HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-22, Page 4Theres s a. Real Treat in Store for You When °You Try e rreci Ale This rich, sparkling Beverage trickles real ;joy, to the inner man. The tang of it spreads n ,cantle of sweet charity over the disposition, warms the; very cockles of your heart, and. forces the conviction that this is a pretty good old world after all, Try a bottle—or a case ---and get wise to this superb brew. On sale at Groceries, Cafes, Hotels, or direct from the Biewery, Cheers, but does not inebriate,; JOHk LALIMITED ESTAAP,LISHED 1832 83 LONDON, ONT., and No. 4 St. Helen Street, MONTREAL c*er biTOCate„,1 Sanders St Creech, Propri►tors Subscription Prices—In advance $1,25; Ditr year in Canada; $175 in the United. Staten: Ail subscriptions not pals in advance Si - cents extra will bit elraxd, ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates — Made know i on application StrayAnimals-One !insertion 50c., three insertions. $1.00 Farre: or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for one month of our insertions 25c. for each subsequent insertion Miscellaneous Articles of not mare than five lines, for Sale, To Rent, or Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in- rtion 25c Local Reading Notices, etc., 10c. pe4 ;Cine per ,insertion. No notice 1 ess than lac. Card of Thanks 50c. Legs Adv+etrtisang 1Oc. and 5c. aBne Auction Sales, $Z for one insertion, seed $3 for two -insertions. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 inch—S0 per year THURSDAY, NOV.t22, 1917 Dashwood Mrs. A. ,Graupner returned to her home in .Loraine, Ohio, after spend-, ing a couple weeks at the Lutheran' parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'Kellerman left Ear 'Kitchener on Friday, where they will reside in 'future; _Mr. Albert Welt.in of Saskat,00n is visiting with his parents here. Mr. with Wullert spent Tuesday in Loarian on business. Miss Fanny Preeter •af Stratford is visiting with. relatives here. Mr. Ira Tetreau, who has spent the last two ,month's out West, has re- turned h:onie. . Mrs. L, 'Kleinstiver and Mrs. P. McIsaac attended the funeral of the late John Cretan at Stratford on Fri- day.• Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ejdthave proved to Ailsa, Craig for the winter. Mr W, J. Laing and son Murray were visitors in town. last Tuesday. Miss Euloeen Guenther of London spent the week end at her homelier. Mrs li Stacey and Mise F. :'reef- a ter of Stratford are speio.ling a few days with friends in Zurich. Centralia Impar Mrs, Rich: Hicks of Calgary is vis- iting at''the home of her so,n, Mr. An- drew Hicks, Miss Biiown,`zvlrio bas been. visit°nig her, .friend, Miss Morgan, has return- ed to dies home. Mr. and Mra. Brooks and family. spent Saturday and Sunday in Bel - grave. Mr Turner motored to Drew on Saturday. Mrs. , Johnston paid bliss Huntley, who are taking part ,'.!n the Evangel- istic services in Exeter, took charge of the °,sesvices Sunday morning in Centralia. The evening services were withdrawn ..;giving each ,one a chance to attend the special ,services in, Ex- eter. The Government has taken action to control the packing .houses. An order-lin-tCiouncul has been passed, maikitng it impossible, far the compan- ies in the , future .:to make :excessive profits. Under the ,Order-ant-'Cioiiacil the maximum ,profit whichcan be made is 11 per cent. The companies retain 7 per tett, clear ,land half of th.c profits ,between 7 and 15 per cent. the;maximum o!f. ;which w'ould bee 4 per cent additional, or 11 per cent. Above 15 per cent. all profits are taken by 'the Government. WHEN THE WAR WILL END Here. tl,ollowa a fair, sample of th. +edta'rt Last, Tuesday evening Pte. Arva Broken hire, who was recently inval- ided home from France, was tendered ;t reception in -the 'Methodist 'church, Several addre3ses were made with readings duetts and musical selections Ara made "a few remarks thanking the assembly for their kind lords of welcome, arid assured them he was in- deed; glad to be li,omre, His .father, Si - ins B.rokensbi're,'tmade an appropriate. reply ,in behalf of h,us sari,. Tlrc meet- ing cloned truththe singing of the National Anthem Mr. McDonald the following day •tools Mr, Brokenlshh•e to London by auto ,in order that he tray„undergo medical treatment in the D.ti,iit"sry „Hospital, The enfiorclement of the lli.li:tar"y Service A.ct, the Victory Loan, the Dominion 'Election, and the Evangel- istic meetings in Exeter are proving great topics of conversation. Sad days are coming to us, A number of our young mea have been refused ex- emption 'which is b.ri!nging'the sorrow of the war home. The happy clays are gave?, and each, must make, his or her sacrifice A ,numberifrOm here attended the Nomination. !meeting ;n Clinton on Monday. Mrs, Fanner and Mrs. Kaufelt of Hersey Mich„ pre visiting relatives in lour- midst. Last Sunday !morniing Rev, John- ston, who is holding revival meetings in Exeter, preached in ithe Methodist church to a union audience, Next. Sunday liorenaoa a similar service be ,held in the Evang,elicalc:hurch. at 11 o'clock. The Sunday School wi l commence at 9.45. It is expect- ed that xpected'that tsame of the soloists, wha are with the Evangelists will be p resent at the morning service. Chris Haist is having some remodel ing done to his buildings by Harry C. Beaver. . Mr .and Mrs;. McDonald and - Miss Alma Hill mlonored to St. •Th!onias on Sunday. Robert Wilson of,_.Seafortlr , who is the Returning •of 1icer for the coning D!aminion Election, was in tlhe- village Last week arranging for -the pallr*ng booth: and appointing enumerators. Eilber, M;P.P., returned Borne last week with some deer and a Mine rn!oiol;e. The moose was sold 'to the butcher so that quite a number of our people were privileged to taste <veni- son. • origin -of many yarns, -- Absolute Absolute knowledge have In:oane; But 1 heard a policeman on his beat Say to a laborer in the street That he had a letter .just last week Write -en -in the finest Greek Front a Chinese coolie in.Timrbuctoo Who said a nigger in Cuba knew =A colored man in a Texas town, Who g,_ t it stra't;ht.r'roma circus:clown That a man in •the 'Kltandike heard the news From a band of South American Jews Of a social climbing suffragette rake Whose another -in-law would under- take To prove tilat her seventh husband's sister's niece Had stated in a printed piece That she had a son who had a friend Who knew• when the war was going to end. (BIIIBII!111illP9U!lilllll'I!1'1!ll!!llllillll lillll!P f llllI BIIIOBIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIU(II11111111111111111111111iIIlL° 5 There is pleasure at every stage in the use of Sunlight. In the washing—for the work is greatly lighten2d. ” In the iron- ing—for the clotheshave such a fresh, sweet air of 'newness. In the wearing —for t h e clothes have inherited the exqui- site purity of Sunlight itself -- and are clean indeed. 12 • A $5,000 guarantee' attests the purity of'Sunlight Soap. _ it. 4.4 r All grocers .eell �llililil!ilial!ilumill!Elpl6iinu!illltrilul!IIIIHi illu'hili!NHl�jiillHt!IluhUlihHdMil�tli'Ir LUMLEY The Roll of Honor District eaM alties reported 'Killed an Acton Hance.-iColp, Sydney , Howe Of Cromarty, Selgt Norman 'Martltl of Science Hill` , Pte, 1-Ierbert Reid of Clinton, Pte. J, 3, ,Gordo', of Mitchell, F, C, McPherson, Parkhill, Wounded Pte,` John C. Harvey of Goderich. Pte, A. 1-1 •Prostiff of Wingbam, Pte, S. ; i\iall!roy of J3lyth Pte Bernard Jordan of Mitchell Sergt 1-11ram .J•iollnattote. of T -Insall Pte, E R. 'l(night Ief Brussels Pte. h C. Earrant of Mitchell 5, J. of ,Clinton., 1. R. Hawkey ,-Of ?a rklrnli. E. J. 11I!ollard of iPrukliill. Pte • T, R, Johnston of-Elmville Pte, B. E. Patterson of Parkhill. Gunner R A. McLean of Goderich Missing Pte. Robert !Lawson off Blyth. Samuel Pullman' of Mitchell. Pie, J,, H. Banker of VTinghrtnx. Pte. E, A, Itenp ;of Goderich Gassed • Pte. Andrew Craven of. Ailsa Craig Mr. and Mrs;. John Bolton are get- ting settled down in. their home, here. after being absent in the summer on. their extended trip.—Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon of London have returned af- ter a pleasant visit wraith! relativtes inl this locality.—Mrs. A. S. .Deavitt of Exeter the guest Of Mrs. Margaret Glenn.—Miss Rae !Horton is r visiting her sister Mrs. Patterson, Loln:don; Rd -Mrs. Henry Hogarth,. Cromarty, spent Monday with Mrs. Sirern1cins1.- Mics Rebecca Bolton is improving, since the ,operateobi,,-Mrs. Broadfoot ,of ` Brucefie!ld s this . guest orf ;,Mrs. Sarah Broadfoot and family. Clifford Selves spent Sunday under the par- ental roof.—Mies Muriel 'Keys has ,so' far recovered from her illness as to be able to -be .out again. CHISELHURST The committees are busy getting up the programme or the fowl supper oo the 27th.—Rev. Knight has _ re turned from assisting Rev, .McCormick Blyth in sneciral meetings.—Mr. and • tee Robert Cole have gone to Strat- , 4 —Mr. T.h:oa. Patterson while in Sea`orth had his driver take sick.— A car "load of people from this local - 5 et:ended the special services in Exeter one evening. -The fine days were a great 'boon to the farriers' to get their bean and root crops housed KIRKTON Mr. Dale of Wlialen has moved on to, ihie faun formerly occupied by\Vm Kirk.—Mn _ C. IL. Worsley is con ducting the services in, tho Anglican aurcn s at Sava!nburg .and Kirktof1 during November, until the arrival of Life.' new rector, Rrv-. Mr,: Farrell of Mdlbank.-The exempti!o•n tribunal Is very busy examining th,e claims of the young ,nren for exemption from military servce.-The, very fine wea- ther sof the last two we ks has giv- en the :farmers an Cexcelleait chance to get the fall work done, and they have taken advantage aF Pt„ GREENWAY Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McPherson, reef. iv - ed the sad news to,n Sunday; Noy. 13th, that their son, Wm. Ge'C. Mc- Ph-er an was seriously ill in a hospital iii France, caused by a gunshot in his left shoulder and neck an the 9th in'st. Scares of old neighbors and friends are praying anxiously for his, speedy .recovery' to health and hope 1,0 see him back'lwi,th us again. -The whole of the community were shock- ed on Saturday to hear of one af, our boys laying dawn his lite is lrrance in the person of „Chris McPhers'on, The war touches us more when one o'f our very own is killed Mr. and Mrs, J Ot, McPherslon and family,have, the deer sympathy .of all in their very ;:ad bereavement;—Mf, R, Hutchinson is ,around on Inas trip regarding the Victory ,War "Bonds,—Mr. and Mrs. Rae ,Poll:ock and Miss Adah Mc- '„ P.hC,rson motored over from 7:{erw000d nit Sunday to Mr E. hIcPhc,rsIon'sj;— Rev. H. Williams announced for a '.meeting an Friday night at 8 p, nit in the Methodist Church to organize an Epworth League for the young people.. 140 0 ' PI The re 5 LOGICAL Treatment for Ta RHEUMATISM,M, SCIATICA, yij,• Is Lumbago, Constant headaches, et 21 'Urinary Derangements, and all rt ri Kidney and ' Bladder Troubles, xi - Jg ls IiilattIN/2111212111111101111:112119MM111121=114M Auction Sale OF COW, CHIC fEN, IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, bTC. At the• Residence of She owniea-, Exeter North, on SATURDAY, ,NOV. 24, 1917. At 1 o'clock sharp, the .follovving,c Durham cow,' Blue Bell separator, nearly new; table, woad stove, veran- dah seat wheelbarrow, hanging lamp quantity wood, cedar posts, plank and lumber .grindstone, emery roll, onion crates, glass cupboard, scuffler, on -a Lon scuffler and lifter, pictures, coal - :oil ' stove ,small table, kitchen chairs,. baby buggy, baby cutter, about 2 tons millet hay., clock, ladder, 16 chicken, bucksaw crosscut saw, maul and wedge, crowbars, carpets, quantity of mote, 4 (swarms 'bees, feather tick and other articles_ too numerous to men- tion. Terms Cash. C. W. !Robinson, Harley Sanders, Auctioneer •Proprietpr Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE. On Lot 16, Con. 2, Usb,orne, on FRIDAI NOVEMBER 23rd, 1917 At 1 o'cjock sharp, the following :— Horses—Draft ,worse, 5 years old; draft horse. 4 yrs. old; horse 3 yrs, old; .chestnut mare, real good farm- er's driver, or suitable for mail drivier Cattle -5 extra good milc,la cows, a1P in calf ; 3 yr. old extra good milking heifer, calved Sept 4; 2-y{.ax.-old steer; 'heifer rising 1; 6 calves, Eons -3 thoroughbred 'Yorkshire sows. With 111.er at foot; 3 store hogs. Some poultry. Implements—McCormick oisrtler, 1 1lassc-Harrii mower, seed ..trill, :.u1- tivator steep land roller, .walking Cockshutt turn plow, Cockshutt tingle riding plow, ehsc harrow, scuffler, set con furrows 72 teeth;: pea harvester, .ray rake Canton. fanning mill with bagger attachment, hay racks 2 wagons 2 gravel 'boxes, pair bobsleighs, top buggy, .cutter, hog rack, saw crate, wheel barrow, weigh scale, bag truck; De Laval ca earn separator, Daisy churn, root ,pulper, : set heavy tear, harness and half set number of collars single harness, sap kettle, steel pig trough 8 ft.; 14 foot ladder, 24 foot adder ; a lot of 3-4 inch. water pip - ng for threshing; also quantity of tile With holes for branching; quantity of cainniug cornstalks for sale whiffle trees, neck yokes, chains, forks and tools too numerous to.. mention. Household Effects—All in first- class oandition.—Parlay suite, oak sideboard, 6 dining ,chairs, extension able hanging lamp, 2 clocks, coal heater. ,Positively iro ,reserve as tine pro- prietor has sold his farm. Terms—Ali sums of 55.00 and un- der, cash; !over that amount 10 nios. credit ootrapproved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent ,per a,nnum,•for cash in lieu :of. notes, WM. HIGGINS, Prop. C.W. ROBINSON, Auct, F .COATES, Clerk !Last year, as in years past; nearly every Clergyman and School 'reacher in Ontario helped to spread the Gospel: of Good Health on Tuberculosis Suri - day and Tuberculosis Day in the Schools. This year, under the auspice5.,d the National Sanitarium Association, en- dorsed by the IeadinU Clergymen of all Denominations and by the .Depart- ment- Dept t 'Ment• of Lducatioh, SundayiNoveniber 25th, and Monday, November ; 26th, have been -appointed for the -,,annual - o bervance of, these days. G W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND V ALUA Ott for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sale*, a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to centra Hotel, Main Street,, Exeter. hat ges moderate and satisfaction is ,tuaranteed " • DR. DeVAN'S REN plating Pllhfbr amen, " p.o, sold at all ,rug Std • !dures8o n rceeiptdf p•rlae 40; a''n 4,00 Oo,,,St. Catltarfucd Ontario. ' ;,N1'QSPHONOL FOR itnlitq,for torve'end haat; ia+ da,,..• natter a Tetjta adllbisflA yov nf1� 8;1► eo for 15. at,citug ,toren, or bt npt�'pn Fmei ., ,f n trtttricr,c rtr;•S'coarlr,r, niva•0o05t, CatharInee o anada's Victor B�nds \HY should you subscribe for Canada's Victory Bonds? BECAUSE our National safety is at stake, and Canada must have money to support our soldiers fighting in France. This Bank will accept Victory , Bonds to the amount of $1,000 from any one person for safe- keeping for one year without charge. Loans will be made to wage earners on favourable terms for the purchase of Victory Bonds. How much will this enable you to subscribe for? THE CANADIAN' BANK OF COMMERCE 392 he Molsons Bank RECOMMEND THEIR FRIENDS TO INVEST IN Canada's VICTORY LOAN AND, ARE READY '1.0 RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. THE BANK WILL UNDERTAKE TO HOLD BONDS FOR SAFE -KEEPING WITHOUT CHARGE FOR A YEAR WHETHER THE SUBSCRIPTION WAS PLACED THROUGH THE BANK OR NOT. Apply to the Bank Manager for information DENTIST Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S,, DOS DENTIST Member of the ._R. C. C. D.S. of Ont. Honer Graduate Toronto University Office over Carling's law Office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto University. teeth extracted without pain or any i,ad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MONEY TO LOAN ,Ve have a large amount ofprivate funds to loan on farm and village pronerty at low & interest.es of MANSTANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B.A. Barrister. Solicitor Notary Pubbi3c, Commissioner, Solicitor for The Mc1- sons Baht, Etc. Money to loan al lowest rater of interest, Office -Main Street, Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer forCounties 'of Boron and Middlesex, Prices ;Reasonable : and Satisfaction Guaranteed. • Crediton Ontarie MARRIAGE :LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness THE 'DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between: , MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO swam Unexcelled Diming Car Service • Sleeping ca,tiS .,on night trains and P Aida f Gars - •on' principal- 'day trains. cl tips sti v full an,fai`rtiatalafl, from any • Grand Trunk Tttcket. Agent, or C'' E, • Horn- ing, District .Passenger Agent, Tor- onto N. j. 0,01161, Atieht, $Meter. . SYNOPSIS Off• CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of •a-- family, or any male over 18 years old, who was at the commencement of the present war and has since continued to be, aBrit- ish subject or ,t subject of an allied or neutral country, may home- stead a quarter -section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Sasl:atoh- ewan or Alberta. Applicant must an - pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict Entry by proxy may be male on certain conditjo!ns. Duties— S a month; residence upon and cultivation of land in each of three years, In certain -districts a homesteader may secure an adjoining quarter -gee.+ tion as pre-emption., Price $3.00 ped acre. Duties—Reside six months i{1 each of three years after ,earning homestead patent and cultivate 50 acres extra. May obtain pre-emption patent as soon as homestead patent' on certain conditions., A settler: after obtaining homestead patent z-if.l.he cannot secure a pre- emption may take a purchas-' ed' homestead in certain districts. Price 0.00 per acre. Duties—Must re- side six months in each of the three years, •cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. [-Holders of entries . may count time of employment as farm labourers in Canada during. 1917, as residence dut- ies under certain conditions. When Dominion Lands are advert- ised or posted for entry, returned sol- diers 'who have served overseas and have been honorably discharged, re- ceive one. day priority in applying for entry at local Agent's Office (but not Sub -Agency). Discharge papers must be presented to agent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N..B,-=Unauthorized publication •o this advertisement will not be paidfc ONTARIO'S BEST COMMERCIAL' SCHOOL CENTRAL w v d' tl? n T ^nATFORD. ONT; Courses are thorough, the instruct- ors ane experienced, students get in dividual attention and graduates are placed in positions. During 3 months we turned down over 300; calls for trrained. help. This is the school for those who want the practical training and the, good positions,-Commerrcialb Shorthand and T:e;Iregtaphy depart- mrents! Get our free catalogue. It will interest you. b. A. Ietttchtan. P.runcipal 1