HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-18, Page 8i `rLR 11H[11 1311A.'Y, ['Err. 1E1, 181.2 h > 1 ER uMA12IC. TS C"h tn7e:l Each Wednesday Wheat 2,10' tie, .Tao Oats .,,55 B t le 95 to 1;10 5,80 3.25 "42,00 ,,36.00 47 40 to 42 Eggs 42 Lard 31, Potatoes Pcr peck „ 35 Hay,, pet ton 10,001 to 12-00. Bogs 17, ; 1 amily Flour ., Low grade flour .. ,..... Bran, C•ru i .iery Butter . , ..,. . 1aairy Butter 1-IAS'T'INGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance Company Also lire and Accident Insurance, Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER, ONT. USED FORD FOR SALE. -In first class con.dittoa, four new tires. Ap- ply to F. 1'1, BOYLE, Exeter. • MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A number o good reliable me,n can. secure steady employment on :Munition Work. Apply to The Robt. Bell Engine &' Thresher CO, Limited Se.afarth, Ont• ESTRAY HEIFER. -There strayed front Lot 4, (Goin 6, Usborne, on oa about Oct. lst, a yearling heifer, red With a little white; ,tip of right ear cut off.' A reward evil' • be given, foi information that will ,lead to her re- covery. Albert Mitchell, ,,:Na.. 1 Centralia. commem HOUSE TO ,RENT. -Apply to Mrs. Wm, Hawkshaw, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON Agent, has five Cockshutt Riding Plows that he will sell at last year's price. Farmers can save $15 by buy- ing ,now: Came and get a plow be- fore they are all gone.. ESTRAY CATTLE There strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 6, Con. 4, Step- hen, four two-year olds, one greyish white heifer; Any .person giving in- formation that will •lead to their re- covery will be suitably. rewarded. WM. MOFFATT, Centralia. AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE. -Having taken over the Wat- kia's Agency from Mr. J. E. Gould of 1 ensall I am ,prepared to do business with all the old customers and others who have not previously uused the products I will be pleased to interest also. A full line now in stock Goads can be procured at residence at any fiznleu A full line of Linaments Cough Remedies, Spices and Extracts, Toilet Articles always on hand. Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter. WM. ANDREW, Travelling Salesman, Exeter, Ont. BREEDERS Auction Sale OF VALUABLE FARM STOCK on Lat 17, Concession 6, STEPHEN 1 1-2 miles north of Crediton on WEDNESDAY, OCT- 24, 12.30 o'clock sharp, HORSES 1 draught broad mare, 9 -y -ear r old, in ,aa1 toFrench Giron;1C1 Clyde mare rising 3 -years, got by King O'Gowrie 1 Clyde ,gelding, rising 2 -years, got by Charming Pince; 1 driving mare, ches nut .10 -years old; 1 hackney sucking colt, chestnut. 30 PURE BRED SHORTHORNS comprising 24 young cows and heifers same with calves at foot, others with calf; 6 goad ,young bull, all of choice breeding. CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION 16 CHOICE GRADE SHORTHORNS 5 cows in calf, to freshen early after Jan let; 3 yearling ste ers; 2 good yearling' heifers; 3 goad heifers, 1 -yr old; '3 choice spring (calves. HOGS 2 brood sows, 1 litter of suckling pigs. TERMS -;•ash, or seven months' credit on approved joint notes, with: 6 per cent. p 'r annum added. There will be ria •reserve. H. OESTREICHER & SONS Proprietors, Crediton, Oat, • FRANK TAYLOR, Auct, CAP'S.. 'I. E. ROBSON, Auctioneer. �. t•* ,ctaon ale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS' 60 Head of Choice. Cattle on, Lot 10, Con. 5., Stephen, ];' 1-4 mileswest of Crediton on, Tuesday October Z3rd, 1917, kat 12,00 o'clock sharp, the fallowing property, - Horses -7 roperty,-Horses-7, gelding, 4 -yr old, broke 7. gelding, 3 -yr -old, brake; ::1 filly, 3 - yr, old; 1 gelding, 2 -yr old; 1 driv- ing mare, Cattle -12 cows in calf, ranging 3 to 8 years ; 3 fresh caws, 2 three-year old heifers, :due time 01 sale; 6 two- year 'old steers; 5 to -a -year old heif- ers 6 orie-year 'old steers; 5 one- year old heifers; .1 two-year .Durham bu;l ; 1 registered Ileref or d bull, 2 -yr old 20 calves Pigs -2 no vs due . in December; 1 sow due ie. January. Implemcn..s-McCormick binder, Mc - Connie:: mo,yer, clover bunclier, wag- on tva za be., 2 set bobsleighs, cut- ter, `-ter, J.0 -1t, horse rake; 7 -ft horse rake riding Plow, 2 wvaiking plows, set dia- nond harrows, hay loader, 3 -horse Frost & Wood cultivator, seeder at - tined; 12 hoe drill; 2 gang plows; Massey -Harris cutting box; disc har- row ; far -row; cultivator; 2 hay racks, pi;g rack, buggy ;pole, Daisy' grinder, rai- ler crustier, turnip drill, Massey tti'a- horse carp Scuf;ler. Other' articles too iiuinerous 'to mention. Tel 411.,-Sinns of $1O- and under cash over that amours' _11. months' credit or fur,il,h•r approved joint notes. 4 per cent, off for cash in lint t of notes, 'Everything goes W, Prop R,'`t'f, LU']:KER, Auct. LOCM, DOINGS So 1 ;tie Richard Quance, sr,, has moved nto Mr; C 13. Sti'el.l's house, Andrea ,treet: The Exeter, Dashwoocl and Zurich tydro systemsare, now under the care of Mr„ 'I:t.. W. Doerr of Exeter. ,:he large and .long-established de- partment ,stare ,af Dgcl,s,o'n,'s, Limit ed of St AlImz'ys, ,has made an assignment•.. Canned vegetables, which azar»e beeit "restricted for the past two. months, may now be sold andused, is the announcement of the Food Controller, Thursday evening, Oct. 18, at 8 pe m. under the auspices of 'the Men's Club an, illustrated lantern lecture will be given in Trivitt Memorial ,School Hall, 'ors "The ,British Navy,past and present. The public are cordial- ly invited. Silver ciallec tioln, - Sunday, Dot, 21st, ,will be observed as Children's 'Day in Trivitt Memorial Church There will be service at 11 rem at which the S. S children' will be present, and an illustratedaddress at 3 p,m, an "the organized work of' the S S. ,o1 the, Church a1 England in Canada. There oval be no even - in Canada. There: will be no even ing service, The Girls' Auxiliary ;of the Trivitt Memorial church held a very 'success- ful meeting last :Friday evening, the attendance being excellent, consider- ing the inclement weather. The speak- er was Mr. Arthur Share of Ildexton, who spoke of the important work be- ing done by the Anglican, Church in the Indian Mission ,Schools of our \igrthwwre,i'. The members of the Auxiliary had ion ;exhibitioin, various articles of clothing ;for a little Indian girl. n-ho-ni they ;maintain, also ',some quilts and other articles which will be forwarded in a bale to the, Indian School at Onoksene. Light refresh- ments were served and a most enjoy- able and instructive evening was ap- preciated ` by all Soldiers' Aid fruit, jam and pickle shower for the Military Hospitals in London. Please leave your donation at Grigg's Stationery Store between now and Nov.' 1st. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. Keep in +mind the Evangejistic Ser- vices to be held in the Skating. Rink' Exeter, conducted by Evangelist Johnston, commencing Nov. 11. Tell others Auction Sale OF FARM. FARM STOCK, HAY, • .MANGOLDS & IMPLEMENTS. There will be ,offered far sale by Public Auction on Lot 23, Can 9; Usborne, on THURSDAY, OCT. 25th, 1917. - At 1 o'clock sharp the followings-- Horses-Brood ollowings-Horses-Brood ;hare, Agri 9 yrs. old; 2 'geldings, ,Aga -ii, 6 and 7 years old ; filly, Agri., 2 yrst olid; pair colts Agri., year •old; driving mares 7 yrs( Cattle -Registered Shorthorn bull, 3 yrs, old; caw, due ,at, time of sale; 2 cows due in Feb.; 6 cows due, in,_Mcli. April and May; 3 steers 2 yrs. old; 5 h'eifers 2 yrs. olid,; 5 steers 1 yr, old; 2 calves, Pigs. Etc. -Sow- with litter at foot; Yorkshire hag, 6 ;mos. old; 10 young geese and 25 -young ducks. Quantity hay in stacks 30 rows of good marigolds. Implements -Z lumber- wagons, dem ocrat, top 'buggy, 2 -furrow ridin� P1ow• single le furrowriding plow, v disc, seeder, set harrows, 4 sections; heavy double harness, new. mower, cutting box. horsepower, set double harness, used; 2 iron kettles, road scraper, set sling ropes, forks, !shovels, hoes, gra:bi bags and many (other articles. Also Faun half mile north of Far- qujaar, containing +50 acres of grass land; fenced with blood web wire fencing; , well drained; we11 and wind mill, and all seeded to, grass. Terms :-Real estate made known on day of sale; Chattels, $5 and under cash; over that amount 12 months' credit ors furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent; off for :-:ash on credit ani,aunits Positively no reserve as the propri- etor is retiring from ,farming. FRED HUN'KIN, T. CAMERON Proprietor ^ Auctioneer• Auction Sale OF FARM. FARM STOCK,:,TMPLE MENTS & HOUSEHOLD EJF.,FECTS There will be scold by public 'Auc tion,R.on Lot 18, Can. 2, Stephen, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER .19, 1917 AH1 'to'clack, the followwring property: Holt s es Brood mare 10 yrs. old supposed to be in foal; P.ercheron gelding, 5 years ,old,' black; driving mare 10 years :old, quiet and reliable. Cattle -Caw, supposed to be In calf heifer, supposed to be in calif; choice pair 2 -year -;old steers; one year old -steer, ;spring 'cal'f, About 60 young hens and chickens 10 geese. Implements-Massey-Idarris binder, 6 1t cut • , I Coran' ck t mower, 5 ft sulky rake 10 ft„ wagon, babsle chs, set diamond harrows,gangplow, 7 ay rack, gravel box, pig rack, fanning - mill,' wheelbarrow, root pulper, set double harness, ,set single harness Cocks.hutt roller, 'steel drum, new;; wagon. n box , r a1 vnbplow, bug- gy, cutter,: Neuf Iight wagon, 50 sap buckets, blankets, robes, grain bags, fence. stretcher, forks, chains, shovels, hoes, wvhi,flletrees, and other -, articles° tido, 'n.umerstaus mention; tola , 'tl- so number of cedar posts, 1A acre tur- nips, potatoes, 7 Shiver bees, Collie dog, There re will also s lie b old at 't'hesanie time and place 50 acres of pastur0 Iand being West half of Lot 6, North Town Line, Stephen, There 'are an the premises a never f'aili;ng well o'1' water with wind. mill, ,also good fen- ces. Terris -Real estate made known on day, of sale, 'Chattels, All sums of 510 and under cash; ,aver that amount 12 months' credit anfurnishing a i- nroved- toiet notes. 4 Pet' ce x ret,. ort' for cash on Credit amounts. W,, Robi,nsn'-. Aucti o'necr, Mn (a, J I ,shipped a car of horses to Winopeg on 'Suesdtiy, The residence; of lir. W H, 1\Iurtyn w hs sold on Saturday to lfi", Daymau of Klippen for $1225. "Mr Frank Delbridge• has been con- fined to his bed With appendicitis'tjre past week, but is now itiipro•ving'. Send in the local newvs and all of it. "If you know a1 something worth while that does not appear : in this paper that is your fault, not qurs. Tell us and we will print it. b' ,Y Ju�11a11by present praspeots, the i'cmniniug stretches ,ale rail fence jp, the county will the pulled down 'and cut this w;inteir 'for coiniless `towns- people Nat a few farmers in, some districts made ,quite.- a littlepile in. this way last winter, getting more than enough to put up wire'. fencing in the 'spring, • Public Utilities Commissioner H. E, Huston informs The Advocate that under .the old 'electric light system he paid far tone year's' service in, his residence $19.97. Under ;thee • Hydra system for light, with ironing includ- ed, he. paid 311,58. This shows' a saving of '38.39 for the year. Here is' a fair 'example ,of the benefit of hydro to 'the people of Exeter. Wellington Hern, who had 345 tak- en from ,his ,pocket while being medi cally examined at the armories, Lon d,on, has not been able 'to. recover ,it. A military court of enquiry heard the evidence o1 the men ,iln the room ,at the time: but nothing definite \\=ases tablished, except that ,the money 'was - niissing+; The bills, were 'left in his tr'ousers' pocket, while he was in the 44 examination roan(. - At each military ,exemption tribun- al there will be a military represent- ative, not to preside, but we presume, to' hear incl question on behalf of the militia those applying for exemption. Ili Huron the 'following have been appointed, -Exeter, Samuel Martin; Zurich Cit .s. McD'onell ; Clinton, A. 5; Grigg ; Seaiiortit„ Jas, Hayes, Brus- sels, Jahn Harris; Gorrie, James A•rm- stz ong ; W.inghain, David 'McDonald; Dungannon Thos, Allan; Goderic.h, Geo. Porter:' • BOUGHT FARbX-`,Ir, Ben Maki,as of the London. Road north, has pur- chased from the Canada Company 100' acres ,of land on the Parr Line, Hay, north of Mr. Joseph 'McDonald's. He will use it as pasture land. D1EI) OF BLACK.-JajG.-A two- year -,old steer belonging to Mr, Geo, Westcoit of Usborne was found dead in \Ir _Eli Snell's.pasture field, Ste- phen, on Saturday .evening last. Dr. Reid was called ;when ' it was found that the animal 'shad died of black- leg or black ;quartet', The disease is a dangerous, one, being infectious a- mong young ,cattle, and is character- ized by ;high -fever and formation of more or (less extensive crackling swelling under the ,skin, death result- ting in pearly all'cases. The attend- ing veterinary ?ordered ''hheanimal buried very deep and all the rest of the herd vaccinated, TO WIN THE WAR. -During the past week pledge cards issued by the Food Controller, asking that wheat, beef and; bacon be conserved,' have been distributed throughout' ,town, and we understand 't, ;greater number have been signed. That 'the name Hof the Food Cont'rolller is attached to the card is sufficient to designate the importance of the leauest. It is to be hoped that every household is in sympathy With the objects of the ,re- quest and will carry out conscieii- ran t'. tour] Y - the advice and directions t of the Food Con:troll,er., ' The normal c•tnsumption of wheat, beef a.ncl ba- con must be ;reduced by at least 25 per cent.a.n order to,' meet war needs, The requestis not only made to' cone• serve the food commraditi,esbut also to avoid w ante.; Waste nit' any time is bad, but in war time. itt .is one of the worst of crines. Let every goad housewife to her 'duty and thus help win the. wear. -a� Mrs, (Capt.) Hewitt, with her babe, has returned from Toronto. Mrs. N. 3. (Dore is, visiting, in. Ham- ilton, 'Kingston anti .Renfrew. Miss Warbrick,.after 'a visit with Mrs. Sharp, has returned t•a her Home in Bolton. Mr. Arc.hi,e Towers arrived haute last week from the west where he spent several weeks, Miss Emma Thompson of Taranto visited a :fee+; days at the home of Mt. and Mrs, Wm. Penhale, - Mr. 1?. W. Gladman, and farni,ly and Miss Kathleen :Siewart'nvotored 'Lel Toronto Friday ala spend a few days. Mr. Burwell motored" to Union on Saturday, Mrs- 'Burwell, after a two weeks' visit, ,returned with him ' Sun - Mr. Wm. Ramsay, ,son. of Rev, Or, Ramsay of Toronto, a returned sold- ier, wisited with his grandmother here Last week. Mr. Jas Collingwoa.l and famiiy of Flamiltan returned to their home on Monday alight, after a visit with rel- atives -here, a Mr, and Mars,,. U. E. McTaggart .and family are spending a' couple Weeks holidaying with ?relatives at Exeter, HennaU and Toronto -Ely a t h Standard Mr, Rawsen of Wyoming spent a mew (lays with Mrs. Rawsen at Mrs. W. G. Bissett's, He ;returned Monday <t.acl Mrs, Rawsen, returned Wednesday ;qr. W 11 'Martyn' was up from Leo •Ida nst vee I,a w k for the e auction sale on S ttt •cl IS a He and M Martyr; ys Tar x Y are nowt comfortably settled in their new home in the city Recent visitors' in •town were, -Dr. Clair Woad of Landoin,, Thos. Colli,ng•- wiry d r• o of London, n an, Miss Marian Fllatcli- Carc+ , of Taranto', Lee Blatchford oC Windsor Mr, and Mrs, Will McLaugh- lin Of hi Brantford, lv1?ifss Maud Johns o ••g.. Kiri f Brig :den, is'Ivas I-Iatr>,iltan ofof„teat+-•; "cline, Dr and Miss Stanbury of Tor- 1 onto,, Dr, and Mrs. Sweet, who have been on a four 'months' sojourn in, duffer (.ti c parts .of, the west, including Seat- tle, Vancouver, ;Edmonton and sev- eral other of the larger cities, retur.n• ed lronie on Friday evening last, Me Yid Mrs Sweet have seas a great re:li iof the great west during theft tbsrenee and 'enjoyed their outing Very ouch, but in all their travels thee( ,e3 place ttlaaf compares favorably + hit of goad ,old Ontario, PHONE 'NO 32 Swagger NewWi ter Coa 8 BIG VALUES IN N Our Furs were bought early ani have a magnificent assortment to sh BLACK DOG SETS BLACK WOLFE SETS BLA,C'K FOX SETS' 'RED FOX' SETS _ CHILD'S WHITE SETS .Another Shiet Jest Arrived WE ARE I-IAVING A BIG COAT SEASON AND ARE HAVING NEW COATS AND NEW STYLES COM- ING • IN EVERY WEEK, ANOTHER NEW BUNCH FOR THIS' WEEK IN REAL NIFTY EF- FECTS THAT WILL SURELY CATCH YOUR EYE, EW FUR : SETS. are just as cheap as, last year, •We ow you. Prices right. NATURAL LINK SETS - NATURAL BEAR SETS ALASKA SABLE SETS JAP FOX SETS CHILD'S' COLORED SETS. NEW, STRIPED SILKS. For Skirts or Waists:, Sone very swell patterns and all the style, for Fancy Skirt's or .Waists. LADIES' UNDERWEAR Notwithstanding the very high, prices on Ladies' and Children's underwear we were ;fortunate to have a big stock bought early and can give you (sone extra go'o3 val- ues,. HOSE . For Every one, Fine Wool, heavy wool, cashmere, fleeced, union, and cotton. NEW WAISTS Just ,arrived -a swell lot of New White Silk, Stripe Silk, Georgette Crepe, Silk Crepe, ,White. Voile ailed Colored Striped Voile, MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR, Winter " Underwear -in all wool, union and fleeced. SHIRTS 1100dozen shirts at add p ices GLOVES AND _MI'FTS All kinds of Ladies' Men's and Bays to show you at reasonable prices. JONES Hem-iilarte$- for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing nom" Auction Sale OF-F°AR\I STOGI; ,& ILPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -• Th'ere will be; sold by Public Auc- tion, on Lot 10, Con, 9, -Stephen, 1j4 Miles West -of ICreidlilton,, on SATURDAY, OCT. 20th., 1917 At 1 +o'clock •sharp the following :-- Live -Lives Stock -Driver, draught mare in foal; heavy Horse 4 years old; Per - c .en � colt 2 h ot. yrs. old; Southport colt. 2 yrs "old; Perchieran Rolf, 3' yrs. old 4 cotes supposed to hie in calf; 7 yearling, steers and heifers, 5 calves, • Implements-Bin+de.r, mower, hay - rake, combined 'seed drill, spring tooth cultivator, disc, 'harrow, 2 .plo+ww s, eul- kY _Plow. gangpiow, is;cuififles, land roll- er, 2 wagons, buggy, sulky, bobsleigh, 2; sets 'double "harness, DeLa.val cream separator, used 2 pears ; forks, chains 3 bee -hives, `a quantity hay, a duan: ti'ty mangles, svagHouv box, pig rack and other articles too numerous. to ' men, tion - Hausediold Efifects-Dinning room table and 6 ,chairs,, parlor ia.bl;es aired lamp, sitting noom chairs, bedroom suite, : bee] (springs and mattresses, aideboard, wall pictures, carpets, kit- chen, stove, 'table and chairs, sap pails, syrup pans, etc: Term's -$5 arca under cash, over f rat° amount, , 10'months credit on ap- proved joint ?notes. 4 per cent off 'for cash an: credit amounts. W. H.. GAISER, Prop, FRANK. TAYLOR, Auct. Auction Sale BEAL ESTATE & t10•USE1-101':D IEI+- ,i I 'FECTS ' The undersigned; has receivedin- strnctions from hairs:' Thomas Bis- sett to sell by [public auction( on sat- urday,'Oot. 20th, 1917 at ono p.m., the following effects,; 2 kitchen tabic' ; 1 wardrobe; 2 kitchen euj>boalyds; '1 grange 'cdal or woodnearly new; 1 wood stove 2 bedsteads; 1 mattress a tress ' 1 set bed ;springs • 3 isnzal] is 4. , -tables „ , dining 1•00.0a, chairs; 1 organ; 2 kit- chen chairs; 1 upholstered frocking chair;, 2 rocking cibiair,s; 1 couch 1 'dishes, gems, butter crock. pictures garden tools, linoleum, and a lot of. other. articles too numerous to men;-' tion, 'Hofiise .and' lot'situated on cor- ner ol.','William ,and Gjdle3 , St, On the property is a cote+folrtable cottage ,containing 7 rooms. i bard and soitn wa ter; cellar under house all int good ,state of repair; This property can! be .divided so as to make 2 nice lots a,ff parties so idesire and wit1 brr'sop iia; two sections lir parties so ,des:rc. Nc better building lot in ::Neter ; s)tua- toTnEA11\IS,-1Io:tschcld 'effects--Cttsl. Real Estate -Made known onday c <rs a(; sale or' on 'appli^-anion to the under- signed. i'fra, Thos, Bissett '13iS. t P, cs.S Auc, ANc� Fall Suit! TAILORED TO ORDER - WILL BE FAR MORE BECO1bIiNG Yet Cost No More +w.rtaw.. We havea large, plumber of New Fall. Suits and pveeciaati,ivgs -that wait your arrival -a wide assortment of Fasixion's Chosen ,colors, -soft hand- s,orrne Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades. OUR ASSORT}MENT OF Ladies' .- Suitings the Finest we have ever had. The - studied exactness in measuring and becoming designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes produces a com- pleteness of fitting and a pleasing- ness of appearance that a ready-made can never .hope .to equal. Na Lady. knaves how well she can appear in a Suit or Coat until sho has one, cut, 'to measure. - -OUR STOCK 'IS COMPLETE GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES ATrnN �. CE Ts rAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Motel. Furniture and Undertaking R N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea &. Coffee Store For the c h oic eat groceries, `fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every thrn in the grocery line. Gall and see us.A 'trial as to quality will covin - ce. Produce taken in exchange Jt. Gould . Next The Metropolitan Hotel. eter argain. Clothing WE HAVE IN STOCK ,A'NUMBER 0:F MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS BOUGHT IT I BL O THERISE' 1" RE IN PRICE -*THEY. ARE -EXCEPTION AL VALUE, • U 'E OUR SPECIAL. ORDER SAMPLESAREHERE, ,. . AND. W)J �It. e h ]eased to . P have youcbanpan e aur values with �otlie;rs. OUR MADE -,M TO I;ASURE' SUITS AND T 1V•U OVERCOATS. SATISFY, SHOES` SHOES Naw id the tine. to buy your heavy shoes for Fall, We, have them, Our Assortment of Fine. Shoes was never better TRY US FOR YOUR NEXT PAIR. • W F. Beavers