HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-11-8, Page 4Special Ale,pcil Porter,
Special Lager
Healthful bevera(zr;s-purer tban City
c%I 'radon water. Palatable—ref reshing
-- agreeable. Try a bottle to -day.
Order a case sent home. Your elders
will enjoy the old, inimitable Labatt
fiat, or of these fine brews. '
Sold at Groceries, Cafes and Hotels..
or direct from the Brewery.
r rii Il OM, ONT., :dict' No. 4 Si-., Helen Street, MONTREAL
I' nen in mind Sherwood Iruntoles
"Big Sale ,al Cattle;Hors's, Innp'e .
»tents,. Lot 1, Con. 4, LTsborne Fri-
day, .Nov. 9, • See.' adv. is this is:w e
Miss 1•lorence,Bre.nnet. of Credmcre
i, a visitor :+n town •this,ly e k.itlrr.
and Mrs. Herman. Zimmr ,oi Str tticrd.
spent L} week -lend wei'h rels t:ves
here, --Miss Dora 'Kraft of Landonvis-
itecl with her parents last w eek -Mr
A. Gr•aupner of Loraine, Ohio, is vis-
iting at 'the home ,ot' Rev. P. Gra.up
•Kier, -1\11 Wm. Illarenz moved his
household effects toAilsa Crag 0n
11I0nday, \'liss 1Lna Ehlers of :5t rat-
'ford visited with her parents here
;over Sunday, -Last .week the ladies
of Daahwaod sent a large barrel. of
€tui pickles, etc., to the lhli,tal}
Ho-spital, Byron Sanitarium, and this
week they are packiing boxes to send
to the Dashwood boys ov=erseas.
Dash snood lades • are certainly doing
their part in providing good thing
for the boys who, are fighting for us.
The Red Cross Society has a large,
shipment :of clothing, socks, etc.,n,ear
ly ready to be ,slipped.: The youeg
ladies are also taking a great interest
in knitting. They are forming a soc-
.1ety and will lneet at the h'ames el
the 'different imembers once a week'
d urhi g the corning winter , to knit for
the s:ildie,rs .-Mrs, C. Stade is sp•e.ad
tag a week with her daughter, Mr.'
H. Eidt at Forest. -Mrs. Frank Clark
and children sof London are \;;sit'ng.
with her parents, Mr. and :Mrs. F.,
.Ginttner. Sr,
Keen inn d Sherwood Hunter,
Big a.:e ,ot Cattle, Hors's, tinji
;merit.:, Lo: 1, Con. 4, Usbonlne,
,day, Nov. Nov. 9. See adv. in this issue.
Mr. johns. eturned mi „cna,y from
China gave a very interesting on Iris
-ark there, in the Church, here Sun-
day evening. -Mr. and Mrs. Dupian. o
Ilderton and ,Mr. Harold of Landon;
gvere visitors at Mr. and Airs. Sam'I.
Davis' on .Sunday. -Mr. Fred .Essery
of London visited at hips home he.
--over Sunday, -Mrs, E. Co:lwi'f1 and
fliss Bue ab, are spending a few days
at Parkhill with Mrs. Colwill s parents,
Rev. and Mrs.. Salter. -Messrs. John
and E. 'Colwiil have gone to. Goderich
to .ac; in the capacity of jurors. -Mr.
Jas. GoIsave is as the s':'k lisp th'S
week and consequently is land off
The sad news was ,rec,ei- e1 here 00
Monday of Pte. Norman Jo'+. -i:, beie.
killed ''1 inacliine gun .sect.0' in ac-
tive service iln France on Oct. 20th.
No- particulars were 'received Ley;ad
the telegram, Sympathy -of the ,en-
tire cotnrnun;;ty is extended to )Ir,
and Mrs W. Johns.
-Co 'lhe work' of the niiss:lc!nan,ies,'. A
subscription list was passed, asking
for 'donations 'towards the support of
the Evangelical Church in that part
part of the Mand, known as ldzu,
Pte, ,'Arva tBrtotkeashire, who has
seen servic eesat the ,front,' returned
home last 'week. :He had his foot and
leg ,severely 'injured by shrapne: and
is nate obliged to use the crutches
to vlall ` He expects to go to, Lcn-
Ho,, i'ta! to undergo further t.eat-
ment. His many friends rejoice to.
ee him back and hope h:s injuries
tvyl soo,s, be .headed
Master Gerald Zwi,cker is the proud
,r63.3s rr of a. 'btile :e.'. see, cal'ed
.' Buntyi" which lie received last,
week from his Uncle George.
Tnv;steam heating system recently
irstelleel in the Evangci:, al church
was in (epeealion on Sun;ay, alai tltho'
eadt q te, completed enough, neat was
made . show everybody what a great
comfort and convenience it will he
tio: all
Miss \Tinel Nicholson who is attend
Mg Collegiate in London spent Sun-
day at home with her parents.
Lorne Morlock .is doing nicely after
1,,;; resents.. accident when thrown
from a horse which became fright-.
Bled by a ,passing motor .:• cycle. Al-
though the lc-iee is badly wrenched
aid the muscles tarn, it ishoped his
recovery_ will be but 'p matter of a
short tithe
The Red Crass Society has arrang-
ed -With the Exeter Dramatic Society
to give :their popular play, "Why
Smith Left Home" iia the Town Hall.
.next 'Friday evening! The Exeter
C'otpany recently gave this play in.
Hansa',l and Goderich and everyvwhe. e
they have been loudly acclaimedCfor
their excellent acting. We may ex-
pect a goad crowd.
Fred Haist and W H. Gasser and
their families have moved to town.
We extend them a hearty wel:coiile.
Mrs. James Hill who has been visit
lag relatives in Hamilton and London
the pa 'summer, has returned home
Mrs. Kirkpatrick of Croswell, Micl',
ids- vsit.tng her sister Mrs. Nicholson.
'Keep a,n ,ni.,nd Sherwood Hunter's
Big Sale sof Cattle, Horses, Imp:e
meats, Lot 1, Con. 4, Usbarne, Fri-
day Nov. 9. See adv. in this issue.
The weather man appears to . have
taker_ pity ion the 'producers and giv-
en us a few days ,at fine weather.
As a result a considerable quantity
f Beer,. potatoes, roots and corn_
been .h rveste.d;
The •:n.a.rl through the village is .he-
Tagthrough grave'leci,. It was badly needed.
Rev Pau' u;tayar; sw'a'n `has been .lab
°ring as a .n sslonary le Japan fo!r a'
number •af ;•years, occupiedthe ptilp:,t
in the Evangc1ieal Church ma Sunday
evening. His discourse was very- in-
teresting, showing :10 usthat the
Christian Faith d;s making rapid strides
•in the Japanese k_ingd'anir'. He; also
said that ;the Buddlsts were copying
the methods of the ,Christ an churches
in winning members to their church,
and he took this as a aampl:unent to
Keep in mind Sherwood Hunter's
5::= Sail: tot Cattle, Hors's, Imp;e-
le:ite, Lot 1, Con. 4, Usbarne,
.lay, Nov. 9. See adv. is this is'.0".
v1Te, extend ,our synlpaihy to Mr.
and Mrs Muxworthy in the. death cf
their ' 'infant daughter. -Miss Rebecca
Bolto-n -J5 improving ,lacer\ 'and ex-
pects i'o leave the hospital this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bolton have
returned . front "a seven min'd's' tit''
i! the Canadian West, Washing.on
and ;Dakota, and are weld pleasted .c iii 5
thieiir holiday. -Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Bartlett 'of Thamesford spent Sunday
with, the tatter's parents, e. and
M'rs, •John McQueen, -Miss Eliza -New--
t''1 ;ot. Heu.sait visited with her s'ster,
Mrs. Noah Hortonduring the -"week'.
A.'ex,.Braadfoot and family ofBruce-
A-field visited w-ith Mrs. Sarah Broad -
[0a1 Sunday.-`vIr, Jonas is busy plow-
ing on the Pepper farm these clays,
A quiet Thur. pretty wedditook
P l �ng a
place at the Main Street pars;orage,
Exeter, on Wedniesday, when I\lisS`
mita D'e1ores, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jamas Heywood. was unii'•etl
ia-:marriage to Mr..Werti:rgton W.
Skiatier, ,af Usbornief The Rev. ;\".;.
Mtnc ortby performed the ceremony,
The bride .looked very lovely ',-t a
go'xas of white Georgette crepe and
Tat'ss...-: They will ` take up !their resi-
dence on the groom.'s .fine farm south
of Elimville.
31r. Wrni. SP _. :roat and 'fanri;.y' were
Su.,i fay Visitors at F. J, "Spriggs. -The
ari;raiversary services will be held -on
fir; 15th ,,tinct, On the 27th a hot
sapper will be :served. -This Thursday
aitdr,-,o>a i?e- +Patrilaf,c: ,. Circle vv'11
pack a hale of fruit .,far the Byrcln
Sanitar;.utri Landon,' for our return-
, ed heroes,
gag sr I F rtilleatio
ltroubled with catarrh,
you catch`colds easily, if
if subject to headaches, nervousness or listlessness,
by all means stPrrt. today to build your strength with.
medicinal -food and building -
-which is a concentrated
• ,
to put power in the ., g
he . appetite.
the life forces'' and �' tone upt
No harmful' drugs in SCOTT'S.
Scott& hown0,Toronto, out, 17-13
The Inst of the silosaare being filled
this week. Mitch difficulty has been
felt its getting the corn crap saved
this tail'. -Allen Jaques lis id at Inane
with pnegipon. tl Mrs., Henry Hern
is sick and udder the nurse's, care, -
A contingent of our country boys
visited the village and proceded to
conn.;t, depredations` on 1•Ia1-1owe'en,
which might he attributed to persons
rit far the asylum,, Geo. ';Vli11stoai's
store was bombarded with stones, J.
Vir'reght's closet upset and smashed.,.
aid gates were removed, We decline
to publish the names but the parties
Who indulged in these dirty trio ks are
known, --Mr, and lvfrs. Kee ta
liilisaai have ,moved to Granioa, and
Mr. and Mrs, French have'taken' pos-
session of the old 1\fillson furan--.Ylr.
and, Mrs. Geer. Squire have- move 1 to
easiatori, The son, Edgar and wife
have taken possession off the farm.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Stevenson vit.-
ited atAlbert Gunng's'on Sunday
-Mr E. Johnston spent Sunday at
Mrs .Sutherby's•- The endive sary
attreises of this church will be he'd
an, Sunday. Rev. Jlarshall o4„St Marys'
will preach at 10,30 and 7. Singing by
Whalen and :Woodham. choirs,
i\Ir, I9a1ph-Alien, who .has been in.
the \\Test for sante tinie arrived home'
Tues lay' -lir. Thos. 1-1.aitdtord: i.f In-
gersoll i here for a few clays hunt-
ing, -Mr and Mrs. Wm. Oliver were
visiting in St. Marys a few days last,
week. --Mr, W.i,[ds of near Forest vis-
ite 1 n',s parent's, Mr. 'arid Mrs, Geo-. '
\Vi`ds. Sunday„ -Mr, David `• Bat, it of
Lucttn visited his parents Bene tai a
few days, returning home Monday.-
Fanny Baird visited at ,ler hamee here
a_ lay, -lir. El. Gi'.l, Sr.; v`st_d .at-
s).abwoscl Saturday.-Quitc a number.
of pranks nks were played around here on
1 towe•'ea One of 2iur citizens re
e :1 t',, pranks of the boys .and',
Wed.. they were aitenap'..ig to re-
move. 'as gate -he f're4 a gun into
the toys Some though old _Pritz
had come with his army when the
boys got 'a few shots ,in their , caps.
Robt. Sander Malt Saturday for a
three week .hitpt,,i'n W,n,ghan `Mr:
and Mr's. Joe Disjardine and sane a,ndl
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon 0111 and three
children visited near Thedford Sun-
Keep in mind Sherwood Hunter's
Big Sale tof Cattle, Hares, Imple-
ments, Lot 1, Cion. 4, Usbortne,
day, Nov. 9. See adv. in this issue,
The death book place on: Friday of
Ella Ilene the infant daughter of Mr
and Mrs. 'Cephas Muxworthy of the
boundary, at the age of 11 clays. The
funeral took place on Saturday tattle
cemetery at Roy's Corners
Somewhere in :France.
Oct. 6 th1 1917.
Extracts from a letter \written by
by Pte. Sidney' West to his (family
in town, and has reference"' to ;the
hirial place of two lads killed( in ac-
tion in France.
Pte. ,Fitzgerald is a brother of Mrs:
Fred Hawkshaw. At last I have Mound
oat where'Pte.`Fitzgerald was buried
also Sergt. r12, D. Turnbull, killed uni
action April 9th, 191.7., I had na trou-
ble finding them whatever, as it wa.
only labotlt an hour's ;valk to :find it.
1 can. 'tell youitt is one of the pretti-
est g.aveyards in Prance. I only wish
co Id sera sou -a photo of it: There
1 •e ,over '3000 French, soldier's buried;
tt one rnd and the British soldiers
at the other. Fitagerald and. 'Turns
} :' a buried pretty well in the
coati -es -1 .im sending ,in this litter;
a leaf, which 1 picked off Fitzgerald.
+r.ave. It was all there was on the
&rave. but the two graves had, just
been .`:ixe'd, up. There was not even a,
,tweed on Ser,gt.' Turnbull's grave soli
could 'not send anything off his grave'
In the spring they .are goings.'to
grow 'flowers on all the graves. Ib
was too late ,for them to' nrosv this
year. The Prince of Wales is.1arnish-
inm all ` the flowee seeds for ''the
craves. The, Prince oil Wales was all
-through the graveyard. so when I
-got back I told the boys I had seen
Sergt. Ts rnbull's grave;, really they
could not believe me. There are( about
-7 or 8 of. the ' boys, goin, over to visit
his grave. It is sorry. of the fellows
wbo knew him from, Thames Read.
I asked .some of the fellews who
were fixing u'' the graves if I might
pick some of the flowers to send
home and they said just help your-
self to all you want, SO I am send-
ing- yon a little box with sr•nacl in, and
yo.i can give some to Mrs, Fred tRiawk
shaw and Mrs. Beavers. thought they
might likeYto have them coming' from.
here, .
This., is the name of the cemetery
Villers -tux -,Bois, it is a French name
and if - tiny information regarding
the graves is n'ee'ded. This is where
to n' ito for information,
Director of : Graves. -
1t. :gest- ate oisd I:riqu.iry
War Office, -Winchester House
St James Square,
London, S. W.
Tell Mr. and Mrs. 33eaverts t'1 there
is anything, can -do or them: '1 would.
only be. too g'tad to ,do it for Reg.
`I arpbul.l s sake. Remember me to all
the Exeter Lricrtds 1 ,have not ha.d,'
any letter for a long time froth home
(.Inas 1: will get tour or five, when
they'come altogether,
a -o --x-
Miss Alice ,Rattenhury has return-
ed from visiting re.lactives a'. Hamilton
--Mrs. Jas Aitken.head us no. enjoy -
11.t good shealt'lt at present!,, -M f 1,P.
Mandela has •purcha.sed Bar his little,
'on Murray a ,handsome pony. -Reit.
Macintosh will preach in. Presbyterian'.
church Sunday... -Mr, S. Taylor has
Moved 10 Seatort.h where he is 11/011C -
IS' in a ,,heli factory; -Mr, and Mrs.'
3, A Gleam' sn_ent' Sunda.
( y al the:'
none of 'the latt•er's parents, Mt. and
Mrs Thos, Dickson of Hensal,i Si o -
.`i iia ; is . the order of the clay in, this'
vii s ini ty.
C H Sanders at the Advocate Ot
strictly confidential; nO 1►itnea'
School Report`
' 312001/1 4,
Sr. 4th Honors. -Stuart S_tanbury„
85; fVerda Vale 82; Grace Creech( 78.;
Phillipa Harness 77; Pass --Betty"
!Brown 74; Mildred Noriry, 72; Reggie
Taylor 71; Harry tseldon .71; Fcix1q(
Shortt 68; 'kjuby. Davis'67; Mary E&
worthy '64; May. Elworthy 63; Mil-
dred Slowvc 63; Margaret Gladman 63;;
Mildred Wood 60, 3r; 4th Pass -Carrie
.Davis 74; Lyle Statham; 65, ,
Vosper Teaeher;
1200ht 5,
Sr. 3rd, ;LHonobs-(exaLd Long ,90;•
Ruth Andrew 89.; 'Helen Dignan 81.;
Dorothy Mallett 80; Muriel 13issett
78; 12uby Davis 75; lass -Ethel Tloul-
den 73;,Helen Davis 60.
Jr. '3rd. ,lienors -Kenneth Stan
bury 78; Wanda. von Wascinski :75;'
Pass-liuby'Creerh 74; Grant Sanders
73; 111'ary Nelson 71; Reggie Northcott
71; Lilla M, Snell 70; Dorothy 'Snell
69; ' Vivian Collingwood 6.0; Amelia,'
,Acheson 67; Olive Sledd 05; Charlie
Acheson .65; Ella ,Rcnntz 64; Charlie
G;-la•dman "64; Florence Walter, 62...
No. on, Roll 33; average 29
J. S. 1Msu ray, Teacher.
Room ,O -Form 2 Sr:-I3crnors; V.
Roulistan 88; M. Harness 84; M. Johns
83; M. Bissett 81; M. Murphy 81; W.
Spencer 76; 5, Reeder- 76; O. 'Brown
75. pass, E. Pitrakin 71; R. Eln'iarth;y
72; W Makiins 69; H, -Nelson 64; 5,
Penrice 60.
Form 2, Jr. -Honors, G. Collingwoo'd
Sri; 'M Salter 81; G. 13noawn _bO; G.
Brack 79; E. Russell 79. Pass, H,
Sanders 74, I. Lane 66, E. Northcott
64 V. Ford 60. i`lo. enrolled 26, aver-
age 24. H 'JL'Kinsman, teacher,
Rioom 7. -Class 4, H. .Gower 86, H.
Snell 75 MM:` Clark .66; Class .' 3, FL
Whyte 60 Class 2, Eugene Howey 94
F. Creech 86,. J.Can;nar 84, H. Creech.
79 N. Reeder 78, E. Walters, 66; Class
1 R. Beavers 91, L. Ds nney 87, K.
Heaman 81; J. Gambrill 77, H, Lang 65
D. Salter 64, R. Brock 62 E. Coonbes
61. No 0:0 ,roll 31, average 28.
P. Love, 'reacher;
Room .8 -Class 6, V. McDonald 90
Howald 89, Gr Clark 82, C San-
ders 80 G. Cockwill 78, S. Walters 78
C: Lamport 75, I. Medd 60. Class ''5
I'. Taman 83, A. McDonald 83, I.
Beirli.ns 81, N. Wells 65. Class 4, S.
West 92, G. Nelson 90, L. Payne 64,
H. Jennings x.444; Class 3, C. Laing 75
H. McDonald 60, Class 2, .G. And-
rew 65 1 Ford 64, D', Dinney 63, H,
Vale 63, I. lestle'63. Class; 1, LWhite
61,'K. Vale. 60, H. Beavers 60. No. on
roll 40; average attendance 34.
n'I. A, Hlorton, Teacher.
Courses are thorough, the instruct-
ors are experienced, students get in
`dividual attention and graduates are
placed in positions. During 3 months
we turned dawn aver 300 calls for
trained help. This is 'the school for
those who want the practical training
and the good positions -Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphy depart-
ments! Get our free catalogue. It
will interest you.
D. A. McLachlan. Principal
Auction Sale
Thomas Cameron has received in-.
structidns to sell` by public auction!
on Lot 9 North Thames' Road,' Town-
ship of Usborne on Thursday, Nov-
ember 15th at 12.30 p,m. sharp. the
HORSES -One brood mare supposed
to be with foal 6 years old agricul-
tural; one brood mare supposed to
be with foal 5 years old agricultural
eligible for registration. one gelding
3 years old. rr;gri,, ; -1 filly 1 y ea,r old,
draft; 1 filly 4 months old draft;
one work horse; ene farrrrer.'s driver
6 yea?•s old q tet.
CATTLE -One cow d•re in December
1 two-year-old heifer due in Novem-
ber; .2 cows d'e in March; one `cow
due in April; 3 farrow cows; 1' fat,
heirs- 3 years old; 4 heifers 2 years
old; 10 steers 2 years old; 4 heifers
1 year old; 8 steers 1 year old; six
spring calves;
HOGS. ETC. -One sow' due in 1)ec,
8 sloe bags; 50 Hens and pulletts,8
dicks ,
I'_1I'PLE:i1IENTS-One 1•-mber wagon;
top b'ggy, .inea.rly new-, ', pair bob
sleighs. c• Iter, binder„'mower, nearly
new, fertilizer seed drill, cultivator,.
steel land. roller, Id.iso, •.4 section hair
rows. 2 Fleetry walking :plows, one
Maple. Leaf 2 furrow p'ow, hayrack
stock rack, gravel `'box, scuffles•; Clin-
ton an : .,g mill. one and nor -half
horse -power„, Gilson engine, cutting
i y."'n' Iper, ,grinds{onett store beat.
1 ,do•ibie set team harness nearly new
2 sets double harness, 1' set: single
harness new, extension ladder, whif-
ttetr•eei. neck. yokes, forks, :shovels.
hoes. horse collars, ,blankets, bags, De
Laval pream separator, 300 ,.3 -inch
tile. some cedar posts an:rid; other-art-
thera'rt-ides too numerons to mention.
20 tons of "timothy bay ands a quan-
tity of roots and some corn in stalk.
TERMS -$.10.00 and under cash;
over that amount 10 months ' credit
on lfurnisliing approved joint notes a'
discount of 4 per cent off for cash
;,edit arnotrnts.
Positively ,no reserve as proprietor.
sold his farm.
A. 'Campbell Thos, Cameron
Proprietor Auctioneer
Auction Sale
The' Executors of the sta.t: of the
'ate late Mary A, Sandters have in-
structed Mr. B. S. Phillips, Aucti�one`'r
o•- offer for sale by rubble Auction
rt the Premises, an -t ”
S t.TUI,tD4,Y, NOV. 10th, 1917,-
-1t Z o'cltyck "p '"mi' the fol‘olving
anada's Victory
Bonds _
\VHY should you subscribe for
Canada's Victory Bonds?
ECAU our 'National
° safety is at
stake, and Canadamust, have
money to support oursoldiers
fighting in France.
This Bank will accept- Victory
Bonds to the amount of $1,000 -
from any one person for safe-
keeping for . one year `without
Loans will be made to wage
earners on favourable terms for
theurchase of VictoryBonds.
How much will this enable you
to subscribe .for ?
, BA •
!Jtltr-Y.Yi it r1L
R 1855AYD
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
98 Branches in Canada
A Genual Benking--B.tsiness Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Baank, Money Orders
!Interest allowed at hi est current fate
O .
• 11 _1
••o r •
Firist,-Lots 19, 20 and 21 on the
East side of William Street, Exeter
Aches.on's > Survey, ' containing 3-5 cf
an, acre more or less. 'O,n, these l0;is
are T'a goad 2 story Brick House,
Frame 'Kitchen, and it good brick
Secanel-Lots, ,numbers 11 12 and
13 and part iof Lot, 10 of the South
aide of Waterloo Street, Exeter, con-
taining one acre anoee or less. The:
soil in these 'lots is good, and it is
an excellent piece ,af land for either
garden or pasture.
Third -Household Furniture: 4 beds
iron bedstead, glass case, 2- writing
desks, 1 cen`r•: table, dining roonr
tab'.e, 1 latchea table, 2 rocking chair
tt o Sia iwa hsmall _tables, two
.v.;:'stand-s; 1 -bureau, 1 coal stove,
1 coal or wood range, 1 cross -cut saw
3 Parlor chairs. 12 kitchen iehairs, 1
cook stove, noun "box, whetclbarrow
ladder, quantity of stove wood, num-
ber laf glass (fruit ; jars and other ar-
Real Estate, -Ten per scent of pur-
chase money on day of sale and bal-
ance in thirty days without interest.
A. portion of !the :purchase many can
remain- on anortgage if 'tire purchaser
$0 desires.
urtlter particular's
F and` terms and
conditions of sale will be made known.
on the day of ,,sales, or may -'b' had
on .appliccation.. to the undersigned,
•'B.' S. PHILLIPS, Exeter; 'Ont.:
Exeter, Ont.
Solicitors for the Executors.
Auction Sale
1.11t, C. W Robinson has been in-'
structed to sell by, public auction on
Lot, 14, Con. 1, Hay, 1 1-2 miles south
of llensall on Tuesday November 13th
1917 at one o'clock'' sharp the follow-,
HORSES -1 brood mar eight years
did is apposed to be in 'Coal to Col;
Graham; 1 filly 4. years old; 1 geld-
ing 1 year. old; 1 sucking colt byt Col.
CATTLE -Eight cows slrposed to be
With- calf, incleding two goad Jersey
cows; 1 cow with calf at toot; four
two year old steers; 3 2 years Old
heifers; 3 yearling steers; 5 yearling.
heifers;' 4 calves, Jersey Bull calf., ••6
months old; 2•• veal 'calves; 1 brood
sow tyith litter: ;at foot.:Everytl ing
positively sold as pl'o`pfieto'r is nays
ing to towns,. i ,",
, ,
. OI, `' SALE x;10 and under
cash..over that amount ten months'
credit oh: fitrnishissg approved joint
notes, or a discount o:: 4 p.r cent
orf ;for cash,
x:11. MoDonalcl C W. Robinson
Proprieor. , Adetioneer:
rulating Pill'for Women. $5 a box or threefor
b1O.' 'Sold 'at all Drug Stores. or maned to any
iddressontceeiptcif price,.Tne Scossrr, Dana
Caatharine4; Ontario. •
PHOSi" HON �1j' Restores
OL FOR MEN Vim and
vitality ; for Nerve''and Brain, increases "grey -
natter" ;a Tonfa—will build you up. $3";n box, or .
wo for $o', at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
,f price.,• Tris Sconsrr, Dxuo Co:, St. Catharines.
O E BER 1 th
at 1 ,o'clocksharp, tlhe following,
10 choice Dairy Cows, slue to calve
in January, February anti ,March.
1 Holstein heifer supposed to. be in
20 spring calves.
2 choice Shorthiarn bull calves, 7.
,arvci 8 (months old, Goad enough to
head any 'Shorthorn herd.
These- are the property of Chas E.
Hackney who is selling -on account
of wlnartness o1 feed,
15 coves ,with calves at foot, or due
to calve at time ,al sale.
20- yearling steers.
'These are all choice Durham cattle
Terms -12 months'' credit 00
ishingaPproved joint notes, with in-
terest at six per cent.
Positively no reserve.
Rr prietars
Auctioneer Clrk
Auction .�111G Sale
On Lot 1, Can. 4 ;Usblor,'ne, 2 Miles
East 'of :`Centralia, on
Al: 12,30 o'clock, sharp, 'the following:
Horses-Matched'team. greys, weigh- jL'
in3200 pounds; gene.ra;l purpose
!corse. 8 (years old,
Cattle -18 Mulch cows, all supposed
to he in, calf, or caii at foot ;c 40 twa-
y=ear- olld steers; " 20 yearlings ; 20
Hog .s-12 small hogs:
Trep,.etJietits -Birrtle,t•, mower, Sid e-
rl.:e ivory ;rake, ,manure 'spreader, land
cultivatar, corn cultivator ; wage,., new;
1ahav rack wagon bax, harrows, fanning
nil, Plow. ,10 -anon grinder, cutt?,ng
b,ax,, with. (carrier attachement; loot
1atllper, disc harrow, : set .heavy: double
hararoas and. many other •articles,
T l- m.= +10 and antercash cash; ,over
that amount .12 months' credit given
oa lurnivh'Ing approved joint notes
Wirth 6 per cent. Interest,
C, W. Robinson, Sherwood`H-lunter,
.A,uctyanecr. Pr:Opr'yeit@r
..,T, mink Coates, Clerk,