HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-29, Page 1THIRTIETH YEAR .•,rv'Vx^ b* y+"'^}rv.iw mm+ wm `Y,••.s a{1•m nvWN?..wrw+4+wN4,1 :EXET'i+at, ONTARIQ, THURSDAY NOV. 29, 1917 Sas CCH. Our Corner. Tlic 'vvay to Berlin is paved with Vic tory Bonds God give us mem! Men whom the lust of officecannot kill; men wham the spoil of office cannot buy; merit who have opinions and a will; men who have honor; menwho will not lie. ", '` ff In this. great election: 'campaign a• c1rristtan people cannot long debate. ivhiclr 'af the. 'two to chee. e-=s1p,very or death ? A day, an ,blur of virtuous liberty is worth a whole eternity of bondage. o Only this week, !left to buy Victery Blonds, Da not delay, buy to -clay. ----- With the excleptiton of the dist graceful •seerde' at Kitchener -the'.oth- er night, (Sir Robert Barden, Isom,: N. W. Roswell, arid I3toan Cl. C. Ball- antyne are holding enthusiastic .meet- ings 8,u many .parts 'of Ontario in sup port of the Union Govertn(m(enit. The tni ney from Victory Bonds s spent in Canada You will get a share Buy a Blond. 'S The British (made a great advance. on the west frdat last week and penetrated 'nine -mile's, capturing many guns and 10,000 . Germar{stt Italy seems to have stopped the German 'drive !oon`their 'front', Allied Britian and 'Fretncli troops are now aiding the Italiana. • Tar ,Paieisti e the British have had great success during the past few days •Russia has still a Most of trouble' on her 'hand's;, but.,setems ,tp be •hold- ing the Trite against `thie ,enemy, and may even yet come back into( shape. T1ic duty of the ',Nous( Ls to buy Victory 'Bendsi. Our soldiers fight fear'you. Buy Victory Bonds for them• Under the War 'Measures Act, 1914 the ,following law has been enacted: - No person, : (firm, corporation or as- sociation - shall, \on or. a,fter the 1st tlay'df December, 1917, operate any, flour mill whi;ch can ,prjdduce in. 24 hours an anito'i nt of .flour equal to 100 or arilare barrels ;ctatrjtailniin;g 196 pounds each, unless such person, firm o ''oxpcaratiorr or rass'ociatien has ob- tained a written license from the Food Controller for Canada. Sir Geo. E. Foster, Mr. Eilber and Mr AVIerner are to speak en the: is- 'uis- ..urlfsrof the day .in the Opera House urns Wednesday evening. ': Mr. Mer- rier is endeavtoriing'; to secure Hon. N. W. Rowell, for, a meeting Iater. PHONE 81a TAMAN' 11ClOPy UDdS VICTORY. is the ONLY road to - Peace and Safety. MEN and MONEY are the two great 'essentials 'to Victory. You MAY not be able to help with ;fi:rst-YOU CAN help with your MONEY. INVEST IN A VICTORY WAR BOND, And you help :win the War, and in - Increase 'your' Income ° at Che same This space is donated to Canada's Victory Bonds VitaTamm Tailor &Furnisher sae THE LATE PTE. JOHNS. Mr. Wm'. Johns of Lonldon Road; south, has received further word re- garding th,e sad death from wounds of his son. Private Norman Johns in France!,' The letter 'states that helves bit in the spine, rushled .immediately;:, to the dressing station, but died soon afteu',varc1s;, One friend, Jas," Mara shall, says that he never had a bet- ter chum than 'Nornianj, "He ` help- ed: me out in every passible way, and he died feeling lnlo paint The Chap - late •writi amid Norman was buri- ed with !honors ' in la, military hospi- tal and a eroa,s would be erected ov- er his graves Anlothler chum in his letter,, says, "Norman was thought very`nruch of out here and we ;hall miss his smiling face. He had always done his duty ,with a god heart as a true British hero always doles. He • died as a true soldier to' save his lov- ed ones at home." THE WORK OF THE MILITARY TRIBUNAL -. Folltowi ng is the report of the Ex- eter Exemption Tribunal decialdes from the 21st to the 27th inclusive-- Exemptions nclusive-Exemptions Allowed Johr F. McCarthy, Patrick McCar- thy Leo J. McCarthy, Archie '5.Mor- gan,:James I. Vance, Stewart Al Mc - Falls, Joseph .F.. Lzernick, Andrew 0. Boa John F. Peart, ,Archibald Robin- son. Barry Horton, William S rite: Wm. E Hicks . Alph, Holtzman, Hen- ry M Brown,,'Willcam H. vltcchel' Leonard 'Kirk, Earl Frank Shapton, Alvin J A. Cornish, Frederick Stare Wm J•u.nn Hockey, Wm;.' A. Monteith lot six months, F..14 Br'ack; to Jana. Geo, E Hackney, Jas. E. Jarrott, Wm J Motz, '.W m,. J. Slavin, Lewi)asl Wm. Johns, Roy Cliiftan Johns, John Enos door • Melville Win v 1 England, nl L. Englan, , Chas, E 'Moore, Roy 'O, S. Todd, 'Win H. McDougall, M,orrrlston Priest, Alex. V: Fortye, Geo. E. Haist, Hugo C.Schenk Cecil. S. Jones', Robert R. Gower, El- mer A. "Lawson Sent for Renelxa4niln t;iLon 'Clinton. R. Sweet. Adjourned for Decision Siame are awaiting `.medical ;report James C. Fenn, Murray Holtzman) Wellington. B. Haist, Williams 5, Slavin Case R. Howard, Linden --.0. Harvey, A1vi,n J. A,. Oaiiniah, 'James G.' Corn'- iah, Wm. Hatter, Herbert Q. lborlorck,' Charles R. Eilber, John' McLean. Bell, Clarence F. Hal'tzmaxi ; George' Bart- ner. Disallowed Sortie are awaiting medical report Everett Falbner, Emmery Fanner, W. E. Ocstreicher, Wer,.' F. Brawn, James C. Fenny Jaynes Cn': Cannish., Herman Dayman, Russell 'McIntosh, Thos. R. Jackson, Otto !Ewald, Sam'i J. Sims; John Leslie Kydd, Kenneth K. Ford, Lawrence Stibhina. 0 FARQUHAR RED CROSS The Farquhar Red Ci'ass Auxiliary report for tthe year is as follows :- 50 ',day shirts, value. $75i 256 socks, value $.t79.20; 38 towels; value h$4,50; 10 comfort bags_'value,$14.50. They also -sent 18 bases ,to the boys at. the Cnont lot Tlvanks;giviryg. Money taken. in :for the year, $328.83; aid the ex- penditure $272.18: The .Auxiliary eta,, purposes 'JoldingaBazaar in the near tutur'et, Particulars :later. WAR 'SERVICE BADGES The Medical Boards sitting at -the hollowing places have been instruct- ed to examine applioarjte for Class "D" War Service Badge'). -1, dein), Windsor :Stratford, Sarnia, Guelph, Harristan, Wirartaii, Chatham, Wood - 'stock, Goderich, St. Thomas, 'I itch- enety. Those nvwho Aave lie/en rejected as C. medically„unlfrit, or had enlisted prior to August ,Loth, 1917, and :had been discharged under paragraph 392 (3),K. & pt. !for t Array, or underLPar- agrap,h 322 (3)9(,: 'Rr, & 0, for the Canadian Militia., are entitled to Class .,U;, Badge , provided they are at pres- ent medically unfit,. They will bring proof by a medical certificate ,of re- jection if such has !been ,gliveln them, or by a statutory declaration o- oth- erwise that they have setae rejected, Id' disabcagcd''tihey will bring their Discharge !Certificate, Application ,toi•'ms tmay'be had at the Medical 13:Dards at' on application to A, ,taut Ad•irta t- ' si In Gcne n i NO 1, ('VTar Service Badge) Dori to 'Ontario. Walter James Brown Lgeu,t-1C'aioncl a -A. A. .G,, M. D. NO. 1, .The Roll of Honor District casualties reported 'Killed in ' Action'. Lance Corp. Wesley Wankle of Seilftorth, Pte. D:. A. Ci'nitellan ,of Clinton, Pte. Hughie Morrison of Parkhill Sergt, Ray Mut'ten of :Mitchell, Bonnar Reid al: Teeswater H. Elwood Hewitt of Tee'swater• Pte. A. B. Henry 'of Luckniolw, Pte, Edw•aad 'Kiirk;4on a fKirktoui1. Pte, Edward Gardiner of Iz,irkiacltr. Pte. Thos. McDonald of Wingham. Pte; Frank Forrestter of ` Cliinrttort: Sergt, 'Neil McDougall of Clinton. Accidentally 'Killed Pte, Gordon Adair af'Wingham. Died, of. Wound.;, Pte, Wilfrid Bell of Goderich. 111 Sergt. N. McDougall of Bayfield. Wesley Ballantynte of Wingham. Wounded R S. Hains sof :Wingham. A. J.. Colston of Mntcbell. Pte. R. J. Forest of Brussels. I. E. Carroll of',G(oderich C. Burgess ofHen!sail T. •E, Mutton of Wun!ghani Pte. Samuel Pallman of Mitchell, Pte. David Quail of Seaforth; Pte, Oscar Schultz of St, ;Marys. Pte, J. W. McCollins of Brucefireid Pte. J H. 'Day iaf Agus .Craig. D. G. McCallum sof Parkhill R. J. Blacker of ',Clinton.. H: 13: Buchanan. :of Ise sa .: n ll Gassed Wilfrid Bell rof Gokierich. Carp. Douglas Goodwin of Goder::ch Word was received on Thursday by Mr: John Norry 'stating, that his some Pte. Norman Norry had been wound- ed in the leg whinefighting in France. SECOND SON IS 'KILLED. James Gardiner ,o;f 'Kirktoa has ie - calved official notice that his cont, Private Edward Gardiner, who enlist- ed in Winnipeg, hal' been killed in action, This 'is ;tlheir second sons Pte Earl Gardiner' having been killed in action a few months ago. Mrs J. Nintchell, Hensall I'.O„ -has received ,interesting Letters from three young menat ithie tfrant, thanking her tor parcels sent them. Mrs. Mitchell is President of the Red Cross Soci- ety at 'Chasellhursti Pte, T. Wilkinson says, -"It cheers us up a lot. Par-• cella and letter's are ;whatwe have to .look forward to here. Not so much' pleasure to go over: the top at. Fritz but it is a111 gin a IWfe( time. Friitzl'sends sends us ever lots pt thinlgsl to eat sausage's, pineapples, whiz -bangs and rum jars, but not pf the right kiatd. Lance, Clorp. Arthur Parker writes,. -"I have received your monthly par cel, regularly, All. the boys are fine' at presenft. The weather has gto•t quite cold and wet. It sieenits aliard question to figure out 'when we will get peace, but we are doing what we can and waiting patiently. Pte. F. J. 'Cann 'says i1n, his letter,- "I (send my sincere thanks for your parcel, I was wounded` on May 3rd and am still in)E4ngland, but have re- c.overed entirely Ifrom., my wounds, and am "tfeeiing fine. tante of the Brintnell boys is here. -11pa ting you all are well and having a bumper crop. Exeter Council Dfontday, Nov,. 26th, 117 A regular 'meeting of ,.he muni cipal council. was held ,with al,: metria. bens 'present. The minutes of the 'meeting held on November 112th were read amid: approy'ed. Letters were read as [follows,- From F. C, 'Coca' tic; J urnitore 'Co. t ,f33neardr'ne re filre whistle. The action was taken by the [Reeve -Con- firmed, (Reports were r man lard medical Board oil Health and ordered file and ,:Elston, -Car The following approved with orders same 'to be 'paid. 117, E. Iluston'1 icu'd'dy 50100 ; Ge 2,;70; M E. A, rollick 75c James Weekes 11 Walter 'N1estcotl: 3.00; Thos. G. C Cornish 10 5:0; Jo Parsons 10.05; 'Harley Jr„ 4.'30 ; Rd, Qu Webster, 15.00, cad !from,: the chair- man of the Local which were accepted, d no matron of Day ric d. orders were: readand _ given " that the 00;;,E btc0il1- Geo. Ford 3.00; J. 'A' Stewart 1 T. Gardiner 5.10; „ Tiles. "Houlden 5.25 ,00; John Norry 0,75 25,00 Thos, Sanders reccli 1.7.75; Thomas tin Ty'dd 0.00; Jahn arley Sanders 10.50; William Waal 1a,00; JohnGillespie Jr„ ane 1110; '.Phomas Mrs, A. 1-Tasting's and ibliss 1 ssery waited 'on 'the Council as ;itepresein- tatevcs 'oit the Hur o'nr ;County Way CIonting'ent, asking aid tram' t•bcf Council Re, (for War Cling money to provide a Chr.istinas. dinner for 'th'e Exeter soldiers •ol the .161st Battal- ion at the front; •similar action, being taken all over the !county. Per Snell and Penhale-Thatadon,- ttion of $1.00 per'man be given, the nsoncy to be :sera. to Lieut. Col. R. Murdie. D.S.O., ; cammahcl,,n , the ].61st 13at t 1li on Witley, Surrey, Eng, • Per Day and Penh,ate-That the of- fer of Mr. Geo!„ ,Ford to supply 10 or 15 loads at ;road .,gravel at the Town hall and a like amount provided .and opremises 'ta hen lvs own rr c5 text in p t11 for municipal trsre: st $1.00 per, Riad of ine-quarter cord„ he taccepted,-Car- r ted By haws Nos, o, 9, and 10 of 197.1 were ptoposed. No, 6 to provide ifee a poll tax andthe rcollecting a( the same. No. 9 'providing for the min- icipai taxation for the year 1917. No. 10 providing Cor the calling of a public meeting for receiving nomina- tions for ,municipal officers and School Trustees for 'the next year, These by-ilavvs were given the neccessary readings and d'inaliy passed, Reeve and Clerk signing the same, and affix- ing the seal of the 'c rparationthere- fa. Merchants and others having ac• - counts against the municipality kind- ly have same presented be'fore Mona. day, Dec. 10th Adjournment by Day Jas. Senior, Clerk, Local News 0 hfr,, Ed, Treble is confined taker room through illness. - M. G, 3, Dlow.ahipped a car horses to Winnipeg •Mdnday. Victory Bonds are aprofitable pur- chase and a patriotic duty Mr, and Mrs,. Jerry. Heemarr 'af Crediton, have rented their farm to Mr. Frain: Taylor, and they wilt move to Exeter, Winter ;seems to have se in the Last !few dal,st _The. ground is cov- ered ,with a mantle of snow, And it has been quite scold. By a vote of 200 Ito 17, the people of Parkhill, Monday carried a by=iav` authorizing an ,expemiditurle' of $12,000 tor the installatip!n of ,Hydr+o-electric power. . The War-''Tilmes-Election Acl• pro, vides that in rural districts the 1916 list shall be taken, with aliens drop- ped and women added, Na men's names may be -added: Mr. Milo Snell this week moved un- to the farm he (recently purchased from Messrs. Sweet Bros,, and Mr. William Sweet moved into the house vacated by Mr. Snell ions, Andrew street. Mr. Chas:: Go'dbolt has movedonto the Wm. Higgins' farm, east of tow,n,• and Mr. Higgins and family have niov- ed''to Seafortht Mr, Thpa. Bell /of Elimville has moved unto the Godbolt farm. ' Provided a_sufficient number of Oddfellows appear at the LodgeR;oam at 7.30 on Thursday evening, Nave. 29, they will'atte,nd thje Evangelistic ser- vices on the invitatiloiis of Mr, John- ston in a body. Up to Tuesday the Vicctory Loan in Canada au/bunted to over $220.,-. 000,000. Huron •Cou.nty' has subscrib- ed over ane and at half minibus, h:•Exeter and Usbarne District the amount already ;subsccribed is $1o0,- 000, _ atephcn: Township has sub- scribed $45,000. M•r. Trueman IEllaatt received the first 'prize, an inner 'tube and, tire tes- ter, for taking the •largest number of to te'- 'c e the Ev nigh service an, 1 people g Tuesday in a Ford car. He took in, 77 persons. Mr. George Down got .a similar prize for coming the farthest distance, 18 miles;' The prizes were donated by, the Ford dealer, Mr. Milo Snell: THE VOTERS' 'LISTS.-Enumera tors are ;now busy in the various sub- divisions of the various nruniicipalities. preparing -the -valets' lists for the ap- proaching Dom:sn fare election. Give them all,the,.h;elp you can. Capieaoit these l'is'ts will be posted up, in each sub -;division, and all persons who cansiler 'themselves qualified voters per.s:ons who are mothers, wives, wid ows ..sisters; step -sisters or daughters of soldiers or naval mien serving aver seas died over seas, or honorably dis= charged from overseas' service -ought to see that they are not left off the lists. Even after the lists are posted up . you can apply to the enumerator to have your name ,put on. 'They are prepared to da this if you show them that it 'should 'be. danlefi In, Exeter the enusrveraitora are, Ed. Treble,,,Poll 1; Joseph Davis, Poll 2; Well Johns;' Poll 3; Moses`' Amiy,''Poll 4. Rev. Sharp :was in -rot -onto durin, the week, BIRTHiS Br•intuell-In Centralia, ,one Nov. 22nd, to ;11;r and Mrs,. Alvin, Brir.tinell, ,a clau slit ex. Heywood. -In Usbontne, on: Nov. 22 to Mr, and Mrs. Gorden Heywood, ' a sow -Dalton Clifford. MARRIAGES ' Testier -Buswell -At the parsonage, Centralia, en Wedln(esday, Nov. 711s, by Rev. W. A.. Fiin,7ay, :iv10ss! 'Edith J Buswell to Us,laorne, to 1VIr'. Ed- win W. Teeter sof Smltlivihe, Lin- enIn Cathay. • • temp sey,-Aldsvv ortl .-In Gederich ldaw'na,lr,ip, :on Nov. 14, Ruby Mac, daughter tat! Mr. 'and Mrale Levis aldswo.rth, to John A. Uean,psey, son laf Mr. and ? Ir:4, John Dempsey of (Clinton. DEATHS 13eer•,-in Lanfcldn, an Nov. 24, James Beer. of Exeter, aged 71 y•ars, 11 months and 74 clays: Anidlia -At Pantiex, Saisk,, on Nov. 24th, Ida. Amelia Coultis, wir'e at Albert E, Andrew, aged 44 year's, 4 months 27 days, Mills -In Cttelph, on Nov. 25th; Dnvid Mill, far nrer'ly of Exeter. Funeral from tht'Tri vitt Memorial Church, on Frld:ty. Nov, 27th, at 3,50 o'clock to tkr.+'. I++Cat't Com MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED b' C 1I Sanders at the Advocate Of - 'Li. Strictly confidential; no witness The Victory Loan The: strongest appeal yet made for the ,Victory Loan we bjelieve const` -'s twain the fields of 'Flanders in John McRae'; ptaens, as follows: ,r JN FLANDERS FIELI)S In Flanders fields thje poppies blow Betvveetr 'the 'cnosses, row on. raw, That, mark tour place, and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, .f1Y, Scarce heard amid the guns below. We ,are the dead; short days ago We dived, telt dawn, saw sunset.gl osv, Laved and were loved and now we lin In•,Fiandera fields, Take up .our Quarrel with the foe ! To you from, failing hands we throw The torch; be .yours: 'to. hold it high! If tree break faith ,with us Who. die We shall .not sleep, though poppies grow i In Flanders fields, BUY A WAR BOND, 4 GIVE THE FAMILY AN EDISON FOR XMAS„ asks to Xmas. This year finds us with the best bouht and selected Christmas Stock that ever entered this great store The £allowing lanes are ;co'mplete,-. TOYS, DOLLS, ETC. Last year our Doll Supply was short. This year we have 'dozens from 10c., 15c. to 85c. Au kinds toys from 10c. up, See our big Xmas Bi'1 thawing scores of art- iclec. • 1.1,I !i FANCY CHINA Bon onB Dishes, Berry • Sets, Crean: Sets Sugar and Cream Sets Fancy Cake Plates, See the cups & saucers at 15c., 20c., 25c., and 35c. Chinaware all prives from 10c, ^up. BULBS, . BULBS , Hyacinths and Frezias' direct from Holland, 5c up. Flower pot; all sizes now in. Come here for your supply, XMas CARDS & NOTE PAPER (Cards lc., 3c., 5c., each Notepaper pads and fancy boxes.. from 10c. to 25c. FANCY WORK BASKETS & WASTE (PAPER BASKETS: 10c. up to 35c, OUR 'KANDY DEPT. In this department we pride our - 'selves as ;never before, We sell' only the best, ;WILLARD'S FORK DIP'1', and other good makes. Wil lard's in Fancy Boxes aid bulbs Chewing Gums and Nuts. Try tour 'Kandy Counter for good clean service. No candy handled byhumanhaaid' MUSIC ALL THE TIME AT THIS GREAT $TORE, We are always happy, Why? Because there's an Edison there. EDISON'S at $48, with records COLUMBIAS at $29 with :records,and higher if you want theme. STEP' IN AND LOOi;. AROUND POWELL'S BAZAAR BUY AN EDISON. THE HOME OR THE NEW EDISON' PHONE 55; STEWART'S PHONE 16 PHONE 1'S 21 Shopping Days Before Xmas We can scarcely realize that its so, meal.. We lyeaiieve everyio(nie will give useful presents this Christmas, and after all that is :what isc appreciate the most. Make your selections 'early amid, we can put them away atvd deliver;them the clay before Christmil,s FANCY BLAC'I( SILKS FINE FURS A set taf fine Furs would make a truly .magnificent ,i•ft. 'vVe are ,oliering some !excellent values i,n the papular furs that are being yarn =this seaon. • : SILT ,& +CCREPE WAISTS Just in and ready dor Christmas alrtoppeia, Very dainty and made. 'or good' washing materials $420 to $5,50, LADIES' & &TEN'S UMBRELLAS What would be nvon•e appropri- ate than a lovely. -Pinasol or Urn, mega at Christmas -$1.25 eta $3.50 HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Eye,ryanc who (has .yarn I-Ioie proof Hosiery knows their wear- ing qualities. Buy a box for your son or daughter- for 'Christmas, HANGING LAMPS A new 'shipment has come to hancl Gorr Christmas buyers. The new colorings are sure to please you. We are showing a Lime range of Fancy Silks at pea- yard $125 to $2; 75, Also some excellent values Black vSilks at $1,25 'to '$2.50. These .g,00'ds ane very scarce. SWEATER COATS. For Boys, Girls, Women and Men. Wiso would not like ante :007 Christm,asf? Many new styles in almost a,ny collars, or cambi,ne-4 tion or color,, FANCY TEA APRONS Always so acceptable at Christ- mas,. We are 'showing some dain- ty paitte;rns ,at 35 ,in 50 cents, MEN'S SILK MUFLERS These are ;beautiful scarfs and conic in 511 color's. They are what the young 4nen will wear 'this 'sea - sant $2,25 10, $3t50. DINNER SETS At 'old prices -at al,m'oist any pace you care to payj,, Piopular prices range ifnam $14,00 to $+.22,00 'We p:ay Jriglrest prices for live ,or 'dressed poultry. PHONE 16 Jo A4 ST ' A PHONE 16 The Big Store with 'tthe r ithle'? ices • 1 1