HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-15, Page 8E�.XE FE R. 1�t Tl IT U E AT ;, T1� tIR 3BAY-, NDV. IA 18112 • EXE PER ;,,MARKETS C,h to ;e,t Each Wednesday Wheat 2.10 Ontario Oates6R laz;.e,, ,.,,.. 95 'to 1.10 1' arnily Flour 5.80 Low' grade flour .. 3.25 Shorts ..... ... ,,., 42,40 Bran 36,00 Creaineiy Butter .•.48 Dairy: Butter 40 to 42 ,....• ,.... 45 l rd 31 nrd P,ot eoc , 1.60 tai LS5 Hay, pet ton 10.00 to 12.00 TOMNELSON GARAGE. Having, i.„ vu -ed my coun,eetian, tt'itia, the Exeter Motor Sales Co. (1\res. Snell sales tnanager), I have taken over the Garage business formerly conducted by Mr. T. H. ,Newell, and am prepared to do all classes of re- pair work on automobiles. I solicit your patronage.—TOM NELSON. Dant forget the towel and pillow- case illowcase shower to be held at the Patri- otic League Robin at the Town Hall orr Saturday ,or:, 17tJa. It is hoped that the ladies in the country as well as in town will give ger(e;nt*usly of these at tblies to be sent to tine Hos- pital 'ot erseas. FOR SALE—Brick house with two tots and barn. Apply Mrs. F. Lane, William Street, —s—o—x— GOVERNMENT FISH.— We now have a quantity of Goo^ernm t fish for sale—Whitefish 14c. and \Herring 10c. Try -them. W. JOHNS. CART) OF THANKS—Mrs. Sidney West desires to thank the friends for their kind express pais of sym- pathy since the word arrived of ;he death in action of her husband, P.e. Sidney West —x—o—x• — The Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt Memorial. Church will hold their An- nual Bazaar on Friday, Nov, 30th in the Trivitt'Mem'orial School Hall. Use ful and tfancy articles for sale. Ad- mission_ 10c, Light refreshments ser- ved. In the evening an illustrated ad- dress will be given ,an "The Life and Scenery .of Japan". Admission 14c. x—o—x— SALE OF MILLINERY To reduce ourstock of _\Iillitnery we are ,now offering you Barg: iris, better than ever. .frame early, and secure your choice, G. MAY ARMSTRONG. Send in the local news and all of it. If you know of something worth while that does not appear in this paper that is ,your fault, not ours. Tell us and, we print it. FRAME I•IOIJSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—Apply to Mrs. William Hawkahaw. ,ESTRAY HEIFER There strayed .onto the premises of the undersigned, Lat. 15, Can. 1, Landon Road, Stephen, an, ar about Oct, 1st, • a yearling heifer. Owner can have sante by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN BLAIR, Centralia P.O C. W. ROBINSON :Agent, has five Cockshutt Riding Plows that he will sell at last year's price. Farmers can save $15 by buy- ing now. Come andgetap1ow be- fore fore they are all gone. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is ;offering for sale that desirable farm in Hay Tp., being Lot 4, Con. 1. There are .. o n the premises a good frame house, barn and .young orchard. The land ;is well drained and fenced and is in a g•oocl state of cultivation; is situated one mile noit'n of Exeter, and is a first class farm in .every 'respect, Apply to W. J. Russell, Exeter P. O. A. HASTINGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance Company Also Fire and Accl3ent Insurance. Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER, .ONT. PASTURE LANDS TO BE LEAS - En BY PUBLIC AUCTION At Rich. :Quinton's Residence, Ex- eter, bon SATURDAY, NOV. 17th, 1917, at 2 ,o'clock sharp, the follow- ing property, viz :-450 acres of Pas- ture • consisting of 14 parcels, or Fields ranging from 15 'to 50 acres. This pasture .is situated •oa Lots 4, '5 6, and 7, Concession 5, Ushbrne, and East Halt ,of Lot 6, Concession 4, Usb arn,e, Leases will be drawn up far a term of three years. Any other conditions made I oo]vit on clay of sale. T. CAMERON RD. QUINTON Auct Prop, AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE,—Having taken over the Wat- kin's Agency from Mr. J. E. Gould of •He•nsa11' I am ,prepared to do business with all the old customers and others who have not - previously uused the products I will be pleased to interest also, A full line now in stoi•k Goods can bep rocured at residence at any timle, A..Cull lune of Linarnents {'augh Remedies, Spices and Ext Toilet Articles always an hand. Phone orders promptly -at- tended' to, Phone 43 Exeter. WM. ANDREW, Travelling Salesman; Exeter, Ont. Winter Apples Car just arrived. Nos. 3, 2 and 3, packed in each barrel;, but near ccd No. 3. Price 34.75p er barrel, cash; ,$5,00 if charged, Sold iia barrel lots only, Apples Stared at Canning' Factory. � Leave 4tTa 1r.rl1^1 ti at store,the .,d TT1t.° will b.• f ,;ic:'s ]. ttn-n. ' OOAL DI )1N (1S. 13 ht ..•,4' ,�c•.'a naa ,n', r15c.alaw PSa..kicaardi 111. G. Dow ;shipped a ,LORcl of horses to Sherbrooke last week, i he opeat Aseaslon t'or deer, quail, tvilcl turkey, black and grey squirrels closes to -day, (Nov,15tio ;Tris, Johnston of ?\Mill Street is very ill and vvas taken to Lolnclonn Tues- day to fumet oanoperation. :Mr Wail, ter has moved his shoe. repairing 'bu8iness' 4i'ti,to the new : shop built ont't'hc site of the old stand, The proc1amatio,ns for the elections' were r4 3sS l:f: d' 1 � 4 last week and stet I n posted up in :the various sub -,divisions of the. a'idi,ag. Ma .1-1, .1 -Hooker has rented her home oa William Street to Mr, Lyman GIan- viile who wail move in fr'oni Stephen, and she will. move to London, The ,fine' weather has can:tinued during the twee,k and the farm,era have bean tuaorking hard to get in their late crops. 'Golntinued fine weather is kue(ecled. In the list of subscriptions to the Red Cross, published last week, we. inadvertently ommitted the names of ktr. Sidney Davis for 55, and Mrsl McA_voy 31.00,, E,2'1. Dignan 52. Br. J. A, McTaggart, wli,o' has been practising •dentistry at -Blyth, for a number of years, has''decided to set- tle stn. Tiorantla and ;has .rented an of, fice 'an Bloar street. He expects to" move to Toron,ta this month. The case lei' Mrs, Watkins vs. Jacob t ell rma,nai, an action Cor damages in ata automobile ltccideni in London, was settled 'out of court as Thursday, tire; defendant agreeing to pay plain- tiff 3750. The isuit was for $3;000. Mr. Robert Skinner has moved' in- to h•t handsome resideifce purchased from Mr.. '1'2estle an Andrew- street. His farm 'in Usborne has been taken ovar by his son, Wellington. We wei- aonae -Mr, Skinner and family to Ex- eter. SCHOOL AT HOME. -The "At Home" given by the students of the High School on Thursday evening was a thoroughly enjoyed affair and was attended by a large number- of in- vited guesis. Twelve promenades n'ere •conducted •v1ib a di;fterent pi- anist in 'each, and this part 'of the program lasted one and a,half ,_hours. There was also. ,a �pyogXaun, of • dia- togues, recitati!o,ns, t drills, chor- uses orchestra and- other Music. The principai,.,Mr. W. l I. Eadie, was c.hai,r- man, and under his guidance the whole affair went off i„•t first -tins order. The proceeds, which are for Red Cross purposes, amounted to over $57.00. DEATH OF JOSEPH WELLS. After au illness roar five wteeks the death 'took ,place at his residence,' William street, o'f Mr. Joseph Wells, in his 68th year. Dieceasled had been failing for some months, but only late- ly had 'been confined to his "home. Mr. Wells was a native of Edgehill, Warwickshire, England, and came to Canada Many years ago, seftling near Cnomarty, He was an industrilaus farrier, and respected by all who knew him. He was ,a member of the English church, and in politics a Corn- servative, I iota; years ago he retir- ed to Exeter and had lived' with his sister Mrs. Garle;. Deceased was un- married, The funeral, Which was .of a private nature, took place oat Wed- nesday, interment ,being made . in Cromarty cemetery. . EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS.— A. large audience !greeted the J;ohnstpas Evangelistic parity on Sunday evening at the James .Street Methodist church. The large' chorus under the direction of Prof. Swartzbaugli,, acquitted them- selves nobly. Mrs. Huntley and miss e {van t.• Lydia sang most acceptably, L � 1 ist Johnston preached .a powerful ,_r- nion on "Hindrances" urging all to put aside every hindrance. Reeve Beavers, the chairman of the Com- mittee iritibduc,ed the party. A larg'a platform has been built ,for the con- venience not the speakers and the chair. On. Sunday at 3.15 Mr. John- ston will preach on the subject, "The Mission of the ChurchC': the ,even- ing ,subject will be Infidelity vs;. Chris- tianity, ,or where Did Cain get 2lis Wife Service 'every evening at 7.45 Monday is rest. night. On. Saturday evening the •"b,00ster" chorus will sing SUCCESSFUL MUSICALE,—The Rett (hoes Musicale given in James street Methodist Church an Wednes- day day evening io'f last , week by `Miss. Shaw, soprano, Miss Muxwortiiy, read.- er, and pupils of Miss Gladys Bissett, was an. T. nrual,i'fi,ed success. There was a fair ritten!dance and alt were de- iighted with the entertainment Miss ShawJ, without doubt one of the' best soloists that Exeter .audiences have ever' heard, and herselections here greatly appreciated. friss ltuxworthy is well known as a i-ea•y effective reader, and. each number :was heartily applauded. The 'playing and teaching ability it -if Miss Bissett were e well shown 1. the numbers ,1 which. she and her pupils took (pari. Among the pupils were, ,Misses M. Sharpe, ;aro.- thy Balkwill, Mabel Brown, Fern Fraiucis, Lena Coates,E. Day, Mary Elworth,y, Greta Harness, Blanche Senior. Marjory Seldon and Masters Alj'oe Sanders and Gerald Long. The proceeds were devoted 10' Red Cross purposes, FREE WAR MAPS A. good car neap ,helps one to fol- low and understand the war linvvs, The Family Herald and Weekly Star al" Mo'ttreat a'lfers a fine war` map fin foto. colors -about:2 1-•3 alcor 1..31E feet in r real «over free of charge to; a1,1 u-iis' �ubtc.tibe to that .great paper at 31.25 .e year, The map ,alone would oast l: TnfCC)t as cl]{, whole charge in notes stores._ The Family rleiairl is rr : , 1 i• ' Cl t year Ind -S ' r •ate lois i Cato rtri tri y q credit to tt��.,,�,c,Iu; value, It r; a .te t Ca,nta ltaxi Jour.nali;sin, It `should are .n• every Cana'.dian horse at the price of•, ft• ;`t' 1'7w `I t'P7*` i•."'if17 i11C "-sl. A Carlip l-,otdea aviator en his way. t;i "1 oi•onto (got lost on Monday and landed neat Granton„ where a large number •ol peoplle Congregated, iq dee; the machine, mile turn;well° when startcug again his machine caught the tion wire of a. fence and was badly druna� ad, The brick resdenge with 'three lots On William street anti two lots pi: Waiterlloo street, being part of the. estate of the late 'h'fary A. Sanders, were rosccl r s dTt� r at by t U � -a z rG uc*t A.on p U on Saturday last, IIT, W,E Sanders who reediilly sold his lain, in Stephen Purobas.in�g the former at 51450, and Mr. Sid. ;Sanders the latter at ,5200,. The Soldiers' Aid Soolety acknow- ledges from the branch oT ganiza1kon —tire Dramatic Club—the receipt of 362.50 from the ente'rt,allnmeat irk Godericli, 350,50 from the ,entertain- ment im Hensall, and ,36,05 -,from the entertainment lin Cine�dliton. "Why Smith Lett Home" has been a great money maker, the tattTl, proceeds from the play being ;:$728,50 Mrs. 21. Smith, is ,visiting at' Mrs. E. Jones'. _Mr. Wm, Cornish went to London Tuesday, Pte. ,\Melville. Glachn,aa ,is home on leave this m e;ek.' Mr 'l-ierb, Southcatt, traveller , home tor a few days, Private. Will Brlown 'is home tlidis week owing to the death of his father Miss Ruth ,Middleton o1' Toronto is vis tiro with_ i\'Irs. ,Whit Araiatrong.. ,Mrs. Wm., Thlonipstan' off Landon' is visiting her .parents, Mr, and Mrs!. 1', Boyle. • • Mrs •R•, Strong of Seafor1h visited hast week with her :cousin, Mrs. • E. Jones " Mrs Wan Hudson of Seafo,rtl] via- heel last week with her sister, Mrs. Jatrl of h Mt, and Mrs. W H. Levetf of Lou- don spent a day or 'two' of last week i•n. town;' Mr. Geta. W. Holman of of Egnio�nd- :'isle ;pent Sunday in hewn_ with relatives Mr' and Mrs, Becker of New Ram burg ;pent the week `end with,rela- tives here. Miss Pearl. ,Rollins of London re- turned .home. Monday after a visit in towi. with relatives. Mrs .V17,. A. Turnbull of Farquhar visited heir, parenis, Mr. and Mrs', 21. Eacret,. for ,several days. Mr W. F. 'elay ,of Mitchell is vis- iting her sons, William William a,nd Fred 'May, far a .few days, Misses Leila, Gould, Viola Jones and A. Beverley of •L•otedon spent 'the week -fetid ,at it:14 - homes here. Mrs. C. W. Welsh of Regina' arrived here last week fa ,spend the winter with her mother, Mr. 'P,opiestic,ne'. Lieut. Edgar Torrance, who is home from the front on leave, spent a fete days here with'frieinds during the week. Miss May Powell and Mrs, E. Hast- ings and eiloid of Wingham visited at Mr. Sam'l Sweet's a couple ,days last week. Miss A Case, after a visit with friends in and around Exeter, return- ed tc, her Koine in, Toronto Tuesday evening. Mrs. Hastings, Mrs`. Amios, and Mrs. W. Bawden are in Lloinidon this week attending the Women's Institute meetnag:' vliti Charlotte: Dearing,after sev e.ra,' mo lith. visit with friends in var- ious ar-ious parts of United States, returned, home on Friday. lli�s Ruth' Hobbs, who has been with ilLits. a1T. Arm,s'ttrlang for the liner 'season etur ed herr y , lr, ni is homr .n Hagersvtile Tuesday Mr. and Mrs, ''' H. 'A. Chamberlain, who were Married last week in 1j°n- s;ta called 'oin friends '1]iere Monday, while ,on,, their way home to Niagara Falls, Ontario-. Mr..Walter 'Magee, who Bar a num- ber 'oa' years worked for Mr. A. Mc- D,o,neh in the livery stable; but who is nits' working on la, farm ,near St. \tfatys, called on friends here Tues- day. es- day. SUCCESS OFA NEW REME9Y FOS BAO {AOHIE, KIDNEYS, RHEUMATISM. I Dear Mr. Editor—I suffered for years with backache. Last March I tried "Anuric" and have used this new kid- ney medicine recently discovered by Dr. ,,Pierce, and it was wonderful the way it eased the pain and gave me relief in such a short time. I have tried Several medicines, but "Anuric" is the'only one that gave satisfacuion. I feel it my duty to recommend «Anuric Tablets"to anyone who suffers as I did. • ( Signed) 1VIRs. MsitpAixT E. SNIDER, NOTE: Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results they have obtained by using " ANURIC," the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who is head of the INVALIDS' HOTEL and SURGICAL INSTITT.TTE, in Buffalo, N. Y. Those who started the day with a back- ache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and an aching head (worn out before the day began because they were in and out of bed half a dozen times at night) are appreciating the perfect rest, comfort and new strength they obtained from Dr, Pierce's Anuric Tablets, To prove that this is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism, if you've never used the "Anuric," cut. this out and send ten cents to ,Doctor `Pierce for a large sample package. This, will prove to you' that "Autiric" is thirty-seven times more active than lithia in eliminating uric acid—and the moat perfect kidney and bladder tor- rector. If you are a sufferer, go to your best druggist and ask for; a 60 -cent box of ''Anuric." You run no risk for Dr. Pierce's good name stands behind this wonderful new discovery as 11 has for the past .1 alt century for his «Golden . Medical Disco e>y,' a general to i c trade from roots' with pure glycerine which makes the blood pure, his "Fa- vorite Prescription" for weak women aria "Pleasant Pellets" for liver ills. 4 it JUNE & MAY PtiO R CLEARING SALE OF IN'TE'` _ O All Coats to Clear at a Price Now is your -chance to geta real nifty Coat at a small price. The win- ter ,is not here yet, so, buy early. We. -are not waling until ivintter is halt' gone before giving you bargains in your Winter Coats. 812 WINTER COAT Wc' are offering good serviceable Winter Goats at this price, 512 FUR COLLAR COAT Only a very few, but they, are beauties at Half Price:' Christmas Only 7 Weeks It ds'.Not tai earlly to start your Ch,ristmats shopping for your distant -friends and Soldier Boys. d thio s for Christmas Cheer,-- , heer— ' Here are a few of the Sao p u g 1 Gl t T , HANDKERCHIEFS - "MUFFLERS FL GLOVES TOQUES MITTS TIDE 5 FANCY COLLARS SOX STOCK COLLARS SHIRTS BOUDOIR CAPS HATS CAMISALES CAP S SILK WAISTS VOILE WAISTS FANCY LINENS STAMPED LINENS SWEATER COATS HAND BAGS urs Reasonable.. Prices All our i"urs were; bought at last year's prices, That is why, we can give you •such close prices. 1 ONLY MUSKRAT COAT FUR SETS - Nice dark skims size 38, Regular Al! -kinds to choose frail , 31.2: 580 Coat for 562.50. to 340 per set. Mems and Boys' OVF3 COATS We are showing a- big range of Mien's and. Bays' in the newest bf Styles and Cloths', They are very swagger, bought long ago, and are 'being sold very cheap. Now is the time to get a good 'coat at • the night price. THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK WI TORY 13OND CAMPAIGN. 'Coats & Suits SUITS Over 300 Men's and Boys' Suits just ' 0 hand. made from goods of the very best, ' Owing to the large quantity we ;brought and the early buyings we are able to sail their, at very, low prices. See theinzt on0o. . . LL BE DONATED' TO '11IE VIC - JOBES Headquarter for the aeiebrated W. E. Santord Clothing eta-- ��`�-�.•�•- _'^---�°..,� ` TAMAN'SA�CWF�iI X1111 81a G�cal Vaines SUITINGS, O'COATINGS WINTER SUITINGS WERE BOUGHT EARLY AND WE ARE ABLE TO SELL BELOW TO - DAY'S VALUE. ORDER YOUR SUIT AT ONCE. . LIGHT OVERCOATS IN BEST OF CLOTHS iFOR THE COOL EVENINGS— AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU MOST AGREEABLY. OUR PANTINGS ARE SOLD AT THE RIGHT PRICE. SEE OUR LIGHT UNDERWEAR lN COMBINATION: AND IN TWO PIECE. N. Sh e're A FULL LINE OF READY - TO - WEAR CLOTHING. LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR TAILORED TO ORDER WILT. BE FAR MORE BECOMING Yet Cosi No ?ore We have a large ,number of New Fall Suits and ,Overcloati,ngs that wait your arrival—a wide assortment of Fashion's Chosen, ,colors,—soft hand- some Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades. OUR ASSORMMENT OF Ladies' S 5 ; hangs le the Finest we have ever had. The studied exactness in measuring and becoming designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes ,produce,s a cam- pleteaeess of Ifittin,g and a, pleasing- ness of appearance that a ready-made can 'never hope to ;equal, No Lady knows haw well She can,: appear in a Suit ar Coat until sine has one curt to measure. OUR STOUT IS COMPLETE nature and Undertaking . R.N. ROWE THE F'ENERAL DIRECTOR AND _FURNH'URE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spit, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery lino. i Call and see us. A trials t It ill vin GIVE US A 'CALL C8. YOU PROBABLY NEED A,RAIN- COAT FOR THE WET DAYS, WEAR OVERALLS AT YOUR WORK. LOOK ROUGHO AT OUR LINES IN THESE GOODS. ALSO Furnishings SOCKS in Cashmere and Silk THE NEW CAPS CHOICE SHIRTS FLASHY Y T S, 'si TIES ARROW COLLARS W W. Taman Piiior8zFur sher Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel, Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould. Next The Metropolitan .Hotel Make Your Money Fight, If You Can't Enlist' You Can Invest Canada needs your Mone. It is Your Duty to BUY VICTORY BONDS 'rho pi•'oeecds of Canada's Victory Loan, 1917 awiiti be used far' war. purposes only and will be spent wholly in ;Canada Sub,b,riptioo s for the Loan wail be .solicited b l� Y, t, • USI3ORN�E g LXET'LI.. `7T,NS'I.1T;N TP, ITAY Ss HENSALL Exeter Iit . , J. GSta,nbuty, ExeteetbeiC h>.lbet ,Crediton And, -- Heys, 1 Cameron,,harhtai Rt. Wn. Anderson, Centralia, �lna C. ,Fritz, �irtitttic c h t P. Delbrige, Exeter E Nadiger, 17a'shwood Exeter A. (Hastings Exeter John Ross, Grand Bend G,Cr. Petty, IIensall I'1us space ns tl,onatecl to t:;anatla's Victory Bond s.'by' B, W, 1+. BEAVIIRS, Gei7.eral Merchant,.'Exeter. On,tariio'.