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The Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-22, Page 3
,f. The G 6� w far as he could, had caught hi,, " � �" and remained; the next hed fo110 Bread',must contain '1e and ruthlessly had used tho leaf .af entire. wheat grain --not the bbdy of the poor martyr as a .too white flour centerto 'lay' dawn his own leaf, Many �JLit followed his example, until with le every, particle of gluten and < dr mangled bodies they . had.... mineral salts—alsostL'Cieted a ports farm sr•u the outer 1 is in crib bran eclat'that is so useful in acr•Qss my m i g h t ybarricacle. keeping the bowels heelth'd .BRAVE I.cL. EIOlE GIRLS - and active. S1aredde Wheat Biscuit is the real "war bread" because it is 100 per cent. whole wheat prepared in a digestible "f • ' t� 01'Iil. Contains nb yeast, baking powder, seasoning, or chemi- cals of an Bombs actually dropping m tire y kind,. Food con- meclrate vicinity, while tliepresene servation begins g s with Shred - airmen over and on both sides o:e. lied. Wheat Biscuit' for break• building wars, reported, and while. fast and ends with Shredded. tincts seen from the bombs ws,s Wheat .Biscuit � for supper. Delicious with sliced bananas, to1 berries, e S s, Or other fruits. 111 is ger her fi •. cl ai • Made in Canada.e, feet when a surgeon bends OYret a :;t ritken wed, man»,and dresses his wotanthe IC/ .,ds by , , ���, and fltirrmtt; 1>I>ht of: a little slug' U r. i l � l Ir;' of pat'af- On fdou os 'Dress tint;' fine soaked waste payee, s r .,es, "Cable Linen, &c, had1ccorclun tied ma hooting The simple idea of �}a Woman t.al;'el.' , u , <�t�ec4 1: ayes to serv,e!', Only that, Yet who know; utt<Inti made, fieri Y7ur °wn. "^° rnttti tial.. con- how many. weary' .Pau 's In z ' lifted. i t tic,N and ustrnci i r � y 17C, littc.tl (Ittr New :lilt it.(tciq, I(",ctalo(;ue is rely out of teditiin'" into Somethings ap- 3u ,t [n,,. uur. t,'o tt'£uit ul'ery' lad in rEgael u s• Uui.tr;itt to et. t�e it Y 1 r ft, co,,iane„s and ��onil' 't i "Carried On” During Air Raid as the Hun 13Gmbs Fell. Scenes, of bravery among the ^girls?. of a London telephone eacha_11e,dur- ing the recent air raid are vividly scribed un "Telegraph. and Telepl Review" by Mr. j.'„W.; Kennedy, shoved .be s p Tm- else. • i - be a Pea sight she'd But, incl. of e�el•cise and p g t �•oode! if let me over was present, He says: .ot , alt In•zily w;otlncis may be stanched ii't �tri'Etu i''©x' It- t is Free time by diose little dabs o1 lrghx�? ' TORONTO. PLEATING CO. 14 13readaibane St„ Dept, W. Toronto STED.:Y-A;ND E ERG[SE '- Might Ixe Better. O'verStudY alta troop's You think yon have good lack of exercise make mamma a de- thin bloodless ohiliren, Study does not to spread such xice , large tone Usually hurt a child at school slices of bread with jaunv„ asked lit - lone tris ess 'tlo Ethei'5 grandma., "Oli I don't �v!io the studies encro�a•eia on time that pent in nut of doors ever laked the little miss, "she'd i spread the jam myself." the Ste 'Vitus'Dance. r your boy or•,girl the at school is thin and pa1e,.listless and, e of study is a combination drat brings pn ` ells i itis e i tutr tie. has t.fack le 'appetite, rte is, p L r and Unable to stand Still 01 s t stili, you Jt q � p � eeaa{{n}{�yyyyqM q� Y Ni V f �E� 13.i�t �d .� Eyelids, , VZ3s•�trSoreI'es, EyesIn(iamed,by Raw Eggs Qutkceli Boiled. Raw eggs 'keep good much • longer than cooked og'gs, even when these a.e hard boiled. ibis was proved by 17x•, Leon Li l -let, a member • of the" Paris Conseil d'1-Iygieine, after ninny French soldiers had r epoxied that sire hard boiled eggs silty received from home had gone bad, while theraw eggs, remained edible fpr weeks. Dr, Linden; explains this :fact by saying that the boiling makes" the inner membrane pervious to gases, liquids and mic; robes,',and the white` of the egg be- comes an agglomeration o'f, coagulated, albumen and particles of a serum that is an. ideal medium in -which microbes thrive. Minaret's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Rio de Janeiro has 9.,000;000 people. WATERY BLISTERS "In the event of an air-raid do not collect in a.. crowd," reads a notice posted in a Kentish hamlet where the total population consists of nine per- sons. LTin aid: s Liniment tCz• Cures Disteurper: • r � oIIe remember that health is Bruch !if -,I;t relievedbyAiur!ne:Try:tin e a more important. vourEyesaudinBdb'sE A'.I than education, and �® � !�-'' v ves. � D 1?S 'WANTED Co DO ,pT-.iIN' �4"5 ��S�IYoSm o •' and light sewing th1• on h' dK rt all, the u s r ' nevi � sot ::careat n v rust ren b IF Sun Dcisrand Wendquic1-1 c�zzats� me levered over her section lik strong spirit seeking to help those artrn,,,Jc.stEyeComfort , errng a.t home, whole or At � spare time, good paw work . Your D f t sent '3n i' E � b Y QI Y to . ncc ch n ar s g r I paid. R Send R D� D� A MARTYR TO THE CAUSE. „ Mexican Ants That Carry Little Green Umbrellas. In Mexico there is a variety of• ants that carry little green umbrellas, made from bits of leaves,' to protect their bodies from the fierce tropical I can paint no picture of stoical sensibility,g-Some nervous cries th were as the. o bnib- s dropped, c wh faces •' Pp , t ieze th e rule - but t in many ' these the lines of determination we the strongest, Silent tears were dr ped, but only for a moment, No o near me• left her post, and calls w. Massing aric1 orcls connected with music of death in our ears. So near and insistent was the ho sun, Sometimes, *rites a contributor rible thud.of the bombs that most ' who has lived in the turbulent repub- (us thought that - some part of lie across the Ilio Grande, I have seen i building had been: struck. It seem two ants walking together while one( to us,that the rattle of guns continue politely carried the.iunbrella over the' !longer. -than even during Zeppel _ too. At oth • ' pn e times, , she says, I have raids. Some day'it'"may add sem seen them, when going in opposite di -value to one lives' to'' - w that ether rectiofis, stop and salute each other were tine§ when, for" 'di.ity's sake, w before they passed on, faced the chances of death. It mus Those wonderful little tin more time should be given, to exercise rgl••im •_ m mmte E e in Tube, 255. For gook'•oj the Eye— FrIDO, and recreation:, eation, : in- See" to it at once that the child • e rgga s a or y' . ^ ' . t 1S particulars. 1�atir' eat stamp for does II C f. ine ymail 60atte;bottle. Murine Eye Suave Ask ]Sinn'hie lige II3enmedy Co., Chicago 4 not e r o eve• is tud�' 3 'gets g plenty t p ) ofnut-of- ite, door exercise, sleeps ten out of every of twenty-four holies and k , es pain by our home treatment, ed takes a safe, which r ripenWrite a nan� �tCol p' es before etre nd a too Qr' 1 i n l•la u i ito 1 r :i � , T e lm an I OMed eii a e like i T<)mlted,. Ci?111Pgwoo4, pnt Cuticura Healeda P1 Fresh a'• 1 z is the environment in developed to his present state of perfection. Now that our newspapers reach to every nook and mist ,r 4 Y tient e al t ANCIDR On Hands. Caused Disfigure- and external, I.vmPs PITO.; Internal and .etc.. e rnnl, cured with - reliable tonic1 Dr. 11111xams Pink op_ I Pills until the color returns to the ne'( cheeks and lips and the appetite be- corner of the world bearing the mes- we •cgrnes: normal For growing children sae m j , sage, most men and women appreciate the wile become pale and thin'Dr. Wil- the part pure air pia,;; in sustaining lianas Pink Pills are not only safe but health. r_ in most cases are the ,ver Dost tonic y o c of that can be taken. Tbese pills build the up the blood, str'engtheih the nerves ed and assist nature in keeping pace with d rapid growth. in You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills I e through any dealer in medicine, or by el mail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six e ! boxes• for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams t ('Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. insects insects live iso add infinitely more to the'ltves,of wo- immense underground houses with! men, whose finer nervous and physical litany rooms connected by long pass- 1 organization remakes them feel -more ages. I have poured as much as ten acutely. gallons of poisoned- water into one hole without filling it In some of r, the rooms the ants store their food; in E1P Tr Elk YEARS RS USE others, lined with particles of -leaves ,i R�S OWN that have been used for umbrellas, OF BABY'S I' ABLETS they place the pupa cases or white bags'.of-eggs. '['ho,usands of motherk keep a box of Sonne of the ants seen to have spe- Baby's Own Tablets ii the house as cial.duties as nurses, and on any rule long as there are little ones „about claf'yau may see them bringing the Anion them is Mrs. Marcel. D. Le - little, white pupae up® to the surface Blanc, Memramcook West, N.B., who and laying them round the top of the says :-"For the past fifteen years I hole in the "sunshine. When a- shower have never been without Baby's Own approaches, they run at top speed to Tablets. Whenever any of my chi:- get their charges and carry them un- dren are ailing the .Tablets promptly der shelter before the rain begins to relieve them. I have -such' faith in fall. them that I never hesitate in reeom- In many places in ;Mexico and in mending them to any of my friends western Texas these ants are very 'de- who have, little ones in the home. structive; they eat the leaves of the The Tablets are sold by medicine trees and destroy ornamental shrubs dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box and plants:. Once I made the experi- from The Dr, Williams Medicine Co., is meat of putting sticky tar round my Brockville,, Ont. trees to protect theme and stood aside to see what would happen. Here came Let blue Monday be full of the blue the orderly column down the tree; of the sky which one gete by look - each soldier was carrying his green ing ,umbrella. When the leader reached the band of tar a sudden confusion Minard's Liniment Co,, Limited, arose. The ants gathered in groups, Gentlemen,—In .Tuly, 1915, I was larger, or smaller, separated and thrown from a road machine, injuring grouped again and again. my hip and back badly and was ob- • About that time the upgoing''ne liged to use a crutch for 14 months • Oldest British Colony. Newfoundland is the oldest English colony, having just celebrated her 420th anniversary. It was discovered by John Cabot, a Bristol merchant, in his voyage of exploration in 1497; and in 1583 was occupied by Sir Humphry Gilbert, the navigator and soldier, in the name of Queen Elizabeth. The is- land has raised over 10,000 then for. 'the war, and gallant and hardy "fight- .ers those agriculturists, foresters, lumbermen, and fishermen have prov- ed themselves to be in Gallipoli •and in France. SlSinard's Liniment Cures target in Cows If you 'buy a Christmas present, Buy .it now! If it be for prince or peasant, Buy it now! Buy it early in November, Or at least before December; You'll be glad if you rerneniber— Buy it now! GIRLS ! WHITEN SKiN` - WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the Iemons and any ached ifhe lower edge of the tar, In September, 1916, Mr: Wm. Outridge I drug store or toilet counter will supply and it went through a similar per- of Lachute uikd me: to try MIN- I You with three ounces of orchard formance.` ' Some went 'back to the ARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with white for a few cents. Squeeze the hole at the foot of the tree, nerd others the most satisfactory results and to- Juice of two fresh lemons into a bot- tle, then put in: the orchard white and shake well. This make's a quarter pint of the very best lesion skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, `sallowness, redness and rough- ness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear' the skin becomes, Yes ! It is harmless, and the beautiful\re- sults. will surprise you. that apparently were inspectors came out and walked round the tar band, examining it at every point. Filially 1 grew tired of watching. them, and, feeling satisfied with My victory, .I went into the house. But alas!'what was my chagrin when I re- And as' 1or my means, I'll husband turned 'about sunset to revel in my them so well they shall go far with conquest' to see, the ants with their little.—Shakespeare. green: umbrellas '.calmly' passing up and down the -tree as industriously- as Minard's Liniment Cures Colds. &o. ever .• : 1,—. --- Upon e tainination 1 found that the MAKING TRENCH TORCHES. leader had laid' down his leaf on the tar, then had walked out on that as Ingenious Invention of a New York day I am as well as ever in my life, Yours sincerely, his MATTHEW x BAINES. mark says a welt known authority. Man j who use , tea or coffeenot know , ing 'that' ' it aggra.- ates stomach trou- bles, r bless d e , .oil still enjoy adelicious hot table beverage V a an d es- cape B^ca e' harmful effects a by change e to the e wholesome,, ' pure cereal drink.-- Woman. rin :-- Woman. In these days of wartime activities and self-sacrifice; intensive retrench- ments, intensive production, intensive training, - it will surprise no one to learn that a New -. York woman has turned the parlor of her home into a factory where small but willing hands produce the trench torch -otherwise called le petit flambeau. The torch it- self, one of America's latest and most ingenious esntributions to the war, is the surprise. Like many another useful invention, it is simplicity itself—strips of ' news- paper rolled on a small cylindrical. mould of wood,, the mould being re- moved after throll . is tied with a single turn of common cord and be- fore it has 'been clipped in paraffin, - The finished product, a sturdy .little tube three inches long by about an inch in diameter, gives a six• candle- power light for forty-five minutes at the—in this day -amazing cost of. one-third of a cent. Add to this trivial .cost a singular adaptability g to conditions now prevail- ing in the zone of trench warfare, and. surgeon and soldier have good reason. to rejoice. The torch is waterproof, an important item; it is easily carried in pocket or pouch by the dozen, if ne- cessary; it is all but indestructible; it burns with a clear, bright flame and is non-explosive,All these points re- commend it to the surgeon in the field or the soldier` in his trench of dugout.,. Apparently the trenelii torch has come to stay. Its pracitieal• utilit it indicated in Mrs. Gushee's: own state- ment that the torch makes it possible to light thirty stilt -tiers forty-five min- lites -for tell cents. 0r as long as it tabs to read a short story Y i play a game' of cards. And this does not take into account the more serious phase 2A Cousti ati •p on Cure s i ' A druggist says 0 "For nearly Ithirty years I have commended the Extract of Roots, known as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, for the radical cure of constipation and indigestion. It is an old. reliable remedy that never fails to do the work." 30 drops thrice daily. Get the Genuine, at druggists. f a Y(ilstioVimm' o-o-o-o-o-o—o-o-o-o-o-o -IoI ctLIFT YOUR ;CORNS dI OFFw'WITH FINGERS d How to loosen a tender corn or callus so it lifts out without pain. Let folks step on your feet here- after; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, far corns will never again send electric sparks orain through P g yeti, • according to this Cincinnati y t authorfi :., t He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re- lieves soreness, and scan the entire i ze corn, roots and all;, lifts right out. This drug dries; at. once and simply shrivels up the earn or callus, without even irritating -the surrounding, ,nd tiSSne. A small bottle of freezone one obta%ned at any drug store will cost very little but •will positively remove every hard or soft earn or callus from one's toot If your druggist haSn't stockedt tI is new drug yet, tell him to get 'a small bottle of freezone . for from you on his wholesale' drub house. ED. 7. ISSUE MONEY ORDERS Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Tiny balls of fresh country sausage baked and rolled in chopped parsley make an appetizing garnish" to serve with the turkey. THICK" SW LLEN C.ILANDS' that make a horse`Wheeze, ri Roar, have Thick Wind *or Choke -down, can be reduced with. also other Bunches or Swellings. No blister, no hair gone,, and horse kept at.;work. Eco- nomical—only a few drops required at an ap- plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Book3 hl free. ABSORBINE, JR the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers.$$I'and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free. VY. E. YOUNG, 1. 0 E, 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can ctbsorbiue and Absorb's°. Jr.. are made lo ann. "The trouble which I had affected my hands only. It' first came in watery blisters under 'the, skin, and if they were scratched • 'they broke, c ;n7amass 1 � of sore eruptions that caused disfigurement,,. itching, burning and loss of sleep. The trouble lasted about one year and after Soap andusing Cuticura the Ointment about three months 1 was completely ' healed. (Signed) Miss Aileen Sweet, Main St., Eastman,.Que. Keep your skin clear by daily use of Cuticura Soapand Ointment. For Free ample Each by Mail ad dress.post-card: "Cuticura,- Dept. A, Boston, U S. A." Sold everywhere. i-� 5.1 !lull '�'' '11, Whenbuying your . Piano Insist on having an • Isis O TO H i. G E L» PIANO ACTS tk MOKEN DO f Woman Tells Hoeg $5 Worth of Pinkham's Compound Made Her Well. Lima, Ohio.—"1 was all broken down to health from a displacement. One of my } lady- friendscame to I��' i .see me and she lid-. Vited' me to com- mence taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound 'and to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. 1 began tak- ing your remedies and took $5.00 worth and in two months was a well woman after three doctors said I never would stand up straight again.' •I was a mid- wife for idwifefor seven years and Irecommended the Vegetable Compound to every wo- man to take before birth and after- wards and they all get along, so nicely - that it surely is a godsend to suffering women. If women wish to write to me I will be delighted to answer them." —Mre.JENNIE MOYER, 342 E.North St., Lima, Ohio. Women who suffer from displace- ments, weakness, irregularities, -ner- vousness, backache, or bearing -down pains, need the -tonic properties of the roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I7 It ill! ill iu Railroad Men These men know from experience that Sloan's Liniment will take the stiffness out of joints and the sore- ness out of muscles= -And` it's so convenient[ No rubbing required. It quickly penetrates and brings re- lief. Easy to apply and cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments. Always have a bottle in the house for rheumatic aches, lame back, sprains and strains. Generous sized bottles at all drug- gists, ruggists, 25c., 50c., $1.00. 8 p tat, P rs Tell Ily,Th7y Prscribe Bon- x ,fit Mme r h etas , ygg R. l emarka i"ly a Week's Time In any Instances. Ilas Seen Eyesight Improve from 75 to 100 % m a Remarkably Short Time. Boston, Mass. -Victims of eye strain and other eye 'weaknesses, and. tiaose whowear glasses, will be glad to know that Doctors and Eye Specialists now agree there is real hope and help for them; Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes restored and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown thein away. One man says, after using Bon-Opto: "I was almost blind. Could not .see to react at all. Now d can react everything without myglnsses,•and my eyes do not hurt any more. At night they would pain dreadfully. Now they feet fine all the time. It was like a miracle to Inc." A lady who used it says; "The at- mosphere seemed hazy with Or without glasses, but after using this presca•iptlgtl for (teen days everything seems clear, I can read even fine print without glasses," An- other who used it says; "1 was bothered' with eyestrain caused by overworked, tired eyes "which induced fierce headaches. T have worn glasses for several years, both for distance and worir, and without thein could not' read • airy own name on au en- velope or the typewriting 'on the machine Before mo, I can do b'bth crow, end have discarded my long distance glasses alto- gether. I can count the fluttering leaves on tiro trees across the street now, which for several years -have looked like. r blura ism gleet to 100. T cannel; express my joy at what it has clone for ane. It is believed that.tiousnnds whoe wen-tlass s enn now discard them In a r°nson- able time, and rntlltItudes more will be able to strengthen their' eyes so et to be spared the. trouble and eapez2 a of ever getting Dr. Beck, an eye specialist of nearly twenty' years practice, says; ','Two promi- nent eye specialists, after a thorough exam- ination of a young girl aged twelve, de- cided that to save the sight of her right eye the left must be removed. A friend ad- vised her father to try Bon-Opto before per- mitting the operation. Within three days a : decided improveuent was noticeable, 'within a week the Inflammation had almost disappeared, and at 'the end of elx weeks all danger was past and the eye saved, -I saw the case again to -clay. The eye ball has perfect motion. When she began to use Bon-Opto it was in a fixed position. The conjunctival inflammation has disap- peared. Her vision, isnow20;230 (20/20 is normal as you know) as against 20/2000 when she began the use of Bon-Opto. 'An- other patient came to me suffering from Blepharitis' Marginalis with :all the usual symptoms such as morning: agglutination of the lids, chronic conjunctivitis and ephiphorn. - er eyes.liad the dull, suffused expression common to such eases. She used Bon-Opto and not only overcame her dis- tressing condition but se strengthened her eyesight that she was able to dispense with her distance glasses and icer headache and neuralgia left her. In this instance I should say her eyesight was improved 100 per cent." Dr. Judkins, says: "While :rouse surgeon at a New .England Eye and Dar Infirmary and during many, -years in general dispen- sary practice, i' found oculists too prone to operate and opticians too willing to pre- scribe glasses, and both inclined to neglect the strengthening and developing of the eyesight. The success of Bon-Opto in strengthening the eyesight will soon make eyeglasses old-fashioned. The Director of Medical Inspection of Boston Schools in a report published February 20, 1017 states that only 14,016 pupils out of 50,176r exam- ined need to wear' glasses now, a marked decrease over the 'previous report. ..Bon- Opto is hastening the eyeglassiess age in bespectacled Boston. Dr. Smith, an oculist of `wide es peri says: 'I have treated in private practice number of serious opFthalmic diseases"with Bon-Opto and am able to report:uTtimnte. recovery in both acute anti chronic cases, Sir. B. came to my oince suffering' with an infected eye. The condition was en serious that an operation,, for onneieation seemed imperative: Before resorting to the oper- ative method I prescribed 13ou-Opto and in twenty-four hours the serretion had les- sened, Inflammatory symptoms began to subside, and in seven (lays the eye s •os cured and retained its normal vision. An- other case of extreme convergent strabismus (cross (ves) escaped the surgeots s knife by the timely arse , of your treatment. The, tightened rmrscles yielded to the soothing and anodyne effects of Bon -Onto. By cleansing the lids ofsecretions and act- ing ;ts• a tonic for tho eyeball itself the vision is reridered more acute, hence the unmber of cases of discarded glasses," • Dr. Connor says: "My eyes were in bad condition owing to the severe strain: arising from protracted microscopical research work. Bon -Opts 'need aoeorclln- to direc- tions rendered a st rprising service. I found my a;ves remarkably strengthened, so rn }clr so 1 have put aside my glasses witlfotat discomfort. Several of my col0co uuy' llavp "Bon-Opto is Ilastening tine Eyeginss.. less Age in Bespectacled.Boston." also used it and we are agreed as to`its re- sults. In a. few days, under my observa- tion, the eves of an astigmatic ease were so improved that glasses have been discarded by the patient.'- Eye troubles of rnany may descriptions wonderfully benefited1 n by 'j'.he use of ]tion-- Opto and' if you went to strengthen ',your eyes, go to any drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon -()lite tablet in a fourth of a glass of water ijnd. let it dissolve. With this liquid bnthn isle eyes two to. four times daily-, You'sboulS notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and inflammation and reel. ness will quickly disappear. 9f your eyes) bother yon event a little 11 is your i ttyttke-stops to save theta now before fis`too Melly hopelessly- blind night bavtos saved their sight ifthey krstd. cared tor their eyNOes i,aln trtnc, A city thystelan to whom the nli .vo'articl trnn stbiniktec, otid: "y,l Ben -Onto a remarkable eae rgmed7; Its canon -meat IU- �.. (r di uis are Wglt known to =Meal! eye 5iruu cinlistii scsi widely nreacrtbod by them. I ,kava used it' very successfully' Su nay own prnetii:e ott Patients whose, 0505 Were etutingd thronili over- ;Work or misfit ul. asses, R eau hif;hllt feconainend it in case of .weak ivatcr i •;r, rdhirle A 101ott t0 ,tchitig; bhrnlnjr eyn,a, red.. rids; bltrr'rec3 vtel,ti: for eyes intInvucl from exposure to' smoke, Ntitl,; trust or, wind. it is one 00 the very Iew pcea.. rations I feel alionlzl bo Ireht' on hAnd Pot• rei;ir3la tree in nlment el`ory , f ill , rn- ypto sotpatent medietn=eelect remedy, is oiti'tethical Ureinlrt.on, the tltbeiu; rintorlthe )nclesao, mRusfrietnre0s guarantee p it: tb strengthen eyesight ! W ser ceui. In isle ,c.ic t a '_ s tIn16to mnuv.S»sinnoes, orrePph'd tho;mougm, IU AN 4fi114lu� sensed, by "all good druggiatfr :acini: 111B general istoresz also by t3, : uniblya aagl O: t utau Co or