HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-22, Page 2By John B. Heber, MA., Dr, Huber will answer all signed letters pertaining to Health, if your question is of general interest it will be answered through these columns i if not, it will be answered, personally if stamped, addressed envelope is en- closed, Dr. Iluber will not prescribe for ihdivldual cases or make diagnosis. Address Dr. John B, Huber, caro or Wflson Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide Cit,. -Toronto, To itrilfttl men the ittjaries that they themselves piociuce, schoolmasters,—Shakespeare. "NOTkIING BUT A COLD." Cold seem to be the exclusive pri- vilege o f civilization': The human raee probably did not beginto snuf- fle until it began to build houses and to wear clothes. The next step toward the handkerchief -era was when houses began to be heated, Then, instead of a glorious, healthy, A very' groat factor in catching colds is the disturbance of the body's equilibrium by peering from the su- perheated home, where oiie gets into a perspiration, into the freezing open, lit lithy living is the constant and t h r � t adjustment of internal rekl- te:me to external relations,, Normal must tie their relations are thrown completely out vigorous battling with the elements, of gear by the Lrocedure just stated, people crowded into their super- heated dwellings; and then they. be- gan to know the nature of colds. Fresh air abounds all over the sur- face of God'searth, except in the houses which mar has built. Not exhausted—neurasthenic—are apt to fresh air, but the want of it, is the get a catarrh in the fall and not to causeof mans= diseases, the preface to which are colds. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Catarrh and the Nasal Duet. The ne4gleeted ca:' i considering its T have catarrh of the nose. The consequences: is the 1 io t serious of nasal passage is choked . up, causing human ailments. Could its sum total the eve on the affected side tobecome in suffering, money loss,, ine°nve"e feverish and to feel very enlarged.' ience, in its, infection danger; and in the fatalities which are oftentimes, though perhaps remotelye sequel to it —could this sum total be properly appreciated, no.•one in his senses would say the ,common cold. is a trifling thing. The common cold leads to, pre- disposes to many diseases, by weaken- ing the body and by destroying' the protective: properties against .germs, inherent in the mucous membranes of the nose, and throat. To two dis- eases the common cold leads pre-em- inently—consumption and pneumon- ia. The captain of the men of death and his first lieutenant,. pneumonia, .account between them for more than halfof all human mortality. ever and be sure. An intimate feature of the coni - mon. cold is 'catarrh, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Some catarrhs have a nervous relation. People nervously be rid of it until whiter is well past. Such folk will have a nervous' ca- tarrh' simple: from the apprehension of ditching cold: Answer—Don't temporize,for a nib --1 tient. There is at least inflammation of the lachrymal or tear duct, which runs from the eye -socket to the nose. Possibly also extension of the cat- arrhal inflammation to the orbit, the' eye socket. Globus' Hystericus. What is the cause of a slight strang- ling lin feeling in the throat, a kind of dry- ness that keeps me from swallowing. The trouble is at the Adam's -apple. Answer—I could not of course' be: sure in the circumstances; but the trouble' is probably globus hystericus as • the doctors call it—a symptom of hysteria. Better be examined -how- 'm r " O WO During Knighthood Years Children Need Most Patient Treatment By Helen Johnson Keyes In a former article we decidedthat so late, that intimate symathY neces- children will be good if they are given sary to wholesome, virtuous develop - a chance. Shall we look further into ment at the trying age when they pz:rents' duty and ,privilege in this grow into maturity. direction? Let them be co-operators on the Boys and girls at the knighthood farm, not mere laborers; make their age, from ten to fourteen years," are home a pleasant place for them and wild, strange and incomprehensible to their friends; give then: cheerful bed - most grown-ups. Boys want to fight, rooms of their own where they can be to throw :stones, to have secrets. alone sometimes Respect them and They'are like the knights we read of, let" them know you do. who went out to seek adventures, to By the time they are fourteen they try 'their swords against other brave begin to belong to the generation in knights; who made trouble just in which they are really living. This order to mend it; who loved masks Period lasts from fourteen to eighteen and disguises, wizards, dungeons and years of age. , They have a firmer castles. These knights seem absurd understanding than beforeof prop - and childish to us, bu they Ivor- `erty, of truth, of. peaceful relations. shipped God,,served-tLeir country and Nevertheless, there , are strange"and were true to the best in themselves. Painful changes going on in their bodies and minds which make these adolescent boys and girls restless, un-' happy, cross, unfriendly, They desire and need hours of soli- tude, they require to .be managed with an almost divine patience, for they are suffering in many ways. Their self -assertiveness and their unruliness tax us to the utmost but this is not an age for the discipline of words.' l Regular, wholesome work on the farm and in the home should be em- ployed but no nagging, no fault-find- ing, no spying upon their occupations. It is an age of rebellion. Boys and girls who have always been obedient Girls become sentimental, mysteri- ous, full of giggles. They are less wholesome than the boys of their age but they can be led easily to sweet- ness and.`religious enthusiasm. It is a fine, brave age, both for our girls and boys. It is an age of idealism, of hero- worship and reverence. They find out something then which gives them an insight always into the higher, nobler aims of life. We d not want our children to become the sort of men and women who forget God because they have too such to do, who slight love because they are concerned only. about money, who see nothing beyond and steady become disobedient and the monotony of the daily tasks, unreliable. ` This mood will pass. If Allow them then the special pre- you have been gentle and sympathetic, ready to help, ready to provide: time for wholesome play and companion- ship, you will find your children very. paration granted by this period in childhood when romance and poetry throb with life. They will never for- get orget it; Its spirit will come back to close to you when they come out of encourage and cheer them in years of this chrysalis stage, bright -winged maturity when days' have grown in_ butterflies, • tolerably dull; It will be like a win- How different now are the experi- dow then, into the land of ` promise. ences and outlooks of the wise and Through it will shine, the "light' that unwise mother! The one has healthy never was on land or sea" but which children, firmly established in habits makes bright the hearts of those who of observation and work, with ideals know how to "become as little chis- of courage, family life, religion, to ex- dren."alt the routine of daily labor, to give Whatever your boys and girls do at that routine . meaning and an • object. this age, try to remember that back of The other has children already embit- their deeds is idealism. •WLat I mean tered, sour and bored. Indigestion, by idealism is rule'by ideas, In the lack of self-control, lack of interest in animal stage they were ruled by their the world and other people; a sense stomachs; in the savage " stage by of isolation even from mother, ;;and. their five senses; in the period of father, perhaps render then/ unable kni,,isthood,•. ideas have taken hold of to make the supreme struggle for them, '°••, purity and usefulness in the hour of The ideas may be foolish, lairereeeetele, budding manhood and womanhood. dangerous; nevertheless, they are the You see. what I meant when I said, first reaching -out of the soul and "Children will be good if you give spirit toward things not born of the them a chance to be." That is the flesh. Do not ridicule them or you duty and privilege of all mothers and may kill a soul.. Let your children have at this time, plenty of space, plenty of hard, open- air fun as well as systematic work and companions of their own ages. Their stone -throwing, their i1gangs" are not necessarily dangerous • to the coni- munity even the sentimentality of the girls niay be turned into useful chan- nels. , All these age -developments can be controlled and made education- al. We shall have more to say about them in another article. Remember that although this period is very difficult for the parents, it is Worth while to be patient and affec- tionate. It leads into adolescence and unless mothers raid fathers have held their boys and girls close to them ail through their previous develop- Along with bookkeepingstudy out - merit, it Will be -intra. bio ssible to establish of -debt keeping. fathers. It is not easy. Oh no! But it is worth while. Someone has said, "A mother has the power to -SOW a thought and reap an act, to sow an act and reap.;a character; -to sow a character and reap a destiny." Is it not the most wonderful and rewarding thing' in the world, then, 19 be a wise mother? Perhaps some of us have only begun to learn this wisdom when our babies are no longer babies but well ori the road to older boyhood and girlhood:. All is not lost even then! Love can accomplish wonders when will to do better goes hand in hand With it. A child is like. a plant and responds quickly to improved treatment. ail Always Acceptable and Deli o. « The Tea o all Teas E 1152 Black Green r Mixed e*d } Geta package and enjoy a cup of Tea "IBA Per'iectiosi'ae INTERNATIONAL LESSON NOVEMBER 25. Lesson VIII. A Psalm of Thanks- giving—Psalm 103. Golden Text, Psalm 103. 2. Verses 1, 2, The psalmist summons all ,his faculties to praise Jehovah. Soul --The entire personality. Similar- ly, "all that is within me," refers to the whole being. ' Holy name—See comment on Neh. 1. 11 in lesson for No. 11. The psalmist is thinking of Jehovah revealing himself as a holy God. For the sake of emphasis the summons is repeated in verse 2. For- get not Forgetfulness is the secret of much ingratitude. Benefits—Or, "kind dealings," as set forth in the succeeding verses; they include for- giveness, healing, redemption, pro- vision for the psalmist's needs, etc. revealing Jehovah's righteousness, in the special sense of loyalty to the covenant reltition between himself and Israel; here, acts of deliverance. Judgments -Acts of judgments, against Israel's enemies, the oppress- ed being the nation, Ways doings --His methods were revealed iii the days orf Moses iii the'deliverarieel of Israel and the destruction of the Egyptians; but Jehovah was, also ac -1 tive throughout the entire history of Israel, °Chide --Or, "contend." There are times when it seems as if Jehovah were angry and quarreling with his people, but this cannot endure, The psalmist is fully aware that the bless -I ings enumerated have come to the people not because they were merited, but solely because of the divine lov- ing -kindness. 11-14. The psalmist dwells at greater length on the greatness and tenderness of Jehovah's love.. Fear— - See comment on Nell, 1. 11 in lesson. for Nov. 11. The figure in verse 12, denotes the completeness of the re- moval of sin. Back of the pardoning' grace is the divine compassion. Pitieth—Or, "has compassion." Back of •the compassion is the divine know-. ledge•of man's weakness. Dust—Man 3-5. These verses, emphasize the Being of the :earth earthy, he, has of characteristic activities of Jehovah. course low, carnal- eleinents in his Forgiveth—The greatest of divine make-up. Jehovah knowing this blessings, which Jehovah had to be sympathizes with him, stow throughout the history of Israel 15-18.. Though man is frail and (Exod 34: 7). Healeth-Afrlictions transitory, the lovingkindness of God of body and spirit. If the psalmietis endureth forever. Winch -The east thinking of the nation the verse.re- winds of. Palestine are "dry and parch - fees primarily to the judgments which ing, withering all the vegetation." Righteousness -Loyalty to the coven- ant leads Jehovah to bestow blessings even when punishments are merited. 19-22: Since Jehovah is universal king, all creation is summoned to unite in his praise. Heaven—Calls attention to the transeendence of God (see continent on Nell. 1. 4 on lesson for Nov 11), as also .to the perman- ency ' ermanency; of his .rule; his abode is free self' (compare verse 1).. • , Crowneth; from the disturbances that overthrow makes h _elle ma s hi s.c Ilaren kings and kings and governments: Angels weaves their .crown out _af his own They form his court;' as Jehovah's glorious 'attributes- of iovingkindness warriors they must be mighty - in and tender' mercies." -Desire—A.woid' strength; they obediently do his bid - of -uncertain meaning. Jehovah gives ding. hosts . ministers to his childreiti always and in ebun- Celestial beings, subordinate to the an - dance that which is good for them. gels. In verse 22 the whole realm 640. Jehovah's gracious ;dealings of nature is summoned to join in the •with Israel. Righteous acts—Acts, praise -song of the angels. have come as punishment for national sin. ,(See Deutz' 29. 21.) Redeenieth destruction' -The noun, bet- ter translated "pit," denotes Sheol,. the 'place ' of the departed: The 'ex- pression is often used figuratively of deep distress; in the life of the nation, of the exile; if so here, the redemption would be the deliverance 'from exile. Life—The same as "thee" or. "thy - .Feeding Fall Litters. Pigs raised by a mature sow get,a better start while young ,and give greater profits than the pigs from a young, immature sow. To increase the number of brood sows by .selec- tion from last fall's litters, one should choose the thrifty; broad -chested sows and leave out the narrow -chested,. pinch bellied ones to be prepared for a market for a convenient season. Pigs sired by mature boars- are generally •' larger and "+ more thrifty while, young than'those sired by lee - mature boars. It is expected that the fall pigs will be farrowed as early as October. Atthat time the sows with their pigs should be allowed, to run in the open where there is an abundance of green "feed, clover, al- falfa, rape, nor rye. If the sows are fed sloppy feed at that time they will give a liberal amount of milk. When the pigs are about three weeks old -they will want to eat. more than the milk they can get from 'their mother. A small shallow trough should. be placed where the sowwcennot get to ;it. Scald some middlings, stir, and pour in some milk; if the milk- is ilkis sweet, all the, better. Put into the sewed months of age. The gains are feed about a tablespoonful.. of I made more cheaply before that time • molasses. Drive the little pigs care- fully over the trough. They will; get the odor from the molasses,• put their nosesto the i � and begin to feed, lap t, eat. It will not be necessary to drive the pigs to the trough again. 'They will go to the Warne place -the next day. They should be.fed some warm feed twice each day. If any feed is.left in the trough it may be put where the sow can 'dean it up. Always feed the pigs in a clean trough, After feeding the pigs in this way for a week or two, coarser feed can be used, and sour or batter -milk in the place of sweet milk. But one should continue to scald the grain feed and feed the, pigs while it is warm. Increase the amount of the feed as the pigs grow. Pigs fed in this manner should I weigh '00 pounds at weaning time, when they are .about eight weeks of age. I:f the warm feed is continued, there will be no check inthe growth by takingthe sow away from -them.: Always give the pigs a warm, dry place in which to sleep. Do not al- low much airspace above the nest. Give ati opportunity for an abundance of exercise and 'a<variety of feed. 'It is practicable to push them to popular` market weights by the time they are CUT OUT,IND FOLD O6N D'arreb ,UNC,_ Fp,{[WA1%5 sal neeteetesteete Willie. was .sur z# s kitty hi $ut back to the When Kitty rieed to see ;h up in a thoe; louse in fear he flow aid, "'I"hoo-T'hoo," By Agronomist This Department is for the use of our farm readers who want the advice of an expert on any question regarding soil, seed, , crops, etc. If your questiorl Isof sufficient general interest, It will be answered through this column. 11. stamped and addressed envelope is enclosed with your; letter, a' complete answer will be mailed to you• Address Agronomist, care of Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd., 73 Adelaide St. W;,. Toronto. C.II.:—I hare a piece of sod land that I, wish to plant in corn next before it is plowed? rung. Should r spread o z tore on Answer: -1 would advise you to have your sod ground plowed this fall, and ,calmed to stand ovee winter. Then spread .the manure on top of the plowed furrows in the spring before you disk the ground in preparation for corn, On very heavy soil it is sometimes advisable to plow in strawy manure in order to open up the eon. Gonversely on very sandysoil it is sometimes advisable to plow in strawy manure in order to give body to the sandy land, but on normal Ioarn soil the treatment i'ecomtnended 'nee given the best in . L.J.:—What is the best way to plant and handle -a bean crop? Are bean harvesters satisfactory? What is the .best 'soil for beans? Answer: -1. Beans do best on a fairly compact well prepared seed -bed that is loose on top;, They thrive on a fertile soil that is neither extremely tight, nor too heavy and compact. The soil should be well drained.,Beans are a quick-gron ing, short-sesoned, early maturing 'crop. 'An'abundance of available plantfood ' is needed in order to produce rapid growth and. maximum yield. On a medium loam soil the application sof 200 to 600 pounds per tun e of a fertilizer carry- , ing• 1 to 2 per cent: ammonia and 8 to 12 per cent. available phosphoric , acid along with 1 per cent potash, .if it is obtainable, g P will give this rapid bean growers apply this fertilizer start rtizerstart and vigorous growth. Successful through the attachment of ,the grain drill, either at, seeding time or one or two weeks previous to planting. If you have no fertilize]: attachment on the grain drill apply the fertilizer' through a lime distributor•previous'to drilling, but be sure to work- in the fertilizer by thorough disking' and har- rowing the soil before the beans are planted.. The amount of seed to plant per acre depends upon the variety. Two to four pecks of the • pea bean or four to five peels of the' larger variety has given good results I . be careful In cultivating file can • beans g not to cultivate too deeply, Beat roots are shallow. Da, not cut ofi these roots or cultiva±E . the bean: when they are wet, since there is a clanger of spreading disease at thi: time. .As.a rule bean harvesters do satisfactory work. P.'r`.:=1. In your ' opinion what is the best variety el 1 otato,for inerket. ing? 2. 1 wish to seed a six -acre field .to alfalfa in -the spring. Whal variety would you advise? 3. Is it' best to son grass seed lir' front of be• hind the disks in a :disk seed drill? The field is a sandy loan:. Answer; -1. 'There is no best variety of potatoes for all 'markets: Profes• sor Zavitz' • of Ontario Agricultural College, who 'has given the subject careful and long study, reporIs in his most recent bulletin ilia t „fortable quality, Empire State, Rose's New In- vincible, Rural New Yoker No. 2, White Elephant, and Stray Beauty are all good potatoes_ The first four rank above 75, when judged on the basis of 100 for perfect, table pota- toes. They are also heavy yielders. For ` early potatoes, Stray Beauty, Flowers Premium, and Early Ohio rank high. 2: As a.' general Tule Grimm alfalfa has given exceedingly good results in the middle west. There are other hardy strains being introdu .ed from seed which is imported from Russia. 3. Grass seed may be sown broadcast in front of the disks, or the conveyers fromthe groes. :seed box may be attached so that the `seed is sown with the grain seed, failing through the boot. On a sandy login soil, if the grain is not sown too deep- ly, the latter method usually will give the best results. If the grain is be- ing' sown very deeply, however, it would be better to allow the grass seed to drop broadcast in front of the disks and to relyupon its being thor• oughly covered by the chain drags which follow' the.,driling attachment, or if press wheels are attached, they will 'deposit the seed satisfactorily:, than it is possible to make them 'after that age. ' As true patriots'' we must not miss planning for the fall litters, and when they arrive 'We should make the most of them /oat The potato was first introduced into ,Spain by Hieronymus Carden, a monk, in .1553; into England by Sir John Hawkins and Sir Francis. Drake in 1563; and into Ireland by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1586. When Poultry is Ripe for Market. The roasting fowl .must be' young, full grown, plump and well finished. It is ripe for a 'choice ,roaster only a short time. It is well.finished when fat and lean neat .are well intermix- ed in good ,'proportions . An unfinish- ed fowl lacks flavor, and does not pre- sent anaepetezing: appearance when prepared for the table. The flesh ap- pears shrunken and the banes are prominent. Besides, the' meat will be dry and tough Before starting to'lay, the pullet makes an ideal. roaster, but after she has- started to lay the flesh becomes tough. When the spurs of the cock- erel harden, the flesh toughens. Hog fat is not a desirable, condition for 'market .poultry.` Close -grained carcasses a.re,preferred. Large, rough, coarse'eowls are not ,in good demand. There is better eating :in' a stag than in a male that hasbeen mated. As a rule, a hen is a better roasting fowl than a male. The spring chicken is one hatched not earlier than February, nor later than May, and is ripe for market when two or three pounds in weight. Chicks hatched the last of August, or the first week in -September,- are fit for the broiler market about' the end of, November. i Hair inthe region of the udder' shoulde be kept sort by clipping, ..since the hair harbors dirt. If strongly flavored foods such asp turnips 'or, cabbage are given at any time except immediately after milk ing, the m •lk is likely to havethe .flay or of the'foods. "' To insure strong, vigorous, healthy winter calves, provide the pregnant mother with clover or alfalfa hay, corn silage, and :from two to four pounds of a grain mixture composed of two. parts oats, two parts wheat bran and. ono part by weight of linseed -oil meal. Grain should be feel sparingly for a few days prior -to and•after calv- ing. . It is always' desirable to grind all grains for the .dairy cow :because of the large amount of 'feed that a' caw must digest in Order to produce well. When, butter becomes sti+onr; and rancid, break it up into new milk, working this "theough, it; then take out the butter, wash it and wort: the nilk but of it' as, you 'chid the butter- milk ,in: the beginning. Scraps of toilet soap should`:bc sav- ed and when Half a cupful or so ie. saved, it is a good plan to snake the scraps into a soap jelly. • HIGHEST PRICES PAID For POULTRY, GAME, EGGS & FEATHERS Please write for particulars: P. i'OALAQ & co., 39 Soneecouro Market, Wentz. era OUR ADVICE Ship to us at once and Reap Benefits of High Prices - now prevailing. Peace List- and Shipping Tags FREE I(inar and 'Alexander, WINNIPEG , Canada aeee 6g 'afits FrQ'tu Fursx;i �S „hl RB7n>a Zea" 8l F Wo'rild'a� tiftgesE Fiat• &Qpiis© Fox bi reIu9 at monEi, le tld6h; yeti' b to ue et . We ftro pf gest been neWoiayb }?ertpricor Yv�[nocdy i'slrinpaow µ.,lo mit re food, ricofest nerdI{rioe 1lot on ran- g�Aon,-Rimm&, 1111114 rot fnu,lcrat and other furs. 'j tiro Pay top gg,srlcoc aeell tenI Ituonoy oma+ dry ` fab r o lea ahipmont 6/ i''c �`'OI FUME R$9�O •itc LorFalO ol08 r 81 tx poInoue obs Qn81806,yry• in 1.aµ1. Drlces oL e[ QI 4apB,��ISIIa • kj,ta. [idLf1 fOr *PI; ri $• FUNSTEN �na'1l .ereb.' 421L F,oatea HnllUIn8 151081 SZ Laois Mo. R ADAMS C` tirag9L., FREMONT, NCB., U.S.A. Pays The 'Highest Prices. For' RAW FURS 1 W .,esrs�rnta.. ��i ,. _�r.+err•��ata ft �r# s` Ship yr i'tarEl to,Adams by ex= oreSO Ot' Ir1,cols pest IVo du1,y on rew-.furs. into''.TJ t. Outs armies heed'r th'9 i"alrs apd, we are •pii%£trg bis; fot thein. Write for Price List 110. W. R. ADAMS CO., navy rex Mk1'eb snit, rQ:rlavzowr, Nacre.; U. ri. ,.