HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-25, Page 8EEE PER MIVU A'I TEtIalisriAx 1113'1, aL,"i'I 12 I<iAl1'K I $ 1 i;ed Ezth Wednesday dnesday Whet 2.10 Ont' i,� ..Oats 55 Barley ,95 to 1.10 Family Flour 5.80 Low grade flour 3,2S Short; =12.00 Bran , -36,00 Creamery Rutir>r .. .,, IOairy Butter Eggs 40 to' 42 42 1'ioty o, •..'1400 to 1.25 Hay, pet 10.00. to 12,00 A 1^' },„, „ .16.00 \Iii G is ;iZntztlt t1s confined to her room tis ; under the care of doctor an :l nuts.?, lir, i-I'"`b Fond is having his liuuse on. Huta street made larger" by ad- ding t a'•co 1d :;storey to, it. 1t will be grr.at-y"Improved. Th, s4rl .ce in, Tames Street :troth- oast (Mural./ will be withdrawn} next Sunday morning in, favor of .he Main St Ch,.ieh anniversary. In James St; tChurch ' next Sunday evening. tde paster Rev, J W, Baird will answer the xluestion in, his sermon ,--"Ceould God 'stop this war; if so, why: .11oe.s he snot -do it?,, Main, St.r eei alethtod; st Church an- niversary services ;will be held next Sunday. Rev,. Langford ,of Mitchell will preach. The following , Sunday Janis Street 'Church anniversary will be held. Ina letter to Rev, Al A, a`rumper of Trivitt Memorial ,church, his fath- er in England states that he had the experience of having a bomb drop within fifty yards of him. He was mat injured. Owing to the fact that there is oat' • an ,over -supply of sugar in ./niitecl States anal Canada merchants are ouite properly reducing the quantity that one person ,may buy. The new crop comes in after the nein year. TCOAL 1t()°1 ( �, rfEYc A Light flurry ,a1 s111atyis on Saturday* mornlag was the .first- appearance of "the belutitrtl ,this, seeelan• Mr. Ym, Annat Long has. purchas- ed the do elling awned and. Occupied b} 'da't nnX lose Ciitele on Ann tPaossassaon in a mon'tb. United Statea LLS placing many � l her war ordeia rn Canadac alrtcheld' Woollen Co. has secured a large or• -- dei. \Ir•, i elery Smith +of the, Lake Road has- been chosen to sit on the exemp- tion, tribunal in ;Exeter" with Mr. 1.R. i trlitig.. \ir, Melvi;r Torrance,; o', 'Toronto-, a member, or a brokerage • firm, is or- ganizing the County of Huron. forlhe new war dean. Mr, J'o'hn W. Taylor- is, busy remod- elling the house, ;on -+Carling- street, which he recently purchased from Mr. Geo Atkinrsoni Pte Earl Parsons, „who has been on leave, from the front for several weeks after over tw*o years' service, las re- ceived his discharge. A I-Iailloweien party wid be given. by the Girls' Auxiliary of the Trig* tit .Memorial Church in the School Hall, when ret reshmenfs will be ser - ed. Hon. Sam, J, Latta of Gowan, Sisk,; fo-rmerly' teacher in Na. 3, Stephen, has, been .sivoinn in as rnii0ister of .rail - in Premier Martin's as, in Sask atchewan. Owing to. inadaeouate means of heating the skating rink the place .0,1 h+olctiug ti;; Evangelistic services has been ch.aogeil to that of James Street Methodist Church. Rev. S. F Sharp had charge .of the services _n +EIntax .church, Goderich, Sunday, while Rev. McDermid of Go:lei-jell conducted anniversary ser- vices in Coven church here. Specially appointed solicitors will make a hious!e-ito-hous+a canvass for money tot the war loan this y' ar. We understand ?that Exeter and C's - borne is in charge of Mr. Jt G., 'Stan - bury, and Stephen is in charge" of Mr. H. K. Either, The rsmaller amounts are wanted as well as the larger. The sectuity is the very best. Send in the localnews and all of it, If you know of something worth yvhile that does not appear , in this paper that i3 ,your fault, not ours. Tell us and we will print it. IMPORTANT TO ALL.— Ladies and gentlemen who are interested in the improvement ,of their appearance should not fail to see iorenjwetid'sI large display oaf- hair -goods at the Central Hotel an Friday, November 2nd. Ladies switches, transformations pompadour;, waves, etc,, and toupees and wigs for ,ne,n who are bald. No charge ” for ,a demon,'stration. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. — .Keep in ,mind the Evangelistic Ser- vice.; 1r. the tarries Street' chits ch Exeter,' conducted by Evangelist Jiohnston, commencing Nov. 11. Tell others , • USED FORD FOR SALE. -In first class condition, four new tires. Ap- ply to F. M. BOYLE, Exeter. MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment on Munition Work. Apply to The Rabt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Limited Seaforth, Ont, HOUSE TO RENT.—Apply to _Mrs, Wm. Hawkshaw, Exeter, C. W. ROBINSON' Agent. has five ,Cockshutt Riding Plots; that he will sell at last year's, price Farmers can save $15 by buy- ing now. ' Came and get a,plow be- fore they are all gone. ESTRAY CATTLE There strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 6, Con. 4, Step- hen, four four tieo-year olds, one - greyish. 'white he ler, Any person giving in- formatio:r that will lead to their re- covery will be suitably rewarded. W -MM. ' MOFFATT, Centralia, A. HASTINGS Agent for Canada Lite Assurance Company Also. Fire and. Accident Insurance Money to Loanon Farm Property EXETER, ONT. Mr. Goner of the Bank of Cam- nrerce and Mrs. +Ganser left, t.h,is week for their, new home. _i Orangeville. e :NIL Care Howard; late of 'Windsor, has taken. :qr. Goner's place in the Bank here. Mr, Henry Maki;ns, ,w.hohas been residing with his son at Zurich, left' yesterday for Powasean, Parry Sound District, where he intemd,s remaining for the winter Fait the h!amei of another son, who is ;nlow art, the front. Rev. A. J, Wallimn•s, B. A., return missionary front Conan, .China, will speak in the Trivitt Memorial: Church School Hall, on Friday evening, NOV. 9th, in ooanriec'tvan +witth.. the mission- ary campaign 'being Meld throughout the diocese. The Minister. of ;Education has giv- en notice 'that after August 1920 the academic oualificatton for a. -High; School assistant shall be aUniversity degree,- Holders ; of first-class cer- tificates will not be eligible; to teach in. a High School except under spec- ial circumstances Rate, on money orders to the Unit- ed 'States have just' been reduced by the posioffice elepartme,nt at Ottawa. They ,are now .the samnel as those ;for Canada'. These hew .regulations also cover Cuba, ;Guam„ Hawaii, Panama Canal Zane, 'Phillippime Islands and Portia Rico, the +dependencies of the United States. Next Wednesday .veeuig as II*, Bowe e0. Mi. 'I F. J +Delbri'd ( is able to t;,e put again after, h;is recent illness, Messrs S. Fitton and R, We(lshtleft, Monday to spend two'..lveeks' .hunt uvi la Hay swamp. Se10oi•th_ subscribed over•; $3000 tp�. the Red Cross funds, Mitchell •$4,300.. an4 \}ringhana over 1;5,000. Owing to tallness Miss I-farton was Linable to 'lake her duties•at the school an ',Monday and ,Tuesday. The wet andcold,weatlier la hin- dering in-dering' the root and potato harvest. The bean crop is suffering. Wingham 'acid Goderlch now. •have medical exanrinutdiodt boards to crape with the rush icor 'examinotiionc Watlemen are .tutlisishrng up the shop ami residence a1 Mr, 'A Walter, being built by Mr. Jr G. 'Janes:" Mr. W. D. 1Ciark has, been: forced „fa remain in -doors for a week owing .to lads sustaining a• sprained ankle' when stepping ao'if a box zinl his woodshed, There was fits service held in the Trivitt Memorial and Main' Street Methodist' churches Sunday night ow- ing to -the Presbyterian Church an- niversary. Dratted hien 'natio ;voluntarily report for duty'be,fore'ldhey are -ordered to da so may tl;ave`the,choice of .rny combatant unit ,which is authorized to accept recruits, The list of eubs,caijitaons to the Red Cross will he publishe,dby the, Committee uvext week, Any - who have, not +given or feel that they can add to the amount alreacly..given.w*ill please leave same with, the collectors this week. Messrs. G. J (Doc, Ed. -_Sims_ and - Will Baker met •wiiti ,.an, a0niden.t If K- ate-Met ni-it'te ,night tin Usborne Township, when the. Fiord car ell -Liven by Mr. Dow struck a bunch of gravel and turned turtle: All three, mien, livere, of course tb,nowm out, but outside of ri few bruises they, were little injured. The car was considerably damaged. --o-- PEN SIONS INCREASED. - Pen- sions for Canadian ,.soldsers have been increased ' all around by 25 per cent. and in +siome teases 40 -per cent, iia',- rnig back to April last' CAVEN ANNIVERSARY—Tile an- ,niversary services of Cavan. Presby terian. Church were th+eld on Sunday last, when large congregations attend- ed 'both morning' and evening- s'ervic e, Rev: McDermid of Godeirich con. .ducted the services and preached ver' instructive and interesting - sermons!_ thechoir furnished special -,music for the occasion, axed were+ ' assisted by Miss. Edna Folliek"-and MissyVera Muxworthy, who renclerecl ;choice so- los.- Men. who ,Have been granted har- vesting or seeding furlo•ug1 s will not receive pay, allowances, 'or travelling expenses, according to instructions Published in camp orders, and it is further stated that ::the Government Wilt not be ;reapansible for ,any acci- dent or illness 'Which may occur dur- ing such furlough. The frame dwelling and corner .1ot situated on the'garner of Giidlny'and William streets, Owned by 2irs Thos. Bisseett, S.r., was 'broad last, _ireen to for o S e 1 n Walker oaf t 1 b r � '�•Y m. r� $795.00: Mrs. Walker gets immedl to Possession Mrs. Bissett -will leave in a •fen days ;fior MarltetLee) \fish. where she 'vnteacls ,making; her future home with her'daughter. Sliiould. you spoil an -envelope. after putting a stamp on it, you can have the stamp redeemed by Appliicat:lon to the postbaffice ,cileparm'ent, ear should you have, by reason- of warm or damp weather a number of stamps stuck together, they may 'rye .ex. - changed for new stamps. These reg- ulation: are nut igenierally kniown,and their publecatian_anay be of some ben- efit. The coming wisher and spring the usual distribution of seed' grain_ and potatoes d*i Ll be shade on, application The 'samples of +grain will consist of 5 'Fos spring reheat, 4 lbs. white ,oats, 5 lbs, barley, a5 lbs'. field peas; the samples of potatoes 3 lbs.. Samples sent free. by mail. Only one sample AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S of grain and One off patatoles can, be LINE. -Having taken over the Wat- kin's Agency from Mr. J. E. Gould of Hensall . I am ,prepared to 4do business 'with all the "old customers r Four Classes of War Service, Bad - sent to each appliicaate The supply is limited and farmers should apply early. and others who have not previously uusefr the products I will be pleased to interest also. "A full line now iso stock ' Goods can be procured at residence at any tinateli A full line of Linarnents Cough Remedies; Spices and Extracts; Toilet Articles always on hand. Phone orders promptly .at- tended ta. Phone 43 Exeter. WM. ANDREW, l Travei,rng Salesman; • Exeter,Ont., f, Clearing Grocery Stock at the Wholesale a Prices. We :must clear ,obit the balance of our Grocery Mock AT .ONCE and in order to do" so we, Will sell at whole- sale prices. Th.e stack consists of Teas, Coffees', Biscuits, Canned goods Matches mustard, ,Prickles, Cereals Soaps, Extracts, Etc,, Etc. •Sale: ,on no'.' If you Want BARGAINS, came at a: -ice. as .our stioele will ,a ,cast bang, Remember Everything "wild be sold at w,holrtsr'.,e prices, GOWER :& SON,- Eixetcr, _ Mrs • Jas: Atkins/an has returned from a visit ,in. LandLon Tp. Pte Will Davis awns home ' fromr. Guelph for a lew days last week Mr. Thornton Baker was in Wind- sfor ,and Detract,:taus week on buss:.- Mrs Gus. Ferguson ' of Toronto, is i i5iti•ng :her parelnts, ;lar, and Mrs' James Sweet Mrs. Blayney of Taranto has been enjoying a pleasant visit \\*kir rela- tives in Exeter North. .Hiss Daisy Hastings fol Part 'Huron iisite:1, her +cousin, Mss Lulu Hast- inga; for a Ifew days; ,• Mss. Wm. Dew and sign George of Gilmour City:, Iowa, are vi.siting.nviti the former's daughter, Mrs. John Hunter. ,Mr. S. Martin was afar London on T.hitr-day attendvmg a meeting of all the reprementatives of the military hien- who will attend the sittings of the exemption tribunals, \Ii•. G. L. Waugh, manager, of, the Bank of Commerce . Grimsby, a former manager there, and Mr. Bell,. ,o}wrier- of the, Grimsby canning fac- tory motored ,here Sunday and spent the night and part of 'Monday here. Mr. Waugh had the pleasure of again meeting many of his o-ld friends, and retaining a very "warns ,spiot in his' heart for old tE\etcr.friends, his vis-. it•,though short, "(was very much 'da toyed. ges ivil) be ussue:di. Class A.tor .men now discharged, who have seers, .ser- vice at the front; Class B. for ais- c.harged men who have seen service in England; Class C. far discharged menwho, enlisted, but are naw unfit; Class D. far those who' offered -o enlsist but were rejected ;its medically unfit prior to Aug. 10, 1917. All appli- cantsapplica- tion va cants far biases shall makeppb which tion an proper military forms iy � thay may secure frith the proper mil- itary.; autliloi'ities. In, this district ap- ply to Asst. Adjt.-Generli); Military Headquarters, Mi), No. 1., London,. 1VIOVIiVG.-1VIr " Nelson Shecre is moving into the. house on Albert 1 'Mr. Ward iv'h,o .is' street, vacates by s moving into, 'f:he hoose putt h asedfram 7'i;Ios: Bayle,. who is moving into Mrs. Cialwali's house, vacated by,,Mr.`tronl-- er., GOING TO WOODS'I'OC'R',--Rev.l 17, C, Ryott of 'Kirletiars, well 'known n, Exeter, has accepted a call from the congregatuans of ,All Saints Church tri 'Via ,stock arid 13ea,-i s•- ville, Speaking '01 Mr., Ryott',5 abil- ities as a preac)ie,r, Principal C. C, Waller, ail, A„ of Huron, College, sat l "Rev, Mr, Ryptt is a mars that w.'.1 he heart from ;n the church before many, years, lie is a coming mane" NEW STRENGTH FOR LAME BACK. Letter Tells of Long -looked -for Prescription. Dear Mr.Editor —1 suffered form lame back and a constant tired, worn -oat feeling: At times I was unable to stand ' erect and scarcely able to get around. It would usually come on at first with crick 'in small of my back. I took one box of Dr. Pierce's` Anuric Tablets and my back commenced to get better soon after Starting to take them. I did not have to walk' doubled over as I did before using the t"Anuric." It is the best remedy I have ever taken for what it is intended to relieve. I hope those who are in need 'of such a remedy will give the "Anuric Tablets" a trial. - (Signed) A. G. Doak,. PHONE NO 32. urchase Your Winter equire& Ear t��k Complete- . etc Our ail and_ w p WE WOULD STRONGLY ADVISE THE I3UYING: iOF YOUR RE- QUIREMENTS N G WINTER. TE AT ,ONCE. OUR ..PRE= �UIREi\IEN'TS .FOR 'I"1, -IE COl IN 11N R , SENT' STOCK PRICES ON - UNDERWEAR., EAR, IIOSIERY, +FURS, CLOTH-- fag LOTH- ills' for Men and bays ,• Dress Goods., Sills, Staples, Etc., ,are Lplly 5 per.- less„than ; the new prices -will be, 'sor'thte of , buy -i` e 'the resent •stpc•ks last is apparent rn� at ince, t«hupresent LADIES' CASHMERE HOSIERY; Ladies' Cashmere Hosiery, - extra special, values at 50c. 75c, & 85e. pr., • HOSIERY SPECIAL'_AT 30e, A PAIR 10 dozen _pairs ;Ladies' Fleeced and Caahmerin10 Hosiery, heavy ~sinter weight, while they hist at 30 cents ii pair. 'LADIES' UNDERWEAR SPECIAL 10 Dozen Ladies' Heavy White Fleece.. Vests_ and Drawers regular= ly worth Si 00 ;special fall selling price only 75c. per garment,, COAT SWEATERS FOR EVERYBODY We Have an imsnen;a,e stock of Coat Sweaters for Ladiies-Men and Chiliaren,. These garments Fere bought before the last advances in price so are exceptional values: Make your selections early. SWEATER SPECIAL -3 Dozen Boys', Heavy pull over Sweaters, grey with reit"trim, small sizes $1,00, larger sizes $1.25 MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' 0\ii,ERCOATS have a\ e an Immense se. Stock of Oser coats, many 'linres,atless than to- day's day's ivhiolesale priced. Come early as best lines are selling.fast, LADIES' and MISSES' COATS—NEW- SHIPMENT +JUST PRICES MODERATE ARRIVED. • New House Furnishings, Dress Goods Silks, ,Cotton Staples; Flannel- ette'>.;Blankets,.. ,Etc:, at Wonderfully Attractive; Prices. BOXES FOR SHIPPING ,PARCELS do Soldiers, in heavy corrugated paper .in. .:ta'ia'sizes, naw in stock. MENS' 1''URNISHINGS—New Christmas Ties, Shirts, Ciallars, Overalls, Smocks, Caps, Etc., just _arrived.- - JONES & Bead uarterm for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothili :. NoTx:- Up to this time, 1/Anuric" hae not been ori sale to the public,;;but a bents and by the persuasion of man y p the increased demand for this wonder- ful `healing' tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally decided to, put it into the drug . stores of this country within immedi- ate reach of all sufferers. TaSimplyblets. ask There forr,Doctorbe Pier0ce°f[hibe'Az atiuonric can 0. Every package of tlAnunc” is sure to be Doctor Pierce's. You will 'tend the signature' on the, package just as you: db on Dr. Pierce's, Favorite 7►rescrip- tion, the ever-faitiiaus friend to ailing women, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- ical Discovery, proven by years to be the greatest general teni . Sand 10 cents to Dr. V. M. Pierce, -Buffalo, +N. Y., for large .trial package. ` At any rate dont give up ,hppq,. of being curedof your malady -until Aust .y a few doses of: n Anuric" have proven" -hitt it will snake you''feel like a 'ifferent person. t!;nrron-Please insert this latter ui +cmo conspicuous place in:yonr'paper. AMAN 'S RHONE 81a reat Valucs IN S -Mrs ITI.: 9r O COAT NGS WINTER SUITINGS WERE. BOUGHT EARLY AND WE ARE ABLE TO SELL BELOW TO'- DAY'S VALUE. "ORDER YOUR SUIT AT • ONCE. ANe Fall Sult' TAILORED TO ORDER WILL BE FAR, MORE -BECOMING Yet Cost No More We have a large ;number of New Fall Suits and Ovelrcloatinigs :that wait your .arrival -a wide assortment of Fashion's Chosen ,colors,—soft 'hand- some Browns, and beautiful Greys of' -all shades, 0` OUR.' ASSORTmMENT OF --Ladies' Suitings i. the Finest we have, ever had, The studied exactness in, measuring and becoming: designing of our Tailored' LIGHT OVERCOATS IN BEST to -Ostler Clothes produces a - cam- pleteriess of- +fitting and;a pleasing-, OF, CLOTHS FOR THE COOL Hess. of appearaace, that a readyxnaade EVENINGS— AT PRICES THAT ;cn never h�ape Eta els sal. No Lady WILL SURPRISE YOU MOST knows how well she cane appear in a AGREEABLY. Suit or Coat until she has one cut to OUR PANTINGS ARE qOLD AT.cmeasurOURe. STOCK CO MPLETE IS THE RIGHT PRICE: .-" y. SEE OUR LIGHT UNDERWk,AR GIVE US A .CALL AND 'IN e •'TWO COMBINATION ND lNC I IECE. Produce '. Sheere Furniture and Undertaking . N. RO THE FUNERAL DIRicrroR AND . FUJRNIIURE »E 1ZR Tea ift O Store For the cl,oacest 1... groceries, .• • spices, . f nits, s teas, coffee and* every. thing in the grocery• line. C ,ll and: see ue A trial as to quality will convin- ce. A FULL LINE OF'^•READY 'TO' LADIES' AND GENTS'..'TAILOR WEAR. CLOTHING. Stand "Upstairs, --Opposite the 'Central YOU PROBABLY NEED A RAIN }fatal, COAT FOR THE WET 'DAYS. WEAR OVERALLS. ° AT YOUR ROUGH WORK. LO O'IC .AT OUR LINES IN THESE GOODS, ALSO Furnishings fiOCKS in Cashmere andSilk THE NEW CAPSS'. ,w CHOICE SHIRTS FLASHY TIES. ARROW COLLARS 9man a Tailor 8zFurnishe r taken in exchange Gould Next' The Metropolitan Hotal lothin= WE HAVE IN. S'LOC'2.1 A'YtJMBER O1;`..MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS BOUGHT, BEFORE THE RISE IN PRICE THEY ARE .O,XCEPTION:: AL' VALUE. \ OUR SPECIAL ORDER SAMPLES -ARE THERE, AND WE WILL be pleased to have you compare ' aim values with others OUR 1IADDiTO-MEASURE 5ijt�;.. AND OVERCOATS r 5 COAT S •SATISFY. ; SHOES S' HOES es -•for nFa11', We have them, Now is the bine. 'tai fifty yourh, ,Cavy. ahaa Ott, Assortment -of Fine Shoes was never `better TI,Y US FOR YOUR , NEXT PAIR; B. -W. F. Beavers