HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-25, Page 4Yes.'re Cleaner, Fresher.. w °Bey h n washed with Sunlight Soap. T find it cleans the clothes more thoroughly and with less work than, ordinary soaps. It doesn't hurt the clothes and .1 must say niy hands never feel -the worse for it either. I really do not find it''hard to look after the wash myself, because Sunlight Soap does so much of the work for me." Madam—there's nothing but truth in -this lady's remarks. Sunlight Soap is made so well and so honestly that our .guarantee of $5,000 that it contains; no impurity has never been challenged. All grocers sell Sunlight Soap. LEVER BROTHERS- LIM1TEDT`TORONTO. 10 ♦ w ,ti \:\ink •>: 4 -Lr Pagel 1'Irt tC, J,, O'Brien enter - 'E'9 ta'n 1 a tui f `e ds at Sanders & Criech, Proprietors Sub:reription Price --In advance $1.25 per year in Canada; $1.75 in the United 'States. All subscriptions not ;paid in advanoe 50 oeritts erfr•a will b'e ciinrd TIIi1RSDAY, OCT. 25th, 1917 ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates — Made :nom i as application Stray Animals—One insertion 50c., :three insertions $1.00 Farm. at Real Estate for sale SOc. .each insertion for one month of .Cour .insert ons • 25c. for each subsequent rinser t. on Miscellaneous Articles of riot mare than five lines, for Sale, To Rent, )r "Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in '-sertion 25c Lace' lfine Reading Notices, etc., 1Oc .ne Der per insertion. No notice ess chap :25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legs.: Advertising 10c. and 5c. aline Auction Sales, $2 for one insertion, _mid S3 for two insertions. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 aitch- $6 per year C n tralxa The Centralia Patriotic League seta -away during the year 3 3 n rs socks , - .211 .211 shirts, 35 iChristma.s stockings and 8 sweaters. Out of this number of stockings 31 pairs were sell; to the shower for the 161st battalicon.. 11 private parcels were sent Erato -the League and 12 Christmas l-o'es were sent from the Sunday School. through the .Patrioticc League .value'l at $40. The League ai'aw has 4 daze.;: pairs ,=acts and 30 ,shirts ad hand to • be- gin the new year. 'i e number of I rs n their home an ;Thursday evening. last, and a via} '�enjoyable time ,was .spent. Dashwood sh ood' Mr, and Mrs, J. A. McCormick sof Bridge burg are visiting with relatives. Mrs Otterbein is spending a few weeks •,ia-Detnatt. Miss L. Brown of Landon visited with, her parents over the week end. Mr. jack Wein Las purchased a tChevrolet car. Mr and' Mrs'_ P. Humbles of :Sarnia are visifing with. ,hlr. and Mrs. C Finkbein•et.. ' Miss Clara Graupner left.on Monday m:anni ig for~ Munroe, Mich., where. she will remain for tlhe winter:• Mss Anna Marenz of Detroit is vis- iting with her .parenits,- Miss S Geiger thas returned to her home in tCavalr]er, (N. Dail., atter spending several weeks tji,, town. Mi,.' .Sophia Schroeder left for Pig - ,on Much., Joist week, where she, will rema.i.i for some time. L.UMLEY George Hobkirk and :family `moved to Hensall an Tuesday,..—Mrs. Edward $ p94 e ;of Halbrigiht, Sask., is here, the guest of her sister .and brother- rlw M,r and Mrs. George Smale.—Mr. and Mrs George Glenn @Irnd little :laugh- ter. Helen Cavell, spent Sunday w'h Mss , ,Margaret :Glenn —Burton : 'Iieys, C P. R.-,relievjesg agent; spent the 'week frit' with "his miotlfer, Mrs. Park- en—On Monday wiigiht 'Miss • 12ebecca Bolton was 'taken 1y Dr.. Peck to St.' Joseph Hospital, Threatened with ap- pen-ticitiss We Mope she may )lave a speedy ;recovery. _. disull WCE Oct. 21 to 27 SPECIAL MUSIC THROUGH- OUT.: THE ,WHOLE WElak. • COME AND HEAR 'THE N LW RE -CREATIONS • ON The New Edison ASK- ABOUT THE 42000 PRIZE 'CONTEST. ANYONE CAN ENTER. J. Willis Powell AGENT Electrical Osteopath Treatments DON' rt LET NATURE FORECLOSE THE MORTGAGE 'ON YOUR HEALTH" The following ailments will give an idea of the chanty troubles which 'can be greatly helped by Electrical tc1 and Osteopath Trea't moils. Asthma Female Weakness ig.pnendicitis Fevers :Bronchitis . Cali Stones Bladder Troubles Goiter Constipation Heart Disease Catarrh Hay Fever a 'Dyspepsia indigestion .Detafness Jaundice Pains in the Back Kidney Diseases Statnniering' Liver Trouble., Sciatica tHeadache N eur itis ..Pains in back of neck & head , Consu catian a' d' Examination FREE, ,• , Lumbago Stomach 1`rouble Nervousness . Neuritis Neuralgia Paralysis Poor Circulation Rheumatism St. Vitus, Dance :Dr. W: E. ,Dempster, Osteopath.` and Chiropractor, Office ,Hours, 9.,a..m : to 12, and 2 p.m to 5 1.m. Evenings and Stii ays"by apoointment:_ tOffice. Phone 103 Creditor •. 'The Red Cross $aci.ety will 1nke nr appeal to ;our citizens neat Thur clay in :aid rof the Italian Red Cross Society, Let there \be <i generaua,.re- sponse as the. 'money is :needed, klr, Robert Connor,' who has been assisting H. 15, Eilber• at the steam hating system for the Evangel cal' Church returned to Sara a lIanday-. Ted -Iiawclen and Sam Sweet of Exe- iter bricbed. ;in the broiler last week so thatit will: only- be a short time before th,e system is in opteaatton, The it -et alit cold weather has prov- ed very disappoinitin-g to our farmers whet •still have their beans and po- tatoes to harvest. August Hill has decided : io: close the dining roam of his hotel, to the public: after the lst -of November. On account o1' -h.s, Hill's 'heals i ecnrl the shortage in. help, this action has :be come necessary, We ,trust Same one else will start a restaurant,: as it will prove vet) 'Inconvenient to tic's trav- ellers and visitors to our town. Christian Beaver itaderwen i a slight operation, to his lip in Loaded last week Mr and Mrs:` John. Curtz and 'am-' of Carriac motored here last w e; k: an l spent a few ,days with Mr, and 11is, Steuiacheo. Mr, and Mrs,: August -Kuhn 'of Ex- eter visited Mr, and Mrs, Herb Eil- bel •ori. Sunday.' Will Brown made i business trip to London. on Monday.. Rev.. _4leyei ; [ Dashwood preached in cde Evangelical Church last Sun - Jay morning, The Y.B.A. bad; charge of the service Win" the evening. i Tru following clipping taken out of t.:., WI:artan. Echo refers torIt broth- n.t.1a\r of. Mrs.. James Cockn e11 of 1!ic death occurred in Wiar ,o L on. Monday Of ; James Finch, aged l Years. 11 , was .born in, the United, states, \ as a veteran at ,-the Civ'1' War, and Fears ago came- to Can a'-1 r and lived on the Peninsula. About six years ago he came La Wiartfon." lie .is stirvived by fa widow two sons, WILL e in W.nrCars, Josh of • Owen Sound two -daughters. Airs. Heathers heppel, and Mrs. Robinson,' `�riartq i. Internieni in, Bayview cemetery on Wednesday. notice ilii, Monday's press [hat at a Boys' Conference held in 'IKit chener last week 'Lerma Brown was elected. President of the conference For the ensuing year. We are indeed delighted to see that Lorrtle`'is doing so well and that his, ability is I. being recognized. Once mare has a Cred- ;tan, boy coaoe to the front ' -Con- gratulations. Con-gratulations. - ' Several -from our village al -leached t.lre. 'Township' Sunday School Con venti'on in • Shipka last Thursday. Mr. Sidney Young of Toioiitd visiting J. G. ,Young and. faniiily Chas.. Zwicker made a business trip to. Taranto last -Wednesday V,rnr. H. Gaiser.'s sale held,"•an..Sat- runday °S nd Wm. _ SIi11's held 'Tuesday, were well attendtcde Stock and =im plements brought a goad figure: Mrs. Cochrane. of St. Thai -rain is visitincr Mr. and Mrsi. J;,• A. Mc D,an-. ald, CROMARTY Pretty Wedding—A yery:'pretty i itd: ding took place at the „home 'of th.e bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs,. 'Wm.' 1blcLareu, Cromarty, tan .October 24 at five o'clock, when their eldest daughter, Margaret, was'united marriage to. Mr. -;Alfred : J;.' Hunkin, The ceremony was -performed by Rev. Mr. Ritchie, Cnomarty, 'under a pat- rint'cc arch. The ,bride was . 'given - ac ,by her-tfather, and: was •attired vary Duceliess satia,''trinnledlwith ;eel pearls ,and ,,carried a bridal bon- n1tof rases aut 'Te oed= Jing marclr=-was ,played by Miss Min, - ole McLarea, 'sister Of the, bride. The gaaoom's gift 'to the- bride: was a pearl necklace and to.'the -pianist' a gold broroch, After congratulations, - sup- per waS served in -the dinning r:aam, Which was -decorated ;in pink and white,. .witla, '•Americcan. beauty roses. _An cnjo}able ,evening ,was spent in music" and other amusements. The young, couple will preside. on •the groom's farm in Usborne.and have. !he best= wi hell iof their-numarous mends. BRUCEFIELD a - fntend'e1 for last week.) Mrs Tyner. nt Clinton has refurnecl home after -spending a week with 'hoer daughter• ,vXrs. " -Chas, Clifton.—Dr. Rogers is impro-ving his residerlc-e by tie erection at •a new vera dab —Mr. Earl '_ai ter, who has been, 1'o tie Since his brother's. funeral, has returned 'to th'e Southern States.—Rev. lir. John ston- of Vann t ,vni1il ,co•nlduc1' the ser- vices -in. Union •,Church on, Sunday.— Mr. and ;Mrs. Armstrong are camf o.r- tabl settled on their fine farm which they' -purchased from Mr. <: Brock.— Lieu S'Ieward 1 nrax sof WdolsLnck spent tae h —i:iays. 1'at kris 'home in. -Tu kerarniitn—Mr. Hugh Walker is suffejin;t, from rheumatism. -A large ;number' attended the farewell servi- ces ,of' Rev. Hall Wc,1^rdsi on. Sunday last. They. leave rthls ;week for their,: .new Moon in rPetna3ect`,.—Mr. Gea. A. Glenn and Mr. 1T-helniry La Breau Henry each erected tinny atirros.—Mrs'. Henry Horton •vis lted her kaon; Mr. •" Jarvis:. Horton, 'this •week Dt Glanlield, ;formerly of our vol loge, v is:iitel. here 'last -wri.ek;., He is gone to Glencoe to assist the doctoal"- of that place,. who. is 111.—•Misses Mar- garet Ross nand ''Katherine -Mc Gt egor of Stanley are. at:neJing.`Taranto Un versit L and Mr. Peter '12oifatt is its ' tending 'the Schaal of Facultyn, Miss Margaret Aikentiead has relurned home 'aftet spending 'the summer in the Wes-la—Mrs,. !Jack ,Turlock, who •luring th,e. ,paft. weak is'•able 10 be around agaiint Th:c Kean °r;rawera ri t this v c.l LY are ,having. some Jit - ficult, i(rtjhwn'vcstii b 'their beans \lr and Mrs G A. Glenn visited th' for mens mother" over Sunds,y1—Mr, Iso,, Petrie was a -week end: visitor \\ nth his son AndireiwilLeMics Mary- lit oad- foot ha.; !returned' Tram a pleasant, ;visit vit her s:' s•ter of Baoi Axe Mich --\Ir .an'cl Mra, IGda, Brack: have got comfortably settled in,thejr new hNue in the village,—Mr. an)d, Mrs. 7ant's. iie n[ead .-spend Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Johan Murdock of Stanley; —Mrs. John Armstrong: of Stanley b'1 hut,.,pareats Mr -.:and rs ,Tobin :Y1:ol:ate. Executors' Auction Sale OF DWELLING };OUSE, I-IOUSE.- EFFECTS AN]a .ONE,ACR1 Ol< LANI) IN EXETER, :. The Executors of the -Estate of the late late Mary A. Santdhrs hstve °ii - etructed Mr. 13. S. Phillips,, Auctioneer to ofiet'. for 'lade by, Publf:c Auction% op. the Premises, ori S.4.'1 URDAY, NOV. 10th, 1917, At 2 o'clock • p. rni, the frohowing property Firrist,--Lots 19, „20 and 21 an the bast side of William Stretet, Exeter Acheson's Survey, ,cantaitu,ng an acre more or' l ss, On these lots aw•e a goad 2 story Brick House, Finame `I; Itchen, a,n l !a• Robe; brick, stable. Second—Lots n unbers 11 12 and 13 and Part sof Lot, 10 and the, Soutar side \Vi, Waterloo Street, Exeter, con- taining ane acre ,n1'o;11e or •less, The soil in th' ilo'•ts is goad,' and •it is an excelleartesepiece, ,of 11nc1 torr either garden. or ;Pasture. Third Houselralil Furniture : 4 ,beds iron bedstead, (glass case, 2 writing desks, •1. c .ntee table,. dining room table, `l. 'kitchen table, 2 rocking chairs twio solar, two lsmall tables, t',vo WshSthanlsy,.1 bureau, 1 coal stove, 1 coal or wood range, 1 cross cut spiv. 3 • parlor chairs, ,12 kitchen, chairs, '1 cook 'stove, 'flourbox, whd,elbna•row ladder, quantity of .stave woad, Puri; ber• Ofglass ;fruit jz rsl and other ar- ticles. TERMS Real Estate,—Ten per cent of pur- chase money on relay of sale and bal- ance in thirty days without interest. A po'rtian of the purchase money cap remain on 'mortgage if 'tare purchaser.. so desires. Chattels, Cash w, Further particulars and ..terms add co'ndit`ions of sale will be made known on the day of sales, or• may be '-lrad- on appliccation to the •undetrsagn(.d• • 13. S, N'IILLIPS,Exeter, Ont. Auctioneer GLADMAN &STANBURY, Exeter, Ont. _ Solicitors for ,Lhe Executors.; CHISELHURST- - o -- Bert• Wrea has ;reiturnned from the West where' he Ihel,pei.ini the harvest. On Sunday afternoon, Mrs: Knight and vlr :Rana ie reddened " a very accept- able 'duett at the special services.— On Thursday afternoon tlhe ladies packed 19 boxes 'af Christmas treats for the boys 'iia •Fraincej, :til a shirt and a pair of socI s to each --.'The home. of Mr. Thos; Drover was , re- cently, brightened by the arrival of a young daughter, --On 'Monday- the Pat- riotic Circle shipped •-to Hayman ;Hall a bal.: coiftaininlg_ .d0 field 'shirts, 13 pyjamas, 49 handk..rchiefs, 4 mattress covers, 3 par socks, 1 hospital; h.1rt Margaret Glean ,dona't:e5d 1 pair of pil- lows. The ;bale -amounted to $56.00. It was decided to .send fruit and pic- kle..: to the ;returned soldiers' at. Lon don at 'the Novels -ibex mieeting,- :Mr! Georrge W. Wrelrt, (has leased lois farm to two '•'Beig,ianis. HENSALL • Messrs T. , H.. �Agur .and Mike R.: Rennie.are erecting a fine two ,story garage on Main street, immediately west of the Reiooie buildlingi., It' will be one- of the bent garages in, :..Ithle• county, 11 „being .44''% feet by 76 ,feet' two 'stones•. thigh, \buillt of ,cement, blocks all through, witch the excep- tion of The first storyfronting on .King :street; which w1L1 he :of fine red pressed brick. .• The isecoisd story will prov=ide either dodge !rooms or dwell-.• ing apartment. Workmen are :,now. putting up the wall. Mr. Alfred •Tay Icor has the contract of the brorck and cement work.—Quite a. large number:: from Jiere atterndled , , the Sabbath:' school convention :held at H'illsgre;en, on ..Wednesday.:—_1Lrsi C. McCrea wife of Mr. Chas. McCrea, M. P;, oL Sud- bury' was -called here owing to *lire ;serious illness of her`,fa.thler, Mr. 1f. H. Dent.' i1'li1ou,s lyere visiting- his sis- ter, Mrs J... Suilier7,ari,lr.—Miss -Dally Carlin :accompan le l` her friend, . Miss Lo?ig to 'Detroit •last- week, and ,in-` tends spe.nditg a couple ,weeks.,th:ere Mrs..: Wm. •Buchanaty and her daugh- ter Miss Margaret, are. visiting _rela- tives at Burlington--Anniversary„ser- At 5`0 'years ol. age c` THE "KIDNEYS NEED HELP i . .There is no reason why, when is a man or woman reach's the (.3 fifty mark, he or she shouid S C not 'feel full of energy gy and happiness. Itis true, greater ._3 care must now be taken to drive away the lesser ills, which, if neglected tnay..de• tr' ,,,velop: Proper attention to the I{idiieys suggests • FORTH@ttpi1b DfdEYS aAt the first evidence that Kid-. •neys are not working propel- lr'that is if 'you l av pains 3the back oaises, twn es ofncenniatism, coiistanthead- aches and restless nights, Swollen joints or urinary. troubles, talteGin Pills'. You will benefit almost from the ' first dose. It costs nothing if you arc not benefited, for the dealers Sell crit; Pills on our guarantee 'of money back ,3Y not satisfied. cc a box or 0 6 boxes or s o. r A free, rumple if you ikratC k • ; it National Drug & Cheniiesl [Lcs, of Canada,• Limited' Tt,7onto U. 9. 'Add mer. f,., r Na-bru•Co. "ane •nt 202 Main St., Buffalo, N'�', t THE C OF SIR EDMUND WALKER C,,Y.0.. LLD, D.C.L, President CAPITAL PMD UP, $15,400,000 $R JOHN 'Mgt), H. V. F. JONES. RESERVE FUND, General Manager Ass't. Oen'l, Manager' . $13,500,000 The farmer who opens a banking account and conducts his affairs in- a business -like manner is likely to proc,per. 'Farmers should avail themselves of the aid of this Bank, in transacting 'C2 it business. Consult the Dan;'er regarding current acro mrd collections and loans. EX TER BR. -A. h. Kuhn, Mgr CREDITON—J. A. McDonald, Mgr. INCORPORATED 1855 ,1000,0,0000.0GAO 00.0001 q,. Capital &Reserve $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada - 5 A General"Ban -ie Busi ss Transa tt is c d Circular Letters of Credit Bank, Monet/ Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT !Interest allowed at highest current rate - EXETER B AGH — R N W D. CLARICE, Manager. a o , se' 0 , s. 00. 0 = 0 _iices held. in the'Me'thadist Church on Sunday and atn. entertaisfinent. was given tl'Ionday evening.—Miss Margar et -Dick of 'Seaforth ;spent the past -week or so here with her Molth,er.— Our onion kings ;have'already made large shipments of leinionist Mr. and Mrs Nesbitt have returns:d to Detroit GRAND BEND '1\11- Frank Allister no0ved his fam- ily to Hyde tPark last Monday„,—Fred - Masan moved onto .tth'e farm 01 Angus Patterson recently. -Miss Lydia .Disjar dine bf Landon. its visiting her aunt, Mrs "- -Ike Sharrnw.—Mrs. Bert Holt, who was tin {Exeter all last weold tak- mg treatment by pr, Dempster re- turned' home here 'Sa'turdayi-Mr. Rob ert Sander was in Exeter, on business Satua•,aay l—Mr. and Mrs, John Baird visited at George Webbs ad the 21st on Sunday,; ---Mr. Mos. `Handford of Ingerall. visited here Friday. • RIRKTON Ida Brethour, 'daughter of Mr, A. Brethour passed away ,recently after a few days' illness laf�pnkurnonia, fol- lowing a cold caught at 'Kirkton. Fair Sincere, regret is lfelt i,nk the commun- ity as 'she alas a ;general :favorite. De- ceased was -34 ;Tears of age. IS YOUR, APPEARANCE NOT WHAT IT SHOULD BE BECAUSE OF THE, ,LAC'IC :OF HAIR? -- 'THEN COME. kip SEE orenwend's Display of Fine Hair Goods At Central Hotel, Exeter., on Friday, November 2nd The latest productions in Ladies', Trnnstormations, Pompadours, 'Self - Dressing Waves, Etc.;; and *. FOR. MEN WHO ARE BALD The 15orea wend Toupee, which n rep- resents the highest acli'e ement - in the art of hair constructing; feather- weight, hygen,q and so natural in a,p- peatance' that the' closest ybs,erver could not tell ;it from your own, ;hair i1 : utt ave.a De aration ort nst � ... FridaY., Nov. 2nd Dor _•' o e wend s 05 Yonge Head Office, 'oronto Special -have qualities splendid Labatt. It's - terms smiles JOHN LONDC.YigT, ONT., 7.4 � ;.�.�•:anSpecial Lager transmuted by nature's work . Canadian barley - malted Gives an even pulse, clear eye, gold digestion, wholesome breath. e from by g two .. before, 85 , MONTREAL 1 s Cafes"oto Sold at'Groceries, and a3 the retie from _ r or direct r Y Order a bottle' or a' case to.da . O Y 'worth something toet' on speaking with : a beverage, that grows wherethere, was only nl a grouch • LA TT, LIMITED y ESTABLISHED 1832 and No.: 4 St. Helen Street, IS YOUR, APPEARANCE NOT WHAT IT SHOULD BE BECAUSE OF THE, ,LAC'IC :OF HAIR? -- 'THEN COME. kip SEE orenwend's Display of Fine Hair Goods At Central Hotel, Exeter., on Friday, November 2nd The latest productions in Ladies', Trnnstormations, Pompadours, 'Self - Dressing Waves, Etc.;; and *. FOR. MEN WHO ARE BALD The 15orea wend Toupee, which n rep- resents the highest acli'e ement - in the art of hair constructing; feather- weight, hygen,q and so natural in a,p- peatance' that the' closest ybs,erver could not tell ;it from your own, ;hair i1 : utt ave.a De aration ort nst � ... FridaY., Nov. 2nd Dor _•' o e wend s 05 Yonge Head Office, 'oronto