The Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-22, Page 1Our Corner. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY N()17„ 22, 1917 The, voters' lists to be used at the approaching election will not be a printed. ,one; as usual. It tvill be writ- ten and 'prepared by th,e enun4 rotors .of ,whom there will be o,rie in. ea -eh polling 'subdivision. The enumerator will use the last printccl list ,of the municipality as a basis, and then by , personal knowledge will add to that ei list and take from it according to the ''late elections act. , That js, he will add the names ,of mothers, sisy ers wives and daughters of soldiers, and take :off the names of aliens, con- scientious objectors, etc. The enum- erator" will make up 'sufficient copies glf the 3ist to enable him to -post up two of 'thee copies, ;retain one for the time being and send a copy to each. caadildate;. The .list must be non - Pieted fifteen days before polling day,. The lists shall be pasted upin convettient places so the division and all persons should examine same to see that their names are on, the list, and is oast to apply to the ,enumerator is have /it put on during the first five o, Le ler; days preceding the ;toll- ing d,}, Sec that you naute appe:,r. on the list, of iyou ares so entitled, The Food Controller is well aware that in many homes of the Dominion very considerable 'economies in food have been effected voluntarily since the war ;began. In thousands -of oth- er homes high prices o'f food have compelled' the utmost economy is sel- ection and in appOrtOanmeat to the various members of the family. The Food Controller aims that as far -as passible th ex should besufficient and suitable food for the people of Canada at prices which are nohigher than are absolutely' necessary under present conditions of supply and cost of production. Seventy per cent. of ' the people of Canada are as thrifty and careful as any i.n the world. They consume but little: or na more than is necessary to ,nnaintain,their physical strength. The FoodController does not ask 'these people to reduce their consumption below the amount neces sary to maintain their efficiency, but he does ask them to substitute other foods as far as possible, for wheat, beef and bacon. which are needed far the soldiers overseas. There is .si.ill. a considerable minority of the peo- ple of Canada who ,coin, and should reduce their consumption of food by simpler Jiving. Substitutes may in- volve some. _sacrif'ice but. surely the men at the front are deserving that such sacrifice should be made. Elim ration: of waste is a patriotic c inser- • e andcwhich themast humble the most prosperous can contribute. It is ,no exaggeration to say that ev- ery ounce of waste is a contribution towards starvation. Ass PHONE 81a TAMAN 'S 'ictery Bollds VICTORY is the ONLY no -ad Peace and Safety. MEN and MONEY are the two great essentials to Victory, SAZ41LIF.ESS & C1t ECH It is said that iClass 2 under the Merner Military Service Act may be called out in February, Let ,ua call your 'attention to the Victory War Loan ads, in this issue 11 is \without a doubt the best invest meat in Canada, Buy a bOad. Only ?ix British vessels ,were sunk for the week ending the 14th. This is the lowest since : the submarine. cam- paiigo started. It is to be hoped that the U-boats are beaten. An ,order-,vn-: ouncil hasgiven - ,fiver. Hanna food controller, sweeping power to prohibit manufacturersb. wholesalers 'commissionmerchants, brokers. retailers, or partnerships, syn- dicates or associations dealisig, whole- sale or:xetaii, .in any or all food, conn niodsties except 'tinder license from his officer He is also empowered "`to fix tete price and also the amount that may be bought or sold at any one tline. THE ISSUE IS GRAVE. In the forthcoming election the Canadian people will be called upon to make the. most fateful decision that this country twill eves be called upon to make.- The issue will far transcend that 'of 3nere partisanship and will be clear-cut and definite. The question to be decided will be SHALL CANADA REMAIN IN THE WAR.. OR SHALL CANADA QUIT THE WAR? That is the issue, pure and simple. The interjection of pet- ty political issues willeage course. be attempted by the Laurier quit -the - war element in an effort to becloud the main issue, but the attempt will be useless, THE WORK OF THE MILITARY' TRIBUNAL Following is :the- report of the Ex- eter Exemption •Tribunal declaims from the. 14th to the 20th, inclusive - Exemptions Allowed Herbert O. Sou'thcott, Luther Row- cliff, Roy Stibbins, John G. Wilsion, Gordon Manson, Herbert E. 'Kaerch. er, Wm O. Robinson, Frank Sheerer Samuel Wein, Joseph Wein,, Samuel R. Wein ;Patrick Flanagan, Andrew Flanagan, Arthur F. Finkbeiner, Robt. W,alroad Wilcox, iErrsest F. Luxton, Bert Farmer, J. W. .Rechnond, Cecil W. padre, Ben S. Case, John Edgar i',ionteich, Lewis Lirk, Clifford Selves Roy Frederick White, ; William Henry Stone, D. B. Dignan, Sylvester' An- thony White, Hedley Clarence May, Thos. Clifford Coates, Herbert B. Bissett, Peter A.' Moir, , Thosi. P. Passmore Frankly H. 'King, Wm. H. Roezler, Wm. E. Grieve., Ivan. C. Hirt- ze1, Clifford Helt, W. O. Oestrcic'n- er, Francis R. Flynn; Thos. C, Joynt, Eli Sims, John M. Glenn, W. E. Essery Austin W. Ford, Horace H. Pfeil, G.or•dan Love:, Francis W. Ewin,gton, Cornrad Milton Luther, F. CI Prouty Wm. H. Yearley, John Selves, Gordon F. Oke, Wellington B. d3aker, Wm. R. Bell. Alfred J. ;Dole, Albert Dou-, gall, Roy. W Fake, :lad. H. Ross, Clft- ton Prouty, Geo, W. Armstrong, F. S. Preszcator, Chas. B. Allison, Wm. Saldan, Archibald Rowcliffe, Earl Geiser, Gordon Flynn, James W. Cockwill, Chas. C. Roeszler, Irving C. Stahl..' Mervyn E. Brokenahire, Clay-, ton E. Simms, Heber C. Snell, Erwin R. Sims, James B. Baigent, Albert Hackney Wm. W. Northcott, iWilliiam John Preszcator,. )Chas, Stephen, Al- lan Cochrane, James S. Petty, Har- rington. E. leinkbeiner,• Buchanan Wil- lard -.Roy. H. Fiinkbeiner, Theo. A. Walper Gordon Penhale, -Edgar P: Dearing, Chas. E. Davis, . Clarence Smith, Samuel G, Davis, Homer Cecil Skinner, Herman Edson •Powe, Hugh Graham Buchanan, Roy Percy Gram, William :Elmore Weido, John Edward Neil. Alfred Tilley, James W. Herne Clinton R. ,Brown, Joseph G. Fiink beiner, John. M. Southcott Adjourned for Decision o Same ,of the following are awaiting medical report, ,before d:ecilaion can he given,-, Lawrence Stebbins, Wm. F.Brawn, Hugh 'Morris Sillery, Everett Fanner Emmery •Fahner, W. E. Oestreicher, Roland Klienfeldt, Leonard Kirk, El- more M. Quance, James. ,Moir, Earl F. Shapton, W. J. tMot'z, Samuel ; J. Sims, Lorne MoirJock, Herman A. Jones; William Lewis Johns, Roy Clifton Johns, Clinton! R. Sweet, Wil - Liam Hatter, Thomas R. Jackson, Burton C. ',Keyes, Gea. „E. Haclaney. William John Hockey, Frederick Stine Wesley Wein Russell McIntosh, Her man O. 1Daymanr,. Wm, A. >Vl;oniteittlh, Appealed Herb. Southe;ott Y.iou. MAY not be cable tot help the ;first -YOU CAN help your MONEY, With with INVEST IN A VICTORY WAR BOND. 'And you help win the War, and in Increase your Inc Onto at ;Che same. This space tis donated to Canada's Victory Beiaclie. 'by. Taman Tailor 8v Furnisher Local News Mr. Walter Dearing ,of Londbini, was here over Sunday. Mrs, Inwood and daughter -of Lon- don visited Mrs. S. Sanders ,for a few days, Miss Urquhart of Toronto and her sister, :Mfrs, Sin r•ray o,fHensall, are guests 'of Mrs, J. A. Stewart. Rev, C. 0, Merrill, B. A., has been appointed 'rector of St. Patrick's C,h,urch, Salntsbury, and 'Kilrk1an., Mrs. R. J. Brown and son of Morrin, Alta„ are Jierc visiting relatives, the guests of the forrner's sister, Mrs, 0. Hreywood. After several weeks' visit with friends in Stephen 'township, Mrs. Jane Snell has returned to her home aiHuron istre.et, Tuesday night. t. Mr. E. L. Taaebnei', ,who has been home during -the summer, returnee' to Landon on Wecimesday to resume hit work ion the 'street railway as motor- man and Usborne �1Y FletcherI. •,FnrcD, Clarke m 7aquGs, L. Milts, W. Cockwill, .I , Mc- Lean, I Lean R. Davis io. rc. ` e , Day - McMillan i.. ��°� �� } Ss a, �d �iQ v n t W, Towers, J. Cornish, Mrs., J ARE NOMINATED TO CONTEST SOUTH ;,HURON . At .C,inion on "Monday between th hroui-'ol .12 and 2 -o'clock naminatiio papers_ duly filled in ,were receive by Returning Officer Robert Wls'o nominating Jonathan Joseph Merne of Hay Township, farmer, and Thos McMillan of Hullett 'I'ownshiP, farm er, to contest the riding of Sout Huron filar the House of Commons The olectian is to be held on tee 17th The \units are to ;be returnq in February.; e n d 0 r h a Before the union political' meetiin was held at the close of the nomiura tion, Mr. Brydone of ,Clintonaddress ed the audience on the Victory Bond urging' all to subscribe, and stating that the whole of Canada was thei security. The returning officer was chostan as chairman, and the hall was packed to capacity. Mr. Merner and Sena- tor Bennett ;spoke on behalf of the Unionist Gove•rnment-and Mr. McMil- lan and M. G. (Cameron on behalf of the Laurier ;apposition. In a"very'few ward's it may be said that ,i'41r. Merner, the Unioniet candid- ate, cam e out flatfooted in favor of the Unionist Win -(thee -war Govern nient, and Mr. McMillan just as flat- footed in favor of - the Laurier pol- icy, and there is,.he paint on which the election is to be fought. If you are -in ,favor of aeniding re-inflorc(e meats 'to the front to help the brave boys who are there, you will voile ear Merner, if -you are not you will vote the other way; There is your c,htoice• as far as this election is con- cerned. It gives no chance for hed- ging. The issue is plain, simple, free and above board., How :uny red- blooded British 'subject can find any difficulty in imaking a choice is be- yond comprehelnsilon. On the one hand ylau thave.' the best leaders of both old parties united to "carryi on" to Win the war, to help the boys, at the front in the quickest possible time and on ,the other hand you have Lau- rier, the ,Quebe'c French, the slack- ers, ,the pro- Germane Surely Old South Huron knows how to. decide in such a case. T:hsiough,out his address Mr. :Mer- rier showed how he had donee every- thing ,possible to help win the ,war, how pleased he was at t;h(e formation of the Unionist Government, haw the Province of Quebec had fallen down an the volunteer system, and how much more drastic was the Laurier Military Service -Act, than the pres- ent selective Military Service Act. Mr. McMillan said it was time for an election, criticized the Liberals who hadentered the Union Government, claimed that military service ,was not in question, but, the old go.verrymlen.t nr•eth,ods were in question, he said we. should sacrifice our last dollar as well as the last man, he claimed that Quebec had never been. given a fair opportunity to 'enlist, and he said "1 stand shoulder to shoulder with Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his- policy". He claimed that Laurier could recruit Quebec.,' He critilcized:.some- of the Government Acts of the last session. Senator Bennett paid nigh compli- ment to Liberals and Cc r9ilerviuiives who had entered the Unionist Gov- ernment, iclaiming there was but one issue -whether the boys should be supported or not, He dealt with • Mr. McMillans arguments in detail and hie showed that McMillan did not prove a single assertion in his criticism of. the Governme,rr+li, The speaker ex- plained fully several of the important acts that had been criticised, and fin- ished with a strong plea for support for the brave boys on the firing liiie. Mr Cameron claimed that the Un- ionist Govern,nient was the sante old Tory' party, and toiund fault with the Liberals Lor joining the Cotnls;erva- tive. in the formaitiipin, of this Govern- ment, He claimed all the rnen now drafted must go to the front, that nothing could stop it but an act of parliament. He, admitted that Laur- ier .was opposed to .conscrip'tio'n, but said thehad aright to be, He thought Canada .had pilot yet wakened up to the war, as we were a ]long way from the firing line, He was in favor of the ;referendum and it tivas needed to educate Canadveins. as .to the needs of the war, 1VLr, Merner in his reply poijntedlout that. allot a voter in Hurloni, would be affected adversely by the Franchise Act and lie drew, attention to the. fact that McMillan had been continu- ously seeking ,election, for the past three years, and now' stands with Lau- rier to win 'the elec illoinl, not the war IMPORTANT DECISION Tloi!onta Nov. 15. --Th ose districts, tri Onta,ra,o, where the Canada' Tem- pera -ace Act is tin,:effeict wet not sub- ject to the much mare .stringent reg- ulations of'the Ontario Temperance Act. In consequence guests at a standard ,hotel inay have in their.. Moms, or in their .possession liquor intended for their own ;consuinptiion anti may, without fear of penally,; give liciu;ar to; another person.' •Sa long as they donot traffic „nn alcoholic bev- erages they -do not break the law. , 'Mr, Justice Mas'Gon, in, a decision, twhich he Branded drown, to -day at Os - de made a ruling to this ef- fect, Perth and illueon, counties are the only two dietri;cts in 'Western,' Ontario that will be affected by Mr. Justice Mas ten's decision. Total Contribution .$1779.50 $(Donatsons.-J, l2oweliffe J Jec20keh. $10 Donations, --lis Strang, W. Wood W. Coates, John Essery, J. Thomso'nt F. Coates, P. (Coates,- J. Heywood ;, rov sons, 'l`, Fisher, J. Fisher, III, Llwor thy, R., T. Luker and. son, J. May, T Brock, W, Brock, F. Detb: idge, Simo Hunterj, IR. D. hunter, R. Skinner S. J. -rPym, G. W. Miners, J. !McCu lagh,,W, 0. head; W. Johns, J. John C. Johns, Rev, A,' E. Jahlns W, M. Elford. .1.'Ellerinbton, Wes, Johns Mrs. Johns. $13.00 Donations, -R, Scott & on. $7.00 Donations, -R Selleiry,• $0.00 • Donations, -3, McQueen ,and sari.! , $5 Donations. -P. Hunter G. Hunter, Atkinson -In Biddulph,, on Nov. 15th Sherwood Hunter, T. Quinton, W: to Mr and .Mrs. James Atki{nsost, a Pincombe,,J. Prout, ;W„Forel(, L. Row- son, oliffe. A: hicks, H. Perkins, T. Davis, --o- J. `WI 'Stewart, J. IF. 'Stewart, J. !El MARRIAGES Ballantyne, J. 1 G y 1 leen;,. ! J, Duncan*, G. ,Jones, A; Coates, C. Skinner; • How -Glen -In Clinton on No 1:T. Elston, A. Essery, 0„' Westcott, W. by the Rev J. E. 'Hogg, Francis- J, `Lord,; D. Wood E., Iiestle ; F, V sc u t J, Gardiner; R. R. Copeland; W, Kirk! Watkins How- oaf Edmonton, the late, WAltil- l. Marshall, W. `Hazlewood, T. Harrow i to Bessie, daughter of the `Vie J. hice,,rrd}, :A, Francis, T. AI -dem -idyl, Bell, Jas. E ssery, J. Harding, R,Rar-. Raz -- sons, W Webber, W, Johns, E. Hicks Maggie Luxton, R. Hicks,. E. Luxton; J Luxton -S Beavers, L. Reyn'ol'ds, Miss M Morgan, N Kirk, M. Doug- las, H. Robinson, °P, Whitlock,' D. Armstrong, Mrs, Kerslake, 75 cent, Donations—W; MctCellar, •G Brown. _ 50c. Donatieins-llrirs, Bow,Mrs. G. Lingard C, •Stephen, J, I-l�oclgeri; E Pollen. W. Fischer, A, Fischer, Mrs. n J. Monteith, W. Wiseman, Mrs. Suit- ze:r, ff. Schenk, F. 1VIcIlrea, J.Sinclair. 1 25e, donations. -R. Schenk, T. Swale & Thames Road Organized Claiss $3,60 Winchelsea Schaal -$9.40. BIRTHS 3. Roach, S. Routly, E tN. Shier, P. F Doupe, °M. Gregory, N. Wiseman, J. Shute, .D. Balfour, IS. N. Shier, _ Doupe, ,J, Gilfillan, A. Shier, Daw- son 'Bros. J. L Routly, R. Shier,' H. Rodd, J. Squire, S. Mills, C.Mills,.- VT, Wynn, A. Mills, W. Shier, J. A1- len. E;; Copeland; E. ,Copeland{; J. T. Morgan, C. J. Pym, G. Etheringtone A. Etherington, J. Erherington, S. Cann, 142. McTaggart, R. Harney, E.. F. ,Bernick, J. Ratcliffe, W. Arm- stron,g, A. Gibson, R. Kydd, G. Jeffrey Mrs, ts. Cudmore, E. F. arid By tisk Dougall, B. iEernick, J. ,Airth, G. Armstrong, G. A. Wright, W. Brooke Johns Bross B. Cooper,' S. 'I31u!nte'r:, J. T. Allison, W. IKernick, P. Moir& T. Yellow, R. McDonald, E. Knight;, T. Cameron, P. B. Gardiner, W. H. Kay, W. I1cGil1, Rev, Fletcher, F. C. Stewart, A, 0.3', Doupe, W. Turnbull 1. Simpson, J. Harris, T. Clark, A. Pletcher, J. ,Creery, !C. Camra, R, Can am, Washburn, J, A. Routly, W. Hannah, Gorvett. Bros„ I3.' ,Beavers, T. IIunkin, J. Cottle, P. Madge, Bs Francis, J. R. Duncan, G. Coward'; D. Coward, J. iCowarrl, W. Clark, S. Brook, C. Upshall ,J. Skinner, Miss Mend, G. Jaques; F. 'Hunkin, E, Stone A. Mitchell, W. C. Imlay, VP, Eeddy4 J. J"O'Brien; E.i Dew, G. Dunn{10, Fergiisor, ,P. Moir, R. Pa'rSons, W, F. Down. T. 'Harris, J. Yellow, T. 'Bissett W. Prayrse, W. ifligginsy A. Oases 'P. Case, Mable and Nellie McTaggart, D. Dew, G. Hawkins, W,; Olee, L. 13ieri J. 73'; Andrew, J. Iltern, Sr., .W, ,IT1I Delbridge, J. Delbridge, H. Kyle, 'Ri Taylor, ,W, F, IBattein G{ frock,; Taylor, J. Earl, A. Jaques, H. Elan E. Herr, bl. Rern, 21. Birock, G. Ear) W. J'Bro c I ' ss no, Sterlr R Johns", Yuns, N. Coultis,Rt4Irev. G.( A. Barnard, Mrs/ R ,lerd.'man G W. Horn,!"W, Skinner H. r_4nderson, 0. Cann, J. !Cann{ JT: Cole, Mrs. Stone, J. !Andersons: T4 Passmore, 13. Williams, R. Robiasont, G. Williams,,. C. Godbolt, ,Sr., W. ig35 Thomson, W. Weigh, $4.00.Donations,-W, L. Kerslake, J, Brooks, J. Kleirfielt, C. Routly, MI IRoutly, !B, Rundle. , H. Horton J. Hannah, G. C. 'Coward, E. Cowar,Ii;, C. 11.honteith, L. D. Fulton,. :53.50. Donations -II. Delbridge. $3,00 Donations, -1\I:. Wild, J. Herd- man; E. Skilnner, 'I3. Dougall, H,IRohrle T. Johns, G. Monteith, A. •Campbell, Mrs. ,A. iTurnbull, T. C. Allele; 1Di Hackney, R. Hoskin, Mrs. J. Kemp!, F. Stephens, 'H. Westlake, T. 'Fletcher W. (Kerslake, V. IBrock;_ TI. Rodd( M. L. h3eavers, E. Allem, A. McCurdy, J: E. StonleF. P.. Johnston, A. G. Alex- ander, A. `Kerslake, L, Oke, 'H, Francis SZ.50 Donations -A, Gardiner, G. 1 Delbridge, E. A. D.ullir g, Mrs. P. Murch. 82.00 Donaticlns--C...Godbolt, Jr.. I. Brock. J. Johns, Jr., T. Bell, J. Tuck- er, P. Cox, D. Armstrong, L. Woods E. Jahns, C. Snell, J. C, Fergusion, S. J. Johns, T. Woodward, G, Blatch- ford, W' T'. Oke, C. t)ayntan, E. H, Westc:ott, L. M. Jeckell, C. E. 'fuck- d ey B; IMakins, Mrs;. J. Dick, Mrs. A. 11Loir, F. Morley, W. Morley, T. Mar- ey, R. Johns, J. Hero, W., F. Hero, N. Tow1, 'R, Weekes, W. Lambkin, Hicks E. Hicks, 'W. Jaques, C Jaques. Well. :Skinner, S. Wilson, A, Brooks W Hawkins, G. Frayne, C. Frayiie, H. Borland, G• Passmarc, C. Borland, N. .Passmore, Arta Campbell, . ,Bray Mrs. L. Hazlett/olod, Mrs. J. McNic:o1, Mrs. Jas. Gardiner, T. Ball:. ntyne, J. Ballantyne, A. Frazer, A, 3oclgert, A, Hunkin, Mru. Hoskin, T. Elliott W. Elliott, W; Neil, C. 'knight McKibbon, M. E. Wynn, W. N. Gun- img, R. Bell, J. Bell, J. Stacey, F. Rickman, Mrs. Williams, fibers. Brawn, . Perkins, H. Ford, W. Warren, W. ‘otnerville, W. A. Gill:fillan, N Clark, G. Godbolt, W. Horn, 17. Berry, L. Iarris, Horn .Bros., A. 'Walder, W. enwarden, D. Hawkey, 7. Moore, L. letch ers' A. H. Duncan, 5. Adkey, .1. ioowri, A. 1Penitivarden, E. J, Camp - ell Mrs. \V. J. Vance, 7, Mc.Nicol, Alexander, J. Selves, G. Ryckman, 'Walker, H. Janes, ,5.Bell, F. Ford,' V. Smith,, Mrs; S. Hicks, H. Buswell; W. Westlake, A. Neil, H. Aldrich, G. ulleyblank, 7. Horn' •$1.50 Donations -W, Hunter, E. Fan on. C. Fletcher, W iClemen,ts. ss 00 Donations -J. Sleanton Mrs. R; Wilcox. • Mrs. T. T-Ieywood, E. Hawk- ,, T, J. Davis, P. Kehoe, J. Hutclr risen, Mrs, W, Taylor, j, C, Francis, I. Towl Mrs, W. Smith,, Mrs. Penwar- en, Mrs. D, Flicks, 1,M. Skinner, J. ;ooper•. J Heywood, J. Cottle, P, uncap, 1). h cnvrick (5- Morgan, R. letchcr, I). McLaren, R Doupe, W, lack, '\trs, Ford, Mrs, ,Sawyer, L. (irk. li, Pym, tl ,Morgan, W. Kidd,. e Selves, J. 'Remick, 1.. i irlc, R. a.. linin Glen -ant,d of Mrs, Glut, of Clint.- ton, Snider,-Truernaez .-In.: Clinton, on Nov14, by Rev, :.1.4A. Agnew, Ida May Truemner, daughter ,of Mr, Wm. •Truemner sof Heasail, to Wm. Jahn Snyder of Colborne township, —0 - DEATHS Eiteott It Toronto, or Nov, 21., Mary S. :Hancock, beloved wife of Mr. ag Wg ed R55 'Elliott,years, of near :Centralia, Marshall -In Goderich h. Tp an Nov. 8, John a-shall.naged 98 y McConnell -In _In Clinton,Clion Nov, 11 David 1V7:cConnell, aged 83 years and 9 months. IN MEdMORIAM 10. 'loving memory of Mrs, G. Mang -- nus who died Nov. 25th, 1916. Earth seems quite another place Without the cheers of mother's face She suffered much with pains unfold; We watched her day and night Till God did take away her pain. Sleep on dear mother, and take your rest, God called you home when he thought best. In 'leaven we Hope to meet again. Husband and Children. BUY A WAR BOND. 5 Weeks to GIVE THE FAMILY AN EDISON FOR XMAS. mas. This year finds us with the best bought and ;elected Christmas Stock that ever entered this great store. The following ,lines are ..complete,-. TOYS, comp ete',- TOYS, DOLLS, ETC. Last year our Doll Supply was short. This ,year we have dozens from 10c., 15c. to 85c, All kinds toys from 10c. up. See our big Xmas Bi'r ;'towing scores of art- icles. s , 1 I 1 1,r1 1'11 (-1 FANCY CHINA Bon • onB Dishes, Berry Sets, Crean. Sets Sugar and ,Cream Sets Fancy Cake. Plates. Sere the cups & saucers at 15c., 20c., 25c., and 35c, Chinaware all prives from 10c. up. BULBS, BULBS . Hyacinths and Frezias direct. from Holland, 5c up. Flower pots all sizes now ria. Come here for your supply. XMas CARDS & NOTE PAPER Cards lc., 3e., 5c., each, Notepaper pads and fancy boxes., Irani 10c. to 25c. • FANCY WORK BASKETS & WASTE PAPER BASKETS 10c. up to 35c, OUR KANDY DEPT, In this department we .pride our- selves as never before. We sell only the best, WILLARD'S FORK - Doi:, and 'other good makes. Wil - lard's in Fancy Boxes and buIbs. Chewing Gums and Nuts. Try tour 'Kandy Counter for good clean service/. No candy handled by humanhaiid MUSIC ALL THE TIME AT THIS GREAT STORE. We are always happy, . Why? ,Because there's an Edison there. EDISON'S at $48, with records COLUMBIAS at $29 with records, and higher if you want them.. STEP IN AND LOOK AROUND P LL'S BAZAAR BUY AN EDISON, THE HOME OF, THE NEW EDISON PHONE 55 srEwaxT�s PHONE 16 P OHR Ladies' Coats at PRICESREDUCED If you have not .already bought nianey if ,you buy now. We are Coats as we want ;to clear them NEW COLORED' SILKS For Odd Skirts and Waists - new colors is stripes and pretty :plaids'. Just thethingfor odd skirts and waists at per yd. $1.25 to $Z.75 FLEECE -LINED UNDERWAR Men's *fine -fleeced shirts and drawers'. Penman's make. A goad weight garment for cold weather. Each 75c. FLANNELLETTE BLANKETS • This is the' time to buy blankets We are advia,ed tato ,price will be much higher, Our ,advice is to buy now. Per pair $1,85 SI -LEEP -LINED COATS For the man who has much outdoor work to do. The cloth its a heavy khaki, lined with good quality sheepskin, with highsheep skin collar. All sizes $7,50 your winter coat, you can save reducing the price on all Ladies' out this season. ALL WOOL SERGE In colors •,o;f black, green brown, blue and wine. T,hbs is a beautiful all -wool serge. and is`nxtra 'value at this time, 40 inches wide, per yd., $L50 COLORED WRAPPERETTL C For tarts dressin acks nice g house 'axes sea, s?'getout 50 pieces of good patterns to choose frown, They are good values at • the price. Per yard 25c, RUBBER BOOTS Miner 13rand Robber Boots are guaranteed to: give s<titisfac- tion. We recamnenid tli,s boot ,Cor rough wear. ” Per pair $4.50 and $5.50. LINED SMOCKS Made. of heavy grey stripedr duct, lined wiith,,nod • q t g -quality ilug'. grey flannel, Special value all sizes PHONE 16 j As START PHONE '16. The Blig More with the Little Prices