HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-22, Page 8EXETER AR`Ki.'lI Changed Eaelt WedelesclaY Wheat x „ 2.1Q Ontario .Oats 60 Barley,, 95 'to 140, Fa.tnily Fla,ur.., . 5.70 , Low grade. flottr 3.25 Shorts 42.00 • Bra .36,00 R Cne racry atter- .. _ 1R Dairy Butter . . 40 to 42 Eggs,.,.,,,,,.,, 45 - 3'X Lard .«- -.. Paot�ttoes 1,60 *toy 1,85 ldog .,,.,, 16.75 Hal , per ton o ...».W.. I' QC( (.012.00 'TONT. NELSON GARAGE, Having ;avered my connection: with; the Exeter Motor Sales Co..(Wes, Snell sales manager), I have taken over the Garage business formerly conducted by bar.. T. H. Newell,and am prepared to do all classes of re- pair work rpatroaoagea-TOMBiles'. I solicit yNELSON. Oddfell?ows are requested to. meet sn the Loclge Rolorn at 6.15 on Sun- day evening (nextto attend the Mem- orial. Service to the late Bra. Sidney West in the Trivitt Memorial Church. Ed, Treble, N. G`• You know of course, every industry of any importance has a paper of.its own, one to which it ghvea its united support by way of advertising and subscriptdon!sk Those interested... do this 'that the 'paper may live and con- tinue:'to be useful to. them by aggres- sively advocating their interests, You have a paper ,that for over twenty- six years has been lookiing after the interests of the farmer, Have you given it your suppop•tl? If .not, see that •you 'subscribe for The Weekly Sun, Toronto, the farmers business ,pape.r, from the present time, to. .ist January, 1919. It fwill cast you only One dollar, but you will find the dollar well and profitably spent, —x—o-x-�- CARD OF THANKS—Mr. and Mr. Joseph. Northcott desire to thank the neighbors and .friends for their kind- nesses shown during their recent be- reaventent. FOR SALE—Brick house with two tots and barn. Apply Mrs. F. Lane, William Street. —g—o—x— The Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt` Memorial Church will hold their An- nual Bazaar on Friday, Nov. 30th in, the Trivitt 'Memorial School Hall. Use ful and fancy articles for sale. Ad- mission 10c. Light refreshments ser- ved. En. the evening an illustrated ad- dress will be given on "The Life and Scenery of Japan Admission 10c. FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—Apply to Mrs. William Hawkshaw. ;ESTRAY HEIFER There strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con.. 1, Landon Road, Stephen, on or about Oct, 1st, a yearling heifer. Owner can have 'same by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN BLAIR, Centralia P.0 C. W. ROBINSON Agent. .has five ,Cockshutt Riding Plows that he will sell at last rear's price. Farmers can sae $15a now. by buy- ing ow. Come and g plow be- fore they are all gone. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED bz C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no ,witness MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the Corporation or Count-- of Huron will meet in the counci' chamber, in the -Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 4th day of December next, at 3 o'clock. Dated, Nov. 20th, 1917. W. Lane, Clerk FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering forsale that desirable farm in Hay Tp., being Lot 4, 'Com 1. There are on the, premises a good frame :house, barn, and young orchard. The land is well drained and fenced and is in a good state of cultivation; is situated one mile north 'af. Exeter, and is a first class farm in every Irespect. " Apply to W. J. Russell, Exeter ',P. O. A HAST%INGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance Company Also Fire and Accident Insurance. Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER, ONT. AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE. -Having taken over the Wat- kin's Agency from Mr. J. E. Gould of Hensall. I am prepared to do business with all the old customers and others who have not previously nused the products I will be pleased to interest also, A fa line now in to s canbe stock Goadprocured at r P residence atanyt' time, full line of Linaments,„ Cough Remedies, Spides and Extracts, Toilet Articles always ov hand„ Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter, WM, ANDREW,. Travelling Salesman, Exeter, Ont. Winter Apples Car' dust arrived, Nos. 1, 2 'and 3, packed in each barrel, but marked No. 3, . Price $4.75 per barrel; cash; $5.00 if charged. Sold in, barrel IgE$ only, Apples ,stored at Canning Factory. Leave your orders at this store, Same will be filled in term. Jones 8r7May F. EPE1 ADVUGA� , Tu1n 611AY,. NOV. 2S 111117 LOCAL ItNGS, Yc k .Ares-- 4'Ica A coat of paint tin ;tine, interior of the pout office has brightened - up the croon and improved the appear- ance Judge i,, '1\1 l=ns boon sworn in by Crown Attorney -Seager and has taken over has duties. Judge Lewis wilt preside at the Division Court in Exeter on Dec, Immigration into Western .Canada: for the pant ten months was more than double that in the same period of last year- and more than treble that in the 4irst ten months of 1915. We note 'that Mr. Ed,. Hooper, an Exeter Old Boy, but now in Winni- peg has been place ion the Committee in that city to canvas the citizens n behall of the Victoiny War Bands, Th.e "Birth of a Nation" attracted a very large crowd to the Opera an Wednesday night of last week, A fine orchestra accompanied the mov- ing pictures, and the whole was thor- oughly enjoyed The receipts at the Fianley;,Fisher cher had crossed over on the ferry Evangelistic meetings recently held in with his ••car and ,svlren partway up St. Marys were $3,228,19, and the ex- hill on .thy other isle, where there penditu.r•es $3,225.64, I',he lacal `x- rias a ]evel spot, his car was found pnne: were $1,218.63, and the free appeared will offering :81 • to ,be asleep. On ..further examine - .A little blaze ifnor, ia gasoline stove ' tion it was found he was dead. He at the home of Mr, C.haa Skelton w'as buried at Outlook on • Friday. caused the fire alarm tao be sounded(on The deceased was 70 years ,df age and. Fridayafternoon but before the fire Wan bor'i near Woodham About 14 brigade arrived on the scene the blaze ' years ago being troubled with as- was under clo+ntral. Nio damage was i thma, he 'went West and fanned, hi done. I politics he was a Liberal „'and in re-' It will be pleasing news -to her Hawing a MethOd,isti. Besides the sor- i-owing widow, whom he married only many friends 'to learn, that Mrs. John , a fen- years_ ago, he is survived by.the Ston, who 'underwent an operation at 1 • the hospital, Lndpn, 'last week, is Ia1lowTng children : William of Con improving dticely; but she ;will coir- ( quest Edward krf Readlyn; Norman continue to remain at .the hospitalfor of Calgax1 Thomas of Saskatoon; a time. 'Nelson of St. Marys; Mrs, Thomas Thompson of London; and kirs. Ar - 'Up- to Tuesday night Huroin(County had, aubscrcbed $902,000 to the Vic- tory :J.oan \itis Mawhinney laying resigned,, "Miss Quante"'ha's taken herr posiitfbn, an clerk, '(in the 1Po's t: Office. The. Advocate needs about a doz- en copies • of the last week's issue, of the, Advohmtet Can you spare yours ? Next Tuesday ,night prizes tr'''ill be awarded to the l'or•d.,owners who carne the longest du,'stance, and also who bring the largest ,'nuber of people. --x. 0 al— ENGAGEMENT—Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Snell, Exeter, an,nlounce tbe engage- ment of t lrepr youngest daua tter Meryl Q. "to Mr, ,Lynfard Raymond Francis( son „of Mr, and Mrst Arthur Francis of Usbarnie. The marriage to take place in December. SUDDEN DEATH.-1y1r, :Michael Fletcher Exeter, received word Wed neaday evening of last week from 1VIrs. William .Fletcher of Conquest,`" Sask., of the manner in which her father, Robert Fletcher, ;for" many years a resident of 'Iiilrktlani,-died at Outlook Sask., an Wednesday last. Mr. hest - On Sunda.5 ,evening next 'Rev. A. , thur Rundle of Wolodham, Two bro A. Trumpet; will conduct a Memorial thers and two sisters also survwes service for (Pke. Sidney West, who Michael of Exeter ;• Jahn of 'Wirechel w:as killed at the front last week. sea; Mrs. Thos. Clark of Winchelsea;. Having been a member of the I. O. Mrs, Jas• Moutray of Michigan. The O. F., Exeter, the ;members will be late Mr. Fletcher visited Exeter last in attendance len;body. year. The death occurred at Snowflake,' _DEATH OF MRS. -W. R. ELLIOTT Mari.; on Nov. 9th, of Mrs. L. F. —The news of the startlingly sudden Boston, the eldest daughter of Mr. death. of Mrs. William. R. Elliott came Samuel Handford, a former residentas a great 'shuck to this' com:muiuty of Exete, Besides the father acid ' on Wednesday morning last, •her death • mother and several brothers and sn- ters she is survived by a husband and four children. Rev. E. G. Powell, who has been one, of th,e, field secretaries for the Com- mittee of One Hundred, has resigned owing to all health. Mr., Powell's re- cent ,au'tla experience, near Listowel brought him .eta the. decision that his health .must be looked atter for the time .being. His resignation took ef- fect ,on the 15th. In the m{eaatime, he will reside in London.' Between three -hundred and four- huhdred delegates from the Western Division, ;representing over 30,000 members sof ;the Woman's Institutes met in London on ;Nov. 14 and 15, in their 4th annual c'onventio'n Prom- ine,nt speakers, addressed the different. sessions. A., ?tremendous amount of work was accomplished. Reports were read from many branches showing having taken place in Toronto during Tuesday night or Wednesday, nforn, Deceased had ':been a tong suf ferer from goitre for Which afflic- tion 'she. had undergone a number of operations ..but these only afforded temporary relief. A little ; over' a week ago Mrs. Elliott went to Toron- to for further treatment, - and was apparently in ,herr usual health when retiring ,an Tuesday night. Wednes- day morning her sister, Miss Kate, on going to her roam was horror, stricken Ito. find Mrs. Elliott cold in death, her arms resting over her breast with every indication that she passed away without a struggle. Ow- ing to Mrs. Elliott's kindly sympathy and •Christian character and loveable qualities there is much profound sor- row and regret among the. entire community _af friends and acquaint- ances She was ,b,orini itt Oshawa in. 1852, her maiden name .being Mary much work being done "For Home S. Hancock!. She' was married to and. Country." .,The annual reportfor Mr. Elliott in 1883, andsince that time• - 1916 shows that $188.837 was raised she has resided cantinu,ously in the , for ,Institute mind Red Cross work. Township of Stephen. Being - a mem- Among th,e resolutions passed was the her of the Centralia Methodist Church important one, To petition the Pro- she took a deep and active interest vincial Government that measures be in all 'bran,c lyes . Of church ti,orla and taken to 'stamp out the evil of comm- unicable- disease by isolation and also to se'grega'te all feeblerrlmindjed ,c.hitl- dren and adults. The delegates were taken to see the 1,13yroa Sanatorium for returned 'tubercular soldiers of which out Of the 28 wards the Wom- ans Institute has furnished 8. The delegates' 'were also entertained at a luncheon at 'Spellman and Ingrains by Mayor Stevenston, and the Canadian Council of 'Women. DIED.—Geo. S Huston, an old Huron .Boy' died suddenly at his home. on Saturday, Nov. 17th, in. Puy allup, near -Seattle, Wash., in his 58th year. George _ Huston was horn and raised near ,Ctentralilti When the Greenway exodus took place to Man- itoba about 40 years ago, he was anions „the number. :Ie had one of the. finest',prairie half sections near Crystal -City, Manittoba, that lay out do,ojrs. Ire. parted . with; 'this for a mere, trifle,,, - He afterward gravitated Ater fa Dakota and later mole it to Washington,'Where: he died as stated, Helcaves to 'mourn him, his wife, who w -as a' daughter of the late Gelorge Huston of Blanshard, three brothers, Henry E. of Exeter, Alfred ' R; of Walkerville and Wesley C. of Alberta; and one. 'sister, Mrs. J; R. Ess,ery oaf London. LOYAL TALKERS.—Walt ` •Mason' hits the nail .s,quare On the head in the following, which contains more truth than poetry, and it would be well for many "Berg and elsewhere to give it personal applicatika n, -"A lot of us old fogies, who are, too gray to fight, sit ° round and smoke our sto- gies, and jabber day a,rnd night. We tell about the scrapping wea'd da 'a_f we were. young; we send the Prus- sians yapping, with buckshot it bis lung. We d prod od Coes in. th.e, s tam- ache with ,gartering .ward and lance c upon pile. our dead in h�umrr>to ks the plains alt Fra,ncet, And /.ow we roast the stripling who does not seek the fray. who's quoting Wells or Kip- ling 'whale lathers march away; We skin that German royal, who started all the (fuss; we are, so doggone loyal the children stare at us, But when we're asked 'politely 10 dig sap for' the Fund, and keep things going, rightly „out yonder and beyond, whet asked'ta',give assistance, we"sttddetrly;' recall engagements .in the distance, and hike to beat you all. You cannot tear asunder dire tightwad front hies wad, the 'nrirser from his pinrndeer,rthe gold brick from h,!e god: Oh, talk is cheap .and s',iiling, twe all can ]roost. fig, the: a °. • but ask for a shilIr,n& a ursd 1 see us wilt and';saga' Oh, miser :open rip ytaur purse, let greed and self bre still. and, When, the saldler homeward cronies ,gro'et ibim without a chill. by her death -the church loses a faith -b ful and earnest worker. Besides the; +.t• sorro-stricken husband she is sur- vived"' by 'three - daughters and one son: Miss Lillian: at home, Mrs. Wt A. Jenkins nI Lolnldton and Murray and Mabel Mabel at :home. She is also survived' by two 'sisters and one brother—Mrs.; French of 'Clinton; Miss 'Kate Han=G clock, and Mr. At i J. Hancockajf To- tiontto. Thies remains will be brought here for burial, the funeral taking place from her late home ,in Stephen' on Friday at 2 o'clock to the Exeter cemetery. Her age was 55 years. --Y=o—y-- Pte. Gordon 'Bedford was ,here for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Creech were in London during the week. Mr. 1'Iorris 'Wexler of Windsor was in town on business Thursday last: Mr. W. H. Martyn 'at London visit- ed in town tor a day or two last week Miss Hollinger,' assistant milliner - with Miss McDonald, has gone. to, Hamilton EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN Evangelistic services conducted by the .Rev. E. DeWitt Johnston part.y,. the pastors and peorplie, are under full swing. The atteindaac,e to date has been pleasing, and the reception• has been pleasing to the party. Tire. great cliiorus is doing good w,•ork and Prof. Ray Swartzbauglh says rt bids fah` torank among, the finest he has conducted. Rev, Jahn'ston, is an ordained minis- ter of the gospel and Canadian, born. He, is an able ;sp,eakiejr,, Prof Swaert- baugh is a trained worker in,'the ev- angelistic work, and is considered a' tine director. He has beendrafted'. into the U,S. army and may be called at anytime. MrsJohnston's an en- ergetic is worker and pleasing speaker. Miss Lydia Huntleyis an accomplished pianist, and has a cronvtralta voice of great charm, Mrs. Huntley is a strong speaker to women and girls. The party i:s a ongno. Next Sundaystr'servicoe ,are, -At 7 a.nr Sunrise: prayer tmieletgtng in Main St, church; led by -Mrs. Johnston,; At 3.1.5' p.m. at 'Main St. Church Mr, Johnston will speak to' .Men only' and boys of 12' "Or, over on'"Where Satan saws his seed,": At 3.15 in James St, Church IVIr, Huntley will speak to. women on- ly and !girla 12 ,and over on "The White Life" 6 ern, prayer meeting in James Street church: and at 7 pan., Evangelist Johnston, will give his mes- sage on "Excuses", On Saturday ev- ening there is the parade, of the day Schools and the ,Booster Chorus. Services each week night bis Monday at 7,45. Everyhiody invited. • JONES & MAS POOP NO, FM WHY BUY VICTORY BONDS BECAUSE— Halt: a' nridliian of our young men are "over there," or scan will be BECAUSE— Each one of these men must have food, clothing and amu:nl- tion. BECAUSE- Tire g government .needs- money tosupply these and it is up to us pp Y , all to provide it. 10 per cent: down an& balance on January 2nd, buys a Bond of. any .denoininatijam, from •$50 up, ANYONE can do that. EVERYONE should do that.. See a Canvasser AT ONCE. USBORNE & EXETER STEPHEN TP. HAY & HENSALL J. G Stanbury, Exeter Herbert Silber, Crediton And. Hess, Zurich T. Cameron, 'Kirkton R.R. Wm. Anderson, Centralia C. ,Fri'tz, Zurich, F. J Dehbridge, Exeter ' E Nadiger, Dashwood F.W.Gladman, Exeter A. Hastings, 'Exeter John Ross, Grancl Bend G.G. Petty, Hensall This space is donated to the Victory Bend' by J & MAY it-iadq tlrtt•t r:TS for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing. I3: C, W. C. A. Y 'RP b Report of the Exeter Branch of el° •fli the H.0 W;C.A. for the; month of No- vember, Soldier's ' Aid, 1 suit pyjamas, 106 .;pr, scolds, Zion Red Cross (Circle -12 shirts, 20 pair- of socks; Centralia, Patriotic League -6 shirts, 44 pairs of socks. 20 stretcher caps, Little Can- ucks.-3 •pair soder. Thames Road,' Red Cross -14 shirts, 6 suits pyjamas 33 pr. souks. Dashwood 'Sed. Cross -2'7 shirts, 4 hospital shirts, 6. (suits py- jamas. 17 sheets, 45 pillow cases, 50 towels, 5 wash cloths. Women's.. In- stitute Exeter. -61 pair socks, L6 stretcher caps, Elimville and Sunshine, -248 'pr, socks, Crediton Red Kireas. 1 shirt, 8 suits `pyjamas, 38 pr. soeks! Total value $798.80 t , i (7rerrra Essery,, Secty. MOTHERS OF CANADA PREPARE FOR TROUBLE When a girl becomes a woman, when a woman becomes a mother, and when a Roman passes through the changes of middle life, are the three periods of life when health and strength are most needed to withstand the pain and distress often caused by severe organic disturbances. Many thousands in this section would testify' as do the following: St. Catharines, Ont. —"Over forty years ago I was ;restored to health by taking Dr. Pierce's . Favorite Prescrip- tion. It was after medicine and doc- tors had failed to help me or give relief. I had, through overwork, become all run- down in health. I was weak and finally became a nervous wreck. Thd 'Prescription' *as recommended t o me, and at the time :[ ' started to take it I bad not been able to do any- thing for over a year. I took the "Fav- orite Fav- orite Prescription' and the 'Golden Medi- ca' Discovery' as well. It took several bottles, but I was completely restored to good health and since that time when I have felt the need of these medicines I have taken them and always with perfect satisfaction.ii; bins: WM. BA,$Err,; 33 Page St,' t 'ti; o` " , Stratford, Ont. —I was all run-down, weak, nervous, I also suffered with severe pains thibugh my back. I was very miserable when a friend advised me to tryDr. Pierces" Favorite Prescription : and one bottle seemed to give e xonewed strength,' 'Xt stopped the pain in my back,' altio helped My nervous condition. It is surely a good tonic for women,— Mac.'Froatrres CuLLif n, 100 Milton St. TAILORED 'TO ORDER WILL ` BE FAR MORE BECOMING Yet Cost No More massemet We have a large ;number of New Fall Suits and ,Oveircbatings that wait your arrival -a wide assortment of Fashion's Chosen, ,colors,=soft hand some Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades, mama OUR ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' Suitings L the Finest we have ever had. The studied exactness in measuring and becoming ,designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes produces' a com- pleteness of tfittiing and a pleasing- ness of appearance that a ready-made can never hope to 'equal. No Lady knows how well she can appear in a. Suit ar Coat until she has one cut to measure: OUR STOC'IZ IS COMPLETE elirq GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand. Upstairs, Qpposite the Central Hate. Furniture and Undertabing R. N. ROWE THE FUNE*Ai. MEM=R AND FURNIB DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, mitts, teas, coffee and every ting in the gtvooery line. Cali and gee us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Ja�e, Gould Next The Metropolitan Hotel eter Bargain Store BOOTS AND SHOES SMART NEW ,,BOOTS FOR LADIES in ,black' bgowsi andg. rey, ? s col heels ,,n,g, sport heels, They are the very essence of food style. Ra,ttgt'h&n price from $5,00 to $10,00 apair: MEN'S ,B BOOTS in bi ' varlet of st les,priced � yy fr'atn $4,50 SD X7,00 a pair BOYS' and GIRLS SHOES—We have what ti e lila tisane( arud-..alt th right price. LADIES'big ( SPATSin ra range ;cif SUITS t AND OVER,COA'I`S• CAPS, MITS GLOVES SWEATERS RS s1- adesi , MACES TIES, ETC. - B. W. F. Beavers