HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-15, Page 4is a magic oil that smooths the path of existence. It's rich, pule, sparkling +g rind wit 1, o n -w ,lt the c lcl-tints: Labatt flavor that maims you realize you h.:.=.: 1lie right beverage; 'latter or wrinkle -chaser than the hills of c nv 1t'L D. Drink all you v,ani. Labatt's Special Ale is as pure as the' mountain brook. YOUR G CE SELLS IT Also on sale at Cafes, Hotels, and in case lots direct frorn the Brewery. JOHN LABA'T, LIMITED ESTABLISHER 1832 8`2 LONDON, ONT., and No. 4 St. Helen Street,: MONTREAL Oftzter;thr Sander's & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price—In advance $1,25 ..per •year in Canada; $1.75 in the United •Stater'. ATI subscriptions not . paid in advance 50 cents extra will bb charged ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates — Sade 'know! an :application Stray Animals—One insertion50c., three insertions $1.00 Farms or Real Estate: for sale :5Oc, each insertion for ;ane month ag .Tour assertions • 25c. for each subsequtent . Eases tion Miscellaneous Articles of not more than five lines, for Sale, To Rent, or `Wanted Lost, Found, etc., eachas- sertion 25c Local Reading Notices, etc„ 10c. peg Brie per insertion. No notice 1 ess than J3,c. Card of Thanks 50c. Leges Advertisitag 1..0c. and 5c. aline Auction Sales, $2 for one insertion, .rand $3 for two insert:,otras. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 .inch -Se per year THURSDAY, • r`eOV. 15,1917 Da,shwood Mr:;. (Dr.) E. A. Braughton of Whit- rby is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Kellermarin. Mr. C. Finkbeiner is spending:a few days with relatives. sn Sarnia, Miss Leta Guenther spent the week . end with 'friends in"LStra'tforda Mrs. D. Normyle of Kalamazoo, is • visiting her parents, Mr. and 'Mrsf G. NaIdrger. • Mr. and. Mrs,. Herman Ei•dt of For.- est spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. C. Stade, whin was visiting with them returned alar'. Mr. J. iKellermafn spent a few days. in Londlpn on business last week. Mrs. Ed. Willert and daughters, Misses Ella and Isabel Cameron, are visiting in 'Pittsburg at present: Mrs. A. J. Bru.tnner of Chicago' is spending a few weeks with. ,her par- ents, Mr. and -Mrs!, G. Oestrfe,ifcher. Mr. and Mrsl• C. Fritz and family of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman. - Tr. Alex, Neeb had a very suc- cessful barn raising. on Monday. Centralia Nksa 'Salary :Brats ntoa of the Coa- senvatiory, 1,.olrtdon, has taken up a class of music here. The Patriotic League, Centralia, send their Christmas parcels to the boys from these parts on Saturday in •or- der to reach England and France, by Christmas. Rev. Finlay ,preached in St .Marys. Sunday, it ,being ; the anniversary serv- ices at Whalen The church here was closed The travelling public are glad to make use of ` thebridge at Mr, Jae. 'Walker's gal as forpast ' again,the tour weeks it has been ;dawn, thus •niec- easitating ;the people Oleg to Ex- •.eter to back a mile and ,a quarter.. airs C. Hicks and two children of Calgary " are visiting atthe Misses WiJs•on and other'friends. A number from Centralia attended the Evangelistic services in James' '.Street Methodist Church, Exeter, on Sunday evening. Wedded. -A quiet wedding •tigek .place. at the parsonage here on Wed- A Soldier's Strength Every enlisted 'man would stand up stronger and resist much sickness . if he could have the benefits of i because it fortifies the bangs and throat, creates strength to avoidri e and g pp pneumonia and makes rich blood to avert rhe umatc tendencies. Send a bottle of SCOTT'S to a relative or friend in the service. scat & lrowne, Toronto, oat. 1714 Inesdav east, whiten hiss 'Edith, daugh- ter 'orf Mr, Geo; Buswell of the 2nd concession n on of •Usbarrne became the wife 'of Mr. Teeter of near Ham:Mete . Best wishes of the manyfriends here w'i11 be extended to Miss Buswell. INTERESTING FACTS About the Recent Statement .of The Maisons Bank A comparisart of the present An- nual Statement, just published, shotes the Maisons Bank to be in a very stnang position ,f naneially. In 1916 ,'the total deposits amounted `to $45,744,423.00, rand, far the year just closed, '(.hey amount to $48,417,- 972.41 showing an .increase of 82,673,- 549.41, from which it au very evident that there is still a fair amount of m,oaey in the country. A;noth,e,r sign which indicates the Bank's strong position is the decrease is Call Loans, an item which should be closely -watched =her' prices of Mocks are dawn`and the stock mar- ket is showiing signs ;of depression. Atthis time, last year, the stock mar- ket , wTaa (nearing the end .a£ a ao� ( b n boom period and prices for 'stocks .yrere high. At that time the banks were '_toaniing. freely, ,with -the result that the. Call Leans outstanding in 1916 amounted to $4,347,028.53. The pres- eat fstaternent shows these Call Loans reduced to $3,822,985:70, a decrease,. for thepast year, of over half mil- lion dollar, or to 'be exactly correct, $524,042.83. Goagrtattulations:.are in order both to the Directors and the Officers of the Bank for the careful and efficient matiner `3f -n` which "'they have safe- guarded the iniUerest of the stockhold- ers and the institution's business. CLAN'DEBOYE Death of Mts. CunninlghaLn —There(. passed away at her 'holm here on Saturday, Nov. 10th, one .of the old- est and imost esteemed residents of tarn, 'community, n the person of. Mrs. William 'Cu ararighane and at may he aaa:l'that hers was a long and use- ful'bife, full iaf 1goo,d deeds. She e -as uruse'_fis•h, and in a marked degree manifested a ,friendliness, a syrripr tsar and a helpfulness 'Dar those in nse ,. Tice evening tof hex life ' wase there. fare, peaceful and characterize 1 1- a •quiet. trustful waiting. Her maiden name was Jane McCann, arnd she vas a native ,of Ireland, but carne o - Oen,: ado many ,years ago. She has resided at •ditferer tplaces ars ,One aria, but for many years has resided at Clandeboye.' She ivas a faithful and ctonls,vstent' member of th•e` 'English: Church; and wthee ever ,health permitted she was always found in lher,pew.` She is sur- vived by a .large grown-up family. T11,e funeral took place' on Monday. Crediton Mrs Sim. •Smith; left last Friday for >z e,o b' n 1 ch. Ir to v � t her _ cl , parents She was: accompanied b Kiss Ste Smith as far as(Bart Hurai.Ila Miss Lavina Smith amd'•i\Ir and Mrs, Ruthig and •lMiss Wag;nes• of Stratford spent Suisday whh Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Have you lbougi t your Vie o'ry 1. Have i The aim for Stephen, Town- ' Township's cctrktrabuittilanl' is $110,000. Let u., all do ,otur bait' and help the goad ,work along, Miss 'Kate (Ztwt5cker of London vis- ited Mr. and 7lrsi:ICbas. /wicker last !. week. The 'residence lawne,d by the tete (John F. IEl?,be,r w,ais sold by public auction to Geo, Clark hast Saturday ear $500. We undera,tand Mr. Clark will Pinot movie to (town far come time y.et. Quite a number ane attending tee evangelistic services held in, James Street 'Methodist Church, Exeter, this week. Next Sunday morning a union service w:1 be held in the Methodist C1vu;rch, when tone of .the evangc?isds will (occupy th,e pulpit. The continued fuse weather is giv- ing, .our producers a good opportun- ity lila (get in (their care, roots and beans. Some of our hunter 'have been, out of ,late, aho!cti`iig ducks and rabbits. They appear to have shad golod luck. T.l,c concert •g•ive,n in the Towel -fall last T hursday night under the aus r'1ie, of 'the Red Cross Society was a grand success. The play, "Why Smith left home," was presented by Exeter talent, who certainly adeserve every compliment for their splendid acting. le ns ineal,ly difficult ,ria say who d"ud arae beat' work. The one and all 1 artan't ssa a the whole nn pI leason, f e wh I play was that .(relatives shouldn't impose' ,an a ,newly •;married couple. ' Pear' Mr. Smith hadn't even a chance to .have Lira honeymclan, I-L'is ireilativ+es carne droves' and this.home was certei•nly, !lively ,one, The lreceipta for the ev- e -sing amounted 'to $75.00, COMPULSFAIR ION' TWHEAY, ONLY Speed in. supplying the 'reinforce- ' meats dor our figrhtting 1MeJts in the very early Spring, when they will he mast urgently needed and the pees- eat supply ekhlauste'd, its 'the first and mot compelling argument far an Im- mediate enlorcemnent of conscription. We must, batt ever, slot overlook the obvious. defects at out old voluntary system same ax tt hiclz have been well stated as folloiws ; It tends 10 de- plete the country of its most patriotic rtnd se1tasac,raficing ,citizens and !ID have slackers in possessipn, It allots men to enlist .for- the front whose! services 10011111 be lit y Ltu tbh; at home while others tvho could eas- ily be fsparcci thrive and fattest bi increased wages and prot,;ts. It fails to equalize 'the task of defending our 1'1.00110111. 1t ,Cauls !to bring out the full strength sof, the country's manhood." We can, vee all lthufs as we look back. The magnitude ,of the ,effort still to be made' (leaves us (no t ,option, but to. back to the liml.i1 the Varian Govern- ment .vern-ment Which is enforcing c:on,set,p(ion, the only 'just met hold in a demlocratie country. For, where the citizenship is equal every citizen. Is equally re- sponsible far its def•encfe. Delay is Ira.ughd with the utmost •perill. Every seat carried lin rile approaching elec- tioti by a candidate who iwithholds .his absolute support from the Union Gov} enncnent will hearten your er,•(imu's. Let ilio. Hun hear the goo ,l rte vs of a Fighting Canada! backing `rhe Fight- ing ghat-ing Canadia:n's at the ,co'meng election and art hasten ibe end Of the war. (H itAND' BEND Mr. and Mrs. Frank Genonette, tvho have been in the , Wes,, for two months, a-ettune d hone'Sa.turday.— llt.s. _Ga,ife left Sunday ua visilt her so t for 'some time in Stamey„ lir. Ivan} Gree:~ :and sisters visited sli Stanley Sunday.—Mr, Paul Gravelle aril Mr. Chas,: Brinker ,of Bad Axe, Mi li., attended the funeral ,of the late Mrs. Graven,; Death 'of Mrs. Gravelle.—This week it becomes our duty Ito, record the death of ivIrs. Asaph Gravelle, who departed this Lite ran Thursday even,- iilg, Niov. ,8, about four o'clock',. De- ceased has been a victim of asthma for many years,'` but her conditilontdid not take a tuna for the worse until about a year ago. Death .came as a' relief to her sufferiingsl. Mrs. Gra- velle was a daughter of Mr. Andrew Diajardine and has been a resident ,of Grand Bend for many year, in fact she. lhas teen a great ideal of, the via -- ,gin timbers of 'this ,locality removed. She was- a member of the Presbyter- ian Church, and was: a, kind neigh- bor and friend. Deceased -leaves to mourn her °loss her aged husband, flour daughter and Three sons—Jess of Louisanna, Alfred of California,,; Mrs. Wm. Millman and Mrs: George Shepard of rlhed'ford, Mr. 'Thomas Webb and Mrs. Harmon Gill, Grand Bend and Jerry ,at tbovne. She also leaves 24 !grand children, one great grand child and twit> sisters and one bnathgr She was .aged 76 ,years and 16 days. The bereaved have the sym' baths -sof the cammunwteee • The `fun eral on Saturday was largely attended BRUCEFIELD Miss Jessie Gemmell is visiting friends in Gravid Rapids for a month. —The Kelly Circle of Brucefyeld Pres- byterian Church faternd holding their annual bazaar Ian Nov, 29, the sale commencing at '7.30 in the evening, Mrs. Madden and little son; Murray,. have returned from 'a visit in Tarots- to.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Cliftoinlspeust Sunday with Mr. Cliftlary's father' at Dungannon who :had the misfortune'. to be ;thrown• from a buggy and have alis shoulder badly hurt. Mr. Clifton, Sr., is ,nearly nnety years of, age.. \l :: Grace Horton spent the week- end with Mr. and .torsi, James Horten; -Bean ,harvesting is the order of the day in this vic,Initty( Sterne report a fair crop, despite the . unlfavo(rable wealthier. -Mkt Arnold Petrie has re- turned to To'•toiofto to sesame his studies.—The Btu cefield congregation. were favorably'impressed with, the excellent.. sermons pneached by Rev: Macintosh on Sunday last; We be -1 'leve ,Re.- 'MacIntttosfh, was just one vote bc,i1i.tid the Rev. McCont,n,e;lh who was ,recently inducted into the Presbyterian church at FIensall.-Mrs. James Aitkenhead, who has not been enjoying good health lately, is some- what improved. She is able to be a- round again. O � s lis FORTHPCIDNEYS Gin Pills have attained astounding success in the rational treatment of Rheumatism, Pains in the Back, ?. Swollen Joints, Urinary Troubles, y etc. Here is one instance— "One Single Pill Gave Relief" Plessisville, Ont. "I suffered from Kidney Trouble for several years, and tried numerous rcme dies andrescriptionn wperman- ent peran- ent reliefs, my case being chronic. I '. decided to try GinPills. "One single piligave me great relirf., I have now taken four boxes of Gin Pills and find myself :completely, cured. No mote bad humour—increase in weight — clear eyes—fresh' colour—more strength and vigour. This is what Gin Pills have done for Inc." H. POWIS iattanERT. Gin Pills s Bell Cor0 5 o no b x or 6 boxes for $2.5O at all good dealers Sample free if you write to National ' Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, , Limited, Toronto; 'or to U.S. address, Na•Dru-Co., Inc. 202 Main St.,Buffalo, N.Y.N:Y. ,, ..Tit Sas' e ELTMYILL,11 TelaeEliruville, Gircuut has, been .hard bit b}" the 0 11 Of hh4 ,eighteen boys, whose ,Mmes tare an 'oar Honor Roll, five lszwe already nea,de 'the aupreaus sacrifice, and lathers, iia)'e been wioltltded, 1t was !not surprising there- fore that when tate iMenlorial Service in !memory of Private .Eat•ii Joiltnasw.ls held, the church was full. The ser- vice has "erg impresls(ive,, I'he pul- pit ,won !decorated with flowers and plants. (1nipng: which.', \vas roitsptctlotlS- ty dispay ed abeauti,ful wrtath of cJny:isantlremunts given by the Bible Cliff;s A large framed photography of. Earl tta, placerl on an easel, Associat ecl with the pastor, Rev. G. A. Barn:: arca on the platform were Mr Joshua lot.as, uncle of deceased, and 11r, W. G. --Medd, teacher lot the class la which he belonged. The pastor spoke of tive aacrit.ce made by the men at tint: front 'arid 10111 the same spirit of ce1.L tic rifle .ice was worthy of inti iation by •all at home. At the .clase of his address and at his request Miss 77Iedd very feelingly recitesd a poem by James W. Riley, entitled, "Ams ay. a'li: Johns and ;ails).: Medd then. paid personal tributes, J10 the memory of Pte. Earl J,olina, who was "Mitd and gentle as be ' was 'brt\-et'l, Touching references were also madfe to Corp. Wy gold` ~sato w n,s taken kprisoaer and the_: shot by suisnerous Huns in Ger- massy to Pie. Ga LEedw and Keillatt, son of lir Geo. 'Keilatt of Elim si11e, to Pre Arthrur Jlart, an Anfgllish boy, who enlisted !early in Che war and to Pte Loftus Herrn, sons off laid., and Mrs P. Herrn• 'formerly of Zion, isoi was killed at Ypres, The pastor then placed the wreath osei- the pltolitagraph of Pte, Johns.. Out deepest e nlpa(.hy ifs with the parents and friends ,orf our heroic dead,: Thsnls of him ,sti l as the same, I say, He is iniot dead -the FIs j iist away. SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. Na. 14, Stephen flan the month of October in History THygene, Literature and Geography.: The list and Primary cle.sses are given. their 'standrl,g from class . work. Those marked with an asterisk were, absent icor :one exam, Total marks 400; minimum 240. Sr. 4--L. Brooks 208; af. Bnown, 187; I. Essery 168. Jr, 4—T Mills ' 244; E. Webber 233; A. Anderson 225; * 2" Hicks 223; M. Hodgins 198; *A. Con- ner 138. 3—F.. Huxtable 181; L. Han- lon 169; V, Conner 154; ICA Hasketti 156; W. Haskett 117. 1—H. Hicks, G, O'Brien, J. Smith. Pr: -H. Hodgins, J. Flynn, V. Smith, M. Hicks, W. Smith.—E, M. Weston, teacher. SCHOOL REPORT of S S. No. 11 Stephen. for October, names being in order of merit: Sr. 4—Lucy Greb. Jr. 4 -Ervin, Greb (absent). Sr. 3—A. Lafond. Jr. 3—R. Willert, W. Adams, M. Willert (absent),` Sr, 2—P. Lafond' H. Greb, C. Link. Jr. 2-B. Willert, E. Willert (absent). Pt.2—E. Willert,. L. Greb M. Willert, C. Adams. • Pt. 1—A. Stephan, IL. Adams:.. Sr. Pr. E, Adams 11, White, L. Greb, E. Wil- lert (abse,nt). Jr, "Pr. G. White, V,_ Wiliest. •No. or' Roll 23; average at temdance,10,75. S. E. 1 1esnfeldt,'teacher, x—o-x— DRYSDALE—The -marriage took Place at St.:Peter's ;Church, Drysdale, of Lucy daughter of Mn and Mr Wrn. Denomy and Edwin Hartman son of Mr. and ;Mrs( John Hartman Goshen, Litre, Hay. Thle bride was at- tended by ttended.by her sister, Emma, and the groom by Mr. Paul Bedard. Auction Sale OF FARM. STOCK. & IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE. Os, Lot 16, Con. 2, Usbarnn, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1917 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following Hiarses—Draft horse, 5 years old; draft .bore. 4 yrs. so1:d; horae,3 yrs. old; cheatnu't'mrare, real goad farm- er's driver, or suitable for mail dr,vter Cattle -5 extra good milch cows, alis in calf ; 3 yr. old extra good milking heifer, calved Sept. 4; 2-y("ar--old steer 'theater rising 2; 6 calv2s. Rags -3 thoroughbred Yorkshire sows. with litter at foot; 3 .store hogs. Some poultry. Implements—McCormick hinder, 1 Massc3 -Hai ris mower, seed .frill; t' - t s e' er siees land roller, t alki Cackshutt turn plow; Cockshutt ;~ogle riding piper, disc harrow, scutfler,. set Lr•an barrows 72 teeth; pea earvestcr, ihay take Canton fanning mill .vith bagger' attachment, hay rack, 2 wagons. 2 gravel bores, pair labs1,ins top buggy, •Cutler, ihag rack, sow crate, wheei barrow, weigh scale, bag truck; Fie Laval cream separator, Daisy churn, root ipulper, set heavy team h'arnesstand half set ;,number of collars single harness, sap kettle, steel pig trough 8'• ft, 14 foot ladder, 24 foot ladder; a 'lot of 3-4 inch, water pi;p- ing,for threshing; also quantity of tile with holes for branching; quantity.of canning corn stalks for sale, whiffle - trees, ,,leek yokes, chains, forks' and. tool; loo (numerous to mention. Household Effects—All in, first- class condition.—Parlor suite, oak sideboard, 6 dining ,chairs, extenaioe1 table ;flanging lamp, 2 clocks, coal heater. 1?asitively -,no reserve as 'the .pro- prietor has sold his farm. Teirms—A11 sums 'ref ,$5.00 and un- der,` cash.; over that amount 10 mos. credit ,on approved joint notes. A di,scoulnt of 4 per cent ,per an,nun'for cash in, lieu of notes.. WM. HIGGINS, Prop. 'CW. ROBINSON, Aust F .COATES, Clerk C W. ROBINSON LIt.ENSIp AUCTIONEER AND '-kl...LIAroR for Counties of r-Iuron Perth Middlesex and Oxford, Farm Slack ,.Sales a Specialty. Office at Oockskutt Wareiooms, next door ,to Centra: Hotel, Main Street, Exeter, Charges moderate and f+satisfaction IS, guaranteed: DR. DeVAN' .RENCH P brill bl eTBn• Latin Pf1f f 'r g o b7ts . mss. a boX.'r, �++F O th CO ie 0 . 8old ell. it F ,f et . r • We. � to es fi or ma sr' in ... fl tb id dregs on B [. P rccei � " 6 ....... .. ..1?,., ;t.p• �.�r Tit OCODELL D$tfti (1o. St.:Catharine/4 Z *Jo. . � Re9fuiCf F[�O sP�orrOL FOR MEN., fzu ans. i;;itality;for 'Nerve'ana Brain; filetee� t "grey natter yon np. 38 a box, or «•o for $5, et drug litotes, or bv,r,-nail on receipt if price. Mb;80021;t.G Bann Oo., 81. catharfnee. lri tarin. Canada's Victory Bonds 'Y should you subscribe for Canada's Victory Bonds? BECAUSE our National safety is at stake, : and Canada must have money to support our soldiers in France, This Bank will accept Victory Bonds to the amount of $1,000 from any ' one person for safe keeping for one year without' charge. Loans will be made to wage earners on favourable terms for the purchase of Victory Bonds. How nnuch will this enable you to subscribe for ? BANK LANADIAN COMMERCE CO E 342 The e Molsons BarLk RECOMMEND ,THEIR FRIENDS TO INVEST IN Canada's VICTORY LOAN AND ARE READY '1'O RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. THE BANK WILL UNDERTAKE TO HOLD BONDS FOR SAFE -KEEPING WITHOUT ,CHARGE FOR A YEAR WHETHER THE SUBSCRIPTION WAS PLACED THROUGH THE BANK OR NOT. Apply to the Bank Manager for information DENTIST Dr. G. F. IiOULSTON, L. D, S., D.D.S DENTIST Member of the R. C: C. D.S. of Ont. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office over Carling's law` Office, Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR A. R. KINSMAN, Honor Graduate Toronto University.. Teeth extracted without gain : or"an bad effects. Offiee, over Gladman .& Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of pr,,,,iyy-ate funds to loan on farm:and village property at low rates of interest. GLAL MAN & STANBURY • Barristers. Solicitors,, ; Exeter ISAACA R. C RLING, B.A. Barrister. Solicitor Notary Pubjjc, Commissioner, Sol cMal! for The al - sums :°,Bank, Etc. Money , to loan at lowest sorter' of interest. • Offiee-tda,in Street, Exeter. ,• ,FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for- •:Counties of Huron and Middlesex, Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton — Ontario MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders•at..the Advocate _Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness HIGHLANDS . OF ONTARIO CANADA The Home of the Red Deer and the Moose OPEN SEASONS DEER—November 1st to November 15th inclusive. MOOSE—November let to November 15th inclusive, In some of the Northern Districts of Ontario, in- cluding Timiagaini, th,e open sea- son is from November 1st, to November 30' tit,- inclusive, Its;: that part of, the Province of On- tario,lying North of 'the Canadian Government 'Raitway"from the, Quebec to the Manitoba boutudar .he t Y, a en season, for Moose ,s Cram`:, October 10th to November 30th, ' Write far ,copy of "Playgrounds - The Haunts of Fish and Game," 'giv- ing Game Laws, Hunting Regulatitons, etc. to C. E. I-Iorni,ng, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. N. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH -WEST LAND REGULATIONS, The sole head of a family, or any male over' 18 years old, who wast. a the commencement of the presenawat and.h'as since colutinued to be, aBrat-t lab subject or a subject of an -'allied or neutral country, may home-, stead a quarter -section of available "Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dia. trysct.. Entry by proxy may b0 made on certain' conditions. Duties— :i'7C months residence upon and culr.vat ea of land in each of three years. In certain districts a homesteader may secure an adjoining quarter -sec- tion as pre-emptions, Price 33.00 peg acre. Dut1 s— Rearde sixmonths 113 each of three years after earning homestead patent and cultivate 5Q acres extra. May obtain pre-emptior'f patent'as` soon as homestead rpatent on certain conditions. At.se'ttler after obtaining hometstead patent if he • cannot secure a pre- emption may take a purchas. ed homestead in certain districts. Price $100 per acre. Duties—Must reg side six months in each of the three hoo yealrse s, worth cultivate330050. acres and erect a Holders of entries may count timtl of employment as farm: labourers rte Canada during 1917, as residence duff. res under certain conditions. When Dominion Lands are advert- isedor posted for entry, returned sol- diers who have served overseas and have been honorably discharged, re- ceive one day priority in applying for entry et local Agent's Office (but not Sub -Agency). Discharge papentt must be presented to agent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interi4 N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid fof ONTARIO'S BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL CENTRAL eITRATFORO. ONT:' Courses are thorough, the instruct' ors areexperienced, students get in- dividual graduatesaro 1 1du atte al t an and rr n n Placed rnposutians, Daring 3 months ths we tutted 'dawn 'over 300 calls for trained help, • ."Tia is the school for those who Want the practical training and the good positions—Commeirciali Shorthand and Telegraphy depart- ments. Get our free catalogue. It will interest you. D. A,. McT,.atchtait, Paincivtd