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The Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-25, Page 3
ST RONC-Pi OPLE NEEDED) The .need for people to be, healthy is urgent. Those whom illness has put outside the ranks of robust,nren and women feel their position' keenly. North , Sea the retreating Germans threw:osal., ��tc:y are ltatidicappod in every �5^al}t verboazd great�tumber;; of 01' life and weak men and nerve-wor•1x mines," in'the hope called "tactical r „o__a—o--o—o-�-•;• v pdint the >iti •h warships would: hit tore.man, 1 omen need more earnestly tki<irr ever y I31 ;; 1p You say to lite drug store t p hell heslth right and become active and strang,' Many who began "patching" months ago are' as 111 noir as on the dig;,' tiler began vain'T.v tin- kering with common drugs:Every ail- ing man and''woman should remei ib©r that the, ills of debility, nerve exhaus- i n ' t c t indigestion, 1I sires neural- e; > sleol es s > gi t; and depreSslon come from a faulty blood,.+supply.' Worry, over-w"orle or µother causes have impoverished the blood and left the. fife -steam impure. The nerves thereby are starving `.and, Y the : whole" �: system is . languishing for new blood..In thisdma Many thousands have wen basil strong • nerves and new Health and strength "TACTICAL MINES" e Inefficient Instruments of Naval. Warfare at the "Present 'lime. In`the last great sea,fght in the .._.o.._p..�a�.,a�-o o-_.n--•o—o-;-v-�--o—o, YES,! MAGIOA.LLY WI'TI-t FINGERS CORNS LIFT sum them and be thereby ,demolished. Nobody knows'`whether• or 'not any dmage to the'lar itisli fleet was ae- complishecl on that occasion by this means. But it is at least doubtfuil Vice -admiral William S. Signs, now in `command of the American naval forces: i declares' European ers n op an ,µat , that the menace _tactical mines in a sea battle is not% re arcied very seri- ously. ously. Ti! squarely `bumped, such a; mine will 'blow' up a ship, but 'ordin- a lily the ``bo wave" of - a warship to eela- Cincinnati, �„ man who sa s that fr o. put t m lire a small bottle of f}'cezone:" Thiq' µi11 cosi very little but will positively remove every hard or soft earn or cal- lus ,from .one's feet, • A fevdro s of this new ether coma } p 'po•und applied directly upon.a- tender, aching corn relieves the soreness in- stantly, or soon -the sillies ca s�tantl and Y, callus,:root and all, dries tip and can be lifted off with the fingers. '- This' new way to rid one's feet of.. cornsir was introduced by a' Oincinnatt , y.i{ I µtil theory tliq mine.aside and out or a moment a=nd `situ!?ly sktriels up the life vessel's path..^ , i rm the i e,oin or callus without' irritat I g �+ 1Viatzy experiments. „in the Ilse • of � l ' surrounding s rin.. nes have been made by Dant 1p father re of,, infection' or through the new rich blood strength Wil- United States naval experts. ',They d hams Pink Pills actually iiial,es, Irl. a havetboen attached in pairs by a line lockjaw front whittling at his corns, Th but clip -this out axial maize him try it. weak; or bloodless condi:110 it is not 200 or, 300 feetlong•, Rill the Bile sank, '"•'only a waste .pf ,time and : money, but bringing the two. mines together, so ',also a further menace to y;oul•,healthp,that.they were`no better than one, to tinker' with common '`drugs. P01- Corks, were Alit along the line ,to low the, example - of '-so `many thou, hold it up; but, even'so, the cutwater sands by giving Dr. Williams Pink: -of a ship, bearing a ,thin sheet; of steel 5,Piils a fair' trial, and they will trans with a ,razor edge, would bite it in form you into healthy, active men and`'twain. A. steel line suitably buoyed by women. • You can get,these ping "through any dealer. -in medicine,' or by, mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams:•Medicine Co:', Brockville, Ont, ' ALGOMA • AND AN -AUTHOR. If an author can be said to' be the prod-trdt ' of any ,particular:.district— and why not, just as winch as a variety. Blackbirds Save4 the Crop, ,A few ` days ago, Grant' Mitchell, livirlg'noaar Windfall, Indiana, gave up for. lost a ten -,acre field of tomatoes, says the Indianapolis! News. In one. last' effort to save at least a part of the _crop, Mr. Mitchell and 'Wo or three farm employees went' to .the fiord one morning to <destrpy as"many worms es possible, ' but they found that every worm had disappeared. A neighbor told Mg. Mitchell the, field had been alive with blackbirds - the afternoon before. Siinilar stories are reported by:' other fanners of the county, such mi the Mina,rd'e Liniment Cures Daneruf. Seed ears from the best `.roducin' producing stalks in the field produce more than seed : ears apparently' as good, but gathered without considering the -pro- ductiveness of the parent `stalk. The place to selectseed corn is in the field, not in the crib; the time to select it as soon as it is mattire, not' at husk- ing EaSHE:A eirESt; I ESi rb/Gl ifl� L+a:.R_�CT�asal•"!�i'it3 been Canacices, f'a,vorite yeast tor�over R quarter of ,ia Icpnturtr Bread baited whet Ye st will leo froth and moist, loeagde thin that s� » made with any other, eo;<•tha't •a full• wee?k'is,suijply, can 'easily,be Mario at. one baking, and the. 9a et loaf will ;he jus* as gags as the, first. MADE IN CAr'ADA 'E.W.OIL,L;ETT COMPANY LIMITED W1N' lvsg TORONTO. ONT. tyotveres : I 'think that every mother's son? And every father's daughter• Should drink, at least till twenty-one, Just nothing but cold water. And after -that they might drink tea, But nothing anystrongetr. If all folks would agree.'with me, , They'd live a great deal longer, Miner -we Liniment for cafe everywhere. You' will find it much easier to both hear and talk,�over the telephone if you -- 'IL ' ILy our, druggist hasn't any freezone y gg „ M . .. close y oitl• eyes, tell titin to order ar small battle from ' t. •:F'alRrr. ' � 3 ., y his tyholesale'drug hoti"se for you. �a 4 a q MONEY ORDERS. „y..- .F.,,, •-,, t„y,,,.., ;;,,,. _ - �� . Send a.. Dominion Express Money ',What, She '`'Vented. An old dame who had never budged from her native village in her life be - floats has been; tried, but even that is fore was travelling to London to see' liable to be cut, for it cannot be very her wounded =son, It was a long-,, thidk; journey,, and she began to 'be very Thus the tactical Mine remains to hungry. She hacl heard'. that it was this day --an inefficient instrument of possible to gettea on express trains; naval 'warfare. It represents= an un -but no attdndant passed along the cor-' solved problem. ridor. Then a bright thought struck her. One should ring for a I�ervant,-� {e, of course ;'`'S1�ie reached up and pulled 0i "�JLD: �1 OLBE WITHOUT the communicationµ -cord. There was (���T�� TABLETS 1 GT a screeclx'of-brakes,'and presently the B1 D I S- li V1 N T t%BLE 1 S guar same rushing along•. of flower, or"fruit, or grain ?—Alan ‘'Who me ru:tha't heli?„ he shouted: Mrs. A. smith, two O Sullivan, the distinguished Canadian C. Snl t t, Goo i � od, nt, I„ ` � he 'aid lad sweetly ,„,"Idicl. s aid _. writes =-"T have -Used Bab own Y> perly and novelist,ifidshUulcAlgoe. nia, pro- Tablets `for the past -two years and- "Well.,_ what do you want?" asked .,w perly ide�itified, with ..Algoma, that ,the ,guard. curiously `shaped county of Ontario have found them the best 'medicine e which siretches from the cities and a mother can give her little ones and A.cup..of tea; and a ham -sandwich settlements of the- shores of `I.,aiie I would not be without them!) The for me, please!” said the dame. Order. They are payable everywhere. Tliuron and Lake "Superior, up through •Tablets never fail to banish the;•sim- `the 2,900 square miles of the Missis- p=ie` ailments of childhood:.• They regu sauga ,Forest Reserve, to' the great late the bowels, sweeten•.the stom• ach fur -trading territories three' hundred and ,make the cross" sickly baby bright, and sixty miles north,. where, it is healthy and happy. They'are sold by bounded by the Albany River, ,the medicine" dealers --or by ,mail at 2-5. chief tributary of 'James hay. Tho cents a box from, The' Dr. µWilliams' southern shores of this' p county -were Medicine Co., Brockville,`, Ont. ' colonized some thirty years ago at the M instance of C.P.R.' agents, by hardy BELGIAN •MILLS ,STRIPRED. Ki'ltcardine ani.-Br;uee, -but the city of Invaders Send Machinery to Germany - Sault Ste.` Marie has its roots in -the ' remoter' past, as it was a trading post for the voyageurs, who travelled ; for the furtr,aders of Montreal into the' far West. Alan• Sulliva • whose father i and northern France that. the Ger- mans "are stripping textile mills of Ger- „,,,e. Bisii�op. of the Algoma Diocese' pI? b ^� • T y, destroying t or'seild- was• at one time engineer: of the ~veil, tlieli maehiner destr � cf construction and bailastin tits Al ing it to German•y. Actual removal ” h'beenreported from gonia branch of the C.P.R. between of machinery has'po r ,,gonia,, Sault Ste, Marie, and Roubaix, Tourcoing and near Cour uses:'. the local color ill several of` :his ' trai, and the purpose of 't;he conquer' t stories. "It wasfascinating',"* „„ ,ors ;to, carry,• but ihis,:policy, through shos s o ii fast Paling, °tit Flanders is forecast by an order he says, "iii -those days to watch the to - all effect -of the arrival of toa11 mills to furnish inventories of - their equipment. In some quarters these-rep,orts have been interpreted, as a possible., sign of an approa-thing evacuation of a;large pioneers from the•'older .counties of Oficial ^'dispatches confirm .:the re- ports recently brought frail Belgium the''track, or even of'the survey party an, the settlers. They brightened up,' and looked at their farms- with new - eyes. y They were in touch with the world that heretofore had seemed s'6` section of Belgian territory. It is howevedistant." The bush fires, the miners,, pin the sameted t,sourcesltelthat- the gent's the hunters, -the mail carriers, p the Indian agents and the:' trappers have., portation'of children from -ten to fif- provided rich material for Alan Siilli- teen years o age from Germany.for van's stories, -,some of the best of ,office wdrk;' n apparently discredit which have. been collected in the vol- the evacuation theory. ume called "The" Passing of Owl I- ' 'Requisitioning by the Germans of But." More recently he has enlarged wine, textile fabrics in retail' stores his field, and'in his latest volume, "The Inner Door,"he takes for 'at- tosphere the labor tovement in.a small industrial town, But the ,town is still in Ontario, a.fact that makes it all` the more interesting to the Cana- ,`dian reade2•,.:who takes an interest in, the n6w rapid growth of a distinctive Canadian literature. Peasant. women `are -'harvesting the crops in,Italy. T)ie` latest advice is not to char the . ends of fence -posts before setting then! in the ground. The charcoal is said to hold water and thereby haste ens rotting of the post. "„Row do change!, Awhile ago experts said, "Char," and. now they' say, "Ddh't" and- blankets in private: houses is'�de- scribed in .the:-dispatc,,hes. ' lei( Granulates Eyelids, Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by Sun, Dust and Wind quickly' re1Ieved ry Murine. `' Try It In ��1 �,rg,+yourEyesandinBaby'sEyes. `l NoSmarting,Jnst Eye Comfort Maine Eye Remedy At Xour Drv¢,riat'a or by ai1.gfppe bottle, Murines Eye Salve, in Tubas 25e. For Boo]: of. the Ei, — From. Ark latsr1zae Eye Remedy' Co.; Chdeagge a To stop the creaking of a door ap- ply a little soap, to the hinge. This is as effective as oil, 'and the!soap does not spoil the appearance of the; paint. Minard's .Liniment Believes Neuralgia, Palaces Going Begging. Would you care to purchase castle,' drawbridge and ghost•. inelusiv-e,. for• the small; sum "of - two thousand pounds? a This was the market value of -Henry VIII.'s`fainous residence; at Kingsbury, which recently came under the hammer, and which is now the pro- perty of a local' dealer. - Many palaces, have figured recently, in the property ales, and some have been acquired at'an absurdly low fig- ure( The owner 'of four:. houses in Suburbia" may reckon- his possessions as'equalling in monetary value aii'an--' cient seat of -the mighty.. Fringed by the banks of the 'River g' tands '.Lin te Palace, in Thames s s y P c, Cheyne Wall: -not- of large dimen- but- notable as the home ofboth ,stens, Stuart andpflanoverian rulers. A cur- rent advertisement tells us that this. delightful.. residence may be acquired Ty an' immediate purchaser at a Yvery reasonable; figure." - Turn the garden over -with a spade; or ,plough this' autumn and, if it is to be had, cover the soil, with manure a foot deep before turning it under, Repeat thea eraiion next: spring' and p p i p g n see µBat ' a garden will result. _ Dig dee .tri spading. There is a,,wa. to p Y get down two' feet with the.proper cle termination and effort. ; If manure not:' applied this autumn apply lime liberally, air slaked or1i: drated and 1 Y turn it under and apply the manure in. they spring; . Lime and leaves -can be, Worked in togethbr this autumn, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear ,Sirs,—I cant_ recommend MI NARD'S: LINIMENT for Rheumatism and'Sprains, as J.'have used it for both with excellent 'results. • • Yours truly, B.. LAVERS,, St. John.. When you. have an, invalid to_ care for, baste ten ora dozen` sheets of,�ord newspapers together,: cover with a lay- er of old cotton• -cloth, and you will have a mattress • protector, easily 'de- stroyed if necessary. ;� UT! ERY ITCHY -SCALP 1 _Burning 'Kept T Her Awake fights Hard 'Lumps -Carie Then Turned to S,caies, "My scalp began by being very itchy and burning which 'would keep me awake ,would keep was so bothersome. Fir'st-there would ,:come little . hard lumps and\ when<I scratched t'h em they would turn to flaky, scales and dry, -, "I got no relief until 1 got Cuticura Soap and Ointment.• Tliey gave instant relief and in a week I was completely healed." (Signed) Mrs. Alfred Berthelotte, Ed RiverCrossing, N:B., February 11, '16. Most skin troubles might be prevented by using Cuticur•a Soap and Ointment" for every -day toilet purposes. For d+ree'Sample Each by Mail ad- drs post -card:' ° `Cuticur•a, Dept...A;•= Bodebn, U. S: A.".. Sold everywhere. eck, en in'Training- ,, Fighting isn't the onlylduty of a' soldier, and exposure to `bullets is not as serious as exposure to all. "kinds of weather and dampness. Rheumatic acnes; `sore and stiff Iiiuscles, strains- and sprains,'. chile\ blains and neuralgia, all are enemies of- the soldier.and the .relief for all these pains and aches is Sloan's Liniment. Clean - and -convenient tel carry or use; does not "stain,' and penetrates without rubbing. Generous sized-bott ce. at all druggists, 25c., 50c..$1.00. ,.. 0 R�ne October is the month to plant tulip, crocus, narcissus ;`and hyacinth bulbs. Do it now!' • Minaret's Liniment Cures Barns,.'Bta, When buying your , Piano, a insist oat having an as Oy�p,T�TO HU�K `E'Ll@ PIANO ACTION, •South Australia, ho Desi: to become 'a i producer of radium, as it has discover ed a- deposit of uranium. laEBi7a1+AIrmr•s Fon s&X B Roi�`IT-MAILING NEWS AND' JO Offices foe sale is good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of ,all businesses: Full in1;orn,nthin 'on epplicatlon, to Wilson Pt/Wishing Corn - parry„ 73 Adelaide St.. Toronto. icrrS Cr-2,I,A iflO U Pi (�I1 ANGER, + T,IJMOIZS, hUM,PS, 'ETC-.', a J Internal and 'eterpai, cured 'with- out' pain by our home treatment. Write us betere too late. ' Dr. 13ellman Medical Co.; Limited, Collingwaod,'Oat, Reduces' Bursal pErrlargenents, Thickened, Swollen Tissues,: Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- ness from Bruises- or. Strains; a stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. ,$2.00 a bottle at drugeists or delivered. Book 1 NI free. .A.BSO1U3iNTh, JR., for mankind -an antiseptic liniment for:bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glands, it • heals and soothes. 51.00 a bottle at drug- , gists or postpaid, Will tell you more if you write. Y ..F. YOUOU, 1. O. F•, 516 Lymens Bldg., Montreal, Gam 1lbsorblur and Absorbise. Jr.. are, made to Canes,: sr. �•'' • sit 6 r� ` i' • � � �5.:.: ii -c Yo tPhysicianM dica Author says Dr. Ferdinand King, a :Ne,µ York City and. Medical o y "There. can be no strong, vigorous, iron rues "nor beautiful, healthy, rosy.'" cheeked women without iron—Nuxated iron taken three tlmes per day after meds will increase�:the strength and.endurance of weak, nervous, ran -down folks 100 per cent, in two weeks' time in many instances. Avold the old forme of metallic iron which may injure' the teeth, corrode the stomach, and thereby do more harm than good. Take `only organic iron—Nuxated Iron." it is` dila pensed by all good druggists:,v _ 'he WellKnotvaEye Specialist r J f sj, The de is Author, ms mg A� 9 1,o ® ge. eport on W. ncigneui en `Fe ign, eI' '� • Say.it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many Instances the eyesight more than 50' per cent in. one week's time. I have also used it witli sur- prising effect in cases: of work strained eyes, Pink eye, inflammed lids, catarrhal con- juuetivites, smarting, painful,,aching, itch- ing eyes, eyes lvealtened from colds, smoke, sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, .blurred vision, and in fact,'fnany other conditions too numerous to describe in this report: A new and startling case has just come under- my observation, which yielded to BonOpto, is that of.,a young girl, 12 years old.' Two promireent eye specialists, after a thorough examination of the young girl, decided in order to save the sight of her right eye,•the left eye must be removed. Before permit- ting hereto be operated on, the yeiung girl's father decided to ase Bon Opto.. In less than three days a marked improvement was noticed: At the end of re week the inflam- mation had almost disappeared, and "at the end of six weeks" the eye was 'saved. Just think, uihat the saving of that eye meals to this little girl. Another ease is that Of, a lady ninety-three years .old, ' She came to inc with du11 vision and extreme infia`mma tion of the lids and the conjunctiva was al- most' raw. Atter two weeks' .use of Bon Opto the ,lids were absolutely' normal and her eyes .are as bright as many a girl of sixteen." • Dr. Judkins, Massachusetts physician, formerly Chief of Clinics in the 'Union Gen- eral Hospital, Boston,Mass., and formerly House Surgeon at the New England Eye and Ear Infirmary of Portland, Maine, and medical author for many years,' reports: "I Have found oculists too prone to oper- ate and opticians toosrliling to prescribe glasses while neglecting the simple fornlu- las which form the basis et that wonderful home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Opto:" This, in my opiniori,•is a remarkab,lle rem- edyfor the cure and prevention of Many eye disorders. Its, success in developing and strengthening the, eyesight will soon make eye glasses old fashioned, and the form of eye baths which the Bon Oft niethod pro- vides,'will make its use as eolnnion as that of the tooth brush. I am thoroyghly eon vineed",from my experience n;:ith Bon Opto ,that: it' will strengthen theteyesight at ldast 50 per v cent to o3 e � eek s time: i manyhi- stances.. 'Dr. V. 11. Devine in of medical inspection in the Boston schooid, in his report published Pebriiary, 20, 1917, states that only 14,018 out of 80,175 ex- aulined, need to wear glasses now, a !narked decrease over the 'previous report, Ilon Opto .is hastbning the eyeglasslese age in bespeotaelcd Boston, Iletinis of, eye strain and other eye weak- nesset;: and tbose'ttilio;Fvear glasses wilt be 'glad„ to know -that, •according 'to Dr. Beck and Dr. Jutlleins, 'helm .is real hope rind help Tor them- Many whose eyes-wereTail- ing say they have hnd their eyes restored prescription rnaii by this remarkable andy who once were glasses slay they have thrown them away." One seen says after using its "I was ,almost blind. Could not ecu to read at all, Now -1 •eau •lead everye thingg without my glasses and my eyes do not hurt any mere, At night:tihey Would pain dreadfully, Now .they feel. flue all tbo time. It wile hike a Miracle to rne, A lady Who used it says: "The atmosphere seethed hiizy,with or without glasses b'ut after•usinl this preseiiption for 15 days everything seeing clear„, I e0n✓'reed. even fide print without glasses:' .Atrotlier' who ' vend 11 saYs." Y'X yeas bothered with. eye trli.Yi PAINS S*{ARP AN.�i STUE' Wo nan Th®enght'She W enited by Lydia Pdnikham's Vegetable Corapouricl._., 6��++1SAld DE, BECK iCe> A :Pace J.'rescriptioii You Can have .17/Red and Use at home. ' New 3 ork.—Dr. Beck, a 'New 'York state eye specialist, and Dr. Judkins, a Mnssa- " citusetts physician, were asked` to make a thorough., test of the popular'' eye remedy, Bon Opto. Their r•eports•were most: iater- are: Dr-.. Beck reports, "When my attention. was firsts called to the wonderful eye rem- edy, Bon Ojate,- I was incl! 'sal T, make t a Ogdensburg,, ?jris. "I suffered from femaletrotibles which caused piercing pains like a , knife through my back and side. I' finall r' Strength lost all n g. had thy go to SOI bed.' The doctor advised, an ,,open- ation• but I would not listen to it.' I thought of what L hadr. ead about Lydia Ir" Pinkham's`Vege- table Compound and. tried it. The. first t e ro ht rea . bb t1 b ug �, iielief and 'six bottles'•,; have entirely cured me. All women who have female. trot ble'of anykind •should try Lydia E. ' e to le Compound." — sVegetable e P'nkliam Y 13 i g«�. Mrs. ETTA DOEION Ogdensburg,. Wis. Mi esti ci nstt undoubtedly' $�'d theirb Phys! a nd y l battled with..this case steadily and cdul do no,more but often the most scientific treatment is surpassed by the medicinal properties of the good -old fashioned r contained in Lydia E roots ;and herbsi y ' Vegetable Compound., Plnleham s Ve thb. xlsts'it pays to e If. anycomplication kh m e ieino Lydia a M the L �. write� , or special free advice, yf CaLynn, Mass, ., T,y_.. , J D; •• , ISSUE 42—'1.7. esting. Here they nest to "he skepti- 1 rule to test' ever I3 treatment which is brought to4my attention Ilnving''specialized in' eye work .for the past twenty,.. ;sears, I believe 'I em qualified to express an - intelligent `opinion' on remedies i II b s applicnble,to the eyes. ,Since on Opto a hreeted such a sensation throughout the Milted States, and Canada, I welcomed the opportunity tb test it. I:began to use at in little over `a ear a co and I m practice a am frank to sa `that. the results. obtained Y 'suchli hesitateto tell o m * ;x- " re I e f e a that s� pPerlenee for fear it will sound incredihie. Sori1G, pf' the results I: have accomplished with Bon Opto not only astonished myself but,also other physicians With whom I have talked about it. I have bad mnnY individ- ualh who had worn glasses for years for far-sightedness, .near-•slglilo uessastigrna- tism and other eye weaknesses, tell meethey have dispensed with them through the adop- tion of;,,the Bon Oibto Prinefpal, Mnnv eye troubles can be traced directly to'lutisctithr nrt to u. °o t ac tot and felt atl'on andsi de B t 1 an Onto'Method 'tells how to esm`etse and tie• velop the eye iniisdles, it -reaches condttlons not possible through other means; I advise,' every'thoug.ghtt'ul ppbyiicinn to ,'study 830a Opte .principal give it:tho same careful. trial I grave and 'there is ho dotibt in'"ny nlihd "the will come t0 the eohclusioir I neve, ,namely, that the Bob O$to method opensthe door' ,for the' mire of Many. eye �rou 1 which r leers' l� i• b es l c have toforo e im os= w e11 p • Bible t' dope' with. Th tre t'ment i e i o o o s o 818101e in its applicntionthat if eau be used' at'home bv"aayone of average intelligence, iu my oleo practice I have seers it strenten rsis'' a K 'I f ' DE. JUDKINS caused by overworked, tired eyes which ins duced fierce heaciaeli'es. I hace,worn glasses for :several years, both for distance and biose work and Without, them I could not read my own name on an edvelope or the typewriting on the machine before me. an do both, now and have "discarded. my long distance glasses altogether. 1 can count the fluttering leaves . on the trees across the street' now, which for several years have looked like a diur'green blur to looked express 'n5. at what it has etas." I cannot o. p y joy v s donc'tor me." - "It is boileved that thousands Who wear glasses .can now discard them in•ei 'reason- iand'm• 1 1 des win. be able able.tmeuttu mote�� n e to strep •then their eyes soyas to be spared the trouble and expense of ever .getting g troubles f many descriptions glasses. Eye b o rn ny de .pti s may be wonderfully benefited by the use of this Prescription at home. Hero Is the pre- seelptioal Go to any active drug store mid e bottle of Bon Opto to tablets.Dropo1 get a b p one t` to let in a fourth n. o b l: ss So 0ofa a a e pS water -and let it dissolve. .With this It nld cY bathe tire's es two to four tinies Ton a Y daily. S.tu should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start aninflammation g d and.. redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you even a little, it is your duty to take stepsto seve them now before it la' too late; Many hopelessly blind alight line saved their sight it they had cared for their eyes"in time, 'N IS—.A.notiier pre, inept pbysltian to shim the above article was etlbmitted, salts 'Yes, the Bon' Opto prescription is truly ct wonderful eve renodY, It.s constituent ingredients are well ltuoiva to etninent'eve:'specialists and evldely: pre. Scribed by them. I. have used it very success.. tally in my own practice on eatieeto chose cycs were arsine/1 through overwork or miss " hese It is ono of the very few Prepnr itgioae �1 feelpsllould be kept on hand for regnlnr use'3ia nlrriOSt every 'fnmlly," lion Otto referred to above, is not a patent Medicine or a semen remedy. It Is an etliitnl preparation, the fol•• mala being printed on the pnckn e, ,The intulue faeturers guarantee it to strengthen eyesliri i 50 per cork in one week, S ,lite In many In to a stat ,os or refund the menet'. It Io •dlslivased 1i' nil good druggists, incliidiii ' general stores; also by O, Talnblyn and T. ,ilatoin & Co., Toronto, i + �) t.. Y a R;x t, a. r«�r ,Fc�,�r .o . esting. Here they nest to "he skepti- 1 rule to test' ever I3 treatment which is brought to4my attention Ilnving''specialized in' eye work .for the past twenty,.. ;sears, I believe 'I em qualified to express an - intelligent `opinion' on remedies i II b s applicnble,to the eyes. ,Since on Opto a hreeted such a sensation throughout the Milted States, and Canada, I welcomed the opportunity tb test it. I:began to use at in little over `a ear a co and I m practice a am frank to sa `that. the results. obtained Y 'suchli hesitateto tell o m * ;x- " re I e f e a that s� pPerlenee for fear it will sound incredihie. Sori1G, pf' the results I: have accomplished with Bon Opto not only astonished myself but,also other physicians With whom I have talked about it. I have bad mnnY individ- ualh who had worn glasses for years for far-sightedness, .near-•slglilo uessastigrna- tism and other eye weaknesses, tell meethey have dispensed with them through the adop- tion of;,,the Bon Oibto Prinefpal, Mnnv eye troubles can be traced directly to'lutisctithr nrt to u. °o t ac tot and felt atl'on andsi de B t 1 an Onto'Method 'tells how to esm`etse and tie• velop the eye iniisdles, it -reaches condttlons not possible through other means; I advise,' every'thoug.ghtt'ul ppbyiicinn to ,'study 830a Opte .principal give it:tho same careful. trial I grave and 'there is ho dotibt in'"ny nlihd "the will come t0 the eohclusioir I neve, ,namely, that the Bob O$to method opensthe door' ,for the' mire of Many. eye �rou 1 which r leers' l� i• b es l c have toforo e im os= w e11 p • Bible t' dope' with. Th tre t'ment i e i o o o s o 818101e in its applicntionthat if eau be used' at'home bv"aayone of average intelligence, iu my oleo practice I have seers it strenten rsis'' a K 'I f ' DE. JUDKINS caused by overworked, tired eyes which ins duced fierce heaciaeli'es. I hace,worn glasses for :several years, both for distance and biose work and Without, them I could not read my own name on an edvelope or the typewriting on the machine before me. an do both, now and have "discarded. my long distance glasses altogether. 1 can count the fluttering leaves . on the trees across the street' now, which for several years have looked like a diur'green blur to looked express 'n5. at what it has etas." I cannot o. p y joy v s donc'tor me." - "It is boileved that thousands Who wear glasses .can now discard them in•ei 'reason- iand'm• 1 1 des win. be able able.tmeuttu mote�� n e to strep •then their eyes soyas to be spared the trouble and expense of ever .getting g troubles f many descriptions glasses. Eye b o rn ny de .pti s may be wonderfully benefited by the use of this Prescription at home. Hero Is the pre- seelptioal Go to any active drug store mid e bottle of Bon Opto to tablets.Dropo1 get a b p one t` to let in a fourth n. o b l: ss So 0ofa a a e pS water -and let it dissolve. .With this It nld cY bathe tire's es two to four tinies Ton a Y daily. S.tu should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start aninflammation g d and.. redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you even a little, it is your duty to take stepsto seve them now before it la' too late; Many hopelessly blind alight line saved their sight it they had cared for their eyes"in time, 'N IS—.A.notiier pre, inept pbysltian to shim the above article was etlbmitted, salts 'Yes, the Bon' Opto prescription is truly ct wonderful eve renodY, It.s constituent ingredients are well ltuoiva to etninent'eve:'specialists and evldely: pre. Scribed by them. I. have used it very success.. tally in my own practice on eatieeto chose cycs were arsine/1 through overwork or miss " hese It is ono of the very few Prepnr itgioae �1 feelpsllould be kept on hand for regnlnr use'3ia nlrriOSt every 'fnmlly," lion Otto referred to above, is not a patent Medicine or a semen remedy. It Is an etliitnl preparation, the fol•• mala being printed on the pnckn e, ,The intulue faeturers guarantee it to strengthen eyesliri i 50 per cork in one week, S ,lite In many In to a stat ,os or refund the menet'. It Io •dlslivased 1i' nil good druggists, incliidiii ' general stores; also by O, Talnblyn and T. ,ilatoin & Co., Toronto,