HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-29, Page 8L z '1`ER \1AR'Kk,TS Cll.anged Etch Wednesday Wheat 2,10 Oats 68 Barley .... . ........ 1,00 to ,1.15. Family Einar 5,70( Low grade flcsasa ,; 3.25 Short s 42.00 Brun :. o. _.36,00 • Crcatne y Butter48 Dairy Butter 40 ' to 42 Turkeys alive 20; dressed 23 Gees ... ,...,;.., ally^e 14; dresaled' 17 Ducks alive 4, dressed 2..0 Hens -,; alive 13; dressed 15 Chicken alive 15; dressed 18 Lard...,,,.,. ...-. ,.�..- -..- ' •--•-. 31 Potatoes per bag 1:60 Hoar ,, ... 17,00 Eloy, per tea ..... 10,00 to 12.00 HORSES WANTED I \vant as unlirniited ,number of horse;, in good condiitioln{.• Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mires from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 • pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write, or phone '83, Eteiter. G. f;. DOW, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. 'William ,Johns and family wish to express their sincere thinks to the (mends for their kind expressians of ,sympathy since the word arrived of the ,death of their aton, Pte. Norman We Johns; Also the kind (friends of tha nammun,ity for the splendid an,d generous gi:f is and 'boxes sent to :him `F^ha1ie int France, EOR SALE -Brick house with two bats and barn. Apply Mrs. F. Lane, William Street. -g -o -x-' The Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt Memorial Church will hold their An- , nual Bazaar on Friday, Nov. 30th in• the Trivitt Memorial School Hall. Use fur and (fancy articles for sale. Ad- mission 10c. Light refreshments ser- ved. In the evening an illustrated ad- dress will be given on "The Life arid Scenery of Japan", Admission 10c, FRAME HOUSE IFOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Apply :to Mrs. William Hawks hang. -__0____ C. W. ROBINSON' Agent. has five Cockshutt Riding Plows that he will sell at last year's price. Farmers can save $15 by buy - ,now. Come and get a plow be- fore they are all- gone. $ NOTICE Electoral District of South Huron, To Wit - Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Dominion Election Act, that Thomas McMillan, a candidate, at the election now pending, has ap- pointed Joseph Hinchley, of the Town of Seaf,ortlr, as his Official Agent in connection with said. election Dated at Clinton thin 16th day of November, 1917. Robert Wilson, Returning Officer NOTICE ren.Electoral District of South Huron, To Wit- Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Dominion Election Act, that Jonathan J. Merrier, a candidate at the election now pending, has ap- pointed Herbert K. Eilber, of the Township of Stephen, as his Official Agent in connection with said election Dated at Clinton this 19th day of November, 1917. Rtabert Wilson, Returning Officer MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL., Thecrtncl of the Corporation or County c,' Huron will meet in the council 'namber, in the .Town o•f. Goderic'i, an Tuesday, the 4th. clay of December next, at 3 o'clock. ,Dated, Nov 20th, 1917. W. Lane, Clerk FARM FOR SALE. Theuadersigned is ,offering for sale that desirab,e farm in Hay Tp., being Lot 4, Con 1. There are on the Premises a r cod ,frame house, barn, and young c. rchard. The land is well drained and fenced and ,is in a good state of cultivation; is situated one mile iioith of Exeter; and is a first class farm in every respect. Apply to W, J, Russell, 'Exeter P. 0. A. .HASTTINGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance Company Also Fire and Accident Insurance. Money to. Loan an Farm Property EXETER, ONT. AGENCY FOR THE WALK-IN'S LINE. -Having taken aver the Wat- . kLn s Agency from Mr. JE. Gould of Hensel). 1 ant prepared to do business with all the old customers and others who have not previously. uused the products 1 will be 'pleased to interest also. A full line now in stock Goodscan be procured 0,r e t" A full in of res' d e r e ata e. 1 line L nn Liniments Cough Remedies, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always or, hand. Phone orders promptly at. tended to. Phone 43 Exeter. WM. ANDREW, Trave].'ing Salesman, Exeter, Oat. `inter Apples far 1t ' sNoose 1, d a?t arrived, 2 ari.,. packed in each barrci,, but itta!rked No, 3. Price $$4.75 Sold barrel, cash; 55,00 if charged. Sold len barrel lots only. Apptcri; stored at Canning Factory. Leav a you: alders at the store, Same wilt be filled in ttiein. Jar �M:..`Ve VW �1P LOCAL ,1XrINGs;. 4 Tile° boys are calling osn, You to buy a Victory Bond, and `carry on,'' "1'he Advocate thanks thy several subscribers ,for vcapies of the paper of Nov 15th,, which were returned to this atface. Oa the Sunday er"teuirgs during the Advent season the 'Rev, A. A. frump er »i1i .,preach a course of sermo+i0, ,O the ;Parable Of the Ten Virginia Like all the other vitlagea towns and .cities in Canada, `Exeter cele- brateci ,the recent great victory by the bilawi;ng phrhorn:sand whistles and theringing of bells, Friends regret that Mr. Lee 131atch- tord'finds iiit necea,sary to ,undergo another operation, and hope it may be entirely .successful this time. He went to Londi n last Neel,: far the purpose. The ,funeral sof the Jape Mrs. W. R. Elliott totak"'place. to the Exeter cean- etery' on Friday afterruoton, and the esteienf ,id which she was held was evidenced by the large number o,f people who ;attended the funj rat, Put an adveata(sjem(eunt lin the - c,ol- umnis of the A ,v,o+calte and get quick results. •It you have for sale anything that the people ' want-. or want to buy anything that 'nomebady else may have for sale, amall ad. `in tlals paper will ,bring' ,quick response, Quite a number of the people of thts oistrict went to London and to, St. Marys on Thursday, and Friday, respectively, to, hear SirRobert Bor- den.Hon. .Ballantyne, and Hon, N.W. Rowell, mem'b'ers of the Union Cab- inet. Great numbers were present;. The new Entrance Examination reg,.- mations eguaJtions for 1918, change. the valua- tion for writing, so !that only half the marks assigned iflar' the subject wi11 be given for the 'wri:tr![ra paper; the other half being allowed for the can- didate., writing as judged from the answer papers p,n. one of the other subjects to be selected by tial board atter stile 'examintatiion, T li e. ayaiial nthnd of the Hut on Olci ,Boys' Asts(o1 Lathan, of Tornoto will be held at the Royal _ Cafe, .i4 King St., East, Tlor(olnlpa, on Friday, Evening. Dec. 7th, .a't 'S eachonk, for the election of offioiers' and transac- tion of general 'business, Ladies from 'room Huron may become members 6f the association ,and will be eligible for election `t0, any sof :;the affiiCe's. Roger ,Crocker, can Exeter 'Old Boy, is President. The Advocate acknaw- ledges an invitation. -x-o-x- MhM.ORiAL SERVICE. -A inenlor- int .ser vice was conducted by Rev. A A. Trumper in Trivitt Memorial Church on Sunday evening to .palate . Private Sidney `est, a member of that church. The service vas it - tended by, a large number of Odd - fellows at which' Order deceased :vas a valued member, and the congrega- tion was a large ane, out of respect to than deceased hero. A very im- pressive service was conducted and the sermon of Rev. Trumper was a great tribute to the heroic action of the soldier boys, and a strong ap- peal. to "carry on" the work of the boys who were .fighting and who had laid down their lives for the cause of :humanity; In. part Mr. Trumper said "Prussia has become revealed as an international criminal. Tie issue is still in the `balance;, Tie; task of aampletian lies on' our shoulders: li is our sacred duty to finish; the work. We'll have a part in the, One work It can 'only be accoinpliished by un- ity nity of purpocse. We must be willing to manifest' the same spirit of self sacrifice as the departed( I think not ,of him as' dead, but( with a glor- ified body of Christ an the spirit World. Let us sh,ou'lder to • shoulder take up 'the task, . and with Paul we, may say, ,'I have fought a good fights" TIS.' T.he Oddfellows are requested to meet at the I.,odge.RIatern thiis: '1'huts day evening at 7.30 sharp to attend the, Evanlgelistic_"1lfieetiuug at 7,45, All members are requested to be present: HOUSE TO ;RENT,;—Cenrraully lo- cated Cheap tot right party. Apply at this office. 'CA RlrF TH t O A N tilra. '.;fames Beer and family wish ;too thank the neighbors anal friends for their many acts of ;kindness: and sympathy dat- ing the illness and 'subsequent death, of Mr. B,e.er. ' WANTED -A pair of light one-, horse babsl'ei'ghs. Apply to The Advocate, Cut down 'the high cost of.,; mg Order some Whitefish, Kipperentes and Hadd.ie at' C. L Wilson's Grocery. Orders delivered promptly. Franc and pound notes for sale at ; The Canadian' Bank sof Cornmer.cej also Foreign Monsey Orders and Sterl- ing Drafts( The, best and safest way ,. to send funds far Christmas to your boy in England or France. • The household effects of the late James Beer will be ;,scold by public auction on Saturday, Dec. 8th( FARMERS' CLUB.- The. Thames Road Farmer's Club will bold the annual meeting in' the Club Raotm,ton 'Monday ti eve,tun Ia i g otext. All interest- ed are 'i requested to be present! Mr. Jahn Elliott has ;rented Mr: Harley Sanders' house, Exeter North, and will move in shortly. According to the Crystal City Cour-' ier Mr- Georgie Eacrett is severing his connection with the firm of Brooks Eacre.t't in the Crystal City ',Meat I i1larle"et', Both Mr. Eacrett and his 1 partner, Mr. W. J. Brooks are Exeter Did Bays f$ DEATH OF MRS. ANDREW.- A message was received on Saturday by relatives stating that that morning the death took place at Pontasec, Sask., .0,f a wellakntown Exeter lady, Ida Amelia Croultis, wife of Albert E. Andrew at the age of 44`, years, 4 months, and °27 daysl Deceased had been ill (for four pr .five, weeks, being taken ill just before they were about to .return to _Exeter ',far the winter. Her condition was not considered ser- ious and the news 'of bier death carne as a great shock to relatives and' friends. 1.1e'family wien:t west in July to join Mr:'Anldreic who has a farm at P,ontie;x. Deceased was born in Usborne and lived there and : in Exeter practically all her' life. Be- sides the husband site ass survived by two sons, Alvin and Ciiltbn; three brothers, William" of 'Ioronta, Henry and Eli 'of Exeter, and seven sisters, Mr, fames {Ryle of ;Exeter, Mrs. Wm. '£ankin of Granton; i4lrsc Chas. Cana. sof. Exeter, ivErs. Samuel Mills of Wctodham; Mrs, Sidney Clark of Lsonrion, Mrs. Wm,. Clark of Winched sea and Mrs. John R. Hind of Exeter. Deceased was the youngest of the family, and was highly respected and esteemed. She was a member orf the Methlodis!t church. The remains are being brought here for interment and' the funeral will take 'place from the family residence en Gidley Street on Fa-iday afters -van at 2 o'clock to Exeter cemetery, ' The New ON JANULUARY ii.:st THE (\PEW' EDISON "the tphlon(oigraph with a soul," will tall at an increased price, You will of course want to buy yours before January lst. On account of the fa•eigh't ciong'es i(dn, an.cl the pos- sibility of freieghrc emiane;oees, we ad- vise you to buy" scow;' whale;. Our stock is complete, ^ T„err, will' b.. n0, tn,�.rease _n `l i e � it price lar_ Ldris:on Re-JCretiatioin;s, and if there should b!o a freightembai- terc,y Ca 'be sihnpTied ifroth tite Ed,ieso+d L,.>b,oatnri s by express. 5. WILLIS POWLLL, Agent, E(,'teter. The name Of Chas, Kerslake was rnaldvertantly 'omitted from the pub- -ish.ed list of Usborne'sub,scr'ibers to the Red Cross last 5vtetekl His do - nation was. 510.00, Other donations ommitted ,1_ the list gyre, William Turnbull $2.00, :Robert Roy $1:00, Jean Ready $1.00, Winchelsea School should have been 55.40 instead of 59,40; Geo. C. Coward should have been $3.00' instead of ;$4.00 Others to be addcd are Richard Coates 1.10.00 Wrn hfoady 85.00 and Clark Fisher $3.00. John Cornish, Ellimville,' $13,00 to Exeter Red Cross'. Mrs. B. `- La- page should be added to the Exeter List, $1.00 -.-o--x-� The Union eRevavea Services •. now being conducted in Exeter by Evan- gelist Johnston and hfis ipaittyl were crpwned last Siuiday with results:that always (tallow the united prayersiand faithful labors of the. ;church. At the evening service in James St. Church the spacious auditorium had to be furnished with extra chairs to ac- comodate -the capacity congregation. Men anwomen, wept :away from. the service declaring that they had never listened to a stranger, more logical and impassioned appeal than was put forth in Evangelist Jai -mason's sermon on "Excuses,.” Over thirty persons came to the front, expressing de- sire to live a chris•tian life. Large delegations were .duos attendance from Creeliton. Centralia, Elirville and other districts. Service each evening except Monday On Saturday even- ing thy: .Children's Chair sing. x -o -x - I..0 0. F. OFFICERS. ELECTieD -1'he ejection of officers of the Ex- eter Lodge of Oddfellows took place on Tuesday ,night with the fallowing:l, result, -Junior Past Grand, Edward Treble; Noble Grand;' Clark Fisher; Vice' Grand, John Snell; Fin.-,Sec'y, Well Johns; Rec,Sieci., R. N. Creech Q Thea_ E. M Dignan.; Trustees, Well Jo•has W. Martin, R. N. Creech; Med- ical Examtner, Dr. J. E. McGillicuddy. DEATH OF JAMES BEER. -In his 72nd year James Bleer, a w'ejp-'kkiown resident tot (Exeter, passed away in Lon•doan. early Saturday morning last, where bit had gone (far treeatment:. Deceasled had been iin failing health' for some time, which was the result of a stroke of paralysis]:; Some time later he lsuffemed another strolkh and. the 'third 'on Saturday rprotved fatal. Mr. Beer was a native :.of ants-44nid', being beomn. in Dev,onshine in the'_ year, 1845 and in. 1867 he married his :now ' bereft partner in ltiefe. In the year' 1869 they came ta Canada, first set- tling in Lisbon -no, but,some years, lat- er ;moved to Exeter, where they have resided continuously since. Deceased teas a carpenter by trade, and banal, - ties a, staunch eConiser,ivathiv;e.', . He was a awn Of industr;hus ;habits, gjood natured and rhontoifable iuz; ,lris deal- ingia, For (number of -years ha was. game pvarden pad also assjesesor for th!ctown. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by 'ane son, and one, daughter,- 1111.. laughter -11Ir. W. 3. Beer ;of town, and -•Mrs, G. A Ytoung of Landon., The funeral service tan Monday was conducted by the. 'Rev. A. A. 'Tramper, interment taking place at the Exeter cem nary. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fiyrai were in 'Lon- deon ,tor .a few days last week. Inspector' Tion orf Goderich, was .in , town (last week on, offilcit l duty. " t"tar • H', ,lrrandss sof Exeter, vi,s- ited at the home /of her dauglitcr. Mrs 1--I. Lawrence in ,b2c1(iilileop, for a few clays last week, Mrs Lawi'once accompanied her to Exeter and ,is spending' this nweek at the parentalI Ipome "-Seatarth Expositor, - Mi, Rac:lreu-d Hunter, (alio has 1)cen is the West i;tor ;some .tl;rtld visiting his sNorr near Saltiador, Sa5k., return -1 '111 ,hiome'`W.eclaesdity of last week. 11t,;, ,reports the weather fine up to the time he left and says the fann- ers ware still plowing. Mir. Efarley Sanders, Exeter North, dlispdsed of his houselhold'effects an. Sattii•da5 , and will 'move to -day, with .. r, la :u-ia'r 11E.,E damily to Winds or, Cv'Ile re tj,ey intend;rnakitng their .future hoItie. Their friends here will wish them eta cry"pitasperity in their new place of abode. good as 'Anurie'.''-.._.Mics.; E, TI. ,Eu ry RST]AY : Nq Q 2s' 1117 T WINTER By Buying a GOOD FUR COAT for Driving. ,Already, we ha re had'a , g,aad demand for fur coats 'Our prices are absolutely; rilghlt On these gannesn.'ts;, No. ,need far waiting till win't;er is' half over. FOR MEN ,FOR. LADIES • Coon ,Coati and Wa1itilbY's 1' Musk:int (Coapts Pl tckey Beavers and Black. Dogs Fur ;Collared Coat's Fur -Collared Coats ' Special in Men's Overcoats $1150 A bout 2 dozen garments in brok en viaes, 36 to 44; Worth( 515 tot $16.50 - to clear at $11.50 'Our Best 'Costs are $17.00 up to$22.50. j. Youth's and Boys' O'Coats A. Big Range to chase fram at reasonable pric',es, SHOE DEPARTMENT See our South Window .for New- eet"Styles in Shoes. Our makes speak tfor thernseelves Emprest;, Classic; Slater and I'nvictus. • (RUBBER (DEPARTMENT Lifebuoy Rubber to fit any shoe Aliso heavy rubbers and sox, and Rubber Boots for all. • Odd Wall Papers Many l,in.es tof Wall Papers to clear out before Stock taking at money sax sig prances. • Christmas Stock Complete We invite tank and all to inspect our immense !diisplay of Christmas Goods. Shop 'Early , 25 dozen Men's Tiles regular 75c. ' for 50e; SPECIAL. -Z5 dozen Men's Flowing 'Enol `ties, newest designs, worth 75c., for Christmas selling 50c, Hand -made Japanese Baskets In Wicker and Bamboo• effects, in (fruit baskets, vases, etc. Just the thing for Christmas Gifts. jardinieres, A • FEW, MORE' SUGGESTIONS Fancy Hand Bags Boudoir Caps Handkerchiefs Sterling Siltex' Mounted ParasolsFan( y Collars Etc. Etc., Etc,, Etc, PLEASE NOTE -All Ladies' and Children's Fall and Winter Goats, at greatly ,reduceed prices. Furs especially priced !for 'Christmas selling,; JONES & MAY 1.14)at1 a11ar1v:r•:' for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothier Miss Olive Hern has been visiting her brother in Norwich. - Mr. Enos Winclatar of Guelph spent Thursday here with his parents. Pte. Harness was home ,from Lan -- clan Mi]ita,ry ;Hpspital for a few days, Mr. Robt, Sanders returned Morn,; day ;from ' -a m'onth's shooting at Wing ham. • Mr. Wmt HMI of nog -Onto. was the guest of his tafther, Mr. G;ept Hill, over' Sunday. Mr.of� Frain BaC rde Frank r uv T ou to vis- ited a vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs;. Peter Bawden "for ;a few days during the week. Miss Maud Johns, daughter of Mr. Well Johkis, is i'lil..at Brigden Sh'e is t"eaching'in that towns, and, we under- stand . she will return home, and her Sister will take her 'w;ork,,. " WHO WILL WIN'' THIS BATTLE?" Your kidneys are the filters of the body. If they become inactive and fail to slim- irate the waste matter, they are apt to throw the whole mechanism • of the body out of order, thus toxic poisons can act cumulate in the system and be as deadly; as snake venom. Besides causing the minor ailments of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago and back- ache,: neglect of the kidneys is apt to develop into more serious diseases, such us diabetes 'or stone in the bladder. Rid the body of ,toxic 'poisons -clean the bladder and kidneys and euro the twinges of rheumatism with- Anuric and you win the battle of 'life, Anuric was first discovered by Dr. Pierce, and has benefited thousands of sufferers as well as appeased andelinin- tattedthe ravages of the more serious kid. ney diseases. Now procurable at any good drug store, or send. Dr. V. M. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., or branch office' Bridgeburg, Ont., 10 cents for trial pricirage. Thorold, Ont. -"I was wonderfully helped • by taking ', nuric.' For about i three years 1 had kid• r ( )y+ noy the blo cud, rhos:.. iiuutlptn. 1 also had backache, My limbs would swell and I had rheumatism in my arms and hands. My •. hands would swell and j I ob I 1 a5croints andwould ati il' h, couldeso ": ip .- ' scarcely do my work. They would pain . me something awful, I doctored but without relief. At last I saw 'Anuric' advertised, I began its use and,two bottles completely cured mo of all my rheumatism, and I think it was. permanent for that was a year ago and. I have never had any return of this ail- ment. I have never fotmd- a medicine so Ne Fail Snit TAILORED TO ORDER WILL BE FAR MORE BECOMING YetC Cost Na More' We have a large, number of _ New Fall Suits and ,Ovetrcloati,tvgs that wait your arrival -a wide assortmenat , 61 Fashion's Chosen ;calors, -soft :hand- some Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades. `FOUR ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' Suitings i.s the Finest we have, ever had. The studied exactness in measuring and becoming designing `of our Tailored. to -Order Clothes produces a . com- pleteness of flitting and- a pleasing- ness of: appearance that a ready-made can never hope .to eequal. , No Lady knows how well ahe carg appear in a Suit or Coat until she has one cut to measure. .OUR r STOGIC IS COMPLETE .ss�n GIVE US A CALL Na Sheere LADIES AND' GEN4S'. 'TAILQR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel; Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE F JNEWA . DIRECTOR AND FURNN'UA,B DEAL'?Elti Tea & Comae. Store For the choicest groceries,fruits, a spIs teas, coffee and , ever . thing in the grocery ` lime. Gall and see 'us; A trial as to quality Will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange e Jaz: Gould • Next The Metropolitan Hotel eter aar ain Store SMART NEW BOOTS FOR LADIES in ,black b,nown and grey', spool Beefs' sport heels. They are the very essence of good tyle, Ragging idi price from $5,00 to $.10.00 a pair •4Gn 4 — , it MEN'S•eta of ; t 1L BOOTS in 'lig rv�wi � Il s j+Iea, priced'from $4,50 ,fb $7.00 a pair lai BOYS' and GIRLS' SHOES -We Jiave what you w.�nt and' atthe right price. LADIES' SPATS i;i' a big:, a 'range o SUITS AND, 'OVERCOATS, • CAPS, ;anti GLOVES i*EATtFAZ8 BRACES TM ETC. cif shades, B. W. `m ; t eavers