HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-8, Page 8r r 1.X1 1'ER pl' ARR: TS Changed Each Wednesday Wheat 2.10 Ontario O its .., 60 Barley Family Flagg Low grade flour Shorts Bran ,.,.,.; r. Creamery n titer Dairy -Butter , Eggs Lard, , , . 31 Hogs Ptotatee z Hay, per tore TONT. NELSON GARAGE; flaring severed my cannecfr ,n with the .Exeter Motor Sales Co, (Wes, Snell s:l:es manager), I have taken over the Garage business formerly. con,lucta 1 by Mr, T. H. Newell, and am prepared to do all classes. of re- pair work on. automobiles'. ; I solicit your patronage. -TOM NELSON. „95` to 1,10 5.80 3.25 42,00 36.00 48 , 40 to 42 42 ,15.75 1,25 10,00 to 12.00„ Mr. josh. Heywood of Usborne Luft- ed a tunr&p in his field that weighed 16 pounds. Haliiowe'en was a :Very orderly and inoffensive affair this year. The bays are s.lriowing better sense than their fathers used to. Y -O -Y,- LOST'. -A shelf toff the tail -board of a wagon green, Finder will confer a favor by leaving at this office. SALE OF MILLINERY To reduce our stock of Millinery oery we are now offering• you Bargains, better than ever, ,Come early, and secure your choice, G. MAY ARMSTRONG, During the year 1918 the 'Farmers Sun. priomises to be 'more prof:tiable and interesting to those :engaged ,in agriculture than at any ;time during. the past tweuity-his years of its pro- ductitart.-"Netts and ,Views from ;he Farre" 'by W. L, ;Smith, .for twenty gears eine 'of the Sunl'sl'ediitprs will' con- tinue this jm,ast pleasing and profit- able part of the ;paper. The .farm markets will be given axira and spec- ial attention by Mr. Crane and Mr. Thurston, while many others will cosi- tribute from week to week, topics of interest to those actively engaged in farm wiork, One Dollar to let Jan- uary, 1919, its a- small price! for The Sun, a paper that has so long and faithfully .served 'the farming interests. You cannot do, better than subscribe at once. . • SPECIAL TO CHILDREN,- Very soon we will start pre-rtin.g in. this pa- per the funniest picture puzzles you ever saw -one each week. They are calle"Funny Faldips." You simply' cut out the picture and fold it as dir- ected and right before your eyes it changes to a different picture, --Watch for the "Funny Faldups." RED CROSS MUSICALE. -A Red Cross Musicale will be given by Miss Gladys SSb,aw, Soprano of the Lyceum Arts Conservatory Concert Bureau, of Chicago and _Miss Vera ;Mu worthy; reader, and pupils of Miss. Gladys Bisset(, L. L. C. M., in James Street Methodist Church, an Wednesday ev- ening, November 7th, at 8 o'clock. Admission 25c. Proceeds for Sold- iers' Comforts. FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Apply to Mrs. William Hawkshaw. ESTRAY HEIFER There strayed ,o-n;to the.. premises of the undersigned, Lat.15, Con. 1, Landon Road, Stephen, on or about Oct. Isi, a yearling heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN BLAIR, Centralia P,O WINTER MILLINERY OPENINGS -A well selected display of Trimmed Hats v, ill be shown, at our Winter Mil- linery. Openings, Nov. 3rd and fol- lowing days. You are invited', E. CURLISS .Keep in mend Sherwood Hunter's Big Sale of Cattle, Horses, Imple- ments, Lot 1, Con. 4, Usbarne„; Fri- day, Nov. 9. See adv. in this issue, EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. Keep i r in.ind the Evangelistic Ser- vice.; is the James Street chur ch Exeter. ,conducted by. Evangelist Johnston, commencing Nov. 11. Tell others C. W. ROBINSON Agent leas five ,Cockshutt Riding Plows that he . will sell at last yeaa•'.s price. Farmers can save $15 by .buy- ing new Came and get a plow be- fore they are ,all gone. A. HASTINGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance ,Company Also Fire and Accident Insurance, Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER, ONT. AGENCY ' FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE. -Having taken over he Wat- kin's Agency from Mr. J. E. Gould of Hensall I am ,prepared to do business with all the old customers and others who bave not previously uused the products I will be pleased to interest also. A full line now in stock Goods can be procured at residen-e at any tisnle. A full line of Linaments Cough Remedies, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always on hand. Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter; WM, ANDREW, Traveling Salesman, Exeter, Ont, Winter Apples ',V ArNirirNir NirlirigrAllgiVEllr'ir le fr LOCAL DO!NGS. 1 kt-fainat2a124101816.11traikAacAIRS41114aLaii Little David Newell is on the sick. list Ibis week,, , The Huron County Poultry Shaw will be held in Goderieh' on January: 14-16. Mrs, C. if. Sanders ,will receive for the first time on Thursday afternoon Nov. 15th, from 3,30 tta 6 o'clock, The boys are fighting for you in Flanders and Fj•anee-nae your mon- ey fight (1:oa them through' a Vi'otor}= Bond,. lrfr. Gower and Son, who have been conducting ,a grocery in Carling Bros. .a1cl ist rd disposed ott he balance of their stock (last week and Mhe store isnow closed. Th,e'Kettlettan farm of 55 acres near Kinpen was sold under mortgage by C W. Robinson by public auction' on Wednesday last 'tri Mr. De twiner, the price being ;54800. We are hoping that the snow which tell last week and lasted two or three days will settle the weather icor a fen- weeks,' so that some fall work may be done before the winter comes an in, eaxon st'. The. Hallowe'en party givelz by the Girls' Auxiliary in Trivitt Memorial, School Hall was an .interesting and successful affair. Progressive games were played and suitable refreshments Mr, Geo. Ford. wishes to express hi sincere thanks to the kind friends in Exeter, Centralia and Saintsbury for the splendid and generous gifts as boxes sent to'his •son, Pte, Ga.rne Ford, overseas, "Why Smith Left Home" put anrby the Exeter Dramatic Club in Hensall and Goderic,h last week was well pat- ronized, and the members of -the Club were highly „oamplitnen:ted on the ex- cellence' of the 'enteatain,nent, Mr. Rich Gower, who has been con- ducting a grocery here for the past year or so, moved with his family !to Ernbna on Tuesday, where they in- tend going back to 'farming. They will have the best wishes of their friends here, • Lieut Edgar Torrance, who enlist- ed here with the 161st, but went to England with a draft of officers be- fore that battalion: went overseas, re- turned to, his home tit Clinton Wed- nesday on three months' leave, Lieut. Torrance was �vaunded iia May last, an'd besides losing one eye, suffered Dom shell shock. The Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt Meinarial Church will hold their An- nual (Bazaar on Friday, Nov. 30th in the Trivitt !Memorial School. Hall. `Use ful and (fancy- articles for sale., Ad- mission 10c. Light refreshments ser- ved. In the evening an illustratedad- dresswill be given on "The Life and Scenery of Japati". Admission 100, The regular :monthly meeting of the Patriotic League was held in the Town, Hall on Nov. 5th, October col- lections were 556.80., membership fees( $9.20'. Shipped to Miss Arnoldi the fallowing Christmas boxes la Exeter boys. 33 to France, 58 to England, val- ue 8204,75; also 9 ,trench, shirts, 15 htosptal shirts, 112 pyjamas, 112 pair socks, value $193,25. An enclosure from Hu.randale Patriotic League con twined 3 trench shirts, 16 hospital shirts, `3 pairs pyjamas, 12 pr. socks, value 539. The League donated $100 to the Red Cross, and also decided to adopt four prisoners of war. A knit- ting contest was decided upon with ]burs, E. Dignan and Miss Jennie Pick- ard as captains. A p,illaw case show- er will be held ion N;ovrt,17 at Town Hall TITQRW ,1.AT, ER C` HEAD By the time a man or woman is: 60,, the kidneys and bladder need a little help to keep theta in good working order. Rheumatism and backache so often accompany the later years of life, most people „clave an idea health anftvigor ctuhnot be expected iuuch after"the fiitietlh year., As a spatter of flet there is no basis for these fears, yt'e could show a number of: ottersproving l our contention; that if GIN PILLS are taken to keep the urine normal, prevent colds settling on ilte kidneys or bladder, and ward off Rheu- matic attacks`, almost everyone cen enjoy perfect health at this late period. To quote from a letter receivecl fret , a prominent Consulting Fiigineer.•of New York City -"Your remedy I'f'htd, at 60, years of age, to give perfect relief from the Kidney and Bladder troubles incident to one of myage." Perhaps you. know a man or woman whose life is made a torment by Rheu- matism, llackache, Sciatica, or Swollen Joints, Don't'let it continue, for Gin Pills will surely bring that longed=for relief. You don't have to buy Gin Pills to try them. Write for a free sample. Address,the National Drug & Chemical s •, Co. of Canada Limited, Toronto; or if you live in the United States write to Na-Dru-Co Inc., 202 Main St.,' Buffalo, d N.Y. 128, BROTHER DEAD. -The death took place in !Buffalo- on Oct. 30tht o1 Mr. George Hammond, brother of `drs. W. C Rivers sof Exeter, aged 49 years. Deceased was born at Staffa and left these parts over 20 years ago-, and had' since ,resided .in Buffalo, with the exception of a few- years in Cal- i fiot n n, . He was unmarried. The re- mains were ,brought to the borne of his sister here on Thursday and in- terment ;was -made itir Staffa cemetery, on Friday. ANNIVERSARY, -Large congrega- tions attended the Annilversary Ser vices of James Street Methodist Church on Sunday last, when the pul- pit was +occupiedin the morning ' by Rev. 11uxworth.y, of Main Street, the President of London. Conference; and Lit the evening Eby :gybe pa;itoi1, Rev, Baird, Both, sermons were of a very high ,order, and such "'as sustain :hese reverend gentlemein in the fi,rs,trank as preachers in the Liandoin Conifer-; once, The c,hoir, assisted 'by . Miss Moody of Usboe'n,e excelled then(- selves in their musical , select;ionsl MOTHER DEAD -After a residence of arty -five years in, (Clinton the death took pItaee dfin, chat town. an November 1st of Mrs, Ha:noway, widow of the late Thomas. Hallaway, and 'mother of Mrs, 12, N. Rowe [of Exeter Decea,s-, ed had heen°wfa/line for same years. She was tin • her 84th ,year!: In 'the pioneer ''days the family ?moved to' Clinton from Devonshire • and - for many years 'they were' pr;okniner ily identified with the local affairs of the town ' Besides ,her , daughter, Mrs, Rowe she is •survived by two sons, Dr. W, T. Hahoway laf ?eterboraugh and A. J. 1 alioway 'of Clinfotn. The funeral took place i,n. Clinton Saturday, --a-- AGED a-_AGED LADY ?ASSES, -After be- ing confined to 'her bed ;for three years; following• the fracture of her hip there passed away at her resid- ence, London Road North, on Nov, 3rd, Maria Sim,pslo(n, relict of the late homas Case, aged 93 tycars, 8'ino,nths ore in 'Sligo County, Ireland, she ane to Canada. about 70 years ago, ,irst settling in;, Elora, . and coming.,t,,o, Usbarnc in 1851. Her husband died everal years lyes ago.. Site was a mem f tire. English church, and was high- r respected by all <wh,o knew her, lour sons and tyro, daughters sur - ire, De:' T. E, Case" .of 1Jungan,n,on,• no, re Case orf Hensall, Adam of 'T, • i .and ', oroaLi Peter at flame, lira. P. blG T\ggatt tot E:xeter, Irs, Geo,, Melt f Virden, :Man, The funeral tools lace tura Tuesday to the Exeter ceme- r:a'y e rat was largely attended, T 13 f and "t a • '-d Nos; 2 1 L 3- Car jiffs arrived, N 1, ' packed in. each barrel, but marked No. 3, Price 84.75 ,per barrel, cash ;55,00 1+ if charged. Sold in, barrel lots only. v Apples stared tit Canning Factory. G your orders at lh(e store. same Leavey will be filled to turn, ori'. s May t Tile > Rev. W. J. Spence of Chatham will 'deliver a patriotic and education- al ' lecture entitled, "The . Flower of Empire" illustrated by .stereoptican. ( views, under the auspices of the' Sol- diers' Airs Society, in, the 'I'rivitt Memorial. School Hall, an "Tuesday, Nov. 13th, at 8 i1. :m: Admission 25e, Mr. and _Mrs. Sam'L 1'reszcatar were taken by surprise ion Wednesday nilghlt of last week when : about, 60 neigh ; bors gathered at their hom•e'toi spend the evening. They brought' with them baskets abundantly laden with, turkey and ,other good things to eat, and the evening Was most enjoyably spent in games. harmless amusements. and nrus-'. i.c. "The Biirth'taf a Nation," bringing, forward David W. Griffith's new art of ;musical spectacle, with, eveninges1 performance opens an engagement of one night ands: at the Opera L-3ause,, Exeter. Wednesday, !Nay. 14. The First half of the .great picture exhib- its .the ,salient events of the Civil War, which came to a close •act Ap•- poination just fifty years ago. Lin- coln's call far troops, Sherman's. march the.;battle of Petersburg, Lee's surrender t,a Grant and the awful` tragedy at Ford's Theatre.' live , be- fore the spectator crE' the Gr;ffiith drama. In the second half the South's `Second-iupriieing" this time against the carpeting regime; is. shown in, a thrilling story ,of Reconstructian, days The romance of the "Little Confed- erate Colonel," Ben Carneran, with the. Northerner Elsie Stoneman,' a.nd that of the Unionist Captain, Phil. Stoneman with Margaret Cameron,the South Carolina lassie, maintain, two threads of canitinuous lavehliniterest throughout the story. The fun and frolic of plantation days, as well as the heart -ache add pathos of ,. the stricken south, are shown. Mrs Bucloivnigham, 'Kansas City, Miss. visiting #ni(ends in this neighbrarhtGocl, Mr. Wes. Lamport of London was a visitor in town over Sunday. Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes of Lambeth is the guest 'of Mrs. John Snell. Mr. Young Creech went to Windsor'' last week to spend a -few days. Mr, Bert Gclli,es of Walke,nrille was here w.tth his parents this week. Dr. 'W. Halioway of Peterbora spent Sunday with Mr. W. J. Bissett. 1'Ir. Robert Sanders left Saturday, far Wingham where he will spend, a few days hunting. Miss ,Fanny Bowey and ggenttlenran friend ,of tLan'dourt spent Sunday at the farmer's ,home, here, Mr. Fred Elliot of Haileybury has been visiting with his brother and sis- ters here for a week bit, Stephen Powell, who has been with his son,in'•Saskatchewan for sev- eral months returned home last week. Pte Gerald Fitton, is gnome for a.few days He leaves Friday for overseas. with a an,it to re-en;farce the Princ- ess Pats lLrs. Jeckeli and Mrs. W. Bawden were the !guests of Mr. and. Mrs, Isaac Sahkel.d tn:ear• Goderich, for a few Flays last week. Mrs'. F R. 'Knight izind;child of Or- cadia, "Sask., arrived here last week and will spend the winter with her mother 'Mrs. Brannnt' Messrs. Ce Hepburn, W. S. Cole, John Alliso_n,Walker Kerslake, Gar- net Heywood and Nelson S.heere went to Goclerich Monday, being called as jurymen. Mrs. R. N. Rnwc; :susses*'Vera. and Reta Rowe, and Mrs. W. 3. Bissett attended the funeral ,of. iblrs. Rowe's mother ,Mrs. ,Rollaway, at Clinton on Saturday. 1It, W.. J. Statham and Mr. E. A. Follick attended :a meeting in London on 'Thursday of the bakers of the dis- trict to discuss ways and "ingans ` of saving tv]reat for the boys at the front Privates Wp11 Brown, and Will ,Davis were glome from week last Guelph p w k o.n therm last leave: Pte. Laurie, former- ly of the. Bank of Commerce here, was also in town for a few days, being also on. • his last leave. PASTURE LANDS TO BE LEAS I'M BY PUBLIC AUCTION At .Rich. Quintron's Residence, Ex- eter, on SATURDAY, NOV. 17th,' 1917, art, 2 ,o'clock sharp, the foll,ew- vng pro''perty, viz t-450 acres of Pas- ture, consisting of 14 parcels, or Fields ranging 'from. 15 !ta 50 acres, Phis pasture ;is situated ,on, Lots 4, 5 6, and 7, Concession, 5, Usb(on'ne, aid East Half of Lon, 6, Concession 4,. Ushartio, teases es will be c1i aov n up ,fo r ti'te rm._; of three year.]; Any other conditions rude known an day of ,ale. r. CA>M_'ERON RD, QUI.NTO,N, Atrc t, ?rap. NOV. 1817 PETONR NO 12 Y CLEARING fe WINTER COAT: ♦y All .Coats to Clear at a Price Mow its ,your chaince to get a real nifty Coat at a spial price, The Win- ter is got here yet, so buy early. We are ?not waiting midi winter •is half gone before giving you bargains in your Winter Coats/ $12 WINTER 'COAT $12 FUR COLLAR COAT We. are 'offering good serviceable Only a very 'few, but they are Winter Coats at this price. beauties at Half Priice. • Christmas .Only 7 Weeks It is ,niat too early' to start your Christmas shopping for your friends and Soldier • Bays, ..„-, Here are a 'few ,laf the good thiing's�,f,oi4 Christmas Cheer;- MUFFLERS FURS HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES MITTS FANCY COLLARS, 'STOCK COLLARS BOUDOIR CAPS CAMISALES TOQUES TIES SOX' SHIRTS HATS CAPS distant SILK WAISTS VOILE WAISTS FANCY LINENS STAMPED LINENS SWEATER COATS HAND BAGS Furs Reasonable Prices All our` Furs were" bought at last year's prices,. give you spch close prices. 1 ONLY MUSKRAT COAT Nice dark skins size 38. Regular 580 •Coat for 862.50. That is wiry we can FUR SETS All kmnds to , choose, from, 512 to 540 per set. Men's and Boys' O'Coats & Suits OVERCOATS We are showing a big range of lien's and Boys' un the newest of Stylus and Cloths'. They are very swagger, bought long ago., and are being sold very cheap.. Now is the time to )get a good 'coat at the night price. SUITS Over, 300 Men's, and Boys' Suits just !to hand. made from goods of. the very best. Owing to the large o_uanlity we'bought .and the early lguyings we are able to sell them at very low prices. See them. at Once. JONES Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing TAMAN'S I A ElIONE 81a Great Values IN SUITINGS, Q'OOATINGS WINTER SUITINGS "WERE BOUGHT EARLY AND WE ARE ABLE TO SELL BELOW TO - DAY'S VALUE. ORDER YOUR SUIT -AT ONCE:, LIGH-T OVERCOATS IN OF CLOTHS FOR THE EVENINGS- AT PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU AGREEABLY..__ OUR PANTINGS ARE SOLD AT THE RIGHT PRICE. SEL OUR LIGHT UNDERWitAR IN COMBINATION AND IN TWO'. PIECE. • A FULL LINE ;OF READY - TO- WEAR O-WEAR . CLOTHING. YOU PROBABLY NEED A RAIN- COAT FOR THE WET DAYS. WEAR OVERALLS AT YOUR ROUGH WORK. LOOK • A O T OUR LINES IN 'MESE GOODS. ALSO Furnishings SOCICS in Cashmere and Silk THE NEW CAPS CHOICE SHIRTS ry. vi FLASHY TIES :ARROW COLLARS BEST COOL THAT MOST TErnlan � Tailor $& Furnisher TAILORED TO ORDER • WILL 135 FAR MORE BECOMING Yet Cost No -More We have a large ';n,utnber of New Fal Suits and Overcloatings that wait your arrival -a wide assortment of Fashion's Chosen ,colors, --soft hand some Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Lades' Suitings is ' the Finest we have! ever had. The studied exactness in measuring and becomingdesigning of our -Tailored to -Order. Clothes produces a com- pleteness of ifitt,ivng and a pleasing- ness of appearancethat a ready-made caa never hope, to equal. No Lady knows how well she can appear in a Suit'ar Coat until she has one cut to measure. - OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. RO THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE 17/BALER Tea Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits,- spices, teas; coffee and every- ting in the groceryline.. Call and see us. A trial" as to quality will convin- ce. Prodhxoe Next taken , in exchane J `' Jas. Gould The MetroPolitan Hotel Make Your Money Fight. If You Can't Enlist -; You Can • Invest Canada needs your Money It is Your Duty to T;he. _proceeds of Cantda's''`Vr,ctor.y' loan„ 1917 will purposes •ael,y and will be spoat- wholly ki Canada. Silbaciiptions fare the Loan will be siolicited . by, USBORNE & !EXETER STEPIIEN P. J, G h: Stnn bury,Exeter Herbert , Credi tor: 1`.'Cameron, K ctonR.R.Wm. Lnder'on Centralia 3 'Delhridge, Exeter E Nadi.gcr,c1ltush wood I+ A.. tlastin,gs, Exeter John Ross, Grand Lend This space is donated to 'Canada's' Victory.Bond ib B. W. F. BEAVERS, Cxe,acral Merchant, BUY VICTORY BONUS be used for war HAY Sc' HENSALL And. I -less, Zityich C, •, t1a Zuriichi Trr ,I .W.Ghadnran ;;Exefer' G.C'. Petty; f.lcnsall Exeter On;tariya.