HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-11, Page 8EXE FER A]i I7C,ATE i'H,IIRSIA'X, IGT, i', J1 EXETER :1\'iARI<E'1'S Changed ,Each Wednesdays Wheat 2.10 Ontario Oats„..,. -55 Barley° s.. ..95to 1,10 Family Flour 5.80 Low grade flour 3.25 Shorts .,. 42,00 Brea + y ..36.00 Creamery Butter 17 Dairy Butter ,,. 38 to 40 30 Lardp31 Potatoes er peck5 Tay, per ton 10l 0 to 1.2.00 1 -fogs „ .,. ,. 17.75. USED FORD FOR SALE. -In first class !comclit'on, four new tures r Ap- ply to F. M. BOYLE, E*etelr, Iw1E\r WANTED FOR A'TU.NITION WORK • A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment on Munition Work, Apply to The Robt, Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Limited Seaforth, Ont. AGENCY FOR THE WATKIN'S LINE. -Having taken over the Wat- kin's Agency from Mr. J. E. Gould of Hensall I am .;prepared to do business with all the old customers and others : wvho have not previously caused the products I will be pleased to interest also. A full line now in Gtocic' Goods can be procured at residence at any drilla,. A full line of Linaments Cough Remedies, Spices tad Extracts, Toilet Articles always On hand. Phone orders promptly at- tended to. Phone 43 Exeter. WM. ANDREW, Travelling Salesman, Exeter, Ont, BREEDERS Auction Sale OF VALUABLE FARM STOCK en Lat 17, Concession 6, STEPHEN 1 1-2 miles mortar of Crediton on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 12;30 o'clock sharp, - HORSES 1 draught brood mare, 9 -year old, in foal to French Giron; 1 Clyde mare rising '3 -years, got by King, O'Gowvrie 1 Clyde gelding, rising 2 -years, got bS- -Charming P,rince.; 1 driving mare, ches nut ,10 -Years old; 1 hackney sucking calt, chestnut. 30 PURE BRED SHORTHORNS comprising 24 young cows and heifers 'some with calves at foot, others with 'calf; 6 good ,youn:g bulls, all of choice breeding. OATALOGUE ON APPLICATION 16 CHOICE GRADE SHORTHORNS 5, cows in calf, to freshen, early after Jan ,1st; 3 yearling ste ers; 2 good yearling heifers; 3 goad heifers, 1 -yr:. old; 3 choice spring !calves. HOGS 2 broad sows, 1 litter of suckling pigs. TERMS -Cash, or seven months' credit on approved ;joint notes, with 6 per cent. per annum added. There will be i,a reserve. H. OESTREICHER & SONS Proprietors, Crediton, Ont. FRANK TAYLOR, :Auct. CAPT. T. E. ROBSON, Auctioneer. Auction Sale 100 HEAD CHOICE DURHAM CATTLE on Lot 3, Con. 4, B1areshard, half mile east of ti rkton, on Wednesday, October 17, 1917, at one o'clock sharp 5 cows. with ,calves at feat. 5 cows due tta calves at time of sale 6 cows due an November 4 cows due in, December These cows are from the choice herds of Jas. Gardiner, Chas. Atkiin-x son, Phil. Blackler, Hector Taylor, Archie Rabrran, Etc 20 two -yr steers 1100 to 1200 lbs. 20 two -yr -old steers 1000 to 1100 ib 20 yearling. steers 10 yearling heifers 10 spring calves Thi is the finest herd of cattle I base eve: offered' for sale, and will be positively ;sold !without 'reserve, and every cow sold will he strictly guaranteed Two heivy draught sucking colts sired by Pacific will also be afferet9 for sale Terms -Seven months' credit will be given on approved joint notes with 4 per cent. ALFRED PAUL, Prop. PERRY F. DO UPE, Auct. Attu•,n Sale 4 LQQAL.DOMs. The very frequent rains of the last two weeks. are delaying tlue potato' and bean hat:vest, but the; !and is fide for, ploughing, --Vis--.. Call at the nsill eon ruse clean brant for baking. 1-1OUSE TO RENT. --Apply ro .11rs. Wm, Hawkshaw, ;Exeter, LOST, -On Saturday (evening Sept 29th a gold stick Din, Ji ars asic e shape valued as a keepsake, Kindly leave at this office and !receive reward. LITTLE PIGS!- WANTED --Will buy a number of little pigs at"once,-Geo. Arrri,strong, Exeter, In order to ;cut djowni the cost of living use more porridge, Try VVHEATL' E'1'S made by Harvey Brae. It may not be quite, so white as some other makes but it cooks better and certainly eats right, Use with cream and sugar. 'ESTRAY CATTLE Thera strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 6, Can, 4, Step- hen,' four two-year olds, ane greyish white heifer, Any Person giving in-, formation that will lead to their re- covery well 'be suitably rewarded. WM, MOFFATT, Centralia, Auction Sale OF FARM, FARM ,STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS R HOUSEHOLD E FECTS There will be ,sold by public Auc- tion, on Lot ,18, Cam. 2, Stephen, an FR1'DAY, OCTOBER -19," 1917 At 1 o'clock, 'the following property: Hearses-,Bra:od' mare 10 yrs_ old supposed to be in foal; Percheron gelding, 5 years told, black; driving mare 10 vears old, quiet. and reliable. Cattle -Cow, supposed to ,be in calf heifer, supposed tarbe int calf; choice pair 2-y'ear-old 'steers; one year old steer, spring calf. About 60 young hens and chickens 10 geese. • Implements -Massey -Harris binder, 6 ft. cut; 'McCormick mower, 5 ft, cut; sulky rake 10 ft.; wagons, bobsleighs, set diamond harrows, ga•ngplo.y, hay rack, gravel ;fro-, pig rack, :. fanning - mill, v,±eel2arrow, root `pulper, set double harness, set single harness Cockshut'c roller, steel drum, new; wagon box; walking plow, bug- gy, cutter, tsetsffler, light wagon, 50 sap buckets, blankets, robes, grain' bags, fence stretcher, forks, chains,` shovels, hoes, ww-hiffletrees, and other article:: too numeho'us-itoo mention; al- so number of cedar posts, acre tur- nips, potatoes, 7 (hives bees, 'Collie dog. _There, will also', be sold at the same time and place 50 acres of pasture) land being West 'half of Lot 6, North Town Line,' Stephene There are on the premises a never failing well of water with wind mill, also good fen- ces. Terms -Real estate made known on day of sale. 'Chattels, All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. 4 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. W. E. Sanders, C. Robinson, Proprietor Auctioneer. OF FARa2I FARMYI ,STOCK, MANGOLDS & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 27,, Com 14, Hibbert, Town- ship, onTuesday, October 16, at 1 o'clock sharp, the .:1ollawwrin.g, Horses -2 mares 5 yr -old, agricult'l ;- driving mare, 'quiet and reliable far lady to drive. iGattle-6 'cows ,supposed to be• in calf; 3 steers 2 -yr -old; 4 heifers, two year old; 2 heifers one-year old; 6 calves, Also. 17 -geese and 100 hens and pullets, and a Quantity of hay and 13 drills of inangolds. Implements -I. Mikado buggy, �jnew ; (raga is and box, geoid top buggy, open 'buggy bobsleighs, cutter, riding plow news a used tidying (pionh 2 walking e ,• seeder, rel plows, dust,; cultivator, s e , rattler, sc_flaer harrows, binder, er , mo- wer, ho, ss rake set of scales, aanaing mill se. double harness, set single I:are:ass set slings and ropes, hay- rack, r i o i vise, sap pan, buckets, 2 iron kettles, fence ;wise, grindstone, svh,eelstu row, ladders, • whiffletrees, n,eckyoitcs, chains, forks, shoveJs,hoes tree ereaani separator, ,coakstave,;kit- e,hen cupboard, 2 rocking chairsnihneti Wardrobe, twlto IoungeS, and other.ar- tiCle; too numerous to mention`. Real N s[ate-Ciansilsti,ml, of Nort h half Lot 15, concession 5, Hay Tos4n- ship . co:ilainin4 50 acres pastureland Terms -Of Real Estate, made knoWn on day - o{ sale. 01 Chattels- Sures of 35 and tinder cash„ ow=er that arn- ' outwt 12 months' credit ; iivcn on ap- proved notes. A discount of iiveiper cents per annul -it off for cash on. credit amounts, GEORGE`1408KIRK, Prop, THOS- CAMERON, Alict. Auction Sale OF VILLAGE PROPERTY ' AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. on Albert Street, Exeter, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1917 at 1,30 ia'clock, the following, - Village Property -A one and a half storey frame ;house in good repair,. e- o and i n n fifth acre of land, situate on corner e h or - ne,, ofaanles and Albert ' J lber Sts. There are on. the premises a good stable, and nearly All kinds of fruit trees and bushes. , Effects -Walnut parlor suite, good DiohertY organ, '2 -bedroom suites, one of walnut; sideboard, oak extension table, 2 rocking chairs; arm :'chair, -kitchen chairs; 1 National range, one - Garland Heater, good as dew, one coal oil 'stove; clock; carpets, mats, crocks. dishes. Also carpenter's tools bucksaw ,And horse, .quantity of old lumber and scantling, 'and a few ced- ar posts. :And many other articles, Terms -Chattels, Cash; real estate made known on day of sale, W. H. MARTYN, Prop. C W. ROBINSON, Auct. Auction Sale The Exeter Canning C,o will, start the corn pack this week., being much later than usual. Pte Brown has 'been quite i11 dur- ing the. week. 1 -Es ,soon, Plc, 1Villiaant. Brown was home for the hof day, Mr, Lee Wi,tson has purchased the frame dwelling '.aa the :corner of Car- ting uoyl Ann Streets, fnom Mr, A, Cottle. Monday was Thanksgiving DaY---anel quite the quietest santl clrearest' day of the year, Still, that's no, reason why we should not be thankful . 11r Gomer, who has been account ult act 'the Exeter branch( of the Banlc of Commerce for the pas, '6 months, has receesse#d notice Of transfer to Orangeville, and 'expects to leave for that place next:,v,'e;ek: The Harvest Home Thanksgiving Services in, James Street church on Sunday were bright anal interesting,_ Rev. W. G. H. McAlister, former paStor preached ed interesting esernians and his; many friends were pleased to hear hini again. The church was veii•y nicely decorated and the music ww-as of a special nature, • ' At thwe meeting Hasty week it 'was decided by those present from, the Methodist churches to cnyite the Johnston party to Exeter to conduct an evangelistic, campaign commencing November 1.1th. The invitation has been accepted. Officers elected are,-; B W. F. Beavers, chairman; J. U. Jones, vice; T. Harvey, Treas.; W, -S, 1-larvej-, Sec, The ,rink will likely be engaged far thie'meetirtgs. At a special vestry meeting of „the Trivitt Memorial Church, held -in the School Hall on We.dnesday night of last week, it was decided„ ta. raise the salary of the reactor, Rev. A. A., Trum- per. the same taking affect the first of October of this yean. It 'was ,also decided to ,make a canvas of the Par- ish to strengthen the missionary giv- ings. The matter ofchanging the date .of the financial _year of the church from APs -ii ,15th, to that.: of the 31st of December, was discussed and while there were good:' and just reasons for making sure 'change, the matter. however, was left in abeyance for further consideration, • HOME FROM THE WAR.- 2 vo men of this district returned home tnam France this seeelr. Pte. 'Rourke of St. 'Marys, : 4tli Ct \f, R wounded at the Somme and: also at _Ypres, Also Pte. ilolris L. Webber bE Zur- ich, 2nd Pioneers, wounded at Vimy Ridge, and again back of the lines in an air raid. OF FARM STOCK: & IMPLEMENTS 60 Head of ;Choice Cattle on. Lot 10, Con. 8,.-, Stephen, 1 1-4 miles ,vest of Crediton, on, Tuesday October 23rd, 1917, ,at .12.00 o'cl,ock. sharp, the followvin;g ,property,-- Horses-1 property,-Horses-1 gelding, 4 -yr old, broke 1 gelding, 3 -yr --old, broke; 1 filly, 3 - yr. old; 1 gelding, 2 -yr old; 1.driv- ing ; mare; ',. Cattle -12 caws in'calf, ranging 3 tib' 8 years; •3 fresh ,caws, 2 three-year old heifers, dune time of sale; 6 tea - year old steers; 5 two=year old hell ers ; 6 one-year old steers; 5 one-` year old heifers; 1 -two-year :Durham btII ,1 registered rte ed Hereford bull, 2 -yr old 20 calves Pigs --2 saws due in December, 1 sow due in January, Implements. -._McCormick binder, Mc Cormick ((rower, clover lunches', wag - cm, wagon box, 2 set bobsleighs, scat-' ter, 10-1t. horse rake; 7 -ft horse rafcc rid in pyo\ 2 walling Ptows sat 1•a,. rtron(' harrows . 3 -has -se , y hay" loader, Frost & Wood cultivator, sneclnr 'at- tached ; it-tached; 12 hoe drill; 2 garigiploivs;` Massey -Harris cutting Wax; dischar- row ; arrow; -cultivalor; 2 hay racks, pi.g,. rack, buggy pol;e, Daisy grinder, rol- ler c ishe, p r turn(,.. drill Massey two- !nurse 'dorii •snuffler. Other articles( tab numerous to mentian.. Term:s---Sums` o,f :$1.0 anal under -cash o -ser that amount 11. months' credit or. furnishing approved Joint. notes, 4 pet cent 'off fat -cash inlieu o(:- notes; ff elry'thiing goes • W. HILL, 'Pop R. T. LUKE; L Acct. \Ir. Frank Mallett was up from Lon don over Sunday. " Miss Olive Woad of London was home for the holiday, Mr ,Oliver Davis was name. from Zurich for the holiday: , Latimer Grieve of Toronto was home over the holiday. Mr. Walter Dearing of Landon was a hialiday visitor (aw 'town. - Mr Wes, Lamport of London spent _Monday Jiere with ,friends. - Mr. Will 'Amus of- Stratford spent the holidays at his ,home! here. \•Ir Hellyar of Toronto visited this week with Mr. James Beverley. Miss : Hatham of London visited ov- er Sunday with Mrs. McAvoy. Miss Stella Gregory of Chatham, was at he;r hrame here far the. holiday.sl: • Miss Gladys 'IKestle 'of near Hamil- ton was home over the week end. Mr, Bert Gillies of Walkerville was. aholiday visitor with his ,parents., Mr: Calepian Maacur of: Peterboro; visited this week .with his parents, Iius Fanny Bowey of London. spent' Sunday and Monday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. M+onctir after a here returned to Taranto. this week, Mr. Garvey Acheson of St, Thomas spent Thanksgiving at his hornc here, 'Ms. Victor Sweet nt Windsor spent Thanksgiving with his parents here. Mrs. I. 'Armstrong .and Miss May were in Luckniow over the holiday. Mr. Nelson Hill of 'Windsor spent Thanksgiving with his parents here, Mr. • Russell _I. Russ t B11 wv' i _ Balkwill ,of :Sarnia was bare with hes parents over the hall day. Mr. Harry ;Fuke. of Parkhill was here with his' parentis .,over the ; holi - day. Mrs. Gaodisoat andeTwo children, of Sarnia _visited at Mrs. D.''Johns' over Sunday =" Mr•. G. W. 1Htalnuan of Egnr)andville; visited with ,relatives here ,;over the holiday, _ Mr. and Mrs,, (Chris Teal ;Ind child- ren of London visited with, Dr. and Mrs" Reid. Mr_ and Mrs, J a Inwood and daughter of London visited- here aver: the week end. \rr: Bricksysaad and ;daughters of London spent -,a fe:w days in town - during ;the week. Ansi kb's. Arthur Hoskins of Brantford visited with friends here during the week, ivh: and Mrs:, Frank Hunt •af Lon- don visited at i\'Lr. "I: Armstrong's ov- er MYTanday night. 'Nils Earl Spackman, of Guelph spent. the holiday here with his. father, Mr. Ilug.h Spackman. Mar, and Mrs. Chas. Percy and Miss Rose .of London. spent Thanksgiving at Mr. W J. Bissett's. Mrs. Frank Oke and son of 'Toronto •; wi sted with Mrs. Clark over the holi- day, returning- Tuesday evening. M'rs. Arthur Honor, .nee M.abel'lilem:p and son of Fort George, Hudson Bay, are visiting al ,Mr. HC E,,,,lustoln,s," ivIi, and Mrs. Alex. Stewart and children oI London ondoaw were week end guests of 'Vrr. And iklrs'e.Wm.. Creech; \Ir, and Mrs. 'Loouis.•lacobs and fam- ily of '.[ i.tc.hener visited over the hol- iday with'elr, and Mrs Jiohnr Jacobs. My, and Mrs: N, Q. Hein' and \Lr, and Mrs M. E. Matheson. of Norwich were holiday visitors at yr. Jaynes 1'Iel`rt:y, ' 7avis left irn Wednesday y t'sr `i'tfi•nlicrrry Towvii:s'hi.p, near Witng- !land where he will visit for a few wwceks,, e ,1V d :a have : Mr, -air, Mrs', E Clarke 1 'tv re- turned to Chicago, after a visit with •tlae former's parenits, !alts and Mrs; Thomas Clarke of ;Usbornc. A. HASTINGS, Agent for CanadaLrife Assurance Co m anv Also Eire and Accident Tristirance Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER; ON T7 P E ON IT 1N O 32'- • •' P ON •. . . en s Fall anw. inter Ovrcoa-ts.:- In .suite of th,e present • high cost of Woollens, by ,wnalcing heavy pur- chases of ur-chasesof these limes a year in advance, we are able to sell 'our - big stock. of'Men,'s ,Overcoats at the same price as last 'winter. These Coats are all ..made., of .goloid, lrf:avy Cla`hs in the leading ,Fall Shades with eith- er 'Shawl or Military Collar. We in,vibe you to pomeini.,and see the val- ues we are offering in these Coats,. THE ,LINES BELOW WILL INTEREST MANY MEN'S BLACK BEAVER OVERCOATS wvitlr Velvet Collar for best wear A few left at positively_ old prices. MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS in fide. Serges at 315.00 to ` $22.50 MEN'S FINE TWEED OR WORSTED SUITS in •a21 the latest calors. Also big ran.ge;'Men's Suits -eta be sold cheap far 'every clay .wear. MEN'S FAWN OR TWEED RAINCOATS -best English make, just the thing ,for Fall at from, 36,75 up. FITWELL AND WALTHAUSEN :SOFT FELT HATS for Men, All the lates-t- styles. Also add Hats forisr4ack-abaut. YOUTHS' OVERCOATS in beautiful cloths in Swagger Styles, We :have a : fine range of these. coats to fit big School ,Bays,. LITTLE 'BOYS' OVERCOATS -often hard to get. We have then in nifty belted or plain styles. We advise you to buy these early, as' we cannot replace these lines at anything near the price. BOYS' SUITS AND ODD BLOOMERS GALORE, in goad wearing suits, Sanford's or :Lion Brand. Scores of suits to :choose from: SHOE AND RUBBER DEPT. A few more linh.s of Empress Shoes to, clear :at $3.00 and 5,3.50. All heavy ,and light rubbersare its. Buy' your supply early as. prices are very uncertain,. A full range :at' Rubber Boots for Men, Wonieen and Clrildrera,,si. cSee our lime of Men's Work Shores, before buying, as they are at prices the same as last rFa,ll, ' ONES & MAY Haadquartssris for the celebrated W. E. Sanford' Clothing • Miss Gladys Bissett was in Clinton •ower Sunday, Mr. Clarence' ;Morley of the Mol - sons Bask staff • there,. has been mov- ed to St. Marys, Miss Ethel and Miss Beatrice Quick af. Lcrhdon ,visited_ at Mr, W. H. Dear- ing's..ow•es the iialiiday, - Miss Mary 'A. Tom left on Monday for Toledo, where she intends 'spend- ing several months with her brother, Mr. Frank Toni. Mr. and llrs.' Jarvis Dicics;a,t of Chatham and Miss Annie Terry ,of Landon visited Mr. 'and Mrs, M,• E. Gardiner during the. week.: Corn Growers Farmers" who are growing corn, for the Exeter Canning \Company „will please bring in ,'.cobs when they, will be advised when .ta make.; deli.iery. t. Help wanted as soon as factory starts. `' S M. Sanders, Manager, Auction. Sale OF FARM. FARM STOCK, HAY„ MANGOLDS &• IMPLEMENTS. There will be offered for sale by public Auctipn on Liot 23, Coil 91 Usborne, on THURSDAY, OCT. 25th, 1917: At 1' ia'ciock sharp' the following,;- Htotrses-,Brood ;pare, Agri., 9 yrs. old; 2 rgeldings, A,grit, 6 and 7 years old; filly, Agri., 2 ,yrst . ol'd pair: colts Agri., year old; driving mare; 7 •yisl; Cable-Re:gistere•d Shorthorn bull, 3 yrs. ,old; caw, !due. ,attime of ,sale; 2 cows slue,in Feb, ; 6 cows due, i,n Mch. April ant May ;. 3 stleers- 2 yrs.'fo,id; 5 'Heifers ,2; ;yrs. ial;cir, 5 s�te<ets 1 yr. akl; 2scalps, Piga. Etc: -Slow with, litter at foot; Yorkshire hog, 6,im;os, sold; 10 young geese an;cl 25 'young ducks: •Quantity .hay in stacks; 30 -rows of 0o mangolds. d d s. : 1 �, g ImPlements-2lumber vagons, dem act-at, • ,top -buggy, 2-furnowv • riding plow; single ftrrraw'.riidin'g plow, disc, seeder, set harrows; 4 sections; heavy double harness, ta,etir; mower; cutting box,horsepower set -clotiiile harness, 'used;. 2 iron kettles, road scraper, set sling ropes, licirkssIshovels hoes, gi_ti hags and, many other A130 Pan/1:1114Y c1s bar, puler, cOntaiiiiig 5t 'scree of grass land; = fernadc1`, with, !glood Wire re r fencw�ng; wwrll drained; well ,1nd ;sv.; wi,d• mill, and all_;seedecfa grass, Terms :- li al estate made known on day of sale; Chattels, 35 and. under cash; over ' that 'amount 1.2 rnfa,nths' credit pan`fu.r,teishing approved joint Notes,,;5..'per cent; off for cash ern credit am,otteits, P,nsiticely no- ,reserve as (hc propri- etor -is', retiring 1E'om farm�lni;, FRED HUNT<Is'f,, T. CAMERON_ Proprietor Auc t i ffsed, r cw Fall Spit TAILORED TO ORDER WILL BE FAR MORE BECOMING YeiCostNo.--More We have a large; ,number of New Fall Suits and ',Overdoati,ngs that wait your arrival -a wide assortment of Fashion's .Chosen ,colors, -soft -hand- snm•e Browns, and beautiful Greys of all shades. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' Suitin ` s k the Finest we have ever had. The studied exactness in measuring and bec,ominig designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes produces a com- pleteness of (fritting and a pleasitn,g- aess of appearance that a ready-made can never hope; .to 'equal. No Lady knows.. -haw weld phe'can, appear in a Suit ar Coat until • she has one cut to measure. OUR STOCK .IS COMPLETE GIVE USA CALL N. Sh _ re LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stud Upstairs, Opposite the ';entrap Hotel, Furniture and Undertaking o. o ROVE THE FUNER All' DIRECTOR AND -FURNITURE HEATER Tea. & Cioffee Store. For the , ct oi,cest groceries, fruits, spices, teas,cofee and "every- thrng in the grocery line. Call and see us, A trial as to quality will avin= Ce..r Produce taken in exchange, 3D Gould d Next, The Metropolitan Hotel Clothn WE; HAVil EN S'rOCK A NUMBER OF MEN'S AND IIOVS' StIrrS P l�#OUt�,�I;I1 BEFOREBEFORETHE RISE IN PRICE: THEY' ARE EXCEPTION= • L A VALU . V E ,C)12R 'SPECIAL ORDER,SANPLES.. ARHERE, AND D WE WI LL ���' >e Pleased to have you compare our:va-uc� with others.s, OUR MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS SATISFY, SHOES S11O7 5 NOW is he tirh6 Your heayy chaes for Fall. Wet •have .them, Our Ass•ortiiient ; ni Fr,ne Shoes seas never 'better 1121 ,US 5011 YOUR NEXT PAIR. .KW F.. Beavers 1,i