HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-10-11, Page 5SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of ' a family, or. -any male over 18 years old, who was at the comrnencement of the presetrlkFvas and has eince, oorLtinued, to be, a I3r11- ish subject or al subject, of an rallied or neutral country, may home- stead a quarter -section. of available land Dominion in ,Manitoba ,Sas atoh- ewan or Alberta. Applicant must t ap,- pear In person at •the Dominion Lands Agency or''Sub-Agency for: the is; telet. Entry by proxy may be ..Wade on certain .•.,conditions. •' ,Duties-. ,SLR months residence upon,, and cysltivatiioitt of land in each of three years, In certain districts..:a homesteader may secure ark adjoining cfuarter-sec- tion as pre-emption.. Price ,$3.00 per acre, Duties -Reside six months ' in each of three years after earning homestead patent and cultivate 50 acres extra. May obtain pre-emption patent as soon as homestead patent on certain conditions, A. settler after obtaining homestead patent if he cannot secure a pre- emption - may: take a ,purchas- ed homestead in certain, dl5tricts, Price $ .00 per acre. Duties -Must re- side six months in each of the three years; cultivate 50 acres and erect a honse;worth $30.0.' fdolcjers of entries may count time of employment as farm labourers In Canada during 1917, as residence iut- Les under certain conditions. When Dominion Lands are advert- ised or postecr"for entry,; returned: sbl- diers who have° 'served' overseas and have been honorably discharged, re- ceive one day priority in applying far entry' at local Agent's Offfcei but not Sub -Agency). Discharge papers .must be presented to agent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the alimister of the Interior N,B.—Unauthorized publication or this advertisement will not- •he, •,pa:d tor', ONTARIO'S BEST COMMERC IAL SCHOOL CENTRAL 1 /11. s 9 rFf3Rc: 81,14'f Courses arc thorough, the instruct- ors are experienced, students get in- divadual attention and graduates ar.e placed in positions, During3 months we. turned: clown over 300 calls for trained help. This' is `the school For those, who want the practical tra'n:ng. and the Rood positions—Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraphy._ depCrt- nrenits:. Get our .free 'catalogue:' It will interest you. D, A. McLachlan, Principal L,UCA;N Mrs. j, P. Wray of Toronto visited with friends here "i:lurirlg the past rear , Miss 'Kate Ryder las return- ed after a four months' visit tyith+iter bnatitiers in Regi!ra,',13randaon and Qt- tawe., She was acoompanied by her cepheW \taster Leo Ryder,—The thus Leal 'eioncert • in the °Methoclitst Church last'Week was a splendid sic- ceiss.-On ',Monday 'evening '. last a dance was given lin the Opera Hoarse, and a most 'enjoyable, trove was spent by X111 Mr. Wm. Thompson of Lon- don, lastweek,--Mr. on a a..n t town l s McCana has purchased the old frame building ,an,,.'%Villianr street and has had it 'born, 'clown. Tie has- • also pur- chased tthc frame house on the corn,: er near the race track, whi,ch he ;;,n, tends moving to the aorm.er place he Purchased. ; It will be remodelled and made into a first-eslass cltsrellbig. STEPHEN CQUNGIL The Council convened ;tn the; '.town Flail;. Crediton,Oct. 1st at 1 p„ni, All membeto presenia Pr+ev pit5; tn1'7utcs. adopted. Yearley--llatvhinney-, That By -.law No, 238 to appoint Alonzo Elocigins, Collector, having been read ` three times, be passed,' signed' and sealed, —Carried, The following orders were passed,,. —Geo ,Hartle, 'gravel $30,88!; Greien t "way Red 'Cross Soc,, grant $50; : Creed itan Reel:, Cross Soc., grant, $50; 1.). Tiernan, cement, 86,34; Geo, Hepburn cement, 178.87; Dan Oestreichermak- inf tile, etc., 148,80; A. Hodgins, Co, gas 4.65; Frank Triebner, . rep. bridge, 22.50; Henry 'Beaver, scaffold etc., Sor Hall, '1.0„75; D. Webb, build-, ing bridges, etc., 139.00;•R. Hill, gray- . el contract, 99,,00; Henry Luther Coni 1,50; John HIoulah'aln, rep. bridge - 1.50; Simon Morlock, re. grader, 1.50; Heart' Pfaff,' gravel can. 39:00; C. Re- cart Com. S. B., 3.75 ;. ' Adjournment teras made to 74ecem- bei, 3rd at 1 p.m.:. H. Either, Clerk. LSBORNE COUNCIL;. Council niet at Township Hall an O tober Gt1t. All the members were pres.nt, The ;minutes of the last meet Lig read and: approved. The i.ppaal for tlx pre British Red, Cross $or support was laid before, the council. 'Believing it to b& wortlrpf of most generous response the town- ship was organized .for a thioLrocglt DR. DeVAN'• ,FRENCH PILLS bleeRe tulatin" Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor 610. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any td dress onrceeiptof price...Tns S000ELr. DauG o.,St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN tsatoartl i,Titality; for 2Qerre'and Brain; increases "grey natter" ; tt Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box, or, WO for $5, at drug stores, or-byrmail on receipt if price.-. Tun Sconsu. nava Co., St_ Catharines. ' ntario. 1T: ltZii �•41Lt`r me TYes..aumakiire, Light Four Touring Sedan An All. Season— Every-Purpose easonEvery-Purpose , Car Right through the . year -spring, summer, autumn and winter -the --'--Overland' Light Four Touring Sedan"will ' meet you •'every 'requirement, both .as to pleasure and 'comfort. 'And it will do it economically, forit is .a popular priced car.. No need of letting this car remain idle during cold and in- clement weather, for it can be converted into a thoroughly closed car in a few 'moments. Adjustable side windows permit you to raise or lower them .to suit your convenience. They drop into special spaces provided in the body and doors. . The top and window pillars are permanent. You can enjoy open 'car comfort in the summer and closed car protection in the winter. And'" either closed or open, the Overland.Light Four Touring' Sedan is a smart 'appearing car—one that we believe Will give you more for your investment than any other of -its type offered in Canada for the sa:rn.e'amount of money, Exeter Motor Sales Co. Willys-Overland,l'Amite `Willys-Knight and Overland F otok Cain and Light Commercial Wagons Head Office and Workkk, What -Toronto, Ontario s -r iiazr3rrarri rri iir irl'tFXtl-fart. t7t;F7 ur cazxvaas tp be completed beif;or'e the fir,st.ox I1r+tvenibex,,.• The followip, ' oau`va,ssers• were a7r- pointe4 a:ucr C iruab tlaai eac0. ones will cheerfully ,do fhi5 bit., i Con. 1,.2, 3, A,•, Mitchell, Mr., K3 ;Ke4 dy, With.. Coates, John: Esservl 445, 3, Morgan. OE '41'41, 1.?. Ranter, ,W' Moody; . G & 7, Fred, '• EIlexingtgnx J Cole, S, J', Pym, Wxn. johns,; ` 8 & Tom 'Jlunlrin Phillip. Madge, Robert Taylor, .Ton 13rock; 10.& 11, John Routly, ,Wm. Hanna; 1e& 10, Sami l�ol:rtly W,' Ha.zlewoad; 14, 15, & S,Ert131 Jas. ,Routley, Ruben ,Sitiex;' T 1R,r Arthur Dupe "Axed Stewart; NE,3ia John Duncan; ,..W43,. P., MorleySchopl teaoduers and ministers will kindly 'prepare the people Cox ' `arae appeal. , ; A ifew accounts were iafc1 ancl the council adjourned `to meet Nov ,3rc11 a,tt one o'clack,'. IP, Clerk, ZIMIOH, Mr, ,Simpson Geiger of, Cavalier, N. Dak,, visited relatives here; -Lieut, E, 'Holtzman left ixar: .headquarters on Monday, He expects.itio.report in England for further ;duty bY the end of the month;;-=,l.Ir. anal ,Mrs. Jacob Ehlers of Harrisburg,, and Mrs. E. R. Siebert and, 'soft, of Detroit, visited relatives in, town,-�Lr. E, 5. Hess, tivho spent the-!surnsne • Months at Iroquois Falls New +Ontaplio, ,visited his' home here. He left Saturday ,toresume his studies at the ,School of Practical Sci- envie. Toronto(—'Ms. and' SVIra. J, E, Riekbeit have :returned from a visit nt Kitchekter and ileeton.,-' oel' ljech, ler has ;sold his 50 -acre; farm to Jae•• ob Ortwein, anti has bought a farm east of Exeter, -,Theodore Schroeder Lias bought the .75 acre faun an, Baby- lon Line from ,his 'mother. --Sam Liv i•ngood of the 74th corn, has sold his farm to Leonard Klapp, P'assesSios in March,—Ed, Salm has gone to New Hamburg to live, HFNSALL Mrs. C, 'A,.?VIcp,onell visited inFor- est f'or a areola, --Mrs, James Bell has again been seriously ill, hut is some- what improved now. -Mrs. C. Forrest also continues very poorly, with little change!,—Mr, H. M. Depot, who has been visiting his .daughter in Sud- bury, is there ;agisitirg, his sister, Mrs. J. Sutherlaudi,-Mrs. a,' S. McDonald is visiting Quer, brother, ` Mr, 13uclsanan in Hamilton. -The :Patriotic League i,; pre•paring to 'send individual boxes of Christmas cheer to the loacl boys ov or7seas,--Jas. Carlin has rnioved into the residence purchased from Dr. H, Malloy, and Garinie,t Smallacombe who has been. living in qit',, has moved into the arouse vacated ,by Mr. Carlin.—Mr, and Mrs, Jas. B. Simpstolni are on a trip west and will go asi far as Ther, coast. .The. C,ouncii has set aside__Satura, clay, clue 27th, as a clay for collecting i?or the British and Italian Red Cross. —Monday aras quietly observed as Thanksgiving Day,— Miss Martha Brawn of Windsor was visiting with old „ r•iends ,There last week. There/ a RealTreat in Store for You WhenYou cin ,This rich, sparkling beverage trickles real joy, to the inner, man. The tang of it ' spreads' a mantle of sweet charity overtire fisposition, warms the very cockles of your heart,' and forces' the conviction that this is a pretty good old world after all. Try a bottle—or a case—and get wise to this superb. brew. On sale at Groceries, Cafes, Hotels, or i direct from the Brewery. Clteersr but does nol.inebrsate. JOHN ..L• -YTT• ITE It ESTABLISHED 1832 83 LONDON, ONT.,and No. 4.. St. ole _,. $� m Street, MONTREAL Ti,USSELDALE—Mr-, John Cole of eIl,,di:ed at !the hom of his son, Alex x BuaSeltlale father of Mr. W,R. Cole, Cole, near Russeldale, aged 86 years grocer aria ;shoe mer ha tMitch-of The funeral was. held, Wednesday: et Me'. Help You Carry Burden, Mother " 41'11-" Canada -fails us in October, we must curtail many of our activities." Sir ARTHUR STANI,BY, Chairman; Executive Committee, British Red Cross, It now costs $300,000.00 a week to carry on the work. of the "British Red Cross, or... $16,000000.00,4 year. u Every minute Of the day and aught" it costs $30 to minister to . the sick and wounded and dying.' yearLast Ontario's magnificentcontribution paid for: the entire work of the British Red Cross or nearlysix •weeks.: , This year, in view of the greater need, it is earnestly and confidently hoped that Ontario's contributions will be as ,great proportionately as the magnificent offering of last year. Our trust is, that the Citizens of Ontario will give generously to this noble cause on— "OUR. 'DAY", OCTOBER 18th A Few Facts about British Red Cross' Work. The Briltish Red Cross Society is the tarry institution which'carries voluntary fid to the Sick anWounded of the ritisl forces on land and sea in every region of the War. Its work is therefore the concerti of all classes of British subject's, whether living in the British Isles, in the Dominions and Colonies beyond the seas, or in foreign countries. IN GREAT BRITAIN 57,000 Hospital Beds fdund in the• United Kingdom. '- 30,000' of these provided with Nursing Staff. 2,000 Tr'aihed' Nurses Working at home and abroad. 7,500 V. A. D.'s helping in Army' Hospitals • $220,000 spent on equipment of Ding George Hospital (1,850 beds) and $130,000'a year contributed to cost of its maintenance, $225,000 spent on building and equip- ping Notley Red Cross Hospital (1,000 beds); and $625,000 spent ori maintenance,' $175,000 for Orthopaedic Curative Workshops and Training Fund. $185,000 for Vacialt-,Injury Hospitals. rgariization' Resources' Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto,