HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-29, Page 4TRY SPECIAL ALE, PORTER OR LAGER These bracing brews are different from the common --and better. They are brewed,by a more costly process than the "just-ae ooc kind' and have the old-time Labatt taste a,nd wholesomeness that cannot be imitated successfully. Sold at Groceries, Cafes,, Hotels or direct from the Brewery, JOHN LAAT T LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1532 $4 LONDON, ONT., and No. 4 St. Helen Street, MONTREAL (riveter 2.,,,ticloatc, Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Ince-In advance $L25 ,7,i' fear is Cana$a; $1.75 in the Uri`ttet9 States, Ali subscriptions not pao Sd dravance 50 cents extra will. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates - Made ;tie -aces a on application Stray Animals -One insertion 50c,, .three insertions '$1,00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c, -.ouch insetrtionfor pine month of four R9stsertions • 25c, for each suirsequtei tt insertion Miscellaneous Articles of not more eet- au five limes; far Sale, To Rent, or 'Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each int- tsseetion 25c Local Reading Notices, etc., 'IOc, per Eine per insertion: No notice 1 ess than elac. Card of Thanks 50c. „Legal . Advetrtisim+g 0.0c. and Sc. aEpe 'Auction Sales, $2 for one insertion, &laid $3 far two insertions. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 +u6mch-$F per year THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1917 BRUCEPIELD On Sunday very interesting services were afield in U,nciosr tchurch, the oc- casion being, the ;Farewell: of the pas t,or, Rev. Hall Woods'', Mr. Woods preached .farewell sermons to large appreciative congregations. 30 iww members were recleaved into the ,church. Mr. Woods has been a faith- ful pastor. He.'ten+dtered his resigna- tion is he.a herealized that he could not do justice to his congregation, ca account •01 his defective hearing. rhe congregation presten:ted Mr. and .firs, Woods with a purse, of $1,00. SPANKING DOESN'T CURE 1 Don't think children can be cured -of bed-wetting by spanking them. The trouble is constitutional, the child cannot help it. I will send FREE to any mother my successful home treat- ment, with full instructions. if your children trouble you in this way, send no money, but write me to -day. My treatment is highly recommended to adults troubled with urine difficulties by day or night. Address Mrs. M. Summers. Bax 840 WINDSOR, Ontario. Centralia Fred Essery of London' is spend- ing a few days at 'hats home here. Mrs. W. Hodgins and baby, of Guelph are visiting the f+ormei's sis- ter -sin -law, Mrs. F. Ctalwill Dr. E. Elliott of Taranto, Mies Ben - cock. of Toronta, Mr. S. McCoy of London and Mrs. Cattanzale and Mr Palley o,f Loind{on, were here at tending the funeral of the late ` Mrs, W. R. Elliott on Fiaiday last.. Phe memorial servnoes to the Private Norman Johns will be held on Sunday manniaig, next in-�th,e Meth- odist church here. .Miss. Elsie Lave of Grand Bend gave a report of the Provincial Sun- day School Convention, held inChat- ham lately and it s enjoyed by all present. Oe ito A number ifroln here attended the funeral of Mrs. Elliott near Centralia last h-riday; We.iertend to Mr'. El - batt and family our sa>ncere synpathe' ie this 'their sad heal -pavement. „ 77r. and Mrs. Orme and Mr. Chris Beaver motored to London last Thurs- day, Sam Pinkbeaner of Sarnia Spent the week -,end :Here with his mother'. Mr. Albert 'Ring is having a furn- ace installed f a his residence by Mes- srs,1'.oung ,'& Son, Miss Lilian Fahsuer has accepted a position as Clark in the post office,, Miss Motz of London, visited "Miss Ruth Heist for a few days last week, The flax roil! commenced the sea- son's Work oa Monday. T41 -e farmers who have threshed their beans fund them, a poor sample. The wet weather left them mouldy and spotted. Had the season beer ;fatviotable the yield would have been good. Last Sunday m>toruing a 1111,i0•11, ser- vice is as hell in the Ev angelical Church, conducted by Mrs. Johnsten, Mss Huntley of the Evangelistic com- pany nasal ,Miss Muxwtarthy at. Exeter, The service tva.s very wrnpl essiv e arid all enjoyed it very much. Next Sun- day morning ,at 10.45 a unman service sviil b held in the Methodist Chinch, when the Musical Ciaivductor, Mr. r+ Scharzburgh and Miss Huntley will have charge of the meeting. I.b young people ,etre especially invltted a; the service will be Dar them par- ticu;,aalY. Thomas Ta eveth,ick and Mathew England have been app,oilnted enumerators for the two ,polliing'suu- dpvaisilons •i,n. C:reditorn, '.have commenc- edtil [revise, the ilis'ts for the coming Fe le,al Elections.,A_ianta 'Hodginsthe Township tax go,'lector : is (handing out the little cards for the 'tax -{payer eta gaze at late a_: d to ,fork out. Do your bM. WHALEN vIr. and Mrs, Arthur Baker are vis- iting xelai_ve, at Lions LHeadt,-Miss liable Parkiason returned to her home in Si. Marys last,week, after visiting with relatives around here: -Mr, and Mrs. Fred Foster are the recipvent"s of a bouncing baby girl. -Miss I3essae Morley aI Toronto. Hospital is hone on furlough, visiting with her mother fiat a few weeksi.—Alien Jaques is iinpeoving and we hope btu see liim out again before long. -Mr: and Mrs. Perkins of near Exeter visited with her sister Mrs. Thos. Morley, onSun- day,-Threshing ars all finished up a- round here far another year, and the crop:; were excellent in, all Another sad ,berleavement betel the McGee family when their brother,' !Martin. who resides near Lucmn, died. o_` din'.>tner:;a last week. The funeral, which was private, was held Friday at'. !..he R t:: cemetery near Lucan. SHIPKA Miss Sylvia Jones of Crediton .spent nc. wee!. -,snot with Miss Pearl fit -')ye -Miss Babel Mcisaac is visiting it Landon. -Mies Irene Mc1(e zie spec the past two weeks ;with frieinds ' in Arlo -a. -Mr. Garfield and Miss Freda Fiakbelaer ,of LcG dton spent a few days at Mr. Michael ',(Film! lietn,er's;-. Mrs, Thos. Yearley spent Iasi week with Mrs. Albert. Keys,, KIRKTON Private Reg. Douple _ef Landotn, can of Mr. Amos 'Doupel, was home, far a few days last week, and on Monday night the members of the Sunday Schiool met at his home and present- ed him with a wrist watch and a 'Testament,. Reg thanked them ap- propriately and all enjoyed apleasant. evening -together. tl LII. AID Wherzou feel sluggish Y and nervous, tired and indifferent, you have the first symptoms of declin ing strength and your system positively needs` the special nutritive Mood -tonic in to replenish your blood power, enliven its circulation and bring back the snap and elasticity or gow health. Scott's Emul- sson supplies Nature with the correct building -food which is better than any drugs, pills ox alcoholic n-sixtures. Scott S Bowne, Toronto, out. • 17-16 ONE COMMON OBJECT 1 ONE SUPREME CAUSE 1 U lit t cL�G tfie Ubi..tu LI1 an CLANDEI C YE Farmers: are +b'ecoming greatly alarm- ed over an epidemic of Naekleg among the young cittle.• Ooga,sLderable loss has already' occurred and the local vet, is kept busy vaccinating animals. An- imals affected -die in three or four hours, and there . Ls'lfivt. recovery oslce.. an animal has contracted ,the disease.'. The symptoms are lameness in one" of the, gush lers and dullness and some' times the animal will go around in a circle, but death is always oertain. It. is extremely +contagilaus and the dead aai nnls are either burned or buried where they fall, as drawing 'there away senuld infect the ground over which. the badies art, dragged ,Cattle un- der two \ ears are the principal vic- tims, but all ages are now, being in-. fectecl with the serum. " Geo ' Young had a .narrlew escape from serious :injury. While screwing, down a grease cup an the threshing, machine. he was ,operating the sleeve of his smack was caught by a set- screw projecting ,from a ;revolving shaft The sleeve of, his smock, anteater coat" and gurns,ey shirt were torn loose at the shoulder and wound around the shaft, throwing Mr. Young off the machine to the floor. He suf- fered several nasty cuts as his face and was bruised about the body. It has been a hard season for threshing machines having 0 cutter ,in the back of the machine), Mpst of the oat crop was drawn to the barns 41 a very damp condition. Rot among the potato Scrap is al ready apparenjti, The rot is of the dry variety and in, .many cases can- not be detected till She potato IS Peeled, Several farmers in this vicinity tried, sweet clover this summer as a pasture and meadow plant. Results are' such ass 'would not encourage further sow- ing of this clover. BRUCEFIELD Miss Jessie Gemmell has <returned. Elora a few we:eit's visit at Grand. Rapid's,-i1lr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Clifton. were in Dungannon attending the•fu neral of Mr. Clifton's father, during the past week. -Mr. and Mrs, Jarvis Horton visUfed tat the !otter's par- ents on Sunday last -Mr. Jas. Aiken- head is very busy naw tiueshong'ihe bears:;. -The 'Kelly ,Circle sof Bruce field Presbyterian church is holding their annual bazaar Dot Nov, 29th at 7.30 o'clock. Lunch twill be served during the evening -A calf has been extended to Rev. i4Taclniticishto take chargeof the : Presbyterian church,, here. It:, is hoped by- the people of this vicinity that the .Rev. Macintosh will see fit to accept, -Mr. Lawrence• Moffatt and family• are moving outo the Monteith farm whir ch he recent- ly purchased. ZURICH Mr. and Mrs. Henry Truernner have returned from TIo7o'nto, where they visited their son and` daughter. -The Carter ,scholarships contests in Hur- on County have boob announced and Miss Flora I. Hos; taf the Gi. C. L, daughter of -(Mr. and Mrs. F. Hess,. Sr., of Zurich, wins the third scholar ship. which is valued at $40. Mr Simian Geiger of Michigan visited his lather 1?r. A. Geiger, last week. - While playing' at school the other day the son of Wm. .Duchaiime of the Sauble Line, had the .nats,for'tunc-to have his le;; fractured, -Me. Con. Sie- man of the Zurich Road, had a nar- row •escape .from being crushed to death between ;the rack and fence- plost. Wheh released ,he was uncctn .cious, but he is ,noir recovering from his n s1ortunea.--Mr Wm. O'Brien of. town .haz received the sad news tvf the death ,af his brother', Pte,, Roger= O'- Brien, who waskilled in..actiloea in France. He enlisted in BrandonManf. and was: in the ttrentchles for only a few days when he was mortally wounded -Mr. C S. Schwartzebtruber sr.. o' the Bronson Line, is :seriously ill at \presenrt WHOLLY THINE. -x-o--x- Jus 'tie be wholly 'Thine, - O Lord, we pray, In Thy kingdom' to silt:tne Henceforth alway. "Others" is now our theme, O Lara, each, day, Stnful'lives to redteem Itt Jesus' way. Personal touch with Thee, O Lord, :far aye, �. Conics for Thyself to me As Thou dost say: (`Cisme to Me, child, and rest Thy : weary mind, Seek what its only best, True pleasure find.' Leave all and fiolltow J\rIte, Lett by My Mind, Wholly' from 'tin set ,free, Thy heaven find." W.. M. Eadie. Exeter, Ont., „Novi 24, 1917. $1R' 1DMUND WALKER, . C.V.O.LL I?.,`U.OI« President r. "CAPITAL PAID UP,15,00 $ 0,404, SIR JOHN AURP General, Manager H, V. P. JON1i Asst. Gen'I. Manager. RESERVE FUND, 13,5O0,0OO LOANS ON I. SSTOC GRAINANDL �E�,.�...� This Bank isre .ared to give careful l eon - p -for loans thisEat iso sideration to applications f t_. Consult the Manager: a3 he Mols.?ns Band RECOMMEND THEIR FRIENDS TO INVEST IN Canada's Y ICTOR LP A N AND ARE READY TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. THE BANK WILL UNDERTAKE TO HOLD BONDS FOR SAFE -KEEPING WITHOUT CHARGE FOR A YEAR WHETHER THE SUBSCRIPTION, WAS PLACED THROUGH THE BANK OR NOT. Apply to the Bank Manager for information Auction Sale OF FARM ST'OC'K & IMPLEMENTS On Lot' 15, Con. 1, Stephen, Lon- don Road, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6 1917 At 1 o'clock sharp the following 1-lorses-Mare 8 yjears old; gelding 4 yrsold; aged phare; :filly rising 2 sired by 'IGngsmieun.t; sucl ing colt, sired by Red' Mc'Inntey; farmer's drivel; risneng '4 years, quiet and re- liable. iCatde-Cow due in Feb.;' cow due in April; 3 'Tarnow cows; 7 " two -years - old steers; 6 one -year -cold steers;`1 Her,:cord brill, 4 mos. old; 2 t,alveis,, Pigs. -i. sow. Implements;: -Massey -Harris binder; new; Masse314Harris cultivator; disc Frost anti Wood rake; .new Land roll- er; walking plow; seed drill, set of harrows. Adams wagon"„' set sleighs, Clinton tanning mill, root pulper; Mal otte cream separator, set of heavy harness, whiffletrees, sneckyeokes and other articles too numerous to men- tion. No reserves as proprietor -has given fanning. and underd Terms=Ali sums : of 510 n. cash ; cover. that amount 10 tniotntnst credit ,an -'furnishing appijdved jodsot note ear e. ellss:coount cif ,4'per `cent `per annum :off for cash on credit amounts. John `Blair. Prop. R. T. ,Luker," Auctioneer. NEWSPAPER LAWS 1—A postmaster is reqs:red to ,give' notice by letter returning' thepaper does notanswer tine 'law, when a ,subscriber does not take +his paper out, of the OfficEv and state the reason for '.ts not being taken. .A.ny neglect .to do sq. makes the postmaster responsible to the publisher for payment: 2 -If any person orders his paper &s- cant -hived he must pay alt arriear;a.ges or the publisher may et/ nf mitt t0 3 an d -t ante payinont lis, made and collect the whole amount whether the paper is tak- en fro,n the o1Clice or not. ,There can b;. no legal disc:0,11 nua,nce until ,,pay anent is made. 3—•Ao/ parvo who( takes -a paper Itt of the Post ..Office, whether d'.reeted to hits name or not,, or whether he has ,subscribed •or +eat, o rosponstole for the pay. 4—I1' a ,eu,bsciiiber .ordeirs hes paper •stopped and too publisher continues t0 send, the subecnt'ber :ig; bound to pay for tit ''If• the taltlels i.t out of the Post O_ffic.,_„Thjs proceeds upon the -ground ,:hat a rnfar, must pay for what • he uses. i—The courts have decided that re- • fUs.ing to take, neWsp?lpers or per`adl- 001s:ffrom . th, Pgst,()trace or (removing g ;t leaving, uneillsct for; 1s pelma. facia evidence of ,..ntent:onal fraud. DENTIST Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D.D.S DENTIST Member of the R. C. C. D.5. of Ont, Honor Graduate Tordato University Office over Carting's law Office,' Closed Wednesday afternoons. to R '.4 R KINSMAN. L.D.S c D;D.S. 'lona Graduate Toronto tniversity, eeth extracted without pain or any Gad effects.: Office over Gladman & Sranbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village pronerty at low rates of interest.' GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors,' Exeter ISAAC.' R. CARLING, B.A. Barrister. Solicitor,;; Notary PubJ.c, Cotnrnisslar, er .Solicitor for The .M 01- sons Bank, -•Etc. Money to loan at 'lowest ,rates of interest. Office -Marin Street, Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesez,. Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction G'uar'anteed. Crediton - Ontario MARRIAGE. LICENSES ISSUED• by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. " Strictly confidential; no witness 1. W. ROBINSON' LIC ENSED AUCTIONEER AND VAl-CTA roR for Counties of R-iuran Pertly Middlesex and Oxford. Farm tench Sales, a Specialty. Office at ockshutt Warerooms, next door ; to :entra' Hotel, Maim. Street, i3xeter, Chai ges moderate and satisfaction is euaranteed DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH,PILLS reek �Mating Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor t . Sold at all I,r ug. Stores. or mailed to any (ddrese on rceeipt 61 price.. Tn c 8005591, Dfue Co , St. Catharines Ont+irio • ' •. VHOSPHONOL F611MEN. v y, u(1 tailtypfor Norvo'and 1rafn: )r cronscy,"grey natter";b'tbnic—will build yotfdp. $0 n hox, or SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any,, male over 18 years old, who was at the commencement of the preslewtwa and has since continued to be, aBrl'itsi ish subject or ,a subject of an allied or neutral, country, may homes stead a quarter -section of . available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskattsh- ewan or Alberta. Applicant must ap--... pear tat person at the Dominion Lards .Agency or 'sSub-Agency for .the Dis- trict: Entry by proxy ;may be made on certain conditions. Duties- Sig month.: residence :upon and cultivation of land in ` each of three years. In” certain districts a homestead,et may secure an adjoining quarter-sleej t' Price0 cion as pre-emption, $3.0 p"--- ` acre Duties Reside six months in each of three years after earning homestead patent and cultivate: 50 acres, extra. May obtain pre-emptions patent as soon as homestead patent on certain conditions. A'settler after obtaining hDines tead patent if he cannot secure a pre- emption may take a pureilas- ed : homestead in certain districts. Price .x'3.00 per acre. Duties -Must re- side six months in each of -the three years; cultivate: 50 acres and ,erect a house worth $300. Holders; of entries may count' time of employment as farm labourers in Canada during 1917, as residencedut- ies under certain conditions. When Dominion Lands aoe advert- ised or posted for entry, returned sol- diers who have served , overseas and have been honorably discharged, re- ceive one day priority in applying fox entry at local Agent's Office'" (but not Sub -Agency). Discharge paper$ 1 must be presented to. agent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the'1IVliutister of the Interval N B.=Urtaut)iaraz$i3 publication' of this advertisement will not be paid for ONTARIO'S BEST COMMERCIAL' SCHOOL CEST101. STaATFoRD OP!:eR Courses,' are thorough, the instruct- ors are. experienced,: students get in- dividual attention, and graduates care placed in positions. During 3 months we turned down, over 300 calls• for brained help. This is the School for those who want the practical training and the good positions -Commercial!, Shorthand and Telegraphy depart- ments. Get our free catalogue. It will interest you. D. A. McLach.ia.n. Principal fmaittat THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE st Between; MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT aed CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service, • 'Sleeping cars 001 right 'trains and Parlor Cara on principal day trains,. Full information from any Grand Trunk ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn,-' ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor - WO for $5 dt drug store:I,_ or 1 ,,ynatl on rsnetet '� m itprfce+Fres Bcossli Deco Cu.,;(1. h1etbarines intorio. N. J. DOftil, Agent, Erceter.