch from London says: An
official statement on the operations in
East Africa tells of the unconditional
surrender of a.German force under
col. Tafel, consisting of 12 German of-
ficers, 100 Germans and 3,400 natives.
'The force had advanced southward
from the Mahenge area to Newala, ap-
parently in ignorance to the British
occupation of Newala.
A despatch frons Ottawa says: The
Food Controller's office has announced
that the Commissioner of Customs had
issued the following memorandum to Dressed poultry -Spring chickens, 25
to 27c; fowl, 20 to 22c;' squabs, per doz.,
collectors of Customs and others: $4 to $4.50; turkeys, 28 to 32c; ducks,
"It is now ordered that 'sugar, re- „Live'; poultry3cTu geese,
0c; 20 Spring
fined and unrefined, including maple chickens, lb., 19c; hens, 13 to lac; ducks,
sugar, maybe exported by parcel post Spring, 18 to 19e; geese, 14 to 180.
Honey -Comb-xtra fine. 10 oz.,
up to regulation weight when consign- '$8.50: -12 oz., $3; No. 2, $2,40 to $2.50.
ed and intended for military and naval Strained, tins, 21's .and 5's, 19 to 191c
per lb:, 10'8,• 1S1c to 19c; 60's, 18 to 1810.
forces overseas; the limit of weight $o Beans-Canadran, nominal; imported
the United. Kingdom being eleven Lias is crrib; $6.60 to to $6.75 per bush;
pounds, and for furtherance to. France, Potatoes, on track -Ontario, bag, $2.15
seven pounds." , to $2.26,
1 Provisions -wholesale
21 BRITISH SHIPS SUNK .. Smoked meats -Hams, medium_ 30 to
6288c;2 break fast 'baco
— 38 to 42c; backs, plain, 40 to 41c; bone -
A despatch from London says:- less, 4.3 to 44c.
Cured meats -pone clear bacon, 271 to
Fourteen' British merchantmen of .280 ib; clear. bellies,z01 to 27c.
1;600 tons and over and seven of less Larfl-Pure lard, tierces, 2s to 281
mines .tubs, 283. to 283c; pails, 281 to 29c
1A S /.&L.9,
On the. Lower Piave Enemy ,Boats Were Destroyed by the Ar-
tillery -Situation on Not'thern Section Unchanged.
A despatch from London says;
Along the entire Italian front the bat-
teries.,of the coi>*tending armies are
maintaining a violent bombardthent.
The German War Office reports that
Italian attacks against the'Austro-
German mountain positions on the
west bank of the Brenta and' on Monte
!Pomba failed.
"Heavy 'artillery fighting is in pro-
gress all along the front, but no fur-
ther infantry actions occurred," the
Italian report states. "0n the lower
Piave River Italian batteries directed
a destructive lire at enemy boats."
A despatch from Headquarters of
the Italian Army says: Details have
been officially received of one of the
most sanguinary fights in the north-
ern zone, in which two Austro-Hun-
arts ®f the- World
garian regiments fought until they
almost exterminated each other.:. The
fight was back of Asiago
of the main attacks against the Ital-
The eneiny advanced from the :two
flanke, and toward night a regiment
of Hungarian Czech became engaged
with a regirnent of Galician Pelee,
bgth wearing a different uniform and ' News. Front the Fzont,
speaking a different dialect, The rifle n.__=er.en.._•_,,_ .._ _T_-_ es e. eet_,_--:,. ________ -=
ane was f hend-d -h a bayonet e with kill DEAD y I➢t3 !AYE FOR FPEf3, T 9 °? � �
and then lasting
t Band struggle with e
grenades lasting throughout the night, , Extract From Speech of Mr. Lloyd ii ,
until the two regiments were disen-
gled after heavy losses, when it be- George in I'arliament. 15 �NOW � � `.
came •known that they belonged to the Here is the tribute paid by the Brit-
same side. ish Prime Minister recently to those ,
The general situation is not mater- who have died in the war; �` oxts 41f Italian Army Succeed
Tally changed along the northern' and "There are hundreds of thousands of Ii's"�Ll�isiitlltktlinq dire.
Piave fronts,
sorrowing men and women in this land
on account of the War, Their anguish A despatch from London says:"It
is too deepto be expressedto be ,is now time to say definitely that the
good, 7,85 to $3 25; 410., Medium. 56.56 or
to $1; stockers, $7,25 to $5.50; feeders, comforted by words, but, judging the crisis in Italy has passed," said Major
02.25 .40' no pillt• ora,tl canners and Rhoica8'$95 to multitudes w,honi I know not by those General F. B. Maurice, Chief Director
8148; do., Com, and med., 875 to 890; I do know; there is not a single one of of Military Operations at the War Of
Breadetuffs springers, $90 to 0130; light ewes, $71.76 fico In arecent interview,
Toronto, Dec. 4—Manitoba whcat o. to $13,76; sheep, heavy, _$G to $7.75; them who would' recall the valiant
1 Northern,' $2,231;. ,No. 2 do„ $2.2p1; yearlings, 812.25 to $13.25; lambs, $16 , dead to life at,the price of their conn- Genera] Mpurice said there -hac1 '
No. 3 do., $2.179;. No. 4 wheat; $2,101, in to $16.26; calves, good to choice, $13 to try,•been no important movement of Ger-
William. including William, . 2lu .W. 811 tax, `off Ba4; rts 8818 26; do, watered,,.,$ ,- do., brave men who have fallens dishonor. The enrich- p p
M.W., 78 oats -No. . CSS .' ,5 d. 8 , " ' ed the life and exalted the purpose of passing t,
rman troops from the Russian: front.
3 C. d, , Nn., .x a tai feed. 7S c; The assin of the crisis on the
No. 1 reed, 74c, in store Fort 'William. f TGF i I ULNLSS BY BRITON. all. You cannot have four millions of Italian front, he said, was due en
American corn -No, 3 yellow, nominal,
Ontario oats -No. 2 white, 74;to. 750, •-...: e;f en°'lea.Teen in. any land vo11121tarlly-sacci- tirely to the efforts (ff. the Italian
nominal No, 3, do.,; 73 to 740, nominal, Ripe Tomato Bombardment Ii,ou.ed a --e- ev- . - erre w,,' , world call ,o ff • army, adding: '•
according to freights outside. "Strafe"
Ontario wheat—New,. No. 2 Winter, Strafe ,Couple, them •in •obedience .to .a •higher call A,7 French troops are now avail -
$2.22; basis, in store, Montreal.
Peas -No. 2, $3.70 to 53.80, according The latest tale of frightfulness without ennobling the country from "able in" "surf pie t quantities to satisfy
to freights outside. g us that the;gn,is secure."
Barley -Malting, $1.22 to $1,23, accord- comes from Lausanne, Switzerland. which they sprang. General Maurice hinted out that
ing to freight's outside. In one of the most' fashionable . re- "The fallen, nee
whilst they .have fila- ;;
German inabilityto er e
tt the Ira t
to freights outside re-
staurants recently all the tables were mined with a fresh lustre the glory of p e ,
Buckwheat -51.45 to $1.50, according
Rye -No. 2, 81.75, according to freight occupied except two small ones not their native land . have touched 'with, Ian disaster could' be regareea tes sig
outside. - far from'''each .,i -t,... ,..L...., ..,_-n -...7 a .near dignity - the household -which - nificant of Austro -German weakti 1s•
Manitoba flour-Fiist patents, in jute
bags, .$11.50; 2nd'do,, $11; strong bak-
ers', do„ $10.60, Toronto,
Ontario flour -Winter, according to
sample, $9.90, in bags, Montreal; $9.70,
Toronto; $9.70 bulk, seaboard, prompt
Millfeed-Cars lots, delivered Montreal
freights, bags included -Bran, per ton,
$37; • sh.orts,.do., $4.3; middlings, do.,'
$45 to $46; good feed flour, per bag,
• Hay -No. 1, new, per ton', $16 to 517;
mixed, do,,, $1S to $15, track Toronto.
Straw=Car lots, per ton, $$.50 to $9,
track, Toronto. -
Country Produce -Wholesale
Butter -Creamery, solids, per lb., 421
to 43c; prints, per, lb. 43 to 4.331e; dairy,
per ib, 36 to 33c.
Eggs -Fresh gathered eggs, 47 to`480.
Potatoes -Wholesalers are paying
growers and country shippers 81.85 to
$1.96 for first-class stock, fo,b. Toronto.-
Wholesalers- are selling to the *retail;
trade at the following prices: -
Cheese -New, large, 23 to' 2339; twins,
231 to 2380;,early cheese,, 261 to 26c;
large twin, 26 to 261c.
Butter -Fresh dairy,: choice, 40 to 410;
creamery prints, 45 to 46c; solids, 44 to
Eggs -Nets laid, in cartons,. 58 to 60c;
No, 1 storage, 43c; select storage, 47 to
a woman, unmistakably German, en-
tered. The `woman wore a light wrap,
but when she had seated•herself at one
of the tables she removed it and it
was seen that she wore on her expan-
sive bosom an enormous brooch with'
the inscription in brilliants, "Gott
Strafe, England."
A ' few moments later an English-
man, accompanied by a countrywoman,
seated Himself at the other table: The
they left for the battlefield. There The Italians continue to' hold tena-
will be Millions who will come back to their northern front be -
and live to:tell children now unborn tween the Brenta. and Piave Rivers
how a generation before in England; against, the Austro -German forces,
Scotland,IrelandandTale i � who, have been linable, in repeated at -
R s, and, n
the ends of the earth,.the men of our tacks to gain additional terral i..t -
race were willing to leave ease and From, a staff officer; ox "the . 4th
comfort, to face' privation, torture, army, on the •line between the Brenta
and death, to win protection for the and Piave Rivers, it was learned also
weak and justice for the oppressed. that the enemy had asked for an al" -
"There are hundreds : of thousands mistice to bury his -dead, the 'request
insc •ption, on the brooch immediate-
. who will never come back. For ;them' being refused by the Italians because
l attracted there will be' fora 'es to come -sacred of the Austt' to attitude on a similar
y acte their attention and aite g
nation.request a fev, months; ago, `,Tho Aus _
Sending for "the<l,ao.t.'„r;t•o,••. .memOrif;S tin.. a. myriad Of ''homes Of - r� x,
the Englishman said to him that sues; brave, chivalrous men who gave upetrians had then proposed theeneeeienese. el(1
country was an insult that could not their young lives for justice, for right, ten.
for freedom in peril, armistice the Italiai.jr. l'e-a Squ :'e
a violation of good taste en a neutral
eorm the Gernian -that the ordinary greatest Erripire on earth through this
Duffield, ell:
eNumb er on C11,
be borne. He fold the waiter to he. "This re*solutiori Means that the guards' arieled,
civilities would suggest that the
brooch 'worn by his companion should
be taken off.
The head waiter had little stomach
House thanks the living for the reach-
ness with which they supported its be- THE ANCIENT CITY OF JAllnt
hest. It else means' thee this great nees
enters Recently Captured by Gen. Allereeee
Empire, through this Houee
for such a job and feebly demurred, each home of the heroic dead, grasps Fore - ". ' -
es is Po -t of Te-usalert
'whereupon the Englishman rose and in the bereaved by the hand,. and says: e
eicellent French addressed the Ger- The Empire owes you gratitude for ej°13Pa' °I' J'affa'' as it is 11°1v
mans. In a clear voice he repeated your shave of the sacrifice as well as with a population of 10,000, is a l_aby-
' for theirs, partakes in your pride for rinth of blind alleys and dilapidate,e
what he had said to the head waiter,
but, except for a supercilious shrug their valor and in your grief for their It is the port; oe-
JIaeneuessaalenmd saterdeezt.e5g' tiler lines of steam,
of the shoulders, the Germans gave no l'ess.
evidence that. they had heard his re- e
marks, although every one else in the e.
restaurant understood what he had GREAT CANAL FOR SCOTLAND,
said and' looked their sympathy. the 'tribe of Dan we fin e nettle e ,
any signs of anger, reseated himself, Vahle. Tarshish when he -ate:se-n*3;e 'e---efe* '
The Englishman, without showing Will Be Of Strategic and Commercial e
picked up a menu and gave his order
to the waiter. When the soup was The British are talking of digging away from God's comma:ad, and it _
roug on a a large ship canal across Scotland as the point at which the' cetitiv arid: --7
served the waiter also b ht from Lebanon for the building
, soon as the: war is over. It would con-
ers.ply between Jaffa and Tu.ekisli and .
European ports.. Tradieion
Jaffa, an anted-Um:flan' exlstence,
Among the rnarifirsie-terweatPvtiiit-ati
nect the North Sea and the Atlantic
which were placed 'on the table. The
temple of Solomon were .candech
WOMEN:S -ROYAL ' a voyage of a little, more 'the Apostle eesideci herein. the .:_,,,,,
NAVAL SERVICE. Englishman and his °ern, Pani", ef,ter tOecaenansibit,y*miles. The impeetanee'at-
e of "Simon the tartheit" and li.:lid-tri
than 1,600 tons were sunk by hed to. s.u.che a canal is its comelier- wondrous vision which was fr"a" .0'
ed up the tomatoes and rained upon‘ta."6 with such momentous meaning td a,
-A despatch feom Lendon says: It
. or submarines -en week ending , Nov.
the two Germans- the ripe vegetables , eial poesibi ities an stsategic value
ffight fleet the Aemiralty approved of sta.temeet issued this evening. This is Mon treat, Dec, 4 - Oats -Canadian with the soft, juic t t 1 ' " ' ' '
of Seethed vy-ould be avoided as wel .
'The dangerous lisessae'e north 'the world; Here, he saw the shee`
was announced officially on Thursday 28, according Id the weekly Admiralty
splattering theie faces and breasts' e
l let down from heaven which ciente-en
the eniployment of women et various an.increase of four eesselsein the larg- Western. No. 3, 861c; extra No. 1 feed, er 0 the as the sug-gested Channel routes on ,
. ether diners aeprised the ebs , _ the south, while at the Seine thne came the' ' '
duties On shore hieherto performed by er category overethe number reported 2610'• "No. 2 load white, 841ca, Flour --
Manitoba Spring wheat patents firsts ects or mane, "Rise, Peter, kill lefireelestee el,.
naval rltings,•and have decided to es- sunk in the previous week's report. 11.60: seconds, $11.1.0; strong bake '
e thie novel form of rep:1gal that they ' liStanceS between important corn -
pp 1 syrnpa ig and mercial ports .weald be reduced by Pete'. demureci,:saYiug' "Not se'-' L°.(1'''
5.35. Rolled oats -Bags, 90 lbs., 24.285 could find no su ort o .- tl -
ferries, and the service will be confin-
'vice for this purpose. Members 4 cAleese
ed the Englishman, "I will pay their ed'
such as 485 miles from Glasgow
re_ for I have never eaten anythill'g cora=
mon or unclean.
Then came the stgnifican-L- i.iomma
•ed to -women employed, on, definite
duties directly connected with the
RoyaleNavy. fore Christmas is predicted by the 4se; No, 2 stook, 00 to toe, potatoes -
end of the East African camnaign be -
A despatch from London says: The Choicest creamery, 449 to 45ci s000rids,
43A to 44c Eggs -Fresh 64 fo 85o;
Shipping Cold Germs.
..e Ito Leith; 25p, Glasgow to London; 400, which
!fast; 288, Liverpool to the -Elbe; and
ILiverpooltg Leith; 377,, Leith to 13e1- g
'than e in the .heart of Vie -harrow'.
Conventional Jew, and which made hiin,
apostle '
Rental! correspondent at Ndara.. He Per hag, Oar lots, $2.20 to 0.25. i 290 between Glasgow and Antweep. N.t,vhsheonahl°?":gmeirsnddeedligiagtetnoe..701elot„ . , ,
„Dame Catherine Furse has accept-
ed the position of Director of the Wo- declitees that 'by that time the German pir Ernest -Shackleton of ' antarctic Such construction week begun inane,
The humble :house still stands ',in
enen'e Royal Navy Service, and will' be Winnipeg Grain
commander...le-chief will either lee a WitInipeg, _pee, 4 -Cash pricesi--Oats fame stated that the members of - his diately -aftet the war would help in
which was proclaiined to Peter. ' azaq
presoner or in exile. :---No, '•0 c,w., si.gio• No i,, do., 789c; expedition neyer caught cold until solving the labor question and -furnish
responsible undee the Second Sea Lord . •
fol.'. its administration and "organiza- extra, No. 1 teed, 7401, N'o. 1. feed, een
. . ,. readjustment through Peter to the world the, mo -
they PPened a bale of cotton wlii5h. occupation during the
ria,x---No. 1. N.-W.O., $3.04; No. 2 C.W., naa been packed in England -i en period
. .3.01, they were all affected with catarrhal ., Two routes are discussed. One .,,,,.-- -° ere° -1 ce --e 1°---0 c 9
Geeinan toepedo-boet deetroyet, bee and see bow light and delicate they Zive Stock Markets exeeriences, 1 .The rival river route starts at A oa P -- . -, ., 'a'
GERMAN -DESTROYER HITS MINE refuse to be anything e United States Markets COldS. Those who went out frame- would follow an 'exilting barge canal
When the curds of cottage cheese,
MANY ON BOARD ARE DROWNED 1 elle tough and
' Mirneapolls, peo. 4 -Corn --No. 3 ?Tel- diately in the bitiri*e air lost their involving the deepening of the Upper
eth when a large part of the garrison eV4e-
eunpy afteie they have been drained nee, se.8e to $1,90, Oats -No. 3 white. colds ee once, while those who remain- Clyde, the crossing of a plateau we
massacred at his command; the, Frerf:
A despatch from 1:40210,0n t3aY S i 4Ik thieueb a cheesecloth beg, tri: rune 1
ning thorn through the food, c opper -$36.60 to $36,60.
Other polar explorers record, similar construction -of six locks on each' side.
ed in the hut retained them for days. aa indifferent water 'supply, and the
suffered terribly at Seffa front an a -s
steers, $11.20 fo 212; do., good heavY, . Samaica and makes dhectly
ecniging to the , Zeebrugge flotilla,
liteilek a mine off Weetlsaleeelle, Hol- to Cottage -cheese dither purcbased at 0.0.TO to $11.40e htitchers, cattle, choice Doing Her Bit. 1Loth Lenience aeroee land which Is
tange Telegraph despetch from Arne chopped, up cherries, Another waY db., Jneclitim, $2 to $9.26; o. corninorh
4114 eh 0 I ce ,I,T.arnaica is to pay $300,000 a More.than 50 feet above esia
most o.f them retuffi6h'hOme•
fond, and sank, accort1513 to an. EX- the etoee or made at home, add a few U.0.1"i0 to $10.75; 0.0, good, 39.75 te $10f on 'acCount of interna) clizcord
'reduction of ' Atlantic elle only one lock 'Would poe
terd.arn. Only two ef her crew weve a evagyine the flaver' is to mix in it $3,7o to $8.25; butchapsc , were encceeeed by a Geeinan ' pie
Olied. tiny ehopped onions or caraway seed., ere, eases, (Amide, e8.7e to' $9,25: do.... tile wat, e. . o• iii•ain. necessary at' each end of the canal. which has increaSCd roi..-ti year:1044